The Blood of Jesus
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Author: Mike Connell
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Pages: 38
Published: 11 years agoRating: Rated: 3 times Rate It
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Book Description
The 7 different ways that Jesus bled on the cross represent 7 different things that Jesus came to redeem us from, 7 things that the blood of Jesus Christ addresses. This series discusses the first use of blood during the passover in Egypt, and then onto the Day of Atonement, where the blood was applied to the mercy seat 7 times, and the symbolism of the scapegoat. Sins, Transgressions, and Inequity are compared, and related to exactly how and why Jesus blood was shed for us. Many struggle consistently in their intimacy with God, and in believing that God will answer their prayers. People face a sense of not being good enough, that there's something wrong with me - when I pray it doesn't look like God's going to answer. If you're living with this, it's because there's some foundations are not built & established in your life, & until they are, you will continue in what you're struggling with.