Spiritual Families and Tribes by Dickson O. Adelusi - HTML preview

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How the Almighty God Created Jesus and Angels as Spirits but Humans as Souls

[This chapter attempts to show what was before the world was. Focuses on the beginning of things and narrows down to humanscreation and their default spiritual family before their fall and transfiguration.]

1. Mankind was never Spirit; he was created as a Soul.

2. “In Christian theology the soul carries the further connotation of being that part of the individual that partakes of divinity and survives the death of the body”.--Soul by George W. Moon

3. The sorrows of death compassed me, And the pains of hell gat hold upon me: I found trouble and sorrow. Then called I upon the name of THE LORD; O LORD, I beseech Thee, deliver my soul. Psalm 116:3-6

4. The LORD looked down from Heaven upon the children of men, to see if there were any that did understand… Psalm 14:2

5. Do you, O Soul, seek to understand, even, all the details?

6. In the sophistication of humans, they assume status to be weightier than matters of spirituality. Considering their social status, politics, business, academic qualifications and other physicality of our world, they would have a point to focus on the things that are visible than spiritual knowledge and its consciousness.

7. However, the day comes for everyone when our bodies shall become ashes and our eternal souls shall wait for the aftermath; this is the separation of the eternal Soul from the dying Body.

8. Because people die every day is one of the biggest proofs!

9. Where would you be? Do you seek to understand? Beings of Reason

10. There are two forms of Beings of reason known to humans and these forms include Spirit For example, God, Beings in Heaven and Fallen Angels. (John 4:24, Hebrews 1:7, Psalm 104:4) and secondly, Soul For example, humans (Genesis 2:7)

11. Whereas, the Soul is carried in the animal body which makes him dwell and be visible in the land of the living humans.

Among the living Beings known to humans, there are only two forms that are Beings of Reason. The two living forms of beings known to humans are Spirits and Souls. Apart from these Beings, there are other living things which God created to serve the Beings of Reason. Examples are living objects such as animals, plants, planetary bodies, earth, waters, air, fire and others, both visible and invisible. Needful to keep in heart that the Creator of all living things is a powerful Spirit, everything He formed has spiritual potential of His mysteries, therefore, all the aforementioned creatures possess spiritual potential including the plants and planets.

12. In the Beginning of Everything before Spirits’ Heavens and Humans’ Planets were Formed

13. The first Being holding the mystery of every other creation is the Supreme Spirit; we can save our questions for how this supreme Spirit and Creator was formed if we make it through to meet in the coming new and eternal world. Isaiah 43:10

14. This same Almighty Spirit has seven manifold Spirits. Later in humans’ world as it is today, the Spirit poured out of His seven manifold Spirits upon humans of today and it is referred to as the Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost upon humans. Joel 2:28

15. A popular question any inquisitive person might want to ask is about how the Spirit came to be. Maybe there is an answer, you will find out when you get there. For the meantime, read: “…what is that to you? …” John 21:22

16. This [Eternal] Spirit formed [begot] his first creature directly by himself; this is the most powerful thing he ever created and he, probably, stopped direct creation.

17. So that this first creature whom he created in Spirit form like himself becomes his only –begotten- creation; created directly by him.

18. Every other creature was created through the first creature and as a loving gift for the first creature.

19. All other creatures were formed through the first creature according to the will, instruction, glory, honor and power of the first [Eternal] Spirit and for the pleasure of the One [Eternal, Supreme Spirit], the Giver of life.

“…that the [Eternal, Supreme] Spirit-- gave the humans his only begotten –creature-…” John 3:16

“… [the only begotten creature] who is the image of the invisible Spirit [God], the firstborn of every creature…”

Colossians 1:15-20

“All things were made by him [the only begotten creature]

…” John 1:3

“For you [the Almighty] created all things, and by your will [at your instructions] they were created …” Revelation 4:11

20. As written earlier, the first Spirit created his first and most beloved creature as a Spirit like himself; you can replace the word Spirit with Deity or God so you can have an understanding that there was a Deity or a God before anything was.

