Spiritual Common Sense by Dr. Frank P. Ferraro - HTML preview

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There must be Metabolized Bible Doctrine in the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul for spiritual advance and, in fact, it is the only means of spiritual advance. When the believer makes Adjustment to the Justice of God there is NO LIMITATION on the part of God of what he can do for him when the Justice of God is free to act. When the Justice of God is free to start blessing there is no end to what is provided and Paul was exactly correct when he said of our life in time that God can do exceedingly and abundantly beyond what we can ask or imagine. We have yet to see the exploitation of grace when a believer has made maximum or TOTAL Adjustment to the Justice of God in our current history.

As the believer grows in the Spiritual Life and takes in more and more Bible Doctrine he whittles away the percentages of absurdity in their thinking and life. As a sophomore believer he is then only 50% absurd still trying to witness to everyone and do great things for God and still making an ass of himself. God uses those who align with His perfect character and HE IS NOT ABSURD totally free from this as part of his infinity. Since he is free from ignorance and absurdity he can only use those people in life who get away from these concepts. The only way to get away from being stupid and absurd on the part of believers is through daily function in Perception, Cognition, Inculcation & Metabolization of Bible Doctrine under the function of the Operation Z Grace Apparatus for Perception. This explains the ignorance and absurdity of fundamentalism today, all the religions and the population in general being basically ignorant of Bible Doctrine. Man has nothing to commend him to God and only God has grace to give to man when man is in a hopeless situation. The Grace of God is ONLY released to man through man’s making Adjustment to the Justice of God.

The higher one goes in the Spiritual Life the further they recede from being a free spirit in life. Women often want to be free spirits and men want to be free to do what they want but the higher you go in the Spiritual Life the greater becomes your sense of discipline which is part of your capacity for life. In addition your appreciation for authority becomes greater and you don’t question it but move with it and this brings the great strength and dynamic of the believer in Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God. One of the great strengths of the mature believer is NOT seeking counsel or guidance from anyone especially not his wife nor any other wise person in his periphery. Mature believers are very well organized and prepared for anything in life by their thinking and actions and nothing is overlooked for complete obedience to authority and they can pick up administratively to do anything. The mature believer assumes the responsibility for his own actions and is decisive in them. The mature believer understands issues of life and pursues the policy of God with vigor and is not ever confused about the Will of God and never questions the Will of God. Only God has a right to question the Will of God never the recipient. The mature believer understands and executes the Will of God vigorously under power of God the Holy Spirit with no rationalization nor misconception and no pleading from a bleeding heart. His is the attitude of Job in saying, “The Lord gives and the Lord takes away, blessed be the name or person of the lord”, and that of Paul in saying, “To those who love God, He causes all things to work together for the ultimate good”.

The actions of a completely organized and self sustaining man are demonstrated by his being a man of thought but also one of action. He is capable of thought because of the spiritual condition from Metabolized Bible Doctrine in his Stream of Consciousness of the Soul. He is capable of action having great physical vigor and strength at any age. A believer in Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God NEVER seeks counsel and when as a believer you are confused and have to seek counsel it indicates you are weak and immature as a believer. The extent to which you depend on others to tell you what to do is the extent to which your Spiritual Life is worthless.

Deciding what to do in life must come from your own inner resources alone and is some of the highest testing a believer can ever have.

In history the greatest men of action have been those who think and control their emotion, men such as MacArthur, Patton, R. Fredrick, Lee, Jackson, Etc. The worst men are men of action ONLY with no thinking, emotional men, who must always be controlled and are always trouble makers and must be under some system of strict discipline. These men are disoriented to all things in life but are heroes in combat and admired for it but they cannot think. Too often their opinions are quoted and unfortunately they are not thinking people. We see this trend in 2017 with the “warriors” of the NFL refusing to honor the flag and national anthem of the United States. The most tragic thing in any nation is the disrespect which we constantly see in the United States for both Military and Law Enforcement personnel as they are the basis for our freedom which is essential for our salvation decision and spiritual growth.

The Purpose of Living

We must remember that our whole purpose in this life and on this earth in time is to make decisions. We must first decide for or against accepting the Substitutionary Spiritual Death of The Lord