The Book of Auras by José Cruz - HTML preview

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Chapter 11


For the person holding a Crystal Aura, the topic Spiritual

means living peacefully, knowing that soon it will be reabsorbed in

essence that understands everything. What is the Source of Light

which emanated to incarnate in a human The Crystal Color is a

delicate and unique tone, breast, at the time of his birth.

Being with that color is easily Aura, because it has an internal

mechanism Spiritual, to tune in accuracy to align the healing

energies of love in the Universe and therefore available within it,

beings like Crystal Aura Indigo is unique and separate from all

other Auras of other colors, because both have special gifts and

talents, especially psychic, psychic, paranormal and Spiritual.

With the discovery of new sophisticated technologies, turned to the

polls again awakened Spiritual. And the permanent threat to the

Planet and new alternatives are needed to resolve these situations


The survival of the species will depend increasingly attitudes and

postures. What technology, intellect or brute force by the human


This stage of our experience requires a change of consciousness, an

inner change in every being. Only be achieved through the

development of the Holy hand, the awakening of all Consciousness

and Spirituality.

José Cruz

The Aura Crystal can be one of the most powerful bridges to the

new Awakening of Conscience and action. Their mission in life is to

heal - not only the body but also the Soul, and it can stretch, the

Planetary Soul.

When this being is in harmony with its vital work, you feel healthy

and happy, fully functioning synchronized and at peace with itself

and with others.

But when you refuse to acknowledge your gift and work through it.

Your life becomes miserable, unhappy, confused and full of despair.

Because he did not channel the energy it absorbs from the Universe,

with those that your bio-rhythm is abroad. Come to turn in own

martyrdom, causing him to feel lonely and unpredictable, as if

waiting for his own physical death.


The Book Of Auras