Spiritual Common Sense by Dr. Frank P. Ferraro - HTML preview

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Testing in the Life

Testing vs Divine Discipline

As members of the Royal Family of God, whenever we are in a situation where a necessity of life is not available this is NOT EVER Divine Discipline but testing of the most fundamental thing in the Christian Way of Life, our understanding of and reliance on Logistical Grace. Under the principle of Logistical Grace EVERY believer, all who at Salvation Adjustment to the Justice of God receive the imputation of the Righteousness of God, is eligible for and receives throughout his whole life Logistical Grace support. This support is to extend for their whole life from salvation to death. This support does not depend on whether the believer is good or bad, spiritual or carnal, involved in producing Divine Good or Human Good and Evil. It is also important to understand that when any necessity for life is not available it is the prerogative of the believer to demand that it be supplied by God, since it is part of our guaranteed temporal security. EVERY believer will be supported by God for his entire life and if and when any necessity for life is permanently withdrawn then it is time for that believer to go to be with the lord either by dying grace or the Sin Unto Death.

Not only should we thank God for Divine Discipline when it comes but also for testing when it comes. We must remember the principle that Divine Discipline and Testing are very different and the distinction between these is whether or not the situation is “TOLERABLE”. Divine Discipline is beyond our ability to tolerate, while testing is tolerable and passable when Metabolized Bible Doctrine in the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul is used to address the testing. Also remember, if you find yourself under Divine Discipline wake up and rebound for rebound takes the Divine Discipline pressure and turns it into adversity, ie. Testing for Blessing. If, and it is true, we have flaws, testing will bring them out and if there are failures in the life testing is the place to find them not when great disaster arrives.

Economic Testing

Economic depression as a test in life is also a test to see if we can recall and depend on the principles of Logistical Grace and stay where we are or if we will retreat into self gratification, sublimation, Human Viewpoint and failure. Under Logistical Grace principles it is the responsibility of God to keep all believers, especially those in or approaching Spiritual Maturity alive whether there is economic depression or prosperity. Logistical Grace MUST provide all needs for the believer who is approaching or in Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God. OUR ONLY responsibility is to “stand fast and watch the deliverance of the Lord”. Economic Depression is a test of physical provisions for life OR is God able to meet the needs of the believer when there is economic failure. We have faced this in the election of 1980 and 84 one candidate being elected would speed up economic failure the other would slow it down. We faced it again in 2016 where one candidate would surely have destroyed this nation quickly and the other bring some semblance of stability back to it and our 21 trillion dollar national debt.

Economic disasters as testing require that the disaster be REAL. Other REAL TESTS Can INCLUDE: loss of employment, being phased out in your profession, rejection by loved ones, loss of loved ones, ETC. In order for the economic depression test to be real the famine or economic crisis must be so heavy and severe as to place the believer in a hopeless situation outside his own resources. A TEST IS NEVER A TEST UNTIL IT PLACES YOU OUTSIDE YOUR OWN RESOURCES. The promise of God is obvious and is found in Job 5:20 “In famine he shall redeem you from death” where famine was the economic disaster of the ancient world. It takes food to live therefore God will provide food and all the means of keeping you alive both in times of economic disaster or in times of prosperity. Neither prosperity or disaster means anything to God for his resources are not and can not ever be strained by human adversity or historical disaster. Our human resources may be strained but never God’s resources and the only thing we need is to be properly oriented to God whether in prosperity or disaster.

Testing and Attitude Toward Bible Doctrine

No test must ever catch us when we are under Negative Volition to Bible Doctrine, antagonistic toward Bible Doctrine or when we do not seem to have TIME for Bible Doctrine. The attitude of this type of believer is that there is not enough time for everything in a day and something is more important that Perception, Cognition, Inculcation & Metabolization of Bible Doctrine. Sometimes they think that there is something they want to do which is more fun, or something is conflicting and is more important than bible study. The Grace Orientated answer is the Faith Rest Drill (4 categories) which says “stand fast”. The believer who has neglected Bible Doctrine is under Human Viewpoint and always is ready to run when testing or any adversity occurs. The principle which must be followed is: As long as God wants you alive in this world there is no one nor any THING which can take you out of this world.

There comes a time when no one can pray for you and your only hope is to have been saturated with Bible Doctrine along the way in life.