Spiritual Families and Tribes by Dickson O. Adelusi - HTML preview

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ArchAngel Lucifer Defiled God’s Government and Broke the One Big Family of All Spirits

[This chapter briefly examines concepts of ruler-ship and the need for someone to be in charge of the people and material resources in humans world. It then compares the same need for who should be in charge of, to rule over, every living thing and space created. It considers the governance style of heaven to be familial. It began as one family,then broke into two families with many Tribes and Heaven became one family again]

1. We have an understanding so far that there is One who was before anyone and anything else, and by whose will and power, all things have their being.

2. Also, before the creation of all things as it were and as it is, the first creature of the One is Jesus.

3. Since they [all heavenly beings] became more than two with a massive number of heavenly spirits [hosts], and unending [formed] space available to be inhabited, there is a need to allocate territories, heads and responsibilities.

4. The One needs just a few heads to rule over all the heavenly territories and the heads can commission others to help them govern better. The One does not really work with large numbers of leaders or heads, yet He can be with every creature side-by-side all the time as the Omnipresent.

5. The One [God] as known does not depend on large numbers to get things done.

6. For example, all of his spirits are only seven; he created the humans’ world in six days; there are just twelve tribes of Israel; there are only twelve disciples for Jesus; and God used Gideon with just three hundred soldiers [not the movie but you can watch and enjoy the movie -300 Spartans] to defeat an entire Midianite Army, among others.

7. More so, studying how few spirits were granted access into the Throne of God despite the battalions of Angels available and surrounding the Throne, we can only infer that God works with small numbers or committees to prove further that his strength is not dependent on his many creatures.

8. Therefore, we can agree, perhaps, that the allocations of territories, hosts and control in Heaven would not be very large numbers.

9. The heads of these allocations have direct and regular meetings with God in his Majestic Office (Heaven is God’s Throne/Office –Isaiah 66:1).

“Thus says the LORD (Almighty God), "Heaven is My throne… [which of the Heavens?]” Isaiah 66:1

“behold, heaven and the heaven of heavens cannot contain Thee…”1 Kings 8:27

behold, heaven and the heaven of heavens cannot contain Thee…” 2 Chronicles 6:18

behold, heaven and the heaven of heavens cannot contain Thee…” 2 Chronicles 2:6

10. This may be the possible macro-management [or leadership] style in Heaven by assigning few spirits into really large allocations that cater to the responsibilities of so many.

11. The few selected spirits are rulers as well under the ruler-ship of God; they are authorities, dominions, principalities and powers.

“far above all rule and authority, power and dominion, and every name that is invoked, not only in the present age but also in the one to come.” Ephesians 1:21

“and in Christ you have been brought to fullness. He is the head over every power and authority.” Colossians 2:10

12. Position, status, rank, hierarchy and as such did not start in humans’ world, it has been in the societies in Heavens.

13. The beauty of these positions and responsibilities in Heavens is simply that every privileged post holder was accountable, responsible and having the fear of judgment from God the Almighty Ruler for any abuse of power.

14. No section of spirits in Heaven were treated as masses who deserve no life or denied access to decent life.

15. Everyone seems to have access to power and level of autonomy without any rights’ infringement.

16. They must be living more like family members, in different sizes and capabilities, as all of them, including the ArchAngels and other rulers, look up to the Almighty Creator as their Father.

17. Societies in Heavens sounds utopian?


18. Multitude of people dwelling in a given large space of land and water will certainly need a Leader or King. This has been the practice in humans’ world since ages past.

19. The people always have their Heads or Kings. The Kings rule over everything in the territory including people, land, water and the resources thereof.

20. It is also a practice that when one King dies another King should emerge because someone must be in charge of everything.

21. The reality in our world is that there are different people and places, so, there is more than one leader, king or ruler over regions and all.

22. Rulers emerge before or when there is need for it and this is a fact in human history.

23. The first thing that humans love to rule over is the land, waters and the resources therein [altogether, material resources].

24. Usually as first settlers, humans claim the material resources in the newly found unmanned space. The uninstalled ruler tends to protect the material resources for self and the immediate family and may be willing to share sections or regions with other first settlers.

25. They may eventually set up a government for, firstly, security reasons as proactive or reactive measures to thwart external threats intending to take the material resources from them.

26. They may agree to have a central government that would have more power than the subordinate governments [the subordinate government's are assumed to be the blocs of newer settlers].

