The Biblical Festivals – Messiah’s Aliyah of Glory by P.R. Otokletos - HTML preview

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Mo'adim/Festivals of G_D - Conclusion

The Big Picture

It is presumed that for many readers the overall mountain of content and revelation within G_D’s Word, when viewed within a Messianic Hebraic perspective, may have been and still may be overwhelming. If this is the case please do not fret because admittedly this same feeling of being overwhelmed was experienced by this messenger on numerous occasions while undertaking this endeavor.

It must be noted herein as well that simply being able to view Holy Scriptures, and even this temporal world (olam hazeh) in which we live, represents a significant challenge for so very many people … even very many believers in Mashiach Yeshua. Admittedly this Messianic Hebraic perspective represents a foreign view to most people who have been trained/weaned to view Scriptures in a non-Hebraic perspective … or who may simply be attempting to understand G_D’s great plan for humanity by attempting to just read “The Book”!

As was declared however at the outset of this endeavor, the importance of adopting and utilizing a Hebraic perspective when approaching Holy Scriptures can simply not be over stated! Through this approach and perspective, as the reader has been exposed to, the following benefits are realized:

An understanding of how G_D’s Word contains some very critical elements that are essential to understanding his great plan for his creation. These elements being: The Torah itself; The Everlasting Covenant; The Holy Service/Mishkan Pattern; and the Mo’adim.

An understanding that these critical elements … these things of G_D, though distinct, wonderful and purposeful in their respective own right are thoroughly integrated in a manner that defies human wisdom. These things of G_D are divinely connected and when viewed in aggregate fashion provide levels of context, meaning and understanding that simply cannot be discerned otherwise.

An understanding that G_D’s Word is wholly unified, consistent and self-witnessing … from Genesis through Revelation! An understanding that mandates we people approach Scriptures first and foremost through the eyes and context of the Chosen People Israel and do so by comprehending the meaning of Scriptures within the framework of when and how the revelation of the Tanakh was given to them.

An understanding that G_D’s Word reveals repetitive patterns associated with words, themes and events. These patterns being provided to us by G_D so that we can actually let his Word surface, reveal, explain and ultimately arbitrate our individual and communal understanding of what he wants us to understand!

Finally an understanding that Holy Scriptures needs to be viewed within an G_D and Mashiach centric fashion! A perspective that understands this Record to be about who he is … What his character/essence is … What he has done … What he is doing … How he operates … What he expects … What he wants … What his plan is all about!

Admittedly within this work a very limited amount of Hebrew word study was provided simply due to fears that the complexity level could spiral to a point where an average person might lose interest. Despite this lack of robust Hebraic language richness, it is the hope that implementing a broad sweeping Hebraic review approach proved beneficial.

The point being made herein is that this Hebraic approach was followed faithfully throughout this entire endeavor. The point being made is that this same Hebraic approach is what made possible the very tangible outputs now in your hands.

So what can we state about this Hebraic perspective framework in terms of outputs?

1) It was revealed that encapsulated within the Sacred Shabbat (the parent of all Mo’adim) is G_D’s great plan of Redemption, Sanctification and ultimate Restoration through Mashiach.

2) It was revealed that the Shabbat itself represents the great ascent … an aliyah of G_D’s creative power and omnipotence;

3) It was revealed that in similar fashion the pattern of aliyah applies to Torah, the Everlasting Covenant, The Holy Service/Mishkan and to the Mo’adim;

4) It was revealed that the Mo’adim themselves are individual … more detailed reflections of the Sacred Shabbat … depicting a distinct movement along the path of ascent towards the presence of G_D;

5) It was revealed that the Mo’adim are permanent memorials to the great and wondrous works of G_D on behalf of Israel … great and wondrous works of Yeshua HaMashiach … wherein the original festival manifestations (Tanakh) serve as a shadow and promise of fulfillment (B’rit Chadasha) and perfection in and through Mashiach Yeshua;

6) It was revealed how the relationship between the Mo’adim, Miraculous events, Torah Commandments and associated Holy Service Mishkan pattern elements … served to surface, explain and testify to the meaningfulness and purpose of the Mo’adim within the greater auspices of G_D’s grand plan.

7) It was revealed how this pattern of ascent applies to not only Israel … the Elect … but more importantly how this pattern of ascent also applies to Mashiach himself.

Although it is very difficult to present the outputs of this endeavor in summary fashion because of the sheer richness of the record, below herein is a table provided that attempts to depict a “snapshot view” of what has been discerned:


Admittedly the provided table does no justice to G_D and his Mashiach. However for us humans, this view if nothing else can hopefully help us instantaneously recall at a cursory level the Grand Plan of G_D … as encapsulated within the Shabbat and individually enriched through the Mo’adim.

As we ponder this summary it is hoped that the more detailed discourses, provided previously herein, relevant to each Mo’ed is brought to mind. It is also hoped more importantly however that the collective aggregate glory of Mashiach, to which these Mo’adim testify, remains most prominent.

At a very high level this endeavor has attempted to expose the grand plan of Restoration by G_D for his creation through the wondrous works of his anointed Mashiach and only begotten SON Yeshua … and do so within a Messianic Hebraic perspective. Naturally the success or failure of this endeavor will be determined by what if any glory, praise and honor for G_D emanates from this endeavor … may it be bountiful.

