Spiritual Families and Tribes by Dickson O. Adelusi - HTML preview

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16. After the Great Flood and because spirits do not die, the Fallen Angels resumed their activities with the descendants of Noah.

17. Spirits do not die because that is how God formed them, though, God can completely destroy them if He chooses to. It is just a divine order for spirits not to die. However, God has vowed to throw the spirits who rebelled in eternal lake of fire for torment.

18. The same ungodliness that happened before the Great Flood happened after it. It was so bad that there was no one God can call His Own.

19. The earth was filled with sin, unholy spirituality and Satanism. The earth was filled with idolatry so much that God had to call Abram out of his idolatry which he joined through Terah, his father.

20. There are people desiring to live a moral life at that time and they are those who want to live rightly, but they also fell into the satanic trap of idolatry.

21. For example, Yoruba culture is filled with a lot of wisdom and moral practices. The Yoruba’s Omoluabi culture is so rich in moral teachings and so close to Godliness. But, the Yorubas also fall deeply into the trap of idolatry.

22. Satan’s spiritual family is still winning with a number of humans because idol worshipers belong to him.

23. The Second Preservation of Humans [but this is for preservation of souls] after the Great Flood is, therefore, underway. This second preservation is for spiritual salvation and redemption unlike the first preservation after the flood.

24. The first preservation after the flood was only physical salvation and preservation of life to continue on earth. The second preservation is spiritual and for mankind to live beyond this earth.

25. God made a covenant with humans through Noah just after the Great Flood that He will never again cut off all life on earth from the waters of flood. Read Genesis 9:7-17.

26. Key persons in this divine human history of beginning and preservation include Adam, Noah and Abraham [for all humans]. Be clear!

27. After the flood, different nations and languages on earth have emerged and many of the nations are in constant disagreement with each other.

28. How nations, peoples and tongues emerged out of Noah’s fellow survivalists [family]?

29. The same way Adam and Eve multiplied and inter- married in what is now called incest is how Noah and the survivalist continued to multiply.

30. Those days God had not commanded any law against incest. The laws can now be found in Leviticus 18:7–18 and 20:11–21 [until there is a law, there is no sin, therefore, incest was not a sin at that time].

31. They continued to live together and migrate together, wandering the earth and unwilling to scatter and spread.

32. One day, when they had become so many people. They were inspired to unite and exercise great faith about one thing.

33. God saw their unity, faith and determination and because God knows that the combination of faith and determination is unstoppable, especially, when unity is in play, God moved to stop them.

34. God is not against the three intangible emotions that were in play neither was He against their desired building, but He did not want for them to die.

35. They had planned to build a tower that reaches into Heaven where God dwells. And God does not want them to die because any mortal who sees God will die. Exodus 33:20

36. The glorious capability of mankind to see God and live was one of the lost spiritual capabilities through Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden after eating the forbidden fruit.

37. However, the journey to restoration of humans spiritual capabilities is what God is working on until the end of this earth when it shall all be completed and all pieces added up.

38. So, in order for God to preserve their mortal lives, He decided to send among them different tongues and languages on a day when their tower project was already progressive.

39. Because of different languages and not understanding one another, their  communication tool was destroyed and disagreement arose because a man who was told to bring a spade brought water instead.

40. These languages that God sent among them through His Heroic power broke them since that day.

41. Those who received the same language and tongue moved together from thereon seeking a good land to settle as a new nation.

42. There and then, people of Noah were broken into different nations. (Genesis 11)

43. The lower Fallen Angels continued to influence the masses for ungodly acts while the higher fallen spirits chose to pitch with the elites and rulers among humans.

44. Who has found the best land and territory? Who has found the best climate for agriculture and strategic location for trade? Who has found and settled in places of abundant and essential natural resources? Can they defend it?

45. There is now need for unrivaled military power to forcefully take, control or defend.

46. The nations were busy with violent wars of grabbing, seizing and annexing land and territories.

47. God needs to fix this anomaly by leading the nations to show them how to govern and maintain a moral and valued society through a supposed model- nation, Israel.

48. A civilized country where rule of law is enforced even if stoning to death would scare the uncultured people to fear and refrain from law violations.

49. A civil [and not barbaric] society where no one takes anything forcefully and illegally because of having military prowess, personal power or the equivalence.

50. Barbarism is the story of King Ahab, Queen Jezebel and Naboth in the Holy Bible in which God responded accordingly.

51. There should be one nation that can lead other nations aright, as a sample or model showing the governing laws and leadership of God’s mind for nations.

52. Whereas, all the nations of the earth have gone astray and none is worthy to receive the leading of God. Almost all of the nations already have their own idols, oracles, unjust systems of operating and war gods.

