Spiritual Common Sense by Dr. Frank P. Ferraro - HTML preview

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Historical Disillusion

This is the apparent destruction of a loved or respected one, passed by remembering the Plan of God and its perfection for EVERY believer.

Greatness in the Believer

What makes a person a truly great believer is that he can learn from both success and failure in his life. Many people are too stupid and ignorant, especially of Bible Doctrine, to learn from failure. From both defeat and victory, failure and triumph the mature believer must learn the importance of Bible Doctrine and come to a TENACIOUS attitude about the Essence of God. He must learn the total ineffectiveness of human resources and the total importance of divine resources and the Essence of God. The more he learns about his own shortcomings the more he will recognize the importance of the Essence of God and God’s abilities. The Ultra Super-Grace believer is prepared for any crisis in life and he is a seasoned veteran who reports for duty to God. The singularly important point to always remember is that God does NOT respect mankind and even a cursory study of the Essence of God will demonstrate the impossibility of that. God does have great respect for only one thing and he ALWAYS HONORS AND VINDICATES HIS WORD, BIBLE DOCTRINE and the believer in Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God is a man with maximum Metabolized Bible Doctrine in his Stream of Consciousness of the Soul.

Women, Waiting & Testing

In one of the greatest tests ever given ONLY 2 men were involved and their relationship with the Lord and the women were totally left out. All women are curious and were designed and born curious and it is a part of their response mechanism and femininity. When a woman tries to step over the boundaries of her role and assume prerogatives not assigned to her she is immediately in trouble. One of the greatest tests a woman must FACE in life is the waiting test. Ladies have a tendency to want to always superimpose their opinions or think their opinions are very important or feel that they must be heard. Women, as a group, today and for many decades, have been on a total ego trip and have LOST all of their femininity. This is the day therefore when the role of femininity requires phenomenal character and doctrine from the woman. If women would keep their mouths shut there would be thousands of extra men in doctrinal teaching churches all over the country. Women are designed to be beautiful, to be appreciated and protected BUT they were never designed to start throwing their opinions around and EXPECT to be heard in every area of life. One of the most beautiful things about a woman is her knowing when to keep her mouth shut especially when the monster husband appears to be making the biggest mistake of his life. ONE of the greatest and hardest things a woman must do is to keep quiet when they want to tell you what to do, give their opinion, show you a scripture of what the bible says about something, and show you how wrong you are and thus how right they are. This is how many women get their kicks and by so doing shed their femininity and become UGLY in their souls and it is the result of their rejection of authority. Ladies must remember that when it comes to any great or major issue for a couple in marriage then the HUSBAND must decide and the woman must go along for either the Divine Discipline or Blessing. The best thing a woman can do is BE THERE WHEN THE HUSBAND RETURNS BUT NEVER TRY TO TELL HIM WHAT

TO DO. Sometimes the woman has to stand by with a bucket and mop and be wonderful and just be there when he gets back and offer no critical conversation.

During GREAT Testing the Lord makes some things obscure to test your attitude toward the Essence of God and especially the Justice of God and whether you think God is or is not fair. He wants to see if you think God can handle the situation or if you think that you need to get in there and do something about the testing situation wondering if GOD IS FAIR. We all can and have at times gotten setbacks in our life because we never answer the question about this aspect of fairness in the Justice of God. Until our life lines up with some of the doctrine we have in our Stream of Consciousness of the Soul and we know, ABSOLUTELY, that God is fair, we can and must keep our mouth shut. We need not engage in revenge and need not attack others but must function correctly under Divine Viewpoint thinking, I WILL LET GOD DO IT since he is totally FAIR. ROM 12.

The Dynamics of application of Bible Doctrine to experience tell us that no believer can apply Bible Doctrine to experience unless that doctrine resides in HIS Stream of Consciousness of the Soul. The doctrine must be in the Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul having been transferred under the function of the Operation Z Grace Apparatus for Perception. Bible Doctrine in the Left Lobe of the soul is knowledge called GNOSIS and can be parroted back by the believer but cannot be applied to any life situation. In the Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul’s essence Bible Doctrine called EPIGNOSIS, can be applied to situations of pressure, adversity AND PROSPERITY in life. Occasionally you will run into someone who has learned a great deal of Bible Doctrine but it has never been transferred to the Right Lobe of the Soul and therefore has no application to their life in any way. They may be able to tell you many things from Bible Doctrine using the vocabulary but it has no application. The learned Bible Doctrine must be transferred by faith acceptance to the Right Lobe of the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul to become part of the personality of the person to be usable in life.

THE GREATEST THING A BELIEVER CAN AND SHOULD DO AT CERTAIN STRESSFUL OR PRESSURE TIMES IN LIFE IS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. This is one of the great secrets of the Spiritual Life and there are times when we must do things and times when we MUST do NOTHING. The hardest thing for believers to learn is to do NOTHING at times of pressure in life. Gossip, maligning, retaliation, and reaction to a situation, when it seems that something must be done, is the hardest thing NOT TO DO, but by relaxing and doing nothing very often this pleases the Lord and brings the solutions from the Justice of God. Most things which the Lord wants and which please the Lord have absolutely nothing to do with our action, service or works.


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