Spiritual Common Sense by Dr. Frank P. Ferraro - HTML preview

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If we do not make Adjustment to the Justice of God in time through persistent use of the Operation Z Grace Apparatus for Perception, then the Justice of God cannot bless us but his justice comes to us in the form of Divine Discipline for our failing to function in the Plan of God. This is the basis for Grace Orientation and function in the Spiritual Life and since Justice Demands Justice and we are the beneficiaries of the Justice of God we thus must therefore extend justice to others. Maladjustment to the Justice of God through prolonged carnality or reversionism means that the Justice of God must adjust to the believers carnality producing Divine Discipline. Any and All distractions to the intake of Bible Doctrine and a lack of daily function under the Operation Z Grace Apparatus for Perception constitute maladjustments. Prolonged carnality and maladjustment to the Justice of God will not only destroy the spiritual momentum of the believer moving toward or through Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God at a critical time but will eliminate or postponed the blessing he desires.

With regard to the rebound principle in Christianity you can always tell who are weak believers because they want to do something besides calmly and quietly naming their sins to God. They always feel that they must do something to make up for their sins or earn their forgiveness. The real idiots are ones who want to stand up and confess their sins to the congregation. This is idiotic and totally lacking in Spiritual Common Sense and is absolute total stupidity and a sure method for getting many people out of fellowship. Naming sins to others is a total failure in understanding GRACE. Because we don’t feel bad about sins doesn’t mean we love sin or encourage sin but this is what the idiots think. WE MUST UNDERSTAND AS A CHRISTIAN THAT WE CANNOT EVER COMMIT ANY SIN WHICH HAS NOT ALREADY BEEN JUDGED NOR FOR WHICH FULL PAYMENT HAS NOT ALREADY BEEN PAID AT THE CROSS. The real clucks are those believers who think this means that they can sin and just come back later and rebound and this is truly pathetic because we know that “Whom the Lord loves he chastens and skins alive with the whip” of Divine Discipline. There is no way for the believer to sin without paying for being out of the Plan of God and when a believer is out of the Plan of God this always brings Divine Discipline as a wake up call. In addition the Lord is the only one who should be concerned with our Status Quo and we need not worry about any other person and what they do or how they make up for it. Every sin, all inclusive for everyone, with the exception of one single sin which all unbelievers commit, has already been judged in The Lord Jesus, The Christ on the cross. The only exception for which The Lord Jesus, The Christ could not be judged was rejection of Him. Therefore the Rebound Procedure is a means of acknowledging our inability to correct our failures and our reliance on the Justice of God in having judged our failures in The Lord Jesus, The Christ as our substitute on the cross. This is also the means of allowing us to gain spiritual momentum and advance in the Spiritual Life consistently DESPITE our Old Sin Nature and TRENDS toward SIN.

When God gives to us GRACE things he is FAIR and does it on the basis for satisfying his justice. Therefore when we confess and name sins he is always “faithful and justified” in forgiving them and also he “cleanses us from all unrighteousness” or unknown sins; THIS IS FAIR (1John 1:9). When you name sins as a point of justice then Justice Demands Justice. Naming a sins for which God the Son was judged on the cross requires that God respond in justice with forgiveness. God does not forgive us because of our sweet personality or because we cried about it or did some restitution for the sin or did some crawling system of penance. He forgives all sin because of his own character and his essence. He is not impressed with all the rot of guilt and penance. The greatest test in your life will be if you can orient to rebound when you sin and commit a sin that shocks you. If you are oriented to the Justice of God and have made Adjustment to the Justice of God you will name that heinous sin and simply move on in life. If God wants to spank you he will provide the Divine Discipline and YOUR problem is to simply to name the sin and move on. Our function to receive forgiveness is so very simple, we name the sin and forget it. All things for us are always simple under grace where God does all the work while we receive the benefits.

Not knowing that something is a sin is no excuse and when you claim ignorance as a reason for the sin, the inference is that you have no culpability or responsibility and it shows LACK of Adjustment to the Justice of God. The Justice of God says sin is s