Spiritual Families and Tribes by Dickson O. Adelusi - HTML preview

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Most Humans Belong to Satan; See the Spiritual Family Identifiers

[This chapter shows the most common traits that categorize humans into one of the two spiritual families, whether consciously or unconsciously. And also highlights what takes many people into the spiritual family of Satan and demons]

1. Since Satan conquered Adam and Eve and took the ownership of their lives and their seeds away from God, he became their father.

2. No wonder Jesus said to the un-saved people that “…you belong to your father, the devil and you carry out your father’s desire [as Lucifer and demons spirits inspire and motivate them]… John 8:44”.

3. Every family has a father and Jesus confirmed in the above verse that Satan is the father in his own family, where demons and unrepentant humans belong.

4. However, in the spiritual family where Jesus and Heavenly Angels belong, Jehovah God is the one and only Father. John 20:17.

5. The litmus tests for which spiritual family anyone may belong to is written all over the Holy Bible.

6. Only to discuss three major spiritual family identifiers in this work. These three spiritual family identifiers include (1) Holiness/Sinfulness [which means   either   keeping   God’s   governing   laws   or rejecting them], (2) Worshipping who or what and your choice Spiritual Fellowship (3) The choice of source for help or backup power to fulfill your desire.

7. For information, the two spiritual families cannot stay together or move along together in agreement because one of the Fathers of the spiritual families is a Jealous God.

8. However, more than one tribe of the same spiritual family can easily agree and get along.

9. Sin    is    (1)    the    transgression    of    God’s commandments, (2) disobedience to “Thus says the LORD” in the Holy Bible or through His genuine ministers, (3) rebel or persecution of God’s statutes and anywhere or in anyone He puts His name, and (4) immoralities in thoughts, words and actions.

10. Those who run away from sin are seeking holiness while those who despise holiness are deepening in sin.

11. No one can love both sin and holiness!

12. Those who love Jehovah and recognize Him as the Head of their spiritual family demonstrate their submission by obeying the governing laws of the family.

13. It is a very clear and simple representation that those who keep the governing laws of the Government of God are keeping themselves holy and those who reject the governing laws of God are sinners and belong to the spiritual families of Satan.

14. They prefer to keep the governing laws of Satan because, yes, Satan also has his own spiritual or governing laws.

15. Lucifer had enslaved humans, through Adam and Eve, and they cannot naturally keep the governing laws of God because they do not have His Spirit in them.

16. No matter how hard they try, they will feel morally enslaved and would not be comfortable that holiness is a way of life.

17. Whoever disobeys the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:3-17) commits sin and whoever does not meditate in the Word of God (Joshua 1:8) is not ready to find prosperity principles in God’s spiritual family. Discover God's principles for success in the Holy Scripture!

18. Whoever does not keep “Thus says the LORD” or “I am the LORD” in the Holy Bible or through His genuine ministers in the church today commits sin.

19. Genuine Ministers of God? Pray for a discerning spirit from God and be sensitive in the spirit. The simple guide is that we shall know them [whether genuine or false ministers of God] through their fruits and the kind of their “Thus says the LORD”

20. Disobeying “Thus says the LORD” is sin because when the Father and Head of the family speak, the supposed-child and family member reject or neglect it.

21. Whichever minister of God in today’s church that says “Thus says the LORD” when the LORD has not spoken commits a grievous sin because he or she lied against God the Father. An abomination!

22. You are also to discern whether the ministers message is scriptural.

23. In spiritual realities, those who sin belong to the spiritual family of Satan. 1John 3:8.

24. Since Satan and his Fallen Angels were thrown down to humans’ world, they continued in the tribes which they used to be in Heaven.

25. Some of them were Angels of light, thunder, fire, metal bodies, treasures, wisdom, warfare, waters, love and many others.

26. There is no Angel without special ability or power and they can control a wide range of elements, objects, activities and situations.

27. Angels are very powerful beings and so powerful that just one Angel can transform into a large water.

28. Like every other being that God created, each Angel has their power limited to certain measures as given.

29. Since the Demons fell with Satan from Heaven, the purity of their ability and power became corrupt. [Now in an impure state.]

30. This is why the Angel that had power over true love before the fall can now control lust, infatuation and unholy, unconscious or spell-love.

