Slaying the Dragon by Misconi Lutfi - HTML preview

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Satan used God’s number in Islamic religion to create  the war of faith under the phrase “There is no other Gods’ only one God Allah”.  Heroes adhering to the Muslim culture became proud to defend their religion.  They fought Christians, Jews, Zoroastrians and Hindus for that reason.  Figure one became to stand for struggle instead of a unifying figure.  There is a difference between one and oneness.  Trinity is figure one in its own likeness externally and internally allowing pluralism to have parts to play.  God in one image of activities to make us one up.

One is a straight line in upward direction thus prescribes straight characteristics of man to be included in powers of reasons and of heaven.  One is power of order against the misshapen power of chaos.  Order is the control of oneself gained by internal self control and by victory over self not through external aids.  Man can only show the image of God if such principles dwell in him.  Anglo-Saxons are the only case among human beings, to walk upright.  The evidence lies in their revolution of thinking and home civilization.


I propose six to be the number of the soul that make the confrontation between man and God possible.  The good and evil work in decision making is responsible for the confrontation.  The work of the flesh provides a jealous art to the work of the spirit.  Pain and suffering which comes from the ill of evil remind us with the big gap when we overcome the enemy.  Evil is the moral law of Satan and good connected with God.  The two forces head into opposite destinies, the white sheep and the black beast.

            The sin occupies the soul and grows bigger in the soul by the evil inspiration while the person feels natural.  Christian teaching provides the necessary balance against the sinister sin.  A lack of balance is the key head towards evil.

            Fear is the byproduct of sin. Adam and Eve demonstrated the fear of sin by running.  Jesus fulfilled this relationship by saying “fear not”.  Fear can signal the fear of the Lord or other than fear of the Lord.  As sin is present in our soul, fears also exist.  The struggle is the result of having dark soul and white spirit, closely interwoven.  We have our own internal struggle linked with moral issues takes place during the transition from ignorance to knowledge.  The word “armour” is struggle between life and death issues but without real weapons.

            The book of Revelation project “6666” to be the numerical value of the false prophet who is the Anti-Christ being opposite of Christ in principle and action.  The false prophet symbolizes Mohammad and his Muslim followers, the Anti-Christ.  The multiple of sixes means “he is way above the standard of humans in the unforgivable sins”, shown in blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.  Religions of believers in the world acting against Jesus conscience are punishable by death barred from Heaven.

            The time is coming for Christ to throw the mouth speaking prophet into the Lake of fire.  This battle links with the original revolt in heaven between God and Satan.


Seven is the number of God’s spirit in its perfection and fullness of energy and principles in the spiritual order.  We see this in the following: each phase of the moon lasts for seven days.  The seven colors of the rainbow. We saw Jesus used figure seven in feeding the 5000. Jesus’ words from the Cross, were seven. God created the dragon with seven heads (because Satan the ape God always strives to imitate God and Mohammad is Satan’s son). Seven represents the finish work of Creation.

Seven is the key to St. John’s Gospel-seven weeks, seven miracles and seven references to Christi as “I am”.  Seven recurs forty times in the book of revelation in seven seals, trumpets, cups, vision...

The Old Testament frequently use the seven-branched candlestick, the seven years which Salomon spent building the temple?  When Jericho was captured, seven priests with seven trumpets were ordered to walk seven times round the city wall on the seventh day.  Seventy is ten multiples of seven therefore it carries the idea of wholeness.

In summary:  Number seven sees the beginning of the time creation and also connect with the end of time.

Seven is God’s marking impact and six is the humanity show.  Math is science in action in heaven.  

Remember: Evil ones are doomed to failure.  Seven holds hidden properties, it maintains the life bestowed and the motion of time, when the cycle of sevens expires, a new seven starts extending life to heavenly beings.  Seven ends seven and creates new seven.  Seven is the world’s biggest number.  Positive energy comes from the positive source.


