Slaying the Dragon by Misconi Lutfi - HTML preview

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Mohammad’s Trinity is the earth Trinity connected with the Abyss.  The secret behind is tripling the wild power of penetration.  Three unifying force united by three beasts.  The Three are of two entities and third in human flesh.  The Trinity of Dragon, Allah and Mohammad had its existence in the one and only monotheistic religion Islam, the faith that raises the challenge for Jesus Christ who claimed to be the True Messiah, the Son of “God and Man” and the Real God.

            Trinity but in a different form has been employed in the Hindu doctrine.  The cosmos has three levels made by three Gods, Brahman the creator, Vishnu the preserver and Shiva the destroyer.  But the Trinity in Islam has similar pattern to Christian Trinity but made under the name of Allah.

            Slaughter is the divine force identified with the Son of earth while Allah, holds the land in storm.  The Chinese Dragon who lives under the ocean has been attributed to have wings to carry its followers to heaven but Islam changed it into winged horse.  Thus the real master of earth and Heaven is under the challenge of various modes of worships prevailed to have a final war and shape the end.

            The proof of such Trinity comes first from the book of the Revelation.  St. John who is an exile on the Island Patmos Sea saw a Beast rise up out of the sea having Seven heads and Ten horns and upon his horns Ten crowns.  This is the real Satan who is also a self producing in image, his spirit is expected to be released around the world equivalent to the Holy Spirit.

St. John saw another Beast which came up out of the earth.  It had two horns like a lamb’s horns and it spoke like a Dragon.  It used the vast authority of the first Beast to its presence.  This is Allah the unpredictable God of Islam in a different Dragon’s form.  This second Beast was allowed to breathe life into the image of the first Beast.  This is Mohammad coming in a new religious system and his number would be 6666.  The wisdom behind this number if we regard Satan number is six then producing Allah will receive 66 as a result of doubling the number of the Dragon.  Mohammad the Son of Allah will receive number 6666 and power in multiple forms.  The miraculous thing was Allah’s words with its adversity became bow, bow with all ranks of men and women.

            The Trinity of three devils stands for cultures containing bulk of people symbolic to their mind complexities.  The mind lacks rules and regulations which leaves no one determined and serious about doing good.  God is the Dragon, Allah and Mohammad are founders of a sect and system to make killing the order.  A promise is no promise, can get out of it through twisty answers there is no legally binding agreement.  The entire atmosphere of the domain of hell, is that where the brute Beast and humans are no longer differentiated.  The Devil rules by his occult powers and stands against those who seek to use these powers to their own purposes.

            One Trinity is the symbol of the underworld while the other Trinity shines in Heaven.  The evil Trinity has its chaos presented in dots not connected to stand for regression, disorder, discord and dissolution standing on bad reasons for belief.

Remember:  Nero has three sixes possessed by his name as Caesar-Nero using the Hebrew alphabet, he died by suicide, therefore he doesn’t stand for ending the world. Mohammad is the Ender of the world with his spirit continuing blasphemes, his followers make insurgency wars with the Christians and Jews.  His tongue never stopped in singing azans to remind the world of his power.  He remained alive in the spirit of Islam, as Jesus in the Bible to play his part in the Second Coming.

            A true prophet is a connector of dots to make the good exalted.

            The rising Beast out of the sea supplies a good evidence for the battle of St. George with the Dragon, wounding him.  This is only a small portion of the truth, recorded in chapter thirteen, the greater portion of the truth lies in the price of faith.