53. Then, God began to unveil a new plan for the Second New Beginning after the Great Flood.

54. God will choose a man and first redeem him. Train, teach, purify, sanctify, defend and bless him according to His ways. God will test this man to be sure that he is a worthy vessel.

55. God allowed Adam to be tested and when God was not with him that he should see God, Adam forgot God’s commandment and violated a direct command.

56. So, God would also test the new man He wants to use to build a new people, a new nation and through this man and the new nation, God would train, teach, purify, sanctify, redeem, defend and bless the rest of the people and nations of the world.

57. Then, God found Abram as the vessel He would use for this work. Abram is the Second [preservation] New Beginning after Noah.

58. He removed Abram from his family and away from idolatry. He told him to go out of his fathers house and to a land that He will show to him.

59. Abram heard God and he obeyed His voice. That “first-obedience” is the beginning of God and Abram’s relationship. Genesis 12:1-2.

60. Indeed God had planned to make a great nation [Israel] come out of Abram and this nation shall be God’s Own nation and to be a model [but Israel seldom failed God a number of times].

61. God wants to make the nation an example to the world so that when the world sees the nation’s glory, they might get to know Him through her.

62. The nation which later turned out to be Israel continued to disappoint God many times, time and time again.

63. So much disappointment that the pagans behave more morally than Israel at certain times.

64. Well, Messiah would have to come through the nation to the world which shall complete the plan of God since he chose Abram out of his father’s house and out of idolatry.

65. Therefore, Israel can do what they like until Judgment Day for God’s plan and work of salvation is complete and open to everyone who would walk into it.

Abraham and entire humanity

66. So that, at one time, we refer to God as the God of Abraham, then God of Isaac and later God of Jacob. Today, He is the God of all nations (Psalm 82:8) and all flesh [humans] (Jeremiah 32:27).

67. Although the world before Abraham has thrown away the awareness of God in their societies, God has brought back His consciousness to live with humans as an institution. The Holy Bible and the Church institution today, is the constant consciousness of God in Heaven.

68. Therefore, the focus of the human agents of Satan is to keep attacking the Church of God as founded by Jesus Christ in the acts of taxes and levies, blackmail, mob staging, terrorism, policy-making and more.

69. These human agents of Satan should also endeavor to ban the Holy Bible in as many places as possible.

70. For in honesty, if they can remove the Holy Bible completely from the society and frustrate or close down the conservative [those who preserve the expectations of the scriptures] church denominations completely, they might have succeeded in removing the true way to God from among the people.

71. Then, the pagan philosophies, myths and ideologies shall prevail again and the spiritually hungry people of the world shall return into full-time idolatry like in the days of Noah and the days of Sodom and Gomorrah.

72. You may want to ask how the Way to God in the society is streamlined to the Church only? Without acknowledging the Mosque, other Temples and Shrines?

73. Is it only the church that is part of the spiritual family of God? Are there no so-called churches of God practicing Satanism?

74. Are other faiths and religions part of the spiritual family of Satan? How provocative is it to talk about religions and traditional idols while attempting to categorize them under God’s or Satan’s spiritual family?

75. What proof is there to categorize world religions into two spiritual families? What if it is proven that God did not create any religion, would you believe?

76. Why is everything about religion and spirituality seem so controversial, complicated and confusing?

77. Why are there so many and disagreeing teachers of religion, faith and spirituality who call each other false?

78. Genuine fasting and prayer is any human’s surest way to get answers from the Almighty Spirit. Anyone who calls on God with genuineness of heart, having not malice or hate at heart would have the grace to play host to the Spirit of God because He would visit the person, in the dream or by the day through enhancement of the body for communication with the Holy Spirit from the Almighty God. [Pray genuinely for an encounter with God and for Him to lead you to the right path. Do not pray with a deceptive or adventurous heart, and be ready to do what the Spirit shall bid you on a visit. The one suffering color blindness should pray to God for guidance into the right room – path.]

79. Abrahamic faiths or religions are the religions established by the descendants of Scripture's Abraham

80. These religion founders can be traced to Abraham's lineage and they all lay hold t the Covenant that God made with Abraham.

81. They also practice to be faithful to God as their Patriarch [Abraham] and recognizes that the God of Abraham is their God.

82. These Abrahamic religions frown completely and teach against idolatry, sin and Satanism.

83. The Abrahamic religions include Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Druze, Baha’I, Rastafari faith and mixtures or cross-breeds.

84. Religion is man’s creation but it is not a sin for mankind to create religion; any religion with idol lining is not part of God’s Spiritual family.

85. Any religion that is into idolatry, just as many religions before and after the Great Flood, belongs to Satan’s spiritual family because those idols are alive through the spirit of the Fallen Angels.

86. Also, worshipping ancestors is idolatry and the Fallen Angels will give the people the benefit of their worship to encourage them to continue to worship their powerful ancestors.

