Tales in Genesis by Julio Carrancho - HTML preview

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This ridiculous episode in Jesus’ life starts two verses earlier at Matthew 3:16-17 [NKJV]

[16] When He had been baptized, Jesus came up immediately from the water; and behold, the heavens were opened to Him, and He saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting upon Him.

[17] And suddenly a voice came from heaven, saying, “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.”

My comment:

In this short passage, the intelligent student finds the first evidence that Matthew is representing the geocentric universe he believed existed, with layers of heavens [plural] from where the material “dove” of the surreal “Spirit-of-God” flew down to the spot where Jesus was baptized, and then a voice heard from higher above, the heaven [singular] where God had his physical throne –

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all of this absolute baloney invented by fiction writers. Jesus would soon also declare the same belief.

The layers of the heavens, obviously containing air, were not too far out in space, since birds could fly through them quickly to go hover over a man being baptized. The voice Jesus told his friends he heard was from the place where God resided, he also told them this.

Who exactly saw the dove and heard the voice? In the context, nobody saw any dove or heard any voice. They heard the ruffling of the water when Jesus rushed out to escape its cold; maybe the guy confused it with some voice from heaven, and the dove was only some sun reflection on the water, something natural.

In religion, the ridiculous exaggerations can later change into miracles for some sacred text. Witnesses can invent them with no need for any witnesses. Or maybe later Jesus himself, typically exaggerating, told the story to some of his disciples who went out and told Matthew, who in turn told others, and by a process of religious accretion the story was then magnified and turned into sacred scripture in the canonical, official, gospels.

All the “sacred content” arrived via this process, never forget. It was firstly some small oral story with some fantasy in the context, but next was exaggerated, and soon was fanatical folklore all had to believe or be called some ugly name, like apostate, and condemned to an eternity of torment or worse – all that for laughing at a stupid story.

Now, this is perhaps the most absurd and unrealistic of all stories in the gospels; nothing else compares in matters of the pathetic, the irrational, or the crude. It is cheap propaganda, trying to quickly turn an obscure character nobody had heard about before, into a local hero, some spiritual guru, starting his career by dispensing cheap morals to get free meals and free lodging without much effort.

This one, this time, is some guy called Jesus-of-Nazareth that needs to quickly be elevated to a national hero, later perhaps, with 114

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some luck, a spiritual leader or world saviour with some power to save all the Jews and the Gentiles. For such a high office he has to prove himself stronger than the Devil, Satan. So, nothing better than inventing a story where this unknown character is ordered to go to some desert and be tempted by the most powerful force fighting morality, fighting God himself, intent on destroying everything if not stopped, against which only some “Son-of-God” can stand. And here comes Jesus-of-Nazareth to do that job. The story is another gross lie in the New Testament, the gospels, the Bible, as we will quickly find out.

There are three different versions in the three synoptic gospels, the shortest in Mark 1:12-13, and the longest in Luke 4:1-13.

In Mark the story is told without much enthusiasm or detail; it simply says:

[12] Immediately the Spirit drove Him into the wilderness.

[13] And He was there in the wilderness forty days, tempted by Satan, and was with the wild beasts; and the angels ministered to Him.

Luke offers a different order of events, the last two temptations reversed.

4:1 Then Jesus, being filled with the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness, 2 being tempted for forty days by the Devil. And in those days He ate nothing, and afterward, when they had ended, He was hungry.

3 And the Devil said to Him, “If You are the Son of God, command this stone to become bread.”

4 But Jesus answered him, saying, “It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God.’ ”


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5 Then the Devil, taking Him up on a high mountain, showed Him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time.

6 And the Devil said to Him, “All this authority I will give You, and their glory; for this has been delivered to me, and I give it to whomever I wish.

7 Therefore, if You will worship before me, all will be Yours.”

8 And Jesus answered and said to him, “Get behind Me, Satan! For it is written, ‘You shall worship the Lord your God, and Him only you shall serve.’ ”

9 Then he brought Him to Jerusalem, set Him on the pinnacle of the temple, and said to Him, “If You are the Son of God, throw Yourself down from here.

10 For it is written: ‘He shall give His angels charge over you, to keep you,’

11 and, ‘In their hands they shall bear you up, lest you dash your foot against a stone.’ ”

12 And Jesus answered and said to him, “It has been said, ‘You shall not tempt the Lord your God.’ ”

13 Now when the Devil had ended every temptation, he departed from Him until an opportune time.

The Temptation of Jesus

[1] Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the Devil.

My comment:

Had just been baptized in the River Jordan by another agitator, his cousin John the Baptist, soon to be decapitated for all the lies he was spreading about a revolutionary “kingdom of heaven” to by force replace the Romans occupying Palestine.


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And a voice was heard from heaven declaring Jesus the anointed son of God. It is a travesty of a story polluted with exaggeration, the absurd, and lies. That’s the voice some told Matthew they heard. Matthew believed it and included it in his bestseller. The voice exclaimed you are my son. Now over to the Spirit that has something else to tell you, son. And Jesus heard another voice in his head this time, nobody else heard it, go to the desert and fast forty days while the Devil tempts you.

The part where it says “led up by the Spirit” is problematic. Did Jesus hear a voice, or was he going by his own instinct to see if he could receive confirmation that he was the Messiah, the Liberator, the Christ the Jews were expecting to come to save them from the oppressive hand of Caesar?

The problem is serious when one hears voices. In many cases it is the result of excessive abuse of drugs. In those retrograde days, HASHISH was commonly used to induce vision in the abusers.

There are those who say that Jesus became what he became by the influence of powerful hallucinogens, especially hashish, which was commonly used by gurus, prophets, visionaries, messengers of God, and even christs. If so, then Jesus’ story is all of it invented from hallucinations. It is quite possible that Jesus and his disciples were heavy hashish smokers, and this “temptation” being nothing more than addiction delusions in Jesus’ head.

Now the graphics and mechanics of Jesus going to the desert or the wilderness are not presented, the usual situation with these fabricated stories. The private interpretor has thus the freedom to create the background, or context to complement the story. In fundamentalist schools this approach is considered illegal, offensive, sinful, and prohibited. If this was to be a sin, then the “Inspirer” so-called “Holy Spirit” failed for not offering the true details to avoid private opinions.

He left for the desert, period. When he arrived in the desert he set up the tent, put his hashish medicine in one corner, his tunic on the 117

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other, got naked, and went to meditate like a Hindu. He had nothing to eat or to drink. Day one was fine, he fell asleep quickly because it was summertime and hot. But in the desert nights are always cold, so he dressed again with the tunic to feel warm. Soon though, he needed water and he prayed. Prayed oh my Father in heaven, it’s the first day the Spirit told me to fast. But I need to find water, lest I die of thirst and will never be the Messiah. He heard again the same voice from heaven, go east about half a day’s walk and you will find water; drink a lot and return here to your tent, lest you lose your direction and be killed by the wild beasts.

So Jesus went and as the voice said he found water, drank as much as he could, like a camel does, washed his face and armpits, and returned to his tent. Was very tired from the long walk. Went to bed and slept like a rock; after midnight woke up and went out the tent to urinate, for he had excessive water in his system. In the morning he was refreshed and ready for another walk of a few hours to go drink water again.

He thought about his mother’s porridge in the morning and Arabian coffee, but he was fasting and could have none of it now.

That was the Devil’s second temptation. Some versions say that Jesus did not have to walk so long, because when the Spirit took him to the wilderness he told him to set up his tent near a water stream.

I don’t know if that is true, but I prefer the other version where the poor guy had to walk for hours looking for water; more dramatic.

The Devil tempted him everyday with more voices in his head.

