Spiritual Common Sense by Dr. Frank P. Ferraro - HTML preview

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Worry and Blaspheme (Gen 15), When in authority obeying instead of commanding (Gen 16), LUST distractions, human solutions for divine promises not yet fulfilled (Gen 17). These tests are to see if Bible Doctrine is more important than other factors in life and to see if The Lord Jesus, The Christ is more real and important than people who ambush us along the way to maturity.

In the life of every believer, it is often necessary to separate from those whom are close to us in order to get a great push in momentum in the Plan of God and release the great power of God in your life. Therefore sooner or later before you can reach maximum Temporal Adjustment to the Justice of God there are certain people which have to be cut off from you and from whom you must separate. If you do not separate from them they in turn will drag you from Bible Doctrine into reversionism. Everyone has to face the separation test before reaching Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God and must cut off from someone at some time and this may include family, friends, loved ones, etc. Anytime you allow friends to pull you away from Bible Doctrine in any way there is something wrong with YOUR Thinking. At some time in life we all will have to decide between Bible Doctrine and people whom you have enjoyed in the past.

Occupation with the Person of Jesus Christ

It takes Metabolized Bible Doctrine in the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul to first know and then come to love The Lord Jesus, The Christ and apart from Bible Doctrine it is not possible to love God or Jesus Christ. Love comes through knowledge and to love God there must be knowledge of God therefore love for God comes ONLY through Metabolized Bible Doctrine in the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul producing capacity for Category I love or Occupation with the Person of Christ. In addition, all Spiritual Common Sense and wisdom is based on Metabolized Bible Doctrine in the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul.

Contemporary Historical Interpretation

Americans like to face problems by ignoring them hoping they will disappear and this has been the basis of our foreign policy for most of our history. This is also the basis of our domestic policy and we try to ignore problems until they disappear and if they do not go away then we smother them by legislating them to death. Freedom from worry does not mean we should be ignoring the menace of the communist and islamic world and this freedom does not cause us to ignore the fact that the Russian and Chinese communists and moslems are vicious cruel animals and capable of every conceivable torture imaginable and have in fact practiced all of it. We historically have seen this in the tortures from the Chinese communists and North Koreans and Vietnamese and today the public tortures and executions perpetrated by moslems. They are animals and we should have in Korea and in Vietnam and in the middle east delivered to them total nuclear destruction. We are not to worry about communism or islam but we don’t ignore communism or islam and their evil either. There are 3 systems of communism and islam in the world and they all want to destroy us and all want to take over the United States very badly. We are not to worry about these things today but we must face the reality of this time in history which is that we are on the brink of national disaster in contemporary history and we must recognize that these EVIL systems are there and active and totally AGAINST our system of living.

The Wall of Fire and Control of History

There is a WALL OF FIRE AROUND THE BELIEVER IN SPIRITUAL MATURITY. The only way to build this wall is through Metabolized Bible Doctrine in the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul. We must return to the foundational principle of interpreting Human History which is that The Lord Jesus, The Christ controls Human History in several ways.

Directly through his deity under the functions of the Essence of God

Indirectly through the Laws of Divine Establishment functions

Permissively by allowing human volition to function freely in this phase of the Angelic Conflict.

Bible Doctrine is the key to historical interpretation and the whole content of ALL doctrines are essential for us to understand in order to properly understand history, past, present and future. Historical interpretation must be carefully related to Bible Doctrine, unseen angels, visible man and the Essence of God in The Lord Jesus, The Christ. Bible Doctrine is the only correct means of interpretation of Human History and to see it correctly believers must understand every Doctrinal concept from the total depravity of man to the details of the Essence of God and the divine decree.

Past History

You cannot understand Human History without understanding ROMAN History. Every believer sooner or later must be a student of past history in order to survive contemporary history at all. When you know history and Bible Doctrine and put them together this is where you develop historical interpretation ability which must be based on Divine Viewpoint. This results in you having the ability to resist the trends and the processes which lure believers away from Bible Doctrine and Divine Viewpoint. These trends and the propaganda supporting them are perpetrated in the news media and entertainment media in Drama, TV programs, Current Events and NEWS all of which are being slanted toward a liberal biased acceptance of what we know to be WRONG.

Systems of Historical Interpretation

In order to make a proper and accurate interpretation of history we must also

understand the various means of interpreting history in use today.

Geographic Interpretation: where civilization is related to presence or absence of rivers, mountains, natural resources, etc.

Historical trends demonstrate that all history, both the good and bad things of history are related to LAND. Land is always connected to much of the history of man which has to do with land as seen in the terms of ownership and titles such as Duke,