31. And indeed, some Fallen Angels have power over the seas, metal, thunder, rain, warfare and so on.

32. Except God or His Heavenly subjects suspend or override the powers of the Fallen Angels, nothing can stop them from continuing to amaze humans with signs and wonders.

33. Because those things that they are capable of doing are things that ordinary humans cannot do and they are wonders worth beholding.

34. That is why, since history, humans like to go watch magic shows.

35. In essence, the Fallen Angels and Satan are present in humans’ world and they have the capabilities to win the hearts of humans over with amazement and surprises.

36. Many of the (Fallen Angels) Demons have become idols that humans worship since history till today.

37. And because they have capability and power to make things happen in diverse ways from one spiritual tribe to another, the people keep exercising faith in them.

38. The people worship and connect with them using their principal elements.

39. One example is the “god of Iron or Metal” called “Ogun” in Yorubaland; it is worshipped through the assemblage of metal objects and performing certain spiritual rites.

40. Yemoja, Poseidon and Mermaid are other examples of marine Fallen Angels who also have power over treasure, desire, lust and emotions among other capabilities.

41. Marine and air spirits are also one of the strongest tribes among Satan’s spiritual family when it comes to warfare.

[Slimming] Juice #4 [many people of God are lazy and expects everyday miracle like manna]:

Suppose a child is sick in Africa and suffering from either epilepsy or insanity. Certainly, it would be a sad thing for the child and family. Seeking a solution would be one of their priorities. In the Western part of the world the hospitals may help but in Africa, it may be challenging. The challenge from African hospitals, particularly in Nigeria, include that the health workers have a penchant to professionally extort the patients and may tactically increase the health issues by diagnosis due to greed for more money. Other factors greatly increase the overhead cost of access to medical healthcare by the many politically-made poor Africans.

Now, this may be a shocking inside story that, particularly, in South-Western Nigeria and similar to as in some parts of India, many health-workers [Doctors, Nurses and others] are occult members in whose hands, patients’ lives are not actually safe but under potential ritual threats. The exploitative diagnosis, expensive treatments of the diagnosis and threat of rituals by the occult health-workers are strong fears of many Nigerians who would prefer to stay-off Nigerian hospitals. Church lovers may seek miracles instead.

Miracle [for healing and other things], on the other hand, does not happen all the time because it is not like staple food. Experienced teachers of God’s way know that miracles happen for certain reasons like for physical and spiritual salvation, conviction, mercy, grace or proof of God’s love among others, but it does not happen all the time. Miracle is not cheap to command because it happens at God’s sole discretion. The only few who compelled God for miracles in the Holy Bible times were those who lobbied in prayers [behind the scenes prayers] and exhibited great faith in God. Many ministers of God who do not know that God does miracles at His own discretion had sought help from Lucifer to ensure that they can certainly perform a miracle even when God sees no reason to perform one.

Miracle is not a daily bread! God has ordained a due process for all things to happen, from the planting of seed and the time it takes to grow and bear fruits. Therefore, to plant a seed and eat the fruits from the tree it becomes in just one day is either a miracle or magic [God’s own is called miracle while Lucifer’s and his Fallen Angels’ is called magic]. When a miracle happens, God has shortened or completely removed the role of required matter, the process and time to create the reality. [Example of required matter is a seed for the tree or medicines for the sick. Required matter to create a reality can also be tangible or intangible]. Although God can heal the child from epilepsy or insanity and that would be called a miracle because the healing happened supernaturally. Whereas, such a thing can still be done naturally using the knowledge of what God had already created for human use for such a purpose. But what if God would not do it [supernatural healing]? What would be the fate of the sick and their people?

Should God’s ministers continue to pray for a miracle for the sick for too many days without any health improvements or send the sick back to the hospital? Nigerian health professionals who believe in the culture of voodoo and charms are fond of recommending the sick to go for traditional orthodox care after a long time of no medical improvement. This is where the Priests of Fallen Angels thrive! Using oracle and divination, they interpret the sickness from spiritual prism and recommend appeasing the Fallen Angels or even getting into a covenant with the Fallen Angels. Then, they put together the required objects of herbs and roots, make incantations and treat the sick with the concoctions they have made from herbs and nature. Many times, the sick get healed, though the imported Western hospital could not help, but Nigerian orthodox did. This is the culture over there!