At a high level we should only marvel and gasp at what Holy Scripture reveals to us. We should be soaking this revelation in … deep within us … knowing that it is G_D himself who has provided us with the clues to better understand him and his plan for humanity. And what a plan it is … oh what glory resides in the details … oh what a wondrous love story this is!

G_D through Mashiach has provided the means of our redemption … do we want to be redeemed?

G_D through Mashiach has provided the means of our separation … do we want to separate from olam hazeh?

G_D through Mashiach has provided the means of our renewal … do we want to be renewed into the Kingdom of Light?

G_D through Mashiach has provided the means of our spiritual indwelling… do we want to be indwelt by Ruach HaKodesh … do we want to forever be rid of the fear of mortal death?

G_D through Mashiach has provided the promise of our Millennial Reign preparation period … do we want to be prepared as Mashiach’s bride?

G_D through Mashiach has provided the promise of our mercy-our salvation … do we want to be spared the judgment and made incorruptible?

G_D through Mashiach has provided the promise of his eternal presence and unending bliss … do we want to be with him forever?

It would seem intuitively obvious that any purported believer … perhaps even any person … would answer yes to these questions. But … what does answering yes to these questions get a person if the truth of Mashiach does not result in a personal relationship? What good is nodding one’s head in agreement if there is no real separation from olam hazeh … if there is no real repentance … if there is no renewal … if there is no indwelling … and so forth? It most assuredly appears that despite all of the wondrous works of Mashiach … despite all the gifts dispensed … that a human response is required. A human response that results in a life which is consistent with all of the revelation provided within Holy Scripture:

  • A life that glorifies G_D and Yeshua;

  • A life that spiritually manifests Torah;

  • A life that spurns the wisdom, wickedness and lusts of olam hazeh;

  • A life that has a believer grafted into Israel through Mashiach;

  • A life that reflects a covenantal child … an obedient child;

  • A life that pursues cleanness and holiness;

A life that is full of love … in prayer, behavior, disposition, praise, worship and obligation.

Beloved children of G_D … the plea herein is not one that seeks agreement to a theological framework … the plea herein is that we take in the revelation and truth of Mashiach and make him real in our lives … make him real in us. This ultimately is the gift of the Good News Gospel … we people can be better … we can be something different … we can be him to this wretched decaying olam hazeh! But we can’t sit back and expect him to do any more than he already has … at some point we as people need to respond … then he as promised will do even more for us.

* * * * * * *

Observing the Mo’adim

On a more tactical note we really must consider our responsiveness to the glory of Mashiach revealed within the Mo’adim and respective cycle itself. Most assuredly during each Mo’ed discourse was the case made with regards to the continued relevance and importance of the Sacred Shabbat and Festivals. But frankly beloveds … G_D’s commandments need no sales pitch … observation of these Mo’adim has been declared to be required!

Let us once again revisit the Mo’adim life cycle as visualized within the figure below:


For a moment let us look beneath the amazing revelation of what the Mo’adim encapsulate and reflect … let us look a bit closer at the covenantal relationship and attempt to better understand what these Mo’adim mean for us in our walk with Mashiach … in our everyday lives … week over week and year over year!

Let us ponder for a moment what would happen if we really cleaved to G_D’s sacred weekly Shabbat. What would this mean for us? Would it change our lives … would it change our outlook … would it change the way we interact with the world around us? Oh you bet it would!

What do we think would happen if we diligently looked for and observed G_D’s New Moon Festivals … each and every month? What would happen if once every month we genuinely looked introspectively to see how we could be renewed … how we could improve our walk … how we could be more useful in serving his Kingdom? Do we think this would have an impact on our lives … on our walk … on the way we interact with the world around us? Oh you bet it would!

As for the Mo’adim Festivals … now understanding the real meaning, relevance and importance to us … and … preparing and observing them … offering up our hearts in prayer, praise and worship to him … do we think that this would have an impact on our lives … on our walk … on the way we interact with the world around us? Oh you bet it would!

Beloved children … these Mo’adim are not just revelatory pointers to the awesome works of THE LORD and Mashiach … these Mo’adim have been provided to us to serve as stepping stones along our walk with him. These Mo’adim serve to synchronize our rhythms with that of the CREATOR enabling us to interact with him in the manner he prescribes and on the time-table that he has set forth for all eternity. These Mo’adim have been given to us to facilitate our communion with him through Mashiach and serve as a fundamental testimony to our separation from olam hazeh and citizenship within the Kingdom of Light.

These Mo’adim are the appointed times of G_D given to Israel … the children of the covenant. Now we are either part of Israel or we are not. Admittedly there was a time when we were shamelessly taught that these Mo’adim did not matter. There was a time when we were shamelessly taught that these Mo’adim do not encapsulate and reflect the glory of Yeshua HaMashiach. There was a time when we were ignorant of the truth. But that time is not today and this time is not now. Consequently we have some decisions to make … we need to determine if we are going to abide by the appointed times of G_D or for some if we are going to observe these eternal festivals honoring the FATHER through the glory of the SON!

