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As seen in the explanation, the bottom line is Muslims cannot be friends with non-Muslims.


Qur’an 2:225 (Muhammad Habib Shakir translation): Allah does not call you to account for what is vain in your oaths, but He will call you to account for what your hearts have earned, and Allah is Forgiving, Forbearing.

Again, in Qur’an 5:89 (Muhammad Habib Shakir translation) we read:

“Allah does not call you to

account for what is vain in your oaths.”

These verses are saying that you can take an oath and not really mean it in your heart. Think about it. Allah is saying that you can use his name in vain and not be punished for it. Imagine each Muslim taking an oath anytime, but meaning something else in his heart. For example, failed Times Square car bomber Faisal Shahzad was asked by the judge about the oath that he took in order to become a citizen. Shahzad admitted that he “swore but I didn't mean it.”

Also, this lying oath is considered an especially “blessed oath,” if it is made to Christians and Jews. As clearly stated in Qur'an 3:28, Allah gives Muslims permission to lie to Christians and Jews. He also says that he loves Muslims who do so. A Muslim may claim to be your friend with his lips, but truly hates you in his heart.

Lying can also extend to the Muslim’s own family. You can make an oath to your wife and not mean it. What Allah cares for is not what you say with your tongue, but what you say in your heart. Allah encourages double-crossing, or making unfaithful oaths, which in turn, creates a society of liars. How can you trust a man who is permitted by Allah to lie to you? This must be a teaching from Satan, because it is contrary to what Christ said in Matthew 5:37:

from Satan, because it is contrary to what Christ said in Matthew 5:37:

“But let your ‘Yes’ be ‘Yes,’ and your ‘No,’ ‘No.’ For whatever is more than these is from the evil one.”


We read together many Qur’anic verses such as 3:28, 5:51 and 60:1, which all lead Muslims to follow this direct order: you are not allowed to befriend disbelievers. However, we then might meet a Muslim who seems to be a nice person. How then can we explain this?

If a woman or man was born Muslim and does not happen to hate anybody in particular, Allah says in Qur’an 3:28 that this Muslim is no longer a Muslim.

Therefore, this individual has lost Allah’s protection against the swords of Muslims.

They speak to us in a friendly way, even though their “hearts hate this!” Does this mean we have a friendship? No, they are deceiving us. They claim to be our friends, but with their lips, not with their hearts! The interpretation of Qur’an 3:28, Tafsir Ibn 'Abbas, translated by Mokrane Guezzou, explains it this way: Safeguard yourselves against them, maintain yourselves from them, taking as it were safety measures saving yourselves from them by speaking in a kindly way towards them with, while your hearts hate this.

Now, after having read and understood its clear message, its meaning and its own interpretation, should I ever trust a Muslim?

How can the United States government offer them positions where the general population’s lives are at risk: airports, the FBI, the CIA, or even holding positions such as army officers, just like Nidal Malik Hasan, a U.S. Army major?

Maybe there would be a Muslim, who’s never practiced Islam or perhaps who’s never even read the Qur’an. What is my guarantee that he eventually won't open this book and read this verse or many others which are filled with hatred, and won’t turn into a terrorist in a second? The Qur'an is the most satanic book that you can ever put your hands on. That is precisely why I named my book The

Deception of Allah.


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Many times in the Qur’an, if not most of the time, do we see Allah speaking about repentance. The fact is, that word has a false and empty meaning in Islam for many reasons. If we look at the story of the pharaoh in the Qur’an, we find that the pharaoh repented to Allah, but he (Allah) did not accept the pharaoh's repentance. As told in Qur’an 40:84-85:

84 When they saw Our strength, they (pharaoh) said, “We believed in Allah only, and we rejected the partners we had before.”

85But their belief wouldn’t profit on them after they saw our power of punishment. It's Allah's ways to deal with mankind for a long time and the infidel were always the losers.

As we see here, the pharaoh declared the Shahada (profession of the Islamic faith of accepting Allah as god), but did you notice that Allah didn't accept his conversion to Islam? Even more, Allah punished him. That reminds me of the repentance of Adam, where Allah accepted his repentance but still had Adam punished and thrown out ofheaven! As we read in Qur’an 2:37-38: 37 Thereafter Adam received from his words and He repented to him; truly He is the Relenting, the Merciful.

38We said to them, “Go down from it all of you together, yet until my guidance comes to you, and whoever follows My guidance, no fear on themselves, neither shall they be sad.”

1. As we see from the two stories, the pharaoh’s punishment was death, but as for Adam, his punishment was to be sent down to earth; 2. In the Qur’an, why does Allah keep asking mankind to repent when it’s of no use? Qur'an 5:44 reads:

Verily, We sent down the Taurat (Torah) [to Musa (Moses)], therein was

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Verily, We sent down the Taurat (Torah) [to Musa (Moses)], therein was guidance and light, by which the Prophets, who submitted themselves to Allah's Will, judged for the Jews.



Tafsir Al-Jalalayn Qur’an 33:69

As stated by Sahih Al-

Bukhari, لQQ ﺑ

ﺎ ﻐ

ﻼ ﺳ QQ ﺗ

, Vol. 1, Book 5 (Bathing), Hadith 278: (

tMadhNo=0&tTafsirNo=74&tSoraNo=33&tAyahNo=69&tDispla y=yes&UserProfile=0&LanguageId=2):

Oh believers, do not perform with disrespect to your Prophet, as did those who abused Moses when they would say, for instance, “The only explanation he does not shower us with is that he has a swelling in his testicles.” Therefore, God cleared him of what they were suspicious when Moses placed his clothes on a rock to go to wash. The rock hurtled apart from him with it (his robe), until the rock approached to and stopped among a crowd of men from the offspring of Israel. As Moses pursued it and took his robe to cover himself, at same time the Jews saw his testicles and saw that he had no such infection or illness infecting his testicle. And he was honored in the eyes of God.

An example of our Prophets being subjected to hurt was when dividing up the spoils a Muslim man said to him, “This is a partition that is not meant to please God” (unjust apportionment)! Therefore the Prophet became offended and said,

“May God have mercy upon Moses, for truly he was hurt with worse than this, but tolerated.”

• Allah will do anything to prove that the testicles of his prophets are the best;

• In this story, not even one Jew wondered how the rock ran, as if it's something they witness every day!

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• If Moses had bad testicles, would that make him unfit for the position as a prophet?

• The Muslim man noticed that Muhammad was not dealing justly, and he was not what he claimed to be. In response, Muhammad came up with the story of Moses' testicles, but what does this have to do with dividing the money stolen from the Christian and the Jews?


First we read Qur'an 2:261 (Usama Dakdok translation): The parable of those who spend their money for the sake of Allah is like the parable of a grain which produces seven sanabul [ears of corn] and in each ear of corn a hundred grains and Allah will multiply to whom he wills. Allah is large, knowing.

1 good deed = (7 ears of corn x 100 grains) = 700

1 good deed x 700 = 700 good deeds

Now let’s compare it to Qur’an 6:160 (Usama Dakdok translation): Whoever comes with a

good deed, so to him there will be ten like it...

1 good deed x 10 = 10 good deeds

The question is the following: is one good deed multiplied by 700 or by 10? To find out, let’s read Qur’an 4:40 (Usama Dakdok translation): Surely Allah will not treat unjustly even the weight of the smallest ant. And if there be any good deed, he will double it, and he will give from himself a great wage.

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According to this verse, Allah will double the reward, therefore multiplying good deeds by 2. Not 10 and especially not 700.

Let's summarize the guidance of these verses with the following chart: I think Allah needs to rethink how he will finally reward good deeds in order to have a clear understanding without the confusion and contradictions.


Qur’an 56: (Source: Louis Ginzberg, Legends of the Jews, [The Jewish Publication Society of America, Philadelphia, 1909], Vol. IV, Chapter V: Solomon):

Furthermore, mentioned in the Book the case of Idris: he was a truthful man of honesty and was from the prophet-hood.

Let's continue reading and you will see how the Qur’an is identical to the Legends of the Jews:

After some time, Solomon received a letter from Adares, the king of Arabia. He begged the Jewish king to deliver his land from an evil spirit, who was doing great mischief, and who could not be caught and made harmless, because he appeared in the form of wind. Solomon gave his magic ring and a leather bottle to one of his slaves, and sent him to Arabia. The messenger succeeded in confining the spirit in the bottle. A few days later, when Solomon entered the Temple, he was not a little astonished to see a bottle walk toward him, and bow down reverently before him; it was the bottle in which the spirit was shut up.

This same spirit once did Solomon a great service. Assisted by demons, he raised a gigantic stone out of the Red Sea. Neither human beings nor demons could move it, but he carried it to the Temple, where it was used as a cornerstone.

Through his own fault Solomon forfeited the power to perform the miraculous deed, which the Divine spirit had conferred upon him. He fell in love with the

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deed, which the Divine spirit had conferred upon him. He fell in love with the Jebusite woman Sonmanites. The priests of Moloch and Raphan, the false gods she worshiped, advised her to reject his suit, unless he paid homage to these gods. At first Solomon was firm, but, when the woman bade him take five locusts and crush them in his hands in the name of Moloch, he obeyed her. At once he was bereft of the Divine spirit, of his strength and his wisdom, and he sank so low that to please his beloved he built temples to Baal and Raphan.


Allah said intercession is allowed, in Qur’an 4:85 (Usama Dakdok translation): Whoever intercedes a good intercession, a portion of it will be his. And whoever intercedes an evil intercession, a portion of it will be his...

Yet, Muhammad also says it is NOT allowed, in Qur’an 74:48 (Usama Dakdok translation):

No intercession by the intercessors will help them (on Judgment Day).

Allah said intercession will be allowed on Judgment Day, but Muhammad said the opposite. I guess that clears it up!


Sahih Muslim, Book 1, Hadith 352 (Direct link:

book=001&translator=2&start=0&number=0352#0352): I am your Lord (Allah speaking). The Muslims will say, “Yes, you are our Lord.” Then the bridge would be established over Hell and intercession would be allowed. They would say, “O our Lord, protect us, protect us.”

Sahih Muslim, Book 1, Hadith 369 (Direct link:

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book=001&translator=2&start=0&number=0369#0369): I asked the Messenger of Allah, if Allah would take out people from the hell Fire by the intercession. He the prophet answered: “Yes.”


Sahih Muslim, Book 1, Hadith 385 (Direct link:

book=001&translator=2&start=385&number=0385): The Messenger of Allah said, “There is for every messenger a prayer with which he would pray. I wish I could save my prayer for the intercession of my nation on the Day of Resurrection.”

If Muhammad will be the intercessor for Muslims, why is he asking them to be his intercessor by praying for him?

Sahih Al-Bukhari, p. 2374 (Arabic):

'Aisha reported: “The Prophet, may Allah pray on him and salute him, said,

‘Shoot and join together and get ready for the good news, because no one will enter heaven because of his work.’ They said, ‘Not even you?’ The Prophet said,

‘Even me but only if Allah bestows his mercy on me by his mercy and forgiveness.’”



This hadith presents perfectly the selfishness that is Muhammad. It's all about him and what he wants; whosoever prays for Muhammad receives ten blessings (Sahih Muslim, Book 4, Hadith 747):

Allah's apostle said, “Whenever you hear the muezzin (person who calls for the prayer) shout the call for prayer, restate what he says. Subsequently, call upon Allah for a blessing on me, for everyone who calls upon a blessing on me will receive ten blessings from Allah; afterwords beg from Allah Al-Wasilah [the top high rank in heaven] for me, which is a rank in Paradise made for only one of

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high rank in heaven] for me, which is a rank in Paradise made for only one of Allah's servants, and I hope that I may be that one who gets it. If anyone of you who asks for me to be given the top rank, he will be provided of my intercession.”

Pay careful attention to the following verse as it demonstrates the greatness of Muhammad—so great that Allah and his angels are praying on him. (Qur’an 33:56):

Allah and his angels

pray on the prophet. O who you believe, pray on the prophet and salute him a high salute.

How is it that Muhammad's god and his angels pray on him? In addition to that, Allah orders Muslims to pray on Muhammad. Furthermore, he, Muhammad, even asks Muslims to do as much by asking them to pray on him at each prayer in order for him to obtain the highest rank in Paradise.

This demonstrates that Muhammad is a self-centered being. By asking Muslims to pray on him instead of for him, he makes himself equal to Allah. We will discuss this furthermore in Muhammad, the God or the Man (p. 149).


Sahih Muslim, Book 30, Hadith 5655:

Abu Huraira said: “Allah's Messenger, may Allah pray on him, said, ‘I shall be first to be raised (from the grave) of the descendants of Adam on the Day of Resurrection, and I will be the top intercessor and the first whose intercession will be accepted by Allah.’”


After Muhammad took time and effort into proclaiming to Muslims that his intercession is the way to be saved on Judgment Day, he then contradicts himself in a hadith which reveals that he cannot intercede for his mother.(Sahih Muslim,Book 4, Hadith 2129):

Abu Huraira reported: “Allah's Apostle, may Allah pray on him, said: ‘I appealed to Allah’s permission for the forgiveness for my mother, but He did not permit it to me. I asked approval from Him to visit her grave, and He gave permission to me.’”