21. Then, after the creation of the first creature [a Spirit, too], there are two Gods, Deities or Spirits. To differentiate them, we can use spellings like:

God [Creator] and god [creature] OR Almighty God [Creator] and God [creature]

Spirit [Creator] and spirit [creature] OR Almighty Spirit [Creator] and Spirit [creature]

Deity [Creator] and deity [creature] OR Almighty Deity [Creator] and Deity [creature].

22. These two living Beings –the God and a god-- have been living for eons before any other thing was created. They must have been enjoying a cordial relationship in timelessness.

“And now, Father, glorify me in your presence with the glory I had with you before the world was” John 17:5

“That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have looked at and our hands have touched [him] – this we proclaim concerning the Word of life.” 1John 1:1

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with [the] God, and the Word was [a god].” John 1:1

“He was with [the] God in the beginning.” John 1:2

23. “In the beginning”, as found in narratives in the Christian [66-Books Jewish] Bible, refers to a period when there was no time. We need to get the picture very clearly that it was only the Spirit and his only begotten spirit that ever was before anything else was created. They two have enjoyed a close and loving relationship for eons before the creation of others.


24. The Almighty Spirit name was revealed to Prophet Moses in the Jewish Holy Bible and the revealed spelling is YHWH. Popularly pronounced as Yahweh and translated to the English language as Jehovah.

“And I appeared unto Abraham, unto Isaac, and unto Jacob, by the name of God Almighty [Allah, Olodumare], but by my name JEHOVAH, was I not known to them.”

Exodus 6:3

“That mankind [humans] may know that you, whose name alone is JEHOVAH, is the Most High over all the earth [humans’ universe including all their accessible planets and space].” Psalm 83:18

25. The very first name of the first creature is what we cannot say we know for sure, but we know the name that was later given unto him before coming to humans’   world   to   complete   the   mission   which Jehovah sent him.

26. The name given after his first [unknown] name is Jesus Jesus the Christ.

“She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people [his disciples and his believers] from their sins.” Matthew 1:21

“You will be with child and give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus.” Luke 1:31

“Therefore, God [the Almighty Creator] exalted him [the only begotten creature] to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name. That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth.” Philippians 2:9-10.

27. Yet another name is given to him [the only begotten creature] which is different from Jesus. This name is a lovers’ secret between Jehovah and Jesus for no one else knows the name. This name would only be revealed in the new world from Heaven

“…and he has a name written [by who?] on him that no one knows but he himself.” Revelation 19:12


a. Jehovah is the Creator that was not created. He is the source of all creatures and the Giver of life.

b. He created Jesus and, through Jesus, Jehovah created every other thing that has life in it.

c. The love between Jehovah and Jesus cannot be fathomed or described.

d. Jehovah formed everything for his own pleasure and to delight Jesus.

e. Jehovah and Jesus have been enjoying an inseparable relationship since the timeless period before the worlds and the inhabitants were formed. It has always been the two of them from the beginning.

f. The secret of every creature is with Jehovah; he can create or destroy anyone, anything, anytime, for any just reason. He can never be overthrown; this is power!

Juice #1

No one would not love God the Almighty if only they could behold his beauty. The most beautiful of all things cannot be more beautiful than Him.

The beauty of God can be very irresistible; beautiful in all situations. You will simply fall in love with him at first sight, wondering who this is.

If only you can see him, but he deliberately hides himself from carnal eyes.

No one would not want a relationship with God; to be proud of Him as your Father.

Even if He rejects you, you will still go behind Him claiming His Fatherhood.

Seeing his wealth than all world billionaires, even than trillions; seeing His power than all world armies and politicians.

If only you can see them, but they are deliberately hidden from carnal eyes.

No one would not fear God the Almighty if they came near His Throne.

The thunders that will make every part of the body shake for fear.

The mysterious and fearful voices from God knows where. The seven lamps of fire and the lumens of lighting your eyes cannot behold.

If only you would ever get there.

Angels and Other Spirits

28. The Holy Bible did not give details about how or when Angels were created. The Holy Bible simply made highlights about the resources used to create an ArchAngel called Lucifer [which you can read more about him later in this book].

