Spiritual Common Sense by Dr. Frank P. Ferraro - HTML preview

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A result of understanding the principle of authority: When you are in any organization you are always to be loyal to the authority of the organization. This does not mean you should allow yourself to be degraded by those over you nor does it imply you are to be a brown nose and advance in the organization by any means or at any price. It is however, essential that you understand one of the basic principle of life which is that no matter how bad or obnoxious or disagreeable the person with the authority is you must still be loyal to the principle of authority. Your loyalty does not mean that you have to like the person but that you must respect the authority that you are under which he represents. Having leaned this by being on the bottom first in an organization, when you are on the top side and have authority you must remember these lessons and as a result become a greater authority than the person under whom you had served. This is absolutely true in the military and any young man going up in the military must watch his superiors and give respect and loyalty but also learn what mistakes they make and make sure that he does not duplicate them. You must never destroy your honor and integrity for even a moment by disloyalty to authority. If you have to get out of a position for any reason never complain about your boss for it shows that you lack integrity and demonstrates that you are not amenable to discipline and have no respect for authority. This reflects on YOU and your character, not the person you obviously are maligning. Loyalty must exist as a result of understanding the principles of authority, the objective of living by the principles and thereby not succumbing to personality conflicts which are always great temptations but must always be avoided. Loyalty always goes in 2 directions, Loyalty must go to those over you and to those under you and if you do not have both you will be a poor leader. Some can be loyal to those above them but not to those below them. Many being loyal to those above them and having false motivation and desire to advance use those under them to advance and this is a grave abuse of authority. Some have loyalty to those below them but not to those above them. These should never be senior officers in any organization because of this lack of respect since they frequently get into personality conflicts with those above them who may be inferior to them but to whom they, nonetheless, owe loyalty. It takes both directions for loyalty to function. HOWEVER, IN ANY ORGANIZATION LOYALTY MUST GO DOWN TO THOSE BELOW YOU BEFORE IT CAN EVER BE EXPECTED TO GO UP FROM THEM TO YOU. This is why our military has so many problems, men do not respect the authority above them especially if it conflicts with what good men think should happen to them. Many officers are loyal to their men but not to those above them. As a result of this trend we have very few Stonewall Jackson or Robert Lee types since there must be loyalty both directions and a person cannot EVER be loyal ONLY in 1 direction and achieve greatness or success as a leader. When leaders are only loyal to their men they abuse their responsibility to higher authority which is supposed to make policy. Most men lose out when they are not able to put both loyalties into play properly and very few have both concepts of loyalty working in them. It is always the combination of the 2 which makes great leaders.

Common Sense & good judgment

Developed from Metabolized Bible Doctrine in the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul. This includes for both believer and unbeliever the understanding of the doctrinally originated Laws of Divine Establishment principles. The unbeliever sometimes just seems to be born with good common sense and there are some people so oriented to life that they are extremely practical but, in fact, all people have to learn what we like to call common sense. For the believer the easiest way is through consistent constant Perception, Cognition, Inculcation & Metabolization of Bible Doctrine. For the unbeliever it is an understanding of the value and necessity of function under the Laws of Divine Establishment.

Fairness & objectivity

To your command and avoidance of prejudice: For the believer this should be simple because any believer in Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God operates under the principle that justice demands justice and being a beneficiary of Justice you thus are fair and just to those under your command. This also comes from understanding of the Laws of Divine Establishment for both the unbeliever and believer and by being under authority before having authority over others.

Understanding of people

Their weaknesses and strengths: This means you must be able to command those who are weak and still get from them what your objectives demand. Many times people want a perfect organization but there is no such thing. The great leaders of history take what they have and do great things with it. You must be able to use what you have in the way of people and don’t try to get rid of them but try to integrate them in some way to the benefit of the organization.

Executive ability

To organize, categorize, systematize and to delegate authority: When authority is delegated those to whom it is given must be HELD RESPONSIBLE for their decisions and actions. This is extremely important and very few leaders understand this. By delegating authority and then holding responsible those to whom authority is delegated the leader then fulfills the concept of an ORGANIZATION.

Good health

An essential for good leadership: Bad health means bad leadership has personal concerns which are total distractions to effective leadership function. This is what hurt Napoleon so very much in the last 5 years of his career having lost his health before he went to conquer Russia. Loss of health means loss of nervous energy and all great commanders must have great nervous energy and great ability to concentrate. Caesar in his late 40’s was in perfect physical condition and this overflowed in his great capacity in every field. Napoleon burned himself out and having lost his health he could not maintain his concentration when it was most needed at Waterloo. This is true in any area of life and great men in any profession must have good health which can result in an excess of nervous energy. Health means endurance and nervous stability and comes from being in good physical condition.

Presence or Visual Impression

This is extremely important and some men have been called arrogant when they have displayed their great confidence for all to see. This