Therefore, what is wrong in patronizing the Fallen Angels if they could reveal through the oracle and divination, what herbs and roots to use to treat the sick or blood to use and a process for money rituals? The wrong thing remains the fact that the Fallen Angels are enemies of God and the human race and they shall still destroy people they helped using the help they offered. The herbs and roots they revealed were all created by God and only left for humans to search it out. Whatever and all that mankind would ever need to live were created before mankind [Adam and Eve]. Humans are not supposed to be in friendship, communication or covenant with Fallen Angels if they want to remain God’s delight and children. Humans with God’s backing are too powerful to beg [sacrifices to appease] Lucifer and Fallen Angels [Demons] before they can live healthy, peaceful or successful lives. The Holy Bible Book of James 4:7 reads “Then, submit yourselves [and your WILL] to God. Resist the Devil and he will flee from you.”

What stops the children of God from researching these natural means of healing? Certainly, without incantations [appraising and invoking the fallen spirits], the herbs would work. There is a social and Christian-religion stigma on people who make use of herbs and roots to heal others as demonic but are these healers not saving lives? Should the dying wait for miracles from an under- developed minister of God or go to the priests of fallen angels even if they have to bow to the idols?

Why can the ministers of God not learn or encourage the use of herbs in the way of light? Why can African mega churches not take the forefront to explore healing with herbs and roots knowing that it is a certain means the cultured people use to regain good health? If the African Christians ask the sick not to patronize the Priests of Fallen Angels, is it not expected to give them an alternative that the Almighty God approves? Nigerian and African Churches should intentionally make disciples of many herbalists for Jesus Christ!

Kudos to Western and Eastern Researchers because God is interested in research. Africans should embrace scientific approach instead of the occultist approach; compile and share their orthodox solution data scientifically with the world. Researchers are Kings according to the Holy Bible Book of Proverbs 25:2 which reads “it is the glory of God to hide a thing, to search out the thing is the glory of kings”.

42. These Demons are maintaining relationship with humans who are not realizing it, through their elements such as rings, amulet, magical protections, idol festivals, divination, appeasement sacrifices, incisions, fortifications, concoctions, going to celebrate magic shows and unholy places or shrines, and others.

43. The truth is that the idols and traditional spirits or religions are real and have their own capabilities and powers.

44. Let the people understand the entire story in brief and let them choose whether the side of God or Satan and Fallen Angels. It is important to stop lying to people in an attempt to protect them from the realities of Satan, demons and their capabilities.

45. Lying to people in order to protect them from the truth is a deliberate evil act because truth cannot be hidden forever. When the truth sprouts, you will be seen as evil.

46. Mankind lost power to rule their world since Eden times and being under curse cannot easily achieve his desires and reach greatness.

47. Thank God for His grace which He made sufficient for us through Jesus Christ to relax the curse in the Garden of Eden.

48. We must emphasize greatly on the word desire because it is more powerful than it sounds.

49. Human desire is a burning fire and if the owner would not contain and tame it with patience, it can break into uncontrollable fire to consume the conceive-r and as many victims as are dependent on him or her.

“As many victims”?

The victims result from the fact that human destinies are interdependent and connected like a network of electricity and if there is a broken cable, electricity flow to some parts of the network will be stopped. The destinies in areas of unsupplied electric current will struggle and have hard times trying to reconnect with another person’s [giant] destiny to survive or grow in life.

50. Human desire hates the role of time because every passing hour is translated as delay and increases frustrations.

51. Many powerful emotions surround human desire which include the fear and anxiety that the desire may not happen.

52. This fear and counter fear to make it happen, at all cost, usually lead many into rash and ungodly steps.

53. Impatience is another strong feeling that surrounds human desire which is the strong expectation or feeling that the desire should happen right now.

54. Human desires such thing as marriage, child, job or source of income, wealth and quick prosperity, health, protection, position, power and status or relevance, fame and lots of purposeful or purpose-less money and others.

55. As parents do not give everything their children ask for in order to train them with discipline or to protect the child.

56. Also, God does not grant all the prayer requests of His children with an immediate “YES”. Although, the ‘YES’ may come at a time when God considers that it is ripe.

57. Despite the number of times that Apostle Paul went to God in deep and long season prayers, he did not return with a “YES” but with “My grace is sufficient for you”.

