Spiritual Common Sense by Dr. Frank P. Ferraro - HTML preview

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At the point of Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God the Church Age believer receives from God the imputation of the Righteousness of God. He is also put into union with The Lord Jesus, The Christ by means of the Baptism of God the Holy Spirit. This is to provide a royal family for the battlefield royalty of The Lord Jesus, The Christ, he, having achieved a strategic victory in the Angelic Conflict by his Substitutionary Spiritual Death on the cross for all human sin, his resurrection, ascension and session at the right hand of God the Father. We must always remember that we are the heirs of God the Father and joint heirs with the God the Son by means of being regenerated. Heirs are born into a family and we are heirs with The Lord Jesus, The Christ because we were BORN AGAIN into his Royal Family. You don’t become an heir by being around but ONLY by being BORN. We are Royal Family of God and our objective in the Spiritual Life is to reach Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God where we glorify God by his being able to provide blessing for us while we live in the world ruled by Satan. Because of this, GOD IS OBLIGATED to provide all that is necessary for us to live on this earth, in this life, in time, in order for us to have, as believers, an opportunity to reach Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God. This obligation we call Living, Logistical or Alpha Grace support and provision. THIS IS NOT BLESSING FROM GOD! Believers are always concerned about suffering and, for those with some doctrinal perspective, Divine Discipline for failures. Part of the GRACE plan of God in time for the believer is Divine Discipline when needed as an attempt by God to get the attention of the failing believer and redirect him back to the Plan and the potential and opportunity for BLESSING in time. The believer, as he grows up spiritually and accumulates Bible Doctrine in his Stream of Consciousness of the Soul, MUST also be tested in the application of that doctrine to his life in every conceivable situation. Without this TESTING from God what is the value of Bible Doctrine to the believer and how would God know that any given believer has become Mature and therefore eligible for direct blessings. HOWEVER, in order to not confuse things in life, as a believer we must realize that whenever we are in a situation where a NECESSITY OF LIFE is not available this is NOT EVER Divine Discipline but always a form of testing of the most fundamental thing in the Christian Way of Life that being Logistical Grace. This grace support is to extend for our whole life from salvation to death. This Logistical Grace support does not depend on whether the believer is good or bad, spiritual or carnal, involved in producing Divine Good or Human Good and Evil. EVERY believer will be supported by God for his entire life and if and when any necessity for life is withdrawn then it is time for that believer to go to be with the lord either by dying grace or the Sin Unto Death. For the advancing believer who recognizes this principle he has the right to DEMAND from God logistical necessities when they are absent from his life or express his readiness to go home to the Lord.

When you expressed faith alone in The Lord Jesus, The Christ alone you made Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God. You MUST make Adjustment to the Justice of God because it is the basis by which you are blessed in time and eternity. There could never be any blessing for any believer if it insulted in any way or contradicted the Justice of God. When God is blessing any believer, there is no contradiction with the Justice of God even though every believer has an Old Sin Nature and continues to sin. There is no way to be blessed by God unless you understand that the basis for your salvation and making this Adjustment to the Justice of God is the very basis for which you will receive blessing from God. You must understand this for your own blessing but also when you see another Christian receiving blessing from the Justice of God you must avoid resentment for this is a form of vicious worry. When a believer has something you do not have you MUST totally avoid all Mental Attitude Sins for they are manifestations of our own arrogance and worry. We will see believers who are promoted and the correct attitude is that Justice Demands Justice and we should rejoice with them who rejoice. We never malign nor criticize nor run down those who receive blessing and never ever feel insulted because we THINK we are much better people than they are. This is EVIL and we must not compete with others in this way.

Categorization of Blessings from God

To receive blessing from God there must be CAPACITY to appreciate it and the one giving the blessing. There are 2 sources for capacity for blessing in life. Children gain it from their parents as they grow up along with the unbeliever who functions under the principles of the Laws of Divine Establishment and having discipline and respect for authority. For believers who are the “Children of God” they also receive it from the Laws of Divine Establishment but in addition through the Metabolized Bible Doctrine they take into their Stream of Consciousness of the Soul. Remember always TRUE DIRECT Blessings from God, which are for the BELIEVER ONLY, occurs ONLY for those believers who reach Maturity Adju