27. There would be someone sitting on each government at the subordinates and at the center.

28. Instead of unitary rule, they may as well agree to keep a secretariat at the center for regulatory responsibilities while the agreeing subordinates [governments] remain sovereign. The governments in different geographic regions may be formed.

29. For the record, in human monarchy, the material resources are usually the first priority while the inhabitants [humans] usually fall on the second level of priority and may be further differentiated as indigenous and foreign settlers.

30. The ruler-ship over material resources may also include that which is present outside their territory like the infamous colonial masters in the world.

31. This observation about government priority is proven by the loudest theme in human history, in terms of monarchy and oligarchy government forms. However, human democracy either presents or pretends to do otherwise by placing the humans in the first place of priority

32. The bottom line is that, through the agreement of a few first settlers in a space and exploding into a space occupied by thousands or millions of people, there will be creation of a governing system with a ruler or committee of rulers sitting on it.

Two cases of Settlers [Kings or Rulers] in history Case Study One: Ruler-ship in Yorubaland

[“the history of Yoruba people", ''Oduduwa",''Benin Kingdom” and other related links are topics explored on Wikipedia to write a summary of Yoruba history as it complies with the context of this book.]

33. This is intended to let you see clearly by fact that when there are many people occupying a space and especially, with material resources, there would be a need for government.

34. More so, if someone among the settlers emerge as a monarch and form his or her cabinet and subordinate governments, such monarchs would probably want to place their child(ren) in charge of their government after their demise.

35. Sometimes, if they annex or take over a new territory or kingdom, they may elect to install their child as King in that newly overtaken Kingdom.

36. Can we say it is the same way God has promised to install His only begotten Son, Jesus as King over all the new coming world?

Read below a few highlights, from here and there according to thirteen Wikipedia pages, about the Ruler- ship in Yorubaland according to history [Keywords: Yoruba history, Oduduwa, Obatala, Yoruba Kingodms, Yoruba People, Yoruba Idols and Ancestors, Lamurudu and related pages]. Yorubaland is the ancestral land and resources of the Yoruba people.


37. The history of the Yoruba people begins in Ile-Ife.

38. This kingdom was founded by the deities, [never mind the word deity as used for they are mortals like you with knowledge and access to mystical powers from Fallen Angels and with their claim to have made physical contact with the Almighty God] Oduduwa and Obatala, – who are believed to have created the world as sent by the Almighty God who they refer to as Olodumare.

39. Oduduwa was the first divine king of the Yoruba people, and Obatala fashioned the first human beings out of clay.

40. Popularly, the ancient Yoruba people believe that their civilization began at Ile-Ife where the gods descended to earth.


41. The People in another Kingdom called the Benin Kingdom requested Oduduwa to come and be their King, but for his age, he granted them Oranmiyan, his grandson, to rule over them.

42. Oranmiyan was resisted by Ogiamien Irebor, one of the palace chiefs, and took up his abode in the palace built for him at Usama by the elders now a coronation shrine in the 21st century).

43. Soon after his arrival, he married a beautiful lady, Erinmwinde, daughter of Ogie-Egor, the ninth Enogie of Egor, by whom he had a son.

44. After residing there for some years he called a meeting of the people and renounced his office, remarking in vexation Ile-Ibinu ("ile" means land, "binu" means anger, and thus the kingdom was called Ibinu, which was mispronounced Bini in the 15th and 16th centuries by the Portuguese).

45. This was out of frustration as he was often told that "only a child born, trained and educated in the [spiritual] arts and mysteries of the land could reign over the people".

46. He arranged for his son born to him by Erinmwinde, Eweka, to be made king in his place, and he returned to Yorubaland thereafter.

47. His son the new king was soon found to be deaf and dumb, and so the elders appealed to Oranmiyan.

48. He gave them spiritually charmed seeds known as "omo ayo" to play with, saying that to do so will make him talk. The little Eweka played with the seeds with his peers at Egor, his mother's hometown.

49. While playing with the seeds, he announced "Owomika" as his royal name.

50. Thus, he gave rise to the tradition of the subsequent Obas of Benin spending seven days and nights at Usama before proceeding to announce their royal names at Egor.

51. Eweka thus started a dynasty that now bears his name.

52. Oranmiyan went on to serve as the founder of the Oyo Empire, where he ruled as the first Alaafin of Oyo. His descendants now rule in Ile Ife, Oyo and Benin.