Number eight in my revelation is the figure for resurrection of souls.  It represents a transition period for either celebration or condemnation.  The age of Eternity starts in new pattern for all the human race, summing up the balances and imbalances, in forgiven and unforgiving debts.

Number four is half number which also seals Eternal life in “Rapture”.  Number eight follows seven, reflects the sentiment of change, to come into another life discontinuing seven days creation.

Eight guarantees life or no life, either remaining in the wood or out of the wood.  Give a lot of thoughts to your status by building your acts forward, to create your new life.  Denial of the Lord’s spirit is denial life for sponsoring death.

Remember:  Rapture is Jesus signing up to us that we are equal to him in Resurrection in spite of our errors and absurdities.  Jesus holds different views on us when we are responsible.


            The number has the power of death.  Death is the son of night and brother of sleep.  The number gets the hair standing announcing fear and casting out all love.  God created death to be seen as going beyond, the essential ingredient of progress in life.  The freemasons have the opposite view, nine is considered to be the eternal number of immortality.

            A number such as “fifty four” represent a product of “six times nine” a master number for death.  Repetitions of nine are deadly in their forces.  In rituals of magic and sorcery, the shroud of the dead get purified in three times three.  First the shroud gets washed three times with urine then three times with earth and three times with water.  Indians consider nine, a redemptive power through nine reincarnations.  Ninety nine sees combined adventure of death and destruction (9x11).  Allah has ninety nine names.

Nine is a number used by Allah to do killing.

            Jesus was crucified at the third hour, his death agonies began at the sixth hour (dusk) and Jesus died at the ninth hour.


Digit nine links with death while ten links with life.  The Ten Commandments made ten represent a law for checking flesh, making it less volatile in sins activities.  The face of man sees less corruption and criminal charges.  The Old Testament was a covenant between God and the human flesh to have peace from contested wars, buried in the depth of the unconscious mind.  The work of the Old Testament helps the body to link with the world forces while the work of the New Testament links with the spirit of man that has all the businesses of sins to bring the good back to life, in image, servicing freedom instead of the cruel sword.

            You can be a conqueror of the Ten Commandments but still rated as a fox.

Ten is the sum of the first four digits (1+2+3+4), which covers negative debts by its totality in motion.

            At the time of disasters, the good numbers are eliminated from their forces.  The Holy Spirit when ends to be given, the significance of numbers end, numbers are constructed for world’s action.

Remember: Evil numbers are: 6, 9, 11, 18, 22, 36, 42, 72, 99, 108, 360.  These  numbers demonstrated hell on earth.


            This is a holy number to Satan linked to his mysterious power of destruction.  Within destruction reside the ideas of biased judgement, excess violence and potential conflict.  It also heralds renewal of the effort of collapse and breakdown and a symbol of chaos, horror and diseases.  The number is also the number of the rebellion against God in Heaven, which led to the creation of the earth.

The year 2011 is the year of destruction in an image of justice without mercy to mark the beginning of wasting the earth and call for the creation of a new earth again.

            The Khomeini Ayatollah Islamic revolution in Iran Sheism system occured on the 11th day in February 1979 togather with observing strict Muslim principles.

            Mahmood Ahmadi Najat uses number eleven as a symbol of threat to the Western world.  For example he said February 11th would be a painful time for his enemies.  He is never short of revealing his evil power.  He is gathering the pieces for the coming of Al-Mahdi but he doesn’t know that he is Osama who is Mohammad in body and spirit to exercise his authority for the second time.

Remember:  Osama is holding the sign, messages in order to reinforce destruction through Arabs political system, he is consumed with Arabs oil to finance his battle of control.  The work of the Anti-Christ is gaining painful reality.  No matter how many insurgents killed every day in Afghanistan, the Taliban are still in demand.