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permission to me.’”


Sahih Muslim, Book 30, Hadith 5655:

Abu Huraira said: “Allah's Messenger, may Allah pray on him, said, ‘I shall be first to be raised (from the grave) of the descendants of Adam on the Day of Resurrection, and I will be the top intercessor and the first whose intercession will be accepted by Allah.’”

Qur’an 2:48 tells a

different story:

Protect yourself from that day (Day of Judgement) when no soul can be useful to another soul and no intercession will be accepted, and no help will come from anyone.

Muhammad said he is the top intercessor, but then we observe that he cannot intercede for his own mother. In fact, no one can intercede for anyone, as plainly recorded in the Qur’an: “no soul can be useful to another soul”. Muhammad clearly contradicts himself regularly which demonstrates that he is making up his own “revelations” and attributing them to God.


In Qur’an 2:23, Allah challenges the Arabs to produce a chapter of same quality to the Qur’an:

And if ye are in doubt concerning that which We reveal unto Our servant

[Muhammad], then produce a chapter of like [quality as] this Qur’an, and call upon your God to help you [besides Allah] if you are truthful.

The same challenge was made by Allah in Qur’an 17:88: Say: “If all of mankind and the jinns gather together to produce the like of this Qur’an, they cannot!”

For the moment, we will not discuss the subject of the abundance of Arabic mistakes contained in the Qur’an. Since most of you don't have knowledge of the Arabic tongue, it is pointless to expose its errors which are evident to the Arabic-

Arabic tongue, it is pointless to expose its errors which are evident to the Arabic-speaking people. However, I will prove to you, from Allah’s own words, that anyone can make a Qur’an, including Mr. Satan himself (Qur'an 22:52-53): 52 We never sent before thee any messenger or prophet but that when he recited

[the scripture] Satan cast into his recitation (his words), but then Allah abrogates, whatever Satan had cast, then Allah will confirm His revelations, and Allah is All-Knowing and Wise.

53 Allah makes what Satan has cast, a trial for those in whose hearts has sickness and those whose hearts are hardened, for truly the Oppressors are in disagreement.

To the Muslim world, these verses are very well known as the satanic verses.

In Qur’an 2:23, Allah asks, “Who can make a Qur’an like this?” However, in Qur’an 22:52-53, Allah says he will delete the words that Satan threw in the mouth of Muhammad which are Qur’anic verses. What's funny is that Muhammad himself was reciting the Qur’an of Satan. He did not even make the distinguishment between Allah's Qur’an and Satan's Qur’an, even to the point he said that Satan acted upon this way towards all of Allah's prophets before him!

What we can understand from the above is the following: 1. Satan always made Qur’an. No one recognized that it was not from Allah.

2. Satan acted this way towards all of Allah’s prophets and was successful in doing so. Muslims acknowledge the fact that all the prophets of Islam, e.g. 'Isa and Moses, had Satan corrupt their books and Allah couldn’t do anything about it. This is especially disturbing since we are to believe that Allah sent to mankind 124,000 Muslim prophets!

3. This means that Satan repeated this action exactly 124,000 times: casting words and chapters into the mouths of Allah’s prophets without them ever realizing the dissimilarities.

4. We understand from this idea that all of Allah’s books suffer of corruption without exception, including Muhammad’s book.

5. If Allah did the same he did to the Qur’an to take out Satan’s vanities thrown in the mouths of all the previous messengers, what was the point of doing so if these books are going to be corrupted anyway. But this doesn’t match with

these books are going to be corrupted anyway. But this doesn’t match with Muslims claim that all of Allah’s books are corrupted except for the Qur’an.

6. This means Allah is working hard to protect his books regardless who the prophet is and it was a big failure because according to Muslims, Allah never succeeded to protect any of his books but the Qur’an.

7. Reading together the verse once again “but then Allah abrogates, whatever Satan had cast, then Allah will confirm His revelations” (Qur’an 22:52). In this verse, Allah is making a clear promise that he will delete all the satanic verses and his promise goes to cover all of his previous prophets and books. On top of this, not only will he cleanse the satanic verses but he will also confirm his revelations. Once again this does not add up with Muslims’ claims that all of Allah’s books are corrupted as it would be a clear contradiction to this Qur’anic verse.

8. The Qur’an challenges both mankind and jinn to make a better Qur’an.

Muslims cannot claim that the challenge is made for humans only, as we read in Qur’an 17:88:

Say: “If the mankind and the jinns were together to produce the like of this Qur'an, they could not produce the like thereof, even if they helped one another.”

Therefore, we must ask the Muslims: if Allah is god, doesn't he know that Satan is from the jinns (Qur’an 18:50, “...So they prostrated except Iblis {Satan}. He was one of the jinns”) as Islam tells? Satan will do it and has done it for the last 124,000 prophets as verse Qur'an 22:52 says:

We never sent before thee any messenger or prophet but that when he recited

[the scripture] Satan cast into his recitation (his words), but then Allah abrogates, whatever Satan had cast...

Allah said he will abrogate Satan’s verses, but he never informed Muslims which verses will be abrogated, nor which ones were made by Satan. How can Muslims find out the bad satanic verses if he did not point them out one by one?

Maybe Allah will abrogate them in his protected board-book in heaven (Qur’an 85:22, “On a guarded tablet.” )! What's the benefit of this protection if Satan's teachings are still in the Muslims’ hands and practiced daily?

How would we know if verse 22:52 itself is not from Satan as long as he can freely cast verses into Muhammad's mouth? Couldn't he cast just one more? So, Satan just says, 'Don’t worry about the filthy wrong teachings that I have been

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Satan just says, 'Don’t worry about the filthy wrong teachings that I have been given to you so far, I will take them out!' Speaking as if he was Allah.

6. Finally, when these satanic verses were casted into Muhammad’s mouth, he not only recited Satan’s words, but he also bowed down to idols. This means that Satan had full control over Muhammad’ body, for the story says in Tafsir Ibn Kathir, 1999 Printing, Kingdom of Saudia Arabia, Vol. 5, p. 442: Reported by Ibn Kathir “When the prophet was doing recitation of the chapter of Al Najem (The Star, Qur'an 53) Satan cast in his mouth, ‘Do you see Al-Lat and Al-'Uza and Manat the third one, it's a must to praise them and their Intercession should be asked for.’ And the pagan said, ‘Muhammad never praised our gods as today.’ And he (Muhammad) bowed down and they (the pagans) bowed down with him (to the idols, the three daughters of Allah).”

This leads us to other reasons to reject Muhammad as a prophet of God, because it’s a major contradiction in the Qur’an in many ways, as we will see in Qur’an 15:42:

Over my slaves, you, Satan have no authority over them (I protect them), except the bad ones who follow you (Satan)!

1. This means Muhammad must be from the bad ones; 2. Muhammad can't be a prophet;

3. He is not protected by Allah;

4. Allah's protection is a false one and it does not even exist. This is why nothing is working with Muhammad;

5. How was Satan able to make Muhammad bow? Was he in full control of this man? Maybe Muhammad and Satan are one and the same! In the best case, Muhammad must be possessed by Satan; therefore, he isn't suitable to be a prophet by any means.


Some might say I am trying to drive to that conclusion, but the fact is, it's what Muslims believe (Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book 53, Hadith 400):

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Muslims believe (Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book 53, Hadith 400): Reported by 'Aisha: “The Prophet was bewitched so that he started fantasizing that he had done a thing, which, in fact, he had never done.”

Muhammad, as Muslims and his wife said, was possessed. But this is against what Qur’an 15:42 tells and promises:

Over my slaves, you, Satan, have no authority over them (I protect them), except the bad ones who follow you (Satan)!

As long as Satan has authority over the bad individuals and is able to control them, this means Muhammad was a bad person and a follower of Satan.

Otherwise, how was Satan able to put Muhammad under his black magic?

According to the above verse, we read the following: Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book 71, Hadith 658; Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book 73, Hadith 89; and Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book 7, Vol. 71, Hadith 661:

Described by 'Aisha: “Bewitching did activate on Allah's prophet (Muhammad) so that he started to imagine that he had done something which he had not.”

You will see how funny the story is and how Muhammad's life was full of fairy tale stories. As always, the Jews are to blame or a Jewish man did it. Look how this Jewish man, as Muhammad claimed, was able to control Muhammad “by a comb and the hair stuck to it and a skin of the pollen on a male date palm tree.”

How small is the brain of a human to believe in such a story.

We need to ask why Muhammad is making up these lies.

1. First, to give himself an excuse for his strange behavior.

2. The lies he always made up and claimed that he was under the influence of black magic (as Muslim call it, but as for me, he was possessed). This way no one would judge him for his filthy behavior.

3. One of Muhammad's lies was this hadith, in Sahih Muslim, Book 23, Hadith 5081:

'Amir bin Sa'd bin Abu Wa'qas reported that Allah's Apostle said: “He who eats

'Amir bin Sa'd bin Abu Wa'qas reported that Allah's Apostle said: “He who eats seven palm date fruits in the morning, poison and bewitching will not harm him until the end of the day.”

He was teaching them lies, infected by magic, and he died by poison! Later we will talk about his death.

To gain some understanding of just how badly Muhammad was possessed, we can look at the opening line of Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book 73, Hadith 89: Narrated 'Aisha (Muhammad's child-wife): “The Prophet continued for such-and-such period imagining that he has slept (had sexual intercourse) with his wives, and in fact he did not!”

It does not actually matter how much Muslims try to cover up for this man and his madness. Still, nothing can explain how badly he was living in delusion and illusion, to the point he did not know if he truly was having real sex with his nine wives, or imagining it. After all of this, there are some important questions we need to ask:

1. How can we trust Muhammad saying he saw an angel, and that his name is Jibreel, when we have just seen the proof that he was living in a delusion? Who knows? Perhaps the angel story was one of them.

2. Why wasn't Allah able to protect him from Satan when the Qur’an says that Allah protected Maryam and her son from Satan? Qur’an 3:36: I have named her Maryam (Mary), and I protected her and her offspring by Allah protection from the Evil One, the cursed.

3. Does that mean 'Isa was loved more than Muhammad? Wasn't he the one Allah promised he would protect? The verse says that Allah will protect the good Muslims. To answer this, we consider that either: The Qur’an is a book of lies, Allah made a false prophet, and he is just a fake name made-up by Muhammad and his gang (Waraqa Ibn Naofal and the monk Buhira) or;

Muhammad is not a Muslim, and that verse is meant for authentic Muslims!

Either way, that will make Islam a false religion made by a man, for the man.

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Moses meets with the prophet Al-Khader, Qur’an 18:65: He did meet one of our slaves

who we gave him mercy and from our knowledge, we gave him a lot of it from our self (Allah).

We understand from this verse that this man (Al-Khader) is a prophet of god to whom Allah gave mercy and so much knowledge that even Moses asked him, as we see in the following verse (Qur’an 18:66), to be his student: Moses said to him, “May, I follow thee, so I can learn from your knowledge and wisdom?”

As we see here, this Al-Khader is a big deal as a prophet. Please remember for later on that verse 18:65 said that Allah gave him “mercy” and “knowledge.”

This prophet has a special gift of mercy and knowledge.

In this story, we learn, as they go along their way, that he (Al-Khader) saw a young boy, and he killed him! So Moses asked him how he could kill an innocent boy. Al-Khader replied, “I told you that you might not be able to put up with me!” The story begins in Qur'an 18:74:

Then they went (Prophet Moses and Al-Khader) until they found a young boy, so he killed him! Moses said, “You just did something evil!”

The story continues through verse 18:80 where Al-Khader says: The boy, his parents were good

Muslims, and “We were afraid that when he grew, he might be unjust and an infidel!”

In Sahih Muslim, Book 033, Hadith 6434, we find an interpretation of this story: The prophet of Allah said: “The youth whom the prophet Al-Khader murdered was an infidel by his nature, and if he was not butchered, he would have been

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was an infidel by his nature, and if he was not butchered, he would have been involving his parents in disobedience and disbelief.”

Now let us study this story and find out what is wrong with it: 1. The boy is a Muslim boy who has done nothing wrong. Both prophets of Islam agree that he was innocent.

2. How can you judge someone for a crime he hasn't done yet? He was just a child who didn't even know what he did, or what he would have done. Actually, he had not done anything yet.

3. Verse 80 says that Al-Khader was afraid the boy might be unjust.

4. Al-Khader wasn’t even sure if the boy would leave Islam or not.

5. The most important question is that, if Allah is telling us a true story, why are there millions of children growing up and becoming adult atheists, which is an insult to their parents, but Allah does not cause their death at childhood? Only this one boy?

6. The way the prophet of Islam, Al-Khader, killed the boy was of extreme evil.

7. From the Al-Jalalayn interpretation of verse 18:74, we see this excerpt: He went and he saw a

boy, he slew him with a knife and he picked his head off and started smashing it against the wall!