Make no mistakes children … the Mo’adim will be observed and honored in the right Spirit when Mashiach returns. As such then we know that it is our obligation … nay our right as redeemed children to observe and honor the Mo’adim! Oh for the love of Mashiach let us not turn away from these precious gifts. Let us grasp onto the corner of Mashiach’s garment … he will assuredly not turn us away and he will assuredly lead us in the way of righteousness and peace.

Children … do not let your heritage be usurped! Do not let man tell you that the Mo’adim are not for you … or that they are not necessary … or that they are anything but precious gifts filled with blessings. If this message is not being delivered to you where you congregate … please consider why not … consider asking questions … consider holding your shepherds responsible … consider what is really going on!

Ultimately G_D and his Mashiach are waiting at the appointed times to hear from the children … to commune with the children … are we also waiting and getting ready for our appointments with G_D MOST HIGH? Hmmm!

As the final visual provided herein depicts … the Holy Mo’adim of G_D … of Yeshua HaMashiach … encapsulates the great plan of restoration undertaken on our behalf for the sake and glory of HIS GREAT NAME.

The Great Aliyah


Although the truth in Scriptures, regarding the ultimate re-creation as manifest in New Jerusalem, negates the vast majority of peoples’ ideas with respects to Heaven … we should see that this great Aliyah made by Yeshua HaMashiach serves as our steps … as our true stairway to Heaven! And yes beloveds we must assuredly walk the walk as did our beloved Yeshua!

There can be no doubt that it is on Mashiach’s back that we hang onto throughout this entire aliyah. There is no doubt that it is Yeshua that has done the labors. There is no doubt that in all ways we owe all things to him. There is no doubt that the Holy and Eternal Mo’adim of G_D represents HIS ALIYAH … Mashiach YESHUA’s ALIYAH of GLORY!

To G_D G_D be all the praise, honor, worship, love and glory forever and for all eternity! Amen!

* * * * * * *

Final Thoughts

It is with the sincerest of hopes that the Biblical Festivals/Mo’adim review provided herein serves as a blessing for you the reader. Despite positions and conclusions presented herein that may differ from your own … please objectively consider the approaches utilized … the complete reliance on Holy Scripture itself … the absolute congruence between the Tanakh and B’rit Chadasha … the seamless integration of the following critical elements: the Torah, the Everlasting Covenant, the Mo’adim, the Holy Service and the Mishkan … and … all for the sole purpose of glorifying our most blessed and awesome G_D Most High. It starts and ends with G_D!

Dear reader … once more let it be iterated that there is no goal to recruit anyone … or sign you up for solicitation purposes! There is no objective or need to personally be considered correct! What you the reader think in terms of this commentator is frankly not all that important. What is important is that you at least consider the results of this review and if nothing else you dig in to either confirm or refute these same results. Why? Because this is what is important … because you are important and our LORD desires that all would be drawn to his Kingdom of Light. But of most importance is that Mashiach Yeshua, as seen through Holy Scriptures and this review herein, deserves 100% of what we have and this begins by not sitting back and accepting as fact man-made doctrines that just do not stand up to the divinely inspired revelation. Doctrines that serve to profane the NAME and Holy Character of our awesome Mashiach and G_D. Ultimately it is paramount that the truth be sought, reclaimed and declared for his honor and glory alone.

Although this work put forth by an imperfect man may not be “perfect” … we must not lose sight of the Hebraic perspective and model that calls for asking the questions and seeking the answers. The basic questions remain: “Does it make sense that G_D would go to so much trouble in defining and laying out these Mo’adim so that they are not tremendously relevant and valuable?” … “Does it make sense that G_D’s great works of wonder and awe in both the Tanakh and B’rit Chadasha would somehow not be aligned with his calendar and appointed times?” … “Does it make sense that Yeshua, who does all things as does the Father, would perform his works of wonder and awe in a different pattern and at different appointed times?” “Does it make sense that all the Mo’adim, completely aligned with the Everlasting Covenant, Torah, Holy Service and Mishkan … as depicted within the Tanakh would somehow in and through Yeshua become unaligned?”

Beloved children of G_D Most High … if you don’t already know … there is a world of immeasurable blessings contained within the Word of G_D … a world of unending revelation and wisdom designed to move us towards and keep us close to our beloved G_D through Mashiach Yeshua. The review provided herein is hopefully worthy of being classified as a glimpse into his awesome nature, character and plan for humanity for the sake of his great NAME … just a glimpse!

But with this glimpse we should assuredly have our hopes raised … we should assuredly be more confident that only a supreme and loving G_D could perform and reveal this plan through men and have this same inspired record sing and resonate such glory and truth. Rest assured knowing that the plan is implemented … in motion … and will faithfully come to fruition by the hands of the Almighty and his Mashiach Yeshua.

Shalom Aleichem … Peace be upon you

P. R. Otokletos

Credits: Over the years I've accumulated a large library of what I believe to be free-use images, some of which have been utilized herein for added visualization. I offer up my thanks for providers of said free-use images as well as the "" site where selected images related to specific Hebrew grammar/text were obtained.

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