Spiritual Common Sense by Dr. Frank P. Ferraro - HTML preview

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The Status Quo of slavery or loss of freedom does not hinder eternal salvation nor spiritual growth or spiritual momentum. When any person at God Consciousness is under Positive Volition, God will provide gospel information for that person regardless of his social Status Quo whether slave or free, whether living in some pristine society in a jungle or some complex nations urban society. There is no such thing as the unfairness of God and never has there been any person in any geographic location or under any circumstance of life who has at God Consciousness with Positive Volition not had the opportunity to hear the gospel and be saved. Being therefore in Status Quo slavery or under a loss of freedom neither hinders Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God nor spiritual blessing either directly from spiritual growth or indirectly by association with a mature believer. No loss of freedom and no evil of the Cosmic Dynaspheres can hinder the eternal salvation of any member of the Human Race under Positive Volition at God Consciousness. Whoever believes in The Lord Jesus, The Christ will have everlasting life. This has never been changed by any device of man which takes away freedom or provides freedom.

Our constitution in the United States provides freedom, the Magna Carta provided freedom, there were may systems of renouncing one’s own freedom and getting self into slavery to pay off debt and there were many ways to get out of slavery but these things did not and do not hinder the option of Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God. No system in the world of Satan can hinder the opportunity for eternal salvation and spiritual advance and either direct or indirect blessing from God. THE Justice of God PROVIDES BOTH ETERNAL AND TEMPORAL BLESSINGS. THE DEATH OF THE PERSON WHO REJECTS THE JUSTICE OF GOD IS A DIVINE WARNING OF MUCH GREATER PUNITIVE ACTION AT THE LAST JUDGMENT. FOR THOSE WHO REJECT THE LORD JESUS, THE CHRIST AS SAVIOR THEY THEN FACE THE JUSTICE OF GOD IN THE MOST AWESOME OF CIRCUMSTANCES.

In addition there is also the question of physical birth or legitimacy of birth. The Dynamics of making maximum Adjustment to the Justice of God result in great benefit for all those associated with a believer. In the primary zone of blessing in Ultra Super-Grace the results of blessing by association and historical impact are endless. However you were born, whatever “class” of society you are in, makes no difference, whether you were born, rich or poor, slave or free, bastard or legitimate. You have no choice in physical birth and no control over it. All of these persons are human beings and like the rest of us have no choice in the matter of who we were born from. Bastard children have nothing to do with their birth and had no choice in the matter whether they are bastards or legitimate. In our society differences have been established between bastard sons and legitimate sons. There has been ridicule and handicap associated with being born a bastard. The difference in your life lies in what occurs if or after you are born again and regenerated. You do have control over whether you are regenerated or not and once you chose to be born again you are then Royal Family of God and YOU are not ever handicapped by anything related to your human physical birth. If you are born a bastard and people make fun of you your whole life and this warps your personality this is GONE when you become born again regenerated and make Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God and ultimately move to Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God. No psychological gimmick will ever work if you are born again, all handicaps and situations mean nothing as Royal Family of God. Being regenerated there is no excuse for us feeling badly about our origins and God has a plan for our life and this plan includes our making Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God through maximum intake of Bible Doctrine.

Must Slaves be Freed

No passage in scripture ever tells slaves to break out or shout for and demand their freedom. It does, however, say if you are a slave then remain one and do your job as unto the Lord and if you are a master be just and fair. The BIBLE DOES NOT EVER SAY SLAVERY IS TO BE WIPED OUT. This is not what historical trends in the United States of America have demonstrated. When slavery is an issue in a nation, freeing the slave is not ever the issue but the true issue and the answer is the Justice of God. God can be as fair to a slave as to a free man as seen in Colossians and Ephesians and especially in Philemon where the social problem of slavery is not solved by slaves becoming free. In every case the slave is to serve the Lord under slavery but if the slave is freed he is to use that freedom for the glory of God. Therefore, don’t try to become a slave if you are free but use freedom for spiritual advance to Maturity Adjustment to t