One of the temptations was to smoke HASHISH to help pass the time. He had nothing else to do. Had his cards with him to play hearts or solitaire, but not an activity for 12 hours daily. Also went out in the sand and drew figures. The Devil told him several times to draw a line from here, a line from there, one across, one up, one down, now an horizontal one, now one vertical, all day long, in this or that direction - there was enough desert for a large figure, the Devil said.


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But Jesus would quickly get exhausted and fall dizzy to the ground and stay there for hours thinking nothing, while the Devil laughed at him, and call him stupid. Then the Devil brought to his mind the image of Mary Magdalene, his girlfriend, and the afternoons and sometimes the evenings, and even the nights he spent with her before he was baptized by the Holy Spirit and the anointing to be the Messiah of the Jews. She was gorgeous, he thought, and one day would marry her, and run away to Lombardy or Languedoc.

And these temptations were more in number and detailed by the power of the Tempter. Towards the middle of the fast, about day twenty, Jesus was hungry like a dog, and impulsively looking for food in the desert, anything to eat, even scorpions if he found them.

The Devil showed him some rocks. He went and removed some from their place looking for scorpions, but instead found wet sand.

The Devil told him to eat it, for it was very healthy. He tasted it, and found that it wasn’t that bad, so he ate a handful, and afterwards felt better. The next day went out to defecate sand, checking if it hurt, but nothing serious happened, so he carried on for a few days eating wet sand and gained some strength.

Had by that time lost some twenty kilograms; when he left Nazareth he weighed seventy five. After all, he thought to himself, this was not breaking the fast, since in the Bible and in Nazareth sand was not considered food. The Devil agreed. He could later tell his friends that he didn’t have food for forty days, which would only be half a lie, like in mental reservation, hiding part of the truth and still look a saint, no big deal.

But the fact was that he could survive in the desert for a while eating wet sand, science would later discover. Fasting does not forbid drinking water or eating sand. In both situations, Jesus could tell his friends that yes he fasted for forty days, and now they could admire and applaud him as the Messiah.

[2] And when he had fasted forty days and forty nights, afterward 119

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he was hungry.

My comment:

How did Jesus know he had fasted forty days in the desert? Easy: had taken along a pencil and an A4 sheet of paper, and every day he traced a line in the paper. Once he reached ten lines he would start another series of ten under the first one. Later he would trace another ten under the second ten, and finally another series of ten lines under the third group. He could count up to forty this easy way, the Spirit told him. The Spirit had also told him not to complicate much, and spend unnecessary energy counting up to forty and end up counting more days or less days; so, led by the Spirit he made four rows of ten lines not to confuse himself, and the Spirit helped him to understand.

Now this verse says that he was hungry after forty days, but it is a lie; I remind the reader that there are many lies in this story and many more in the gospels, and many, many more in the rest of the Bible, don’t forget. In fact, every time an intelligent student reads something in the Bible the student must first see it as a lie, and only then consider if it could be not a lie. This is a sound and sure way to interpret the reading properly. First thing you read anywhere is suspected a lie, and then maybe in certain cases it might not be a lie, did you get it?

A case in point are the miracles in the gospels: they are at first reading big lies. Then you read them a second time, and they still look like lies; then you read then a third time and they still look like propaganda stunts, and so on and so forth; many years later, after you read the miracles many times they still look like ridiculous lies: the more you read them the less real they look; so eventually the intelligent student does conclude that yes indeed the miracles in the gospels are propaganda stunts with not a hint of truth. Sorry for the apart comment, but it is important to warn about this stuff.

After forty days, he had already left the place back home, and surely maybe he left on day thirty nine to be home earlier, 120

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nobody would notice anything. He would get home, and ask Mary Magdalene to have him a pan full of spaghetti and three loaves of fresh bread – well, maybe I’m exaggerating, I’m sorry.

But he had actually started being hungry the second day after he set up a tent in the desert, as we understand the human body. He then ate a lot of wet sand, and was okay for a while. Towards day thirty had a lot of sand in the system including the brain, which would be there until he died, and he was hungry for real food, like spaghetti bolognese, his favorite dish, with tomato sauce.

[3] Now when the Tempter came to him, he said, “If you are the Son of God, command that these stones become bread.”

My comment:

This is bullshit, because the Tempter, the Devil, Satan, Lucifer, the Nachash, and Malignant Foe had been around all the time.

Satan was in the Garden of Eden, and was a partner with his cousin or half-brother Yahweh in the sinister plan to tempt an innocent couple with a test of obedience about an apple from a tree labeled of knowledge and evil, a lie both invented.

So the Nachash [male Serpent] was there all the time with God’s Son in the desert – the plan was clear, to tempt Jesus to change rocks into bread. For Jesus, no big deal, would be a piece of cake, no pun intended, for he had enough resources of power to change water to wine and wine back to water or cognac if necessary; and also could multiply bread, fish, cheese to great quantities, no big deal. Jesus was better than Superman, remember.

The other opinion about this scene is that there was no Devil anywhere, since such a mythological creature doesn’t exist. What Jesus heard was his own imagination confused with the HASHISH

fumes he excessively smoked to help pass the time. Other intelligent students say that Jesus wasn’t even in any desert fasting or alone 121

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anywhere, but still in Nazareth smoking cannabis with his friends.

He was so knocked out by the fumes that he started seeing Satan talking to him in a desert, so powerful the opioids are.

So, according to this private interpretation, Jesus was telling lies to his friends, those he called disciples or apostles, since the whole pathetic story could only be told by Jesus himself, being alone by himself in the desert.

When he got back from the desert he gathered his disciples and told them to sit down and listen, because he was going to tell them what happened in the desert for the last forty days they hadn’t seen him around, and explain why he was so thin now weighing his forty kilograms of mass, but with good meals by his partner Mary Magdalene he would quickly regain weight to return to his seventy five kilos he had before the Holy Spirit ordering him to the wilderness and let the Tempter try upset him.

Some disciple asked if that weird temptation would not, later in the centuries, become sacred scripture, in spite of all its aberrations, lies, and absurdities? Jesus answered and said, there is worse in the Word of God, relax.

[4] But he answered and said, “It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.’ ”

My comment:

“He answered” reveals that the story was invented. You see, there was nobody else in the scene; so, the details could only be revealed by Jesus himself, the only actor. So, the correct version would be

“Then I answered the Devil” ! There you are: this story is a diabolic lie, sacred crap. Of course, you need to have a normal brain to see it.

“It is written” where? Where is such nonsense written? Jesus didn’t know where; he was inventing new scripture. It was not 122

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written anything like that anywhere; he made it all up right there for his disciples to think that he knew by rote a lot of the Tanakh.

Also represented God with a mouth, another absurdity by Jesus-of-Nazareth, to add to the collection of lies he spread around while living among men.

Here, Jesus commits one the most vicious offenses against the intelligent student, that was to quote men and call them God.

This lie would be perpetuated for millennia by his admirers, for thousands of years, when they would cite and quote stories men wrote and call their citations “God’s Word”, a terribly dishonest statement or teaching.

Here Jesus is quoting men and calling them God. His future admirers and agents would do exactly the same: quote men, and call them God. He was right here the very first in the gospel to apply this horrific lie that would later across the centuries cause massive damage in religion throughout the world. Jesus inaugurated right here talking to Satan, the most vicious lie ever invented in religion.

Jesus was lying to the Devil! Jesus was quoting stories men wrote, and telling the Devil the stories were written by God. And what did the Devil, Satan, Lucifer say to Jesus? He told Jesus, ok that’s it, I agree. And it came to pass that this was the starting point of a monstrous lie Jesus created and the Devil agreed with.

