The Bossy Church Lady's Take On The End Times by Sandra Purdue - HTML preview

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Chapter 11…The Millennial Reign of Christ Begins

In Revelation 20 verse 4, John describes the souls of everyone who has been beheaded for the Word of God. These people will be part of the first resurrection. Everyone else won’t be resurrected for a thousand years. Upon coming back to life, the victims of the antichrist, who never gave up hope in the Lord, will rule with Christ for a thousand years.

In the twinkling of an eye, animals, people, and the planet will become what the Lord intended from the beginning: gorgeous, perfect, without flaw or blemish. There will be no sickness.

In Psalm 110:1-3, we can see that the Lord will rule from Zion. 2 Kings 19:30-31 says: “Once more a remnant of the house of Judah will take root below and bear fruit above. For out of Jerusalem will come a remnant, and out of Mount Zion a band of survivors.” (NIV) These people are the Jewish remnant who will live in Jerusalem during the millennial reign.

Isaiah 2 tells us that Jerusalem will be exalted above all. The rest of humanity will learn about the Lord from the Jewish remnant. There will be no more wars and no more tears. While Lord Christ Jesus rules the planet for a thousand years, there will be no hunger.

There will be no need for the sun as the light of the Lord will be the light. Because people are people and people will always do what they’ve always done, people will still sin. Most people will live to be a thousand years; the cursed, or the rebellious, will only live for one hundred years. (Isaiah 65:17-25)

Revelation 20:7-10 tell us that at the end of the thousand years, the Gog/Magog war will take place. After Satan is on the loose again, it says that he’ll go around and deceive the nations. Incredibly, multitudes of people, more than the sand on the shore, will go with him to try to defeat God, but God will destroy them for good this time.

The Great White Throne Judgment happens next. This is where the rest of the dead are resurrected and judged according to their works. If anyone isn’t found in the Book of Life, he or she will go to hell for eternity, where there are no second chances.

A new earth and a new heaven come into being now. Everything will be glorious. Think of the Garden of Eden.
The God who made the majestic mountains with their contrasting, snowy peaks, the gorgeous seas (especially under the light of the full moon) adorned the beautiful flowers and dressed the earth an amazing amount of beauty, will be making another Jerusalem and it will be breathtakingly beautiful. (Revelation 21:10-27) None of the unsaved will be permitted entrance into this new city and rightfully so! We don’t want perfection tainted with ugliness, do we?
This city will be a mere reflection of the glory of God. If you love precious, sparkling stones, this place will simply steal your breath away. There will be twelve gates, made of solid pearl, representing the twelve tribes of Israel. Remember the woman clothed with the sun back in Revelation 12 and the twelve stars that crowned her head? You got it! This new city will be a crown jewel more spectacular than any of us could ever imagine. The city will have twelve foundations, signifying the twelve apostles. For their undying service to the Lord, the twelve apostles have earned their rightful place as the foundation of the new Jerusalem.
The new Jerusalem will be HUGE!!!! 1400 square miles huge. All of God’s children will reside there, along with His Holy Angels, and Christ Jesus. It says in Rev. 21:3-4: “And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God. And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.” God, the maker of all things and His Son, Christ Jesus, will be with us forevermore.
Can you imagine waking up in the morning, looking over and there sits God watching over you? We’ll get to see Him in person! When we worship Him, we’ll get to see His face for all time. I hope to see you there!

*** If you haven’t given your life to the Lord, I’m pleading with you to do so now. Please don’t be too stubborn to do this one, simple thing. Life is too short and we never know when God will decide to end our lives! I promise, you won’t regret turning to the Lord. When I gave my life to Him, I admitted that I was a sinner, asked Jesus for forgiveness, and gave my entire life to Him. Following that, I’ve been doing my very best to not sin and when I do, I confess it to Him knowing that He will forgive me. ***

Look for my next two books:The End Of All Things As Told By Jason

ShawandThe Bossy Church Lady’s Official Guide for New Christians


Following is a short and sweet synopsis of each upcoming book.