29. The Holy Bible also mentioned that at the creation of earth [humans’ universe], that the Angels [Sons of God] shouted for joy.

“Where were you when I laid the earth’s foundation? Tell me, if you understand.” Job 38:4

“while the morning stars sang together and all the angels shouted for joy? [for a completed beautiful project – a new living estate]” Job 38:7

30. We cannot write much about the creation of the Angels because the Bible deliberately did not give us enough information about them, their hierarchies, names or purpose.

31. But one thing is certain that the Angels were created as Spirit, in the spiritual being of God himself; Angels are not souls.

"In speaking of the angels he says, 'He makes his angels spirits, and his servants flames of fire.” Hebrews 1:7, Psalm 104:4. NIV

32. In the beginning before genesis time, [genesis time, as we know, began in the record of things that happened in Genesis of Christian Bible], the morning star and the Angels were already in life.

33. The Angels witnessed the creation of humans world but not all the creatures in Heavens were present at the spot where God created the humans.

34. God formed man as a soul and not as a spirit, therefore, man has no spirit [but the life in him is called spirit in some human languages]

35. Except, of course, if the spirit that we refer to in humans means the “life”, that breath of life.

36. The Being of Mankind is Soul since creation

"And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul." Genesis 2:7.

Juice #2 [food for debaters debates can inspire research]

Do you remember the Great Two?

The God and a god. The eternal lovers, loving one another from eternity to eternity. In timelessness.

This love affair is, literally, a Father and Son relationship. So sweet one. God the Father decided to delight his son and so he proposed other creatures.

The Bible Book of Colossians 1:16 shows that everything was created for His son.

To bring other creatures to life, God the Father is, perhaps, giving the command; The command for what to be created and the empowered Jesus fulfills it.

We do not know the things in heavens, how they were formed, or even the Angels. But we see how the command-line worked in Genesis chapter 1 from verse 3 Now lets bring young ones, youths and elders to a thinking table.

When God gave command of what to be made, Jesus executes the command, in some cases, through ministering Angels. And there are some that the Word would not need Angels for. What are your thoughts about this? “Let there be”, “let there be” and “let there be” can also sound like instructions?

Then, in Genesis 1:26, God said, “Let us make human in our own image, in our likeness...”

Was God talking to many creatures or just one creature? “Let us…”

If God was talking to just one creature, who would that creature be? How many creatures have the likeness of God, the image of God?

Does mankind have wings or special parts like Angels?

But if it is an invitation to all spirits, then Let us make man like us, in our image could mean that, “let us make mankind a reasoning being like us”.

What are your thoughts?

Capability of the soul in spiritual world

37. Man was never a Spirit. Man was created as a Soul and the good part is that the Soul can see and communicate with the Spirits.

38. Adam saw God and communicated with God in the Garden of Eden before the Glory of God left him and he became trapped in Flesh.

"And they [Adam and Eve] heard the voice of JEHOVAH God walking in the garden in the cool of the day: and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the LORD God amongst the trees of the garden." Genesis 3:8

39. Genesis 3:8 was not the first time that God would come to visit Adam alone before Eve was formed for him. And He continued to visit them both.

40. If Adam continued to see God and talked with him before his fall, can any other creature be more Spirit and invisible than God?

41. Therefore, the Soul, stand-alone, can see and communicate with the spirits without any need for enhancement.

42. However, since the Soul was wrapped in the flesh, it now uses the eyes and ears of the flesh which cannot see or hear the spirits, except, it is enhanced.

43. The process of enhancement is a spiritual process.

44. Humans are now Soul in the Flesh container. The human Flesh that trap the Soul is not far different from animal flesh.

The process of enhancement of soul-in-flesh is spiritual.

45. Therefore, do not feel offended when Biology refers to humans as Homo sapiens, and a family of mammal animals. [Although, the Biological Darwin theory of evolution remains untrue, knowing how we were formed.]

46. Humans are Souls trapped in animal Body.

Genesis 3:7a records:

"Then, the eyes of them both were opened, and they realized they were naked; "

The eyes of the soul which can see spirits were closed and transformed into carnal eyes and other sense organs.