[5] Then the Devil took him up into the holy city, set him on the pinnacle of the temple…

My comment:

Here we have Satan taking Jesus from the desert to Jerusalem.

How did Satan do that? Conservative Bible commentators explain that it is allegorical, that the Devil didn’t physically take Jesus from the desert to the walls in Jerusalem. I believe he didn’t. I also believe that there is no literal or figurative Satan; the whole story is fiction, and redundant hypocrisy to earn a living at the expense of a poor 123

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intellect, abuse of power, and intentional dishonesty by those who want the victims’ money for an easy lifestyle. I also believe that Jesus lied to his friends, because he was a despicable liar, or he was under the influence of cannabis fumes.

But looking at the passage from a literal standpoint, the problem is serious. It does indicate that Satan possessed Jesus in some strange way, and transported him to the top of the Temple’s wall.

Suddenly Jesus, the Son-of-God, a character many call God-the-Son in the Trinity, felt himself being lifted up from his tent in the desert and going across the air feeling the strong wind on his face, while not understanding well what was happening, and in a matter of minutes he felt himself sitting on a wall like Humpty Dumpty and the Devil speaking to him about jumping.

[6] …and said to him, “If you are the Son of God, throw yourself down, for it is written!”

My comment:

Jesus was still confused with the fast trip from the desert to the wall of the Temple in the Holy City. And he was very cold, because it was late in the evening when that happened, and he almost lost his tunic, the only piece of cloth he had at the time to cover his weakened body due to so much fasting; he thought to himself, did I crap myself while going at that incredible speed through the air, my goodness me? Luckily he didn’t because the sand he had eaten that day was still blocking the digestive system.

‘He shall give his angels charge over you,’ and, ‘In their hands they shall bear you up, lest you dash your foot against a stone.’ ”

My comment:

Jesus was very dizzy with the hashish smoke he was smoking, 124

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but he still had enough discernment to understand that the Devil was misquoting the Tanakh, for the passage does not refer to him, but to something else in the context; this Devil spirit was always misquoting the Bible, and in the future all the disciples of Jesus would do exactly the same to protect their dishonest trade.

[7] Jesus said to him, “It is written again, ‘You shall not tempt the Lord your God.’ ”

My comment:

The Devil laughed at Jesus, though he found his answer interesting. He replied that he had no Lord or God, because he was not religious, and he was the lord of himself, because he was an atheist. Jesus laughed, too, for seeing that the Devil was a clever dude with a nice sense of humour, not easy to trick. So Jesus asked the Devil to take him back to the desert because he still had another two days to go to end his fasting and temptation. The Devil agreed and again possessed him for three minutes and at a great speed carried him back to the spot in the desert. Jesus was very tired, and as soon as he laid down in the tent he fell asleep. He had nightmares about flying sources and demons at war in the heavens.

[8] Again, the Devil took Him up on an exceedingly high mountain, and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory.

My comment:

Jesus, really?! Do you mean it was a geocentric universe with its centre on a flat, stationary Earth?! You’re a joke, Jesus! You were not God; you knew nothing; you were a bad impersonator, get lost! Did you tell this lie to your disciples and none reacted to correct you?

Man, how could you be God and not know that scientifically it was 125

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actually an immense, vast heliocentric universe, full of galaxies, the Milky Way and more, almost infinite? Jesus, I don’t want you to talk to me about science, you ignoramus God! You lied to your friends, but not to me, want to know why? Because I’m an intelligent student that does not fall for cheap christs playing Gods’ sons, don’t fool me!

Sorry, folks, that was an aside in my comments to tell Jesus my frank opinion about him.

The next day, Satan arrived and asked Jesus to get ready for another trip this time not to Jerusalem, but to the Himalayas, to Mount Everest. Jesus put on his tunic and answered I’m ready.

Moving at speeds higher than the sound and altitudes above forty thousand feet, hours later, they arrived at Everest, the highest mountain in that region. The weather was so cold that Jesus couldn’t even feel his nose, thinking he was going to die, so cold it was, around minus forty Celsius. To get some comfort he got very near the Devil’s body which was always almost like burning, and he felt better and protected.

Asked the Devil, where is this? The Devil answered, I brought you here to show you all the kingdoms of the world and their glory, can you see them down there on the vast plain? I can’t, Jesus answered.

And it was true, he could see nothing down there, since the mountain was very high. The Devil told him to look better, and see all the kingdoms of the Earth spread about the vast flat Earth. Jesus replied, I cannot see any kingdoms on the flat plain. The Devil told him then to believe and have faith that all the kingdoms were down there, believing or not, because it was a flat Earth in a geocentric stationary planet the centre of the universe, he told Jesus. Jesus understood, finally; had never been a good student in science while studying in Egypt. Ah, okay now I see them, he finally told Satan.

It was, from that moment on, that Jesus understood and believed that in fact he lived in a small geocentric universe filled up with air, for angels, winged horses, pegasus, and pigs to fly through with 126

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messages from God. He told his friends that the Earth is the centre of the universe with the sun, moon and planets orbiting around it.

That’s why he could actually see all the kingdoms of the Earth from the top of that very high mountain in China, he told his friends.


[9] And he said to him, “All these things I will give you if you will fall down and worship me.”

My comment:

The Devil said nothing like that; Jesus lied to his friends; he was a compulsive liar. What things? I mean all the kingdoms of the flat planet of the geocentric universe never existed, either; Satan was also a bloody liar – two liars for the price of one, as it were. How could the Devil give kingdoms to Jesus, if I may ask! He lied to Jesus because there never was any kingdom given to him, where in the Bible is it stated that he was given all kingdoms of the flat Earth? The Devil took unfair advantage of a poor christ almost unconscious from a long flight.

Besides, Jesus would convert those kingdoms into battle fields very quickly with their citizens fighting back to avoid such a catastrophe.

You know, folks, this story is so stupid, so absurd, so incredibly ridiculous, and yet Christians do call it inspired scripture with moral content. That shows their intellectual prowess, below average, if I may say so. That’s why I always say that religion is a cancer that kills brain cells by the millions, turning its victims into intellectual dwarfs. Over the years I’ve had many arguing with me that I am the problem with my private interpretations of the Bible. They want to tell me that I cannot use my normal brain, but switch it off and use theirs. Piss off with your spiritualism.


[10] Then Jesus said to him, “Away with you, Satan! For it is 127

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written, ‘You shall worship the Lord your God, and him only you shall serve.’ ”

My comment:

This is baloney. Jesus could not tell Satan to buzz off and leave him up there alone on top of that very high mountain, where he would freeze to death, and what about God’s plan of redemption to save the Jews? So, either Jesus lied again to his disciples, or Matthew was an unrepentant liar and added this to the story. Had Satan taken Jesus’ suggestion and left him up there to die of hypothermia, the world would not be saved, can you imagine the loss!


[11] Then the Devil left him, and behold, angels came and ministered to Him.

My comment:

There is a part that is not included in this story: when the Devil returned to the desert and left Jesus finished his long fast of forty days and forty nights. You can then say that the Devil possessed Jesus four times, once to the temple and back to the desert, then once to that very high mountain, and back to the desert, which makes it four times that Jesus was possessed by Satan. How else could this happen, ask yourself. Angels arrived with a loaf of bread, a sardine, and a bottle of water. Jesus quickly multiplied it to six loaves, a dozen sardines, and a bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon. Had a lovely meal, left the tent in the desert to one day become a relic if found, and walked all the way back to Nazareth to meet his friends, worried about his disappearance. Luke does not mention any angels; and remember that Luke’s version is to be the accurate one, since he said he did the best investigation in order to be one hundred percent accurate with his details – Luke 1:1-3.


