Spiritual Common Sense by Dr. Frank P. Ferraro - HTML preview

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National destruction from Divine Discipline administered to a nation occurs when the nations discipline moves through 4 cycles of “warning discipline” to the point of the 5th cycle of discipline which is analogous to the dying discipline in the reversionistic individual. The 5th cycle of Divine Discipline is NEVER administered without disaster type warnings occurring first. These disasters are of historical proportions and devastating to the nation and the people but God is fair and just and he will not destroy any nation without giving it plenty of warning. The warnings are for the purpose of making the nation understand that unless they “repent”, that is change their attitude, toward Bible Doctrine and get back into the principles of the Laws of Divine Establishment for the nation they WILL BE DESTROYED UNDER THE 5TH CYCLE OF DIVINE DISCIPLINE.

Destruction or Salvation of a Nation

We must understand that a consistent Pastor Teacher who presents accurate Bible Doctrine for us to enable our Perception, Cognition, Inculcation & Metabolization, is doing it in order that our country will survive and our descendants will have a GREAT spiritual heritage. The dilution of our nation with immigrants who bring their culture and beliefs into our country and do not absorb OUR culture and the basis for our existence and prosperity, is in fact what is destroying our nation since these immigrants cannot be a source of blessing for the nation nor for their descendants. What is really wrong with this country is that there is very little doctrine being taught for our population of 300+ million people. The Pastor Teacher who teaches consistently is interested in our personal blessing and that of our children and our grandchildren and for the United States of America as the greatest nation in the world. Bible Doctrine is the only thing which will change this country and make is great again.

Doctrine has phenomenal dynamics and when it gets into the soul of an individual at a maximum level and the dynamics are incomprehensible to most people. This saturation of Bible Doctrine in the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul is from making it to Super-Grace through consistent Perception, Cognition, Inculcation & Metabolization of Bible Doctrine under the Operation Z Grace Apparatus for Perception and Filling of God the Holy Spirit. Then, for that believer, to continue moving forward to Ultra Super-Grace brings on the greatest of blessings in the 5 categories this being simply a small pebble in history. However, the tidal waves which arise from this pebble thrown into history can be and are unbelievable. Mature believers are on the right side of history as opposed to the reversionist who is always on the wrong side of history. The mature believer rides above historical crisis, disaster and catastrophe, glorifying The Lord Jesus, The Christ at all times. These are needed today to NOW stand in the gap for the United States of America. This is like what Churchill said “Never in our history have so many owed so much to so few” when the British had over 500 fighter planes and only about 150 pilots and these men flew 20 hours per day with as little as 1 hour of sleep for the battles they were fighting. They had some poor planes and some good planes like the spitfire but the maintenance was in a shambles but they flew and kept on flying.

One mature believer in any organization, especially the military, will cause that organization to be blessed tremendously. The believers especially in the military cannot ever afford to miss Bible study for any length of time for any reason. Staying up with Bible Doctrine is extremely important even more important than staying up with your profession. It is extremely important to NOT be ashamed of Bible Doctrine especially in a Military organization or Law Enforcement organization for it is Bible Doctrine which will through the military turn the country around. For many people it is very easy to get distracted and the believer must remember to take in Bible Doctrine daily. When Bible Doctrine is inculcated consistently there is never an end to blessing by association and its ramifications they go on and on and on.

A phenomenal subject and a timely one with the United States being on the verge of historical disaster and destruction since the 1970’s is History, which like the sea can be calm or rough, pleasant or very destructive. However, there are certain dogmatic principles of history which never change without regard to consideration for the historical climate. Blessing by association with Ultra Super-Grace believers extends through time and also in eternity and it has had great repercussions today in our time and our nation. In addition our nation is blessed today because there are still Jews in this nation and also a very few believers in Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God even to Ultra Super-Grace. You cannot in any way change this principle of history and when you oppose this principle you are in for incredible disaster and Divine Discipline. The blessings associated with Ultra Super-Grace believers such as Abraham and the Jew on the earth are a small down payment toward the blessings which will be received in heaven. NO international organization can ever be a blessing to this world in general since they are all under the principle of “internationalism” which is a contradiction of the 4th divine institution of Nationalism and as a result come under the rulership of Satan. The only one who can be a blessing to anyone internationally is a JEW the progeny of Abraham when they are scattered around the world. Society is preserved and flavored by the believer in Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God and by the racial Jew.

When one tampers with divine principles there is always great Divine Discipline in judgment from God for them or their nation as a whole. The one who makes the promises is vastly more important than the promise itself. The promise of blessing is meaningless without the character of the one who makes it and it is the Essence of God which is of primary importance. The source more important than the blessing. God is far more important than the covenant. While God can withdraw blessings or gifts, a covenant is a contractual promise from Him which God cannot withdraw under any circumstances. Therefore, this principle will always be in our history and though this principle cannot be withdrawn the background for it and basis for it is the one giving the blessing, God himself with whom WE have a personal relationship. Not only is God more important but for the person who has made maximum Adjustment to the Justice of God, God is capable of meeting any circumstance and situation in his life. One man’s Ultra Super-Grace status became the fountainhead of divine blessing on a race, a nation and the entire world for more than 4000 years.

Timing in Life

TIMING is everything in life, in athletics, in business, in investing in the markets, in love, in war and especially in the Spiritual Life. However, ONLY God’s Timing is Perfect! In the realm of Spiritual Common Sense the timing of God is perfect in every sense of perfection never too late