Spiritual Families and Tribes by Dickson O. Adelusi - HTML preview

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Gateway into the Bloodline from God by Simple Steps Initiation

[Although, this chapter mentions how Israel came to be, it shows the gateway to eternal life through a covenant made with Abraham and finally mentions the initiation process into spiritual family of God as children and not slaves of God.]

1. Isaac received the Blessing and the Everlasting Covenant but only the Blessing is extended to Ishmael. God confirmed in Genesis 17:20 that He heard the prayer of Abraham and that He will surely bless Ishmael. In verse 21, God reconfirmed that the covenant of Eternal Life is from and within Isaac 2.God appeared to Isaac as confirmation of the Covenant He made with Abraham in Genesis 26:2-4. The land in Genesis 26:3 is the land which the Ancient Israelites return to take in the Middle Eastern part of today’s world.

3. For the Eternal Covenant of God to continue in the lineage of Isaac, Jacob the son of Isaac was chosen to become that nation.

4. God's Angel [a god] appeared to Jacob and changed his name to the name of God’s nation [Israel] and established His Covenant with Jacob.

5. The Messiah of the entire world would come from Jacob. Genesis 35:9-13. Jacob was renamed Israel by God's approval and Jesus the Messiah of the entire world of humans will come from Israel.

6. God began with Abraham and from Abraham came two crossroads of Ishmael and Isaac. But God was clear that Ishmael was not His plan and that Isaac was His plan for the entire world.

7. Then, from Isaac came Esau and Jacob but Jacob who was renamed Israel by God carried on the Covenant.

8. Jacob’s twelve sons became the twelve tribes of Israel. They, mostly, intermarried and multiplied and became a nation of many people.

9. They were bred in Egypt until the time God decided to move them to the land He had promised Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the Canaan Land or the land inhabited by the Canaanites.

10. Moses was called by God as a Great Prophet and Leader to lead Israel out of Egypt with the mighty power of God.

11. Egypt was plagued many times before Pharaoh succumbed to let Israel go.

12. God deliberately led Israel through the Red Sea and parted the Sea before them and to destroy the unrepentant Pharaoh who chased after them into the Red Sea.

13. Moses got irritated by the behavior of Israelites through the wilderness and overacted to dishonor God which vexed Him and He took him out of living, buried him and replaced him with Joshua.

14. Before Moses was no more, he had received the Ten Commandments from God and many other laws were given to and written by Moses as to how a nation of God must be governed in the new land.

15. Everyone needs to understand that not all the laws written by Moses were given from God as he wrote some using his discretion. Knowing that Moses represented the Executive, Legislature and Judiciary symbol of the Israelite.

15. Part of Mosaic Laws are peculiar to Israel and their customs and not laws directly from God. It is not all Mosaic laws that are recorded in the Christians’ Holy Bible.

16. All of the writings of the laws are regarded as sacred texts and preserved in forms of Torah, Tanakh, Talmud and Midrash. It was not only the sacred texts of Moses that were preserved in these Old Testament Books but, also, the sacred texts of other Prophets of God in Bible Times.

18. The Prophets after Moses also wrote Laws as the Spirit of God instructed them [direct instructions, laws and prophecies from God through the Prophets].

19. This is why Jesus said I did not come to annul the Laws and the Prophets.

20. The Sacred Texts of Moses and other Prophets until the last Prophet before Jesus Christ were preserved on clay tablets and scrolls.

21. They are the foundation-al scriptures of the customary or traditional religion founded by the Jews which is Judaism.

22. The people of Israel are also called Jews. Their Sacred Texts formed the content of the Christians’ Old Testament Bible.

23. Many of the Jewish Sacred Texts [events] are found in the Muhammad’s Quran with some distorted narrative. Though, Muslims believes that Angel Gabriel showed the entire Quran to Muhammad.

24. Also, since the time of Abraham until the time of Moses, God Almighty has been revealed as Monotheistic. The doctrine or philosophy of the Holy Trinity, Triune or Triad God of Heaven philosophy has the lining of pagan background.

25. The laws of God given to Israel is a model for all nations of humans’ world [You may exclude the Mosaic Laws that are constitutional where it is not direct commandment from God].

26. The ordinances and covenant of religion of the Jews which is Judaism, shall however be changed and replaced with the New and Eternal Covenant of Jesus. The change does not cancel the laws.

27. The change is important because faith or Spirituality [misunderstood with religiosity] is a spiritual thing and to become a spiritual family of God, it would require more than circumcision as was done in the Old Testament.

28. It requires a sinless and sacred blood from the family of God in Heaven in order for humans to become part of the spiritual family of God again.

29. God has planned this from the beginning and this is the Eternal Covenant of Isaac fulfilled with the Blood of Jesus Christ.

30. Bear in mind that Abraham was a friend of God Almighty, but Jesus Christ is the only Begotten Son of God Almighty.

31. There is a blood difference between friends and family no matter the love between the friends. That Blood of Jesus is the ritual to be adopted and transformed into God’s spiritual family.

