The Book of Auras by José Cruz - HTML preview

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Chapter 10

Professional Skills

Anyone with Crystal Aura gets along well in any

occupation that allows him to work alone in something that

somehow enhances your life. To do this requires a structured

environment, personal and quiet, with a regular routine.

Does well as a librarian, as a writer to write what you will in the

soul, can be a scientist or researcher, regarding the medical,

technical or biological.

Succeeds well in any job or job that requires repetition and

attention to detail, much attention to repetitive work, because later

you will come to bring bone problems due to wear them.

This kind of being with this color Crystal Aura is very rare, but

does well very well in all branches of the medical profession.

As a rule presents an austere and distant with her patients as she

feels she is there to heal and not to please people. Treat or cure is

just your mission as being of Light, and as such has come to Earth.

It is with appreciation and a quiet dignity that delivers the Spirit,

in causes such as nursing homes, hospitals and caring for patients,

in most cases without charge.

If you can stand out as the spiritual master, teacher or leader of

prayer groups, also feels like a fish in water.

This being feels compelled to drive intuitively and gently leading

the disciples in the ways that lead to the study and a deeper

understanding of themselves. This does not mean he does well in all

forms of education.

José Cruz

The secular school system touches you very deeply, both teaching

and learning, leaving him confused and disoriented, Due to

predefined rules, and the demand of people. Primarily by contact

with different identities which confuse its gentle Auric field. As

regards the last part just looks.


The Book Of Auras