58. Those who pray and ask God for money may be asking indirectly for a poison and God will not give them the poison because God knows better.

59. However, because human desire that is not subdued under the knowledge of Christ (2Corinthians 10:5) and under the influence of the Holy Spirit [the WILL of God] is a consuming fire, many humans make the wrong turn and seek help, backup or power to make their desire a reality from Satan’s family.

60. This is a key spiritual family identifier or indicator! From who and where do you seek help, backup or power for your desires?

61. The Demons and Satan have the capability and power to grant all of the desires of mankind except for salvation.

62. Also, the people will pay a regrettable price to Satan and would not enjoy the benefit for a long time before sudden withdrawal of the benefit or even death.

63. Those who assume that they belong to God’s spiritual family but look into Satan’s spiritual family for help when God delays, do not truly belong to God but Satan.

64. This, also, is a key spiritual family identifier. God’s people’s desires should not be a rush or a do-or-die.

65. Just like Adam and Eve believed Lucifer could make their life better by listening to him and believing his recommendation to eat the forbidden fruit, what similarity is there about humans today?

The popular spiritual family on earth

66. On earth, one spiritual family spreads over the other before the Great Flood

67. Post Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve gave birth to Cain and his twin sister, Abel and his twin sister, Seth and other children.

68. Cain married his own twin sister and Seth married Abel’s twin sister because Abel was already murdered by Cain. And other children of Adam and Eve all multiplied.

69. Has it not been proven earlier that the demons are too many than the humans of today, not to talk of the few humans at the time of Adam?

70. These demons continue to influence, inspire and encourage certain people to live immoral lives till today.

71. The kind of living that would make the Spirit of God depart from them so that the demons can have their way.

72. And because it has become so easy for Satan and demons to control the spirit of flesh in mankind since the caging of the soul, ungodliness multiplied.

73. Then, the demons and some Angels who misplaced their position in Heaven had intercourse with mankind and gave birth to a mix of human and spirit.

74. This kind of humans have potential to communicate with spirits which are not in order of God; such flesh with spiritual capabilities.

75. There are also occurrences where spirits (Fallen Angels) appear to certain people whose lives attract them and choose them as priests.

76. For example, in Yoruba religion and African idol history, there are certain hunters who meet with spirits in the forests, where the spirit asks their element to be taken home and worshiped as an idol.

77. This usually comes with a promise for the hunter or the priest.

78. What about Baal in the Holy Bible, how was it able to elect its priests among the people from the first ever priest? Read 2 Kings 10:19, Jeremiah 2:8

79. In diverse ways, many priests of Fallen Angels began to emerge before and until the time of Noah.

80. Many things became abnormal in the world like giants, half-human and half-spirit, injustice, wickedness, so many priests of Fallen Angels that have become idols.

81. These priests of the Fallen Angels help to spread idolatry in the world. They truly hear the spirits (Fallen Angels) and continue to mediate between the people who keep faith in them and the Fallen Angels.

82. Every idol that is being worshiped has one or more Fallen Angel(s) attached to it.

83. Every idol is capable of doing one thing or the other. They are not powerless but powerful; however, when God’s people want to mock them, they call them powerless. when the Divine steps in, they become shamefully powerless.

85. If God hid Himself for humans, we would realize how powerful and destructive the demons can be.

86. Then, through sin, immoralities, ungodliness, idolatry, divination and unholy spiritism; the spiritual family of Satan spread over the earth.

87. The earth became a place of plenty of evil. All unclean spirits have their feasts with joy on earth and continue to blaspheme God.

88. The humans became very sinful and totally unacceptable unto God. The humans in their largest number took side with Satan and became part of his spiritual family before the flood.

89. They left God and forsook His ways; they provoked God to jealousy and anger.

90. Why did the humans on earth before the Great Flood reject God and join the spiritual family of Satan? What are the means they used to join the spiritual family of Satan?

The reasons spiritual family of Satan is always increasing

91. Did God not form all the scientific laws? And if any of the scientific laws is not duly observed, would scientists get the desired result? Of course, these scientific laws can also be called the rules of nature.

92. Earthly rules and scientific laws show that no one should walk on top of the sea if she does not want to sink. No one should grab a naked electric wire with power-on if he does not want to die of electrocution. These natural or scientific laws can be non- negotiable.