The Eternal Salvation [the Eternal Covenant of Isaac]

Do you remember when we started with a scriptural truth of how God Almighty formed Adam and placed him in the Garden of Eden? God later created Eve from the rib of Adam. We also talked about the ambition of Lucifer in Heaven to overthrow Jehovah on the God-Throne but failed. How Lucifer and his loyal Angels who were involved in the coup d'etat in Heaven were hurled down to humans’ world called earth.

Then Lucifer became Satan and, when moving up and down the earth, found the Garden of Eden and surprisingly found Adam and Eve in it. Satan deceived Adam and Eve to eat the Forbidden Fruit which is how humans lost their immortality and began to die. Of the truth, it is the flesh of humans that dies because the soul is immortal and trapped in Sheol, the realm of the dead, until Judgment Day. The Bible did not mention the end of burning in an eternal lake of fire; the Bible only says “day and night they shall keep burning forever”. The Soul is eternal!

32. Nowhere in the Holy Bible did God engage in physical combat with Lucifer, not even during the war in Heaven which is revealed in Revelation chapter 12. God is way above that!

33. The entire Book of Revelation shows the ultimate plan of God to punish the insult of coup d'etat against His Sovereignty and that He is set to burn all reasoning beings and immortals involved with Lucifer to insult, blaspheme and dare attempt to wage war against Him the Creator.

34. The transgression of humans is lightweight compared to what Satan did in Heaven and so God showed compassion towards humans and made a Covenant of Salvation with them.

35. This is salvation or saving them from eternal burning in the Lake of Fire, wherever God has set up the Fire.

36. There is no life whatsoever in that Fire and it is an eternal burning and torment. That is why the Covenant of Salvation is the same as Covenant of Eternal Life.

37. This is the Eternal Covenant that God made with Abraham that He vowed to establish through Isaacs descendant and not Ishmael’s descendant.

38. Down the line of Isaac came Jesus of Nazareth.

39. Whoever rejects the Gospel of Jesus Christ as preserved in the writings of the Apostles who worked directly as disciples of Jesus Christ in the first four Books of the New Testament –Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John – has rejected this Eternal Covenant, even, that Eternal Life.

40. Such a person or people would have their place in the eternal punishment of Satan and Fallen Angels. John 3:18, John 3:16-17, Revelation 20:11-15

41. This eternal salvation is God’s finished work through the blood of Jesus who He sent to humans world to reconcile and redeem humans unto God.

42. The humans of the world must accept and believe in the divinity, mission, teachings, death and resurrection, blood, name and second coming of Jesus Christ in order to be saved.

43. Remember that Isaac received both the Blessing and Eternal Covenant of Salvation from God. Therefore, apart from the Salvation, the Blessing is there in Jesus Christ.

44. For those who receive Jesus Christ and can faithfully activate Revelation 5:12 through the indwelling of Jesus in them, it is indeed a blessing.

45. Whoever, whether Christians, Muslims, Jews or Others, that rejects this eternal salvation because of sticking to their religions, arrogance to make a U- turn, Godlessness or sinfulness shall be casted into eternal fire with Satan. John 3:18-19.

46. Sadly for many Christians in developing countries, after their encounter with God and the confirmation of their salvation, their productivity drops by losing interest in vital areas of this life in areas of job, business, politics and others because they believe that Jesus Christ is coming back today and there is no need for ambition in this world. This is wrong! Go ahead and aspire but remember that Godly righteousness is expected of you to keep your name in the Book of life. Revelation 20:15.

47. Men say the end shall justify the means but God says the means is of utmost importance. Righteousness is simply doing the right things at the right time, always.

48. Spiritual Families and tribes: Initiations and Adoptions.

49. The worlds were inhabited by Spirits from the beginning before Lucifer the Satan divided the one big family.

50. Then the Soul was formed to be a Being of Reason like the Spirits.

51. Satan deceived the Soul to eat the forbidden fruit which trapped the Soul in the body of flesh after the Glory of God had left the Soul.

52. The Soul, ignorantly, elected a new master who is Satan by default.

53. Satan has full control and power over the Flesh body and uses its lust to enslave the Soul.

54. By force, every un-redeemed human belongs to the family of Satan. This is because there is no middle ground -the middle ground is a sinking ground. Everyone who stays in the middle are forcefully taken by Satan, by default. Side-taking is unavoidable between the two spiritual families. Satan is spirit and that is why we posit that they belong to the spiritual family of Satan, knowingly or unknowingly, intentionally or unintentionally and whether they agree or not.

55. From the beginning, fast forward to our present age till the end of days, the only humans who belong to the spiritual family of God are those who the Blood from the family of God has redeemed from forceful ownership of Satan. That Blood of God’s family is the Blood of Jesus Christ, the only Begotten Son of God. The same redemption he took to Sheol for three days for the dead who would accept him. Never again shall salvation enter Sheol after the ascension of Jesus!

