The Biblical Festivals – Messiah’s Aliyah of Glory by P.R. Otokletos - HTML preview

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Tabernacles - Conclusion

Hopefully there are no doubts that the Hebraic perspectives aligned with Sukkot are readily manifested within the B’rit Chadasha prophecies regarding the world to come … Olam HaBah!

We should intuitively be able to discern how Sukkot presents the elect with the very presence of G_D … the culmination of the aliyah wherein the created is perfectly reconciled with the CREATOR and able to exist within his presence without being fully consumed … all because of Mashiach Yeshua … bless his Holy NAME forever and a day!

New Jerusalem is not an edifice or simply a place: New Jerusalem as depicted is the sum total of G_D wherein all the parts … through Mashiach Yeshua … are tangible components and expressions of G_D himself. This is no creation wherein G_D’s GLORY is somewhere else … this is a creation that is a direct manifestation of G_D’s GLORY.

We should discern how New Jerusalem is the aggregation of G_D’s ETERNAL SPIRIT that was gifted to humanity in and through Mashiach Yeshua. This is how New Jerusalem is the HOLY Temple … how New Jerusalem is the Bride of Mashiach … how New Jerusalem is the promised-land of eternal inheritance … how New Jerusalem is the Everlasting Covenant … how New Jerusalem is Torah made manifest in all creation!

New Jerusalem, the culmination of the great aliyah of the elect as encapsulated within Sukkot, depicts how the elect share in the very glory of G_D through Mashiach Yeshua … even more so the elect are essentially part of G_D’s glory through Mashiach Yeshua. All things being one in G_D through Mashiach Yeshua!

Please bear with me beloveds … the sheer magnitude of what Sukkot represents is barely conceivable let alone subject to explanation and description. There is a reason why G_D has revealed that we humans cannot comprehend or even imagine HIS ways and doings. If then this feeble attempt to adequately express G_D’s GLORY is amiss … pray thee pardon this messenger for such are the limitations endured.

Despite these admitted limitations however we should be able to recognize that Sukkot encapsulates, memorializes and promises the culmination of the great aliyah on which the elect travel. And the elect do so knowing and humbly acknowledging that this great aliyah is commenced by, in, with, through and for Mashiach Yeshua to the glory of G_D … G_D MOST HIGH!

Now … speaking of Mashiach Yeshua within the context of this Sukkot Mo’ed review, let us first revisit some key Messianic prophecies contained within the Tanakh regarding Mashiach and Olam HaBah … the world to come:

  • Mashiach will be given HIS inheritance (Psa. 2:6-12)

  • Mashiach will build the temple, bear the glory and sit upon the throne as HE rules (Zech. 6:12-13; 2 Sam. 7:13-14)

  • Mashiach rules with the eternal scepter of Judah (Gen. 49:10)

  • Mashiach will reign with justice and righteousness … HE shall prosper … when Judah is saved and Israel dwells safely (Jer. 23:5-6)

  • Mashiach will restore the glory of Israel (Psa. 45:14-18)

  • Mashiach will reign for eternity (Dan. 7:14; 2 Sam. 7:13)

It would certainly appear that the B’rit Chadasha revelation respective to New Jerusalem is indeed the only context that would fulfill and satisfy these divine prophecies.

Consequently it can be concluded that just in prophetic Messianic terms … Sukkot is clearly associated with the “eternal dwelling of Mashiach amidst his people Israel” … clearly associated with the “eternal dwelling of G_D amidst his people Israel” … clearly associated with Olam HaBah.

We should see how Sukkot also represents the culmination of Mashiach’s grand and glorious journey … his aliyah! In Sukkot we see:

  • Our awesome Builder receive the eternal Temple;

  • Our awesome King receive his eternal throne;

  • Our awesome Sar Shalom and LORD of HOSTS receive his eternal peace;

  • Our awesome Goel receive his body of redeemed subjects … his offspring;

  • Our awesome Husband receive his perfected bride;

  • Our awesome LORD of LORDS receive the righteous service, praise and worship of the saints;

  • Our awesome Son of the MOST HIGH … the HOLY ONE of Israel receive his eternal inheritance.

So let us now consider and ponder the relevance and importance of the Sukkot Mo’ed. Within the context just reviewed herein … is there any possibility that a believer in Mashiach is not stopped dead in their tracks simply floored by the significance of these truths?

Can it be that the revelation of Mashiach’s glory encapsulated within Sukkot does not drive the believer of Mashiach Yeshua to their knees?

Beloved children of creation … children of G_D … Sukkot embodies the end game; the glorification of Mashiach to satisfy the good will and purposes of G_D. Sukkot encapsulates the favor bestowed upon the only begotten SON for his faithful, willful and perfect servitude. Sukkot represents the joy of the FATHER in sharing all that he has to the SON. And because the SON is just like the FATHER … he has just as much delight in sharing what he has with the elect … his children!

The end game is that G_D is love … Mashiach Yeshua is love and Mashiach has ultimately defined what love is: the joyful sacrifice and giving of oneself for the benefit of another. Yes indeed beloveds … encapsulated within Sukkot is the permanent memorial to Yeshua’s aliyah … the perfect path of light, love and life itself.

So now that we know what this sacred Sukkot festival is about what do we think? Is Sukkot for some or all believers in Mashiach Yeshua? Is Sukkot observance without Mashiach really going to count for very much at the end of the day? Do we believe that honoring the SON is what the FATHER wants … is what the FATHER demands? Hmmm … think on it awhile if Sukkot observance is not a blessing already being received!

Although it would appear that we have little more to discuss with respects to Sukkot there is one more matter that needs to be addressed … the 8th Day … Shimini Atzaret!

Now knowing that Sukkot and its seven days of joyful celebration represent a virtual mini-aliyah unto itself … we are left with this sort of conundrum regarding the commandment to observe and convocate on the 8th day.

Frankly it would seem that the visual depiction we get from the traditional rolling back of the Torah scroll provides us our very best clues. What we might discern from the traditional practice is that Olam HaBah represents a return to the beginning … as in back to the Garden of Eden.

This portrait also provides for us the idea of constant renewal and how all creation lives not on bread alone but on every word that proceeds forth from the mouth of G_D.

This portrait also teaches us that Olam HaBah, like G_D’s Word is perfectly dynamic … never anything but alive and fresh …

Hark! One says: 'Proclaim!' And he says: 'What shall I proclaim?' 'All flesh is grass, and all the goodliness thereof is as the flower of the field; The grass withers, the flower fades; because the breath of the LORD blows upon it--surely the people is grass. The grass withers, the flower fades; but the word of our G_D shall stand forever.' (Isaiah 40:6-8)

Ultimately then we are taught that the 8th Day within a Sukkot context points towards the continued dynamic life in G_D … beyond the culmination of all things. The 8th Day as part of the Sukkot festival points us towards the never ending promise that G_D simply can’t get enough of his beloved children.

So … let us make sure that even if we are in tune with the Festival of Sukkot and even if we observe the 1st day … let us not forget the importance of the 8th day and the promises of the dynamic unknown but awesome eternal future that G_D has in store for us … in and through his Mashiach … Yeshua!

End Sukkot Discourse - Aliyah Step 7