Spiritual Common Sense by Dr. Frank P. Ferraro - HTML preview

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The maintenance of peace by military deterrent is one of the most neglected doctrines in the word of God. Military victory always produces peace in the land of the victorious. It is battle and success in battle which brings peace and we are still to this day riding in relative peace from our victory in World War II. God himself has ordained peace through military victory and The Lord Jesus, The Christ controls Human History also through war and military victory. God protects the client nation from crafty evil warlike nations such as the Russian, Chinese and Cuban communists and islamic terrorists. In communism their speech is smooth, appealing and appeasing while they are constantly preparing for our destruction. The Lord Jesus, The Christ overrules surprise attack and aggression from the enemy and can accomplish through military function these things that become a deterrent to those who are using military to enslave and rob other nations. Therefore, God uses Just military to fight evil military and nations out of control. The Lord Jesus, The Christ protects the righteous nation, however, unfortunately, the United States of America is no longer a righteous nation. The only protection we have now is a result of those believers who press on and reach Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God Super-Grace. He, The Lord, will scatter the nations who delight in war (Ps 68:30). Those nations who hate peace and use war for conquest are always deceitful and should never be trusted and they all operate under Machiavellian principles and the only protection against such a nation as Russian or Chinese communists or islam is to fight until they are totally destroyed.

As long as people have Old Sin Natures, and they do and will to the end of Human History, the only true restraint against the Old Sin Nature functioning in crime is capital punishment and the only restraint against nations going to war to conquer others is to defeat and destroy them with strong military functions. We must always be prepared for war. A great nation is a nation which in every generation, whether there is war or not, all young men are trained in the military functions. From this there is profit in life in every way possible for the individual and also to the nation.

The importance of the Spiritual factor in the Concept of military function is demonstrated in the importance of the prayers of the military to the Lord God as a deciding factor in time of war. Setting up a security system against all enemies is part of this and preparation is essential. Factors in the Laws of Divine Establishment also involve setting up troop stationing and weapon distribution. In addition there cannot and must not be fear in the believer and he must know that the Lord the warrior HERO will fight for the mature believer in battle and the wall of fire is always there to protect him.

The purpose of war is for the perpetuation of national freedom and protection of fellow citizens, sons and daughters, wives, homes, property and country. Therefore proper preparation for war will prevent attack by an enemy who value their lives over your property. Many times warriors, military heroes, have been brought to shame by liberals and even to the point of them returning their medals with regret for killing the enemy in war. This is EVIL to the core. The key to never succumbing to liberal idiocy is having Bible Doctrine in the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul and never, ever must we ever be ashamed of fighting for our country NOT EVER.

The mature, Super-Grace and Ultra Super-Grace believer in warfare is an extremely important factor in the military. When believers have made maximum Adjustment to the Justice of God and are in Super-Grace or Ultra Super-Grace they are described as courageous in battle and putting to flight the invading armies. The believer in Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God is protected in combat and he will be redeemed from the power of the sword. The Super-Grace believer in warfare having Maximum Metabolized Bible Doctrine in the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul has both BATTLE and MORAL courage and WISDOM and Spiritual Common Sense to anticipate warfare and always be prepared for it. Super-Grace heroes DEFEAT the armies of those who invade their lands. No matter how great the disaster nor how much pressure historically or militarily there is in the life, there must always be consciousness of the perfection of the Essence of God and the capacity, under love for God, to appreciate it and function under it’s umbrella. The dynamics of the believer in Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God are beautifully demonstrated in the state of the mature believer in time of war.

We are commanded through Bible Doctrine to make war with wisdom but we in the United States of America rarely do this and since this nation has traditionally only picked up on the scriptural concepts of freedom. It is truly tragic that we do not have the corollary concepts of those things which must go with freedom, the strong and prepared and professional military having an attitude which deters attacks of invading armies and perpetuates peace in any nation.

Protection of the Nation

Within the concepts of the military it should be obvious that war is inevitable and the nation must be organized for war and this correct organization is the military. Under the Laws of Divine Establishment pertaining to Divine Institution #4 nationalism all national freedom comes through military victory. In military principles, any army to be successful must properly use the terrain. In addition, discipline is essential for success in anything in life especially in military functions. The rule is always, In WAR, When in doubt attack! 2 factors are involved in protection of national sovereignty and freedom:

Spiritual factors which are related to The Lord Jesus, The Christ controlling Human History Directly through his essence.

Laws of Divine Establishment factors whereby The Lord Jesus, The