The Bossy Church Lady’s Official Guide for God’s Newly Adopted Children will be the ultimate handbook for today’s new Christian. Regardless of denomination, it will quickly bring you, the new Christian, up to speed so you can be an effective team member in the Kingdom of God. While the topics broached withinThe Bossy Church Lady’s Official Guide for God’s Newly Adopted Childrenrange from predestination to what God’s Word—the final authority—says about sorcery and fall anywhere between, the book will answer your tougher questions such as: “Why did God allow His Son to die such a horrible death?” And, “Why does God allow such terrible things to happen in this world?” This non-fiction book invites all believers to forge a deeper relationship with the Lord.

Because this book is educational in nature, thought provoking questions, a short list of verses to read, and space to take notes are at the end of each chapter inThe Bossy Church Lady’s Official Guide for God’s Newly Adopted Children.

It all begins on a sweltering Wednesday in The End Of All Things As Told By Jason Shaw. Summer is coming to a close; fall is just around the corner in the beautiful Pacific Northwest. The stage is set for the most important event that will happen to mankind.

With the UN disbanded, the world is on the brink of exploding into chaos; world war is imminent, poverty and starvation remain the issues of the day. President Faris Sayed has made some radical changes in his country. Seemingly overnight, he has transformed the nation of Syria into a model for diplomacy. Also headed by Faris Sayed, is the new alliance called the Associated Nations for Peace (AN), which promises to be the ultimate resolution for the concerns that are plaguing society. The catch: upon joining the AN, each member nation must adopt the AN Constitution, which prohibits freedom of speech and religion as their own Constitution.

Fast-forward a few weeks and every nation in the world has joined the AN except four: the United States, Turkey, Iraq and Israel. Now that the AN has given the United States, Turkey and Iraq a one-week deadline to join the AN willingly or by force, the United States has officially declared war in all fifty of the states to repel the coming AN invasion.

When Jason Shaw and eight other people accidentally discover the truth about what really happened to the millions of people that vanished, they embark upon a heroic journey to save billions of souls by exposing the lies of the AN.

Because Rick, Tim and Danny have the knowledge to build another laserequipped satellite like the one that was used to vaporize Russia, the White House, and the Pentagon, the AN has all the more reason to want them all dead. Through it all, despite the horrifying judgments of God affecting the earth and mankind disastrously, the human element remains.

Okay, okay,you’ve talked me into it: following is aFREE previewofThe

End Of All Things As Told By Jason Shaw

Chapter 1

A piece of paper sliding across the desk interrupted the newscaster. Fierce concentration replaced the normally pleasant expression on her face as she quickly read the bulletin. Looking up, she said, “This just in! Moments ago, Israel launched several nuclear weapons and wiped off the map! “Stay tuned for further developments. Remember, you heard it here on NewsFix first!”

The ticker at the bottom of the screen read: Breaking news… Israel uses nuclear weapons to decimate Russia… Boeing 747 crashes into the Bronco Stadium in Denver, Colorado…