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This is, therefore, another absurd story in the canonical gospels.

It portrays the Son of God telling lies to his friends, his disciples, the future “Apostolic College” of cardinals, popes, and the Church Fathers of the cult later called Christians, a fraudulent movement with deep roots in incredible untruths called “Sacred Scriptures”, the New Testament, the Bible.

Matthew starts his narration about Jesus’ life with lies, and it never ends to the very last words. You should then take your own conclusions about the gospel being a coarse forgery, full of lies, about a christ that was a victim of cannabis fumes in his brain, resulting in gospels, visions, prophecies, messages, and apocalypses full of threats, curses, anathemas, and eternal punishments for being intelligent!


1 corinthians 13

Agape love

Love is a relative and imperfect human emotion; it does also apply to the so-called Agape love or charity [KJV] of this passage, the highest definition thereof in religious propaganda.

What a travesty for a human being to award himself the moral authority to declare love the perfect emotion.

Since we humans are imperfect creatures, it is then pure vanity to arrive in the market square to shout that love is perfect.

Not even the so-called God’s love is perfect, since we have no absolute means to measure it; it’s just rhetorical stuff with no objective value.

Being imperfect as we are, we have no capacity or power or endowment to declare anything perfect. The same goes for religion: it is imperfect from any side we look; and those pretending to have the authority to declare any matter perfect do reveal their imperfect propensity in everything.

So, love is not the perfect emotion, or virtue, or quality in the human character or nature.

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Also, the idea that love is divine is absurd, with no truth.

Love can quickly metamorphose into hatred, war, revenge, blood shedding.

What we label love is instinct to protect one’s species from extinction, nothing else.

Mothers are ready to defend their offspring to death, empirically observable – all animal species do project this natural instinct.

Now, what Paul wants with this chapter is to play godly, a saint, a moral specialist, a special character, dedicated Christian, teacher of morality, God’s representative, one endowed with divine power to dispense pious instructions, which we can easily dismiss as lies.

Paul was nothing like that; not an exponent of divine wisdom, since he misfired many times with bursts of anger, explosive discharges against opponents, an agitated fellow pretending to be an agent of some God somewhere, an inferior Almighty that could not do his own job without Paul’s help.

Typically, a big liar, like all in his trade of selling piety in the religious market to earn a dishonest living pretending humility, godliness, and spiritual virtues he did not have.

Why would such a character appear in the Bible is a great mystery.

Paul was primarily a cheater, a liar, and a thief – all his ministry, revealed in the letters he wrote, are empiric proof of that.

All what he says in his writings have the connotation of holier than thou, pretending elevation of character for being religious.

This chapter about love is an inferior text, with visible flaws, contradictions, inconsistencies when observed within the context of a violent, explosive religion with a history of much evil done by apostles and their followers throughout the times.

This form of religious love hereby represented, is inferior, deformed, biased, emotionally imperfect.

Nobody needs this type of biblical love to be a decent human 132

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Let’s then see what this chapter thirteen of First Corinthians says.

One Corinthians 13 [NKJV]

[1] Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal.

My comment:

Well, if that were true, then the religion Paul created would be classified as brass of the worst quality.

It is historical that Christianity is a force for division, not for love or unity, or anything permanently good.

Christians are all divided one against another, and do not know or have the recipe for unity. From its inception, it is a history of conflict, intolerance, even hatred.

Sure nobody needs any religion to be a loving person; on the contrary, the more religious the less loving.

The old KJV uses the word charity not love, which is a better term to represent the Greek term “Agape”. If you are not charitable, but pretend to be, you will sound like cheap brass or a distorted cymbal with no clean sound.

There are no tongues of angels; where did this dude get this strange idea from? It’s an allegory, a hyperbole, figure of speech, I’m told by those protecting this as inspired scripture. However, one can ask what does speaking more than one language have to do with love?

Did the idiot mean ecstatic tongues the Pentecostals pretend to speak and interpret in their noisy, sometimes irrational meetings, as a sign of proficient spirituality and being baptized with the Holy 133

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Spirit? Maybe, which means he believed in guttural gibberish and called it a tongue like Greek, Hebrew or any other one; the typical ridiculous religious insinuation.

Let us establish and defend this important principle here, that nobody needs any religion to be charitable. Nobody needs any Holy Spirit baptism to be decent human beings, ready to help others. You can be a lovely charitable person without any connection with Paul’s religion.

Religion, as said above, tends to convert a good person into a rabid fanatic, bad-humoured, intolerant character, ready to condemn an adversary to an eternity of torment or worse for disagreeing on these Christians virtues, for an opposing opinion.

Jesus contradicted this teaching in Luke 14:26 where it is translated in the Authorised Version [KJV] that if you don’t hate your family you cannot be his follower. Go check this carefully, because it is a serious indictment to the gospel.

The Greek term used is “miseo”, which in every other place where it appears means hatred. Modern versions try to change this terrible inference by translating this term as “less love”. Jesus was saying that if you have less love for him than you have for your father, mother, brothers and sisters you are not worthy of his kingdom.

“If anyone comes to Me and does not hate his father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, yes, and his own life also, he cannot be My disciple. And whoever does not bear his cross and come after Me cannot be My disciple.”

This is big shit from Jesus, and an example of how christs perform if allowed to interfere in the victims’ life. He clearly contradicted Paul about his rhetorical love.

Luke says in the introduction to his gospel that he carefully researched the stories he wrote in his bestseller. Luke does tell the intelligent student that Jesus used the term hatred against family values. Bad christ, bad crap, bad gospel, bad story.


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Piss off, Jesus-of-Nazareth, with your stupid speeches trying to play the infallible teacher with divine instructions!

You hated your father, a roman soldier who impregnated your mother giving birth to you, a loser. His name was Panthera, a soldier that later abandoned your mother and you. You did hate him, and there is not one time you mention your father in your stories. Your words in that awful verse clearly show that you were a schizophrenic narcissist, impersonating some Son-of-God the Saviour or worse. You did hate your father, but implying that other people had to hate their family is evil stuff in any religion.

So, where is true love? Not in religion, not in holy books.

You see, if you are an intelligent student, the Bible will destroy itself from within right in front of your eyes. It is a story filled with violence, inconsistencies, contradictions, bad actors, hence impossible to be from divine inspiration, since where there is violence there is nothing divinely inspired.

This story of love or charity being a superior virtue of Christians does not hold water, and properly and intelligently inspected will be easily discredited.

[2] And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing.

My comment:

Prophecy is not a gift – prophecy is a cheating activity, with half-truths, pretending to present events in code, mysteries, creepy, spooky stories, as if the recipients were stupid not able to understand clear language. Prophets are cheaters, liars, thieves, deceivers. Who do they pretend to speak for? They shout we represent God Almighty, and we deliver messages for him, because he chose us to do this work through our prophetic ministries.


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How is it that what prophets call a Super Almighty, the Creator of all the universes and beyond, would end up depending on and need prophets to deliver a message to me? Any decent God can send me a message without the help of religious merchants called prophets; I’m an easy guy and open to genuine messages of God Almighty, but not delivered by couriers, agents, merchants; I hate them all. In fact I do detest prophets, and mock them, and call them all sorts of ugly names, with no respect for any of them, no exceptions.

Also, prophets do not understand all the mysteries and do not have all the knowledge. I just mentioned one mystery, and immediately they rise up to argue against me, pretending that it is not a mystery what I just proposed, of a Super Almighty needing help to deliver messages to me.

This is clear evidence that prophets have no knowledge of the most basic equation in matters of an Almighty God depending on them. What they have is elevated narcissism, pretending to represent a God that never consulted them for anything, the bastards. They are liars and thieves, prophets of deception, not one sincere, honest, important in anything.