53. The Ethnic group became popular internationally due to their trading with the Portuguese which also gave them guns for their trade.

54. The Yoruba were invaded by the Fulani in the early 1800s, which pushed the people to the South. In the late 1800s, they formed a treaty with the Fulani people and were colonized by the British in 1901.

55. The people who lived in Yorubaland, at least by the first century BC, were not initially known as the Yoruba, although they shared a common ethnicity and language group.

56. The historical Yoruba developed in situ, out of earlier (Mesolithic) Volta-Niger populations, by the 1st millennium BC.

57. This shows that Oduduwa and his entourage met some early settlers on that land before emerging as Rulers.

58. Archaeologically, the settlement at Ile-Ife can be dated to the 4th century BC, with urban structures appearing in the 8th-10th Centuries. "Between 700 and 900 A.D. the city began to develop as a major artistic center,"

59. And, “by the 12th Century, Ife artists were creating bronze, stone, and terracotta sculptures." The phase of Ile-Ife before the rise of Oyo, ca. 1100–1600, is sometimes described as a "golden age" of Ile-Ife.

60. The reality today is that not all the Yoruba people believe that they have the blood of either Oduduwa or Obatala in them.

61. Although they are from that geographic part of the earth as their ancestral land, both Oduduwa and Obatala are not the source or ancestors of all Yoruba people today.

62. The Yoruba people who are about forty million worldwide are about four times more than the people of the United Arab Emirates as at Year 2018.

63. Therefore, if they are referred to as a nation, it is worth it.

64. But for democracy, those who would continue to rule the nation (Yorubaland) would remain the heirs of Oduduwa and Obatala, despite that all the Yoruba people are not from these two men.

65. Can we compare the Ruler-ship patterns of the Almighty God with the Yoruba Ancestors? For both God and these two men installed their children and heirs on their thrones and also recommended their children to go rule a place in their stead. Just as God promised to install Jesus Christ as the eternal King over the earth in the new earth that God Himself is building, and is to come? (Revelation 21:1-3, 5)

66. Maybe not!

67. Firstly, no man, any creature and absolutely nothing can be compared with God.

68. Of the differences, the people who inhabit Yorubaland and claim it as ancestral land are not from the same parent.

69. And a big difference is that they did not create the humans as they claim and may not know the desires of humans and can be incapacitated to make unceasing supply for their supposed creatures.

70. Unlike God who is the Creator, knowing what humans can ever desire, need or want and having the power and invisible resources to make unceasing supplies available to all creatures.

71. Also, God did not migrate into an existing space to find all creatures ready and form his government over them. He created everything; they were not.

72. However, the similarity in their patterns is that Oduduwa tends to install his heir on the throne to rule in his stead. This pattern we have seen in God who is to install his only begotten Son, Jesus as King over all the new coming and undying earth.

73. Also, all the rulers under the ruler-ship of God are the Sons of God. We shall read more about other Sons of God apart from Jesus.

Juice #3 [An African man once came down from the sky]: In that era, humans still fought to steal other peoples’ land and resources. They annex land, chase the settlers away, pitch their tent and raise their flags on it. Farther away, they push them into thick forests to resettle and restart. Pitifully the people run for their lives at the sound of Invaders’  approach.  The  people  who  had  no  potent physical weapons for warfare became vulnerable. But for how long shall they keep running? They have met different fallen angels in the "forbidden forests".

They have continued to learn spiritual arts and weaponry. They continue to make sacrifices to appease the fallen angels and the Almighty. Their most potent defense and means to resist invaders are now spiritual arts and fortifications. Now, if two men and their entourage shall conquer an inhabited territory; lacking manpower, they need more than weapons, they need wisdom. The first settlers believe so much in spirits and with these two men been vibrant in spiritual arts, they can make the people surrender their territory to them and establish their Kingdom. One of them must find out the spiritual process for a man to come down from the sky mystically.

That act is powerfully wise!

He is better than most world conquerors who spill blood to cease territories. So, in a very impressive and wise way, he descends from the sky with a mystical chain.

He taught the people spiritual arts and wisdom. His ethnic people are one of the wisest people in the world today. But when their wisdom is corrupted by lust and greed, they can be very dubious and unreliable.

Case Study Two: Ruler-ship of Abraham?

