Spiritual Common Sense by Dr. Frank P. Ferraro - HTML preview

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Jer 15:2 And it shall come to pass when they shall say to you, `Where shall we go, what shall we do?' then you shall communicate to them Jeremiah, `So decrees the LORD: "Those who are destined for death are going to die, and those destined for military disaster are going to be destroyed in war; those who are destined for economic depression will die in famine, and those who are destined for slavery are going to live out their lives in slavery."

This is the kind of judgment from heaven where justice prevails and where by the people themselves have brought great testing or Divine Discipline onto themselves. This is our position in the United States in the year 2017. People who start neglecting Bible Doctrine become stupid. They physically MOVE from one location when the testing becomes intense in order to get to other places where they need more Bible Doctrine than they have in the first place in order to cope. By this reaction to testing they obviously get into more trouble than they had, in the first place. If you don’t have enough Bible Doctrine to handle testing where you are then when you go to where you need more doctrine you obviously will not have enough doctrine to handle it there. The neglect of Bible Doctrine eventuates in apathy which has to be challenged and there is nothing like economic disaster to challenge apathy toward Bible Doctrine. Apathy toward Bible Doctrine and loss of spiritual momentum can only be removed by something more powerful than prosperity and that is ADVERSITY. When a believer is neglectful of or rejects Bible Doctrine then God can only get the attention of that one believer, very often the average believer, by overloading him with ADVERSITY. Only in Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God Super-Grace or Ultra Super-Grace does God get our attention with OVERLOADED PROSPERITY. Everything in the Spiritual Life is reversed when the believer reaches Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God.

The ONLY thing in life which is more powerful than prosperity is DISASTER, natural, personal, or national. When you neglect Bible Doctrine something more powerful than prosperity is needed to get your attention and this rejection of Bible Doctrine will make you vulnerable to failure when the tests come. When neglect or rejection of Bible Doctrine has been occurring for too long a period of time it will not be possible to use Doctrine to meet any adversity. Adversity is stronger than prosperity but Bible Doctrine is stronger than adversity. When you try to work out adversities with your own efforts it often leads you to the place of Human Viewpoint, human function without God, sublimation, escape and total failure and there your problems will be compounded and intensified.

Running or Standing Still

Running from pressure situations never solves anything. Trouble avoided means trouble tripled and trouble which God does not terminate he intends for us to overcome with Bible Doctrine. You cannot run from a legitimate test from God without intensification of your troubles. Trouble cannot EVER be solved by apathy or indifference to Bible Doctrine. Trouble is always compounded when a believer runs from Bible Doctrine and when he runs from trouble he always adds more troubles. By trying to solve problems by the Human Viewpoint energy of the flesh we simply complicate life and add to the problems. As Bible Doctrine builds on Bible Doctrine by consistent Perception, Cognition, Inculcation & Metabolization under the Operation Z Grace Apparatus for Perception, solutions become available. Neglect of Bible Doctrine today means rejection of Bible Doctrine tomorrow and when doctrine is rejected it results in reversionism and entrance into the Interlocking System of Arrogance. Reversionism means intensification of adversity beyond all human help or human ability to handle it. In this manner we work our way into an incredible jam and God allows us to get way in over our heads and then HE bails us out but ONLY if we return to a statue of Positive Volition toward Bible Doctrine.

Divine interrogations are not for the purpose of information but to bring one to the realization of total helplessness. Some believers run away all of their lives and never face reality and as long as they run away they think of other ways to handle problems. Running away is never a solution and it is, in fact, avoiding reality. This does not have to be physical running but it always involves coming up with a variety of solutions or alternate situations to solve problems. This is not facing reality which says STOP RUNNING and allow the Lord to solve your problems. As long as you are still trying to solve your problems the Grace of God will not step in to solve them. As long as you want to solve your problems YOU WILL HAVE TO DO IT ALL YOURSELF BECAUSE GRACE ALWAYS STANDS ALONE. Grace and human energy are mutually exclusive each rejecting the other.

ALL problem solving must begin where the problem originally occurred or started. To have any real solutions to problems in life there must be a return to the source of the problem. This must happen to each of us and we must do this from our own volition. Divine solutions do not include running from any problem or the scene of any adversity. As a believer in The Lord Jesus, The Christ going back to an area of a problem to solve it (in reality to allow God to solve it) means that God will provide the Logistical Grace support for our to return to the scene of adversity. Many people spend their lives running away from problems and psychiatry assists people in running by taking them back to circumstances of early life and their environment attempting to demonstrate to them that some obnoxious trait they have is based on past life experience or their past environment. Once they discover this erroneous concept exists then they BLAME that trait on some past incident and thereby RUN AWAY in their minds from the problem. These are the People who change churches, jobs, start conspiracies, change spouses, etc. They blame the situation or problem on their boss or spouse or location or some other thing that they are running away from as a problem. Therefore it should be obvious that you cannot ever run away from yourself and people who avoid reality are running away from self. The only way people can totally run away from self is to commit suicide. Suicide never solves any problems and when a person commits suicide it is an announcement that in life they were TOTAL LOSERS and FAILURES. For the unbeliever like “Herman Geherring” it is an obvious total rejection of the gospel of The Lord Jesus, The Christ. In