87. It is common sense that demons need to give evidence for exercising faith in the dead ancestors in order to take more people away from God.

88. Do not ever forget that Satan and Fallen Angels are enemies of God. They started the war of overthrow in Heaven which pushed them out to earth. Revelation 12:7-9.

89. Satan and the Fallen Angels are the same spiritual family and they have on their side, many humans.

90. They walk and work all over the earth to increase confusion and deception to stray the people away from God. Job 1:7

91. Recall from the Holy Bible that Adam was living the best of life in the Garden of Eden, just like the Angels are living large in Heaven.

92. But when Satan set in to deceive the man, he exposed him and his human descendants to eternal destruction.

93. Satan and his family are not only the enemy of God but also the enemy of humans and every creature of God that rejects him.

94. If you too reject Satan, he will become your enemy. And if you support him, you are part of his spiritual family and will be thrown into the lake of fire with  him  after  God’s  Judgment  which  God  had already pronounced. Revelation 20:10-15.

95. On God’s side, you shall be given power over Satan and to repel his oppression over your personal economy, health, relationships and other areas of your life.

96. Worshiping and praying to spiritually powerful ancestors is a sin by the scripture.

97. The Holy Bible is so clear about the truth that only God must be worshiped and no one else. The Holy Spirit also forbids talking to the dead.

98. Prayer is a communication with someone you are talking to and you do expect a response. Praying to the dead ancestor can be likened to communication with the dead which is not supported by God’s ordinance.

99. All the dead people, according to the Holy Bible, are waiting for the resurrection to judgment on God’s Judgment Day. Hebrews 9:27.

100. However, there are satanic processes to reincarnate the dead. These processes of satanic reincarnation are unholy spiritual teachings which are not intended for this book.

101. The spiritual arts for reincarnation of the dead is real with a costly price and uncertain result.

102. It does not matter whether or not the religion is teaching sound morals and applicable principles for improved living, if you find out that it has the slightest lining of idolatry [example of goodness in idol is Yoga guided meditation], ancestral worshipping or prayers to ancestors; this is a red flag.

103. Again, God did not create any religion!

Juice #5

Address: Oka Eleda, Oka – Akoko, Ondo State, Nigeria in Africa.

This above address is one of the sites of spiritual evidence in Nigeria. When you get to Oka – Akoko, ask for a description of the House of Oka Eleda. It is a small village so you cannot get lost, besides, Oka Eleda is very popular in the entire Akoko region of Ondo State. People visits this spiritual site to invoke the soul of the dead so they can speak with them about a thing. Such a spiritual site for the same purpose is also at Epinmi Akoko in Ondo State.

This practice was also recorded in the Holy Bible Book of 1st Samuel 28:3-25 when King Saul visited the Witch of Endor to invoke the Soul of dead Prophet Samuel. Some people [religion] also visits the grave to pray to the dead because they believe that the dead are gods [or that the dead can compel God for them because the dead had very cordial relationship when they were alive, whereas, He is the God of the Living]. God forbid the living from making contact with the soul of the dead. This address is given for people living in other parts of the world who do not believe that spirits or spiritual arts exist. Of course, Africans would not doubt the reality of spirits, magic or mystical powers because they are surrounded by evidence.

This reminds me of my past times when I lived abroad. I had thought that I left the domain of demons [fallen angels and their spiritual arts] into a country where there is none. I did not realize that demons’ activities may be different from one country to another. Few years in the country, I began to suffer the kind of problem of many people in the land which is –unnecessary depression. The most common thing there at that time was depression, despair, fear, lacking peace of mind, absence of joy among many other battered emotional feelings.

To escape the disturbing and suicidal feelings, some indulge in drugs and alcohol to escape the feeling or reality. I decided to resume my prayer life until one day when my souls’ eyes opened to see spirits everywhere. And further, I saw two little girls with different parents in the mall who both had an eye on their foreheads. They both looked at me and looked at each other, then they laughed and said this one too can now see.

I also observed that, even married, men and women were dangerously hungry for pre- and extra-marital affairs with multiple partners in such a way that they cannot control. I also suffered sexual immoralities at that time. This also is an activity of demons causing lust and its opportunities.

104. In the Old Testament, an altar is enough to play host to God before they began to build temples. Jesus came and established the Church to replace the Temple.

105. There are signs from God to prove that He sent Jesus and the tearing apart of the cloth of the inner Temple is an evidence of the Church to replace the Old Testament Temple.

106. Would Satan allow the true comprehension of the spiritual information in this work? Would he not manipulate the thoughts or use unsaved vessels [humans] to ridicule the knowledge? Ephesians 6:11 did warn that Satan is very intelligent and smart!

107. The temptation he placed before Adam and Eve seemed harmless and the one he placed before Jesus seemed harmless too. And those were strategic!

