Spiritual Common Sense by Dr. Frank P. Ferraro - HTML preview

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The Principle of Salvation is that we must become Grace Oriented by understanding the principle of making Adjustment to the Justice of God. It is the Justice of God which executed the provisions necessary for our salvation. The work of salvation was finished on the cross and NOTHING can be added to it. In the thinking of God, Abram and every other believer in history, by expressing faith alone in The Lord Jesus, The Christ alone or Jehovah in the Old Testament Scripture had his faith imputed to him for Absolute Righteousness and was therefore vindicated by receiving it. The judgment of the cross makes salvation by faith a righteous act of God totally compatible with the Justice of God. Where creatures are concerned everything must be compatible with God’s justice. Furthermore, if God did the greater thing when we are his enemy as an unbeliever by providing for our Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God, and HE DID, can He not do much more for us now that we are his friends and members of the Royal Family of God. The point is that he will provide everything under Logistical Grace and there is no excuse to ever worry. EVERY SECOND any believer logs in worry is blasphemous and disorientation to the Justice of God.

It is possible for people functioning under their emotion to give their life for someone else but this is only an emotional sacrifice. God is NOT emotional and thus does everything in a rational orderly impeccable way but people don’t realize this and attribute to God emotion. They don’t realize that if God had emotion we would not exist since he most assuredly would have changed his mind about all of us. Being unemotional, rational, logical and impeccable all things from God to us must come from the Justice of God. It is the Justice of God which is either free to bless us or curse us. Through one man, Abrahams, total Adjustment to the Justice of God, God the Father is able to perfectly illustrate for all time and eternity the fact that HE, God, had to sacrifice The Lord Jesus, The Christ on the cross for FULL JUSTICE to exist in relation to SIN. There could be no substitute for Jesus Christ bearing all human sin on the cross. God the Father could not spare Jesus because of HIS OWN JUSTICE. God the Father was not able to substitute anyone or anything for the sacrifice of The Lord Jesus, The Christ on the cross like Abraham was able to substitute the ram for Isaac on the altar. There was no one to deliver Jesus at the last moment on the cross and no substitute for him and he in fact died in substitution for us spiritually. The uniquely born Son of God had to bear our sins on the cross and be judged for them then God the Father had to receive his son back by resurrection, this being the only way he could receive him back. Therefore, there is no greater demonstration of the Love of God working with the Integrity of God especially the Justice of God. This is a total refutation of the implication of Satan at the Angelic Conflict appeal trial when he said that the love of God was not considered when judgment was rendered by God on Lucifer and the fallen angels. When we fully understand the cross we will then appreciate the Grace of God as it relates to the Justice of God. This is why the Substitutionary Spiritual Death of The Lord Jesus, The Christ on the cross is the STRATEGIC VICTORY of the Angelic Conflict totally refuting by demonstration that the Love of God in fact always works with the Justice of God and Righteousness of God in the function of JUSTICE from God

The work of salvation is entirely the work of God and thus it is blasphemous for man to try to intrude his efforts and works into this “burnt offering” of the cross. There is no place for anything which man can ever think, say, nor do in the process of Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God. The scripture clearly delineates that it is by GRACE YOU ARE SAVED NOT OF WORKS and there is no way to set aside the work of God replacing it with your own efforts. The Justice of God could not spare The Lord Jes