Spiritual Common Sense by Dr. Frank P. Ferraro - HTML preview

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Spiritual Common Sense

Principles of Christian Living

Laws of Divine Establishment Principles


Contemporary Historical Trends – 1976 to 2020

Common sense is something which has to be taught and Learned Common sense is the application of things which you learn in life it is not instinctive.

Principles have to be taught and the application of these principles are common sense.



This is a summary, not so short, of WHAT WE SHOULD DO WITH DOCTRINE. When we have common sense principles of the Spiritual Life delineated by Bible Doctrine we will then learn how to Adjust to the Justice of God. This should offset the tendency to become weird in the understanding and application of Bible Doctrine.

Common sense

It must be related to training. You must be trained in life somewhere along the line and what we call COMMON SENSE has its origin in the training from parents and other people who appreciate the fact that in life whether at a party or living with people in very close quarters, thoughtfulness and courtesy are essential and have to be cultivated and trained and gone over and over again and again. We as Royal Family of God must be trained as royalty which, in the past, were trained through the discipline and structure of the most difficult of schools and the teaching of courtesy and manners was extremely important in this training. Everything in life which is worth knowing, being able to handle oneself in every situation in life properly, demands training and teaching and this is NO different in Christianity. The trend is to not engage in teaching in Christianity and this is why many if not most Christians are boors and terribly crude. A Person with unrestrained emotional activity, with emotion not being related to Bible Doctrine, is like a crude rude boor who no one wants around. There is no substitute for training in all aspects of life and during childhood all children must be constantly trained.

Spiritual Common Sense

It is based on Orthodox Fundamental Bible Doctrine and is an application of biblical principles someone in past history has made before us and our time. The number of principles elucidated in this study are extensive and interrelated. These are things which some great believer of the past has done and God the Holy Spirit has seen to it that they have been recorded for us so that we can learn from them in order that when we face the same types of situations and problems they faced we can have the same great victories and turn situations around for our benefit. The Application of the principles of Bible Doctrine we learn results in Spiritual Common Sense. There must be Bible Doctrine mixed into the Spiritual Common Sense principles to allow us to use and apply the doctrines and the principles. This compilation is a concentration of those PRINCIPLES OF SPIRITUAL LIFE AND OF SPIRITUAL COMMON SENSE so be sure to read them slowly and focus on them and even read and reread them as often as needed to inculcate them.

Consistency under ANTITHETICAL situations is the beauty of spiritual common sense. You never handle any 2 situations the same but there may be a case to handle antithetical situations the same. EX: You never go to court because someone maligns you, BUT if someone cheats you in business you go to court and sue them to the poor house. This is consistency in antithetical situations. You go to court to get a criminal convicted and if someone cheats in business they are criminal. God is the only one consistent throughout Human History. Total confidence in God and the Plan of God accompanies the primary zone of blessing from God for the Ultra Super Grace believer. If you get to this primary zone of blessing your friends will all say you are arrogant and dogmatic. Just leave this with the Justice of God because God has a great way of dealing with vacillating people. Only the believer in Maturity Adjustment to the Justice of God has the good common sense to exercise total confidence in the Justice of God no matter the situation or circumstances. The believer must have the ability to work out the commands of God without falling into the inconsistencies. As a result of having Metabolized Bible Doctrine in the Soul the believer must remain alert and flexible in understanding and executing the commands of God. For some this is the beginning of having a sense of humor which is an ESSENTIAL part of the Christian Way of Life. It is very easy to lose your sense of humor and all that is needed is for you to go to a Christian school, get involved with do good bleeding heart liberals, or Neglect Bible Doctrine.

Spiritual Common Sense is almost gone today since people generally have little if any interest in Bible Doctrine and want a short cut to everything in life. They want great and exciting experiences in life and therefore the consistent self discipline and the dedication needed to take in Bible Doctrine daily is very scarce. This compilation is an attempt to concentrate the principles NOT the detailed doctrines surrounding each principle and if the situational details are what you want or need then the study which these principles have been derived from is 1976 The Life of Abraham, which you can acquire from R. B. Thieme Jr., Bible Ministries, Post Office Box 460829 Houston, Texas 77056-8829; (713) 621-3740

The Grace Principle of the Plan of God
