Spiritual Common Sense by Dr. Frank P. Ferraro - HTML preview

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Arrogance (Gal 6:3)

Inner Beauty (1Tim 2:9, 10, 15)

Believers who have lost their spiritual momentum are inclined to engage in gloating and recrimination. Mature believers are not petty, vindictive, do not gloat, exalt nor malign believers who are under reversionistic Divine Discipline. You cannot and do not ever for any reason build your happiness on the unhappiness of others. Mature believers apply the principle that justice demands justice therefore understand that they have no right to gloat, malign, judge or gossip nor to engage in any verbal retaliation against others. Thinking GRACE always leads to the action of grace. The attitude of reversionism, legalism and pettiness is that an offending believer must reap what they sow. This is application of a passage of scripture which belongs only to self never to others and we DO NOT EVER HAVE A RIGHT TO APPLY IT TO OTHERS. So victory is complete when there is no bitterness nor indifference to the fate of an offending believer and never should brutal or calloused legalism ever mar the Mental Attitude of the Super-Grace believer. Every day we live is, or should be, an application of these principles and every day we live is another day of preparation for what life has for in our future. It should be preparation for marriage, historical disaster, warfare, success in business or life in general. Metabolized Bible Doctrine in the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul is what gives capacity for all these things. Therefore we must all constantly be PREPARED in the spiritual life and in life in general and the most effective way for the believer to prepare for life is to remain under Positive Volition toward Bible Doctrine and be consistent in the Perception, Cognition, Inculcation & Metabolization of Bible Doctrine.

Motivation in everything including the Spiritual Life is both a mental and emotion incentive or impulse which determines choice or induces action. In the Christian Way of Life on earth the believer is either motivated by Metabolized Bible Doctrine in the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul and the Filling of God the Holy Spirit or by the lust patterns of the Old Sin Nature and satanic plan of Good and Evil. Attitude toward Bible Doctrine and spiritual growth is what determines proper motivation. Bible Doctrine is a critic of our motivation while Evil is the source of anti God motivation and anti Christian motivation.

False motivation hinders spiritual growth because it rejects authority and is unteachable and is represented by sullen discontent. For the Ultra Super-Grace believer God turns the evil motivations of others toward him into grace blessing. You treat your enemies a certain way because God has treated you a certain way, he treats you in grace you treat them in grace. You allow your enemies to think, do, say feel whatever they choose to under any circumstance without any recrimination from you because, Justice Demands Justice. YOU DON’T EVER TRY TO LOVE YOUR ENEMIES EXCEPT IN THE SENSE OF HAVING A RELAXED MENTAL ATTITUDE ABOUT THEM IE. IMPERSONAL LOVE. The motivations of the Ultra Super-Grace believer are always maligned by others. God permits some of the most evil men in history to live longer than we think they should in order that they might be used to test the Metabolized Bible Doctrine in the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul of the mature believers.

No matter how high you go in the Spiritual Life you never get away from the academic principle of Self discipline in listening to and studying the word of God. If you do you will become unteachable and that is the day you start moving into reversionism. NO BELIEVER EVER GETS SO HIGH IN THE SPIRITUAL LIFE NOR UNDER SO MUCH PRESSURE IN LIFE THAT HE CANNOT LISTEN TO THE TEACHING OF BIBLE DOCTRINE AND GET SOMETHING FROM IT TO SPIRITUALLY STRENGTHEN HIM.

This is the principle of Teach-ability and all truly great believers demonstrate this.

Often people when they move up in an area of life feel that there is nothing anyone can teach them in any subject. People who have been great in a profession with great intellectual accomplishment often get to where they believe they know everything. These people often are very unteachable and arrogance and pride are part of this and because they are very knowledgeable in one subject they assume they are expert in every subject. Being expert in one or many fields does not ever mean that they cannot learn more in the spiritual field.

A female who questions her husband constantly about what he is doing or where he is going and what he intends to do is not a lady at all. One of the greatest things a woman as a responder does is remain silent and wait. This is the role of a military wife and when these women act in this honorable fashion they are truly magnificent and glorious. The attitude of a woman toward the one she is marrying must be just the same as the attitude of the mature believer toward the Justice of God knowing that the Justice of God can do no wrong and cannot be unfair. Inevitably it is the judgment and wisdom of the man which must prevail and this is a man’s world and it was never designed to be any other way no matter how the women out number the men this is how God designed this world. This does not mean women are or will be unhappy when not being considered “equal” to men because there is no such thing as happiness from equality. Happiness only comes to people in all categories of life by being under the Plan of God either as an unbeliever following the Laws of Divine Establishment or a believer growing in the Spiritual Life from consistent Perception, Cognition, Inculcation & Metabolization of Bible Doctrine.

Mental Alertness == application of Bible Doctrine to your circumstance and experiences and this alertness leads to flexibility. God does not have a set pattern for all of us to do the same thing at the same time. If you are where God wants you to be it is the only place where you can possibly be totally safe. It is the Lord who puts the Wall of Fire around you when you are where you are supposed to be. Trying to figure out where to go to be safest in times of national discord is a waste of time and energy, figure out where the Lord wants you and then stay there. When you try to tell others what to do and how to prepare for disaster then you get into their business with regard to everything else in their lives and begin to tell them how to run their life. This leads to you leading a small