108. Just one missing, misplaced or misunderstood piece of the whole picture is enough for Satan to lead the people astray in personal reasoning [without fore- prayer] or through external influence.

Religiously Important Abraham’s Sons; Isaac and Ishmael

109. Despite the Great Flood and first preservation through Noah, the descendants of Noah still slipped back into staying in bed or relationship with Satan through immoralities, sin, witchcraft, wizardry, idolatry and all forms of unGodliness.

110. The entire world sank into wickedness and territorial wars and murder multiplied.

111. The statutes and fear of God were removed from many places of the world by the people and so did wickedness increase.

112. Then, God called Abram out of his father’s house [Chaldean] and of worshiping the Sun which is regarded as a god in his family-line.

113. God took Abram through a number of spiritual purification and faith-building processes. God changed his name from Abram to Abraham and his wife’s name from Sarai to Sarah.

114. Something painful and regrettable, however, happened in the life of this friend of God, Abraham.

115. After all, he is human.

116. The negative emotions he allowed in him made him welcome the suggestion of his wife, Sarai, as a shortcut solution to their barrenness instead of waiting for God’s seeming delayed promises.

117. The negative emotions like worry, anxiety, impatience and attempting to help God in fulfilling His promises is a common thing among many who plan to wait for God’s time.

118. Many believers, today, also take steps in which they think they are helping God to fulfil His promise.

119. Any step we take out of negative feelings can easily be hijacked by Satan because the Holy Spirit of God is never found in such negative feelings.

120. Then, Abraham slept with his wife’s slave as advised by Sarai. The slave woman gave birth to Ishmael.

Read the account further in Genesis 17:1-17

121. Thirteen years before the record of Genesis chapter 17, Abram had already given birth to Ishmael and his name was still Abram at the time of birth of Ishmael.

122. Abraham laughed in Genesis 17:17 because he had almost lost hope of another child.

123. After all, he had gotten Ishmael and He expects God to transfer The Promise and Blessing upon Ishmael.

124. But God said no! And saying God said no, the reference is found in Genesis 17:15-16.

125. Ishmael would have been totally forgotten like other children of Abraham after Isaac but for the prayer which Abraham prayed to God when God was speaking to him in Genesis 17:18.

126. Therefore, whenever you are in God’s presence, be careful of what you pray for, because you might have it. Everyone who encountered Jesus on earth got what they wanted and that is the representation of God.

127. So, God heard the prayer of Abraham immediately and blessed Ishmael.

Kindly read every word in Genesis 17:19 carefully.

128. Firstly, God said “Yes” to Abraham’s request that the “Blessing” should be extended to Ishmael for Abraham’s prayer sake.

129. And God spoke further and He said “but” I will establish my “everlasting covenant” with Isaac who will come through Sarah.

130. This translates that Ishmael can pray to the God of his father, the God of Abraham. Ishmael is entitled to receive blessing from God of Abraham who is the Almighty God, but he did not receive the eternal [life] covenant.

131. [Yes, the God of Abraham is the Almighty God who dwells in Heaven, Exodus 6:3. He is the creator of all living things, worlds and all that are in them. Revelation 4:11.]

132. Isaac received both the “blessing” and the “everlasting covenant” but only the “blessing” is extended to Ishmael.

133. God confirmed in Genesis 17:20 that He heard the prayer of Abraham and that He will SURELY bless Ishmael. In Genesis 17:21, God reconfirmed that the covenant of eternal life is from and within Isaac.

Blessing Only versus Blessing and Eternal Life

134. God’s blessing is not limited to money which shows that the Promise of Blessing for Ishmael and Isaac transcends money.

135. Apart from deliverance and salvation, there are fourteen well desired kinds of God’s blessing which include being alive and Goshen-kind protection; daily bread; interim shelter or dream house; all-round healthiness; good spouse and peaceful family; children that brings joy; understanding and wisdom; prosperity in money and materials; progressive education, job or own-business; skills and spiritual gifts; complete body parts; power, position and relevance; destiny [your purpose] and vision helpers; and success in different endeavors.

136. Part of God’s Blessing is Protection which implies that there will be a strong fortress or defense for Ishmael.

137. And in the world today, the descendants of Ishmael and those who practice their faith enjoy multiple kinds and levels of blessings from the Almighty God. And their promised fortress [protection] is the reason they cannot be wiped out by any super power nation in this world.

138. Genesis chapter 17 is where God had sternly placed a difference between Ishmael and Isaac.

139. The words are very loud and clear that the eternal covenant is added to the blessing of Isaac, whereas Ishmael has received only blessing.

140. The wisdom in Genesis chapter 17 is that when eternal life, eternal salvation or eternal covenant shall come to humans’ world through Isaac, even the descendants and faithful of Ishmael must come to this Salvation and Covenant.