8. Why would anyone kill someone in such a way, especially playing with his body part after his death. Remember, we are not talking about an adult who did something wrong. If he were, we could say that the prophet (Al-Khader) was seeking revenge! However, he was just a boy and he was brutally killed. What was the point of beheading him then smashing his head against the wall?

9. In the end, we can say this is a fairy tale story showing an ugly side of Islam.

Killing someone for doing no fault, just because you fear he might do something in the future. If this story were true, then all mankind should be killed before they we get older as all of us are all guilty of sin. This story is one mad tale of Muhammad.

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For one of Allah's positions on guidance we turn to Qur’an 4:88: Why you become two parties about the hypocrites? Allah damns them for what their hands did. Do you want to guide who Allah misguides? The one who Allah deceives, no guidance is for them and you will not find a way to guide these!

We gain more insight in Qur’an 6:39:

And those who accuse the Qur’an of lies are deaf and dumb, in darknesses, and who Allah will deceive, no guidance to them for the straight way.

Qur'an 6:125 reads:

And he whom Allah made his fate, guide to Islam, he opens his chest to Islam and from those whom he likes to mislead he makes their chest in pain, as if he is mounting to the sky. And he put more sin on them (Allah will cause them to sin more).

1. In Islam, the one who leads to evil is Allah, as you see, not Satan!

2. If Allah does so, what then is the job of Satan?

3. If this verse is clearly saying that Muhammad doesn't have the right nor is he allowed to guide them, why then is Muhammad appointed messenger of god?

What is his duty?

4. Why is Allah angry at him for trying to guide these people?

Qur’an 7:178 tells us:

He who Allah guides, is guided, and

those who Allah misguides are the losers.

1. Look at this god! How can Allah guide and then misguide, and then punish them for being misguided?

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them for being misguided?

2. Islam is about luck. If you're lucky you will be one of those whom Allah occasionally chooses, and if you're not lucky, you will be one of those whom Allah rejects! You don't even know what your fault was!


All of us are aware that Muslims keep telling us that Jesus was NEVER

crucified. Christ's crucifixion is a very important belief, to the point that, if you don’t believe in it, you are not a Christian.But the story in the Qur’an is kind of strange and makes no sense. Let us see the logic of Allah and Muhammad's work when it comes to Jesus’ crucifixion, by reading Qur’an 4:157: ع"ﻲﺳ$ ى ﻧ

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And those who said we murdered 'Isa the son of Maryam (Mary) the messenger of Allah. They murdered him not, nor they crucified him, but it was made to appear to them, as if he was, and they are in argument about that, but they believe in what they think, they are not sure of it.

The Book of Jame' Al Baiyan Fe Tafsir Al Qur’an, Year 310, Islamic From Ibn Ishaq, he said: “When 'Isa revealed to him, from Allah that, ‘I will raise you above O 'Isa.’ Then Jesus said to his apostles, ‘Which one of you will take my place to be killed, and will be my companion to go to heaven and Allah will put my image and look on him, so he will look like me and they will kill him instead of me?’ One of the apostles, his name is Sarjes! He said to Jesus,

‘Me, the Spirit of Allah!’

Then Jesus said unto him. ‘Then sit on my chair.’ And he sat on it. Then Allah

Then Jesus said unto him. ‘Then sit on my chair.’ And he sat on it. Then Allah raised Jesus to heaven unto him. The Jews entered the house, and they took Sarjes and they crucified him, for he is the one that looked like Jesus after Allah made him look like Jesus. When they entered the house they counted that there were 12 inside and one was missing from the total number (13). For Jesus, Allah raised him up. Because they didn't know what Jesus looked like, (the Jews didn't know what Jesus looked like?!) this was why they offered to Youdos Zakria Youta thirty pieces of silver to lead them to Jesus. He told them, ‘When I enter, I will kiss him so you will know which one is Jesus.’ So when they entered the house, Jesus was raised, but he saw Sarjes that looked like Jesus, so he kissed him, as he told them, and then they crucified him.

As we consider this story, nothing in it makes sense: 1. Allah is asking Jesus to order his men to lie so that he can run!

2. Allah misleads the Jews and the Christians. The story of the twelve apostles being there or not doesn't make me understand why Allah would make me see Jesus on the cross instead of that man Sarjes, who looked exactly like him. If 100,000 men told me it wasn't him, I wouldn't accept their stories if I saw him on the cross with my own eyes! Also, how can you make his mother, Maryam, accept that he was not the one on the cross, when his appearance and voice are alike? (as a clone)?

3. Why didn't anyone of the twelve apostles of Jesus repeat this story or even mention anything about the story of Jesus being cloned on the cross?

4. What's the point of saving Jesus and making some other good man die for my sins? This is a cowardly act of ‘Isa, the Muslim, to run and ask someone else to die for him! This is not how heroes act. The real heroes die for others, not ask others to die for them.

5. If he is genuinely the god, didn't Allah know or couldn’t he foretell that this clone would cause the biggest deception in the history of mankind for more than three billion believers who have accepted Christianity to this day?

6. This makes Allah the top deceiver ever in the history of mankind.

7. This would mean that Allah is Satan. Only Satan deceives.

8. The crucifixion story according to the Qur’an proves that, what the Bible is reporting to us about Jesus being crucified, is a true story. The Bible reports

what the eye witnesses saw, and it would be a big fraud if they had reported something other than what they saw with their own eyes. And the Qur’an admits that this is exactly what the Christian witnessed; it was Christ on the cross.

9. The coming question is so important: What was the point of making a clone of Jesus when Allah had already raised him above before the Jews arrived to kill him? If Allah had taken Jesus up to heaven to save him, why couldn't he also save all of his apostles? Was Allah running out of miracles and tricks? What about making all twelve men resemble Jesus, or make all the Jews look like Jesus too? How about making the whole world look like Jesus? Then there would be no way to find out who and where he is!

10. This is the most stupid story ever. At the same time, it shows us the psychology of Muhammad, who created this fairy tale story by displaying how deception is accepted in this belief as long Allah or Muslims are practicing deception towards others.

11. Since we have proven that Allah lies, we should remember what Christ said in John 8:44:

Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

12. I think, after reading that verse, I have no further comment on this topic.

Christ gave us the answer.


Since I showed you how the muslim Jesus ('Isa) is now in heaven and still alive, back 2000 years until now, the story is not over yet. In Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book 34, Hadith 425 we read:

Allah's Messenger said: “I pledge by Him in Whose hand is my life, the Son of Mary will soon come down among you as a just and ruler-judge. He will tear crosses, slaughter the swine and abolish Jizyah (penalty of disgrace for not choosing Islam) Christians must pay in order to remain alive) and the wealth will flow forth to such a measure that no one will halt to take it.”

1. Here we see a new image of Christ in Islam. Remember, Muhammad is the

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1. Here we see a new image of Christ in Islam. Remember, Muhammad is the greatest prophet ever among all the prophets of Allah, but he is dead! Jesus is a prophet, but his Book is corrupted! 'Isa (muslim Jesus) couldn’t even make one person in this world today follow his teachings! He is the one who ran to save his life and asked someone to replace him on the cross and die instead of him.

After all these bad accusations towards 'Isa, claimed by the Qur’an, he is to be the savior of the world!

2. He will come back to be the one who will rule the earth! As you see, Muhammad said their “just and ruler” would be for the whole world.

3. Then we need to ask why the Messiah was not Muhammad.

4. Even in all the movies, everyone dies except the hero. He is the one at the end who saves the good ones and brings victory. According to the above hadith, the one who brings victory is Jesus Christ, not Muhammad, the dead prophet!

5. This means that we, the Christians, are doing the logical and right thing. If someone said to you, “We have two individuals to choose to follow. One is dead and the other is alive.” Who should we go after?

6. If Jesus is going to be the “just and ruler-judge,” doesn't this make Jesus God?

No man is good, but God, as in Qur'an 6:57:

“For me, I am knowledgeable of my Lord, but ye rejected what I have. What ye would see hastened for a punishment, is not in my power. The orders in the hand of Allah only: He judges by the Truth, and He is the best of judges.”

7. As we see, the best of Judges is Allah, because he is the only one who has the truth. Having the truth means that he knows the unseen. To be a perfect judge, you have to know each one's sins, lies and truth! This makes Jesus a person who knows the unseen and the unknown as in Qur’an 3:149: And a prophet from the children of Israel, “I came with a sign of your God. I create a figure of a bird. I breathe into it and it will become alive, by the leave of Allah. And make the dumb talk and I heal those that are born blind, and the lepers, and I raise the dead ones, and I declare to you what ye eat, and what ye store in your houses. Surely therein is a Sign made for you. So believe.”

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8. As you see, Jesus knows what we eat and what we store in our houses. This means Jesus is:

• Just and ruler;

• Everywhere (omnipresent);

• With every person in this earth;

• Nothing can be hidden from him. It does not matter how much we try;

• Don't forget his ability to create life!

• Gave eyes (created them anew) and vision to the one born blind by saying a word!

• Now the funny part is that the Jesus in the Qur’an performed these miracles to make us believe in Allah! But they are what makes us believe Him, instead of Allah!

• Allah is foolish in giving a man what he shouldn’t own because only God can accomplish such phenomenons as documented in Qur’an 22:6: This is, because Allah is the

truth. It is he who gives life to the dead ones, and it is he who has power over all things.

Allah is telling Muhammad what to say about himself as a man, in Qur’an 7:188: Say, “I am not useful or harmful to myself, except what Allah decided for me and if I knew the unseen I would have taken a lot of the good of it to me and nothing could harm me then, but I am just a messenger to tell and warn!”

• Here Muhammad is giving us the real image of himself. Look! He is saying, “If I knew the unseen, I would’ve saved it for my own benefit!” He did not say, “I will help you with it.” The first thing he thought about was himself!

• He is clearly saying that he knew nothing about the unseen and gave proof of it. We need to ask why Allah's Qur’an says that Jesus can tell us what we eat, and what we hide and store in our houses, but Muhammad cannot? Was Muhammad a left over and Allah didn't want to make him look like a prophet for a second? We've learned one more thing that proves the disability of Muhammad and his god. He had no choice but to claim that the miracles of Jesus came from his god, by giving Allah the credit for it. At the same time, Allah couldn’t support Muhammad with one miracle, as Qur’an 17:59 says:

support Muhammad with one miracle, as Qur’an 17:59 says:

• We refrain from sending any miracles for former generations refused them as true miracles!

• Allah clearly said he refrained from giving Muhammad any miracles. This is a made-up verse invented by Muhammad; it gave him the perfect excuse for not accomplishing any miracles. On top of that, who is the former generation that rejected the miracles of Jesus or Moses? All the Christians, then and today, believe in them and have never rejected them. Muhammad’s accusations are incorrect and untruthful. He was trying to avoid the Arabs who kept asking him for miracles, just as Jesus and the previous prophets such as Moses had accomplished. To these many demands, he felt powerless to face the people.

Later on, we will go into further details about this topic.

• Allah wanted to prove to us that he is God by giving Jesus godly abilities to accomplish what only God should do or can do!

• Did Allah know that these miracles would make Christians believe in Jesus, that Jesus is above all mankind, and that they would make Jesus their God?

• To explain my point, if Jesus cannot raise anyone from death, create a bird, give eyes to the blind, heal the lepers, tell us what we hide in our houses, tell us what we eat; if He is not the son of a virgin, still alive for more than 2000 years; if he cannot be touched by Satan, as Muhammad said; if He is not holy, as Qur’an 19:19 says; and if He is not judge and ruler of the world at the end of time, then I have no reason to make him my God! So from the Islamic logic of miracles, Allah made us worship Jesus, and here we go, Allah gave Jesus power to guide or to misguide!

• Now if we look at Qur’an 3:49, Jesus said: “I create a figure of a bird, I breathe into it and it will become alive!”

• This leads to another question. If it's by the leave of Allah, why does the verse say, “I create”? This would mean that “the leave of Allah” is just an approval of his action. As anything we do in life, it might be against Allah's leave or permission. For example, a Muslim can rape his wife, because it's approved by Allah (by Allah's leave). Getting the permission to do that does not mean he can physically do it if the man is weak. In some Muslim countries, one Muslim woman might be able to beat ten men! We will go to Qur’an 55:33:

• O company of jinn and humans, if you are able to pass through the Range of

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• O company of jinn and humans, if you are able to pass through the Range of the heavens and the earth, then pass through! You will not pass through except with Authority.

• As you see, Allah is challenging us to leave the zone of the earth without his permission. Did the Russians and Americans go out of the zone of the earth?

According to this verse, it was done without Allah's leave. As it is also true for our Lord Jesus Christ when he ascended back to heaven.

• My point is? Muslims might try to use that word (leave) to explain why Jesus has godly abilities. As an example, they may say to you, “In the time of Jesus, medicine was so advanced! This is why Jesus' miracles were about healing!”

• All of us know that Jesus’ accomplishments took place 600 years before Muhammad. Science is more forward now, not backwards;

• Today, even 2,000 years after Christ, can the scientific knowledge of mankind altogether do even one of the miraculous actions Jesus did?!

• Remember, Jesus never gave medicine, he gave orders! The difference is very huge!