Before we read more about the other Sons of God, let us examine a more homogeneous people and nation. Homogeneous because they are from the same parents – Abraham and Sarah. Unlike the children of Oduduwa and Obatala which are not homogeneously the same family. Spiritual emphasis on Isaac of Abraham and Sarah who different from Ishmael of Abram and Sarai.

74. After long period of waiting for the promised child, Abraham and Sarah gave birth to Isaac

75. And Isaac gave birth to Esau and Jacob.

76. Jacob gave birth to twelve sons who, eventually, became the twelve tribes of Israel.

77. Did you miss any part in Bible records that Jacob himself was renamed to Israel by God's Angel [a god]?

78. And so his off-springs agreed as a nation under the name of Israel.

79. This implies that the Israel nation can be called the Jacob nation.

80. Esau, the brother of Jacob became a nation called Edom of Edomites and today in 2018, Edom is part of Israel, Jordan and Palestine.

“And as for Ishmael, I have heard you: I will surely bless him; I will make him fruitful and will greatly increase his

81. God fulfilled a promise He made in Genesis 17:20 by making rulers come out of Ishmael indeed.

82. Most Arab nations in the Middle East came out of Ishmael as God had promised Abraham.

83. Jacob, Esau and Ishmael occupy the Middle East of our world?

84. Just add a number of former inhabitants –the Canaanites– and the answer might be yes.

“The whole land of Canaan [Middle East], where you now reside as a foreigner, I will give as an everlasting possession to you and your descendants after you; and I will be their God.” Genesis 17:8

85. In case you are still in doubt how or why so many nations came out of Abraham, read:

(God) He took him (Abram) outside and said, "Look up at the sky and count the stars--if indeed you can count them." Then he said to him, "So shall your offspring be." Genesis 15:5

I will make you very fruitful; I will make nations of you, and kings will come from you. Genesis 17:6

I will surely bless you and make your descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and as the sand on the seashore. Your descendants will take possession of the cities of their enemies. Genesis 22:17

I will make your descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and will give them all these lands, and through [one of] your offspring(s), all nations on earth will be blessed [salvation and blessing]. Genesis 26:4

86. Abraham is a good example of how God multiplied one man to become many nations.

87. Let  us  examine  Jacob,  one  of  Abraham’s grandsons, who had twelve sons and each multiplied to become many people in each tribe having ruler and rulers for each tribe.

88. Break the ruler-ship in Israel to Councilors and Governors per tribe and an overall ruler over all tribes. In an undying world, Jacob would be the overall ruler over Israel.

89. And Abraham might be recognized as the Supreme Ruler of the entire Middle East.

90. In such a scenario, whereby Abraham would be the ruler of rulers in the Middle East, bear in mind that his sons would be in positions of his subordinate rulers. Just like the Yoruba ancestors installing their heirs (sons) as Kings in other Kingdom and to reign after them.

91. This similarity of installing one’s child on thrones and principalities seems to be a divine practice since God also installs his Sons on thrones.

92. To avoid confusing a number of readers having written about Jesus being the only begotten Son of God, it is important to mention that there are other sons of God.

93. The created angels have no other Father than God. The Bible shows us where God refers to the angels as his sons.

"I said, 'You are "gods" because you are all sons of the Most High.' Psalm 82:6

One day the sons [angels] of God came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan also came with them. Job 1:6

On another day the sons (angels) of God came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan also came with them to present himself before Him. Job 2:1

94. Therefore, when God was assigning persons to positions of ruler-ship in the heavens, they are all his sons. Whereby Jesus still remains the only Begotten Son of God [directly formed by God], the Prince of Heaven and about to be given the Ruler-ship of the new coming, and undying earth.

95. It must be like family governance where the citizens and rulers are members of the same family of God.

96. Having drawn you into the matter of settlers, positions and the office-holders, should we not also talk about the title of the position and the name of the office-holder?

97. Is the name of a position or name of a title not different from the actual name of the person in the office?

The Almighty God and the Ruler of all Creatures

98. The Almighty God can be referred to as King for being over and in charge of everything that exists in all cosmoses.

99. One thing that does not make such a title reference his wholesomeness is one characteristic of Kings for being installed or taking-over.

100. The Almighty God did not take-over from anyone and he was not installed, therefore, some persons may feel that the King does not describe the wholesomeness of God.

101. How best he titled himself in Exodus 6:3 is “…I, as the God Almighty…” and he did not title himself as King, anyway, but He is the eternal King over all.