What happened to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden is what I refer to as TRANSFIGURATION.

Their form was transfigured. An example that establish the possibility of transfiguration is in Matthew 17:1-13.

Humans form shall be changed again through the process of redemption and salvation from carnality and damnation after God's Day of Judgment. ref.: 1Corithians 15:52

Spiritual Tribes

[In the title of this book, apart from Spiritual Families, the Spiritual Tribes refer to the difference in form, purpose and capabilities of each group of spiritual beings. The Christian Bible shows that the Seraphs are different from the Cherubs. So, too are the Elders in God's Throne different from the hosts of other Angels. The word “Tribe” in the context of this book does not take only the

appearance of the spirits into consideration but their purpose, capabilities and to a far extent, their traits.]

47. There is actually undocumented agreement in spiritual teachings by spiritual teachers of light that in the beginning, [before time was] everyone in Heaven and Heavens above belong to one spirit fold but in different tribes.

Note for this book title that all the below statements can be correct:

“Spirits and spirits' tribes” “Spirit-beings and their tribes” “All the spirits in tribes”

“Spirit-family and tribes” “Spiritual Family and Tribes”

“Spiritual Families and Tribes”, where there are more than one family.

Souls and Tribes?

48. Tribes also exist among humans.

49. This is evident among humans for the fact that there are different cultures and traditions of which a large number of people exhibit similar traits and have similar physiology and chemistry. [This book attempts to explore the spiritual world and also shows that there are two spiritual families and each family has different tribes. Overall, there is more focus on spiritual families than their tribes in this book]

50. As humans continue to go after spirits and spiritual practices for numerous reasons, there is a

need to understand the spiritual realm better. [This book may not show you all about the spiritual realm but it may offer good basics to prepare you for a new approach to life entirely.]

Burning of Souls for Eternity

51. This sounds like a torment that will never end, although it is literal.

52. The reality today is that there are two spiritual families and one of the families vowed to burn the other family in a lake of fire for eternity, along with any soul that aligns with them.

53. This human world is temporal and this is why you see people still die in this world.

54. Everything in this world will be destroyed by fire at the appointed time and the One who said so is the Spirit that humans call the Almighty God of Heaven.

55. Do not blame Him and do not try to judge because He is forever faultless. [You will find out the reason He vowed to burn them on the pages of this book.]

56. Eternal burning will certainly happen because everything that this Almighty God says always happen.

57. This is not a threat from him, it is a judgment upon the other spiritual family but every soul can avoid this judgment in simple steps.

58. Although, there were already two spiritual families before Adam and Eve were created [the Parents of all humans]

59. But Adam and Eve belong to the spiritual family of God and not of Satan.

60. At a time in human history, the Glory of God left humans so that they become wrapped in Flesh and they saw their own nakedness as read in Genesis 3:7

61. Subsequent curses followed their erring and humans’ connection with God was broken.

62. The good news [Gospel] is that God has fixed this broken link in our time so that humans can communicate and belong to Him again and forever in His love, pleasure and treasure.

“Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they realized they were naked…” Genesis 3:7. (Were they not seeing with their eyes before? Of course they were but it was their form that changed; the eyes of their soul was shut and that of flesh, opened transfiguration.)

63. Part of the definition of sin is the disobedience to God’s commandments and this is what Adam and Eve did; they disobeyed God and became sinners.

64. For violating a governing law of God, they became like state criminals –sinners!

65. Jesus confirmed that sinners belong to the family of Satan and not of God, because God is too Holy (and lawful) to behold or tolerate sin (outlaw). (1John 3:4-8, John 8:42-44)

1John 3:4-8

“4 Everyone who sins breaks the law; in fact, sin is lawlessness. 5 But you know that he appeared so that he might take away our sins. And in him is no sin. 6 No one who lives in him keeps on sinning. No one who continues to sin has either seen him or known him. 7 Dear children, do not let anyone lead you astray. The one who does what is right is righteous, just as he is righteous. 8 The one who does what is sinful is of the devil, because the devil has been sinning from the beginning. The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the devil’s work.”

