Spiritual Common Sense by Dr. Frank P. Ferraro - HTML preview

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The person’s hangups of soul are areas where the person’s pride is vulnerable to attack and injury. These people are very nice until you oppose them and when their pride is injured or attacked then in comes the monster. Jealousy, pride and all the Mental Attitude Sins inevitably lead to irrationality and subjective thinking which produce instability in the life.

Rebound and consistent Positive Volition toward Bible Doctrine insulates the soul from pride. The only other way a person can break out of this pride and Mental Attitude Sins cycle is to falsely destroy their pride by making an ass of themselves and this is one of the reasons the holy rollers and tongues movement do what they do. Their getting in front of a group of people and pretending to become emotionally saturated in the Spiritual Life, acting like children and jumping around is a method of breaking out of the destructive cycle of pride and sin. These people are deliberately attacking their pride to break their cycle of sin. Unfortunately, this function often leads to more pride in how great they are in pseudo functions of the Spiritual Life. This is also where Asceticism enters the life. Asceticism and speaking in tongues do not totally destroy pride because the individual now becomes proud of what they are doing differently than others, in one case abstinence or separation and in the other an emotional experience or a pseudo relationship with God. This is simply retraining pride and making it stronger than it was by setting up a new set of reactors and therefore totally losing touch with reality. This is in effect the rebirth of pride which always occurs under these circumstances and after about 2 rebirths of pride the person becomes mentally ill, with pride being one of the chief sources of psychoses. This can also be seen when an individual changes his Modus Operandi from asceticism to promiscuity or from promiscuity to asceticism, from sweetness to destructive conspiratorial functions against others.

Pride is thus a very complex sin and it is a simple thing to talk about but a very large complex of sins with more than 60 methods of entrance being extremely difficult to actually even begin to understand. With reference to God, human pride rejects the principle that The Lord Jesus, The Christ controls Human History.


It is possible to handle the results of fornication but it is impossible to handle the results of gossip maligning and judging in the 7 worst sins and fornication is not one of these. The only overt activity in the 7 worst sins, none of which anyone can actually handle the results of, is Murder and you cannot return the person to life after you have killed them. When you get past the 7 worst sins for which you cannot ever handle the results then there are sins which involve someone else and any sin which involves someone else requires that you be a strong enough person in your own soul to rebound and make Adjustment to the Justice of God and then function under the principle that Justice Demands Justice and take care of that other person. When you commit a sin involving another person you have an issue of whether you will rebound and get back under the principle that Justice Demands Justice or fail to rebound and allow the momentum of Sin Human Good & Evilevil to control you with the result that injustice produces injustice and this is sin parlayed into evil.

Women have the opportunity of operating on the principle of Justice Demands Justice by forgiving those who are unfaithful to them. They must avoid, by this means, talking about or running down the “other woman” and if or when they engage in this maligning, they are dishonorable for they have destroyed the principle of Justice Demands Justice. Doctrine as it is taken in heals the wound of infidelity completely and also solves the problem.

No matter how many times a person says “OK”, adultery NEVER has been nor will be condoned and never solves anything in life but it does make boys out of men. Adultery does not prove anything especially not the manhood of the one involved but only shows the stupidity of everyone involved. Another person’s endorsement of sin does not justify sin and many people need only a slight excuse for sin to put them to it. The issue is, when you sin there is never any excuse. WE will all sin and fail and the only solution is Rebound Adjustment to the Justice of God. God calls the shots and he says that sex with more than one woman is adultery and no man ever becomes a fornicator and “plays the field” and maintains his manliness. Adultery is not the worst of sins, the Mental Attitude sins and Verbal sins are the worst and the most vicious and evil sins. Adultery is a sin which involves more than one person and therefore it means that more than one system of authority is destroyed in the process. In addition the fastest way to destroy whatever sex life you have is to become promiscuous and fornicate with anyone you can. A man who is promiscuous loses his ability to copulate and sex requires a different rhythm with different women and therefore by getting involved with more than one woman his sexual ability is LOST. Many single people face sex as a great temptation and often ruin the potential sex relationship with their Right Man or Right Woman by engaging in sexual intercourse before they find them. Multiple sex partners will destroy your ability to have rapport with your Right Man or Right Woman. God designed you for 1 partner in life and there is a potential for absolute enjoyment of sex by every man and woman but many never find it because of promiscuity. Don’t destroy your wonderful potential and birthright of having the perfect relationship with one partner of the opposite sex by becoming involved in promiscuity. We must