93. The same God who created natural and scientific laws also has His own laws for the people to get what they want from Heaven. If due requirements are fulfilled, there would be a result handed over to them from the God Almighty from the above.

94. The laws of God or the requirements for which the inhabitants of the earth can receive anything from Heaven  are  called  God’s  Principles  or  Kingdom Principles.

95. Some categories of world people joined the Satan spiritual family because they need help indeed to achieve their desire. And being unable to know or fulfill the simple requirements of God to receive help, they patronize the practices of Satan and demons.

96. They desire such things as wealth, power, position, child-bearing, prosperity and all kinds of blessing. Blessing kinds are a common reason for many people to join the spiritual family of Satan.

97. The means of joining is seeking help from the shrines of the Fallen Angels. Receiving spiritual help from powerful but ungodly people. Playing their cards to get what they want against the governing rules or principles of God.

98. This first category of people joins Satan’s spiritual family to better their own lives. They do not aim evil at any human but whoever suffers for their blessing is none of their business, even if the person is innocent.

99. Some of the people in this category may even require that they want harmless voodoo so that no evil is done against any other person. But, the fact is that, they sought and received help from the spiritual family of Satan, they have become part of them. 2 Corinthians 6:14

100. No one can bless him or herself because everyone needs a higher power or someone who possesses the resources to release the blessing.

101. That is why an ordinary citizen may look up to the Head of the Nation for a particular kind of blessing he could not bless himself with. Everyone also needs help because no one is self-sufficient or all-sufficient.

102. This is why God sets different procedures or principles for inhabitants of the earth to receive blessing from Him because He knows that they do not have it all. These procedures-to-get are part of the Kingdom Principles.

103. A popular example is in Psalms 24:4-5 and this is a sure Kingdom Principle to receive blessing from God.

104. There is another principle after the Ten Commandments; all of Exodus 20:1-23 are prerequisites for Exodus 20:24. So that after you have carefully observed the Ten Commandments, you can take good gifts to the House of God and receive the blessing from Him. [God’s blessing is not certain to be given because of prayer but prayer and your gifts to God through His ministers or anywhere He puts His name through Jesus. More so, it is important to walk your prayer like walking your talks because after Esther prayed in the Book of Esther, she positioned herself strategically where the King could see her. She did not wait in her room until the King would send for her as an answered prayer.]

105. There is another conditional principle in Deuteronomy 28:1. And all of them seem to point at living under the governing rules of God [obeying His commands], giving to God’s name and the needy from your sweat, showing love and helping others while being  hard-working  and  seeking  God’s  presence. Then ask through prayer using the name of Jesus for blessing from the Almighty God and He would bless you from His Heaven through invisible spirit, humans or situations.

106. The procedures to observe in order to receive blessing from God became a neglect by the people before the Great Flood who did not keep the Kingdom Principles.

107. Many of them do not even seek to know God or His Principles. Some earlier generations who should pass down and instill the knowledge of God and His principles through generations failed. So the knowledge handing-over did not happen because Satan and demons used fellow humans and situations to break the transfer of knowledge of light to next generations. [They have said, what we shall do is to break their chains of knowledge transfer from one generation to another and cut the shackles of the un-bowing souls out of our all-encompassing universal system. Psalm 2:3, 1-3. Remove the Holy Bible or its references from school curriculum, frustrate churches who are conservative, enact antichrist laws, ban public evangelism and teaching of the gospel, make the people to ask from their state government instead of asking from God, trust your constitution than God and science than the Holy Bible and several other ways are employed by human rulers to cut the chains connecting generational knowledge of light. Meanwhile, thank God for human science but we must admit its limit in issues of life.]

108. Eye-service is not enough to receive blessing from God but genuineness of heart. This category of people, who strongly desire one or more form(s) of blessing in life and cannot keep the commandments of God, walked away from God and joined the spiritual family of Satan.

109. Some of them do bring offerings to God’s Temple after receiving the help from Satan’s spiritual family thinking that they can bribe God with abominable offerings.

110. The second reason for another category of people who join the spiritual family of Satan is wickedness. [The first category was for a particular kind of blessing for a better and happier life.]