102. Another title that can best describe him as the overall in-charge of all worlds and their fullness is Ruler, Supreme Ruler of all worlds.

Is it a taboo to refer to God as King?

103. It is not a taboo to refer to God as a King

104. The fact that God is called by many titles in praise, prayer and in kind, often makes his worshipers refer to him as King.

105. However, no one can limit the titles of God to any selection as many people love to use different titles that translate into glory, power or honor to describe God.

106. The same time, God can only be God and nothing less is the opinion of many people.

107. Some also feel that instead of giving him title in our own description, why do we not better acknowledge him by his name?

108. Do not ever forget, we are talking about the Creator of all lives and not just a governor, president or king.

Isaiah 14:12 - 14, Revelation 12:7

Lucifer said to [Fallen] Angel Malphas "join me to cease government from Yahweh and raise my throne above His, then I shall make you my second in command. All the best fighters, including many cherubs, have joined me and we are certainly going to succeed." [Fallen] Angel Malphas fell for Lucifer's vain promise like many humans are falling today by selling their Soul to Satan.

After the war that broke out in Heaven, God could straightly judge Lucifer and his loyalists angels who fought to overthrow Him. But God may be seen as mean, too authoritative and afraid of being replaced knowing that the Angels are very intelligent beings. God delayed the judgment...

God, in His kindness, must prove to the Heavenly Beings that it is in the best interest of all that He would remain the Supreme Ruler forever. This necessitate the creation of humans [Adam, then Eve] after creating their world [the battlefield for demons to continue to test their power against God if they can still succeed to return to Heaven and overthrow Yahweh]. Mortal instruments would play sensitive roles in the spiritual warfare until God would finally judge. Many humans would take side with Lucifer like the gog and magog which are vessels carrying demons to destroy vessels carrying the Holy Spirit. Psalm 2:3 exposed a cut-them-out plan.

God is a title and not His name

109. Whosoever is crowned King has his own name so that the word King is but a title and not the name.

110. Although the Holy Bible reveals that no human numbering system can quantify the number of saved Souls by grace (Revelation 7:9), let us take for example that one trillion Souls make it to the Kingdom of God [in the new coming, and undying earth] as saints.

111. And if we divide one trillion using the estimated Egyptian population, as at 2018, at officially ninety- five million people, then we shall have about 10,526 eternal Kings approximately in countries the size of Egypt each in the new coming and undying earth.

112. Of course, there will be other positions like Governors or Mayors and Local Government or Neighborhood Rulers.

113. This analysis is just an insight that there will be other human Kings in the Kingdom of God whose reign shall be eternal (part of whom the Almighty Spirit has promised King David of Israel that his throne shall be established as King forever, 2Samuel 7:16).

114. Because the Kingdom of Heaven on earth is for humans and Angels would not be Kings over us, but regenerated and transfigured humans would rule under the authority and constitution of King Jesus Christ as Jesus shuttles new Heaven and Earth.

115. This Kingship above other human kings is the reason for the Almighty God to have confirmed Jesus as the King of all Kings and because there will be military status too, the Almighty, also, pronounced Jesus as the Lord of all Lords. (Revelation 19:16)

116. But do not forget that King is a title of a position and not the real name.

117. After the Almighty had made everything glorious, and kingdoms and principalities, even before man was formed, He revealed a Throne of His, so that he directs all the affairs of all creations in all the cosmoses from that Throne.

118. The Throne is in the Heaven above, though, God dwells above all Heavens, but His Throne is in Heaven.

119. Who else deserves to sit on this Throne and be the LORD over everything in all of the existing cosmos?

120. Who should sit down on this God Throne and take the glory for life and existence?

Isaiah 42:8 reads

"I am the LORD (Jehovah); that is my name! I will not yield my glory to another or my praise to idols.”

121. And because no one else deserves to sit on that Throne than Himself alone because of what He said in Isaiah 43:10 below:

"You are my witnesses," declares the LORD, "and my servant whom I have chosen, so that you may know and believe me and understand that I am he. Before me no god was formed, nor there one after me

122. Jehovah then sits on the Throne as God that He is. The Throne did not make Him God, however, it is the Throne of God.

Revelation 4:2 reads as:

"At once I was in the Spirit, and there before me was a throne in heaven with someone sitting on it."