John 8:42-44

“42 Jesus said to them, “If God were your Father, you would love me, for I have come here from God. I have not come on my own; God sent me. 43 Why is my language not clear to you? Because you are unable to hear [understand) what I say. 44 You belong to your father, the devil…”

66. The law they violated to become sinners was when God warned Adam and by proxy, Eve, in the reference in Genesis 3:3. Also, read Genesis 2:17.

“But God did say, 'You must not eat fruit from the tree that is in the middle of the garden, and you must not touch it, or you will die.” Genesis 3:3. (They chose death when they chose to eat the forbidden fruit, therefore, they become trapped in a dying body. This is the first death)

67. Now, since the Soul has become trapped in the Flesh, it sees no Light of God and hearing from God, his Word or his Angels becomes rare, anti-social and burdensome.

68. The Soul now depends on the sense organs of the flesh and the science of the physical world to survive.

69. But for God so love the humans of the world, he allowed a vacuum in the heart of their Soul which is the seat of life so that it can be filled with His Spirit. This vacuum is what causes the spiritual hunger in humans, including those who denies or repress their interest in things of the spirits' world.

70. The Holy Spirit as an interim spiritual enhancement offered by God for as many humans that would receive it to walk through this first world.

71. It is not only the Holy Spirit that can inhabit the vacuum  in  humans’  hearts,  other  spirits  can. However, no spirit can dwell in any human without permission, spiritual debt, curse, spiritual inheritance by lineage, oppressive invocation or offensive spell. [Jinx is real by demons-inhabited lives, affecting them and people or things around them. Demons are spirit as well who can dwell with humans because there is a vacuum in humans that spirits can occupy. It is the reason that Jesus' works involved casting out of demons many times.]

72. The best place the Holy Bible points that the spirit can dwell in humans is their hearts. Take as illustration, your fleshy heart that pumps blood is the seat of life because in blood is life; Also, your Soul’s heart is the seat of life because spirits can possess that space in your unconscious world. More reason God asked that you should give him your heart in Proverbs 23:26.

73. As you get deeper into spiritual knowledge, your sub-consciousness would be able to communicate spiritually. Yes, spiritual communication is another milestone in spiritual journey and deepening and you should be able to do that consciously without night dreams.

74. The highest level [spiritual milestone] is for you to use your spiritual consciousness and ability to create physical change; to make something happen in the physical world through creation, recreation, transformation or destruction of realities or situations.

75. Science does not believe in creation or destruction of matter but believes in transformation; whereas, creation and destruction are possible in the spiritual realm and causing a resultant physical evidence in humans destinies, governments, things, places and in all other things.

76. The heart [humans are naturally unconscious of it] of your soul is the abode of spirits and your meeting realm with them; and you will decide which kind of spirit you want to allow to dominate that space since you have autonomous authority over that space [your realm]. You can either renounce and revoke the permission given to the demon spirits or cast them out of occupation that happened through spiritual debt, curse, spiritual inheritance by lineage, oppressive invocation or offensive spell. The process of casting them out is through spiritual activities of true knowledge of light.

77. The human has now become a being to choose. He must now choose which spiritual side he prefer to belong between the two spiritual families that were before he was created.

78. By default, mankind belongs to the family of God upon his creation.

79. The sin he committed is a choice he would ever first make in his life and whether he chose well depends on your judgment about God.

80. The Loving JEHOVAH has given mankind a way out of the eternal burning judgment upon the second family so they can use a bridge [blood of the sacrificed Messiah] to cross back into his family; for as many who will receive JEHOVAH’s offer.

81. All the spirits belong to two families and each spiritual family has different tribes.

82. Most of the spirits reach out for the heart [spiritual realm] of every Soul because they all want to gain more Souls to drag them along; one family to eternal life and the other to eternal destruction.

83. Even God Almighty wants the human heart so that His Spirit may dwell therein till you walk through this first life.

Genesis 6:5, Genesis 8:21, Jeremiah 17:9, Ezekiel 36:26-27,
Proverbs 23:26, Revelation 3:20.