141. Eternal means beyond earth and Ishmael is not given beyond earth. Those who want eternal life beyond earth and who, indeed, want to live in God’s paradise must accept the Covenant of Isaac.

142. Both Ishmael and Isaac dominates the Middle Eastern part of the world. Their philosophies, religions, faiths and spirituality have been exported to all the corners of the earth.

143. The major religions that came out of Ishmael include Islam, Iranian religions and other derivatives.

144. The Major religions that came out of Isaac include Judaism, Christianity, Rastafari and other derivatives.

145. When you open the scriptures of all the Abrahamic religions, you will find similar recorded events and God’s commandments and statutes.

146. The Judaism religion is the base religion for other Abrahamic religions where most of other Abrahamic religious ordinances and scriptures are built upon.

147. For example, the Christians’ Holy Bible was written from Judaism's Tanakh and the Prophets. It also includes the Gospel of Jesus, the Epistles, the Apostles, the Hebrews and the Revelation. This makes the 66 books of the Holy Bible.

148. [The Roman Catholic has 73 books in the Bible and the included seven books are controversial based on the origin of its translation from the Greek Septuagint.]

149. The non-Catholic Christians want the sacred texts of the Hebrews only as translated from the Hebrews Masoretic texts.

150. The Islamic Quran can also be said to be largely written with the influence of the Judaism Tanakh and the Prophets having many related accounts and history.

151. Although, Muhammad [the Islamic Prophet and Founder] posited that an Angel showed him the Quran but other Abrahamic religions may object such position for a skeptical reason that such a magnanimous text to all humans should be revealed with great signs as proof and many people [unbelievers] as eye-witnesses.

152. The few texts of the Ten Commandments that God gave to Moses is a good comparison because it came with signs to the people. God always proves with undeniable signs in the Hebrews record.

153. Having great interest in politics and business and dispensing great wisdom in all that he did in his days, the  Holy  Quran  was  brought  to  humans’  world through him. The Holy Quran which holds similar accounts to Judaism's Tanakh, Talmud and Midrash; books that existed before it.

154. Muhammad also posited himself to be the last prophet. Although, there are still many prophets of God on earth till today.

155. In the Book of the Prophets from the Old Testament, the Book of Joel 2:28 and the Book of Acts 2:17 proves that there will be more prophets of God till the end of days.

156. Jesus did not say a prophet would come after him, he said a Comforter [Holy Ghost] would be sent from God the Father to dwell with the saved souls forever. This and other prophets are dead and Jesus said “forever” which confirms that Jesus was not talking about any prophet but the Holy Spirit as written in Joel 2:28.

157. The Hebrews after the ascension of Jesus preached a sermon that was documented in Hebrews 6:1 that all humans who have received Jesus should leave the foundation of Jesus Christ and move into perfection, not re-laying the foundation of repentance.

158. This is an exhortation for growth in the knowledge and expectations of Jesus. It does not mean to go out of Jesus Christ into another faith, as popularly argued orally. Yet again, the Hebrews Holy Bible is best interpreted through the Holy Spirit and not scholarly studies.

159. The first four gospel records of the Christians New Testament was written by the Apostles who worked directly with Jesus Christ. Those were enough authentic record keepers!

160. A man [Muhammad] who was born about 570 years after Jesus cannot hold the accurate records of Jesus like those who worked directly with him in person. [About 17 generations apart]

161. Although, there have been Apocrypha, oral rendering of Jewish culture, researchers and ghostwriters in human history; all the four gospels could not have been written by ghostwriters, especially, when they are not politicians. More so that the Apostles did not have viable businesses that could enable them to afford to pay ghostwriters. Therefore, the four gospels books are authentic enough to tell the world about Jesus’ life and mission on earth.

162. However, one thing is undoubted; a dimension of God was with Muhammad because he sought the God of his forefather [Ishmael] and detest idol worshipping just as God detest it. God would support anyone that walked in his path to conquer the idol worshippers of Saudi Arabia in his days. Muhammad [Ishmael] was a great man before the Almighty God, no doubt.

163. Mohammad made many idol worshipers to convert away from their idols and those idol worshipers and powerful priests of fallen angels who refused to bow to the Almighty through him left Mecca and Arabia for him.

164. [Distorted history in Yoruba Studies have it that Lamurudu, the said father of Oduduwa moved to Africa after the emergence of Muhammad and his push against idols and fallen angels. Oduduwa is the one said to have used a mystical chain to come down from the sky which made the early settlers of that place submit to him to establish his kingdom. I learnt about Lamurudu being from the East and the father of Oduduwa in my high school Yoruba study class.]

165. If God’s power was not available for Muhammad, he could not have been able to resist and suppress idolatry and the fallen Angels in Mecca and the Arabia. He also succeeded in indoctrinating his formula for success into a religion and now having many supporters and believers. The system [or religion] that Muhammad established is good [apology and sympathy for those who lost their love ones to extremism and terrorism in the name of Islam], but for human rights violations and the violence of certain extremists and other criminals who do their evil to blackmail Islam.

