Slaying the Dragon by Misconi Lutfi - HTML preview

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Seven connects elements pronounced in the spirit, woven together in a fabric form to be enjoyed.  Happiness flourishes out of solutions and the state of balance.  The spirit turns words into action in perfect work and further messages, without effort.  Hope comes into action by the lead of the spirit.

Seven has the right faith combined with heaven and rapture of the upgraded spirits.  Doubt identifies the six symbol painted with hell.  Prayers are set for six-crimes to close the number and begin in section seven in strict way.

Time is seven, the pivot which makes the motion of planets in circular form.  When time stops at the second coming the earth will be motionless.  All motions in the universe takes circular form.  To escape from time is to escape from the cosmic order which the mind cannot normally conceive.  It is hard to our mind to imagine but Christ can manage it.

Christ is the Lord of time, the Lord of the universe and its harmonies.  The Lord can suppress all rotary movements to display eternity.  The alpha and the omega in totality, can create anything.

Man’s spirit has ladder of scores in a system of doing good work pictured in heaven and unswallowed by fear.  The work is like a home score in a cricket match.  Grass routes help the score and keep the spirit looking bright by wisdom focused against stupidity.  A wise man has all powers put in front of him but he is ready to choose the good power in a fantastic spirit to pay the scheme.  Keeping focused closes all loop holes to help the job reach its benefit.  Class is good work in numbers.  Conflicts consume energy to the state of having nothing which is the reason for culture change.

Spirit has smile messages.

Seven represents the universe in motion which stands for both space and time.  A Christian star has seven heads.

We have moods to prove six and seven.  Six can’t hide against seven, it can only run like a snake, for killing.

The death of the US Dollar has been created by evil bankers with debts in their intellects.  Banks are bailing out all the time, we just don’t know about it.  The real debt is massive.

The pendulum of the mind oscillates between good and evil waiting for cure and the sane needs cure just as much.

No one has chance to avoid evil and be totally good.  We are perfect only in a mirror.  Perfection is the child of Christ.

There is no rose without the thorn.  We are not here for fun, we are in a crooked winding street need to be worked out.  The joy found is let out by some bad man.

The sea of love rolls over to make a good peace but the rocks that remain on the beach make the job contested by the danger involved.

Peace is seven.

Peace starts form inside and radiates outside.  Having peace with yourself gives an overall peace.  Expectations of others are lowered down for having less problems and more friends.  The fear of six changes into seven.  We are born to live with God in the right way, in order to live with others.  In seven there is no gun to carry, the door is shut.

Seven is the spirit of generous and elevated minds distinguished by nothing more than advances through Lordship thoughts.  Seven has no celebrity; no act of advertisement to score points.  Seven attempts to make the difference in education, knowledge and culture.

Seven is sun light unpaired with darkness but because of Adam’s impairment, the night and day were set in pair, under a law.  Pairing is set against the path that reflect its image.  Pairing light with dark in complementary form has none qualities of evolution claimed.

Faces reveal the silent word of God.  Presented in white and black, no one immuned.

Seven is a symbol of freedom with its workshop, for its value.  A total charge of self must win over dependency.  Seven days of the week shows the dynamic of wholeness.  Seven recurs forty times in the book of revelation.  Seven shows the divine strength in genesis.

Half seven, three and a half shows the design of evil.  Revelation (12:14)

Seven stands for winning the human right issue lifting it from all the gunfire against it.  A universal right drives liberty which is an important balance to defend the values of the truth.  Chinese ignores human right because of wanting to win the battle of money for more control.  Prison keeps the mouth shut, to make future runnings work smoothly.

Fear operates essentially as a remote control unstoppable as a result of reaction of eye with mind or an impulse with mind.  “He can’t do it because he is afraid.  He is not free to do it”.

Jesus said: “Don’t be afraid any more for I am your shield to go through the challenges.  Just believe in me, you get my force to have the right directions to life.  The mind drives you by its comfort to be in the direction of healing, blessing and prosperity.  The wealth belongs to the right father who owns the world to give you the real inheritance”.  Be in the mind of Christ and get the mind that walk on the water, the blind sees through darkness and change into a new man.  You don’t need to be standing on the shoulders of giants to see far.

A belief in Christ gives the seven number for identifying Christians from Jews, while the Jew are waiting for a second exodus and second manna fall by the second Moses.  The world now is simply anticipating Christ surprise visit.  This is the second manna coming down from heaven to overthrow souls and give the bread of life.

Isaac Newton said:  “The thumb alone would convince me of God’s existence”.  The grace of God which is a gift for healing earns prosperity.  The Christian nations in the dark ages were walking in the dark missing on prosperity because they didn’t understand the grace of God, starting their lives with magic and adulatory.  They couldn’t understand how to adopt the spirit of God from God’s words.  The Christian culture was a lost sheep culture, honoring the devil instead of Christ.  Freedom from Satan was impossible.

Seven is a number to achieve the fullness of moral life in three theological values of faith, hope and charity.  The seven colors of rainbow be stow a life and a motion influenced by playing the dice of good which extends into a heavenly being win.

As a week has seven days in perfect order of cycles and fullness of energy, seven too captures the fullness.  Having a fresh air is having seven after putting a big fight for justice.

Seven shows the difference between building a dream and dreams never come true.  Hope shows the lead of an agreement in action.

Reality is heavenly award made of seeing big ideas against temptation, like medicine everyone get treated.  Reality happens when everything claimed was right.  To see reality we need to see totally.  One right in a problem energizes other problems to be solved.  We can’t afford to see things in one side of the contest.

Our objectives at the end is to hold a clean sheet in the field we play free from Satan ownership.

Remember:  Number thirteen which is made of seven and six is the deadliest number.  The number blends with Mohammad’s time of ruling i.e. 7 + 6 and 7 x 6 = 42 months.  The number reflects heavy beheadings and various torturous crimes.