123. Bear in mind also that the word God is a description of unfathomable Being and of a position. However, his name is Jehovah, translated from the Hebrew word YAHWEH in the original manuscript as YHWH. Take note of His name, JEHOVAH!

124. In addition, there can only be one God, who sits above all things.

125. Revelation 4:2 did not happen recently because Jehovah has been God before anything or anyone was. And He has been on the Throne before man was created.

126. He has been on the Throne when Jesus and all Angels in Heavens worship him and give him glory as the LORD over everything that exists.

How is Jehovah the Father ruling heaven as family government?

127. Despite his unlimited and invincible power, his loving-kindness is towards all his creatures as his own family (Psalm 118:29, Psalm 145:8-13).

His loving-kindness: Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever. Psalm 118:29

The LORD is gracious and merciful; Slow to anger and great in loving-kindness. The LORD is good to all, And His mercies are over all His works. All Your works shall give thanks to You, O LORD, And Your godly ones shall bless

They shall speak of the glory of Your Kingdom and talk of Your power; To make known to the sons of men Your mighty acts and the glory of the majesty of Your kingdom. Your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, And Your dominion endures throughout all generations. Psalm 145:8-13

128. You can read from above quoted scriptures that God is King above all. He is the true loving Father to all and he referred to, even, his Angels as Sons of God in Psalm 82:6.

129. Jehovah the God is gentle, slow to anger, kind, loving, caring and all of the good virtues of life are His delight.

130. For eons, it has been one big family of God ruling and living together in the Heavens.

131. Although, there may be different kinds of tribes like the Elders, Seraphs, Cherubs and others as ordained in ministries and hierarchies, but they are all one big family of God.

132. Everyone in Heaven obeyed the governing laws of God which means no one in Heaven has ever committed any sin which results from rejecting the Godhood of Jehovah or disobeying his governing laws until Lucifer did.

133. There is only One Supreme and unopposed Ruler over-all and there are other anointed rulers subject to Him.


Then, two families with many Tribes

134. The struggle for position and status as it is in human reality seems to be a furtherance of some power-hungry spirits that now dwells in humans’ world and fueling human greed and lust for power.

135. For Jehovah the God is slow to anger and that is why one of His important and powerful ArchAngel who was very close to Him has been sinning from the beginning and God tarries to destroy him.

136. The Holy Bible reveals that death is the reward for sin (Romans 6:23), yet the God has not killed this ArchAngel because God wish for him to repent and come back to wisdom. 2Peter 3:9

137. But instead of repentance the angel went from sin to rebellion.

138. The name of this Arch Angel and the Guardian or Head (Ezekiel 28:16b) of God’s Cherub is Lucifer.

139. Lucifer continued to disobey the governing laws (1John 3:8) of God in Heaven and practiced malicious acts.

140. Then, after Lucifer became extremely comfortable in sinning (disobeying God’s governing laws) and raising malice against God, he conceived a new ambition.

141. With this ambition, Lucifer will commit more than a forgive-able sin; he was going to call God to a challenge.

142. He was going to tell Jehovah that He alone cannot be God forever and that he is a new contender for that ...Throne of God.

143. In practice, ideally, if a king is not dead, another one should not emerge. Therefore, Lucifer had determined that Jehovah must die, submit to him or be sent on exile so that he, who is Lucifer, can sit above the Throne of God in Heaven. Isaiah 14:12-14.

144. Was Lucifer ever wise to have thought of overthrowing God, his Creator? Were it Lucifer, would he have created a being that will eventually over-power him, overthrow him, subdue and shame him? Was Lucifer not thinking deep through wisdom?

145. Well, he was created a wise and intelligent ArchAngel before Ezekiel 28:17.

146. He became proud of the wealth of wisdom, power and splendor that God gave him. His heart became over exalted above the will of God and he felt like he no longer needed God or to be under Him.

147. Jehovah seems too weak to be his Ruler and Jehovah can either shift or allow that there should be two Gods or he will take the Throne entirely from the Almighty.

148. His wisdom was corrupted, first, for his continuous sin and pride.

149. The WORD [Jesus] of God came to Prophet Ezekiel in Ezekiel 28:11 and revealed something until verse 19. A scholarly reader of these scriptural verses would claim that God was speaking of the King of Tyre but a seer with discerning Spirit will know that it is a coded revelation telling us a glimpse about Lucifer and his fall.

150. In the same vein, there is a coded revelation in the book of Revelation 12:4, where the word star represents the Angels.