Let's go to Qur’an chapter 97:3

Qur’an 97:3

It’s the night of power ( Al Qader Night) that is better than one thousand months.

Let us study this verse carefully. This verse is supposed to be the night when Allah sent down the first verse of the Qur’an. Let’s address some questions concerning this night of power:

1. Why is this night, or more specifically the prayer said on this night, is better than 1,000 months?

If you speak Arabic, you see that Muhammad is just trying to pair-up words to make the verse sound poetic. Let's take a look. The four phrases in this verse end with these words:

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( qader, shaher, amr, fajer). The Qur’an of Muhammad does not really care about the meaning. He is simply Rapping words that go well with eachother. This is clear for all of the words and they don’t make any sense in any way you try.

One night of prayer = 1,000 months = 83 years and 33 days of praying on other nights!

2. Is that fair? Me praying one night is better than someone else who’s been praying for 83 years? Let’s look at the Al-Jalalayn Tafsir (interpretation), Vol. 1, p. 815, Islamic year 864, of Qur'an 97:3:

The deeds of this

night and the good work in this night are better than one thousand nights compared to other nights.

Qur’an 2:82:

And those who did

believe, and good they got, the heaven of Allah with rivers running underneath of them.

3. Let's say we have two Muslims. One of them prayed one night during the night of power. Is he going to be better than the other individual who prayed for 83 years but didn't pray that particular night? Will they both end up in the same heaven? If they have the same reward, why is this night (the night of power) better? Will the first individual be rewarded 1,000 times more?

If the reward is the same for both, then the night of power is meaningless and insignificant. It’s basically Rap lyrics! As we have seen, the Qur’an claims Allah is about justice. Therefore, he will not reward extra points for anyone having prayed one night of prayer or for having prayed during the last 83 years. This would be a kind of madness. Either way, Muhammad once more proved to us that he created the Qur’an and the words were brought up to fit into the verse.


Allah said in the verses that he protected his revelation. Let's examine this and see if it’s true. All of us know that Muslims practice stoning to death for illegal sexual intercourse, but where is the order of Allah for the behavior? We will

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sexual intercourse, but where is the order of Allah for the behavior? We will look at Sahih Al-Bukhari, Vol. 8, Book 82, Hadith 816: Reported by Ibn 'Abbas: “ 'Umar said, ‘I am fretful that later a long time from now, the people might say, We cannot recognize the Verses of the Rajam (stoning to death) in the Holy Book, and therefore, they possibly will go astray by leaving liability that Allah has revealed. Therefore, I confirm that the punishment of Rajam be practiced on him who commits illegal sexual intercourse, if he is already married and the crime is proven by witnesses or pregnancy or confession.’ Sufian added, ‘I have memorized this recitation in this way.’ 'Umar added, ‘Surely Allah's Apostle exercised the penalty of Rajam, and so we are following him.’”

What do we understand from this hadith? It's a very strong, approved hadith by all Muslims, with no exceptions. This would mean: 1. There is a missing chapter or verses in the Qur’an.

2. Muslims couldn’t put it in the Qur’an!

3. What Muslims say to us about knowing the Qur’an by heart is a false statement. If they knew what was missing, why didn't Uthman the Khalif add it in his Qur’an when he collected it and later on made it?

This takes us to another point. We read in the interpretation of Al-Jalalayn, Vol.

1, p. 338:

We promise to protect the book now

and later from any corruption or adding or missing!

As we see, the promise of Allah is not true which makes the Qur’an a book of false promises and false prophecy.

Where do we find the first verse revealed to Muhammad in the night of power?

The Qur'an is not in a chronological order, but it is accepted by Muslims that it is Qur'an 96:1:

Read in the Name of Allah, the One Who Created!

Didn't Allah call changing the location of verses a corruption? Let us see the proof in Qur’an verses 4:46, 5:13, and 5:41. First, Qur’an 4:46: From the Jews who changed the locations of words from its location and the claim that they did obey God!...

• It's clear that the individual changing the location of the words is doing corruption. Do not forget that when the Qur’an was made, verse numbering or naming did not exist.

• Let us take a look at one more of the endless examples; Qur’an 5:3: I prohibited you to eat dead meat, blood, the flesh of swine, and that on which hath been prayed the name of other Gods than Allah or which hath been destroyed by choke or by a violent blow, or by a Horn hit, or by being beaten to death; or some which have been eaten by a lion, unless ye are able to butcher it before it dies; that which is sacrificed for the idols, or from which you claim an oath or divining of arrows, has no feathers or head. Today, those who reject Islam have given up all hope of your religion: yet fear them not, but fear Me.

Today I perfected your religion for you, completed My gracefulness upon you, and have selected for you Islam as your religion. However, if any is forced by hunger, not intentionally to transgression of my orders, Allah is indeed Forgiving, Most Merciful.

• Look at this part of the verse; “Today I perfected your religion for you, completed My gracefulness upon you, and have selected for you Islam as your religion.”

As you see, it says, “today Islam became perfect!” But we have a problem here.

If “today Islam became perfect,” then how can it be said in Chapter 5:3? This is after “today.” There is no need for more chapters or verses in the Qur’an, but as we know there are more than 109 chapters after this one! Did someone add them or did someone move them, from being at the end of Qur’an to being placed at the beginning of the Qur’an? Furthermore, what does forbidden food have to do with perfection anyway? The Qur’an is an empty book that has a lot of missing teachings. If we would do an examination of the entire Qur’an, 90% of what Muslims practice is not even in it! As an example, in the entire Qur’an Allah forgot to inform the Muslims what the punishment is for kidnapping and raping?

On top of that, the punishment for gays and lesbians in the Qur’an is totally different from what Muslims practiced in Muhammad’s time until this day, including Muhammad himself. If we look at Qur’an 4:15-16, the punishment for homosexualty is not death. Rather, what Muslims practice today is the teaching of Muhammad which is death, not what Allah said which is jailing them in the case of women until they die, and insulting them in the case of men until they repent.

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The Qur’an even teaches a lot of things which Muslims cannot practice anymore, like in verse 11:114 where the Qur’an orders them to pray three times: And do demonstrate the ordinary prayers at the two ends of the day and at the arrival of the night.

The Qur’an never gives the definition for what the word Zakat means, which is the part of the money the Muslims have to pay either from what they make from work or what they got from stealing from the Christians and the Jews.

Muhammad did not forget how much his share was from stealing. He and Allah got a fifth and the rest went to those who fought with him (the thieves). The Qur’an never said:

1. How to do hajj?

2. How to pray?

3. Where can we find in the Qur’an how to do ablution (washing)?

4. How to fast?

5. When to fast?

6. When to stop fasting?

7. How much Zakat to pay? (money to Muhammad's state) On the other hand, which verses are the abrogated ones? How can we know which ones to practice and which ones not to practice when the Qur’an is filled with both? This is one of the reasons for its confusion and misunderstanding.

Qur’an 8:41 tells how the spoils of war were to be divided: And know that whatever ye take as spoils of war (the goods stolen from the kafir

– the non-believers), the fifth thereof is for Allah, and for the messenger and left for the poor men and orphans (of those who died by killing and fighting for Muhammad) and the needy.

Later we find the Muslims accusing Muhammad of stealing some stolen red underwear as in Qur’an 3:161 (Usama Dakdok translation):

161 And it was not to a prophet to cheat (in dividing the spoils), and whoever cheats will bring what he cheated (dishonestly gained) on the day of the resurrection. Then every soul will be paid what it has earned, and they will not be dealt with unjustly.

Tafsir Al-Jalalayn, sura Al-Imran, elaborates on this verse of Qur'an 3:161: When Muslims started dividing the booty, some red velvet cloth went missing on the Day of Badr, and some Muslims began to say, possibly the Prophet hid it for himself. The following was revealed “you should know, it is not for a prophet to steal.”

Imagine the apostles of Christ accusing him of stealing clothes! For sure this is impossible. This behavior would be expected from a criminal gang, not from men of God. But at the same time, this is telling us who Muhammad is and who are the men associated with him!



Qur’an 17:88:

Say (Muhammad) If the humans and the jinns get together to produce the same as this Qur'an, they cannot produce the like thereof, even if they both work in it together.

• The challenge is so clear to both the jinns and humans that they cannot make the same as this Qur’an.

• I think if we find any that can make a Qur'an the same or better, Allah has lost his challenge.

In the coming hadith (The Book of 'Ol-It'qan Fee 'Olum Al-Qur'an, Vol. 1, p.

137), from 'Umar, the companion of Muhammad, and one for the four Islamic Khalifs after Muhammad, 'Umar said:

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Reported by Annas, 'Umar bin Al-Khattab said: “My almighty agreed with me in three things:

(First), I said, 'Oh Allah's Apostle, I wish if [you would] take as your place of worship the place where Abraham did [have his] place to pray. It so came, the Divine Inspiration: (p. 137) (Qur'an 2:125) And take you (Muslims) the place of Abraham as a place of prayer.'

(Second), And I said, to the prophet of Allah, 'Good and bad ones talk to your wives, therefore order them to veil themselves!' So Allah sent down the concerning the veiling of the women (Qur’an 24:31).

(Third), the wives of the Prophet made a coalition against the Prophet, and I said to them, 'Maybe if his, the lord of the Prophet, divorced you, (all the wives) and exchange you with better wives than you.' So the verse revealed (Qur’an 66:5) the same as I had said it.”

You can see the same story in Sahih Al-Bukhari (Book 8, Hadith 395).

1. We see that Allah's challenge is fake! How can he ask the human kind and jinn kind to make a Qur’an, if they can, but yet he is copying 'Umar’s words!

2. This hadith shows Allah copying 'Umar three times. I wonder how many verses Allah copied verses from others also, but we do not know about them!

3. Even 'Umar Said: “So the verse (66:5) was revealed the same as I had said it.

4. It's so clear that there is no Allah nor there are revelations. It was 'Umar talking to Muhammad. Muhammad heard what 'Umar said, loved it, and then adopted 'Umar’s ideas. As we see, Allah is at the service of Muhammad, as usual!

We showed how 'Umar, as a “human,” made the Qur’an, and even Allah copied from him; so what about the jinns? Remember the verse was challenging both jinns and humans together. Is there any Qur’an made by the jinns?

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jinns and humans together. Is there any Qur’an made by the jinns?

I think many of us are aware of satanic verses, like in Salman Rushdie’s book, The Satanic Verses. So what is the satanic verse?

Satanic verses are described in Qur’an 22:52:

We send not before you (Muhammad) any messenger or prophet but that when he recited, Satan cast scripture into his recitation (what is not from the Qur’an).

However, Allah abrogates. Whatever Satan had cast, then Allah will fix his revelations. And Allah is Knower, and Wise.

To see what the story is, we will go to the interpretation of this verse (Qur’an 22:52) by Ibn Kathir, Printing 1999, Vol. 5, p. 441: (Ibn Kathir) Said: “Many of the commentators mention the story of (Al Qaraniq) the three daughter of Allah, and it became known, to the point that many of Muslims who went to Ethiopia came back for they thought the pagans converted to Islam and that story, from Ibn Hatem narrated from Ibn Younis from Ibn Habib told from the apostle of Allah that when he recited the chapter of Al Najem in Mecca, he, the Satan, cast into his mouth, ‘Have you considered the goddesses (Al-Lat and Al-'Uza, and Manat, the third one? {Qur’an 53:19-20}), for sure their intercession is to hope for,’ and then the prophet bowed down, and the pagans bowed with him.”

I will not go into too much detail with this story, for it has become so well known, but I will make a short summary of it:

1. Satan (who is from the jinn) made part of the Qur’an, as this verse explains.

2. Allah, himself, approved it to the point that he will “take what Satan cast.” So Muslims cannot say that they do not accept this story. If they do say that, it means this verse is a lie and the Qur’an cannot be considered a real source of information.

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3. When Muhammad recited these satanic verses, he proved to us a few things.

Such as:

1. Satan's Qur’an is not of less quality than Allah's Qur’an.

2. Muhammad did not notice it was from Satan, for it looked exactly the same!

3. The Arabic language is very clear here in its meaning. It's as follows.

4. It means that Satan made the Qur’an. By Muhammad's judgment it was so good that he said it and announced it as Allah words. If it was bad, why did Muhammad do such a thing?

5. When Allah made the challenge to us to make a Qur’an, he said, “produce like this Qur’an.” Let's say I am going to be the one who will challenge Allah in making a Qur’an. After I make this Qur’an, I will go to Muhammad and appoint him for the job of judging the scriptures made by me or the one made by Satan. I don't think the Muslims would say that Muhammad is not a good judge for the quality of the Qur’an or scriptures I would make!

6. Therefore, as long as Muhammad is accepted, and he already confirmed the cast of Satan, it would mean that the Judge (Muhammad) said, “These are great verses.” To the point that he thought they were from God!

7. Saying that Allah's verse is challenging mankind and jinn is unintelligent and exposes the weakness of the Qur’an's maker. Whoever he is.

After proving 'Umar made the Qur’an and that Satan did too, we have a problem.

