Spiritual Common Sense by Dr. Frank P. Ferraro - HTML preview

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Both men and women are physically capable of sex with more than one person, but they cannot handle this in their soul. The man who plays the roll of the chaser and the promiscuous woman both lose the capacity for Category II love and this relates to both Category I and III love as well making it difficult to have true friends and to LOVE GOD. While physically a man is capable of sexual intimacy with more than one woman both soulishly and spiritually he cannot ever handle this deviation. He cannot handle the inevitable reaction from the women he is involved with nor the Divine Discipline from the Lord and he cannot maintain any capacity for love in his life. These men by losing capacity for friendship become very unstable and are instrumental in getting others into difficulties in life. This also applies to Category I love or Occupation with the Person of The Lord Jesus, The Christ which will be lost as well. Some men often regard as heroes other men who are successful in the realm of seduction of women and regard them as real men or heroes. To revere these people as great is to lose your entire perspective of life. To hang around with this type of male means that the instability they have will soon overflow to you and you will also become a victim of cursing by association. We must be aware that these people are interesting to be around and have great personalities and may be great in many areas but this is neutralized by their illicit fornication. By associating with these kinds of individuals you trade your capacity for love for a mess of pottage when you decide also to fornicate. Any emphasis on any LUST ignores the soul and destroys capacity for true love. This type of person male or female should be avoided, they are those who brag about their conquests, and they are totally unstable and will turn against you in a second having no honor or integrity. They will never support you when you need them most and you cannot ever count on them. The only issue is that Man was designed to have sex with ONE woman and given soul capacity to love one woman and vice versa, and fornication is a distraction from Category II love just as Negative Volition to Bible Doctrine is a distraction from Category I Love in Occupation with the Person of The Lord Jesus, The Christ.

Spiritual Common Sense demands the honorable man have one sex partner and only one, and embrace the realization that sex is a relationship between only 1 man and only 1 woman. It is not to be shared or violated. The result is that when a man is faithful to one woman it fulfills the principle that Justice Demands Justice and Justice Fulfills Justice. Therefore, when the man is faithful to one woman this will enable them to express their mutual happiness in their relationship with sex. For the man, she will respond in a marvelous way in sex and their happiness has a perfect and fulfilling means of expression for both.

Justice Demands Justice / Justice Fulfills Justice

As creatures the ultimate principle for us is that Justice Demands Justice and we as human beings must make Adjustment to God not on the basis of the Love of God but on the basis of the Justice of God. When we make adjustment to God through faith in The Lord Jesus, The Christ this is Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God and is an instantaneous Adjustment to the Justice of God. Our life as believers is characterized by functioning in the Plan of God called Grace which is based on the major principle that Justice Demands Justice. Every blessing and all Divine Discipline we receive comes from the Justice of God. It is also the Justice of God which makes all unearned and undeserved blessings TOTALLY SECURE. All blessing is based on our spiritual growth and nothing which we do in life is the basis for blessing from the Justice of God. Spiritual growth is a function of the royal priesthood and all other functions in life under Filling of God the Holy Spirit are part of our royal ambassadorship. We are here simply to fulfill the principle that Justice Demands Justice and since the Justice of God provides all of these things in total fairness we must be totally fair to others and respect the privacy of others and never malign, gossip, judge or run down others. We must always give others freedom and never try to impose standards on them for which they are not prepared with sufficient spiritual growth. AS ROYAL FAMILY OF GOD OUR WHOLE LIFE IS TO REVOLVE AROUND THE CONCEPT THAT JUSTICE DEMANDS JUSTICE. God has chosen justice as the vehicle with which to have a relationship with us because we LIVE to provide glory and pleasure to God. We will not ever receive a single blessing from God until we have capacity for it. The capacity for life and blessing is only developed from spiritual growth from consistent function under the Operation Z Grace Apparatus for Perception and deployment of maximum Metabolized Bible Doctrine into our Stream of Consciousness of the Soul. When our time is right God WILL provide what will fulfill our capacity.

Considering Adjustment to the Justice of God and that Justice Demanding Justice, for the fornicating male or anyone committing adultery where is justice? For these individuals justice is only found in the rebound procedure. A man, as a believer, is wrong when he does not function under the grace principle that Justice Demands Justice with regard to a woman he has been intimate with. He has no moral courage, no honor nor integrity and without rebound there can be no function under the principle that justice is to demand justice. If the believer uses the rebound procedure then he should have enough moral strength for justice to fulfill justice