Listening intently, dad sat straight up from his slouching position and turned the volume up.
I was stunned. “Wow!” was all that I could say. I remembered thinking:How could a little bitty country like Israel get away with destroying a huge country like Russia?
Dad said, “Too bad it wasn’t the other way around: freaking Jews.”
To impress our dad, Mark said, “Yeah, get the Christians and Blacks too.”
All I could think was that if Russia was powerless to defend against such a horrific attack, then the United States would be just as vulnerable. The U.S. could be next. “Dad, aren’t countries like Russia equipped with radars to detect nuclear weapons?” I asked.
“Yeah, they are,” he answered. Judging by the look on his face, he must have been thinking the same thing I was.
“Then how come Russia didn’t see the nukes coming and fire back or even try to stop them?” I asked.
“Those Jews are sneaky,” dad answered and immediately, he dove into his usual lecture about how treacherous that he thought that they were. When my dad started in on Native Americans, Blacks, Hispanics, Jews, or even politics, anyone that he decided to talk to about them might as well have just kissed the next few hours goodbye. He could be downright ridiculous at times. He could ramble on and on about how stupid that they were, about how they hoard all of the money, how they would rip everyone else off, and on and on. Other than that, dad was a decent fellow. Well… mostly. Since it was always best to change the subject if at all possible, the instant that my dad paused, I seized the opportunity to keep him on the subject that I wanted to talk about. “Dad, do you really think that we’ll really go to war with the AN?”
Taking the bait, he answered, “I hope not… I really don’t think that’ll happen, son.” He tried to leave it at that. At the time, he wasn’t about to tell Mark and me what he knew would happen if the United States engaged in combat with the rest of the world. It was too frightening to consider. In that split second, when my dad glanced over at me, I saw my own feelings reflected in his expression: pure, raw terror. “Everything will be fine, Jason. You’ll see,” he croaked and then quickly turned away.
I could tell that my dad didn’t want to discuss the subject that I’d broached, but at least it distracted him enough to keep him from rambling on about people that he didn’t even know. Deep down inside I was panic-stricken at the idea of the entire world invading the U.S. On a deeper level than that, being a young, healthy male, I felt utterly impotent. I knew that I was powerless to help dad protect the family from harm. I almost asked him what we would do if the AN invaded the United States, but I didn’t want to paint the devil on the wall, as the old saying goes.
“I hope so,” I said to my dad. As another moment of uncomfortable silence passed, I said, “Well dad, I’m going into the kitchen to see if mom needs any help.”
As I stood to walk into the kitchen, Mark ran in front of me. Even before he reached the kitchen, he blurted, “Mom! Russia just got totally wiped out by the Jews!”
“Are you serious?” she asked incredulously.
“Yeah, no kidding they just said it on the news,” I said as I entered the room.
So that she could see it for herself, mom went into the living room and sat down. Upon receiving confirmation that we weren’t lying she said, “You know… someone was bound to destroy someone else with all of the wars going on.”
“But mom, I heard that the AN was supposed to put a stop to all of the wars over there,” I said.
“You know, it was only a matter of time before that supposedly miraculous peace plan of theirs fell apart,” my mother commented pessimistically.
“We are going to have to interrupt this news segment to listen to an important announcement from the President of the Associated Nations for Peace, which is already in progress,” the anchorwoman on the news said.
“Shush!” dad said because Mark and I were talking to mom.
“…for joining me here tonight,” Syrian President Faris Sayed said. “This announcement is in regard to the sudden and total destruction of Russia. For those of you who do not already know, due to the fact that Israel’s largest commodity has been oil for nearly a decade, Israel has rapidly become one of the world’s richest countries. Because of this, Russia was planning to invade Israel and claim the country as its own.
“Upon joining the Associated Nations for Peace, all member countries, including Russia, wholeheartedly agreed to adopt the AN constitution as their own. In doing so, every member country has sworn to abide by the laws that are in the AN constitution. Under article five, section two it clearly states that if a member country initiates any form of unprovoked hostility or aggression toward another country, the AN will destroy the aggressor immediately. While knowing of their plans in advance, I authorized the complete destruction of Russia via a laser-equipped satellite the moment that they began to ready their planes of war. Though Israel is not a member country, I chose to protect Israel from invasion. Had Russia reconsidered and forestalled their deplorable plan, this unfortunate series of events would not have taken place. It is my intention to use Russia as an example of how sincere that the AN is about keeping peace. Though regrettable, the AN would not hesitate to utilize our satellite weaponry to decimate yet another country that acts aggressively toward another country. Again, we regret—”