The fact is, it's not us who has the problem—it’s Allah! In the verse after the cast of Satan, we read this (Qur’an 22:53):

That He, Allah, will make what Satan has cast a trial for those in whose hearts is a sickness and those whose hearts are harsh, for these, the unjust ones, are far from accepting the truth.

This verse gives Muslims many problems:

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1. Satan is not bad, but he is a tool and an obedience servant used by Allah.

2. Why did Allah just say in verse 52 that he would take these satanic verses out, but now Allah says he will use the verses to “cast a trial” (provoke rebellion)?

This would mean that he took out nothing at all, because if Allah had taken it away, no one would be affected by something that does not exist anymore!

3. How can the satanic verses be a trial if Muhammed said it and the pagans liked it? They were already lost and were unchanged by these verses. They still worshiped pagan gods!

4. How do these verses affect the unjust ones (pagans)? If these verses are in the Qur’an, the ones who will read and accept it are the Muslims!

5. Why did Allah allow such a falsehood to go into the mouth of his prophet?!

6. If Allah knows the future, why did he let such a thing occur?

7. What's the point of guidance, when the one guiding is happy with spreading falsehoods? Allah is clearly saying that he loves this to be the way to increase the turmoil of mankind for those he calls unjust! I thought the point of establishing Islam was to make the unjust, just!

I will move on, but this story has got one more problem. Things are getting much stinkier, as you will see. When someone makes a lie, he needs to tell one thousand more to cover the first one. Let’s go to Qur'an 15:42 where Allah is speaking:

From my slaves (The Muslims), over

them you (Satan) have no authority, except the lost one who follows you, Satan.

This verse is clearly saying that Satan cannot control any of the good ones (the Muslims) and he (Satan) can only control and deceive the lost ones (the infidels).

1. If this is the case, how can Satan control Muhammad and cast satanic verses into his mouth? See this excerpt from Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book 71, Hadith 658:

'Aisha said: “There is a man called Labid bin Al A'sam from the tribe of Bani Zaraiq, who worked magic on Allah's Apostle to the point the messenger was imagining that he had done things that he had not really done. ...”

2. How was Satan able to control Muhammad by what Muslims call black

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2. How was Satan able to control Muhammad by what Muslims call black magic, when Satan has authority over the bad ones only? Was Muhammad a bad one?


We will see this in the following in a hadith from Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book 73, Hadith 89:'Aisha revealed that: “The Prophet continued for an undefined period, fantasizing that he had slept (had sexual relations) with his wives. However, indeed he did not. ...”

How do Muslims answer this?

1. Muhammad is living in delusion to the extent that he is losing the ability to distinguish reality from fantasy. He isn't even sleeping during this!

2. Muhammad could not distinguish between reality and fantasy, even when it came to having sexual intercourse with his 13 wives. How can we trust him about seeing a real angel (Jibreel)? Maybe it was fantasy too? Was he also imagining that?

3. What's wrong with this man? Everything wrong in the world happened with him, from black magic, sex with children, taking his son's wife, dying by being poisoned—the list is endless!

In a quick look at Islam, we find that Muslims love to attack those who are pagans, commit idolatry, or practice polytheism. But the fact is, Islam is one of the religions that promote idolatry and polytheism.


The Kaaba was a Christian Church!

The Kaaba used to have an icon of Mary (Christ’s mother) as documented in a number of books:

1. Akhbar Mecca by Al-Azraqi, Printing 2004, Vol. 1, p. 205. 2. Al-Ma'gazi by Al-Waqidy, Printing 1989, Vol. 1, p. 833:

“When the prophet entered the Kaaba, he found many pictures; one of them was

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“When the prophet entered the Kaaba, he found many pictures; one of them was of Mary and one of Abraham, so he put his hand over Abraham's picture and said wipe all save this one (meaning Abraham).”

The Kaaba used to have statue of Jesus and his mother.

Akhbar Mecca by Al-Azraqi, 2004 Printing, Vol. 1, p. 200:

“I have been told by my grandfather, he said we have been told by Dawood Ibn Abd-Al-Rahman from the son of Gorieej and Suliman bin Mousa Al-Shami 'Ata Bin Rabah, I did hear that you witness that the Kaaba used to have the statue of Mary and her son Jesus in her lap, and both were covered with beauty things? He said yes, the Kaaba use to have six columns and the statue of Mary and Jesus in the top of it, He said do you know when it's destroyed, he said by fire in the time of Ibn Al-Zubir (war between Muslims).”

In the coming list, we will see how The Tribe of Khoza'a, the polytheists, did defeat the Christians and turn the Kaaba again into a pagan worship place, and made it revert to the old days of idol worshipers.

First we will see what the Muslims believe about the building of the Kaaba.

According to Muslims, the Kaaba was first built by: 1. The Angels. 2. Adam.

'Irshad Al-'Aqel Al-Salem Fe Al-Qur'an Mazayia A, Beirut, 1999, Vol. 1, p. 160,


“Kaaba was built ten times first time by the angels pace of themselves and stories mentioned by Imam Al-Nwawi, in the Book of Tahzeb Al-'Asma' Wa A-Lu'gat and mentioned too in the Book of AlAzra'qi that it was built before Adam and then Adam built it too.”

3. Seth, the son of Adam.

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'Euon Al-Ather Fe Funun Al-Ma'gazi Wal-Shama'el Wal-Sear by AlSafi'e, Vol.

1, p. 77, 1977, Beirut:

“The Kaaba before it was built by Seth son of Adam, it was a tent made of rubies, and Adam used to enjoy visiting it, and it was at that time in India.”

4. Abraham and Ishmael. Described in a very long hadith; Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book 55, Hadith 583.

5. The Giants. Fateh Al-Bari Fe Shareh Sahih Al-Bukhari, Vol. 6, Book of Ahadith, Beirut Lebanon 1953, p. 464:

According to the story of 'A'ah Bin Al-Sa'eb, their roots go back to Jurhum Tribe.

6. The tribe of Jurhum (they became Christians before Islam), according to the Book of Fateh Al-Bari Fe Shareh, Sahih Al-Bukhari, Beirut Lebanon, 1953, Vol.

6, p. 548, Book of Maqeb; Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book 40, Hadith 556: The Prophet said, "May Allah be generous to the mother of Ishmael! If she had left the water of Zam-Zam spring as it was, or said, ‘If she had not used that spring,’ it would have been a flowing stream. Jurhum tribe came and asked her,

'May. We settle at your dwelling?' She said, 'Yes. However, you have no right to possess the water.' They accepted.”

7. The tribe of Khoza'a, who had kicked the tribe of Jurhum out of Mecca and took over the Kaaba for more than 300 years. Fateh AL-Bari Fe Shareh, Sahih Al-Bukhari, Printing 2,02, Beirut Lebanon, 1953, Vol. 10, p. 32:

“Fahera, daughter of Umaro Ibn Al-Hareth Bin Mu'da'd Al-Jurhum, her father was the last one of the tribes of Jurhum as a ruler of Kaaba, and there was a war

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was the last one of the tribes of Jurhum as a ruler of Kaaba, and there was a war between Jurhum and Khoza'a until the war ended with Khoza'a winning and kicked them out of Mecca therefore Khoza'a took over the Kaaba for three hundred years.”

8. Qusai, The Son of Dogs (Muhammad’s forefather), who kicked Khoza'a (first man of the Qurish tribe) out of Mecca. Book of Fateh Al-Bari Fe Shareh Sahih Al-Bukhari, Beirut Lebanon, 1953, Vol. 6, p. 548, Book of Maqeb:

“Qusai did win and took

over the Kaaba and he gathered all the clan of the sons of Faher (tribe) and forced them out of Mecca.”

Qusai, The Son of Dogs added two Statues to worship next to the Kaaba. Sahih Muslim-Beshar'h Al-Nawawi, Vol. 9, Book of Hajj, Beirut Lebanon, 2006, p.


“The man, his name was 'Isaf Bin Ba'qa' or Bin 'Umar, and the woman was Na'elah Bent Ze'eb or Bent Sahel, they [were] both from Jurhum, and they commited inside the Kaaba adultery so Allah turned them both to two statues, so they were placed next to the Kaaba, and it was said placed on the Safa & Al-Marwa (two places Muslim have to visit in hajj pilgrimage—see Qur’an 2: 158), so Qusai, The Son of Dogs, placed them both next to the Kaaba and sacrificed to them (the two statues) and forced people to worship them.”

9. The tribe of Qurish built the Kaaba five years before Muhammad became became a prophet! Book title Faid Al-'Qader, Printed in 2000, Egypt, Vol. 1, p.


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The Kaaba was

rebuilt when the prophet was thirty five years old

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10. Abdu Allah Ibn Al Zobeir in the Islamic year 65 (684 AC). (Book of Al-Kamel Fe Al-Tari'kh, p. 362 by Ibn 'Ather);

11. Al Hajaj Ibn Yousef Al Thaqafi, who destroyed the Kaaba totally and rebuilt it again! The Kaaba was covered by garbage. (Book of Al-Bidayiah Wa Al-Nihayia, by Ibn Kather, Vol. 8, p. 246.);

12. The Ottoman sultan Murad, year 1630 AC.

But the Muslim’s claim that the Kaaba is the first house built in the world by the angels of God can be easily refuted by reading some of the Muslims texts such as Tafsir Al-Lebab by Ibn 'Adel Al-'Aanbali, Vol. 4, p. 225: According to Ali, a man said to him, “This is the first house?” (He replied), “No, there was before it houses, but this is the first house that was made for mankind.

And it has guidance and mercy and blessing. And the first who built it is Abraham, then the people of the Arab, from them the tribe of Jurhum.Then it was destroyed, then it was built by the giants, and they are kings from the children of Amliq, the son of Sam, the son of Noah. And then it was destroyed again and built by the tribe of Qurish.

The point of showing you how and what Muslims think about their Kaaba, is to gain an understanding of why they think it’s holy!

Notice here that as long as they agree the Kaaba was rebuilt many times, it means it was destroyed many times too! At the same time, the Qur’an claims that Allah always guarded the Kaaba, according to the story in the Qur’an, the chapter of the Elephant (Qur'an 105:1-5):

1 Had not they seen how your Lord treated the people of the Elephant?

2Did He not make their plan fail?

3And send against them army of fighting birds,

4Which throw at them stones of baked clay,

5And made them like green leaf that has been eaten by cattle. This story is about an army of Christians, sent by the king of Ethiopia under the command of

Abraha (a Christian ruler of Yemen), who wanted to destroy the Kaaba. Allah sent fighting birds to destroy this army who were armed with hundreds of elephants. Even the Muslims call that year the Year of the Elephant (570 AC).

As we see by the date, this story claims to be not long before Muhammad's birth.

The story doesn’t make a lot of sense. Let us look at it together and see why.

1. There were never any elephants in the Arabian Peninsula.

2. Neither in Yemen.

3. The only possibility is that elephants were brought to what is present day Saudi Arabia through the Red Sea! This is impossible, because no one at that time could have built such a huge number of large ships to carry hundreds of elephants, especially not thousands as the story claims!

4. Are we to assume that they had American aircraft carriers to fly them over and the elephants landed safely in Yemen!

5. How could they feed them in the dessert? An adult elephant can consume 140–270 kg (300-600 lbs.) daily, but this number can change based on the work they do! If they do not work, less food is needed in one day. However, in this case they would need more than normal, for they were walking in a very hot desert and carrying all the war equipment and/or men on top of them. You should know that after you leave Yemen, the land is just a plain desert. Nothing is green. Ever! The only way for them to make it would be to carry the food for each elephant with them. That would also be impossible because the elephant would only be able to carry enough for maybe one day!

6. Then we've got the water issue. How will they serve the elephants' need of water? They drink from 100 to 300 liters a day and that's based on zoo life or wildlife. The elephants in our story need a lot more for they are walking in one of the hottest deserts. How can the army provide them with the water they need to drink?

7. Where will they get the elephants enough water to spray themselves? As we know, elephants do not have a cooling system (they do not sweat), so they need to cool themselves, either by staying in water during the heat of the day or by spraying themselves with water. Remember that the desert of Saudi Arabia does not have trees to provide shade during their trip.

8. Why does this king need the elephants anyway? The Kaaba can be destroyed by two men. Even one man is enough to do the job! It's very easy to destroy a

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by two men. Even one man is enough to do the job! It's very easy to destroy a room. It was not made of anything as substantial as concrete at that time!

9. Maybe this Ethiopian king was a fool. He is an African who had never been in the desert before!

10. If the Kaaba was destroyed many times, as we showed that Muslims agree about, why did Allah want to protect it this time? 11. The Muslims might say it was destroyed by wind, or an earthquake, before! The fact is, this is false.

I will ask some very serious questions if this later assertion is true.


1. Year 63 Islamic, 682 AC, when Yezed Ibn Mo'awiah attacked the Kaaba led by Muslim Ibn 'Oqbah and his army! To fight Abdulah Ibn Al Zubier, they attacked Mecca and the Kaaba by catapult, and leveled the Kaaba to the ground!

After Abdulah Ibn Al Zubier's men sought refuge in it!