151. Through discernment, we understand that Lucifer convinced a large number of Angels in Heaven to join him in his war against God to take the Eternal Throne.

152. The scriptures wrote this in plain words that Lucifer, who is now the Dragon and Satan, fought and his Loyal Angels fought with him against the Angels [or Stars] of God, all in Heaven. Revelation 12:7

153. Meanwhile, before the war broke out in Heaven, there were already two sides or let’s put it as two families.

154. The first spiritual family in Heaven at that time was God and His stars [the Stars represent Gods Angels] read Isaiah 14:13a.

155. And the second spiritual family in Heaven at that time was that of Lucifer [Satan] and his Stars [his Stars are his loyal or supporting Angels].

156. The scripture gave us an insight into how large the family of Satan was in Heaven as revealed in Revelation 12:4 that one Angel in every three Angels in Heaven elected to join the family of rebellious Lucifer.

157. The number of Angels in Heaven at the time of revealing was thousands {(1000 times 1000) — UNIT 1} of thousands {(another 1000 times 1000) —UNIT 2} and ten thousand times ten thousand {(10,000 times 10,000) —-UNIT 3} as it is written in Revelation 5:11.

158. In simple arithmetic, thousands could be “1000” raised to the power of at least 2 or more but let us take the least possibility raising it to the power of 2.

159. Then, use the simple linear equation herein to resolve the above parameters (UNIT 1 times UNIT 2) plus (UNIT 3) which equals 1,000,100,000,000.

160. This number is the least guess of the two-third of Angels left in Heaven as at Revelation 5:11 when Satan and his Angels were no longer there.

161. However, be assured that the number of Angels in Heaven, before and after the division, cannot be numbered by human’s numbering system.

162. The wisdom is in Revelation 7:9a which points that human numbering could not number the great multitude.

163. This shows that the Thousands in Revelation 5:11 could not be raised to the power of just two.

164. This arithmetic also shows that at least seventy- two demons can move with every one of about seven billion people on earth, (world population estimate as at 2018).

165. Demons [Fallen Angels] are evil; evil forces, negative forces and unseen forces; they do not work any good. They carry on the anger of being condemned for eternity.

166. This also implies that there are at least seventy- two strongholds that guarantee failure in every human’s life. Frustrating all attempts and endeavors to succeed.

167. Meanwhile, there are already two spiritual families in Heaven at this time before the creation of mankind and they are those with Jehovah and the others with Lucifer.

168. Will Lucifer get the Throne and reward his loyal Angels or would Jehovah still remain on the Throne as God?

Heavenly family became one again, but two families on earth.

169. The pride and rebellious ambition of Lucifer had garnered plenty of support in Heaven.

170. The good thing in Heaven is that the majority did not elect to join Lucifer’s faction unlike on earth.

171. Then, malice and wayward underground politics continued in Heaven, where, Lucifer was soliciting support to increase his family members [his support base]

172. Eventually, war broke out in Heaven and there was intense fighting until Lucifer and his loyal Angels had exhausted their power against the Armies of Heaven under the command of ArchAngel Michael.

173. At the end of the war in Heaven, Lucifer was pushed out into the earth and his loyal Angels fell with him.

174. His loyal Angels who fell with him are now referred to as Fallen Angels in humans’ word but the Scriptures call them Demons. The Scriptures also renamed Lucifer as Satan [enemy of God], Devil, Ancient Serpent and Dragon. Revelation 12:7-9

175. Meanwhile Eden and/or Garden of Eden are on earth and not in Heaven.

176. Neither Adam nor Eve was ever in Heaven or has ever been there. See John 3:13.

177. Upon the fall of Satan from Heaven, as he walked through the earth, up and down (Job 1:7), he found the Garden of Eden in the East [Take note that Satan had fallen short of God’s glory before the creation of Adam and Eve]. There and then, he went into the Garden to study the creatures in it.

178. [Satan spies, studies and draws strategies; he is a creature who values knowledge].

179. At that time, the Guardian Cherub with sword of flame was not yet assigned to prevent entry into the garden.

180. And because Satan is full of anger to destroy every creature on earth (Revelation 12:12), for him to find a creature like Man with resemblance of God is running him insane.

181. Satan, who loves the idea or position of God, must have thought that this is the god of the earth as God has truly made him to be.

182. Satan was determined to take the godhood, kingship, ruler-ship and dominion of the earth from the man. Genesis 1:27-28.