“We are going to have to interrupt this interruption to bring you an emergency announcement from the President of the United States,” the newswoman said as the station cut Sayed’s speech off suddenly.
President Darnell Jackson stood ramrod straight behind the podium while he waited to begin his speech. He was a black, God-fearing man whose composure commanded respect. His voice was pleasant, fatherly even, and his gaze was steady. Perspicacious and astute, during his highly distinguished career as a U.S. Senator, and then as Secretary of State, he solved problems that were too complex for even the most sagacious at times, thereby earning him the esteem of his peers. What’s more, while he served as Secretary of State, he never capitulated; he employed his diplomatic skills to tactfully encourage even the most enthusiastic warmongers to consider alternatives to hostilities. Though he had attempted to resolve this particular issue at hand by diplomacy, the AN refused to compromise.
When all was quiet, he began, “Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to thank you for joining me tonight as I have a very important announcement to make. As you all know, not long after the UN disbanded six months ago, nations began to gather and form their own alliances. Shortly thereafter, wars began to erupt between the different factions. As a solution to the dilemma, Mr. Faris Sayed, the President of Syria, formed the Associated Nations for Peace with himself as leader.
“On the surface, the AN promise of peace and protection for the member countries, and for individual citizens, the promise of equality and the right to live as one feels sounds like a dream come true. However, upon closer examination of the AN constitution, we have discovered that the countries wishing to join the AN must be willing to relinquish their sovereignty and implement the AN constitution; moreover, upon joining the AN, the countries as well astheircitizens becomepropertyof the Associated Nations for Peace. Throughout the world, every country has joined the Associated Nations for Peace, except four: the United States, Turkey, Iraq and Israel.”
It was obvious that he was upset. While he spoke, he pounded on his podium, leaned over it, and raised his voice to nearly shouting in order to elaborate certain points. One after the other, he looked each reporter in the eyes and told them, “The AN constitution is virtually identical to the United States’ Constitution with certain exceptions: under the United States’ Constitution,everyonehas the right tofree speech.In stark contrast, there are nosuch rights for citizens within the AN Constitution…the right to free speech is illegal in the AN Constitution!” He paused for a moment to allow the last bit to sink in.
While the majority of the reporters simply stared at him, a few were jotting down questions to ask.
“Within the Constitution of the United States,” the President said, “each and every citizenis afforded the right to worship freely and practice any religion that he or she shall choose. Conversely, it states within theAN constitution, and I quote:‘No religion other than the official AN religion will be tolerated. Those who are found to be non compliant with the aforementioned AN laws will face severe penalties…’ The penalties are appallingto say the least!”While he said the last, he pounded his palm on the podium to further stress his point. “There are other issues as well—”
Two reporters interrupted him with questions and he silenced them by putting his hand up with his palm facing them. “Listen to me!” he hollered angrily like a fed up parent would say to a spoiled child. “Just seven days ago, the Associated Nations for Peace issued the United States a one-week deadline to decide upon an ultimatum: either become a member country of the AN willingly or by force!” He spit out the word Peace with heavy sarcasm. It was understandable that the President was irate:. The AN was invading the United States for refusing to relinquish the liberties that made the country so unique and wonderful. “Had the United States made the choice to join the AN, the AN Constitution would have legally superseded the Constitution of the United States. Freedom of religion—with the exception of the official AN religion— freedom of speech, the right to privacy, the right to due process, as well as certain other liberties that we’re all accustomed to would have become illegal effective immediately! Also, the United States as well as each person living within its territory would have becomepropertyof the AN.” He paused for a moment and then said, “Last week, I called for Congress to put thenot so nice offer to join the AN to vote, and it wasunanimouslyrejected!
“In order to comply with article four, section four, AND in accordance with thefirst amendment of the Constitution of the United States, also in compliance with the Constitutional Provision, article I, Section 8 which states, ‘The Congress shall have Power:To declare War, grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water.’ Additionally, ‘To provide for calling forth the militia to execute the laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections, and repel Invasions.’ Immediately following the rejection of the not so nice offer from the AN, I solicited Congress to vote on another issue: in order to protect each citizen’s freedom of religion, freedom of speech and to retain our sovereignty, I asked the Congress to authorize an official declaration of war in order to protect all fifty of the United States from invasion. Namely, to protect this wonderful country of ours from invasion from invasion from the AN. Understandably, that vote was unanimous in favor as well” He paused for a second and then quietly said, “The time limit that the AN had given the United States to join the AN had ended one hour ago.”