2. A few years later in the year 692 AC, 73 Islamic, Abed Al-Malik Ibn Mrwan sent Al-Hajah Ibn Yousef Al Saqafi to kill Abdulah Ibn Al Zubier because they had destroyed the Kaaba in the last attack. However, he took over Mecca again, and the Kaaba was destroyed again in less then ten years fighting the same person (Abdulah Ibn Al Zubier). His men again sought refuge in the Kaaba, then he (Al-Hajaj) hit the Kaaba by catapult again and destroyed it!

3. In the Book of Ibn Kathir, Al-Bidaiah & Nihayiah, Vol. 11, p. 135/137. In the Islamic year of 317, 929 AC, Book of Ibn Khaldon Vol. 2, p. 84/258, When Abu Taher Al Qurmty (Qurmoti) from Iraq, attacked Mecca killing more than 30 thousand Muslims, destroying the Kaaba, and taking the most holy stone in it (the black stone), they kept it for more than 20 years using it as bathroom stone (urinating on it). On top of that, when his men were busy destroying the Kaaba, he was screaming to the sky saying, “I am the creator! Where are your birds Allah? Where are you Allah?” The black stone did not come back to the Kaaba until the Khalif of the Fatmeen (اAl-Mansour Le Deen Allah Al-Fatimy interceded and asked them (Al-Qaramita) nicely to return the black stone.”

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You can find the same story in Al-Mausu'a Al-'Alamia Al-Misarah Fe Al Adian, p. 395; and Book of Al-'Alam, Vol. 5, p. 194, by Al-Zarkaly.

The important and unique thing about Abu Taher Al-Qurmty is that he proved the lies of the Qur’an, not only by the destruction of the Kaaba, but also in challenging Allah by screaming, “Where is Allah? Where are the birds who are loaded with stones?” As if he was trying to:

1. Prove that there is nothing holy about the Kaaba; 2. The Qur’an is a book of legend and false fairy tale stories; 3. Muslims worship idols that are useless and harmless; 4. The black stone is nothing more than a meteorite that Arabs used to worship before Islam. They worshiped a lot of them because they thought they came from God. Later, the black stone was put in a cover that was shaped as a vagina;

5. Allah did not do anything to save his most holy stone, nor was anyone able to force them by war to get it back. It was only returned after intercession to them for it;

I will add to all of this one simple question: Why did Allah protect the Kaaba when the elephant army came? Remember that at that time the Kaaba was: 1. Not holy, for it was full of idols;

2. Not controlled by Muslims;

3. Not a place of worship—it was only a business location!

4. Protected by Allah when the Kaaba was dirty (unclean by the infidels and full of their gods), but he did not make a move when it was under control of the clean, good believers—the Muslims!

5. Today, where are the birds of Allah while the American military aircraft are flying over? Not even one of his birds has shown its head yet!


Many do not know that there were 26 Kaabas in the Arabian Peninsula and that the Meccan Kaaba was just one of them. There was nothing unique about it. Did

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the Meccan Kaaba was just one of them. There was nothing unique about it. Did you know that all of them were built over one holy stone, and they all look exactly the same in height and width? Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book of Al Magazi, Hadith 4117:

Abu Raja said, “We used to worship stones and if we found a stone better than the other stone, we would leave worshiping the first one, and we started worshiping the new one.”

From this hadith we understand the following:

1. Stones were their gods;

2. It was the look of the stone that made them like it more; 3. This stone is not their god forever, but it is present and the best that is in their hands.

The black stone is not the only holy stone! Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book 26, Hadith 676:

Ibn 'Umar. He revealed, “I have never forgotten to touch, the two stones of Kaaba, the black stone and the Yemen Corner stone, both in the existence and the nonexistence of public ever since I saw the Prophet touching them. I asked Naf'e, ‘Did Ibn 'Umar used to tour between the two corners?’ Naf'e responded,

‘He used to walk because it was easier for him to touch it.’”

If Islam is against paganism, why did Muhammad copy the pagans and take the Kaaba as a prayer station? We talked before, if you remember, about 'Umar Ibn Al-Khattab saying (Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book 8, Hadith 395): The Book of 'Olum Al-Qur'an, Vol. 1, p. 137, 'Umar Bin Al Khatab said: Reported by Annas that 'Umar Bin Al-Khattab said: “My God agreed with me in three things:

(First), I expressed 'Oh Allah's missionary, I desire as your place of worship the place where Abraham did [have a] place to worship. So it came, the heavenly revelation (p. 137), (Qur'an, 2:125). And take you (Muslims) the home of Abraham as a place of worship'. (Second), And I said, To the Prophet, to the

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Abraham as a place of worship'. (Second), And I said, To the Prophet, to the prophet of Allah, 'Good and bad singles talk to your wives. Therefore, instruct them to veil their identity.' Therefore Allah sent down the verse of the veiling of the women, as well as the Qur’an concerning the veiling of the women (Qur’an 24:31).

(Third), The wives of the Prophet performed a compact against the Prophet, and I said to them, 'Maybe if His Almighty, the Prophet, divorced you, (all the wives) and exchanged you with better wives than you.' So the verse (Qur’an, 66:5) (the same as I had said) was revealed.”

If you look at this hadith closely, you will notice that Muhammad was trying to make those who loved the Kaaba happy. It had been their prayer station for hundreds of years. Muhammad knew he needed to make those that were Muslims happy. He also knew that it would make Islam more accepted for those who had refused him. He knew they didn't want to change the way of life they were accustomed to!

The fact is, it wasn't only that he wanted to make them happy, but it was for economic reasons also. After Muhammad killed all the Jews and the Christians in Mecca, business in this city died and no one was coming into the city to trade.

Everyone was afraid of Muhammad and his army because they knew he would have them killed (they were infidels). Muhammad needed to create a trade movement into the city, and since he liked what 'Umar asked for, he got a great idea.

1. If I make Mecca a centerpiece for Muslims, the city will be busy with believers who will have to come and visit;

2. If they visit, they have to sleep in hotels and buy food and gifts; 3. At the same time, they will bring things with them to sell; 4. That will make the city a business center, more than a religious or holy city; 5. On top of that, it's a decision that will give Muhammad's tribe the power over all the Arabs;

6. To prove all these points, we will go to the Qur’an and see for ourselves how it's not really the Kaaba that Muhammad wanted. In Qur'an 2:142 we read: The stupid (fools) from the people will say: "What made them replace the Qibla

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The stupid (fools) from the people will say: "What made them replace the Qibla (prayer direction, which, at the time, was Jerusalem) to which they were used to?" Say: “To Allah tie up East and West: He leads whom He wants to the true way.”

1. As we see here, Muhammad already had a direction that he prayed towards. It had always been, from the first day he claimed to be a prophet, towards Jerusalem. But the verse says he doesn't really need one!

2. As the verse says, all directions are to Allah. What's the point? In the coming verse, Muhammad is trying to explain why he changed the direction. Some were making fun of him, because he kept changing the directions for prayers. Qur'an 2:143:

Plus, therefore, We have made you a medium fair-minded nation so you may be the bearers of witness to the people and that the Messenger may be a bearer of witness to you; and We did not make that which you would have to be the 'Qibla (direction of prayer) but that We might differentiate him who follows the Messenger from him who goes round back upon his heels, and this was certainly hard except for those whom Allah has guided aright; and Allah was not going to make your faith to be worthless most certainly Allah is kindness Merciful to the people.

It says here the reason for changing the direction of the prayer from Jerusalem to Mecca was to distinguish between Muslims and non-Muslims. There is something very wrong here!

Note with me that this would mean that the Kaaba is not a holy place at all. It's just a way for Allah to know who is a Muslim or not!

If this is the case, why did Allah say that we are dirty, and that we (nonMuslims) cannot enter the city of Mecca anymore, when it's not holy at all? Why did Muhammad kiss the black stone, when the Kaaba itself, is not holy? As a result, the black stone isn't holy either, which means the Kaaba is not important.

This means the same for the Hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca).

If the infidels and pagans prayed in the direction of the Kaaba, and the Muslims

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If the infidels and pagans prayed in the direction of the Kaaba, and the Muslims do the same, how would we know which were Muslims?

It's so clear that this is a faulty excuse, and not even a smart one! The next verse even shows that the one who made this excuse was not smart at all. Qur'an 2:144:

We saw you (Muhammad) rotating your face around looking for solutions. Now We will turn thee to a direction that shall please thee. Turn then your face in the direction of the protected Mosque. Anywhere ye are, turn your faces in that direction. The people of the Book know well that is the truth from their Lord, and Allah is not unconscious of what they are doing.

1. Look here! Allah is just pleasing Muhammad. It was Muhammad’s wish that he copy 'Umar’s idea.

2. Muhammad was looking for a solution. What was he trying to solve? The Muslims never complained about the direction of the prayer. They already had one!

3. Allah is choosing the direction that everyone was used too! 4. The one they were used too was the perfect one. It was Muhammad that was doing the wrong one!

5. On top of this, the verse is clearly saying that Muhammad used to pray to the Kaaba too, which means he was a pagan all his life. He had been doing what his tribe had always done before he claimed to be prophet of Allah.


For some background reference, we will take a quick look at how Muhammad was creating a new religion by mixing up old belief systems and religions. Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book 26, Hadith 679 tells us:

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Stated by Zaid's bin Islam that his father said: "I saw that 'Umar Bin Al-Khattab was kissing the black stone, and then he said to the stone while kissing it, ‘If I had not seen Allah's Apostle kissing you (stone), I would never have kissed you.’”

Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book 26 (Hajj), Hadith 1520, (Arabic print): Reported Muhammad Ibn Kathir, and Sufian from Ibrahem, from 'Abe’s bin Rabi'ah that 'Umar Said: “'Umar walked toward the front of the black stone and kissed it, and he said ‘I know that you are a stone and cannot in either case give a benefit to anyone nor harm anyone. If I had not seen Allah’s Apostle kissing you, I would under no circumstances have kissed you.’”

1. As we see in here, 'Umar did not like kissing the stone, because he knew it was a pagan act, but he had no choice but to do so, for Muhammad the big boss did!

2. 'Umar even said that it's harmless and useless, but Muhammad had something else to say. This means 'Umar knew Muhammad was a liar and not a prophet.

Muhammad said in Al-Tirmidhi, Hadith 877, p. 226:

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“This black stone has come down from Heaven and it was whiter than milk, but sins and mistakes of mankind turned it dark black.”

3. It says here that Muhammad claimed the black stone to be a holy stone sent by and from God. He also said that it had a job, which was sucking the sin of mankind. He claimed that as time went by, sin had changed the white color of the stone to black! This means Muhammad's story was not at all convincing to 'Umar, because 'Umar did not accept it, but he had to accept it to gain the benefit of being with this gang leader. One of these men was right. It can't be both. I think we all agree that 'Umar was right on this one.

4. Muhammad even claimed that the black stone was a white ruby and that it would witness to Allah on the judgment day for each Muslim's sin, as seen in Sunan Al-Tirmidhi, Hadith 961, p. 294:

Narrated by Qutiba from Jareer from Ibn 'Abbas: “The prophet said the black stone in the judgment day Allah will make him alive and resurrect him! It has eyes, it sees by them; and ears, hearing by them! In addition to that, a tongue, to witnesses by it (the stone) by the truth, to each one who had held it with his hands.”

Where are the Muslims concerning this story? I have not seen one video or claim about the science of the talking stone that has eyes and ears! It's clear that they choose whatever makes Islam look better just to fool us. If Muhammad speaks

choose whatever makes Islam look better just to fool us. If Muhammad speaks science, is he right some of the time and a dummy some of the time? The fact is, the ones that he was right about, he just took from others books.

Where did Muhammad get this idea that stones talk, take the sins of humans, and work for God?



Qur’an 45:16:

And truly we gave the children of Israel the scripture and the command and the prophet-hood, and provided them with the delicious sustenance and preferred them above all mankind!

1. Muhammad is not from the children of Israel;

2. The verse says clearly that Allah gave the commands and the prophet-hood to the children of Israel! You need to remember that the children of Israel means the children of Jacob as in Genesis 32:28 (KJV): And he said, Thy name shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel: for as a prince hast thou power with God and with men, and hast prevailed.

3. Muslims might say that Allah is only speaking about Israel, and that is why he did not give more details. If you read that chapter, you will see that Muhammad's god jumped into this for no reason! If Allah knew that it was not only Jacob’s (Israel’s) children that had prophet-hood, what's the point of saying something not true? Especially, since the Muslims believe in many prophets who are not even Arab, like Alexander the Great or the prophets Idress, Saleh or Shuyeb, and add to them, Muhammad. This means he did not really make the prophet-hood through them;

4. This has not only been proven to be a contradiction, but it also shows that Muhammad cannot be a prophet, because he is not from Israel. He is actually their worst enemy;

5. To make our point more clear, we should go to Qur’an 29:27: And to [Abraham] We gave him Isaac and Jacob, and made Exclusively among his Offspring the Prophet-hood and Revelation...

his Offspring the Prophet-hood and Revelation...

