Spiritual Common Sense by Dr. Frank P. Ferraro - HTML preview

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The Grace of God is all that God is free to do for man on the basis of the Substitutionary Spiritual Death of The Lord Jesus, The Christ on the cross. Because of the complexities of the Essence of God and the fact that the Essence of God must remain uncompromised in blessing mankind and not one single attribute of the Essence of God can be compromised in blessing man grace must always be related to the Justice of God. God must be JUST and fair in blessing YOU while not blessing someone else. This is the key to grace and understanding grace. Why can we, being no better than many unbelievers and not as good as some unbelievers, be able to receive blessing from God? We must never be jealous of the prosperity of the wicked or of the Super-Grace believers. Many people do not like to see believers blessed in a material way. There is a false doctrine prevalent in Christianity which says you must not prosper but suffer for Jesus and give whatever you have to others and live like Hippies in order to be a good christian and please God. This is a system of pseudo spirituality by asceticism and it says the more spiritual you are the less you will have in life. This is a totally false concept and rejects Grace blessing totally and GOD does bless with material and all other aspects of prosperity not generally associated with spirituality. Christians are generally not able to construe great prosperity and blessing to be associated with spiritual advance. The answer to why God can bless and his fairness in blessing some and not all is that blessing must always be related back to the Justice of God which provides MATURE blessing for MATURE Believers and all blessing must be consistent with the Justice of God. God cannot ever bless anyone and compromise his justice. His justice is immutable, unchangeable and uncompromisable and it MUST be fair to all. The Justice of God cannot be anything but fair to every member of the Human Race in both administration of Divine Discipline and provision of Grace Blessings.

God LOVES to take the believer who is quiet, plugging along, failing but using rebound and continuously moving ahead, and bless him. It pleases God to do this and give him prosperity in all areas of life. THEREFORE, INEVITABLY THE JUSTICE OF GOD IS LINKED TO THE GRACE OF GOD. Because of the judgment of The Lord Jesus, The Christ on the cross, blessing is open to mankind on the basis of the Grace of God. Grace always depends on who and what God is never on who or what we are. He is perfect justice and everything depends on the Essence of God and how it functions under the Plan of God toward mankind. God provides several series of blessings for man apart from his merit, ability, planning or energy. Under the policy of grace God gives and man receives WHAT MAN CANNOT EVER EARN OR DESERVE. THEREFORE THE JUSTICE OF GOD IS THE SOURCE OF ALL BLESSING TO THE BELIEVER FROM SALVATION THROUGH MATURITY INCLUDING SUPER-GRACE AND Ultra Super-Grace blessings AND ALSO THE REWARDS AND BLESSINGS OF ETERNITY.

THE PRINCIPLE IS THAT MAN’S EXTREMITY IS GOD’S OPPORTUNITY. The question arises “IF you get to the place of having capacity for appreciating the blessing but have already failed miserably in the Spiritual Life can you still receive the blessing”? Human legalism would say NO but the Grace of God and Justice of God says yes. When we reach a point of true blessing from the Justice of God we not only appreciate the source but have appreciation for the blessing as well. Unfortunately most often believers emphasize the blessing but not the source. Spiritual Maturity is making Adjustment to the Justice of God in time. Such adjustment makes possible the function of the Justice of God in providing maximum blessing in time and rewards in eternity. Such adjustment to the Justice of God pleases God and provides the basis for Super Grace and Ultra Super-Grace Escrow blessings. Ultra Super-Grace blessing is God being pleased by the function of the Justice of God. Perfect justice + pleasure == Ultra Super-Grace blessings. Ultra Super-Grace is the place of persecution, pressure and adversity called evidence testing but despite all of this, the believer who reaches this point will never be happier and will have the most fantastic things in life and enjoy them totally being in a place of being envied by those under the influence of evil.

With no spiritual content in the Stream of Consciousness of the Soul the result for believers is reversionism and with a vacuum created in the soul they are set up for legalism. Grace and legalism are mutually exclusive. Legalism cannot inherit with or from grace and there is no eternal inheritance for legalism. The legalistic following of the Mosaic Law makes slaves while following the grace Plan of God makes sons. Many people are slaves to legalism having accepted something for salvation or spirituality outside the realm of GRACE. They believe, as many do today, that you have to do something to really GAIN your salvation and you have to do something for spiritual advance such as give up something. Grace believers are always persecuted by legalists and reversionists because they always seek to persecute those with spiritual