Speechless, stunned, the reporters had stopped taking notes and simply stared at the president as though he was suddenly speaking to them in an unintelligible language. What he had just told them was that the United States was officially at war with the Associated Nations for Peace, meaning that combat could begin at any moment, if it hadn’t already.
“But please do not panic, the AN has assured me that they will not engage the U.S. in combat until daybreak tomorrow,” the president added in an effort to try and reassure everyone. Because the president realized that what he’d just said was a lot for anyone to absorb within just a few moments, out of consideration for the media as well as the people who were listening on TV, he paused once again to allow them a small amount of time to process what they’d just heard before he continued.
Slowly, the journalists began to stir. Abruptly, one of them stood and blurted, “Are you telling us that we’re already at war?”
Calmly, President Jackson said, “Hold on sir… we’ll get to that in a minute, but after I finish speaking.” Before they had a chance to interrupt further, he quickly moved on, “There will be no lottery with the Selective Service: Everyone who is able bodied, whether they are in school or not, that has registered for the selective service and is between the ages of eighteen and twenty five will be immediately inducted into the United States military. Let me reiterate: Due to the extreme nature of this national emergency, every able bodied male who is between the ages of twenty-six and thirty-five, will also be conscripted straight away into the United States military. Immediately following this announcement, there will be a number at the bottom of the screen. Without delay, all men who are of good health, whether they have registered with the selective service or not, and are between the ages of seventeen and a half and thirty-five arerequiredto call the number at the bottom of the screen to find out where he will be stationed. Non-participation will result in severe penalties including imprisonment and fines. I will add that allhealthy citizens, whether male or female, are strongly encouraged to call the number and enlist.”
The media erupted. Sounds of shock went throughout and questions began to shoot forth from nearly all of the correspondents at the same time. Rather than answer any of their questions, the President roared, “If you’ll just be quiet, you can hear the rest of what I have to say!” Eventually, the media settled and afterward they began to scratch notes and questions in their notebooks. As he looked about the room, the President took a deep breath and steadied himself. In a more calm, even voice, he said, “Several departments and agencies within the Federal Government will be exercising all rights under the law that is contained within Article I, Section 9, which reads, ‘The privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in cases of rebellion or invasion the public safety may require it.” In his usual, fatherly tone, he said, “Now, that means that governmental control will be established overallUS citizens and in order to protect the citizens in all fifty of the United States, Martial Law has been ordered by congress inall fiftyof the United Stateseffective immediatelyand will continue until the crisis is past.”
Being only sixteen my worst fear was actually happening. What the President was saying was impossible for any of us to believe and as I listened to the speech, I wondered if our government had gone out of their minds. I couldn’t fathom how they could have ever imagined that the United States would possibly stand a chance at resisting an invasion by the entire world at once. I had a hard time believing that the president as well as congress could ever be so callous as to deliberately and superciliously disregard the billions of lives that they were empowered to protect. Yet, there it was, staring all of us boldly in the face. That led me to wonder if the government was expecting the people, the regular citizens, people like my dad and me, to take up arms. If we continued on that course, I knew that we were soon to experience a slaughter on a scale such as never been seen or heard of before. If we surrendered, certainly, our right to free speech as well as other inalienable rights would be lost, and we’d have to talk and worship in secret, but at least we’d be alive. I looked over at my dad and he looked bewildered.
Once again, the correspondents were in turmoil. Sympathetically, the President looked on and waited quietly for them to calm before saying, “Please, for your safety, stay inside of your homes from dusk until dawn until further notice. Any citizen found to travel outside their homes from dusk until dawn will be considered the enemy or agents of the invaders and will be immediately shot.”
“Mom, what’s Martial Law?” Mark asked.