Be like me: I will never invite a prophet over for tea and biscuits in my rose garden, so much I detest these religious charlatans. Faith to move mountains is a hyperbole for stupidity, and I guess it was some idiotic christ that came up with that story.

Faith is to believe in invisible things, as it is defined in Hebrews 11 first verse, a stupid misdemeanour by the anonymous writer of that letter to the Hebrews, whoever they were, nothing is clear and detailed in the Bible.

Believe in invisible things, what a travesty; what things, you bloody idiot? If the things are invisible how can you know that they are things? Go jump in the lake of fire, you insolent uncircumcised philistines! There never existed one guy with that faith to move mountains, otherwise he would be historically famous, and the 136

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mountain he moved a great tourist attraction.

Piss off with your stupid illustrations, Paul, you are a moron. Paul, did you have that faith, and what mountain did you move? Liar, imbecile, idiot, get lost with your ridiculous hyperboles! Yes, Paul, you are nothing but a liar with a poisonous tongue. Your faith, your charity, your love, your knowledge all rotting stories trying to sell yourself as a great moralist. You failed, you miserable scoundrel.

[3] And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, but have not love, it profits me nothing.

My comment:

What a stupid injunction, here, you never tried that, Paul; you’re a deceiving liar; you never bestowed all your goods to any poor, you miserable rascal.

You are helping the poor, and Paul comes along with his depreciative comments, and tells you that is no good, not enough, if you don’t love them. This apostle, as I said elsewhere, was on hashish fumes, the brain severely damaged. And who is going to give their body to be burned, for what? Is this idiot promoting martyrdom? For what? To please him or his God?

He was, of course, referring to the primitive, backward Christian teaching that you could be a martyr for Jesus or for the church, because it was a great sacrifice, for extra perks in heaven, a sign of extreme piety and dedication to God’s cause, etc.

Simply put, these idiots had no brain to think. Why would God appreciate martyrdom? Did God ever tell any one of these insolent apostles that it was divine to die a martyr, or on a cross, or being eaten alive by lions in the Roman Colosseum? Folks, it is true that religion does indeed kill millions of brain cells of its victims. They end up in lethargic torpor incapable of thinking for themselves, 137

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but the worst is attacking you for disagreeing with their hysterical discharges, and mercilessly condemning you to an eschatological eternity of damnation, torment, or worse. And they do it with gusto, pleasure, and vengeance daily. This is again a violent doctrine of malformed characters, teaching that God had pleasure in seeing you being decapitated for his glory.

[4] Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up;

My comment:

Not the Christian love, because the gospel is an extremely violent story, of some God that to fix a minor moral problem wanted to show his love by murdering his own son, the most brutalized Almighty in the Pantheon, when originally the problem was, naturally, small.

So, the Christian love is not real love – God loves you, but will throw you into a lake of fire if you ask pertinent questions about his violent plan to save a few Jews.

Now, after posting so much shit about love, here is the con-artist playing with semantics and trying to be a moralist, but he does not fool the intelligent student. Love is a relative emotion, and yes, it can change into envy, and stop being charitable. It happens every single day across town, with Christian couples and others getting divorced, parents rejecting the children they loved, dishonouring them, kicking them from their houses. Humans are beasts, but worse when motivated by religion.

[5] does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil;

My comment:


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Love does not think, as in a human being, to seek, to be provoked.

Paul was drunk when he wrote this stuff. A person with love does not behave aggressively at that moment, but in different circumstances will behave rudely, this particular person that moments earlier was so lovely to everybody.

All is relative, and nothing is absolute, including love, naturally.

Love does eventually change to rudeness, simply because we do not live in a neutral environment where all runs smoothly. We do constantly observe injustice, even its divine counterpart. All Gods are unjust, because all are anthropomorphic beasts with human nature, cruel, insane, murderous. There is space for rudeness and evil in the heart of a loving person, especially the religious, and more if moved by fanatical concepts of pious self-esteem.

[6] does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; My comment:

This is relatively true, but since the world is extremely primitive, love can change into iniquity.

As for the truth represented here, nobody knows what that is. The writer didn’t, as well; otherwise he would state what he meant by truth.

There is no truth: all is relative, except the absolute truth of relative; but even the absolute truth of relative has to be relative, I’m absolutely sure of it. All is uncertain, all has another point of reference to be observed. Life is ugly, primarily, uncertain, a permanent struggle, primitive random events without sequence, or program, or objective, or goal, or reason to exist.

So the truth is what, dear Paul? He thought that going around the empire preaching a violent gospel was the truth, but he had to have roads and ways to travel by, to get to towns and places to preach his truth, which was granted to him because the Romans a century 139

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earlier had gone across the land to conquer all by the sword, war, killings, pillage, robbery, crime and much more. Now this Paul comes walking along those well built and smooth roads across the Empire, and arrives in our town to tell us that the truth was his preaching, his Christ, his love. Paul, you were wrong, and you wasted your life pushing and selling a counterfeit product.

[7] bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.

My comment:

Again the uninspired term “things”, to prove to the attentive student that there is nothing, no thing, inspired in this book. What things?

Jesus ends his ministry and walk in Palestine with the most awkward instruction “Go across the world [Roman Empire] and teach all nations the things I told you.” Baloney, Jesus, what things?

Transubstantiation? Was that a thing? The existence of God his Father: was that another thing? To build churches, to create hierarchies, to amass wealth? What things, Jesus? Never explained anything, this immature, amateur christ of the Jews.

Love does not bear all things, that’s a lie, and does not believe all things. Does love believe in religion? No. Most good people, loving people around our towns are not even religious. “Hopes all things”, what things, for God’s sake?! Endures all things: what all things!

[8] Love never fails. But whether there are prophecies, they will fail; whether there are tongues, they will cease; whether there is knowledge, it will vanish away.

My comment:


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Prophecies fail all the time, so does love; everything in life fails; nothing is permanent, all is relative, temporal, insecure. Take divorce, take children rejecting their parents, take parents rejecting their children.

But love is not an entity with reactions to emotions, this hyperbole is ridiculous. Love is an animal emotion, for procreation, a trap by instinct, the Eros love, and so it is Agape charity; and as such it does change with the wind, with events, with war, with race, with tribe, ethnicity, skin colour, political affiliation, sports adherence – for minor issues love can metamorphose into hatred, so easily.

9 For we know in part and we prophesy in part.

My comment:

Whose prophecies? Prophecies are cheating the inattentive victim. All prophets are cheaters with half truths, fraudsters, liars, charlatans, emotionally unstable, agitated, mentally sick, mouth full of falsehoods.

Nothing is true in the lips of prophets; all they have are distorted imaginations, pretending to prophecy for some God they say asked them to do some job for him. All delusion and no value.

What part do you prophecy, you low-IQ idiots; what half of your prophecies is true? Go jump in the lake of fire to have a hot wake-up call to refresh your dead brain cells, you insignificant midgets.

All prophecies by Paul failed, and he was the guy going around predicting the end of the world very soon. The other apostles did exactly the same, all bloody liars. Even instructed young damsels not to marry, because Jesus was returning soon to end the present dispensation of marrying, procreating, materialism.

He went around telling his victims that the Rapture would take place soon, and the Christians already dead would be snatched up 141

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to heaven, first, and next him and the rest still alive, to be with Jesus forever.

Remember that heaven wasn’t too far out above, in the small geocentric universe of those days. They expected Jesus to return from heaven, in the clouds, because they thought the clouds could carry a human body, the retards.

