Spiritual Common Sense by Dr. Frank P. Ferraro - HTML preview

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The ritual of Circumcision in the Mosaic Law emphasizes the concept of Right Man / Right Woman in Marriage. When man has his Right Woman he is more inclined to go to war and fight for freedom and for free enterprise in business. His whole motivation and outlook on life is very different than when he marries the wrong person and they are dissatisfied with life because of their circumstance. In this instance motivation is soured and he is not motivated to go fight to save family home and friends because he has no friends having complained so much about his wife whom he dislikes so much that he in fact hopes the enemy would take her and the kids who get on his nerves also. This is also logically what occurs in a promiscuous society where there is no permanent family structure to stabilize the nation and individuals to motivate them to fight to maintain freedom. In addition when women have their own Right Man there is no motivation in them to engage in the concepts found under the women’s lib movement and therefore no frustrated females. When there is a preponderance of good marriages in any generation this changes things around in society and liberals become conservative and people get smart and relax in social life and get away from inordinate competition and other destructive things. This is true in any organization especially in local churches where frustrated women cause most of the problems in the organization. WE SEE THIS IN OUR NATION TODAY WITH RAMPANT WOMEN’S LIB DEMONSTRATED BY THE TV PROGRAM “THE VIEW” AND IN FEMALES WITH DESTRUCTIVE INORDINATE AMBITION SUCH AS AS NANCY PELOSI AND HILLARY CLINTON, THE MAJOR EXAMPLES AMONG MANY OTHERS.


Jews are protected by parts of the covenants from God to Abraham from any thoughts, words or actions directed in any way against them by gentiles, that is YOU and ME. Therefore how do we evaluate a Jew to decide whether to engage in any type of relationship with him.

Jews never call themselves Jewish Americans and we must never become involved in persecution or prejudicial treatment of the Jew. As an individual YOU evaluate them as you evaluate any other individual from your Norms and Standards and there is no difference in applying these standards to Jews or gentiles and therefore from the standpoint of individual evaluation there is no excuse for antisemitism. As an American you evaluate the person whether Jewish or gentile according to your norms of freedom, patriotism and establishment and these relate to every American and it does not make any difference what their race or even their color is. As a believer you DON’T, Judge others in order that you be not judged. In the Church Age as a believer in The Lord Jesus, The Christ the Jew is part of the Royal Family of God as we all are and is to be given the privacy of the priesthood just as we all also are.

As a nation in the middle east your evaluation of Israel will always depend on their attitudes and foreign policies and domestic policies and they have been and continue to be both anti communist and anti islam and therefore better than America with respect to their foreign policies. In the structure and function of Israel as a nation, when a Jew is taken hostage or chopped to pieces by enemies they retaliate and / or rescue them in force immediately. When Americans today are taken hostage we do nothing about it either way. The Israelis do take action and this is admirable and right and the way it should be and the British were like this in the last century and we were up through the end of the administration of Teddy Roosevelt.

As internationalists we must view them as we also evaluate gentile internationalists of all kinds and the United Nations organization is made of all kinds of nations and those who belong to and function in this organization are part of a form of internationalism which we must evaluate and consider as apostate and evil. If there are Jews in that realm they are considered wrong just as the United States is wrong in belonging to and supporting such an organization. Just as were Marx and Engels wrong because they were communist NOT because they were Jews and these 2 among others were plain unadulterated EVIL, BUT not because they were Jews.

Blessings from the Jews

The best efforts of all 3 gentile races combined have never been able to come close to produce a level of blessing such as is produced for humanity from the Jewish race. THIS IS BECAUSE 1 SINGLE MAN WENT ALL THE WAY IN TOTAL ADJUSTMENT TO THE JUSTICE OF GOD TO ULTRA SUPER GRACE, ABRAHAM. The JEW is the basis for blessing of the Human Race and no gentile has ever been nearly as great as Abraham, Moses and Paul and NO ONE EVER CAN BE AS GREAT AS The L