166. However, man’s effort is not equal to God’s ordination; Muhammad [Ishmael] made great efforts before the Almighty God, but Jesus is elected and ordained [through Isaac] as the savior of humans’ soul. Because humans cannot save their souls, this is why, despite the great life and efforts of many Prophets in the Holy Bible times, God still had to send Jesus Christ [the first Spirit of all creatures] from Heaven to come and save the human race.

167. The difference between Jesus [his disciples who are called Christians] and Muhammad [his disciples who are called Muslims] is eternally great. Can you compare a mortal with an immortal? A soul with spirit? Mohammad is a soul like every other human on earth, the same way all the Prophets.

168. Muhammad was born by sexual intercourse between his mother and father and that makes him like every other human –mortal. Jesus was born by the overshadowing of the Holy Spirit that enabled Virgin Mary to conceive Jesus’ pregnancy. He is Spirit!

169. Because Jesus had no human father and in order to avoid referring to the Almighty God as his Father, the Quran decided to tie each Quranic character to his or her mother. Therefore, the record says Jesus the Son of Mary, but the Holy Bible says, Jesus the Son of God. The original culture of Arabs recognize the men to be more important than women and such treatment is still loud in several Islamic nations today, to limit the humanity of Muslim women. So, how suddenly did the Quran reference a person to the mother instead of to the father? That's strategically deliberate!

170. When Muhammad shall stand before the Throne of Judgment on God’s Judgment Day (Revelation 20:10-15), Muhammad shall also stand to receive his Judgment into either eternal Paradise or eternal fire, just like every other human and prophets. But Jesus would be sitting on the right hand of God, waiting to rule the new world of saved souls. Only those saved by the Blood of Jesus shall be judged into eternal Paradise while others shall be thrown into fire with Satan and Fallen Angels.

171. All Abrahamic religions point to the Almighty God of Heaven and they pray to Him and receive blessing from the same God, but wherein is Salvation and Eternal Life amongst them?

172. Are they all part of God’s spiritual family? As for the rest of humans on earth [descendants of Noah] who are not descendants of Abraham, how does Abraham’s    descendants,    religions,    faiths    and spirituality concern them.

Did anyone ask “I’m not from the Middle East, what’s my business with Abrahamic religions?”

173. Recall in the history of Heaven, how Lucifer and his loyal angels ganged up and staged a coup-d'etat to dethrone Jehovah and enthrone Lucifer as the new Almighty God?

174. This is the insult of a limited creature attempting to overthrow an unlimited Creator in a very aggressive and disturbing way.

175. The most dangerous part of this spiritual warfare in Heaven on the humans’ part is not limited to mankind losing their divinity through Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.

176. The impact of the spiritual warfare that started in Heaven on humans is the threat that Satan poses to destroy the human soul in an eternal lake of fire, along with himself. Revelation 12:12

177. This threat of eternal damnation is unto every human, in fact, every human is on track to eternal damnation and the evidence is that the human soul is now wrapped in the flesh

178. And the soul is trapped in Sheol and cease to be among the living once the flesh is dead.

179. So, if you are still in the flesh and you still see or hear that people die, that is the evidence.

180. Except God of Heaven will have mercy on humans on earth and send them salvation, the souls shall be thrown into the lake of fire along with Lucifer and Fallen Angels.

Why do humans need pardon, forgiveness, mercy, salvation or grace from God? Read Genesis 2:15-17.

181. There is a command-line from God to Human- Adam and the consequence of eating the forbidden fruit [the poison, a test for obedience and submission]. Adam and Eve chose death on the day they chose to eat of the forbidden fruit and their offspring shares the death in their hereditary by default.

182. This is why the world is talking about eternal salvation today!

183. Although humans, especially the greatly successful ones, do not want to die, the first death is certain in order to separate the soul from the flesh.

184. The flesh dies and is gone forever but the soul shall wait in the realm of the dead until resurrection to judgment on God’s Judgment Day.

185. Humans who refused the salvation before they die shall be condemned at Judgment but those who receive the salvation before death shall reap the covenant of eternal salvation which sprung out of Isaac and not Ishmael.

186. Now, let’s categorize the entire people on earth into descendants of Noah and descendants of Abraham, though Abraham is a descendant of Noah. But as God pleases, the new beginning with Abraham is a spiritual one and other descendants of Noah must key into this spirituality because it is therein God revealed Himself to all humans of the world.

187. Before the new beginning with Abraham, the world humans were lost away from God, his laws and statutes.

188. Satan and Fallen Angels were the order of the people through numerous means.

189. God revealed Himself through Abraham and because God’s covenant with Abraham has led to many religions, faiths and spirituality, the world should come together to read between the lines.