Paul lied, because he was another false prophet, and because there never existed any true one in history. Why would a Super Almighty God need to send me a message in code to be deciphered by characters I didn’t know or wanted to know? The whole affair of prophets and their prophecies is dishonest commerce with inattentive victims, don’t be one of them.

[10] But when that which is perfect has come, then that which is in part will be done away.

My comment:

Stupid injunction, what does this mean? Idiotic poetry, get lost, Paul, go back to your corner and smoke more hashish, you stupid.

What do you mean “which is perfect”, you moron? Always the same bad performance trying to decipher the confusion inside your damaged brain, Paul. “Which has come”, is that an erotic thought you had, imbecile?

[11] When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things.

My comment:

Big deal, man. What are you trying to say here? You are intellectually a dwarf, an inferior being, mind infested with childish 142

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junk, stories of religion, and playing wise, spiritual, tutor on behalf of your small God. Paul, your morality stinks.

[12] For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall know just as I also am known.

My comment:

Who told you that, idiot? Who told you that then you will see face to face, what? Who exactly told you that, Paul? When you die you are no more human with eyes, you religious simpleton, impostor.

Once your body is dropped in the hole you are no more, and soon you will be a bone fossil, no eyes, no ears, no nose.

So, Paul, you see nothing now, but later you will see even less. All is dim in your eyes now, but later your eyes will be blind. For now, your imagination is actively collecting religious garbage, but later your brain cells will forever be dead. Do you understand now?

Paul, you needed psychiatric help, but unfortunately none existed in your days. There was a serious condition in your brain, and it was certainly from excessive cannabis fumes you spent your days smoking to have visions of mirrors and other mental disturbances; you were an idiot, and I feel sorry for you.

[13] And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love.

My comment:

More religious crap.

Faith is to believe invisible things, as said earlier, but how do you know they are invisible if you never saw them, you bloody idiot? If

“things” are invisible you cannot see them to see if they are things, how stupid.


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As for hope, you don’t need to read the Bible or be religious to have some; it is part of being alive, of being in this world; all human beings and other living species have some form of hope. You hoped to be raptured, but instead you were decapitated by the Romans, as the tradition goes, miserable man.

But love is not the greatest, can you prove it? At least the religious love, which is more like partisan favoritism, if you remain attached to the same conscription of idiots. Real love is not religious, if one can put it so: real love is a survival emotion, an instinct to defend and protect a species.

Even small ants can kill big ones to protect their nests; all species do the same, it is a natural law. A lioness protects its offspring within the same connection of love, to fight to death to preserve the species. It’s primitive, brutal, deadly.

Real love is nothing more than instinct to preserve and protect one’s species from being attacked by another. Religious love, on the other hand, is a conditional emotion, depending on fanatical brainwashing.

So, this chapter on love is a low grade reading, fanatical posture, distorted poetry. Paul, get lost with your spiritual injunctions, you low-IQ idiot.


ten thinGs God did wronG

The anthropomorphic gods man’s industry created have a heavy list of wrongs they created, which every human being with normal brains can observe.

I will check two of those man made gods: the Yahweh Moses created, God of the Jews and Christians, and the Allah all Muslims fear and some use to practice terrorism.

[1] One extremely wrong act those Gods – Yahweh and Allah –

did was to write a book to send me a private message.

Christian and Muslims constantly bombard people about those books, and use them as weapons to try to disrupt our intelligence, and capacity to think for ourselves.

That is unacceptable.

But the worst of this wrong thing, turning those gods even worse than what one can imagine, is that they firstly communicated with other people and asked them to tell me about those books.

That’s why there is a battalion of conscripts trained in deep deception to arrive in your suburb, knock at your door, announce

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that they represent God, and that their ministry is to deliver God’s message to you in their name.

That’s why they invite you to their churches or mosques, and later on ask for money to pay for their services on behalf of those Gods.

But part of the wrong Gods did, is that those who want to help them, prefer to deliver the message in a hall, or a church, or a mosque, under special conditions, lighting, and noise, to enhance their status, and elevate them to the heights of spirituality, so that all other spectators take them as pious, spiritual, devout.

They also dress in sinister accouterments, with special hats, theatrical mannerisms, and speak from their pulpits with special voice intonation, declaring to you that God has a message for you, and that you must pay attention and also pay in cash the privilege of receiving that message.

Many of those agents are millionaires for helping God.

So, this was a very wrong thing those Gods did.

In their books they threaten you, and instruct you to obey and support their agents, messengers, prophets, messiahs.

Problem is that if you are not attentive enough you will never react to this offense, abuse, and robbery.

[2] Another unacceptable wrong those two popular gods did was to create a heavy industry of religions to help him deliver those private messages to me using trained agents playing pious, spiritual, elevated.

And all those professional agents of those two Gods want money to cover the expenses of serving them, and threatening you the inattentive victims, applying extreme violence to try persuade you to give them your money.

This heavy industry has caused massive damage in the brains of victims, destroying commonsense, intelligence, and wisdom to react against it.


[3] In Yahweh’s case it was wrong to send his son to be crucified; scandalous that an almighty God had to repair some moral damage with extreme violence.

Even innocent animals had to be sacrificed for centuries before his son landed here to die on a roman cross – many suspect that he pretended to be dead for thirty-six hours.

The story goes that Jesus died on Good Friday at three PM, and rose up from the dead on Easter Sunday at three in the morning, making it those thirty-six hours.

That was a massive failure and extremely wrong on God’s part.

How come such a powerful Almighty God pushed and sold in churches had no peaceful plan to fix what originally was a minor problem?

When this Almighty finished his creation, he looked – as the story says – and saw that all was very good, congratulating himself for a job well done; and then he rested on the Sabbath.

I’ve always wondered what he did while resting, as a footnote.

Sleeping, playing cards, going for a walk, baking cakes?

The text doesn’t say.

What it says is that while he was resting, one of the bolts in the universe he created started rattling and needed urgent attention.

Was simple to fix this original, first small problem: get yourself a spanner, go to the point where the problem was and tighten the bolt firmly.

Nothing else necessary.

But, no!

Yahweh might have said to himself, I’m tired now, after six day creating all this stuff, need a long rest, will do it later.

Later when, dear Super Almighty?

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Do it now, before it gets worse: the rattling will cause more bolts to get loose, I warn; then it will be harder, and one day in the future you will have to crucify your only begotten son!

Didn’t pay attention, and the rest is history.

Very bad thing this Almighty did.

By crucifying his son he also created a massive industry and franchised commercial outlets of human parasitism, run by dishonest people playing godly, pious, saints, while being charlatans, impersonators, impostors, and crooks.

Some called themselves popes, while others called themselves reverends, bishops, archbishops, missionaries, minister-of-God, pastors-of-sheep, prophets, and messengers – the worst conscription of dishonest malefactors in the world.

And what did the Almighty do, in the end?

[4] Did another bad thing: in the end, this Super Almighty did incinerate his entire creation to try again with new heavens and a new earth, because nothing actually worked well the first time.

In other words, this Almighty was not the almighty he thought he was, because when in the beginning he looked and saw and said to himself it’s all very good, he failed to see how all would end by his own hands.

All ended in total disruption impossible to repair, and only complete destruction and incineration would resolve the situation.

Bad God, bad thing he did.

[5] Using nuclear weapons to incinerate the entire cosmos was very bad, too.

Sending fire from heaven, as it says in Revelation 20:9, would indiscriminately kill all living forms, from bacteria to dinosaurs.

No mercy, no nothing.


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Extreme violence never before used to fix a problem.

[6] It was wrong to blame us, human beings, for all the bad that happened on Earth.

The real culprit was God himself, for not tightening up the first rattling bolt in his machine.