183. Satan used one of his three most used themes of strategies which is (1) deception or luring among other two which are (2) influence and pressure and (3) force, threat or fierce fight. These entire three most used themes are to make man bow to him and/or follow him. The last stage is always force, a fierce fight with hard challenges or situations in human lives.

184. In a nutshell, Eve and Adam were deceived to disobey God’s commandment which is part of His governing laws and they became criminals, offenders, outlaws or sinners.

185. The man failed to use his wisdom that Satan was actually asking him to choose death since God had warned him that the day he eats the forbidden fruit, he shall die.

186. The man believed Satan instead of God!

187. Since God and Satan had said two opposite things, one of them must be true and the other, a liar.

188. Like the Fallen Angels, Adam and Eve preferred the promise of Satan hoping that Satan can make their lives better.

189. The same way many people seek help from the Priests of Satan and Fallen Angels today, hoping they can better their lives.

190. For a very short time, Adam and Eve got what they wanted because their eyes became open, but not quickly realizing that they had become Flesh.

191. The eyes of their souls, which have the capability to see God and Heavenly Beings, are closed but of their flesh were opened [Transfiguration].

192. Adam and Eve gave birth to Soul-in-Flesh like them and with the inherited curse in Genesis 3:14-19 for all their offspring.

193. Although Adam and Eve repented and sought many ways to return into the spiritual family of God but they must first rest in Sheol after the first death until the Judgment Day when they and other saved souls shall be reunited fully with God.

194. Even their child, Abel, whose heart was upright with God must rest in Sheol.

195. The Grace shall enter Sheol but for once, so that as many who shall receive the Gospel shall be redeemed into the spiritual family of God.

196. After that one time entry into Sheol, there shall be no more grace in the grave, for it is laid down for all men to die but once, after that is Judgment. Hebrews 9:27. [Yes, there are spiritual arts to bring back the dead through the demons, but it is condemned by God the Almighty. The reincarnated soul can no longer receive salvation because the first death had taken place. Salvation must be received before the first death of any person and those who received the salvation before the first death cannot be reincarnated through knowledge and capabilities of demons Fallen Angels. Those who are reincarnated are fully aware and regularly visit their graveyard, do not let anyone deceive you that you were reincarnated.]

197. Before the Good News of Salvation came to earth, humans were considered part of God’s family in their hearts, thoughts, words and deeds.

198. They have been marked for salvation so that when the blood is shed and the body is broken, they can lay hold to this ritual of God’s only Begotten Son for their ransom away from Satan, even in Sheol. So, Jesus’ salvation for just once in Sheol! [Jesus, after his death, went to Sheol –the world of the dead– for three days to preach salvation to the dead and mark the souls who believe in salvation. On the third day, the Spirit of God from Heaven raised him out of the dead back to life. When a person dies, the body decays but the soul goes to Sheol to await the Judgment Day of God. Another place the souls are trapped after death beside Hell is in the Seas as for those who died in waters and the souls of the disciples of Jesus who are murdered because of him are under the altar of God until the Judgment Day. All the dead are in these three places - Revelation 20:13, Revelation 6:9].

199. As many who received the Son of God are given power to become children [family] of God. John 1:12, 1 Corinthians 15:4

200. Now, there are two spiritual families on earth.

201. One of the families is Satan’s, where all his Fallen Angels and all un-saved humans belong. All humans are naturally part of Satan’s spiritual family because he had enslaved Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden and all their children have legally become his natural inheritance, except those humans who reject him and opt for God’s family.

202. The second spiritual family on earth are those that receive the forgiveness and salvation of God through Jesus before and after the first appearance of Jesus Christ on earth.

203. The humans redeemed from Satan’s ownership through the salvation of God are now part of Gods spiritual family on earth.

204. On earth, only humans can still become part of God’s family because Satan and demons can never again. Their eternal damnation and irreversible judgment by God led to their wrath against humanity; determined to drag all souls into the fire along with them even when they pose as humans’ helpers.

Whatever thing, whosoever, any god, idol or ancestor that you fellowship with or worship that is not [directly] the Almighty God places you in the family of Satan. Under the Divine Order, only God must be worshiped.

Under the same order, humans can fellowship with God within the atmosphere of the Holy Ghost in the name of Jesus Christ.

Nehemiah 9:6, Revelation 22:8-9, John 14:6.