Slaying the Dragon by Misconi Lutfi - HTML preview

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Seven and six insures the work of “Good and Evil” in a steady flow.  A desire has good and bad roots.  Plants reflect such expression in unequal plants called weeds.  A religion is a close kin to evil to incorporate into a successful desire of negatives.  Six is the polar opposite to seven, in rivalry forms calling for opposite results, because the goal is different.  The pole of heaven is royal seven perfectly regulated in personal line and perfectly focused.  The life emerged in heaven is opposite in real values to the world.

The pole of Al-Kaaba and the Cross dwelling near it had the biggest impact on people.

Jesus is a carbon copy of the heavenly pole.  The Cross is a spiritual center were heavenly Jerusalem would be located.

Mohammad is a carbon copy of the real world with its enormous barriers caused by minds hostile to good activities.  Six is uncertainty for unclarity due to emotional volatility, unable to see the power of solutions.  Struggle comes from lack in efficiency that lack executive leaderships.

Six and seven are talking numbers.

Six created unequal rankings of people while God had the same rhythms towards us undifferentiated.  An upper world committed to do the intelligent work and an underworld clearly sub-standard.

Six remains the answer to sin to join with Satan unceremoniously and 666 is power sharing fighting with sins to produce evil.

The soul is a symbol of depravity of good described in destruction.  The quality of a person in the spirit of giving skills changes into an attempt to exploit that person selfishly.  The soul raises the question “what is on the earth the reason for having a psyche?”  The object becomes to get the gift of God back in possibilities in win and loose.  This explains why soul and spirit are in alignment.

Psyche and love is at conflict since the latter has the beauty of spirit surpassing physical manifestations.  The psyche considers love a myth compared to physical pinky enjoyments.

Sex fastens a prison to win six.  Attachment to sex in recyclic form produces brain captivity.  Sex i a force to sell under the moonlight similar to Satan run and hide activity.  Sex marriages produces households harem within the house or separate.  Sex alone cannot combat the monster of seeing faults between husband and wife.  As the greed for sex diminishes, the complexity of marriage starts.  The truth was misunderstood by eyes, skin, body to overlook wisdom, and the art of knowing.  Sex marriages supply stone-headed population analogous to animals that can’t live without help.  Sex has no intellect, just a physical force aiming at sending to the natural high.  Sexual harassment claimed a record of “37 million dollars” against David Jones Company in Australia (Sydney) without sex.

God is not the symbol of sexual passion.  The divine is infinite in love.

Love is the work for building creative children who can run services out of spirit integrity.  Character and good faith has “Diamond color of white”.

The state of being tempted especially to do wrong has the six symbols. Temptation exercises demons to break thinking and rest on the idea for deployment.  Temptation violates the normal procedure right of act to insert the demon impulse which is a power felt with urge.  Everything becomes not as normally as it is seen because of the challenge to produce specific act.  It can be murder sitting as a burden until to be done.  The invisible psyche is the house of mortal Gods living in minds form.

No human is above the law of temptation.  Temptation deals with transformation significant enough to pursue Satan agenda.  Satan followers rain in temptations in sex scandals ans shopping spree.

Six and seven are designed to work together in a complementary role as six cannot be trusted.  Seven keeps six at ease to avoid an immediate crime.  The future then has an accountability in the events to come and time has solution to a crisis.

Humans good activities under difficult environment fashions good forms of living.  A power of seven pressing hard against the ignition system of six printing more gain for less pain.  The Lord’s energy is behind all energies including the human energy.  We need to be recharged by this energy when great mistakes happen.

Fear and money are the master engine of six.  It can make or brake in decisions making.  Doubt bows to fear granting lack of truth in ideas and hence imperfection.  Mental fear is the operational instrument to control people by developing the required powerlessness.

When fear and delusion unites, the fear of the dictator turns into mass graves.  The Taliban uses beheading as soon as suspicion gains momentum.

Horror is often the result of subconscious imagination fitted with mystery and impossibilities demand.

Hate is power within us to do wars, which is a retribution that carries thousands scores.  We are just as good as the faith we carry.

Violence reassures fear so that removes seven from the equation.  The human’s eye sees what the beastly eye does.

Six is a society strikes itself as it feels causing chaos for dicing with death.  People drunk, people shouting and screaming behaving like amateur from the feel of giving up due to the pressure created by chaos.

The wind of “mind change” blows through the soul for creating chaos in ideas and allow a man whom nobody trusts enters to rule with his full venom.

No one likes to be Satan but we have the right flavor to be him and behaving as a spoiled child.

The body had the journey of Christ to the cross to improve its performances.  The body is in close touch with sickness, showing the start of death in its standard.