111. Unlike the first reason for people who go into a relationship with Fallen Angels in order to better their lives.

112. Some people, having failed or become frustrated in life, are all out to stop everyone from succeeding or celebrating.

113. It is a natural tendency for humans not to wish that anyone should out-perform them or deliver greater results and impact than them.

114. Even politicians, if not put in check, would not allow their successor to do more than them so that their name can still be relevant in the polity as the best ever.

115. It is wickedness to undermine another person’s shine because you cannot stay ahead of them.

116. There is a high tendency of wickedness in all humans except the people that the Holy Spirit has regenerated.

117. In family clans, particularly in African polygamous families, you will find in realities that certain women will want to ritually take the luck of the other wives’ children for their own. Some people will not want another person to get married before them or succeed ahead of them and would do anything to undermine or block the flow.

118. Bully is another form of wickedness that started naturally from elementary school where others find so much happiness in what makes their colleagues cry badly.

life in society can be endless. Every natural man has the high tendency of wickedness! Genesis 6:5

120. Now, away from child’s play, some people have taken wickedness to another level. They are now focused on being wicked as if it were their calling or destiny [Villain].

121. The most popular Tribe of Satan's spiritual family known for wickedness is witchcraft or the witches.

122. The people with witchcraft do not necessarily fly at night, but every wicked person has the spirit of witchcraft in their heart.

123. The wicked person or witch will not think of the benefit they have enjoyed from their targets in the past before hurting them.

124. This is the second reason that makes people join the spiritual family of Satan –their interest in wickedness!

125. Again, it is not that everyone in this category joins the witches but all of them in this category aim for wickedness and need power or help to achieve it knowing that God does not back wickedness!

126. Humans do offend each other regularly because we are beings of emotions and we can easily offend each other daily (Matthew 6:12).

127. If humans had no emotional realm or faculty, there will never be any time when they will offend each other. Never!

128. Have you ever seen machines or computers fighting against each other at their own will?

129. But because humans have emotions, it is a common thing to offend each other and expected to resolve it. But some people will prefer to inflict suffering on their offender in order to feel satisfaction or to prove a point.

130. Therefore, they will consult Satan’s spiritual family because they know that God will not empower them to do evil.

131. Some people also inherited some demonic powers from their ancestors and they are willing to give it to as many people as possible at free of cost so that the people can use it for wickedness.

132. Some people find a lot of happiness in doing wicked things against others. If you break the cup of some people, they will smile and tell you it is nothing; however they wish, they break your liver or heart and watch you suffer till death.

133. Some people, having been continuously offended by others, would be looking for where to get spiritual power to deal with people themselves without waiting for God’s judgment which seems misrepresented as karma. Psalm 94:1, Romans 12:19.

134. The wicked people do not need God to judge or fight for them because God is slow to anger; they prefer to judge for themselves and inflict the most disastrous suffering on the people with powers from Satan’s spiritual family.

135. For receiving powers from Satan’s spiritual family makes them members of that family.

136. There is a third reason and means of being in the spiritual family of Satan

137. Many people were born into different religious practices and faiths. It is not their fault that they were born, raised and trained in idolatry or religions that are not of the True God. [But it is their fault if they die in a false religion.]

138. No one in false religion is a member of the spiritual family of God.

139. Imagine that we are in a very big compound with different rooms in the compound. And it is said that whoever and everyone found in the red-colored room belongs to God.

140. Then, let us say a man who is suffering from color blindness came into the compound. By searching and asking people around where the red room is may earn him the correct or wrong answer or description. Those who described the wrong room for the man suffering color blindness may do so for two possible reasons.

141. One of the reasons may be that they are working for their father [Satan] and the second reason is that they may already be deceived themselves.

142. But if the owner of the compound comes, he shall go into the red room and collect everyone in there like a harvest. Revelation 14:15-16

143. Though the man with color blindness and many others like him were searching for the red room but they ended up in the wrong one. They also taught their children to continue in the wrong room and they believe that the owner of the compound will give them eternal life in the new paradise when He comes.

144. No matter how right their hearts are, if they are not in the red room, they cannot be harvested for eternal life. (Revelation 20:15)

145. The scripture cannot be broken; it is an established principle (John 10:35b). The red room represents the true and the only path, the only way to God Almighty.