Not us.

To try to justify his bad behaviour, the Almighty Yahweh wrote violent stories in the Bible, and accused us humans of disobeying him in the beginning, when he told our first father Adam not to eat some apple in the Garden of Eden.

That was coarse!

Was very wrong to plant that awful, sinister tree right in the middle of the garden.

[7] And what about the Final Judgement, was it the right plan?

Not at all.

But the event will be used to condemn all anthropomorphic, man-made gods for their bad plans, bad behaviour, bad manners, violence, destruction, while playing merciful.

The Final Judgement will be a day when hundreds of billions of souls will stand up and accuse all gods of violence, atrocities, incapacity, and will condemn them for all that wrong.

The Final Day will be the day when gods, including Yahweh and Allah, will suffer the consequences of deceiving humans and angels, and pretending they were holy, while being evil.

No forgiveness will be afforded to them, and condemned to an eternity and a half outside the fringes of the Big Band they will be dispatched to, and return to the Darkness they originally came from before the beginning.

[8] Another incredible wrong the Jewish God did was to create a 149

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religious structure to produce divisions among people, a poisonous tree of bad fruit for many centuries.

The story in the New Testament is that it was supposed to be good news, but it immediately started with crime against the innocent Jewish babies of Bethlehem.

A tyrant called Herod was allowed to be part of the choreography to bring blood to the first scene, the idea being that with innocent blood there is a more spectacular presentation.

Violence goes on until the end, when one of the disciples by the name of Judas Iscariot betrays his spiritual master causing his martyrdom by being crucified.

That was a horrific finale in this bloody plan to save a few Jews from their sins.

Weeks later, one of the apostles would start the church in Jerusalem killing two innocent members of his group for their money: they were Ananias and his wife Sapphira; murdered for not giving all their money to the first Pope – you can check the cruel event in Acts 5:1-11.

What did God do to remedy this violent situation?

Nothing, didn’t move a finger – crime would be part of his religion, and the Official Inquisition that started in Jerusalem by Peter, a liar, a thief, and a criminal – would in the coming centuries compute millions of innocent victims while God looked unperturbed.

[9] And what about both Yahweh and Allah creating two places of eternal torture and torment for the intelligent students that did not fall for their plans of salvation?

Very wrong thing they both did.

How could they avoid this situation?

They failed by not taking care of the small original problem.


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There was no need to dispatch any souls to hell or Jahannam, if they had paid attention to detail when it was a simple matter of fixing a small misadjustment in the system.

It was only a loosened bolt that needed to be tightened properly.

And next, those two maladjusted Gods wrote two destructive books full of violent tirades, threatening everybody that would not admire them.

[10] Creating evil and maintaining evil forces in their creation was wrong.

The story that Satan is God’s enemy is too diabolical and infernal

– and who created this Malignant Foe?

The source of all evil is not the Devil: it is the God that put this mechanism in motion.

The God of the Jews is a horrible monster with human characteristics, all anthropomorphic in nature, a cruel beast.

By nature, God is very evil, hence impossible to exist.

An Almighty God like that would end up full of hatred in his nature, and self-destructive.

His natural evil would create a horrible temperament pushing him to self-annihilation, and soon would explode like a Big Bang to spread more evil across the Cosmos – maybe that’s what happened.

… … …


acts 5:1-11 verse by verse coMMentary Introduction

The Acts of the Apostles – as this book in the New Testament is called

– follows the four canonical gospels; three are the so-called synoptic because they basical y represent the same structure, and the fourth being what is called a theological treatise written many decades later, at a time when the primitive church was in great trouble from internal discontent and rebellion.

It is ascertained by Higher Criticism that the gospel of John has nothing genuine in matters of representing what some Jesus-of-Nazareth told his disciples; it is known as a gnostic text, not from John’s pen, but from some anonymous writer nobody knows who, although some say John the Presbyter of the second century, or somebody else, it is actual y irrelevant, since that gospel is saturated with gnostic teachings, rejected by Higher Criticism as not genuine.

The scenario before this horrible story of two church members of Peter’s congregation murdered for their money is one of extreme fanaticism.

The book of Acts starts with Jesus telling lies to his admirers.

It starts by stating that Jesus had resurrected and seen by many

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with infallible proof, but not one is mentioned.

When the disciples got together with this resurrected Jesus, worried and apprehensive, they asked him if he was going now to restore the kingdom to Israel, verses 6 and 7.

They had heard him speak of the soon coming kingdom of heaven, but three years later he was caught by the romans, crucified, and miraculously resurrected, some being of the opinion that he was hurriedly removed from the cross before dying, and the Therapeuts of his Essenes sect revived him and took him away for some time to recover, assuming this christ existed].

In fact, if the intelligent student reads the four canonical gospel verse by verse in parallel fashion, will discover that the so-called

“Passion of Jesus” is full of holes, at closer inspection impossible to hold water, which turns it into a massive fraud, a false story, a dishonest enterprise to sell bibles, push gospels, and grant apostles a parasitic lifestyle at the expense of inattentive victims, as said before.

Rudely, Jesus lied to them, pretending that he didn’t know anything about the time his “Father” [some spiritual concoction he made up in his affected brain] was going to restore the kingdom to Israel.

It was a false story, a fraud, a lie Jesus pushed on his admirers, about destroying the Romans and returning Palestine to the Israelites of his generation, with him being the chief redeemer.

That event never happened to this day – Jesus was a pathological, habitual liar, mentally disturbed in his intense delusions.

Had he told the disciples that the kingdom of heaven was not coming for at least the next two thousand years, the disciples might have crucified him again for being a cheater, always telling lies to his friends, too young to understand.

Never did any “kingdom-of-heaven” come to Palestine; Jesus lied; he lied all his short life.


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And he went on with more lies in the next verse, pretending to offer them “Power of the Holy Spirit” to go across Palestine and even

“unto the uttermost parts of the earth” .

Never happened in the disciples’ time; they were soon persecuted for the bad fruit they started producing, pretending to speak for God, and anointing themselves with credentials to represent Jesus, the Holy Ghost, and Jesus’ Father, whoever he was, nobody knows to this day.

What instead happened was that soon the same “Holy Spirit”

supposed to anoint them with power to witness for Jesus – quickly rejected them all, and went to Turkey to hire another fanatic called Paul of Tarsus, that had never been with Jesus, who quickly invented a different gospel now franchised to the gentiles, as he named it.

Twelve apostles in the sacred “Apostolic College” trained for three years at the feet of their master, for nothing, rejected, and replaced.

The story is indeed full of holes, as said earlier.

To make a long story short, Peter is anointed as the first leader of the church Jesus wanted to build in Jerusalem.

He goes to the Temple and heals a lame man, which causes a stir among the worshipers.

Jesus had been there a few times before, but never worried about that same paralytic man; now, it was convenient, for initial impact, to create adherents for the new cult called “Christians” .

It’s a story that lacks a lot of detail, hence false.

The commotion resulted in Peter and associates being arrested, the next day brought in the middle of a circle of religious authorities, and ordered to explain what was going on.

Like a good roman catholic of our days pushing miracles to advance their parasitic life at the expense of fear, he explained that he healed the man by the power of Jesus, a guru the authorities had recently crucified – “There is no other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved”, Peter shouted to them!


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Soon he was going to start a criminal career in that name, as we will see next.

The horde of miracle-believers grew very quickly, especially among the poor of Jerusalem, the holy city of the “Chosen People” in the “Promised Land” – poverty was endemic in those days.

The story says that soon those with more possessions came and deposited them, including a lot of money, at Peter’s feet and his comrades, to distribute among the poor in the conscription.