Jealousy and depression in cane’s heart built by six displayed most of the undertakings, claiming the life of his brother Abel.

Six is associated with Christ enemies.  King Nebuchadnezzar erected a golden image six cubits high to unify his political officials in one worship.  When God’s servants refused to worship the image of gold, the king had them thrown into a fiery furnace (Daniel 3:1-23).

Six symbolizes humans imperfections as measured against seven, so 6666 represent a “fourth degree power” in imperfections failed miserably to measure up to God’s standard in big religion.

The false prophet Mohammad had the mark of the beast in art and action to pass the test.  He is worst than deadliest diseases which has survival possibilities.  The sword takes seconds to kill.

Muslims relate to the seven number to make a state of confusion about their six real number.  The 42 months governing of Mohammad stands for (7x6) and also 3 1/2 years which is demonic number serving half of seven.

Any effort directed towards doing work incomplete grants six.  A work judged rarely is often subjected to mistakes.  The lesson learned from six-forces helps to achieve the seven forces.

In China six is above all numbers as it offers heaven in a hexagram.  The chariot in heaven is drawn by six dragons.  Six is also the number of celestial influences.

Six and seven have their own policies in relationship with passion to danger or shed light to life.  The boundary between the two numbers depends on impulse held at heart.

Manifestation of six in human nature relies on emotional events which does not let free.  Emotions open windows of opportunity converting good desire into hawkish one to release the pressure.  Six can’t play the calm.  The size of six depends on dirt order packed in time.

Classical music is an instrument for finding a high spirit level to brake the hard life working on the dynamic of mind.  Classical music can deter trouble makers.

Six meets the criterion of power aimed at causing dramatic change to assure the mind obeys.

Power stands on differences, warnings and fights demonstrated in wars and widespread destructions.

War is maintained in the mind in terms of internal struggle which has a lot to call for in  many areas.  Abuse and mistakes introduces the “warrior’s disease”.

Wars and weapons are applications of power, against security and infrastructure by being the manifestation of death.  A holy war is a transition from a minor into a polarized war.  Wars provide the atmosphere of “extreme world”, to destroy the ability for addressing good services, so the good lose in the competition.

Life is a competition between good and bad, a quality against disquality, production against consumption.

A war like cold war expresses an initiative for maximizing a war between “six and seven” which is rage and heat of emotions against freedom for the purpose of control and radical changes.  Rational coherent made by fixation, restrictions and barriers wins over conscienceness.  It is not surprising that the package of humanism is gone.

Weapons are instruments for instant reactions diagnosed by die hard rather than disease; live not to see the world.  Power collects partners as well as enemies and needs money, risk to draw its line.  A security council with its power of sanctions speeds up the power.  Power can’t stay cool due to attitudes swept by discontents due to incompatible principles existing in the mind.

Enemies are united in a voyage of seven.  “We are uniters and dividers”.

Reaching an agreement is a good force.  Diplomacy is the cheifest medium to beat the big guns taking compromised decisions.  An agreement requires sacrificing principles and countries that hold the balance of power in war technology holds it.  There is but a breth taking job and restarts.  Arm control is a good seven as it looks for peace and sovereignty.  Disagreements look at one deal “you are either with us or against us.”

A king is part of six symbol of power set as an intermediary between God and mankind to coordinate activities.  King is endowed with the qualities which absorbs heaven.  Chinese emperors are representative of this.  What they think is considered God’s vision.  Chinese emperors reflect God but without creating instead they flood China with blood.  Chinese emperors are worshipped today as Gods in line with Buddha which expresses the idea “God is a political fear” in actions and accountabilities maximizing the economy of blood in return.  Emperors insured there is no blood deficit.  Six is the world which was created in six days to be a fountain of all things evil manifested in point of view.

Secularism justifies number six which also justify divorce in coordination destroying Christ’s union with love.

Life of poverty has six in performances stripping away spiritual enlightenment.  Poverty is not just food to be worried also crimes causing beatings and theft under zero education to seal the sign of hell.  The poor stands at the gate of the rich.  I can say “give light a chance so that you may tread safely into the unknown.  Put your hand with God not Allah and get seven for moral purity.  Washing hands before prayer wouldn’t give you good conscience, just prolongs your poverty”.  They grey look of the world in negativities is paid by Allah.

Six is reduction of life to dust, provoked by the soul.  Impulses are linked to restoration of death.  One must take care of not to increase the heat of emotion.  Negatives conceal death in a spinner.

Six has the ugly truth with its momentum shut in secrets.

Remember:  The worst sin to a western Christian is having done something that shouldn’t be done, in a dispirited and disgraceful way against the truth.