Spiritual Common Sense by Dr. Frank P. Ferraro - HTML preview

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Your free will directed toward Bible Doctrine is the most essential factor in life. When any historical crisis is at its peak God will direct you to go where you are needed MOST. When a crisis comes we will not all be in the same place we are now and therefore it is ridiculous to prepare in any way except with consistency in the Perception, Cognition, Inculcation & Metabolization of Bible Doctrine. WE OURSELVES must choose for this doctrinal consistency and our relationship with the Lord must be the most important factor in our life. You will never be in the right place at the right time without Metabolized Bible Doctrine in the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul which will ensure that you are flexible and teachable and lead-able by the Lord. If you are in the right place at the right time GOD will provide what is needed for anything he wants for you to be doing especially LIVING.

THE mature believer IS A MAN OF ALERTNESS AND PERCEPTION. Familiarity with the Essence of God leads to decisive and correct action. Decisive and incorrect actions can mean annihilation. Therefore the mature believer is also a man of action and of decision and there is a level of dogmatism with goes with being a mature believer. God always provides opportunities but they will never be recognized without Bible Doctrine. The mature believer understands the concept of grace substitution and its relationship to the Justice of God. The mature believer understands grace and the functions on which it is based and Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God which motivates grace action. The mature believer never loses by giving everything to God and the mature believer will receive much more than he can give to God back from God. The mature believer knows all the way through all testing that security rests with the giver NOT the gift. Our security is our relationship with The Lord Jesus, The Christ not what we have nor where we are. The mature believer knows that there is no security, happiness nor tranquility in the blessings or the gifts from God since all this resides in the giver. Occupation with the giver brings happiness and pleasure with the blessing. The giver flavors the gift since no gift in itself has flavor or happiness. God provides and is the salt for the flavor of the gift but you may eat the food or consume the gift but the salt will till be around.

One Principle we must at all costs catch on to is that we tend to gravitate to the SWEET people and to those who present overt morality. To those who are always full of nice spiritual sayings and have a great spiritual vocabulary and above all the ultra sweet unreal totally sickening personality we would find in opium dens. This is unfortunate because in fact this is generally how we gravitate to the those who distract us from Bible Doctrine. A person’s natural true sweetness fades because of lack of Bible Doctrine. These people may never make any movements toward Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God and blessing from God and as a result will ultimately be incompatible with the advancing believer. The people who are the best to be associated with in life are those who keep going after their failures and who recover from their reversionism. They shed the principles of evil and move into Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God and the secondary and eventually the primary zone of blessing. This demonstrates CLEARLY that it is relationship with God which actually counts in the Spiritual Life not relationship with people. It is being in a position where our life is able to glorify God and please God which actually counts and this can only be accomplished by volitional involvement with Perception, Cognition, Inculcation & Metabolization of Bible Doctrine consistently and persistently. This is not legalism but the only means by which the soul is brought into a close relationship with God and that which frees the Justice of God to provide blessing for us. Freeing the Justice of God allows God to use us as a demonstration that the Justice of God is always correct from the initiation of the Plan of God in Eternity Past to the moment he sentenced Satan to the Lake of Fire to the end of the Angelic Conflict and of Human History.

God uses human volition in this sense and our relationship with God is based not on what impresses other people nor the overt accourdaments of legalism and Self Righteousness nor a facade like Phariseeism but only the amount of Metabolized Bible Doctrine in our Stream of Consciousness of the Soul. God honors and vindicates his word wherever it is found and he cannot avoid doing this. Maximum Metabolized Bible Doctrine in the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul is Temporal Adjustment to the Justice of God and this is the means of reaching the secondary and primary zones of blessing from God. The sooner we learn to relate to God instead of people the sooner we will make great spiritual advance and those who constantly relate to people will never advance in the Spiritual Life beyond sophomore stages. These individuals always think some people are better than others. They like to associate with good people and nice people and to have a nice cup of tea with nice people and do things with them and they have the idea that this is the Spiritual Life and pleasing to God. This is total and complete blindness and GOD is not impressed with any of us nor any OVERTLY SWEET or NICE person. God is not impressed with anything which impresses man except Bible Doctrine if in fact that impresses us. We are not required anywhere in the Word of God to be impressed with anyone. Not those who communicate Bible Doctrine not the prophets of old nor the Pastor Teachers today. It is ONLY the message we are to be impressed with and which gives to us Adjustment to the Justice of God and relationship to God. This is all that should impress the believer and all that counts. This is why in the Local Church we assemble without any knowledge of any other person not even the Pastor Teacher. This is privacy of the royal priesthood and therefore we are not in the Local Church for any reason except to examine the word of God.

When you get your eyes on other things and reject the authority of the Pastor Teacher you cannot make Temporal Adjustment to the Justice of God. It is only through the function of the teaching of Bible Doctrine that any of us can advance and be