6. Now Muslims can play with the translation as much as they like, but in the end, it's so clear where the prophet-hood has to be from; the offspring of Isaac and Jacob;

7. One more chapter to make things clearer is Qur’an 37:112-113: 112 To Abraham, We gave him the good news of Isaac, who will be a prophet, one of the law-abiding,

113We blessed him and Isaac, and from among his Offspring are, and their descendants are, he who is incorruptible good and bad to their own souls.

8. If Ishmael is older and a prophet, why did Allah forget his name? This verse would be more accurate with Islam's belief if Allah had put the name of Ishmael there. A very simple question, why isn't it?

• Ismael is the oldest;

• Ishmael is a prophet in Islam;

• Muslims claim that Muhammad is of Ishmael's offspring. I don’t agree with this claim at all, but will go with the Muslims and say, if Ishmael is important, why does Allah, verse after verse, keep forgetting his existence? But later, he made a verse saying, “Oh, Ishmael is a prophet too!”

• For me, Muhammad cannot be from Ishmael. Sadly, even some Christians think he is from Ishmael, which is a big mistake. They just repeat and say in churches what someone else has told them. There is a very simple explanation; (a) Arabs existed before Ishmael, so how can he be their father? (b) Abraham is Aramaic. Hagar was Egyptian. The son is an Arab?

(c) Even the Muslims books (Book of Al-Sirah Al-Nabwiah by Ibn Hisham, Vol.

1, p. 5) say that Ishmael married one of their daughters from the tribe of Jarhom (Her name was Ra'lah, daughter of 'Amro Al-Johrimy according to Muslims).

The Jarhom tribe became Christians about 400 years before Islam (Book of Al-Agani 13:109). Muhammad’s is not from that tribe, which means he can not be from Ishmael;

(d) Many might say, well doesn't the Bible say God will make his offspring as numerous as the stars in heaven or the sand on the sea shore? Genesis 22:17



That in blessing I will bless thee, and in multiplying I will multiply thy seed as the stars of the heaven, and as the sand which is upon the sea shore; and thy seed shall possess the gate of his enemies;

(e) But they forgot that the real Arabs today (not those who speak Arabic) are not even 40 million in number. Are the Indonesians Arab? Are the Pakistanis?

Or numerous other peoples we could name? So, this is very wrong information being propagated in our churches. By doing this we are helping the Muslims to spread a lie. On top of that, ask yourself why Muhammad wanted to be claimed as the offspring of Ishmael! It's simply because he wanted to have legal relation and lineage to the father of prophets, so he could have a legitimate claim; (f) Muhammad said in Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book 55, Hadith 596: Reported of Ibn 'Umar: “The Prophet said, 'The honorable man is the son of the honorable man, the honorable, mirroring the honorable Joseph, the son of Jacob, the son of Isaac, the son of Abraham.'”

(g) Did you notice here that Muhammad dropped the name of Ishmael? The fact is this hadith opens doors for more questions!

“The honorable is the son of the honorable!” As you see, Muhammad sometimes, or most of the time, does not think carefully about his own words.

Let's look again at Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book 55, Hadith 596: Reported of Ibn 'Umar: “The Prophet said, The honorable man is the son of the honorable man, the honorable, mirroring the honorable Joseph, the son of Jacob, the son of Isaac, the son of Abraham.”

1. According to Muhammad, to be honorable, you have to be the son of an honorable person! But Muhammad forgot that his father and his mother were both infidels, and Allah said infidels were dirty; 2. Remember the word

“honorable” has only a religious meaning; 3. Also, Muhammad did not add the name of Ishmael to that hadith as an honorable son. Look at Qur’an 9:28:

“O you who believe, the polytheist is for sure filthy [they are] filth, on narrative of their inner wickedness so do not let them come near the Sacred Mosque after this year...!”

4. This is what the Qur’an said about Muhammad praying to his family who were infidels. Qur’an 9:113:

It is not accepted for the Prophet, and those who believe, to pray for the forgiveness for infidels even though they are relative with, after it hath become obvious that they are people of hell-fire.

5. This verse shows us many things. Muhammad's family is in the hell fire, because they are not honorable;

6. Muhammad cannot be an honorable man, because he is not the son of an honorable man according to his own word. The Qur’an, or Allah, said that whoever was like his parents, were filthy and dirty! We see this in Sahih Muslim, Book 001, Hadith 0398:



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'Anas stated. “Truly, an individual said: 'Ambassador of Allah, where is my father?' The prophet said: 'Your father is in the hell fire.' When he turned away, The Prophet of Allah called him and said: 'Truly, my father and your father are in the Hell Fire.'”

Sahih Muslim, Book 004, Hadith 2129:

Abu Huraira reported that Allah's Messenger did say: “I asked Allah's permission to allow me to beg for the forgiveness of my mother, but He refused to grant it to me. I sought permission from Him to visit her grave, and He granted that to me.”

• Muhammad asked Allah to forgive his mother for not being a believer in Allah. Did you notice that he never asked for forgiveness for his father? He never met his real dad, and the fact is he didn't really know who he was. How could he ask for forgiveness for him? Now some will say, “Well, Muhammad's father was Abduallah.” As we have discussed elsewhere in this book, the truth is, no one knows who his father was, for Muhammad was born four years after the death of his supposed father Abduallah). How could he be his father?

• The discrimination and prejudice of Islam is, if you are not of them, you are considered dirty and filthy! It is taken to the point that non-Muslims can't enter many cities in Saudi Arabia, and if you do, even by mistake, you should be killed. Imagine if there was a sign saying, “Muslims are not allowed to enter New York, for they are not clean!” Everyone would say how ugly the Christians are! I don’t see anyone making the same accusation against Muslims for this same action!

In John 3:16 (KJV), the Bible says:

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

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In Christ's words, we see how he opens his arms, not only for those who accepted him, but for the world. Matthew 5:44 (KJV) says: But I say unto you, love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;

Compare this to the “honorable” being accused by Muslims of stealing red underwear! Muhammad never accepted the Qur’an's rules on himself, not even his own hadith (order or speech).

Muhammad is An Arab—Was Ishmael Arab Too?

Many, even in our churches, teach that Ismael is an Arab and often Christians repeat this myth without investigating the information. I will show you that even Muslims themselves do not make such a claim in their books (Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book 55, Hadith 583):

“She (Ishmael’s mother) lived in that way until some community from the tribe of Jurhum or a family from Jurhum crossed by her and her child, as they (the Jurhum people) were coming through the road of Kada'. They landed in the further down part of Mecca where they saw a bird that had the habit of flying around water and not going away. They said, 'This bird must be flying in a loop over water, even though we experience that there is no water in this valley.' They sent one or two messengers, which discovered the source of water, and returned to notify them of the water. So, they moved towards the water." The Prophet added, "Ishmael's mother was seated near the water. They asked her, 'Do you allow us to [put our] tents here? She responded as Yes, but you will have no right to own the water.' They accepted to that." The Prophet in addition said, mother of Ishmael was delighted with the situation as she used to love to take pleasure in the company of the people. Therefore, they settled over there, and later they sent for their families who came and settled with them so that some families became permanent residents nearby. The child (Ishmael) grew up between them and learned Arabic from them (Jurhum people), and they liked him as he grew up, and when he reached the age of maturity they made him marry a woman from among them.

1. “The child (Ishmael) grew up between them and learnt Arabic from them

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(Jurhum people)”;

2. He is Arab but he does not know Arabic! 3. He married a woman of them, so does this make his kids Arab like the mother?

4. The answer is no, in Arab tradition you belong to the father not to the mother.

And remember the ones reporting the story are the Arabs; 5. This is means that Abraham and Ismael’s mother both do not speak Arabic.

This is why he learned it from Jurhum tribe as we read in the Book of Al-Fateh, Vol. 6, p. 403, by Al-Hafez Ibn 'Hajer, printed in Beirut Lebanon, 1991: He said, “He learned Arabic from them (Jurhum)

this is inform us that Ishmael mother and father both do not know Arabic”

• Then how old was Ismael when he started speaking Arabic? We find the answer in many Islamic books

We will find out from Ali (Muhammad’s cousin) in his own words. Book of Sahih Al-Jame', Vol. 1, p. 435, Hadith 2581:

He said, “The first who spoke perfect Arabic is Ishmael and he spoke it at the age of fourteen years.” And the Imam Albani said it’s a correct hadith.

Based on this, Muslims agree that Ishmael is not of Arabic ancestry; his parents, both mother and father, are not Arabs; they both do not speak Arabic; he learned Arabic from the Arabs; and he spoke it at the age of fourteen—so how does that make him Arab!

The important question we need to ask is does a person’s ethnic group change by learning a language? Of course that is ridiculous. Some might say that Allah made Ishmael as the first man who was Arabic. But this is false as we proved from their own books, which say that he learned Arabic from the Jurhum tribe.

But for the sake of argument, even if Allah taught him Arabic, that still does not make him an Arab.


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Al-'Khasa'es Al-Kubra, author Al-Seu'ti, Beirut Lebanon, 1985, Vol. 1, p. 66: The prophet said: “Allah created his creation and chose from them sons of Adam, and from sons of Adam, he chooses the Arab, and from the Arab, he chose Mudar (tribe), and from Mudar, he chose sons of Hasim (clan), and from Hashim, he chose me, finest of the best.”

Here we see clear proof in Muhammad’s own words about how Allah divided between mankind, separating them by ethnic groups and tribes, not by languages. You will notice the frequent use in Arabic of the word “Ibn,” which means “son of.” In the last hadith, Allah chose by “the son of,” not by the language; which is by the blood line rather than by the language they speak. This proves that being an Arab is not the one who speaks Arabic only, but the one who is from an Arab father. In all the names, only the father will be used to prove who you are. Not your mother as long your father is known.

Therefore, Ishmael cannot be called Arab because he at some point spoke Arabic, neither in the Arab tradition nor in Islamic law as Muhammad stated in the reference we presented above.

But Muhammad badly needed to link himself to Ishmael in order to make himself one of seeds of Abraham, thus enabling him to be accepted as a prophet.

One more point; Ismael’s twelve sons were named Aramaic names. But he is Arab!

Genesis 25 (KJV):

12 Now these are the generations of Ishmael, Abraham's son, whom Hagar the Egyptian, Sarah's handmaid, bare unto Abraham: 13And these are the names of the sons of Ishmael, by their names, according to their generations: the firstborn of Ishmael, Nebajoth; and Kedar, and Adbeel, and Mibsam,

14And Mishma, and Dumah, and Massa,

15Hadar, and Tema, Jetur, Naphish, and Kedemah:

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Where did Ishmael and his sons live? Genesis 25:16-18 (KJV): 16 These are the sons of Ishmael, and these are their names, by their towns, and by their castles; twelve princes according to their nations.

17And these are the years of the life of Ishmael, an hundred and thirty and seven years: and he gave up the ghost and died; and was gathered unto his people.

18And they dwelt from Havilah unto Shur, that is before Egypt, as thou goest toward Assyria: and he died in the presence of all his brethren.

If you would like to see for yourself where Shur is located, visit this site and you will see it’s on the other side of the red sea and has nothing to do with Mecca:

MUHAMMAD AND MORALITY (Muhammad is willing to sleep with all Muslim women)

In the Book of Jame' Alsag'er (Imam Al-Soiuty), Hadith 2994, Muhammad said: Any women, [if] she gives herself to a man to marry him without her father's, or man of the house's permission, she is a whore!

Compare this to Qur’an 33:50 where we read:

...And a believing woman if she gives herself unto the Prophet (to sleep with her) and the Prophet desires her, he has a privilege for thee only (so no other man can sleep with her after Muhammad) ...

1. How can the woman, who gives herself to marry a man, be a whore, but the woman that gives herself to Muhammad be a good woman?

2. Why would a woman do that? Muslim women loved to share their bed with Muhammad to show their love to Allah? 3. Why is Muhammad’s god making it as a law? Was it something so bad to be doing in front of the Muslims and the Arabs, that Muhammad needed a verse from his false god to make it as if it was his god's wish and not his own desire?

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his god's wish and not his own desire?

4. If it's Allah wish, shouldn’t we ask why? Muhammad had many wives according to Muslims. Thirteen wives! Wasn't it enough to have 13 wives, and all the slaves he wanted, but he still had to have more sexually aggressive women?

5. If we ask Muslims about women giving themselves to Muhammad, they translate it as saying that this is about women asking Muhammad to marry them!

To expose their lies, I will ask them to give me one name of a woman, just one of the 13 wives of Muhammad, who became a wife to him by giving herself to him! Their answer would be zero. Not even one of his wives was one of those who gave herself to Muhammad. This is proof that this is not about marriage. It's all about sex, and sex only! Let's take a look at ‘Aisha (Muhammad's child-wife) and how she expressed her anger about Muhammad's lust. Read with me what

‘Aisha herself said. Muslims try to play with the translation and change the real meaning of what she said. Here we read from Sahih Muslim, Book 60, Hadith 311:

Narrated ‘Aisha: “I used to look downward upon those females which had granted themselves to Allah's prophet, and I used to state 'How can a woman not be shamefaced to offer herself (to a man for sex)?'”

