Spiritual Common Sense by Dr. Frank P. Ferraro - HTML preview

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To wait on God and function under the Faith Rest Drill (4 categories) and apply Bible Doctrine is always the economy of time. We save time by continued spiritual momentum through constant Perception, Cognition, Inculcation & Metabolization of Bible Doctrine and spiritual growth. We lose time by rejection of Bible Doctrine and Maladjustment to the Justice of God. Whenever a married man fornicates he begins to lose the authority from the Laws of Divine Establishment especially over his home. The Right Man and Right Woman were designed by God in Eternity Past and therefore there exists 1 woman to respond to one man and 1 man to lead one woman perfectly. There are some exceptions such as the rare case of celibacy or function under the law of supreme sacrifice like Paul (1Cor 9:5), Jeremiah, (Jer 16:2). This is designed for maximum concentration on Bible Doctrine and production of Divine Good. Every believer under the grace plan of God will eventually, at the right time and under the right circumstances, meet his opposite number and God will bring them together and to wait on the Lord is the economy of time. However there is no benefit in meeting the right opposite number unless you have in fact waited on the Lord in faithfulness to that principle.

From the negative standpoint fornication must be avoided; from the positive standpoint capacity for Category II Love is developed from consistent Perception, Cognition, Inculcation & Metabolization of Bible Doctrine therefore accumulating maximum Metabolized Bible Doctrine in the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul. Consequently the thought and life patterns with regard to sex and love must be based on the doctrinal principle that there exists on the earth one man or woman for you and no other will do. Any form of fornication is a case of a cheap substitute and there are no cheap substitutes for those who understand the doctrine and Plan of God. When you, as a male, are dating and sexually aroused the principle which you must follow is that you should protect another man’s Right Woman and avoid intercourse with the one you are with. Any man can do this, it is not easy but is the greatest sign of manliness.

The antidote to temptation in the area of fornication is found in spiritual growth and Spiritual Maturity of Super-Grace and Ultra Super-Grace. Maximum Metabolized Bible Doctrine in the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul rejects the concept of the Frantic Search for Happiness through fornication or adultery. Under phallic reversionism, fornication builds Scar Tissue of the Soul while destroying the physical responses and capabilities of the human body in the field of sex. This is why it is prohibited as it has both spiritual and physical repercussions. Maximum Metabolized Bible Doctrine in the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul + Abstinence from sex become the basis for maximum pleasure in sex in Category II Love.

Persistent and daily function under the Operation Z Grace Apparatus for Perception translates the principles of doctrine into the pleasures of doctrine and then into the pleasures and realities of life. Therefore the most important and greatest preparation of life is the daily consistent function under the Operation Z Grace Apparatus for Perception to reach Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God where once there GOD will provide the Right Man or Right Woman for you. Fornication therefore becomes cursing by association.

Female Competition

When women compete with each other they are never at their best and this competition destroys the natural femininity of response and inserts the aggressiveness of evil. Competition between jealous and arrogant women is a disaster for those in between. Women were never made to compete but to respond. The Women’s Lib movement is a fallacy and fabrication and women were not designed to be liberated but to respond and when they respond they are at their best and happiest. When a woman responds to the man she loves she is at her greatest and when she reacts to him and rejects his authority she is at her WORST. When a woman becomes frustrated in her relationship with her husband and rejects his authority she also rejects the authority of her Pastor Teacher and can destroy the Local Church or any other organization she is part of.

Happiness vs Sex

Sex was not designed as and never is a means of happiness but is to be an expression of a happiness which already exists between Right Man and Right Woman. No one every gains happiness from sex but sex is to be an expression of preexisting happiness from a Category II Love soul relationship. If you as a male become involved with more than 1 woman and depart from Category II love sex, you will destroy your own vigor. The vigor of sex and the reason it can go on for 100+ years is because it is designed for gender opposites, 1 woman or 1 man opposite in sex to you. The vigor of sex is in the rhythm of sex and this is destroyed when a man has sex with more than 1 woman and he may be great in bed temporarily but eventually he will be a worn out person and totally impotent.

A man fornicating with the wrong woman is like being chained to an idol and when it is all over he finds he has only an image made of wood or metal and he is are chained to it. By having sex with the wrong woman the reversionistic believer binds himself to an idol he has fashioned with his own phallus. This idol of man’s adulterous manufacturing is not the Right Woman created for him by God. Man in fornication has therefore intruded on the design of God and every act of fornication is another link in the chain binding the reversionist to the idol called sex. Every inconsequential person taken to bed is another link in the slavery to sex and the whirlwind which results from this is not worth it. Once the Right Woman comes along the phallic reversionist is so bound to the idol of sex that he has no capacity for Category II Love and therefore loses what God has in fact designed for him and for his happiness. This totally dispels the concept that you need experience when you come to marriage. The adulterous idol cannot satisfy, only the reality of right man or right woman can satisfy and the fornicator never waits for the real thing then when the real thing comes along he cannot even satisfy his Right Woman because he is still chained to an idol.

God is fair and when he says NO ADULTERY in the passages which forbid fornication it is all for a predetermined purpose. Our anatomy is designed to express the happiness we already have in our souls with our opposite member in category II love, and something which belongs to the privacy of 2 people cannot ever have anyone else be magnificent in it. When scripture is distorted it becomes a disaster. In addition on a bigger scale promiscuity on an extensive basis leads to national confusion. This is the permissiveness of promiscuity we see today in our nation which in fact has been encouraged by communism and more so by the evil practices of islam. Islam encourages both promiscuity and homosexuality and many other distortions of sexual experience and many people in our own government have been turned by the communists having been caught and photographed and then blackmailed with threats o