            Twelve is a Holy number, the number of twelve tribes of Israel and Christ’s Twelve Apostles which represent their royal role to mankind.  It is the product of four the number of Cross multiplied by three the Trinity number.  Heavenly Jerusalem has twelve gates which means twelve is a number that feels the world in assertive way.  The Tree of Life bore twelve fruits and there were twelve jewels on the high priest’s breastplate.  The heavenly Jerusalem twelve gates has the name of the Tribes (12) of Israel written on its walls and have twelve foundations in the names of the twelve Apostles (Revelation 21:12, 14).  The woman clothes with the sun wore upon her head a Crown with twelve stars (Revelation 12:1).  At the end of time, the number of the faithful will be 144000 (12x12x1000) from each of the twelve tribes of Israel (Revelation 7:4-8; 14:1)

            Similarly the New Jerusalem city to come in gold is in a cube shape with sides 12.000 long and with walls of jasper 144 cubic high.  One can also consider the figure twelve is to be standing for the church in triumphant in the New Jerusalem.

Remember:  The cubic “Black Stone” of the Kaaba that represent the building of death on earth in perfection is the cubic design of New Jerusalem as symbol of eternity in spiritual perfection on earth.  The difference between a death on earth and Heaven on earth.


            Number twenty four (12x2) is also in the Revelation about the thrown of God round about.  Four and twenty seats and upon the seats, four and twenty elders sitting clothed in white, and they had on their heads crowns of gold (Revelation 4: 4).  The twenty four elders may be given the gold crown for their creative work in the battle of the truth.

Gold and light are twins; wisdom follows light in a “true man”, shaping real thoughts.  He is no longer like the metal lead; he is knowledge thirsty opposite to blood thirsty.  The white clothes are priestly in honor of their functions of praising and worshiping the Lord.  One can simply explain number twenty four as a double figure of twelve for momentum in priesthood and royal role.

Remember:  When Jesus chose twelve apostles, he openly allowed by his action to be the God of the Old Testament.  The twelve was not an experiment but a goal.


            It is God’s number in world events to put his concern.  The number sets major events powerful enough to allow God’s intervention in human affairs, along the way of Salvation.

            Noah’s covenant with God in the flood lasted forty days.  Moses was summoned by God at the age of forty and remained for forty days on the top of Mount Sinai.  Jesus preached for forty months and the risen Christ appeared during forty days to the Disciples preceding his ascension.  The temptation of Jesus by the devil lasted forty days and rose from the dead after forty hours.

            Number forty also used by God as warnings to correct the pattern of activity.   Example: if you are born in the year 1940 which is the year of the Dragon by Chinese calendar, then you are expected to resolve it by the faith and the curse stops completely. Sinful mankind was punished by forty days of rain.  The children of Israel were condemned to wander for forty years in the wilderness.

Mohammad copied the forty days in the death rituals.  The corpse is free of living matter after 40 days.


These are numbers containing God and Satan numbers, shared by bull-headed human prophets.  The motif is to weave a tangled web of deceive.  Mohammad made not only six, nine and eleven his numbers but also seven.  Example: Mohammad ruled and will rule again for 42 months (7x6).  Seven stones is caste at the person to be cursed.  Seventeen in Islamic tradition is the number of liturgical gestures employed in the five daily prayers and it is also the number of words used in the call of prayers.  Number seventy two has been recorded in the prophet famous hadith “After me, my nation will divide into seventy-three sect, of which seventy two shall perish and one shall be saved.  What’s happened was Imam Hussein died of thirst with seventy two companions. Mohammad also used seventy two as symbol of diseases.  Mohammad targeted Jesus numbers to show the truth of false representation but the truth is better than any of Mohammad’s made numbers.  A foolish copy of numbers has nothing to do with what is true in the private heart.

Mohammad used seven but only ruled 31/2 years or 1260 days which shows how Satan is not able to achieve seven.  The 1260 (1+2+6) has nine the number of death.  If you divide 1260 over nine the result is 140 which is (70x2), seventy is ten times seven corresponds to a complete development of cycles fulfilled by death as the figure (1260) becomes (9x7x10x2) which is death in multiplicity and perfection.