190. If Abraham was God’s spiritual startup on earth, why are his religions more than one and disagreeing?

191. The world should come together to read between the lines to find out the path of true salvation to eternal life.

192. This is very important because as humans in this one big prison-like human’s universe, we are all set for eternal damnation if we do not ask tough questions and make the right choices.

193. Although we have inherited sin and curse from Adam (Romans 3:23), there is divine pardon, forgiveness, mercy, salvation and grace to humans handed down from God.

194. Of course, there would be means of delivering this to humans and God chose one man to start this process of redemption and eternal salvation Abraham.

195. Now, if Abraham has become different religions and faiths today, is it not a good thing so we can choose whichever one we like?

196. Well, there is a problem, a very big one!

197. The big problem is that the religions that came out of Abraham all agree in certain vital areas and disagree in certain vital areas.

198. Vital areas because all the information and ordinances are important.

199. Like we have mentioned earlier: Just one missing, misplaced or misunderstood piece of the whole picture is enough for Satan to lead the people astray. That missing, misplaced or misunderstood pieces could be few details or revelations or misinterpretations.

200. God is not a Confusion-ist and He is so orderly that you can see orderliness in the art of creation and in creatures.

201. This is why the world should come together or as individuals to read between the lines in the scriptures, teachings and acts of the Abrahamic religions.

202. Ask wise questions without reservation or diplomacy because asking wise questions is one of the pillars of learning.

203. Now that we are aware that the treasure is within Abraham, let us become the Treasure Hunters and the Treasure is our salvation from this one big prison-like human’s universe into immortality in the so-much talked-about Paradise of God.

204. On this note, we dare say that the hunt for eternal treasure, eternal salvation, immortality and the much talked-about Paradise of God and the search for God should be a Fundamental Human Right. Human Right and Eternal Life should be considered as right to life.

206. Those who believe in Eternal Life are not a minority group in this world and should be given the Right to their Faith which they believe guarantees eternal life after death.

207. This should be considered, enshrined and enforced through the United Nations as a right to immortal life through choice of faith, on a global scale. Most nations in the Middle East would probably reject this.

208. To this end, “force” of an eternally sensitive matter like faith or religion on anyone is wickedness and infringement upon Human Right.

209. It is written that everyone will stand before the Throne of Judgment without any “Advocate”.

210. Why let anyone decide for others and force them into what he believes is the way to gain eternal life?

211. This is an individual decision and choice, therefore, should be considered a Fundamental Human Right worldwide at a certain age.

212. Governments of the world should not shy away from this as they are expected to provide an environment, law and policies that is all- encompassing for all facets of humans’ life including matters of customs and faiths.

213. Religious enforcement, whether direct or strategic, at state-level is abuse of Human Rights.

214. How can the God of Abraham be the only True God? What about ancient faiths?

215. An ungodly reality at the age when Abram was called out of Ur.

216. The entire world had sinned and come short of the glory of God. Romans 3:23.

217. It was similar to the age when God found no one worthy on earth other than Noah’s family. Review this references Psalms 53:2-3, 14:2-3, Ezekiel 22:30 as other times when God found no one on earth.

218. The selection of Abraham was an absolute new spiritual beginning and he did not bear witness or endorse any other existing faith, religion, god, idol or spiritual practices at that time but constantly abhors them in the name of his God.

219. We dare say that the God of Abraham is the One and Only True God.

220. Anyone who posits otherwise should do personal research in the acts of the gods and compare their deeds with the deeds of God of Abraham and the many times He had silenced the gods in Holy Bible Times.

221. Few examples; destruction of Dagon idol, Baal god and its prophets, parting of the Red Sea, destruction of 185,000 Assyrian Army, Angel Michael against the Persian god in Daniel’s time, the Great Flood, razing of Sodom and Gomorrah and so many other acts of God of Abraham.


Dear Reader,

Foremost, be aware there are many arguments about the existence, knowledge and access to God in humans’ world and mesmerizing enough is when secular scholars dabbled into spiritual things and began to teach them with human knowledge and understanding. Can God be found through science or humans' limited knowledge? No! Because these respected scholars are well educated in the way of humans and celebrated among many, they throw their weight in an attempt to resolve the arguments in the “religious sector” and the best they vomit is philosophy. God is Spirit and those who seek and worship Him must do so in the spiritual realm, not by factual scholarly approach.

Humans have knowledge about spirits. Different groups of humans have knowledge about different spirits depending on their encounter with the spirits or the passing down of the knowledge of the encounter and customs [traditions] to keep in relationship with the spirits from one generation to another. One thing is certain,  under  God’s  watch,  no  spirit  [Angels  from Heaven] is permitted from Heaven to interact with mankind except they are on God’s approved assignment. Such Angels from Heaven do not reveal their names except the four ArchAngels; and they do not establish themselves as objects of worship [idols]; they do not take human form to dwell among them to rule or influence them. God raises humans to become powerful as Kings, Prophets or Other Roles, therefore, they should not be mistaken as gods even if they look too supernatural.

