The Bossy Church Lady's Take On The End Times by Sandra Purdue - HTML preview

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Chapter 10…The Beginning Of The End

Revelation 16:13-14 describes three “unclean spirits” that will go forth from the mouth of the devil, out of the mouth of the antichrist, and out of the mouth of their helper, the false prophet. The role of these spirits is to convince leaders everywhere that they have a chance at defeating God in battle, which leaders everywhere that they have a chance at defeating God in battle, which 21.

Yeah, believe it or not, the devil will have everyone so certain that they can defeat God with their silly weapons, which are useless against the Lord, that everyone in the world will begin to make weapons out of everything imaginable. Washers and dryers, cars, tools, Tonka toys, you name it, if it’s made of metal, they’ll melt it down and turn it into a weapon.

But what they’ll fail to realize is that this is really God’s plan, not their own. Joel 3:9-11 and Revelation chapter 17, verse 17 tell us that God has put His plan on the king’s hearts to achieve His purpose with the intention of using the kings to punish the harlot mentioned in chapter 17 before Christ Jesus defeats them.

During the battles that are to come, whether they wield a weapon against the Jews, assist in the vaporization of Babylon, or pray that the Lord will return, everyone in the world will participate in one way or another.

Revelation 16:16 tells us that the army of the antichrist will be heading toward a place called Armageddon or the Mount of Megiddo. Joel 3 gives us a little more info on this.

While the armies are still marching toward the Jezreel Valley, which is south of Lower Galilee in the North District of Israel, in order to do battle with the Almighty for the battle of Armageddon, several verses inJeremiah, verses: 50:28, 51:50, 51:45, and finally, Revelation 18:4-5, tell us that God’s people will be warned to flee Babylon.

As soon as God’s people are clear of the city, it says in Revelation 18:1-3 that an angel, who will be heard by everyone, will pronounce God’s judgment upon the city.

Jeremiah 51:45, Revelation 18:1-24, and Isaiah 22-23 tell us that Babylon will be utterly and completely destroyed. Total destruction has never happened to that city, but it will at this time. The destruction will be so complete that not a single living human being will remain alive within and afterward no one will live there, ever again. Revelation 18:10 says that Babylon will be decimated within one hour. Isaiah 13 tells us that God will use the gentile believers to destroy Babylon and Jeremiah agrees.

Revelation 18:9-19 says that three types of people will lament over the destruction over Babylon: The kings or the political rulers of the world, those who shared in her luxury; the merchants who were made rich by trading everything imaginable within that city; and everyone who earned a living transporting cargo to and from her. In contrast, Revelation 18:20 says that three types of people who will rejoice over the destruction of Babylon: the saints, apostles, and the prophets.

After the sudden and total destruction of Babylon, in order to purge the rest of the land of the antichrist and his followers, God will use the armies of the antichrist to fulfill another purpose: to punish the harlot spoken of in Revelation chapter 17. Because Isaiah 1:21-31 specifically mentions that the faithful city—Jerusalem—has become a harlot, the identity of the harlot in Rev. 17, in my opinion, is Jerusalem.

However, take heart because the Lord must do this in order to cleanse Zion and make her ready for His Son to return to her where He will rule the earth with His rod, His staff of righteousness.

Because the antichrist will be so angry that Babylon is in ruins, he’ll order his armies to lay siege upon Jerusalem. But before this happens, several verses in the Bible, including Jeremiah 6:1 and 50:28 tell us that the Lord will use a few people who have escaped Babylon to warn others within Jerusalem to flee, but hardly anyone will listen.

The siege of Jerusalem will be a nasty fight. In Hosea 6:1-2, it says that this battle will last for three days where in the end, not only is the leader of Jerusalem humiliated in front of everyone, but the women will be raped, and half of Jerusalem will be taken captive.

With the plans to kill the rest of the Jews, the army will take their prized captives to Petra, where the remnant of Israel has been kept safe from the enemy for the last three and a half years.

While the army of the antichrist is trying to capture Petra, Ezekiel 39:22-29 says that after the Remnant confesses their sin of rejecting the Holy One of Israel, Jesus will come and destroy the armies of the antichrist. Matthew 24:29, Isaiah 13:10 and 34:4 tell us that tell us that the sun and the moon will become darkened and on the heels of that, the stars will begin to fall from the sky.

What happens next will be nothing short of miraculous. In Matthew 24:30, Jesus told His disciples that after the sky is wiped clean of everything, the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky. Revelation 19 verses 11 through 16 describe the Lord with His army appearing when heaven opens. Trust me, no one will miss these events.

Revelation 19:12 says that the eyes of the Lord will be full of fire and in verse 11, it says that the Lord is not here to promote peace; He’s here to make war. More specifically, He’ll destroy the antichrist and his army. Because everything is under His feet, He’s conquered everything, He’ll be wearing many crowns. On His thigh will be written: “King of Kings and Lord of Lords.”

The army behind Him is holy and pure; they’re all wearing white and all of them are on white horses. Rather than accompany Him to the battlefield, they’ll remain behind.

Revelation chapter 19:17-18 describes an angel standing in the sun ordering all the birds to gather above the army of the antichrist so they can eat them. Ezekiel 39: 4 and 17-22 and back this up. This part will be so gruesome that it’s almost beyond recounting. However, I have told the tale in an upcoming book called:The End Of All Things As Told By Jason Shaw.

Just before the birds chow down on their feast of fresh flesh, Revelation 19 verse 20 says that the Lord will cast the antichrist and the false prophet into the lake of fire.

Following that, the Lord will kill the army. After the delectable “feast of fowls” an angel will come down from heaven and throw the devil into the abyss and lock him in there for a thousand years. (Rev. 20:1-3)

Now we come back to Revelation 16 verse 17 where it says that after the seventh angel pours out his vial, a voice will sound from the temple in heaven, “It is done.”

Revelation 16:18-21 describes an awesome storm. As the voices are resounding in the heavens, thunder is tearing the universe asunder, and lightning is striking everywhere at once, a powerful and terrible earthquake will not only split Jerusalem into three parts, but it will cause the islands to flee and the mountains to collapse into nothingness. Hailstones, weighing about a hundred pounds each, will begin to fall to the earth and crush mankind.

Believe me, you don’t want to be here when that happens!


As ridiculous as this sounds, after seeing all that the Lord has done thus far, people will cuss at God! They’ll continue to blame Him for their troubles!

Now that the world has been purged of the unrepentant… well mostly, Jesus is ready to separate the goats from the sheep. Matthew 25:31-46 paints a picture of the Lord placing the sheep on His right side and the goats on His left. Upon pronouncing that the goats were so self-centered during their lives that they aren’t worthy of everlasting life, the Lord sends them to everlasting punishment while the sheep are assigned to everlasting life.