146. The true and the only way is Jesus Christ and his teachings of how to gain eternal life. The compound represents this earth which is filled with different and so many rooms. The rooms represent religions and spiritual faiths in this world.

147. The man suffering color blindness should have prayed to God to guide him instead of trusting all that the religious people are saying.

148. Every other religion on earth was formed by man until Jesus came to show us and lead us in the way to Almighty God.

149. Jesus did not establish any religion, not even Christianity as a religion; he established the church.

150. Who is worthy to show the humans on earth the way to God? Only the One who came down from Heaven, who is Jesus Christ, can lead us to God who is in Heaven. John 3:13, John 14:6.

151. Many humans on earth are not in God’s spiritual family, although they think in their hearts that they belong to God’s family.

152. Jesus said that there is no other way to God except through him. People in false religions are not part of the spiritual family of God.

153. Again, the scripture cannot be broken in relation to John 14:6. It does not matter whether the religion practices idolatry or not, as long as Jesus Christ is not the way to God in the religion, it is not a true way to God.

154. It is those who believe in Jesus Christ, who received him, his mission on earth and his teachings of born-again, baptism, love, holiness, giving and other teachings, that are given powers to be children of God.

155. Remember that children are members of the family. John 1:14. Those who do not believe or receive Jesus Christ are not members of the family of God and are condemned no matter their good works on earth. John 3:18, Revelation 5:9.

156. People who are not members of the spiritual family of God through Jesus Christ are against Him and Satan would claim them. Matthew 12:30, Titus 3:5, Romans 5:9.

157. People become part of the spiritual family of Satan through religious ignorance, being born into false religion or deceived to join false religion. Jesus said If you are not for me [in my family], then you are against me. Matthew 12:30.

158. Hereunder are 7 fundamental factors that “accept or believe in Jesus means”, believe in and accept: (1) His divinity, (2) His mission, (3) His teachings, (4) His death and resurrection, (5) His blood, (6) His name and (7) His second coming.

159. There is another reason why Satan spiritual family is increasing

160. Since the fall of humans, mankind finds keeping the law of God very difficult.

161. But when they go to Satan and find out about the satanic laws or commandments, they would realize how evil and uncomfortable the laws of Satan are. The danger is that they get to know the satanic laws too late.

162. God’s laws are always there in the open but Satan’s laws are always hidden in the dark realms until people become committed to Satanism before they would be told the dos and don’ts.

163. Satan reveals his laws when he is sure of acquiring the sinner and too late to run back.

164. The fourth reason that labels people as family of Satan is when they live sinful lives.

165. Satan and the Fallen Spirits live very immoral and sinful lives. Sinners also belong to the spiritual family of Satan because Satan is the father of sinners. The Holy  Bible  says  that  Satan  sins  [violates  God’s governing laws] from the eons, even, before time was. 1John 3:8.

166. Sin is a divine language and its earthly equivalent or description is an offence under governing law. Therefore,   sin   is   the   transgression   of   God’s commandment which makes one deepen in immoralities in thoughts, words and actions. Disobedience to the governing laws of the government of God is sin.

Governing laws of God

167. Worthy understanding here is that many people in the world continue to sin against God because they do not even know the commands or governing laws of God. In the end, there is no ignorance in the court of law. The Holy Bible reveals that every human will stand before the Throne of Judgment. Revelation 20:12

168. To deny the Fallen Spirits and take side with God, you need to study, at heart, all the verses in the book of John chapter 3 and take a step towards genuine salvation.

169. The commands of God are very easy and beneficial to humanity and their living. What stops us from obeying the commands most times are false belief, religion arrogance, faith-phobia, indecision and or lack of discipline.

170. Every human should decide for God their Creator because when this world shall end, both the living and the dead of humans shall be judged. There are only two destinations as eternal dwelling places which are ... Paradise of God and Lake of Fire.

171. The Holy Spirit can help anyone to be able to obey God’s commandments easily. The Holy Spirit can help you change your way of life into what is pleasing to God.

172. Then, humans would realize that God’s laws are jewels they should wear around. Psalm 119 is full of appraisals for the laws of God. Many people walk away from God’s spiritual family because they cannot keep His laws and they continue to sin. The Holy Spirit could have helped them to overcome sin if they prayed for it. This is another major reason that makes people walk away from God.