All the prophets that God raised before the coming of Jesus to humans’ world testified to one another and the theme of their message and behavior reflects that they bear the message of the same God. Many among them foretold by God’s revelation that Jesus would be born to this world and to save the world from eternal damnation by his blood. Jesus is the only exemption of Spirit born as flesh among whatever spirit [Angels] that come down from Heaven on assignment. There may be other spirits in human flesh who lived with humans on earth in history, but they are certainly not from God. This is why God revealed that the Angels who visited the humans’ world without God’s assignment or approval [for selfish, lust or vain glory reasons] are locked out of Heaven [read it in the Holy Bible Book of Jude 1:6] and would be thrown into the Lake of Fire after the day of God’s Judgment with those Fallen Angels who had fallen with Lucifer the Satan as documented in Revelation 12:7.

Finding the Almighty God is such a linear and easy process but many confusions and deceptions are just everywhere in the world as works of Satan, Fallen Angels and the Angels who were locked out of Heaven for visiting the humans’ world for corrupt reasons. They are all angry with God and are determined to destroy all God’s work on earth including the humans. Although they appear harmless and play the victims and seek empathy from humans, they have one purpose of Satan, to destroy everything of God that they can. God has already sentenced them to eternal damnation and these rebellious spirits want you and I dragged along with them, but God forbids, Amen.

Any of these demons may not appear eyeball to eyeball, but they can possess another human to communicate with you to influence, encourage or force you to do things that will keep you away from the Almighty God. Beware of help; many help in this world have been sent from hell to destroy a man’s soul. Nevertheless, help is very good, just be careful. In hard times and in need of help, call to God in prayer like David in Psalm 121.

There are so many things that I would like to tell you, but in order to keep the size of this book small enough to capture and encourage the people who do not have flair for reading books. I have asked many questions in the spiritual realm of God’s revelation and I have received many answers with convictions. Permit me to teach you a way to have an encounter with God. But you must first desire an encounter with God and you must believe that you too can have a spiritual experience with Him. Then, your determination for an evidence of God must lead you in the culture of prayer and fasting. You do not know yet whether the Christian Bible, Muhammad’s Quran or other “Holy Books” is what you should study [in case you feel lost in between], you can stay away from the Books for now and continue in prayer and fasting asking God for an encounter and direction to the true path to Him. Pray with this one of the most powerful things that set God apart from other gods and religions, call Him by this reference of great differentiation:

‘The God who created the Heavens and the Earth, please grant me an encounter with you and lead me into the right path [faith] so that I may know you and gain eternal life, away from eternal damnation. I am available for your visit in my dream and I am available for your visit when I am awake’. Again, I pray unto you the God who created the Heavens and the earth.’

There is no Angel, demon, any creature or anyone anywhere who can answer that call except the God who truly created the Heavens and the earth. Therefore, be at rest and continue to pray regularly with determination until He visits. For clarity, fasting begins from midnight by 12am until, at least, 12pm at noon. In days of praying and waiting for God, it does not stop you from going to your work but do ensure to do more good things for people and help for the needy. If your wait or search for God is not genuine, He would not visit until you make it right.

Sadly for many Christians in developing countries, after their encounter with God and the confirmation of their salvation, their productivity drops by losing interest in vital areas of this life in areas of job, business, politics, entertainment and others because they believe that Jesus Christ is coming back today and there is no need for ambition in this world. This is wrong! Go ahead and aspire but remember that Godly righteousness is expected of you to keep your name in the Book of life. Enjoy golf games, football leagues, your PlayStation or Xbox, birthday parties, swimming, comedy shows and other recreations. Stay away from idols and idol festivals! Wait for God in prayer as described above and He would surely visit by His Spirit.

I have done mine. Happy waiting, happy experience!

Yours faithfully, Dickson O. Adelusi


There are idol worshipers and other not-Jesus' way adherents [or religion] who are deeply, very good people. Their character is exemplary and way better than many Christians. They are in-born with goodness and are among us in different room names like Muslims, Yoruba religion adherents, Hindus, and particularly, I have a Buddhist friend who does more good to people than I do.

How I wish these goodhearted, morally sound and heaven-worthy people can just understand the spiritual position of the Almighty God about salvation for humanity through Jesus Christ alone! They stand the chance to become greater than many 'false' Christians in the eternal Kingdom that God has given to Jesus Christ. How can mere and fellow mortal like me make them understand, except, they seek God in prayer to show them the way. God hears good people and religion would not matter!