Spiritual Common Sense by Dr. Frank P. Ferraro - HTML preview

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Is 30:18

v18: Therefore the LORD waits to be gracious to you; furthermore he is on high to have compassion on you. For the LORD is a God of justice; how blessed are all those who wait for him by means of persistent function under Operation Z Grace Apparatus for Perception, Cognition, Inculcation & Metabolization of Bible Doctrine.


Spiritual Common Sense demands that we thank God for each and every day in our life and a chance under Logistical Grace to make another forward step in the Spiritual Life. Death is a very simple thing for God to administer for any of us and it is no problem at all for God to remove any member of the Human Race at any time or by any conceivable means. This should remind us that life hangs by a very fine thread and we are only able to awake each day simply as a matter of Logistical Grace and faithfulness of the Justice of God. God is totally fair and faithful and His faithfulness and justice combine to form the type of love we cannot ever understand. We must always bear in mind that nothing can remove us from this life until it is the Will of God for us to go. As long as God has a purpose for us we will be alive in this world ruled by the devil and neither the Devil nor any or all of his forces of evil can do anything about it. We are here because of Logistical Grace and greater is he, The Lord Jesus, The Christ, that is in us, than he who is in the world, Satan himself. God can and does prolong the life of certain individuals solely for his purposes. (Ps 102:19-24, Prov 14:27, Ps 118:18) Therefore, Spiritual common sense starts when a person who is alive realizes the reality of death and understands the perspective of death and that death could come at any time. It is important also to always keep in mind that being in good health does not mean you will live a long time and in contrast having poor health does not mean your life will be short. Feeling good does not mean anything and when God calls us home life is finished. Spiritual Common Sense therefore begins when the reality of death becomes the basis for reestablishing one’s scale of values.

If we are ever going to adjust to God so that he blesses us and gives us the things which will glorify The Lord Jesus, The Christ in time, we must have a dual perspective on life.

We must maintain the perspective of life so that we understand that every day which we live God is being faithful to us in the provision of life for another day.

We must also understand that if we fail in this recognition then He must provide adversity and tragedy and various modes of Divine Discipline to help restore and clarify our recognition of his grace and faithfulness AND the necessity of Bible Doctrine in our life. When we fail in this, He may first use us to test others before removing us with the Sin Unto Death.

THINKING ABOUT DEATH IS THE BEGINNING OF SPIRITUAL COMMON SENSE. We at some time must face our own potential death or the potential or reality of the death of a loved one and then we will think clearly about death. We must realize that when the soul departs from the body it still has consciousness and all the faculties of the soul but has no ability to change anything which happens in life. People who have faced death and looked it in the face, yet avoided death completely and totally are sobered by the experience and many of them think about what things would be like if the Lord had taken them and left all the things which should have been done UNDONE.

This is a good healthy area for thought and we should think about death in this perspective but most people avoid this thinking because of the association of death with pain and what is considered a personal horrible disaster. Death is a very good subject for meditation and one that should never be avoided and we should think about it and suppose for a moment we should die today. We should consider what would be left undone and what would our scale of values be if we knew we only had 24 hours left in life or just 1 more month what would we then do. Knowledge of impending death always provides a means for changing our scale of values and our scale of values always change dramatically when we are faced with our imminent death.

Concepts of life and the importance of ‘THINGS’ in life change when death is faced. The concepts of beauty and all aspects of life change because death always rules out false ambition. Many believers have false ambitions and want to make a splash is life and have a scale of values that has lined it up with approbation and power lust. If there is anything which will stop incredible ambition, the evil abuse of power, the distortion of authority and the lust for approbation, it is DEATH. No matter how great the power you may have in life, death is a greater power. Because the power of death is a greater power than anything, when people come face to face with death even that of a loved one or a close call with death in their own life one of the first things they become aware of is that the power of death changes their scale of values. The attitude toward life WILL change when death is faced directly.

However, some people never have the possibility of that close call with death changing them since they are already in a hopeless condition and therefore cannot change their scale of values. A key principle to remember is, “if money (or any other tangible thing) is the source of your problem then you do not really have a problem”.

Spiritual Common Sense is enhanced by the perspective and prospect of death and it will cause us to begin to realize what is and is not important in life. Spiritual Common Sense related to the subject of death