This was the new prosperity gospel by Peter: “Hey, guys, want God to give you double and treble, bring all your possessions, all your money, sell all you have, and let us start a new prosperity church where you give us all you have, and we will start a new communistic enterprise right here in Jerusalem.”

And the story says that they did this stupid plan: in their blind fervour, they went and sold all they had, brought the product to Peter, and started living in a big compound with nothing being theirs anymore.

Now we concentrate on Acts 5, first eleven verses, where this horrendous crime against two innocent church members is committed.

Acts 5:1-11

[1] But a certain man named Ananias, with Sapphira his wife, sold a possession.

My comment:

Among the first victims of this new cult in Jerusalem were these two new members: Ananias and wife Sapphira.

Their initial fervour led them to lose their marbles, and went and 156

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sold a property.

Surely, he sold it very quickly for an amount below its market value, but it was for the poor, what the hell, Ananias thought.

The wife was not happy with this plan, and asked him to go give the tithe to Peter, and leave Jerusalem as soon as possible and go buy a cabana by the beach, where they could spend the rest of their days, enjoying the sea view and having clean air to heal his asthma problem.

Ananias found the suggestion good.

[2] And he kept back part of the proceeds, his wife also being aware of it, and brought a certain part and laid it at the apostles’


My comment:

Told his wife, going to give this money to Peter, and will be back soon to go see the cabana by the beach, will be back within the hour.

Got to the compound, saw there “Peter-the-Prince-of-Apostles”

counting money with his bodyguards, and Ananias dropped the tithe of his sale at his feet without disturbing them much.

Next he said goodbye and was about to return home.

[3] But Peter called him and said, “Ananias, why has Satan filled your heart to lie to the Holy Spirit and keep back part of the price of the land for yourself?

My comment:

What are you talking about, Peter, he asked.

Where is the rest of the money, Ananias?


Tales in Genesis

The Holy Spirit told me you sold your property not for this little amount you dropped here, where’s the rest for the poor?!

Ananias got upset, and retorted: What’s your problem, Peter, the tithe of the law is not enough for you, piss off, no holy spirit told you anything, stop lying, you miserable bastard; you are Satan, Jesus called you recently, have you forgotten; I’m keeping the law to the letter and gave you the tithe, but now I’m going to have it back and leave your cult, you thief!

[4] While it remained, was it not your own? And after it was sold, was it not in your own control? Why have you conceived this thing in your heart? You have not lied to men but to God.”

My comment:

Peter was evil from the day he joined Jesus’ gang.

Jesus himself called him Satan.

He wanted all Ananias’ money, not only the tithe.

It had nothing to do with lying to any God – he was following the law to the letter, giving the tithe as alms for the poor.

[5] Then Ananias, hearing these words, fell down and breathed his last. So great fear came upon all those who heard these things.

My comment:

Ananias was going to call him a son-of-a-bitch for wanting to rob him, when he saw Peter winking to his bodyguards who quickly stood up, grabbed him, and strangled him right there in front of Peter.

The lesson was to never challenge the head of the Roman Catholic Church in Jerusalem, the first Pope, the future “Holy Roman Empire” in Jerusalem, Israel, or Europe, which had power to launch 158

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the Official Inquisition to lynch anybody trying to violate the Canonical Law the Holy Spirit created for “The Church”.

“Great fear came upon all those who heard these things.”

Here is a clue to show that this is a fabricated story to exalt Peter as the leader of that cult: it infers that as soon as they killed Ananias they immediately went out among the congregated followers, and used it to threaten other people around; nobody saw the crime, but soon the news were spread like wildfire to create great fear.

Fear is the main ingredient of this cult starting in Jerusalem – it is for obvious reason mentioned twice in this story.

[6] And the young men arose and wrapped him up, carried him out, and buried him.

My comment:

The man died right there, murdered by Peter’s bodyguards, a group of dangerous ruffians, cold-blooded murderers with no scruples, led by another of the same rank, their gangster-in-chief, Peter himself, a liar and a thief all his life.

They quickly buried him to cover up the crime – nothing communicated to the wife, to family, to the authorities; they coldly, sinisterly, criminally buried the man and invented the story about the holy spirit, which in biblical language was the famous unforgivable sin, pure blasphemy.

[7] Now it was about three hours later when his wife came in, not knowing what had happened.

My comment:

Ananias’ wife was worried; three hours had passed since the husband had left to give the tithe of the sale to Peter, to help the 159

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poor in Jerusalem.

She had heard some stories that the money was being used illegally, to enrich Peter and others in his mafia, but since it was only for now unsubstantiated rumours she was not sure.

Well, yes, it was true; Peter was going to keep Ananias’ money and would never return it to the man’s family.

You see, those believing this is a true story, with all the necessary details to make it a lesson about stewardship, are never ready to answer why the same “Holy Spirit” that killed the man would want Peter to keep the money and would not inspire any detail about it.

So, Sapphira went to see if all was well with Ananias.

When she arrived at the location, she saw Peter surrounded by his bodyguards counting money.

Where’s my husband?

[8] And Peter answered her, “Tell me whether you sold the land for so much?”

She said, “Yes, for so much.”

My comment:

Peter didn’t answer Sapphira’s question, because it had been a crime, and he quickly got rid of the victim’s body in the backyard.

Instead, again to play Pope and the authority, he asked Sapphira if she had sold the land for the amount not mentioned in the story.

It is evident that the story is false, because in practically all similar situations where money is involved the amount is mentioned.

This is a fabricated story to induce fear in the group.

Sapphira answered yes, we did sell the property for that much, what do you have to do with it?

She got angry, and was going to call Peter a nosy apostle.


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It’s none of your business for what amount we sell our possessions, you shit Pope!

You know, some wives have no qualms about calling apostles exactly what they are; Sapphira was not in love with anyone of the twelve.

[9] Then Peter said to her, “How is it that you have agreed together to test the Spirit of the Lord? Look, the feet of those who have buried your husband are at the door, and they will carry you out.”

My comment:

Peter was a cold-blooded gangster, and yet later he was canonized and called a saint, the cruel demon; the Popes sculpted him an image and the Catholics started kissing it for celestial favours.

That was the second crime of the Official Inquisition, the second innocent victim, its number in the coming centuries computing into the millions.

Sapphira was going to tell Peter that he was the blasphemer there, accusing the Holy Spirit of killing her husband, when again Peter winked to his bodyguards and they rushed to the woman, grabbed her by the neck and held her there for a few minutes until her body had no more spasms.

Second crime by the “Prince-of-Apostles”, a “man-of-God”, a

“doctor-of-divinity”, a “saint-of-the-Church”!

A possessed criminal, a liar, a thief, a murderer.


[10] Then immediately she fell down at his feet and breathed her last. And the young men came in and found her dead, and carrying her out, buried her by her husband.

My comment:


Tales in Genesis

She was murdered like her husband was – for their money.

If the bodyguards didn’t do it this time, then it was Peter himself that strangled the lady – for money he killed two members of his cult.

Quickly, again, the bodyguards went and buried this second victim in the backyard, by her husband, in a shallow grave, not reporting to the authorities, family members, friends.

Coldly murdered for money.

[11] So great fear came upon all the church and upon all who heard these things.

My comment:

Fear, there you are, the second time mentioned.

The gospel of good news starts in Jerusalem spreading fear among its victims.

That was the idea, to impose Peter by the power of debilitating fear in a cultic setup.

It never ended to this day – fear rules in this religion, like in others.

This is a spurious passage, a tale invented to bring fear among those inattentive enough to allow themselves victims thereof.

… … …


two edited texts froM My earlier books Concerning Ananias and Sapphira