Tales in Genesis by Julio Carrancho - HTML preview

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Psalm 23 is a metaphorical pantomime trying to portray how fantastic Yahweh was for this mythological king David of Israel.

There are serious imponderables in this famous psalm, though.

It is believed that this particular psalm was written in David’s old age, but there are others that disagree.

In fact, many psalms were collected, and perhaps written, centuries after king David.

Other more liberal students go one step further and say that this king never existed, and that his story is fabrication and fiction to sell a counterfeit product, like many other parts of the Bible.

All the psalms have a violent connotation, and false morality, implying that there is a special Almighty God protecting this particular people from other tribes and their tribal conflicts.

Such God never existed; it was all a tribal idol made of desert rocks, dead, inactive, worthless.

Psalm 23 - [1] The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. [NKJV]

Tales in Genesis

My comment:

It’s a big lie.

This is Yahweh being a shepherd to protect one of his sheep called king David, and under Yahweh’s protection David would be safe, and have no need of anything else.

In his troubled reign, this king had many enemies.

He went out to conquer other lands belonging to other tribes, rob the inhabitants, and loot everything he could.

He was not a saint, but a brutal tyrant of a part of Palestine that was called the “Promised Land”.

It was not Yahweh that was his shepherd.

He had an army of one million and five hundred soldiers capable of handling a sword, 1 Chronicles 21:5.

Some translations say one million and one hundred thousand.

Of course this is extreme exaggeration.

How could the nominated general go across the whole Israel and Judah counting men that could draw a sword without messing up those incredibly large numbers.

He lied to David; he could not count properly.

The Bible is full of lies and false heroes; there are lies everywhere in its pages, if you are an intelligent student to see them.

The United States of America has an army of half a million soldiers.

So, it was not Yahweh protecting David, but an enormous and numerous army of men with swords.

Imagine going to war with such a massive army!

It is gross exaggeration, obviously.

Just to supply a sword to every one of those soldiers would need a massive industry to manufacture them.

So, this famous psalm starts with a big lie; the rest is more lies, 106

Julio Carrancho


[2] He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters.

My comment:

Nothing like that ever happened.

King David had a violent existence, going out to annihilate his neighbours, destroying all other tribes around the small “Promised Land” to try make it bigger, by pillage, theft, and crime wherever he found land to conquer.

His army of marauders went with him, and killed other tribal people to occupy their lands, kill the men, rape their women, and make others slaves.

David was a rapist, a murderer, a tribal killer like the others; nothing in king David’s life was “still waters”.

Revelation gives Jesus the title of the new King David, the so-called King of Kings and Lord of Lords, Rev 19:16, a very insidious title, since that would mean one worse than the original.

Jesus the King of Kings and the Lamb of God the Father [in the sinister triad Father, Son, Holy Ghost] would rule with a rod of iron not one of peace, mercy, hallowedness, Revelation 2:26.

For his enemies, Jesus’ rule would be a tenebrous place of horrific pain in an eternal furnace of fire called hell, where its smoke goes up forever, all because some intelligent student challenged the whole tyranny openly; Revelation 14:9-11.

And the smoke of their torment rises forever and ever; and day and night there is no rest for those who worship the beast and its image, or for anyone who receives the mark of its name.”

Of course it is stupid, because forever and ever in a place where there is day and night like on Earth is impossible.


Tales in Genesis

The Bible is saturated with this type of irrationality, but its defenders – for reasons of private gain – will threaten, curse, and even persecute the intelligent student that points out their miserable superstition.

[3] He restores my soul;

He leads me in the paths of righteousness For His name’s sake.

My comment:


Never did any Yahweh lead you anywhere, since this tribal god didn’t even exist anywhere David, stop lying.

Moses created Yahweh.

Those who read the Bible with the brain full of superstition will not react against David’s lies.

Righteousness was never part of David’s life – his biography is full of violence, and it is a lie.

[4] Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil;

For You are with me;

Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.

My comment:

More lies.

Never did Yahweh protect anybody from evil.

Not even Jesus succeeded with his prayer “Deliver us from the Evil One” in his famous prayer, the so-called “Lord’s Prayer”.


Julio Carrancho

Neither was Jesus any Lord, nor did he ever pray his prayer himself.

If you thought that Jesus was God, here in this prayer you have clear proof that he was nothing but another religious charlatan.

Being God, he would never need to pray “deliver us from evil” –

or from the Evil One, as some translations put it.

Why wouldn’t Jesus himself pray that prayer and get rid of the Evil One, if he was so worried about the evil caused by this enemy?

Jesus was a hypocrite, an impersonator, and his prayer was clear nonsense; and king David was a retard, with no brains.

[5] You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil;

My cup runs over.

My comment:

David was surrounded by enemies, even from within his private circle.

Before dying, he instructed his son Solomon to kill two of his adversaries he could no longer kill for being an old man – 1 Kings 2 – so used to killing people he was.

One was a general called Joab, David’s nephew from his half-sister; he was the general of David’s army that killed David’s son Absalom, among other enemies of the king.

It’s a long and evil story, but Solomon soon ordered the killing of Joab, like many other enemies, to go and be the king of Israel and have a depraved life, exploiting the “Chosen People” in the

“Promised Land’.

The story of monarchies is always full of blood, crime and conspiracy.


Tales in Genesis

All kings and all monarchies committed crime, no exceptions in the Bible or outside in the world.

Monarchies were sources of crime against innocent people.

For committing so much crime in his life, David was surrounded by enemies wanting to kill him.

If this psalm was written by David in his later years, he lived in great fear of being caught and stabbed in the back or worse.

And what would Yahweh do to save him from the fatal stab?

Nothing, because Yahweh was only a plastic idol, worthless in those days and today.

David had many enemies, even from his own household, his sons, his royal house. So, when you read this Psalm 23, or sing it, or compose hymns and cantatas about it, consider that you are blessing and approving murder, crime, tyranny.

Wake up, and stop supporting religious organizations that live off biblical heroes that had a life of crime and bad fruit.

[6] Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me All the days of my life;

And I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

My comment:

Well, David, you are asking for the same mercy you applied to others, invading their lands, robbing their possessions, and killing their inhabitants to appropriate their lands and wealth, you evil king.

Sure you would not be protected by a God of justice, but you would suffer in fear for the punishment day.

You will dwell in the ground, two metres down, and rot, and turn into a fossil, if you existed.


Julio Carrancho

In fact, your bones were never found in that small land, which is enough proof that you never existed, you bloody liar.

How stupid to ask your Lord to take you to his house, do you think your Lord lived in a house?

David, you were a moron with no brains, and your life is not an example to follow, get lost, man!


the teMPtation of Jesus

Matthew 4:1:11