“Shh, Mark, listen!” dad shouted with his eyes glued to the TV.
Again, the newsmen and women stood and began to rapid-fire their questions at the president. But by then, what little patience that he’d gained over the last few moments was lost. Jaws clenched, he firmly said, “Settle down now or I’ll have every one of you removed from this room!”
Immediate silence ensued. The media plopped back down into their seats and remained for a few moments.
“FEMA will be controlling all government agencies as well as all buildings during this time of emergency,” he said to them. “All businesses, churches, vehicles, buildings both public and private, agriculture, railways, airports, and excess food during this time of war will be under the control of this agency. Be assured that, in the best interests of the public, we will exercise the utmost caution and care.”
Bracing himself for impact, the president said, “The Federal Government will be utilizing the media to coordinate communications and to keep the public updated. Effective immediately, all communications media will be surrendered to government control and for security reasons, the First Amendment will be suspended until we are no longer at war.”
For a second or two, there was silence.
Then pandemonium exploded: all sense of order unraveled as the crowd of reporters went wild. Camera flashes assaulted the president from every direction and the chatter and questions from the media rose to a full-fledged uproar. While one reporter began to ask a question, another reporter raised his or her voice to interrupt the first reporter and then a third interrupted the second and so on. Instead of joining the madness of their contemporaries, three reporters gathered their belongings, their photographers and equipment, and simply fled from the room.
The president had had it with them by now. Loudly, he yelled, “Ladies and gentlemen of the press!I remind you again that you will be forced to join the reporters who have already left this meeting if you do not settle down!” Finally, after a minute or two, the reporters regained their composure, just enough to remain seated. For the most part, they were calm and not another peep was heard out of them; however, the chorus of noise created by the pencils and pens that they were swiftly moving over their paper was exceptionally noisy.
Despite the racket, the president resumed, “All electrical power, fuels, and minerals will be utilized by the federal government on an as needed basis. I assure you that the United States government will not seize these resources unless it becomes absolutely necessary. That is all, thank you for listening.”
Without warning, he turned and left the room. The astonished reporters sat perfectly still and silent as they watched him go.
When the regular news came back on, two military representatives, who were wearing BDU’s, were in place of the regular newscasters. Evidently, the military hadn’t wasted a precious second before seizing control of the media.
One of the military spokesmen began, “Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for joining us. For those of you who don’t know, Martial Law has been declared in all fifty of the United States. Furthermore, all government buildings and regular businesses will remain closed until further notice.During daylight times, you are being urged to only go out and do only what is necessary, such as gather food for your family or to see a doctor. Unless you are in desperate need of immediate medical help—for your safety—fromduskuntildawn, you are being advised to stay inside your homes. If youmustgo out after dusk, stand on your front porch until a member of the military approaches you and escorts you to wherever you need to go.” He stopped talking and waited for the other spokesman to continue.
“Under any circumstances,” the other newsman said, “DO NOTreturn to work or school until the current crises is past. For those of you who are male and between the ages of seventeen and a half and thirty-five, I am ordering you to call the number that is at the bottom of the screen immediately. Failure to comply will result in immediate court marshal upon capture.”
“Dad, does that mean we’re really going to war?” Mark asked.
“Yeah son, it does,” Rick answered.
“Does this mean that we’re going to have war on our streets, in our houses or schools? Are we going to war with the whole entire world?”
“Yes, Mark, the war is coming to us,” Rick disdainfully answered.
Excited, Mark looked at me and said, “OhMyGod, we’re going to get to see people shooting guns and everything… waycool!”
I shuddered as I envisioned the soldiers, who would surely commandeer the house and shoot at the enemy from within. In my mind’s eye, I saw the disgusting arrangement of dead bodies that they would leave lying on our lawn when they were finished.
“Kelley, I want you to take the kids to Dumas and stay at your mother’s place,” dad said.
“We’re not going without you, Rick,” she protested.
“Hon, I can’t go with you. I need to be here when RS reopens,” he told her. Sometimes it seemed like all dad cared about was his company, RS Manufacturing.
“Rick, you can always come back when this Martial Law is over.”
“I’m not going, but the three of you are. That’s final,” he said.
For a few minutes, mom didn’t say anything. She stared at the TV and listened to the represent

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