56. Having mentioned the families, what are the tribes?

57. Satan owns one spiritual family and many tribes. The tribes of Satan spiritual family include, the witches, wizards, idolaters and their priests, the deceived, the self-gods, the persons of marine spirits and of air spirits, unclean enlightenment and Spiritism and so many religions.

58. Their family passport is the solemn or bold rejection and/or denial of God’s approved Way and governing laws as written in the 66 Books of the Hebrews Holy Bible from Genesis to Revelation.

59. No human can put a number to the tribes of Satan because they keep coming in many other names and philosophies. However, God is always specific and, even, the number of Spirits of God Almighty is seven.

60. God is always stable and ever true; never changing and no after-thoughts, knowing end from the beginning.

61. The tribes in God’s spiritual family can be likened to the twelve tribes of Israel which was later represented as the twelve disciples of Jesus Christ in the New Testament.

62. To this end, we must show a wisdom here that the church is the gathering of children of God and not the building.

63. The church is the gathering of the children of God which is why Jesus Christ shed His Blood and died for the church. Ephesians 5:25, 1John 3:16.

64. Therefore, the church is the spiritual family of God because it is the gathering of the children of God.

65. There are twelve tribes of the church according to the twelve disciples of Jesus Christ.

66. These twelve tribes are independent of the denominations’ names because assigning a particular church denomination to a tribe is more of a spiritual exercise or practice than physical features.

67. For example, the Roman Catholic Church is just one denomination as much as the Jehovah Witnesses Organization is. There are many other church names and every different name is a denomination.

68. We believe it is not within our jurisdiction but of the Headquarters in Heaven to categorize them into twelve tribes, except, the criteria for categorization are revealed to the church.

69. Anyone who is not actively part of a local church is either backsliding or entirely not part of the spiritual family of God.

70. No matter your excuse about what is happening in the church, you must not walk out of the church which is the spiritual family of God.

71. There is no perfect church denomination and you are free to change denomination but do not be deceived by Satan to walk out of the church entirely. Not all Christians are reborn by the Spirit of God, therefore, gain spiritual maturity to identify them and not allow them to make you stumble.

72. It is your primary responsibility to defend the flock of God where false doctrine or spiritual practices are being exalted. (Jude 1:3, 1Peter 3:15, 2Corinthians 10:5, Psalm 94:16, Titus 1:9, 2Timothy 4:2, Philippians 1:16, Ephesians 5:11, 2Timothy 3:16-17, Matthew 5:11-12, 1Peter 4:14, 1Thessalonians 5:21)

73. If everyone keeps staying away from the church or from being active, joining to reproach the church or relaxing the scriptures, would Jesus Christ meet faith on earth when he shall return? (Luke 18:8)

74. Are church members not the children of God? (John 1:12, Hebrews 10:25).

75. Why are the children of God mocking the family of their Father? Do they not know that Satan gathered among them to destroy them? (Job 1:6, Jeremiah 5:26)

76. Why give Satan the easy ride? If you are afraid to defend the faith and instill God’s undiluted principles and statutes in your local church denomination, pray to God for what to do.

77. Never leave the church or the body of Jesus Christ! Leaving the church is leaving the family of God.

78. This is a challenge for the children of God to have a new beginning or reinforcement. The church denominations are the spiritual family of God but always remember Judas Iscariot which is the lost tribe of the family.


79. [In my days at the University, I did ask my different friends who were members of different cults about their initiation; some got angry while some told me. I noticed that though they are different occult groups, they all mentioned the use of blood at some point and there is also a common fire ritual or passing through the fire. Whereas, the Bible warned against misuse of blood and prohibition of passing through fire was commanded in Leviticus 18:21 KJV]

80. The many tribes in the spiritual family of Satan have their different rites and rituals to be performed in order for any new member to be initiated.

81. There is only one scriptural initiation process to join the spiritual family of God, no matter the tribe you want to enter through.

82. The chain process of initiation include to receive and believe the Gospel of Jesus Christ [his divinity, his mission, his teachings, his death and resurrection, his blood, his name and his second coming]

83. Followed by repentance and confessions

84. Baptism (baptismal class might be a prerequisite in some denominations)

85. Discipleship class, orientation or training

86. Participating in the Holy Communion

87. Finally and so important is building and deepening a loving relationship with God and fellow humans.

8. The church is not a religion, it is the gathering of the children of God, whether they are two or three persons.

89. Be spiritual and not religious!

90. Although Jesus preached the coming Kingdom of our God, the pillar of Jesus’ teachings is love.

91. Love is the number one spiritual fruit. Love everyone and anyone with the love of God and that is how the world will know that you are a child of God.

92. Our passport is holiness and virtues. We accept and keep the governing laws of God in the 66 Books of the Hebrews Holy Bible because our God is the God of the Hebrews and for all nations.

93. However, we do not observe some part of the Mosaic laws and Israelite custom that are considered inhumane for slavery practices and stoning to death, read Mark 10:5.

94. We are also at liberty whether to observe, or not, the ordinances of the Old Testament Temple since we have the New Testament church which is not built as the Old Temples.

95. Which family do you love and would prefer between the families?