6. Why is 'Aisha saying this if it's normal? Remember, Muhammad was the one who said that the woman who gives herself to a man is a whore!

We can read the same story in these books:

Sahih Muslim, Book of Breast feeding, p. 1065 Hadith 49 or Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book of Tafsir, chapter of Al Ahzab Vol. 3, p. 118, 163, 164: Muhammad tried to rape Umaima Bint An-Nu'man bin Sharahil. This woman was the daughter of Al Nu'man, who was ruler of his people, but with Muhammad's army growing, his tribe came under Muhammad's command. How would anyone dare to say no to Muhammad? She was very brave and did say no.

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would anyone dare to say no to Muhammad? She was very brave and did say no.

If you look at the Qur’an, it says “a woman gave herself to the prophet,” but Muhammad couldn't stop there. Despite all the women he had, and the ones that gave themselves to him, it was not enough, for he was never ashamed to rape anyone he could!

Sahih Al-Bukhari, Vol. 7, Book 63, Hadith 182:

Sahih Al-Bukhari

Kitab Jami' Al-Sahih Al-Mu'khtaser, 1987 printing, Vol. 6, Hadith 4957: Sahih Al-Bukhari, Vol. 7, Book 63, Hadith 182:

...When the Prophet entered upon her, he said to her, "Give me yourself! (to sleep with her) as a hand out. She said, "How can a queen give herself to a savage man?" The Prophet raised his hand to beat her so that she might become composed. She said, "I seek refuge with Allah from you.” So he said, “You did seek refuge with one who can rescue you."

This same story can be found in many other Islamic books including the Book of Al-Sirah, Vol. 4, p. 588/599, Beirut, 1952; and Tafsir Al-Qur'tubi, Vol. 14, p.

167, Beirut, 1973.

I put the Arabic and English text in bold where she said to him, " How can a

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queen give herself to a savage man?" I did this because in the English translations Muslims try to cover this shameful hadith, by altering the words and make it appear as if he asked her to marry him, when he asked her for sex, and she called him a savage man.

1. In this story we see how this sex addicted man, the prophet of Allah, has no limits to where he can or should stop. After reading this hadith, just look at what he is asking her to do. To give herself as a gift! It's very clear she took that as a big insult. It is a huge insult for any lady that respects herself. Imagine a man entering the house of a woman that he never met before and on the first second he enters, he asks her for sex, and to give herself as a gift to him. If we would ask any Muslim if it's acceptable in Islam for a man to enter the house of a strange woman and ask her for sex as a gift, he would say, “No way!” For Muhammad it was okay! It's clear that Muslims today have a lot more morality than Muhammad. I am sure if Muhammad would try to do today what he did back then, the Arabs themselves would fight him as they did before.

The Prophet was preferred above all mankind in 16 issues: Tafsir Al Qur’an (Al jame' Le

Ahkam, Al Qur’an) by Imam Al-Qur’tubi, Beirut, 1992, Vol. 14, p. 212: Here are some of

the sixteen ways in which Muhammad was preferred: 1. Prescribed the best of spoils;

2. The fifth of the best of spoils;

3. Reached out by sex (with any woman without marriage); 4. Increase of wives: more than four wives!

5. Sex by word (women who offer themselves), as a gift!

6. Marriage without a guardian;

7. Marriage without a dowry;

8. The marriage in the case of I'hram (Muhammad was the only Muslim that could have sex during the practice of hajj)!

9. If he took an oath with his wives, he could break it!

9. If he took an oath with his wives, he could break it!

10. If his eyes fall onto a married woman, her husband had to divorce her, so the prophet could have her!

We will stop here and take a look at the last ten things Muhammad had above all mankind:

1. Notice all that Allah favored him was about one of two things: sex or money!

2. He is above all that Allah rules. It's assumed that what Allah ruled for mankind was perfect, as Muslims claim, but it's clear that those rules are not suitable for Muhammad. He needs more!

3. There is Allah and Muhammad who are above any law. The law of Allah was made in two ways. One to be practiced by Muslims and another to give advantage to Muhammad. This makes Muhammad above all mankind. This is in contradiction to Qur’an 49:13:

O mankind! We have created you male and female, and have made you nations and tribes that ye may know one another. Lo, the best of you is the one who obeys Allah. For Allah is all Knower.

• So the best is the one that obeys Allah's rules, but as we see, Muhammad does not obey Allah. The Qur’an said four wives, but Muhammad keeps marrying as many as he wants!

• Allah said you need a guardian to ask a woman for her hand in marriage to be legal. Muhammad didn’t like that;

• According to the Qur'an you have to pay women money to marry them.

Muhammad wanted women for free!

• Allah ordered men not to go after married women, but Muhammad was ordering men to leave their wives if he wanted them. Yes, even if she was married!

• After all of this, he is the best man. And the prophet!

• Christ said in Matthew 5:28:

But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.

• Where is Muhammad concerning Christ's teaching?


Allah's punishment for anyone who lies about the real God: ( ...had forged a false saying concerning Us (Allah)... We certainly would have cut off his life artery (aorta)…

In this case, we will see amazing proof from the Qur’an about Muhammad as a false prophet in Qur’an 69. Allah is saying that the one who lies about him, he will cut off his life artery (aorta). Read with me please, Qur’an 69:44-47: 44 And if he (Muhammad) had a counterfeit statement concerning Us (Allah), 45We surely would have confiscated him by his right hand (or with force and strength).

46And then We certainly would have cut off his life artery (aorta), 47and none of you can hold back Us from punishing him.

This is Allah's promise, to kill, in a specific way, the one who lies about him.

Things would have seemed normal if Muhammad had not died the same way Allah determined to kill the one who would make fraudulent sayings about him (Allah)!

In the book of Sahih Al-Bukhari, we find this story of a Jewish woman who sought revenge for her family's death by the hands of Muhammad and his men.

From Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book 47, Hadith 786; Sahih Muslim, Book 026, Hadiths 5430 and 5431:

Reported by Anas bin Malik: “A Jewish woman delivered a poisoned goat for the Prophet to eat from it, as a result he did eat from it. She was seized and brought to the Prophet, and he was asked, 'Shall we kill her?' The Prophet answered, 'No, don’t.' As well as, I continued to watch the outcome of the poison on the roof of the mouth of Allah's Messenger.”

Later the woman was beheaded, but Muhammad's initial hesitation was waiting to see if she had a cure for the poison.

We read in Sahih Al-Bukhari, Vol. 5, Book 59, Hadith 713:

...Narrated 'Aisha: “The Prophet in his ailment in which he died, used to say, 'O

'Aisha! I still feel the pain caused by the food I ate at 'Khaibar, and now, I feel as if my aorta is being cut from that poison.'”

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1. Notice ‘Aisha said this happened: “The Prophet in his ailment in which he died,” and also that she said that Muhammad “used to say.” So, according to

‘Aisha, Muhammad never complained in his death about anything but the poisoned food that he ate in 'Khaibar.

2. This means the only cause of Muhammad's death was the poisoned food.

3. Remember in Qur’an 69:44-46, it says clearly that the one who will lie about the god, Allah will cut his artery (aorta). Qur'an 69:46: “And then We certainly would have cut off his life artery (aorta).”

4. By poisoning, this is exactly what happened to Muhammad!

5. As long as this was the way of death chosen by Muhammad's god, for the one who lies about him (Allah), then how can Muslims explain that Allah watched Muhammad die in such a way? According to the verse, this is what Allah does only for those who do bad to him.

6. If you remember, Muslims believe in what they call “Al Qadar, د

ﻼ ر,” which

means destiny or divine predestination, where Allah is the only one who will decide how anyone will die, with no exception.

7. This would surely mean that it was Allah who wanted Muhammad to die in such a way. It must have been a punishment for Muhammad's lies!

8. I say it's the real God who did this, not Muhammad's god. He wanted to show us that He would make come true what Muhammad wished for the one who lied about the real God, and at the same time to expose Muhammad with all his lies.

9. One last thing. If the Muslims claim that Allah saved Jesus Christ from death by not allowing Jesus to die by Jewish hands, then why did Allah allow Muhammad to be killed by Jewish hands? Does that mean Allah loved Jesus more than Muhammad? Doesn't the Qur’an say that Muhammad is the best creation of Allah?


We read in Qur’an 33:45-46

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45 you The Prophet! We have assigned you as a Witness, a messenger a reporter of good news and Warner,

46missionary of Allah by His permission and as a lamp with luminosity light.

Al-Tabari (Vol. 4, p. 501) in his commentary said: That is, 'light' refers

to Muhammad because people are guided by him as they would be with light…

In another verse, in Qur’an 5:15 we find this:

O believers of the Book (Christians and Jews)! Certainly, Our Messenger has come to you making clear to you much of what you’re hiding of the Book (Bible) and forgive much more; truly, over there has come to you as light and an explained Book (Qur'an) from Allah.

As we see in this verse, Allah sent two things; light and a book. The light can't be meant to be the book, for it says there clearly a “light and a book,” not a light of the book. Also note that the verse is talking about Muhammad and that he is coming to them.

Both the Shi’a and the Sunni Muslims believe that Muhammad is made from light for them, even though he is a human at the same time. When the Muslims believe that Muhammad is a light, this means he is MAN and GOD at the same time! Muslims will say, “We do not believe he is God.” Then how is he “light,”

when the Qur’an clearly says that Allah is light too?


In the Book of Tafsir Ibn Kathir, Vol. 3, p. 470, we read: That the Prophet

said, "I was the first of the Prophets to be created and the last of them to be sent.”

• Look at Muhammad! He sounds like he is copying the words of Jesus. Looks like Muhammad is the alpha and the omega! John 9:5:

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As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world.

• The Qur’an says Muhammad is light to the world, but how can he be light when he does wrong? The Qur’an tells in many chapters that he committed sin.

Even the Qur’an tells that Muhammad was asked by Allah to ask for forgiveness, as in Qur’an 47.19:

You should know, that there is no god but Allah, and ask forgiveness for your sin [Muhammad], and for the sin of men and women who believe.

• Have you ever thought that the light of the world needed to be guided?

• This verse shows how Muhammad's memory is, and it's the same as his honor.

It's like the weather, changeable, to the point he contradicts other verses in a very clear way. Like Qur’an 9:80:

[Muhammad] if you ask for forgiveness for them, O Muhammad, or if you do not ask forgiveness or even if you ask for it seventy times for them, Allah will not forgive them!

If we go to the Hadith of Sahih Muslim, Book 4, Hadith 2129, we read: Abu Huraira reported: “Allah's Apostle, may Allah pray on him, said: ‘I appealed to Allah’s permission for the forgiveness for my mother, but He did not permit it to me. I asked approval from Him to visit her grave, and He gave permission to me.’”

Also, in the Book of Tuhafat Al A'hwazi Fe Shareh Al-Turmizi, Tafsir Al Qur’an, 1953 printing, p. 401:

Muhammad was asking Allah for forgiveness for his uncle (Abu Talib), Ali (Muhammad's cousin) said (exclaimed), “You [are] asking for forgiveness of infidels!” Muhammad said, “Did not Abraham ask for his father's forgiveness?”

The same story can be found in many other books like Asbab Al-Nuzul, 1963

printing, Vol. 1, p. 176.

printing, Vol. 1, p. 176.


• Well this is funny. Where did Muhammad get the information about Abraham's father's name? Don't forget that even the name of Abraham's father is wrong in the Qur’an which claims it was Azar (Qur'an 6:74). Who then was Terah?

Joshua 24:2 (KJV):

And Joshua said unto all the people, Thus saith the LORD God of Israel, Your fathers dwelt on the other side of the flood in old time, even Terah, the father of Abraham, and the father of Nachor: and they served other gods.

Luke 3:34 (KJV):

Which was the son of Jacob, which was the son of Isaac, which was the son of Abraham, which was the son of Terah, which was the son of Nachor, As you see, we can add this as one of many mistakes in the Qur’an. If the Muslims say the Bible is corrupted, and that the Bible is wrong, not the Qur'an, then can you give me one reason for the Jews to change the name of Abraham's father?

• The funny thing about Muhammad in the Qur'an is that he created stories as if they were real. You can tell that this man would make a great movie script writer. In one instance Muhammad was trying to fool the tribe of 'Abdullah Ibn Ubayy', who was a powerful leader of the tribes of Al-Aws and AlKhazraj.

When Ibn Ubayy died, Muhammad prayed on his grave. He was being a hypocrite to his tribe. Later he noticed that it did not give him any benefit. In fact, it did just the opposite for the Muslims. They started wondering, why he asked for the enemy of Allah to be forgiven when Allah says in the Qur'an 4:48: Allah forgives not that partners Gods with him. He forgives all sin but not for who ascribe partners to Allah, he hath indeed invented a tremendous sin.

In Qur’an 9:80, Muhammad is doing what he should not be doing, trying to please the pagan because he was a man without an army. Therefore, he played soft and nice to the point he would pray over the grave of the infidel.

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Book entitled

Fateh Al-Bari Fe Shareh Sahih Al-Bukhari, Al-Raian Publishing, print. 1896, Vol. 8, p. 334, Hadith 4393: