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At the same time, as Abdulah Ibn 'Ubai passed away his son Abdualah Ibn Abdualah came to the prophet asking him if he can give him his shirt, so he can shroud his father with it, therefore the prophet gave him his shirt, and he asked to pray on him so the messenger of Allah stood-up to pray for him (the dead man), and right away 'Umar stood-up and snatched the clothes of the prophet and said to Muhammad: “How do you pray on him and Allah forbid thee from praying on him?" The prophet answer saying: “Allah told me if you pray to them or not to pray to, then if you pray seventy times or even more, Allah still will not forgive them. The prophet continued saying he is Hypocrite, but he said (the Narrator) the prophet did pray on him! So Allah sent a verse saying do not pray every on any of them nor stand on their graves.

In Qur’an 9:113, Muhammad broke his god’s law again because the dead man was his uncle as we see in the interpretation of Sahih Al-Bukhari, Tafsir Al-Qur'an, Printing 1993, p. 1718, Hadith 4398:

When the death came to Abu-Talib, the prophet entered upon him, and Abu-Jahel (Muhammad’s uncle) was there, then the prophet said, “Oh my uncle why do you not say that there is not god except Allah? So I can use it as an intercession in-front of Allah.” Abu-Jahel said: “Abu-Talib are you going to leave your father’s faith?” Muhammad said, “I will intercede for you in-front of Allah, asking for his forgiveness,” therefore the verse came down saying [to]

you, “It may not for a prophet to intercede for the pagans.”

As you see, Muhammad knew that he should not pray over the enemy of Allah, whom he knew to be a hypocrite, and all Muslims knew how bad this man was to Islam. 'Umar knew that it was against Allah’s teaching and command, but still Muhammad decided to be a hypocrite, praying over the one whom Allah will not accept. Muhammad’s prayed anyway. So why is Muhammad praying?

The point is that the law of Allah is changeable and fixable, dependent upon Muhammad's deceptive plans and needs. When he wants Allah to forgive infidels, he played that role. When that didn't work out, or he didn't need that anymore, or these actions were no longer helping him, he would then create a verse as if Allah was upset with him. This way he is granted a clear way in front of Muslims showing that, “Yes, Allah is the one who guides me and as you see, if I do wrong, Allah is watching over us!”



1. Qur’an 47.19:

You should Know, that there is no god but Allah, and ask forgiveness for your sin [Muhammad], and for the sin of men and women who believe. Allah knew what is changing on you.

2. Qur’an 48:2:

That might God pardon thee [Muhammad] the sins of the previous and those to follow, to complete Allah's sympathy to thee, and to guide thee to the Straight Way.

As you see here Allah is giving Muhammad an open door for all kinds of sin, and he granted him forgiveness even for the coming sins! Even without the need

for Muhammad to ask to be forgiven.

At the same time you see the verse says, “and guide thee on the Straight Way.”

Allah forgives Muhammad for the coming sin and he completes his favor upon Muhammad by guidance! What was this kind of guidance that was not enough to stop Muhammad from being a sinner? On the top of that, he is the light of the world. Muhammad said in the hadiths of Sahih Al-Bukhari, Vol. 9, p. 403; and Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book 93, Hadith 534:

...So Allah please forgive the previous sins or the ones I will do in the future, and also those sins which I did in under cover or in public, and that which You know better than I. None has the right to be praised but you.

Here we go again! Why is Muhammad even asking to be forgiven, when he is granted forgiveness for the coming sin?!

Things do not stop or end here. Even Muhammad created rules and law that was not from Allah, as Qur’an 66:1 tells:

O Prophet, why [do] you forbid which Allah hath made lawful for thee, seeking to please your wives? Allah is forgiving, and merciful.

In this chapter Muhammad was found having sex with one of his slaves in the house of one of his wives (Hafsa). He got into a big fight with his wife. She and his other wives cannot take Muhammad’s degradation. Then Allah, himself (no kidding, Allah is always ready for whatever Muhammad wants, even inside the home), sends a chapter threatening the wives of Muhammad that if they don't stop bothering Muhammad's sexual life and his favorite entertainment as in Qur’an 66:5:

Perhaps his (Muhammad's) Lord, if he divorces all of you, he will give him instead of you better wives than you, who they are submissive, believing, pious, penitent, devout, who travel! And fast, virgins and divorced.

I wonder how big the fight was, to the point god in his heaven is making a chapter about it?! Also, why is Allah taking the side of Muhammad against his wives, when all they are asking is for Muhammad to have sex with no one but his wives? If you noticed, Muhammad made a promise not to do it again, but later when he gained more power, he missed the good time with all these women around. He then made verse 66:1, presenting it as if it was Allah who wanted him to have sex with other women. To shut up his wives and to be sure they will never, ever complain again, he made verse 66:5.

never, ever complain again, he made verse 66:5.

The fact is, Muhammad took this for the Qur’an from 'Umar Ibn Al-Khattab because he liked it, as we see in the following hadith (The Book of 'Ol-It'qan Fee

'Olum Al-Qur'an, Vol. 1, p. 137):

Reported by Annas, the 'Umar Bin Al-Khattab said: “My almighty agreed with me in three things:

[First,] I said, 'Oh Allah's Apostle, I wish if take as your place of worship the place where Abraham did place to pray. It so came the Divine Inspiration: (p.

137) (Qur'an 2:125) And take you [Muslims] the place of Abraham as a place of prayer.' [Second,] And I said, To the Prophet, to the Prophet of Allah, 'Good and bad ones talk to your wives therefore order them to veil themselves!' So Allah sent down the concerning the veiling of the women (Al-Noor (24):31).

[Third,] The wives of the Prophet made a coalition against the Prophet, and I said to them, 'Maybe if His, the Lord of the Prophet, divorced you (all the wives), and exchange you with better wives than you.' So the verse was revealed (Qur’an 66:5), the same as I had said.”

You can see the same story in Sahih Al-Bukhari (Book 8, Hadith 395.) Later we will go more in depth into this hadith, but for now, just notice that

'Umar said, “Allah used my words exactly!” It's so clear that Muhammad's inspiration was not effected by God, but by the opinion of men around him, even to choosing the Kaaba. It was the choice made by 'Umar, not Allah!

Muhammad just hijacked words, ideas, plans, poems, names, and even stories as we will see in further reading and researching. Let's again read the verse of Qur’an 66:5:

Perhaps his (Muhammad's) Lord, if he divorces all of you, he will give him instead of you better wives than you, who they are submissive, believing, pious, penitent, devout, who travel! And fast, virgins and divorced.

Notice the following:

• When all of a man's wives go against him, with no exception, it's very clear proof that Muhammad was not a good man to his wives, as Muslims try to fool us into believing.;

• Why is Allah involved in family matters? If I have a fight with my wife, will Allah send a verse against her?

Allah send a verse against her?

• Have you ever heard about a one shot divorce from 11 wives? All of them are wrong, but only Muhammad is right?

• The idea of exchanging the wives came from 'Umar. Why did Muhammad need an exchange and not to remarry again? Exchange here means that women in Islam are the same as machine parts. They have no value as a person, only the value of a job or a function. Nothing more.

This explains why Islam looks down on women.


I've seen many articles written by Muslims, and even Muslim women. They all try to fool us saying that we need to separate Islam and the culture of Muslims!

We are not going to talk about culture, and to make it clear from the start, we will not mix Islam and culture. Remember, Muslims who read my words, the coming reference is not from culture, but from:

1. Qur’an verses on women;

2. Muhammad's hadith, or sayings, about women;

3. Muhammad's laws and orders over women;

4. Zero cultural talk;

5. Islamic references and Islamic courts approve.



From Sahih Al-Bukhari, Vol. 6, Book 60, Hadith 408: Allah curses those women...who remove their facial hair, In order to look more pretty trying to change Allah's creation.

Does that mean all Muslim women will end in hell? All Arab women are hairy, as are Arab men; so to make Allah happy women have to grow a beard and mustache?

The funny thing is that Muhammad's excuse was that these women were changing the look which Allah gave to them, but then Muhammad turned around and ordered them to shave their vaginas. Muhammad even colored his own hair with henna making it red.

See Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book 56, Hadith 668; and Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book 72, Hadith 786:

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Hadith 786:

Abu Huraira reported: Allah's messenger said, “The Jews and the Christians, they do not dye their gray hair, so you Muslims have to do the opposite of what they do, so dye your gray hair and beards..."

Why is Muhammad doing something just to be opposite of the Christians and the Jews? He cursed women who tried to change their look by removing their facial hair, but at the same time it was okay for the men to dye theirs!

This hadith proves that Muhammad was creating rules, not because they were righteousness, or about wrong or right, but just to oppose the Christians and the Jews.

Sahih Muslim, Book 024, Hadith 5243:

...His head and his beard were so white, alike as hyssop. Therefore, He, Allah's Messenger, instructed the women whom the color of his hair should be changed, so they are ordered to do something about it and change it.

Why is Muhammad’s beard’s color is so important to a man whose main focus in life is supposed to be Islam and Allah?


First of all I need to inform you that women in Islam can be witnesses in court only in cases of a money contracts or agreements, but this does not include witnessing for any kind of inheritance or crime. This means women are NOT

accepted as witnesses in court in all of the following cases: 1. Crime: (killing, theft, etc.) Book of Badae' Al-Sanae', Vol. 9, p.

4079:“Women are not accepted as witnesses in all kinds of crimes that come with punishment.”

2. Adultery: Qur’an 24:4, interpretation of Al-Qur’tubi; He said, in his interpretation:“of the all mighty saying and bring four witnesses on them (in case of adultery) he said the witnesses must be males only, and all the nation agrees about that.”

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3. Idolatry

4. Divorce or Marriage: Book of Al-Mugni by Ibn 'Qudama Vol. 7/8:“ marriage is accepted by one man witness and two women agreed with that Nukha'ee, and Al-Shafe'e and Al-Oza'e.”

Inheritance: Qur’an 5:106: “O you believers, authorize the testimony between you, when death come to you, at the time of an inheritance be that of two men witness of among you.

Tafsir Ibn Kather,

Publisher Tibah, 2002, Vol. 3, p. 217:

Ibn Jareer Said: “It’s

not allowed or accepted to have non-Muslims as witness either in the city or in travel.”

Book of Fro' Al-Fiqh Al-Um by Imam Muhammad Ibn Idres Al-Shafi'e, 1990

Printing by D.T.,p. 17:

It meant the free believers (not slaves) and the two verse’s interpretation, it’s forbidden to accept the witnessing of Christians and Jews.

Fatwa (Answers According to Islamic Law)

Date 06-19-2001,, Fatwa # 591: The question: Can women be witnesses for marriage one man and two women or four women?

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four women?

The answer:

It's not allowed for women to be witnesses in case of marriage or any criminal case (cases needing punishment) or marriage or divorce.

You can see the Islamic Answer in this link (Arabic):


Mohsin Khan’s translation, Qur’an 5:106:

O you who believe! When death approaches any of you, and you make a bequest, [then take] the testimony of two just men of your own folk or two others from outside, while you are traveling through the land and death befalls on you.

Detain them both after As-Salat (the prayer), [then] if you are in doubt (about their truthfulness), let them both swear by Allah [saying]: "We wish not for any worldly gain in this, even though he (the beneficiary) be our near relative. We shall not hide testimony of Allah, for then indeed we should be of the sinful."

I can cite many other similar examples showing how Muslims have been ordered to reject a woman being a witnessing person in anything, except the case of a contract for a debt for a fixed period in writing, or things for which men cannot be witnesses because they're only about women, such as in a women telling about her period.

This means that in Islam, Muslim women are not accepted as witnesses in 99%

of cases. She is perceived of very lowly as a person, but better than a Christian man. In Islam all non-Muslims are unacceptable as witnesses, not trusted, nor to be taken as a friend, as we see in Qur’an 3:28, 118; 5:51; and 60:1.

Remember, Muslims who read my words, the coming reference is not from culture, but from Qur’an 2:282:

“Whenever you Muslim's contract with each other, in money trades...get two witnesses, out of your own men. Moreover, if there are not two men, then a man and two women, such as ye select for witnesses, so that if one of them (women) is misguided the other can remind her.”

1. From this verse we learn that two men are the norm for witnessing in Islam. In case there is only one man and women to witness, then the rule is as follows: A. 10,000,000,000 women will not be accepted as witnessing persons, for they must have at least one man with them. This clearly reveals how Islam looks at women. It's as though they are not fit for the simple task of witnessing! It does not matter how many there are, if there's not at least one male witness, then the number of women does not count, even if there are 10 million women!

B. Also notice that there are no conditions for the man, or men, that are accepted as witnesses. This means that any two men are good to do the job, but in the case of women, they have to be approved. Most women are not approved in Islam. In other words, “We have to choose the ones we think are the best of the junk of women kind!”

Let us look at the hadith and see how Muhammad used this verse to proclaim his judgment over women as bad and “deficient in intelligence.” Notice what he says in Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book 6, Hadith 301:

Reported by Abu Said Al-Khudri: “Once before the Prophet went out to the mosque to pray on the holy day which [is the] end of fasting month of Ramadan prayer. Then he walked by some women and said to them, 'You women. Give charity, for I have seen that the majority of the residents of Hell-Fire was you women.' The women said: 'Why is that, Allah's Prophet? He answered, 'You do curse frequently and are ungrateful to your husbands, and I have never seen any deficient in intelligence of brain and religion more than you. You influenced the faithful man astray.' Afterwards the women asked, 'O Allah's prophet, what is our deficiency in our intelligence and religion?' He said answering, 'It is not correct that the evidence of two women is equal to the witness of one man?'

(Qur’an 2:282) They replied confirming, agreeing. He said, 'This is the deficiency in her intelligence. Isn't it true that a woman is not permitted in either case to pray nor to fast during her period?' The women replied in the confirming.

He said, 'This is the deficiency in her religion.'”

In this hadith things are getting uglier, and from it we learn the following: A. All women are suffering from deficiency in their intelligence, with no exceptions.

B. The majority of women who are in hell-fire are there because they are bad, they always curse a lot and they are not grateful to their husbands. This means

they always curse a lot and they are not grateful to their husbands. This means that women are always to blame for the bad, and the men are the ones that are always good. To the point that most of hell's occupants are women, not men!

C. Women should not fast or pray because they have menses (menstruation or period). This makes women lower than men, because women will not be able to do the duty of worshiping Allah?

D. After he mentioned the disability of women to pray and to fast in their menses, he says, “This is the deficiency in her religion.”

It's time for me to ask Muslims a few questions.

• If Allah is the one who created women the way they are, why would Allah punish them by sending them to hell fire? If they are not given equal brains, as the Qur’an claims, to do the same task as men, is that justice, or is it a claim made for the benefit men? Islam is made by man for the man! If the claimed imperfection is Allah's fault, why do the women have to pay for it?

• Is not being bad part of their imperfection or because of their design? Why are they to blame for it?

• Did Allah know about this deficiency of women when he created them or did he find out later? Same as Toyota Motor Company, if he is God, can't he make a recall and fix them all? Change the brain maybe?

• On top of that, all I have to say to Muhammad and his followers is; if Islam teaches you to respect your mother, how dare you say such a thing to your mother who risked the loss of her life to give birth to you!

• If we ask a husband and a wife, after they come back from a party, to describe for us the details of the food and clothes, or whatever may have happened during that night, we would see that the man might not even remember what he ate on his dinner plate, but the woman could give all the amazing details that the man would not have even noticed!

That's a proof, without reading books of science, that the Qur’an is manmade.

Made by the man, for the man.

Science teaches there are differences, for sure, between men and women. Like for example, men are good in some things and women are better in something else. I will quote this from 244.htm

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“Psychologists Agneta Herlitz and Jenny Rehnman in Stockholm, Sweden asked an even more complicated question of human predisposition: Does one’s sex influence his or her ability to remember every day events? Their surprising findings did in fact determine significant sex differences in episodic memory, a type of long-term memory based on personal experiences, favoring women.”

This means even science proves Allah wrong. Do you remember that Allah said the woman is not good in witnessing in court? Being a witness in the court requires long-term memory. Science says women are better than men in that task!


Sahih Muslim, Book 036, Hadith 6596:

Allah's messenger said: “I stopped at the gate of heaven, and I saw the greatest majority of those who boarded therein were that of poor ones, and the rich persons were restrained to get into it. The residents of hell were commanded to get into hell, and I stopped in front the gate of fire and the majority among them who entered there was that of women.”

Muwatta Malik, Book 48, Hadith 48.4.7:

Ya'hyia said to me reporting Malik saying as Muslim Ibn Aby Marriam from Abu Salih that Abu Hurayra said, "Women, are naked, even though they are wearing clothes, go amiss and make others go amiss, and they will not enter heaven, and they will not smell its perfume and its sense is conscious of similarly far as the distance of five hundred years."



Sahih Al-Bukhari Vol. 4, Book 55, Hadith 547:

Abu Huraira Reported: “The Messenger said, 'If there were no Jews existing,

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Abu Huraira Reported: “The Messenger said, 'If there were no Jews existing, meat would never spoil and if Eve did not exist, wives would never cheat (betray) their spouses.'”

1. What we understand from this hadith, or speech of Muhammad, is that he blamed the Jews for the meat decaying. Another way to say this is anything bad in this world must be done by the Jews, insomuch that they were the root cause of even the meat in your closet decaying. That explains how much Muhammad hated the Jews and how the seed of hate was planted. The Arabs never hated the Jews before Muhammad. Arab Christians were living in peace with them.

2. If there was no Eve, no wives would betray their husbands! I've seen many articles written by Muslims saying the Bible blamed Eve for the sin of Adam.

The fact is, the Bible blames both Adam and Eve. Both were punished. Our Lord never blamed Eve alone nor Adam alone, for both agreed together to disobey God. It was not Eve alone or Adam alone. In the above hadith, we see Muhammad making it clear that if there was no Eve, all the women in the world would be good to their husbands. He did not mention the name of Adam at all for having the blame of anything.

3. How could Muhammad accuse Eve of betraying her husband, when even the Qur’an did not say a word about Eve doing that? This is one way the Muslims deceive the Christian women. They say, “See! Our book never named Eve, but your Bible did.” The fact is the Qur’an is an empty book without the hadith (the words and works of Muhammad), and as always, if you want to know the story, you find it in the hadith. Not in the Qur’an.

4. What was Eve’s crime exactly? Did she sleep with another man in heaven, when there is no other man than Adam there? Also, why is Muhammad accusing her with the word “betray”?


Tafsir Al-Qur'anAl-Ba'ghawi, 1993, Beirut, Vol. 1, p. 84: The son of Moseb said that Eve dunked Adam and made him lose his mind (to

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The son of Moseb said that Eve dunked Adam and made him lose his mind (to make him eat from the tree).

In the explanation

Book of Jame' of Ahkam Al-Qur’an by Imam Al-Qur’tubi, Vol. 1, chapter 2:35, we find these words:

“And we said to Adam and his wife, go and live in heaven and eat from it and enjoy it...”

That the first who ate from the tree was Eve and Satan whispered to her in her sleep, and it was the first act of misleading of women against men, and then Satan said, “He (God) forbid thee from the tree for it is the tree of eternal life.”

For he, Satan, knew that they (Adam and Eve) loved eternal life. So Satan came to them from where they loved and where you love is where you are deaf and blind, so when Eve asked Adam to eat from it, Adam rejected her request and he told her, “Did you forget the promise we made [to Allah]?” Eve insisted to make him eat and then she said, “What if I eat first and if nothing happens to me, nothing will happened to you!” So she ate and nothing happened to her and then she said, “See nothing hurt me.” So he ate too and then they became under the sin!

• Now we have a better understanding of why Muhammad is blaming Eve for everything ugly that happened before, or will happened later to a man. It must be from women for they are evil and full of deceptions in the eyes of Muhammad!

Book of Jame' of Ahkam Al Qur’an by Imam Al-Qur’tubi, Vol. 1, p. 352: Then Adam entered inside of a tree, then his Lord called him saying, “Adam

Then Adam entered inside of a tree, then his Lord called him saying, “Adam where are you?” Adam answered, “I am ashamed before you Lord.” Then Allah said: “Get down from heaven to earth where you have been created from! And I curse the snake and I make her feet disappear inside her, and I make enmity between you and all seed of Adam for this we order to kill it (the snake),” and to Eve Allah said: “As you made the tree bleed, you will be bleeding too, once every month, and you will be pregnant and you will deliver when you hate it, and face death doing that!”

• I see here some of the story as it's written in the Bible, though the Bible never said Eve was the reason for sin. A lot of what Muhammad taught is copied from the books of others, for he was a corrupt man trying to corrupt stories.

• Rather, the Bible tells us that Eve was deceived by the snake. Genesis 3:1-6


1 Now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the LORD

God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden? 2And the woman said unto the serpent, We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden: 3But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die. 4And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: 5For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil. 6And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat.

As we see, Eve in the Biblical story was rejecting the evil, but she was deceived in the end; as all of us do sin today. Adam was not rejecting anything. He accepted so fast! The fact is, she was fighting back more than Adam. Contrast this with the Qur’an and hadith story, where it was Adam fighting back. He did not want to eat. In the Bible it was Eve trying to keep God's order. Anyway, the point is, Muslims try to portray Eve as an evil person and then project that onto every woman on this earth.


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Sahih Al-Bukhari,

Vol. 4, Book 52, Hadith 110:

Narrated 'Abdullah bin 'Umar: I heard the Prophet saying, “Evil omen is from three things, the female horse, the woman and the house.”

• This is a very clear and sad view of the deviance of Muhammad's look towards women. The strange thing is that women are the Evil Ominous, but at the same time he has 13 wives and hundreds of slave women for sex! He must be a man who loves evil so much that he wanted his house to be full of it!

Sahih Al-Bukhari, Hadith 4/336

Narrated Abdullah: The Prophet stood up and delivered his speech and pointed his finger to the house of ‘Aisha, and expressed “Evil is right here,” repeating that three times.

Sahih Muslim, Arabic book, the chapter of Sedition’s, Vol. l4, p. 2229: Muhammad said, concerning his wife Hafsa (the daughter of 'Umar), “The master of Blasphemy.”

The story can be found in many books like Fateh Al-Bari Fe Sharih Sahih Al-Bukhari, 1986 Printing; Book of Nukah, Chapter of Taking care of women, p.

160, Hadith 4890.

Sahih Muslim, Book 008, Hadith 3467:

Abu Huraira said: The Woman has been originated from a rib bone, and it’s impossible to straighten her for you in any way; so if you desire to take advantage of her, then use her while corruption remains in her. And if you try to straighten her, you will break her, and breaking her is by divorcing her.


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In the book which I reference in this section, I will translate only that portion which is relevant to our topic, but I am posting all the text as it is so that Muslims who speak Arabic will not say it's out of context. On top of this, I will post a link for their Islamic Jordanian government website so they can see it there for themselves.

In the Book of Tafsir Al Kaber, Mafateeh Al Gaeeb, by Iamam Al Razi, Qur’an 30:21:

Also see what Allah is saying Qur’an 30:21: “We created to yourselves,” is a proof that Allah created women the same as he created animals (for the need of men).

Him (Allah) saying in the Qur’an 30:21 “created for you,” is proof that women were created the same as animals and plants and other useful things. Allah also said in Qur’an 2:29: “He created for you what is on earth,” and that need of the woman not to be created for worship or be charged with divine orders. We say creating the women is one of the favors bestowed upon us (men) and that charging them with divine commands is to complete the favor bestowed upon us, not that they are charged as we (men) are charged. For women are not charged with a lot of commands as we (men) are charged, because the woman is made weak, absurd (silly). In other words she is like a kid and no commands are charged upon children, but for the favor of Allah upon us to be complete, women had to be given obedience; charged so that each one of them (women) may be afraid of punishment so she obeys her husband, and refrains from what is forbidden, otherwise immorality would occur.”


In the Book of Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book 54, Hadith 460: Reported by Abu Huraira: Allah's prophet said: “If the husband calls his wife to his bed for sex, and she refuses and made him sleep in anger, the angels of Allah will keep cursing her until morning.”

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will keep cursing her until morning.”

You can find this understanding of women's duty all over Islamic books like the book of Al-Qur’tubi /Jame' Ahkam, Beirut, 1993, Al Qur’an 30:21, Vol. 13, p.


The prophet said, “By the one who my soul is in his hand, if a man asked his wife for sex and she refused, the one who is in the sky (meaning Allah) He will be embittered until her husband is satisfied with her.” (Al-Qur’tubi adding to this) In other words, if the wife did not go to bed for him, angels of Allah will curse her until the morning.

I will go to every well-known book used by all Muslim courts of law to provide judgment for Muslim's arguments or cases.

Book entitled “The Treasure of Workers on Legislation and Words and Deeds,”

by Imam Al Mutaqi Al Hindi, Section five in the Wife and Husband Rights, Chapter one (The Rights of Man Over the Woman):

The prophet Muhammad said:

44801 – “Right of the husband over his wife, that if the mucus, blood, pus and filth pours from his nose and she licks it with her tongue, that would not be enough to give the man his right over her! As long as I am not allowed to order a human being to prostrate to a human being, I would like to order the wife to prostrate to her husband when he enters to her home, upon the virtues of God.”

“If a man marries a virgin above non-virgins, he should stay with her seven days, and if he marries a non-virgin above the virgin, he should stay with her three days!”

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44824 – “For the free women two days (he should stay with her), and for the slave one day.”

44842- “If a man liked a

woman (he got sexually aroused), go and do your wife, for both have the same tools!”

Commentary of Imam Al-Nawawi on regards to the hadith of Sahih Muslim, Book 003, Number 0684:

Our companions have said that if the penile head has penetrated a woman’s anus or man’s anus, or an animal’s vagina or its anus, then it is necessary to wash whether the one being penetrated is alive or dead, young or old.

Qur'an 2:223:

Your women are tillage for you, so do to your tillage as ye will, and when as you like…

In the Book of Tafsir Al Kaber, Mafateeh Al Gaeeb, Printing 2004, Beirut, by Iamam Al Razi, Qur’an 2:223, p. 61:

Ibn 'Umar said this verse is about how it's fine to have sex by the woman’s anus: (ana sh ’tom), it’s allowable for men to do his woman from front or back, from her vagina, or from front or back position with her anus, and the second issue is to do them whenever you want or like, any time of your choice, he can f___ her (do nikah) standing or sitting or on her back.

• Notice how the word Nikah, which Muslims try to present as being about marriage, is used to describe how to perform sex positions while the man is doing Nikah.

• I think my commentary is not important anymore. Their words are more than enough to explain how Islam views women, and how male sexual gratification is so important and takes up a huge part of this cult. Do not forget that Muslims do not really love Allah. They love the sex Allah will provide them with in heaven.

not really love Allah. They love the sex Allah will provide them with in heaven.

This is why they would love to die. No more work, hard life will be history, a new era of sex and to win life.

• Muhammad did everything in his power to be sure that women were under slavery rules, and to give the man all the law or legal right to do that.

• The Muslims might say that the prophet said, “The best of your men is he who is the best to his wives!”

• This is only after all the conditions on women are met, and then the duty of man is to provide food and shelter. If the woman is of full obedience, he has no reason to be bad to her. We can see this in the coming verse: Qur’an 4:34:

Men are in control of women, because Allah hath made the one of them to be superior over the other, and because they spend of their money on women. So the good women are the full obedient, keeping in secret what Allah order to be kept. As for those from whom you may fear their submissiveness, admonish them and lock up them to their beds, and scourge them. Then if they obey you, punish them no more. For Allah is high, great.

You will hear Muslims say, regarding this verse, that it's about beating women lightly. The fact is, this verse shows:

1. The word lightly does not even exist in the verse. Not even in any interpretation of the Qur’an. You see, it's only in the English books to sell Islam to westerners. Just as Obama and others try to tell us by saying that Islam is peace.

2. Even if the word does not mean tough beating, at the end of the day, beating is beating. Regardless of how harsh or tough it is.

3. How light can a beating be? Lighter than a spit? It's about humiliation, not only the physical harm. Women are human. No one has the right to do such a thing to another human being.

4. Dogs in America have more rights than Muslim women. If you beat a dog in the USA, you go to jail, but if you beat a woman in an Islamic land, you are a hero who is teaching his wife how to behave!

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5. What about jailing the wives in their rooms? Even the man can rape them as part of their punishment. There was a case of which you might not have heard, where a mad man, American judge (New Jersey judge) let a Moroccan husband in the U.S. rape his wife without punishment, because he believed his Muslim religion permitted it. Muhammad said

Book entitled Tu'hfet

Al-A'hawazi Suana Al-Turmzi, book name Al-Rida', p. 272: The prophet Muhammad said, “If [you] would like to order to bow to someone other than Allah, it would be ordering the woman to bow down to her husband.

By him in Whose Hands hold my soul, a woman cannot carry out the right of her Lord, until she carries out the right of her husband. And if he asks her to surrender herself [to him for sexual intercourse] she should not refuse him even if she is on top of a camel's hump.”

Book entitled Faed

Al-Qadeer Fe Sharih Al-Jame' Al-Sa'ger, printed in Cairo, 1974, Vol. 2, p. 7: The prophet said, “The most who have right over a woman is her husband, as well as if her husband has an ulcer (pus), and she did lick it. She did not give him his right over her yet, and if an order someone to bow to someone other than Allah it would be ordering the woman bowing to her husband, and she should not cheat on him or forbid him from her money or herself sexually, even if she is on the top of the camel hump, and she should not go out of his house without his permission, even if it’s her parent’s funeral.”

6. In the BBC NEWS Wednesday, 14 January, 2004, 14:57 GMT,

'Imam rapped for wife-beating book.

Mustafa reportedly says he opposes violence against women. A Muslim cleric who wrote a book that advised men how to beat up their wives without leaving incriminating marks has been sentenced by a Spanish court.

incriminating marks has been sentenced by a Spanish court.

In his defense, the imam said he was interpreting passages from the Koran.

As you see, it's not how I am translating it or that maybe I am trying to make it look bad! That's how ugly and savage it really is.

In the coming hadith, we will see how the real beating in Islam is.


Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book 72, Hadith 715 in Arabic Book of Al-Libas (Book of clothes/green clothes), Hadith 5487:

Reported by Ekrema: “That Rifa'a divorced his wife and 'Abd Al-Rahman bin Al Zobair married her. 'Aisha said that she came to her wearing green clothes and showed her her skin and it was greener than her clothes from beating. And it's normal that women take the side of each other, so when Allah's Apostle came,

'Aisha said: ‘I have not met any woman tortured as much as Muslim women.

Look at her skin, it’s greener than her clothes (speaking to the Prophet)!’

But When 'Abd Al-Ra'hman heard that his wife went to the Prophet to complain, he came with his two sons from another wife.

She (his wife) said, ‘I swear by Allah! I have done nothing bad to him, but he is sexually disabled and is as useless to me as this,’ holding and showing the side of her garment. 'Abd Al-Ra'hman said: ‘I swear By Allah, Prophet, what she claims is a lie! I do shag her, same as if I am shagging the ground, but she is disobedient and wants to go back to Rifa'a (exhusband).’ Allah's Apostle said, to her: ‘If that is your aim (to go back to your exhusband) then you should know that it is unlawful for you to remarry Rifa'a, unless Abdur-Rahman has had sexual intercourse with you, and he tasted your juice.’ When the Prophet saw two men with 'Abd Al-Rahman so the Prophet asked him, ‘Are these your sons?’

'Abd Al-Rahman said, ‘Yes.’

The Prophet said (to the man's wife), ‘You made an allegation, and you insist that he cannot have sex? However, I swear by Allah, his male children resemble him as a crow resembles a crow.’”

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Maybe some of you do not know yet what this woman is trying to do! Muhammad created a crazy rule. It decreed that if a Muslim man divorced his wife three times, he could not have her back unless she has married and divorced someone else. Then after the second husband divorced her, she could remarry her exhusband again! This is seen in Qur’an 2:230: And if he hath divorced her three time, then she is not lawful unto him, until she marry another husband. Then if he (the new husband) divorce her, it is no problem for both of them that both (wife and her ex) come back together again if they like to do that.

• What the woman was trying to do was to save her family. Her husband had divorced her three times already, but she could not go back to her exhusband unless she married another man. As we see, she thought that this was an old man, he would marry her, and then she would make him hate her, maybe by refusing to have sex, then she might be able to go back to her family and kids, but the man was using his right as a Muslim man to beat her for refusing to be obedient to him and the refusal of sharing the bed. This was why this story had occurred.

• Here are the important issues of this story:

(a) Muhammad did not say one word against the husband beating her to the point that her skin became greener than her clothes!

(b) Muhammad took the side of the man. As a result, humiliating the woman.

(c) It's so clear that this woman does not want to share the bed with this man anymore. She is looking for any way to get out of this marriage, but Muhammad told her that if she wanted to go back to her exhusband, she had to have sexual

told her that if she wanted to go back to her exhusband, she had to have sexual intercourse with her second husband.

(d) Muhammad was proving to her that she was telling a lie about him being impotent, for he had two grown sons from another wife! Although I wonder what this has to do with a man's ability for sex. Impotency can happen anytime, because of illness to a man, even after having ten kids or more. Many men, even at a young age, not old as this man in the story, might not be able to perform the sexual relationship at all.

(e) On top of that, Muhammad gave this man Qur'an 4:34, to empower all men over women in Islam forever.


Sahih Muslim, Book 004, Hadith 1034:

Abu Huraira reported: That the Messenger of Allah said: “A woman, donkey and a dog defiles the prayer, but something like a packsaddle protects against that!”

• In this hadith we see that women, dogs and donkeys are all the same, and the men are the only humans!

• This is proof that Muhammad viewed women as animals.

• Muslims might say to cover this hadith, “Oh, it's about having sex. If you have sex, you need to do ablution.” The answer for this lie is the hadith itself: (a) It says woman, not wife. This includes any woman; mother, sister, or daughter. Do Muslims have sex with these?

(b) Muhammad listed women along with animals in the same line. Does that mean Muslims will have sex with donkeys and dogs? The sad fact is many of them do.

(c) Why did Muhammad forget the pig?

(d) What about all other animals? Don't they destroy the Muslim prayer? Like, what about the mule? Or, the horse? Is the rat fine?

(e) The most clear proof that it's not about sex with these three, women, dogs and donkeys, that would destroy the Muslim prayer, is because Muhammad said that the “packsaddle protects against that.” This means that if the Muslim man has a packsaddle between him and the three, or any of the three, he is still clean!

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has a packsaddle between him and the three, or any of the three, he is still clean!

(f) Now, do not ask me why Muhammad chose a packsaddle for protection and not anti-virus. Only Allah knows! As Muslims say when you corner them.


Tafsir Al-Qur’tobi, Al-

Jame' Le Ahkam, Al-Qur’an, chapter of Al-Noor, p. 146:

‘Aisha said: “Do not give women rooms alone and teach them not how write but teach them chapter of Al-Noor and spinning, sewing.”

'Aisha reported this from Muhammad. This is why the Talibans forbid females from going to schools in Afghanistan.


In the Book of Majdy Al Said Ibrahim, The Cult and Legend of Women (Cairo 1922), p. 61, chapter of The Duty of Woman to Service Her Husband: The Duty of Woman to Service Her Husband:

1. She cannot stay out in windows or a balcony;

2. She has to hide from men in the front doors (in the house); 3. She should not go out wearing perfume;

4. She shouldn’t wear short dresses, as infidels; 5. She shouldn’t walk in the middle of the street; 6. She shouldn’t speak in loud voice;

7. She shouldn’t associate with men;

8. She shouldn’t talk to men.

The writer of the book also explains what women should do / not do: 1. Speak with a low and weak voice;

2. Walk on the side of the street;

3. Do not ever expose yourself in your house door when there is a visitor; 4. Do not go out, if not necessary;

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4. Do not go out, if not necessary;

5. Do not ever leave your veil off for any reason; 6. Be sure of what you are wearing, when getting close to a balcony; 7. Do not ever shake hands with men (not with any man forbidden to you to marry);

8. Do not travel without a guardian of your male family members, for these are one of the cults of these days; 9. Do not spend your time in stupid things, but in praising Allah when you walk in street. No one should hear your voice and; 10.

Do not look left and right, but always look down.


Let us prove it with Qur’an 2:230 (Usama Dadok translation): So if he divorced her

[a third time], so it is not lawful for him to take her again until she has sex (nikah) with another husband.

Now from this verse we learned that if a woman has been divorced three times she cannot get back with her old husband until she does Nikah with the new husband, the meaning of which is that it is not the marriage with the new husband which will make her able to go back to the old one, but doing of the act of Nikah. We will prove this from this story in Sahih All-Bukhari. We got to go back to the hadith which we posted previously under the topic of Greener Than Her Clothes; Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book 72, Hadith 715 in Arabic, Book of Al-Libas (Book of clothes/green clothes), Hadith 5487: Reported by Ekrema: That Rifa'a divorced his wife and 'Abd Al-Rahman bin Al Zobair married her. 'Aisha said that she came to her wearing green clothes and showed her her skin and it was greener than her clothes from beating. And it's normal that women take the side of each other, so when Allah's Apostle came,

'Aisha said: I have not met any woman tortured as much as Muslim women.

Look at her skin, it’s greener than her clothes (Speaking to the Prophet)! But When 'Abd Al-Rahman heard that his wife went to the Prophet to complain, he came with his two sons from another wife. She (his wife) said, “I swear by Allah! I have done nothing bad to him, but he is sexually disabled and is as useless to me as this," holding and showing the side of her garment.'Abd Al-Rahman said: “I swear By Allah, Prophet, what she claims is a lie! I do shag her, same as if I am shagging the ground, but she is disobedient and wants to go back to Rifa'a (exhusband).” Allah's Apostle said, to her: “If that is your aim (to go back to your exhusband) then you should know that it is unlawful for you to remarry Rifa'a, unless Abdur-Rahman has had sexual intercourse with you, and

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remarry Rifa'a, unless Abdur-Rahman has had sexual intercourse with you, and he tasted your juice.” When the Prophet saw two men with'Abd Al-Rahman so the Prophet asked him, “Are these your sons?” 'Abd Al-Rahman said, “Yes.”

The Prophet said (to the man's wife), “You made an allegation, and you insist that he cannot have sex? However, I swear by Allah, his male children resemble him as a crow resembles a crow.”

Read with me carefully what Muhammad said, “ then you should know that it is unlawful for you to remarry Rifa'a, unless Abdur-Rahman has had sexual intercourse with you, and he tasted your juice.”

So in Qur’an 2:230 the

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word “to do is the

condition which the woman has to fulfill so she can go back to her exhusband.

The story before us is about a woman who is already married to the new husband, but this does not make her lawful to go back to her exhusband until she does Nikah, which is sexual intercourse, and he has to taste her juice. I will leave tasting the juice with no commentary. Just ask yourselves what kind of prophet speaks to a woman like this?

One more verse from the Usama Dakdok translation of Qur’an 33:50: O you prophet, surely we have made it lawful for you, your wives whom you have given their wages and those that your right hand possesses which Allah has granted you and the daughters of your paternal uncle and the daughters of your paternal aunts and the daughters of your maternal uncle and the daughters of your maternal aunts, those who emigrate with you. And a believing woman if she gives herself to the prophet to have sex (nikah ﻫ


) with her.

In the Yusuf Ali translation, he translated that last part as “any believing woman who dedicates her soul to the Prophet” This is one of the examples of the Muslims' deception, trying to cover their prophet’s sexual gifts to himself. Think about it, “dedicates her soul to the Prophet,” What would Muhammad do with her soul and what happened to the word Nikah? If it meant marriage, why do Muslims try to hide it in this verse?

I think things are clearer now, because of all the women who gave themselves to Muhammad as sex gifts, not even one of them was called a wife. The names of some of the women who gave themselves to Muhammad for sex are Khawla Bint Hakim, Zaenab Bint 'Khuzima and Um Shariek.

Sahih Muslim,

Book 008, Hadith 3453:

'Aisha narrated. “I used to be jealous of those women who [had] given themselves to Allah's Messenger,” and she said: “Then when Allah, the Exalted and Glorious, revealed this: ‘You may delay anyone of them, you wish, and take

to yourself any you wish; and if you desire any you have seat side.’” 'Aisha said:

“It seems to me that your Lord rushes to satisfy your (sexual) desire.”

Muhammad may delay any of these women. It sounds like a long line of women needed Muhammad badly in bed, and watch how'Aisha noticed that Muhammad was a false prophet when she said “It seems to me that your Lord rushes to satisfy your (sexual) desire.” She knew he is making up the Qur’an just to justify his sexual madness. Ask yourself why a man who already has many wives even allowed such a thing. Were his wives not enough and why was this licence given only to Muhammad?

Just think, the lord of the universe is busy making chapters about Muhammad’s special sexual needs.


Qur’an 4:3:

If you fear not to be just to the orphans, have sexual intercourse, whoever you like, two or three or four. And if you fear that ye cannot do justice to them, then one woman only or [the captives and slaves] that your right hands possess. Thus it is more likely you will not be inequitable.

• There are two kinds of women who are free to be slept with as wives, and the third to sleep with are slaves (nikah: sexual intercourse), but not marriage.

• If the orphans are not good for you, because they are poor and you cannot be nice to them for that reason, then go for the others.

• You have the choice of two or three or four. But if you cannot afford it, then just one.

• Muhammad preferred the Muslims to have more than one wife, but, if not, the last choice is one woman.

• The Qur’an indicates that Muslim men can have four wives, but only if they can do justice to them at the same time. The end of the verse says, you cannot be inequitable (unjust or unfair)!

• This would mean that Muslims should not ever marry or have more than four women in bed. Because of the conditions to have them, Muslim men are not able to have even one. This will be shown in other verses in the same chapter, as we see in Qur'an 4:129:

• You will not be able to deal equally in justice between your wives, does not matter how you try to do so!

• It's clear that Muhammad's law contradicts itself. To have four wives, I have to deal justly with them all, but I can't, so why are you saying I can marry four?



Sahih Al-Bukhari, Vol. 3, Book 47, Hadith 755:

Reported 'Orua that 'Aisha said: “The Prophet’s wives were in two parties.

First group included 'Aisha, Hafsa, Safiyia and Saoda, and the other group included Om Salama and the rest of the wives of Allah's Apostle. All The Muslims knew that Allah's Messsenger idolized and adored 'Aisha, so if any of them liked to deliver a gift and wished to give it to Allah's Messenger, he would hold over sending it, until Allah's Prophet had moved towards to

'Aisha's house, and then he would deliver his gift to Allah's Messenger in

'Aisha's home. The side of Om Salama discussed the matter meeting together and decided that Om Salama should request Allah's Messenger to tell the Muslims to send their gifts to him in whatever wife's house he is in.

Om Salama told Allah's Apostle of what they were asking for and what they said, but he did not reply. Then they (the team of Om Salama) asked Om Salama about it. She said, 'He did not reply or answer and did not say anything to me.' They asked her to try talking to him again. She talked to him again when she met him on her day, but he ignored her and gave no reply. When they asked her (the group of Om Salama), she replied that he had given no reply. They said to her, 'Keep asking him until he gives you a response.' And when it was her turn, she talked to him again. He (Muhammad) said to her: 'Do not harm me regarding 'Aisha, as the Divine Inspirations do not come to me on any (


) dress except the dress of

‘Aisha!' With that answer Om Salama said: 'I do repent to Allah for hurting you.' Then the group of Om Salama called Fatima, the daughter of Allah's Apostle and asked her to go to him and sent her to Allah's Apostle to say to him, 'Your wives request to apply to them and the daughter of Abu Bakr on equal terms.' Then Fatima delivered the message to him. The Prophet said, 'Oh my daughter! Don't you love whom I love?' Fatima replied in the positive, and went back and told them of the circumstance.

However, the group of Om Salama asked her to go to him again, but she rejected. They later sent Zainab bint Jahsh, who went to him and used

harsh words saying to (Muhammad), 'Your wives demand you to apply to them with the daughter of Ibn Abu Qo'hafa ('Aisha) on equal rights.' It followed that she raised her voice and yelling at ‘Aisha to her face so much so that Allah's Apostle looked at 'Aisha to see whether she would reverse the attack. Subsequently 'Aisha started yelling to Zainab until she silenced her. The Prophet then looked at 'Aisha and said. 'She is for sure the daughter of Abu Bakr!'"

1. Muhammad did not practice his god’s law for sure. Qur’an 4:129 says, “You will not be able to deal equally in justice between your wives, does not matter how you try to do so!”

2. This is a living example of how ugly it is to have more than one wife.

3. This shows how the wives are gathered in groups, as if it's two armies!

4. What about the kids? Will they then go in groups and hate each other?

5. The wives are not asking too much of Muhammad. I wonder if a woman came to Muhammad complaining about her husband doing the same as Muhammad was doing, I am sure Muhammad would ask the man to deal fairly and justly!

But, Muhammad will not!

6. Notice also how they are acting around him, as if they are cats. When one of them, Om Salama, opened her mouth, she said, “Do not hurt me regarding'Aisha.” This scared the hell out of her, for he said clearly that this was hurting him, not'Aisha! She answered like a poor cat, “I do repent to Allah for hurting you.”

7. The wives keep trying to make him change his mind. This is telling us how extremely angry they are, because all the money and gifts are going to 'Aisha's house only, which is unfair.

8. The Muslims were playing an evil role too. They waited until Muhammad was in'Aisha's house, because they knew if they sent the gift to any of the other wives houses,'Aisha would open the doors of hell on them! They totally understood that she was in control. To avoid her wrath, they sent their gifts to'Aisha's in order to get the benefit of the gift in full.

9. This means that Muhammad was favoring'Aisha above the others, because she was the youngest (his child-wife)! It was so clear to all the Muslims around. It was not just inside the walls of his house, but it was widespread knowledge!

10. Then we ask ourselves, how seriously unfair was Muhammad with the other wives; to the point that all Muslims, with no exception, sent their gifts to 'Aisha's home only?

11. When the other wives, through Om Salama, asked him for fair treatment, why did it take him forever to answer their request? Don't they even deserve an answer?

12. Muhammad was watching'Aisha and Hafsa fighting. While watching, he looked at'Aisha as giving her the green light to do the attack. It's so clear that'Aisha was a big mouth woman to the point it says, “she silenced her.”

13. After that, Muhammad insulted Hafsa by saying to'Aisha, “She is really the daughter of Abu Bakr!” Which means she is really good! Abu Bakr is his best friend and partner in the Islam Corporation.

14. Even his daughter Fatima, the one the Shi'a claim is the only real daughter of Muhammad, couldn’t help. On top of that, he said, “Don’t hurt me regarding'Aisha for I never received the Qur’an but in her dress!”

• The Muslims try to make the word 'dress' mean'Aisha's house, but when they say this; it means that Muhammad never received the Qur’an in the house of Khadija! This would mean that he lied!

• They do not like to envision their prophet wearing women's dresses, even though their many hadith are reporting it. Let's accept their position that the word dress means the house of 'Aisha, but this means that all the revelations Muhammad received when he was married to Khadija were lies. This is especially condemning, because at that time Muhammad only had Khadija as a wife!


When Sauda had aged, was fat, and heavy in movement, Muhammad stopped coming to her in her night for sex! Sauda heard that Muhammad might divorce her for she is useless for bed. She couldn’t find any solution. She knew that at this age, and because she had no kids, no one would marry her. She talked to

‘Aisha and asked her for help, because she knew how powerful ‘Aisha was.

Then'Aisha got an idea. We can find the reference concerning what ‘Aisha said in many locations. Here is one of them in Suanan Abu Dawood, Book of Nikah (sexual intercourse—which Muslims translate as marriage), p. 243, Hadith 2135:

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(sexual intercourse—which Muslims translate as marriage), p. 243, Hadith 2135: Reported from ‘Aisha: “The prophet used to go and visit all of us each in her day and he had sexual intercourse with each woman in her day only!” (Look how fair he was. Remember that the one talking is 'Aisha. There's no way she will complain.)


When Sauda aged and she felt or feared that the prophet might divorce her, she said, “Oh apostle of Allah, I give my day to'Aisha.” So the prophet accepted what Sauda said, and in this event Allah sent Qur’an 4:128: If a wife fears lack of sexual attraction (




)or abandonment on her

husband’s part, there is no chide or reproach on them if they arrange a reconciliation settlement between themselves; and such settlement is best; even though men’s souls are changed by greed. But if you do good and seek protection by obeying Allah, God is all knowledgeable with all that ye do.

The funny word (Nshoze,




) is the same word used in Qur’an 4:34 which

gives the man a reason for his wife-beating, but if the man did it, she has to let it go and do his wishes to please him!

Fateh Al-Bari Fe Shareh Sahih Al-Bukhari, 1986 printing, Publisher Al-Raian, p.


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“Sauda she said: I was afraid that the prophet might divorce her, because she was aged, so she said to him, ‘Do not divorce me and keep me as one of your wives and I give my day to 'Aisha as return!’ So the verse, Qur’an 4:128

revealed,” The hadith was narrated to by Jarer from Hisham, and Abu-Dawood, and it’s explained in Sahih Muslim.

Tafsir Ibn Kathir

Beirut, Published in 2002, Vol. 2, p. 428:

Reported from Ibn 'Abass: “Sauda aged and she was afraid that the prophet might divorce her and she lose her position as a wife, and she knew how much the prophet loved ‘Aisha and he favor, she is special to him, so she gave her day to her (‘Aisha) and the prophet accepted”

Fakhr Ad-Din Al Razi, Al Tafsir Al Kaber ( the big interpretation) on Qur’an 4:128:

The Prophet wanted to divorce Sauda bint Zam’a, but she offerd him to keep her on the condition that she would give up her day to 'Aisha, and he allowed that and he did not divorce her (Sauda).

The same story can be found in the Book of Mishkat Al Masabih, Vol. 2/966, No. 3237

Sahih Al-Bukhari, Vol. 3, Book 48, Hadith 853:

...Sauda bint Zam'a gave her day and night (her sexual rights as wife) to ‘Aisha, the wife of the Prophet trying to be satisfied and please Allah's Apostle.

The Arabic hadith has a different number; 2454:

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The Arabic hadith has a different number; 2454:

Why did Muhammad want to divorce this poor woman and stop sharing the bed with her? We may learn in Sahih Al-Bukhari, Vol. 2, Book 26, Hadith 740: Narrated ‘Aisha: “Sauda asked the Prophet to allow her to leave earlier at the night of Jam', and she Sauda was a fat and very slow woman. The Prophet granted her to leave.”

1. I can show more and more references about this story, but all, or a few, is more than enough to explain that Muhammad was never FAIR with his wives.

2. If the best man of Islam is not fair with his wives, can the other Muslims be?

3. The best man is a selfish man. He used this woman for years and years until she is old and fat, then he dumped her in his trash box! 4. Allah always makes chapters fit exactly with Muhammad's sexual lust and he's ready anytime to make it a holy order!

5. Muslims say that a Muslim man should always be fair with his wives, but then they threaten a woman with divorce for no fault other than her age and beauty. Is this fair?

6. Why didn't Allah say to him, “Shame on you to use this old woman when she was young and now you are humiliating her?” 7. Would any Muslim appreciate someone who would do the same as Muhammad did to their mother, sister or daughter?

8. How evil ‘Aisha was to jump into the coming opportunity to have more control of the house of Muhammad, which means the authority.

9. In the Qur’an, the verse is saying Allah is okay with women making agreements between each other. Was this for all Muslims or just for Muhammad? The fact is, it was only for Muhammad, as always! Was this really an agreement or was the poor old woman being forced into it only for the exchange of food and shelter?

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exchange of food and shelter?


The word noshoze in these verses means rejecting the spouse in bed or not liking him or her anymore. It's also about disobedience in the case of the husband ordering the women to go to bed.

The strange thing is this same word is in verse 4:34.

Noshoze is the excuse giving the man the right to beat his wife as punishment, because she does not like her husband in bed very much, or for not obeying him to go to bed (have sex), or any other reason. If the man is the one doing

“noshoze” to his wife, because he does not like to sleep with her anymore, Allah does not give the same right he gave to the man (the right of beating) to the women. Even though it's the same word and the same action, everything was changed depending to whom it's done.

1. Male doing noshoze to female = the man is good and Allah is okay with it, to the point that Allah blesses that action and supports it with a chapter.

2. Female doing noshoze to male = beating, jailing, and humiliation is the answer.

It's clear that Allah has two different laws for the same action. The rule changes when the gender changes. It's good and fine, and blessed by Allah, if a man does it, but it's condemned, refused and punishable by beating if the woman is doing it.


In that verse, the Muslims translate the word 'Ohjroin, , as,

“leave them in bed as punishment,” but we found that the word “noshoze” is a person leaving the bed of the spouse. It is clear Muslims are not telling the truth, because if a woman leaves your bed, this is your problem with her. So how can

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you force her to share the bed by leaving her in bed?

The fact is, that word is about jailing them, tying them up and raping them as punishment for rejecting the man. I will show the proof, as always, from their Islamic books.

One of the rules Muhammad made was giving the man open choice as to when women deserved to be beaten, and that no one had the right even to question the husband's behavior, as we see in the following hadith.

Sunan Abu Dawood, Book 11, Hadith 2142:

Narrated mar Ibn Al Khatab: The Prophet said: “No man should be asked or to be questioned as how and why he beat his wife.”

Sunan Abu Dawood, Book 12, Number 2220:

'Habibah bent (daughter) of Sahel she was the wife of Thabet, so he did beat her until he broke some of her parts! So she came to the Prophet asking for justice, so the Prophet did call asking for him, when he came the Prophet said to him,

“Take some of her money and leave her.” Thabet said, “Is that alright?! I gave her two gardens as her dowry.” The Prophet said, “Take them back and leave her.”


• Muhammad forced the woman, whose bones were broken from being beaten, to lose the money she had received as payment for this marriage.

• This means he is punishing the woman for marring this man. She is leaving the marriage with broken bones, no money and no house; so she lost everything.

• Muhammad didn't say one word to the man about how severely he had beaten her, nor did he even question the man as to why he did this.

• This means that according to Islam, if a woman takes her husband to court over

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a bad beating, she will lose everything and he loses nothing. He gets his full money back. He then can purchase a new wife!

• This is proof that in Islam man is god over women, and what Muslims say about light beatings being just tapping, is a big fat lie!


One of the big contradictions in Islam is its orders and teachings about sex. On one hand, Islam teaches that morality is a duty of every Muslim. On the other hand, Islam is a Playboy book.

Muhammad seduces men with sexual promises and sometimes these promises are mere fantasies rather than promises that can be fulfilled in reality.

In Tuhfat Al-Habib 'Ala Share'h el Al-Khateb, Book of Nukah (Book of the F-word), p. 356, Imam Al-Qur’tubi said:

In summary, the preceding text says that it is lawful to have sex with your family members in heaven, except with your mother and daughter. A sexual relationship between family members is not considered incest, because it will not result in procreation. It is also considered not as bad as having anal sex.

Additionally, Muhammad was reported to say that Allah will give each man a penis the size of a palm tree whose end cannot be seen.

As we continue reading the text, a man is permitted to have sex with all the women from his family, except his mother and daughter in the Islamic heaven.

This means that Muslim men can have sex with their sisters, grandmothers, aunts, and nieces. Muhammad also extended that authority by allowing men to have sex with everyone else. By that, Muhammad is satisfying the sexual fantasies and needs of Bedouin men.

Arab people, who lived in the desert, lived a simple life. Everything in their life was based on wealth (animals, gold, and women). By promising endless sexual gratification, Muhammad spoke to their dreams and made these dreams attainable. As a result, he controlled their minds and did not give them enough space to think about these promises —that is, whether they could be fulfilled or

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space to think about these promises —that is, whether they could be fulfilled or not—because they are too good to be ignored.


Muhammad takes it further by giving Muslim men what they want. They want to have very huge private parts. Men will have a penis the size of palm trees whose end cannot be seen. Muhammad used the word

, which means the end

cannot be seen. Additionally, Allah will provide the men with a woman who has a vagina that will fit the man’s over-sized penis.


Let us start with some verses showing the morality found in the Qur’an. Qur'an 23:5-7:

5 And those who guard their private parts (from others) 6except from their women or the slaves that they own7and whoever goes beyond these exceptions is against Allah.

What we understand from this is that Muslim men have several ways to satisfy their sexual desires:

1. He can marry four wives at the same time and divorce any of them anytime to make room for new wives.

2. He can hire a woman for sex in a temporary marriage, known as Mut'a. Mut'a is simply an agreement between a man and woman to share a bed for a period of time wherein the length of contract and amount of payment is prearranged.

3. He has the right to have sexual intercourse with all his slaves regardless of their number. They can be in the millions but as long as he owns them, he has the right to sleep with all of them. This is in contrast to the maximum number of wives he is allowed to have.

The point of using the word “marriage” in Islam is simply to legalize extra-marital affairs. It is not a real marriage:

• Women are exploited for sex.

• No loyalty is bestowed on them.

• No loyalty is bestowed on them.

• It is easy for a man to divorce his wife or wives.

• Marriage is loose. It is done according to the man’s will, not both (man and woman).

• By law, a contract provides both sides equal rights including starting and ending the marriage contract. However, according to the Qur’an and Muhammad, the right is based only on gender— that is, men receive special treatment. It gives men absolute authority and full control of the contract. This likens the woman to a mere employee who provides service to the man for as long as he requires or wills it. He can void the contract anytime. He can say “I do not need you anymore. Get out!”

• This proves that the whole idea of marriage in Islam is just a way to make the man happy. The woman is simply a sex toy. She has no rights except for what is provisioned in the contract, which is nothing more than the payment.

Muslims claim that Muslim women are given all the rights that no other women had before. However, the fact is the rights they are referring to are nothing more than the same rights given to animals; that is, feeding them and giving them shelter. The man, the “provider,” provides the same “rights” to his animals as well.

Also, Islam supposedly provided women the right to inherit, but they do not tell us that she only inherits half of what her male counterpart will inherit. I will discuss this further in the section where I discuss the rights of women in Islam.

This kind of teaching is opposite to what Christ said in Mathew 19:5-6 (KJV):

“For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh. So then, they are no longer two but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate.”

Christian marriage is a unity by God, not a contract for sex.

I will give you an example how this kind of sexual contract has to be done according to the verse, Qur’an 4:24. We have a man and woman discussing a Mut’a arrangement. We’ll call the man, Ahmad, and the woman, Fatima.

Ahmad : .......Salam to you, Fatima.

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Fatima: ........And to you, too! How I can help you?

Ahmed : ........I feel a great desire for sharing a bed with you for a halfhour in accordance to Allah’s order to do pleasure marriage (mut'a).

Fatima : ........I am ready for that, but how much will you pay me? Ahmed:

........I will pay you three dollars and 50 cents.

Fatima: ........Well, I did a man before you for ten dollars.

Ahmed: ........Okay, I will make it five. Maybe he was rich. I am not!

Fatima: ........Fine. We will have a halfhour sex, and you pay me before my sweat dries, as the prophet said.

Ahmed: ........It’s a done deal. Let us go to bed.

When the halfhour agreement is over, the Mut’a marriage automatically ends, which means no divorce proceedure is necessary (i.e. not necessary for the man to recite “I divorce you,” three times).

What you may have not noticed here is that Mut’a is a marriage that does not require witnesses. This is an important point because adultery is condemned in Islamic law. If an illicit sexual relationship between a man and a woman is discovered and attested to by four male witnesses (a minimum of four witnesses is required to prove adultery according to Qur'an 24:4), all the couple needs to do is claim that they are engaged in a Mut’a marriage. No one can disprove this, because the couple is not required to have witnesses to this temporary marriage.

Let's read about it in the Book of Sahih Al Kafi by the Imam Al-Bahbodi, Vol. 3, Number 46:

Reported by Al-Husin son of Muhammad from Ahmed son of Ishaq from Sa'dan son of Muslim from Aubid son of Zarah from his father from Abdullah, peace be upon him: I mentioned to him the Mut'a asking if it’s one of the four (kinds of approved sexual relationships). He said, “Marry from them (women) one thousand. They are women for rent.”

What this means is that you can rent as many women as you want for sex. The number, one thousand, mentioned in the verse is used to mean that men have an

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number, one thousand, mentioned in the verse is used to mean that men have an unlimited license to rent women (read: prostitutes), as long as they have the money.

I also wonder how they can get away with using the word “marry,” when they are, in fact, hiring! What Muslims call “marriage,” we call “prostitution”—and if their marriage is prostitution, what does that make of their adultery?

If we read carefully you will notice that this is the same as Mut'a; if you have money you can buy women and have sex with them. If she is a free woman, then it’s a contract between the two, her and the temporary husband; otherwise it is a purchase contract between slave buyer and seller, but it is all about sex.

From the Sunni Muslim books we get clarification. Book entitled, Al-Muhalla, Vol. 6, part 9, p. 467, Imam of Ahlu-Sunnah, by Ibn 'Hazm he said: No one is allowed to have together more than four women, but in addition to them, he is allowed to purchase as many women as he wants.

This is just the superficial view of Islamic law on adultery. If we dig deeper, we would find out that it is more complicated than it looks.

What I showed you in the last verse is the definition of legal sexual relationship, but Islam does not forbid a lot of ugly behavior: Qur’an 4:23, Usama Dakdok translation:

Forbidden to you are your mothers and your daughters and your sisters and your paternal aunts and your maternal aunts and the daughters of the brother and the daughters of the sister and the mothers who nursed you (any woman who feeds a man at least five times becomes his mother) and your sisters in the breast feedings (any girl who has been breastfed by a man's mother at least five times becomes his sister) and the mothers of your women (wives) and your step-daughters who are in your laps, born of your women (wives) which you had entered into (had sex with). So if you were not entered into them (not had sex with them), so you are not at fault, and also the wives of your sons who proceed out of your backbone (this was believed to be the origin of man's sperm) and two sisters together, except where it is already done. Surely Allah was forgiving, merciful.

And forbidden to you a married woman except the [captured] slave as Allah has ordained upon you. Except for these, all others are lawful, provided you seek them with agreement of money from your property, without breaking the law of Allah. So for whatever you have enjoyed from them, pay them what you agreed to pay. Allah is all knowing, all wise.

What this means is that Islam legalizes sexual relationship between the Muslim man and his own married female slave. This hadith explains the verse for us; Sahih Al-Bukhari, Vol. 7, Book 62, Number 137:

We got women captives from the war spoils, and we used to sleep with them. So we asked Allah's messenger about having sex with them, and he said: “Do you really do that?” Restating the question three times, then he said: “There is no soul that is made (by Allah) to be present but will come into existence until the day of resurrection...”

A sexual relationship with a married woman is forbidden in Islam, that is with a married Muslim woman. Non-Muslim women who are married are fair game.

Whether they are kidnapped from their husband first or not, non-Muslim wives are free for the Muslim man to take by force. Kidnapping is optional, because it does not “legalize” the rape. The rape of non-Muslim wives is already legal or approved.

Additionally, Muslims are allowed to force their kidnapped non-Muslim women into prostitution. They are considered their kidnapper’s property and, therefore, subject to be used as tools for business.


Islam does not only approve slavery, but makes it a very important part of the economy, military, and sexual life of every Muslim, as we begin to see in Qur’an 30:28:

He (Allah) has given you a fable from your own life and yourselves. Do you take your slaves as partners, in what We have given you for sustenance, power, respect, and wealth? However, you fear them not to share with you your wealth as you fear each other. Thus do. We make an explanation for people who understand.

In this so-called parable, Allah is forbidding Muslims—who received wealth and power from Allah—to share wealth and respect with their slaves. Allah is

making it clear that he is god to Muslims, and Muslims are gods to their slaves.

Allah does not want partners to share his power. Therefore, Muslims must not share their wealth and respect with their slaves. You can read Islamic interpretations in English confirming this translation. Go to; on the left of the screen, select “Tafsir Al-Jalalayn in English;” enter the Tafsir by selecting “Click here” at the bottom of the page; for Sura, select “30 Ar-Rùm” and for Verse No., select “28;” finally select




Many try to judge the laws in the Bible by comparing it to the laws of today. I have no problem with that, as long they can name for me one law, that we have been ordered to follow today, which does not fit with the human rights laws of today. What was made thousands of years ago was made appropriate for that period, in a time when all lived by the sword and died by it. The nation of Israel itself (the entire nation) was enslaved. It was the lifestyle at that time; they had to survive within it, but did not have to love it. At that time you did not have a lot of choices. Whether you did or did not like owning a slave, you might end up being one!

For me, the teaching of Christ is not only a solution for a painful history that humans went through, but it is an all-knowing solution to horrific problems from which humans suffer, like hunger, war, hate, violence and slavery.

This is the teaching of Christ and this is why I am Christian; Matthew 5:44: But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them, which despitefully use you, and persecute you;

The Bible provides laws on how to deal with cases concerning slaves. As a matter of fact, these laws protected the slave. Exodus 21:20

"If a man strikes his male or female slave with a rod and he dies at his hand, he shall be punished."

The Bible provides every reason to free the slave, including offenses such as the master breaking the slave’s tooth! This means, “If you break my tooth, I am free!” Exodus 21:26-27:

26If a man strikes the eye of his male or female servant, and destroys it, he shall let him go free for the sake of his eye.27 And if he knocks out the tooth of his male or female servant, he shall let him go free for the sake of his tooth.

The Bible even orders the protection of the slave who runs from his master seeking freedom. Deuteronomy 23:15:

You shall not hand over to his master a slave who has escaped from his master to you.

If the slave owner beats his slave to death, he will be punished for his crime.

Exodus 21:20:

“If a man strikes his male or female slave with a rod and he dies at his hand, he shall be punished.”

Causing the death of a slave is punishable by death in the Bible. Exodus 21:12:

“He who strikes a man so that he dies shall surely be put to death.”

In the old days, when a man became destitute, he could sell himself as a slave.

The Bible also provided protection for such a man. Leviticus 25:39-43: If a countryman of yours becomes so poor with regard to you that he sells himself to you, you shall not subject him to a slave's service. He shall be with you as a hired man, as if he were a sojourner; he shall serve with you until the year of jubilee. He shall then go out from you, he and his sons with him, and shall go back to his family, that he may return to the property of his forefathers.

For they are My servants whom I brought out from the land of Egypt; they are not to be sold in a slave sale. You shall not rule over him with severity, but are to revere your God.

The Bible also warns against slave abuse, and whoever commits such a crime will be punished for it. The Bible even encourages familial love towards slaves.

Proverbs 29:21:

He who pampers his slave from childhood will in the end find him to be a son.

Slavery was and is a part of human tragedy. The Jewish nation herself was enslaved by both whites (Babylonians) and Africans (Egyptian). This tells us that slavery was not a crime against color but a crime against other nations.

Whites enslaved whites, blacks enslaved blacks, and blacks and whites enslaved blacks and whites.

In the Bible, we find Exodus 21:16, which many do not like to mention:

He who kidnaps a man, whether he sells him or he is found in his possession, shall surely be put to death.

This means that it is a crime to kidnap a person to own or sell as a slave. The punishment of death is so clearly stated, but was that enough to stop slavery? For sure it wasn't, because the greed of man is endless.

We can see that the Bible always works in one direction, which is to make humans more human as illustrated in 1 Timothy 6:1-2: All who are under the yoke as slaves are to regard their own masters as worthy of all honor so that the name of God and our doctrine will not be spoken against.

Those who have believers as their masters must not be disrespectful to them because they are brethren, but must serve them all the more, because those who partake of the benefit are believers and beloved. Teach and preach these principles.

Those who hate Christianity try to use the same verse to point out that the Bible is ordering Christians to be good slaves! On the contrary, it is clear that the verse is calling the master and the slave as brothers—as equals. It is telling them to be good to each other. This is what Christ’s mission is all about—peace and love. It is totally against fighting.

Some people argue, “If the white man is a Christian, then why does he enslave others?” The simple answer is greed. It is the same reason that made the Africans enslave their fellow-Africans and the Israelites. We need to remember that change in humans goes at a very slow pace, and that’s why slavery of all kinds still exists today. Not much has changed. The Bible has said over and over again—that to God, we are all equal. We are all His children. In Galatians 3:28: There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free man, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.

Again in Colossians 3:11:

A renewal in which there is no distinction between Greek and Jew, circumcised and uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave and freeman, but Christ is all, and in all.

Christ also spoke about the rich who are ungodly. Matthew 19:24:

And again I say unto you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.

As we all know, Muslims always try to fool African Americans into believing that Islam is the only religion that is free of prejudice. Muslims are exactly the kinds of people described in Matthew 23:24:

Ye blind guides, which strain at a gnat, and swallow a camel.

Now we will see how slavery works in Islam.


The source of slavery in Islam:

1. War against non-Muslims.

Christians, Jews, and infidels like Safia and Juria whom Muhammad enslaved after killing their entire tribe.

2. Gifts, as in the case of Mariah the Copt.

She was sent as a gift, along with her cousins, to Muhammad, and he accepted them.

3. Buying and selling.

Muhammad sold and bought slaves.

4. Progeny.

The son of a slave is a slave.

5. A form of punishment.

The son of a free woman who commits adultery automatically becomes a slave.

Muhammad ordered that newborn sons that result from a woman’s adulterous relationship will automatically become a slave.

6. Inheritance.

Out of thousands, a few examples are enough to prove these points.


Sahih Al-Bukhari, Vol. 3, Book 46, Hadith 717:

...The Prophet of Allah did unexpectedly attack the tribe of Al-Mus'taliq short of any warning as they were unconcerned and while they were busy watering their animals. Their fighting men were killed, and their women and children were taken as slaves; the Prophet got Jureyah (the daughter of Mus'taliq tribe leader) on that day...

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Book of Adau'a Al-Bayean, Vol. 3, Number 387:

The reason to own humans as slaves is if Allah gives victory to those who sacrifice their money and their force to fight the kafir (infidels) so if the word of Allah gives victory he, Allah, makes them (the enemy) their slaves except if the leader chooses to accept ransom for them.

After Muhammad defeated his enemies, he enslaved them and forced them to fight for him. He used their strong bodies to win him victory in war. If the slave showed skill and leadership in fighting, Muhammad made him lead the war against the free peoples. Ironically, although the slave warrior was given an honorable position in Muhammad’s army, he remained a slave.

In a story found in the Book of Fateh Al-Bary Fee Share'h Sahih Al-Bukhari (p.

131), some of the white Arab men got upset when they heard that Bilal, the Ethiopian, would lead them. When they approached Muhammad, Abu-Zer, who spoke for the group, said, “I refuse to obey a black slave!” Muhammad's answer is found in Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book 11, Hadith 662: The Prophet said, “Consider and take orders from your leader, even if he is an Ethiopian whose head is like a raisin were made to you a leader.”

Book of Sahih of Abu Dawood, Hadith 2158 and the hadith approved by the Book of Al-Alabani (Sahih Abu Dawood, Number 1890):

“The Prophet said

that it is not lawful for a Muslim to have sex with a slave woman until he is sure she is not pregnant.”

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However, Muhammad, as always, said things he did not mean. In the same day that he slaughtered the entire tribe of Khaiber, Muhammad himself raped their women, including Safia. She was a young wife whose husband was killed in the slaughter. Muhammad didn’t wait to find out first if Safia was pregnant before he raped her.

ATTACK ON THE TRIBE OF KHAIBER (JEWISH TRIBE) Book of Al-Magazi by Al-Waqidy, p. 708: Abu Ayoub spent his night standing guard next to the tent of the Prophet holding his sword. When the morning came, the Prophet came out, so he said “Allah is Akbar.” Muhammad said to him,

“What is up Abu Ayoub?” Abu Ayoub answered, “Oh apostle of Allah, you slept with this slave (Safia) and you just killed her father and brothers and her husband and all of her tribe, so I was afraid she might assassinate you. The prophet laughed and said, “I will return this favor to you.”

The same story can be found in book entitled Zad Al-M'ad Fe Huda 'Khaer Al-

'Ebad, Printing 1198, Publisher Dar Al-Risalah, chapter of Attacking the Tribe of


Muslims in the West like to quote a hadith where 'Umar Ibn Al-Khattab is claimed to have said, “How can you enslave people when their mothers gave birth to them as free people?” This narrative is, in fact, true. However, it is reported only for the sole purpose of deceiving the listener. We can easily show how the report does not represent any truth about Islam’s stance on slavery.

The real context of the story centers on the antagonism between 'Umar Ibn Al-Khattab and 'Amr Ibn Al-'Aas. When Al-Khattab asked the question quoted above, he was not admonishing Al-'Aas for having slaves—instead, he was trying to humiliate Al-'Ass while making himself look morally superior over Al-


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Al-'Ass said that he hated slavery, so Al-Khattab was forcing him to explain why he did not have any problem accepting all the verses in the Qur’an regarding slavery. Al-'Ass himself owned thousands of slaves. He raped and beat his slaves and he never freed any of his slaves. Al-Khattab’s question was not a question meant to condemn slavery. It was a question meant to attack and expose his deeply hated enemy as a hypocrite.

It is interesting to note that if Al-Khattab’s question was meant to condemn slavery, wouldn’t that mean that he thought Muhammad was a bad man, since Muhammad himself owned slaves and gladly accepted men and women slaves, not only as spoils of war, but also as gifts? The claim that Al-Khattab’s popularly quoted question is an example of Islam’s stance against slavery is a joke. When put in its proper context, the question is actually nothing but an expression of hate and jealousy between two men. The narrative itself has nothing to do with freeing slaves.

By the way, Muhammad never gave orders and conditions when to free a slave.

When I say never, I mean NEVER! I challenge any Muslim to quote one verse ordering Muslims to free their slaves. Freeing a slave was up to the owner to do or not do. It is optional.

In fact, he re-enslaved a freed slave. Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book 85, Hadith 80 (also see Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book 41, Hadith 598):

An adult male human from the Ansaar gave his youth slave his freedom, and let his slave go free, and he did not have any other property. This news arrived at Allah's Messenger. Moreover, the messenger said, “Who will buy that slave from me?" So Nu'aem bin Abd-Allah Al-Na'ham bought him for 800 Dirhams.

Jabir added: It was a Coptic slave who passed away that year.

This hadith shows how Muhammad was in full control of slavery as a business.

He could even do things against anyone’s will. When a man freed his slave, Muhammad put the slave back into slavery and made money out of him. At the same time, he showed no mercy toward the poor slave who was waiting all his life to be freed. Also see that the slave died after he was sold again. I would not be surprised if this was because of depression. What would Muhammad lose if

be surprised if this was because of depression. What would Muhammad lose if he had let the man go? He did not even own the man, but money was Muhammad’s god.

The slave owner was poor, and his only property was his slave, but he still chose to free his slave. Why did Muhammad cancel the slave’s emancipation? He knew that if everybody started freeing their slaves, then the slave market could not continue to thrive?

Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book 8, Vol. 82, Hadith 822:

Reported by Abu Huraira:

“The opinion of Allah's messenger [was] requested when the unmarried slave girl [was] found guilty of unlawful intercourse. On that ground, he responded,

"If she performs illegitimate sexual intercourse, then scourge her fifty belts, and if she engages unlawful sexual intercourse another time, after that lash her fifty belts, and if she commits unlawful sexual intercourse for the third time, after that lash her fifty belts and trades her for even for the price of her tie.”

By making such a rule, her owner could rape her at the same time, but she cannot have unlawful sexual intercourse. Based on this, if the slave is sick of her master, she is forced now to do such behavior, so she might get out of that master's home to be with a new master.


We always hear Muslims speak about Bilal, the black man who was one of Muhammad’s slaves. Muslims try to fool African Americans into believing that there is no racism in Islam by telling them that Bilal was the first to chant the call for prayer. What the Muslims will not say is that Bilal was simply following orders from Muhammad, his master. Bilal was not given a place of honor as Muslims want us to think. Bilal was just a slave following another order from his master.

Let us see how Bilal had no life. He was a slave who did not have the right to choose what to do.


I can show hundreds of hadiths about Bilal doing tasks that are all ordered for him to do, including orders for him to do the call for prayer.

Allah's Apostle orders Bilal to get up and pronounce the Adhan for prayers:

1. Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book 11, Hadith 578

2. Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book 11, Hadith 579

3. Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book 11, Hadith 580

4. Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book 56, Hadith 663

5. Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book 52, Hadith 297

6. Sunan Abu Dawood, Book 1, Hadith 0193

“Then he commanded Bilal to call for prayer.”

Ask yourself why Muhammad did not call for the prayer himself or why he never ordered Abu Bakr or Ali or anyone else. Only this poor slave had to get up early in the morning and get ready before everyone else, and then scream to wake up all of Mecca! He was selected to do the call for prayer simply because no one wanted to do it. It’s the slave’s job.


Sahih Al-Bukhari, Vol. 4, Book 52, Hadith 297:

...Bilal was ordered to announce the news amongst the people...

May Allah support this religion of Islam with wicked men?

Sahih Al-Bukhari, Vol. 8, Book 77, Hadith 603) : ...Allah's messenger said,

"Bilal! Get up and broadcast in the community, none will enter heaven but a worshiper and Allah may. He supports this religion Islam with wicked men."


Sahih Al-Bukhari, Vol. 5, Book 59, Hadith 524:

...The Messenger ordered Bilal to lay out the leather carpets on which dates, dehydrated yogurt and butter were put on it...


Sahih Al-Bukhari, Vol. 3, Book 38, Hadith 504:

...The Prophet of Allah said, "Oh Bilal, pay him the price of the camel and provide him bonus money...”

Even other people ordered Bilal around; Sunan Abu Dawood, Book 2, Hadith 498:

...afterwards the Apostle of Allah, may Allah pray on him, said: “O Bilal, stand up, see what Abdullah Ibn Zayed commanded you to do, then do it.”

Muhammad also made it clear that a slave, even if he is a Muslim, cannot be a witness in the court as we can see in the Qur’an 5:106, interpretation of Tanwîr Al-Miqbâs min Tafsîr Ibn ‘Abbâs:

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Al-Miqbâs min Tafsîr Ibn ‘Abbâs:

O ye who you believe! Let there be witnesses among and between you, in agreement or upon traveling, so when one of you dies, then of the dead person, two witnesses should testify for his will, just men from among you (no women accepted) two free men (no slave accepted).


In the coming hadith, we see the slave Bilal begging for his freedom after Muhammad’s death and he still did not get it (Sahih Bukhari, Vol. 5, Book 57, Hadith 99):

Narrated Qais: Bilal said to Abu Bakr, "If you have bought me for own then keep me for yourself to serve, but if you have bought me for the sake of Allah, then free me to do work for Allah."

After all the services this man provided, why did he need to beg for his freedom?

Shouldn’t he get it right away from the good prophet Muhammad or the good companion Abu Bakr? Why didn't Muhammad order Abu Bakr to do it? This man was a faithful slave to them. He fought and kidnapped for them. He fed the animals and collected money for his masters as a merchant. He did everything.

Why did the good men of Allah wait for him to beg for his freedom?


As long as we started with the Hadith of 'Umar Ibn Al-Khattab, I will show some stories about this man and see how ugly his character is. You can find this hadith in the book, The Pact of 'Umar Ibn Al-Khattab. Let’s see how this man dealt with slaves. The Imam Al-Beyhaqi records in Al-Sunnan Al-Kobra, Vol. 2, p.


Hadith from grandfather of Annas, son of Malik, that the women slaves of 'Umar Ibn Al-Khattab used to serve us with their hair uncovered and their breasts shaking touching their hair.

You will notice that 'Umar Al-Khattab owned many female slaves. Not only that, in the following hadith, you will notice that Al-Khattab beat the slave women when they covered themselves. He wanted them exposed for him and his visitors

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when they covered themselves. He wanted them exposed for him and his visitors to enjoy watching. Book of Kanes Al-Umal Fee Suanan Al-A'qwal, Hadith 41925:

Reported by Anass: “'Umar Ibn Al-Khattab saw a slave woman wearing her headscarf so he beat her screaming, ‘You should not clothe yourself like a free woman!’”

You can find the same narration in the following books:

● Tabaqat Ibn Saad, Vol. 7, p. 127 ● Tarikh Damishq, Vol. 58, p. 191

Book of Kanez Al-'Umal Fee Suanan Al-A'qwal, Vol. 15, Hadith 41928, p. 486: Reported by Al-Museeb Ibn Daram: He said “I saw 'Umar beating a woman slave on her head with a stick until her cover fell down and he told her not to dress or assume the manner of a free woman.”

The link to hadith in Arabic:


Book of Al-Mu'gny by Ibn 'Qudamah, Vol. 10, p. 412: Reported from Sa'id by Sufyian from Ibn Abu Naje'h from a man in the city of Madina: 'Umar used to pull out his male organ before he had orgasm when he was having sex with a female slave girl. One day, she told him that she was pregnant, then 'Umar, praying to Allah, said, “Allah, do not make in my family one who is not from me, because no one in my family is from a shameful line; then the slave girl gave birth to a black boy. 'Umar asked her who was the baby’s father. She said the camel shepherd, then 'Umar thanked Allah (that he is not the father).

In this hadith, we see that the slave girl is nothing but a sex toy. Her master and his friends shared her. It is clear from the narration that 'Umar used slaves for

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his friends shared her. It is clear from the narration that 'Umar used slaves for sex only, not procreation. However, remember that Muslims claim Islam is against adultery, yet we see here that sharing a slave girl is permitted. A slave girl is not considered human enough that a sexual relationship with her would be condemned as adultery.

Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book 58, Hadith 197:

I saw the Messenger of Allah, and in the accompany of him were the only ones who converted to Islam, five slaves, two women, and Abu Bakr.

As always, we see Muhammad owning slaves, and his house is full of them.

Notice also in the narration that no one can enter his house without first asking for permission through his slaves.

Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book 72, Hadith 734:

...At the doorway of the room, over there was a black slave to whom I walked and said, I request to me a permission from the prophet to enter. He authorized me and I entered to see the Prophet lying on a carpet that had left its engraving on his side...

Book of Kenz El-'Umal Fe Sunan Al-Aqual, Hadith 44824 ( You give the free women two nights and slave woman one night (for sex).

Book of 'Awen Al-Ma'bud Fe Shareh abu Dawood, p. 190: Imam Al-Sui'ty said: “Beat not your wife the same way you beat the slave women.”

• This means you can beat them both but you can be harder on slave woman.

Killing someone is not always punishable by death. According to Muhammad, the killer can pay what is called a payback ransom. The victim’s life is exchanged with a female slave or a newborn baby male (Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book 83, Hadith 41):

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Reported by Abu Huraira: “Two adult females from the tribe of Hazeail fought and one of them threw a rock at the other woman causing her a miscarriage.

Allah's Apostle gave his judgment that the killer of the fetus should give a slave’s newborn baby, male or female, as payback ransom to the woman who had the miscarriage.”

This hadith can be found in Arabic in Sahih Al-Bukhari, Hadith 1681, and Sahih Muslim, Hadith 6910:

Let's think about this story for few moments. Imagine yourself a slave woman, and your lady master caused someone to have a miscarriage. Ask yourself these questions:

1. Is it from the mercy of Allah and his prophet that the slave woman, who did no crime, should lose her baby to a strange woman, as if her baby is a puppy to give away at anytime to anyone?

2. Is it fair, from the mercy of Allah and his prophet, that the baby will grow without his biological mother for no crime of his own? 3. If Muhammad was a slave, would he like it if someone took his newborn son or daughter as payment for a crime he did not do?

Muhammad made his judgment regarding the death of the fetus based on the Qur’an (







, Al-Baqara, Qur’an 2:178):

O you who believe! It’s an order upon yourselves in the case of murder a punishment: free for the free, slave for the slave, and women for the woman However, Muhammad did not really follow what this verse commanded. The Qur’an had no answer for a case where an adult kills an unborn baby, so he created a new rule. He added to the Qur’an as law, that the payback ransom in such cases is a newborn baby of a slave.

The fact is Muhammad made it clear that there is not punishment for killing a slave.

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The Free Man Will Not Be Killed for Murdering the Slave (Mutta' Malik, Book 43, Hadith 21.15)

According to Qur'an of Allah, the high the glorified in the case of the counter attack it is written for you in the case of murdering. The freeman for the freeman and the slave for the slave. Malik said, the one was murdered, only has the right against the one who murdered him. If the killer who murdered the man, he dies, the one was murdered has no rights against the killers no more, or blood-money.

Malik said: There is no punishment arranged against a freeman by a slave for any injury. The slave is killed for the freeman when he purposely murders him.

The free man will not be killed for murdering the slave, even if he murders. He did it intentionally. This is the most accurate way I learned.

Notice also that the verse divides the human race into three classes, and the judgment for each class is exclusive. If a free man kills another freeman, the killer is sentenced to death. If a freeman kills a slave, he is not sentenced to death. Instead, one of the freeman’s slaves will be killed or he pays the owner of the slave with another slave. If a woman is killed, another woman is killed as payment for her death. What kind of justice is this?

Muslims give us speeches about the merciful Allah and the merciful Muhammad, but narratives like these show just how Islam exemplifies the cruel way slaves are treated, as mere commodities and sex toys.

Slaves are not even allowed to sing, as we see in the following hadith. If a slave owner dies and his slave girl sings for him, Muslims are commanded not to pray for him. Islam forbids singing, so the dead man will be condemned to hell.

Book of Ahkam Al-Qur'an by Ibn Al-’Arabi, Vol. 3, Number 525: Reported by ‘Aisha: She said “The prophet, may Allah pray on him, said,’If a man dies, and he has a slave girl who sings for him, do not pray for him.'”

However, the hypocrisy of Muhammad is endless. Regardless of this forbidden art, he used to order his slaves to sing (Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book 15, Hadith 70): Allah's Messenger attained to my residence while two slave girls were singing close to me the songs of Bu'ath (which is a song about war before Islam between

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close to me the songs of Bu'ath (which is a song about war before Islam between two tribes, the Khazraj and the Aos). The messenger laid down on the bed and turned his face to the other side. Then Abu Baker came and spoke to me harshly saying, “Musical instruments with flute of Satan near the messenger of Allah?”

Therefore, the messenger rotated his face towards him and said, “Leave them.”

And later I winked at the girls to go out, and they left. It was the holy day...

As you see, slave girls are singing for Muhammad’s entertainment, songs which had nothing to do with Allah or Islam, but still he liked it? And it’s very clear that Abu Baker was outraged with Muhammad's behavior and hypocrisy, because if a Muslim listens to songs, he is going to hell as the prior hadith indicated.

Book of Al-Bidayia and Al-Nihayia, Vol. 4, p. 224: Abu Dawood said from Anas Ibn Malik he said “Safia was given away from the share of Da'yia L-Kalbi.”

Safia is the Jewish woman that Muhammad took as his wife after slaughtering all the men of her tribe and enslaving the women and children.

Book of Al-Bidayia and Al-Nihayia, Vol. 4, p. 229: The same was done to

all of the tribe of Khaiber. Al-Zuhri said the Prophet’s share was a fifth of the tribe of Khaiber.

Muhammad took one-fifth (1/5) of the loot from the city of Khaiber, and four-fifths (4/5) went to the rest of the Muslims. If there were 5000 women to be distributed as slaves in that tribe, Muhammad’s share would be 1000 women slaves. If there were 20,000 children, Muhammad alone would have gained 4000

child slaves.

Muslim, Sunni or Shi'a, Are No Different When it Comes to Slavery Book of Bihar Al-Anwar, Vol. 101, Number 58:

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The prayer of three people was not accepted by Allah. A slave who is not obeying his master, until he obey again, an Imam who leads a prayer for [those]

who do not like him, and a woman who lets her husband sleep angry.

Book of Al-Istb'sar Vol. 3, p. 136:

Al-Tosse reported that Abu Ja'far said, “Can a man give his brother the vagina of his slave?” He said, “Yes, it is permissible to do what he allowed him to do to her.”

The following hadith illustrate how a man can loan his slave girl for sex (Book of Tahdeeb Al-Ahkam, Vol. 7, p. 244; Book of Al-Kafi, Vol. 5, Chapter 300, Hadith 16):

A man came and asked Imam Ja'far Al-Sadiq if it was permissible to temporarily loan a woman (slave girl) to another man. The imam said, "It is not allowed," but then he stopped for a moment and Imam J'afar added, "There is no harm if one makes her halal to one of his brothers."

Someone might come to us and say that slavery was widespread at that time and that it was accepted as normal. He will say there’s really nothing new. It was normal practice.

I am going to show you a fatwa that shows the Islamic stance on slavery that remains true today. The fatwa is dated May 22, 2005. For those who do not know, a fatwa is an answer given by Muslim leaders that are based on Allah’s orders (Sharia Law) from the Qur’an and Sunnah.

Fatwa Number 62344:

Is it permissible to enjoy slave women sexually for the Muslim who has four wives?

May 22, 2005 (equivalent to Saturday, 13th day of the first month of spring in the Islamic year 1426).

the Islamic year 1426).

The Question:

I need the explanation of the verse “Whatever you own on your right hand, like slave women, from what Allah gave you” (





Al-A'hzab, Qur’an 33:50).

Does it mean that it is permissible for a man to marry slave women in addition to his four wives?

The Fatwa (The Answer):

Praise be to Allah and prayer on our prophet and his family and friends. It is not permissible to have more than four wives at the same time, but having more than four slave girls for sexual enjoyment is permissible, and having many slaves and enjoying them all sexually is permissible regardless of their number.

The Imam Al-Kasa'y in his book, Jawame'a Al-Fwaw'ed, said that there are two reasons for gathering foreign women: one to marry them and another to enjoy them sexually. However, gathering them for marriage is not permissible if you already have four wives. But having more than four foreign women for sex only and not marriage is permissible. This is based on the man’s right over them as his slaves. Having many women slaves for sex is always permissible without any conditions that limit the maximum number that a man can own as stated in Qur’an 4:3 (







, An-Nis'a, 4:3).

The Islamic Fatwa site in Arabic can be found here:


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What we get from this Fatwa (Number 62344) is that Islam changed nothing.

Islam embraced slavery rather than put a stop to it. The humiliation of men and women continued. Not only did Islam approve slavery, it made it legal for Muslims to practice it forever. Slave ownership and abuse is still allowed today, because the Muslims don’t have any other source about slavery. They only have the Qur’an and Muhammad’s actions and the hadith to follow. It gives a Muslim the perpetual right to kidnap and rape non-Muslim women and use them as sex slaves for as long as they live.

Let me point out that this fatwa alone proves the hypocrisy of Muslims in the West. They convert African-Americans to Islam by pointing to the slavery of blacks by the white man. The Muslims’ claim that Islam condemned slavery is quite the opposite of the truth about the Islamic stance on slavery.

Sex With Your Servant is Allowed

Book of Al-Mu’hala by Ibn Hazem. Vol. 11, p. 251, published by Dar Al-Fikr by Ahmad Shaker:

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by Ahmad Shaker:

...there is no problem if her

master did intercourse with her!


The Book of the Four Islamic Sects, by Al-Jazery, Book of Al-'Hudood, chapter Masturbation by Hand, p. 1223.

“If a man did Nukah to his hand (literally F___ his hand/masturbate), or if a woman had sex with a woman who is called lesbian, all scholars agreed there is no punishment over this because the pleasure is partial, even if it's forbidden, but must warn the one is doing it, and warn her that Islam disliked such an action.”

Notice here that this is against what the Qur’an said about a woman being with a woman in chapter 4:15, where women have to be jailed forever, until they die.

This proves that Muhammad created a lot of rules, which were totally against his god's orders. Muhammad didn't even remember it, because he was making up a holy book; and thus what he said yesterday was abrogated (forgotten) by what he said or did today.


The Book of Al-Mabsu’t, by Imam Al-Sarkhasi, print year 1985 publisher Dar Tiba, Vol. 5, chap. 10, p. 155:

And when it's come to the punishment in case of sexual desire with a minor girl who normally no one has sexual desire to her, due to her very young age, it's alright to do that even by touch for her body is not considered full of private part yet.

Al-Mabsu't Al-Sarkhasi, Vol. 9, p. 75:

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If a man did intercourse with a little girl and made her lose her virginity, there is no punishment, for that action was done for a little girl, so the pleasure is not complete (she did not give same pleasure as a woman).


Book entitled, Collection of Al-Mabsu’t, by Imam Al-Sarkhasi, Vol. 15, p.109:

...if the man has a benefit from it such as marriage, this will be an enough reason to make the marriage is correct, same, as if he did marry an Infant.

Book of Tahrer Al-Waselah, by Imam Khomeini, p. 241, Question 11/12: can have all kinds of sexual relation with an infant, but without intercourse, like hugs or touch or kissing, and if a Muslim did sexual-intercourse with a girl under the age of nine, there is not punishment on that account.

Answering Harun Yahya

Mr. Harun has made a lot of claims about the Qur’an. I will show how each are false and that Mr. Harun's false claims are intentionally used to deceive.

The following are some of his claims from his site. I will expose the real meaning of these verses in the Qur’an, which Mr. Harun is trying to scam people with.

As Muslims claim, it's about how their god knew. If he is not God, how would he know the following?









































































Now THESE ARE MOST OF THE CLAIMS, OR MAYBE ALL, which the Muslims have come up with. For me to help you to see the truth, I can proceed in one of two ways.

1. Answer each one of these claims, or 2. Show the errors of the Qur’an.

I think the most useful way is showing the errors, because if this is a book of God, it should be perfect. At the same time, showing these errors will expose all the lies they made. So, let us start. We will take the Qur’an from the beginning to the end.

Qur’an errors

A. Qur’an and Science Errors

Earth and Space Sciences

1. Astronomy

2. Astrophysics

3. Geography

4. Geology

5. Geophysics

6. Biology

7. Mathematics

8. Medicine

B. Qur’an and Historical Errors C. Qur’an and Fairy Tales In this book I will try to keep from making things too complicated. I know that for many of the readers this is the first time to read about this topic and that they really may not know much about Islam. I will proceed one step at a time.

Qur’an and Astronomy, Astrophysics, Geography ANSWERING HARUN YAHAYA

First Muslim claim: THE SKIES WITH 'WOVEN' ORBITS (Following is the Muslim Argument)

Qur'an, Sura adh-Dhariyat (51), 7:"By heaven furnished with paths;" The Arabic word "alhubuki," translated as "furnished with paths" in verse 7 of Sura Adh-Dhariyat (Chapter 51), comes from the verb "hubeke," meaning "to weave closely, to knit, to bind together." The use of this word in the verse is particularly wise and represents the current state of scientific knowledge in two aspects.

The first is this : The orbits and paths in the universe are so dense and intertwined that they constitute intersecting paths, just like the threads in a piece of fabric. The Solar System we live in is made up of the Sun, the planets and their satellites and heavenly objects in constant motion such as meteors and comets. The Solar System moves through the galaxy known as the Milky Way, which contains 400 billion stars.1 It is estimated that there are billions of galaxies. Celestial bodies and systems revolving at speeds of thousands of kilometers an hour move through space without colliding with one another.

The science of astronomy was developed with the aim of mapping the positions and courses of stars, while astromechanics was developed in order to determine these complex motions. Astronomers used to assume that orbits were perfectly spherical. The fact is, however, that heavenly bodies are known to follow mathematical shapes, such as spherical, elliptical, parabolic or hyperbolic orbits.

Dr. Carlo Rovelli of the University of Pittsburgh says, "Our space in which we live is just this enormously complicated spin network."

The second aspect is that the description in the Qur'an of the sky using a word meaning "woven" may be a reference to the String Theory of physics. (Allah knows the truth.) According to this theory, the basic elements that comprise the universe are not point-like particles, but strings resembling miniature violin strings. These tiny, identical and one dimensional strings oscillating in the form of filaments are regarded as being like loops in appearance. It is assumed that the origin of all the diversity in the universe lies in the way these strings vibrate at different vibrations, in the same way that violin strings produce different sounds with different vibrations. The way that Allah describes the universe as being

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woven paths and orbits in verse 7 of Sura adh-Dhariyat shows that the Qur'an is in extraordinary agreement with science. As can be seen in a great many other instances, the way that all the information revealed in the Qur'an 1400 years ago is confirmed by modern scientific data is highly thought provoking. This perfect harmony between the Qur'an and scientific developments clearly reveals that the Qur'an is the word of our Lord, the creator of and He who knows best about all things. In one verse Allah states: "Will they not ponder the Qur'an? If it had been from other than Allah, they would have found many inconsistencies in it."

(Qur'an, Sura An-Nisa (4), 82)


1. Mr. Harun's claim is based on “maybe!” And I quote, ”the description in the Qur'an of the sky using a word meaning "woven" may be a reference to the String Theory of physics.” Since when is science is about “maybe?”

2. As we read, Mr. Harun made a story out of the word path! It became science and then with the discovery about orbits, Muhammad became an astronomer! All of this is based on the word “path.”

3. The fact is, Muhammad is using the word path, because he thinks that there are roads to heaven made of sand. This is shown in the Islamic Arabic dictionary:

Book of Lisan Al Arab: by Abu-AlFadel print year 2003, p. 19/20: The word “alhubuki” (plural of hubiekah) means “the ways to the stars.” (Al Fara') said, “the sky that has alhubuki is hubk, is the same as broken sand (become soft from walking over it), if the wind blows over it, it moves with the wind.”

1. It's so clear that Muhammad is talking about sandy roads that will take you to the heaven of Allah.

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2. We read in the Hadith of Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book 58, Hadith 227, (Original Book of Al-Mana'qeb {in Arabic}, Hadith 3467, p. 1410-1412—English translation follows the Arabic):

MUHAMMAD GOING TO ALLAH ON TOP OF FLYING MULE (Hadith translation, Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book 58, Hadith 227) Allah's messenger said, reporting to them his Night expedition saying, “At the same time as I was resting down in my house, unexpectedly someone came to me and cut my body and slit it from here to over in this place.” I asked AlJarod, whom was next to me, “What does he (the prophet) mean?” He said, “It means from his throat to his pubic area,” or said,

“From the throttle valve to his pubic area.” The Prophet, He continued saying,

“He afterwards grabbed out my heart. Then a gold tray of Belief was brought to me, and he washed my heart. Moreover, my heart was filled with faith and wisdom and after that he restored it to its original place. Next a white animal which was shorter than a mule and larger than a donkey was brought to me.”

About this AlJarod asked, “It was Al Buraq, Abu 'Hamza?” I replied in the positive. Then the prophet disclosed that the animal's step was so sizable to the point that it reached the furthest away point within the reach of the animal's vision. I was carried on it, and Jibreel set out with me on the top of it, until we reached the lowest sky. Over there when he (Jibreel) requested for the gateway to be opened, it was inquired 'Who is it over there?' Jibreel answered, 'It's me, Jibreel.'It was inquired, 'Who is accompanying with you?' Jibreel answered, 'It's Muhammad.' It inquired, 'Muhammad has been requested to come?' Jibreel responded, 'Indeed yes, He was called to come.” After words they said: 'He is welcomed. What an extraordinary visitor!' After that, the gateway was opened, as well as next I went up to the first sky, I saw Adam there. Jibreel told to me, saying, 'This is your father, Adam, give him your salute.' So I saluted him, and he saluted me back saying, 'You are welcomed, O sincere son and sincere prophet.' Then Jibreel ascended with me until we reach the second sky. [Jibreel]

asked for the gateway to be opened. It was inquired, 'Who is it over there.'

Jibreel responded, 'I am Jibreel.' It was inquired, 'Who is accompanying with you?' Jibreel responded back, 'It's Muhammad.' It was inquired, 'Has been requested to come?' Jibreel responded as, 'Indeed yes, He was requested to come.' Then they said, 'He is welcomed. What an excellent visit his visit is!'

Then the gate was opened. When I went over the second sky, there I saw Yahyia (John the Baptist) and ' 'Isa (Jesus) his cousins. Jibreel said to me, 'These are John and Jesus; salute him with your greetings.' So I saluted them and both replied to my salute to me and said, 'You are welcomed, O sincere brother and sincere prophet.' Afterwards Jibreel ascended me up to third sky and [Jibreel]

asked for the gateway to be opened. It was inquired, 'Who is it over there?'

Jibreel answered, 'It's me, Jibreel.' It was inquired, 'Who is accompanying with you?' Jibreel answered back, 'It is Muhammad.' It was inquired, 'Muhammad has been called?' Jibreel answered as, 'Indeed yes, He was called to come.' Then they said, 'He is welcomed. What an extraordinary visitor he is!' The gate was opened, and when I proceeded up to the third sky there I saw Joseph. Jibreel said to me, 'This is Joseph, salute him.' So I did saluted him, and he saluted me back, and he said to me, “You are welcomed, O sincere brother and sincere prophet.”

Then Jibreel ascended me up to the fourth heaven and (Jibreel) asked for the gateway to be opened. It was inquired, 'Who is it over there?' Jibreel answered,

'It's me, Jibreel.' It was inquired, 'Who is accompanying with you?' Jibreel answered back, 'It's Muhammad.' It was asked, 'Muhammad has been requested to come?' Jibreel answered as, 'Indeed yes, He was called to come.' Then the angels said, 'He is welcomed, what an extraordinary visitor he is!' It follows the gateway was opened, and when I went up to the fourth sky, there I saw Idris.

Jibreel said [to me], 'This is Idris, salute him.' So I saluted him, and he saluted me back and said, 'You are welcomed, O sincere brother and sincere Prophet.'

Afterwards Jibreel ascended with me to the fifth sky and [Jibreel] asked for the gateway to be opened. It was inquired, 'Who is it over there?' Jibreel answered,

'It's me, Jibreel.' It was inquired, 'Who is accompanying with you?' Jibreel answered, 'it is Muhammad.' It was inquired, 'Muhammad has been requested to come?' Jibreel answered as, 'Indeed yes, he was called to come.' Then they said,

'He is welcomed. What an extraordinary visitor he is!' The gate was opened. So when I went over up to the fifth heaven, where I saw Harun (Aaron), Jibreel said, to me, 'This is Aaron, salute him with your greetings.' I saluted him and he replied to the salute to me and said, 'You are welcomed, sincere brother and sincere prophet.' Then Jibreel ascended with me up to the sixth sky. [Jibreel ]

asked for the gateway to be opened. It was inquired 'Who is it over there?'

Jibreel answered, 'It's me, Jibreel.' It was inquired, 'Who is accompanying with you?' Jibreel answered back, 'It is Muhammad.' It was asked, 'Muhammad has been called?' Jibreel answered as, 'Indeed yes, he was requested to come.' Then they said, 'He is welcomed. What an excellent visitor he is!' The gate was opened. When I went over up to the sixth sky, there I saw Moses. Jibreel said to me, 'This is Moses, salute him.' So I saluted him, and he returned the salute back to me and said, 'You are welcomed, sincere brother and sincere prophet.' When I left him, Moses cried hard. Someone asked him, 'What makes you grieve?'

Moses answered, 'I cry seeing that after me there has been sent as prophet a young man (he means Muhammad) whose followers will enter heaven in larger numbers than my followers.' Then Jibreel took me up to the seventh sky.

[Jibreel] asked for the gateway to be opened. It was inquired, 'Who is it over there?' Jibreel responded, 'It's me Jibreel.' It was inquired, 'Who is accompanying with you?' Jibreel responded back, 'It's Muhammad.' It was inquired,

'Muhammad has been requested to come?' Jibreel answered, 'Indeed yes, he was called to come.' Then it was said, 'He is welcomed. What an excellent visitor he is!' So when I proceeded over up to the seventh sky, there I saw Ibrahim (Abraham). Jibreel said to me, 'This is your father, salute him.' So I saluted him, and he returned the salute to me and said, 'You are welcomed, sincere son and sincere prophet.' Then Jibreel took me up to Sudrat Al-Muntaha (big tree in heaven, tree of Allah). Behold its fruits are the same as the ones in the clay jugs of Hajar (a location in Arabia not far away from Mecca) and its leaves look so big as the ears of elephants. Jibreel said, 'This is Sudrat Al-Muntaha (Allah Tree).' And there were four running rivers; two rivers were underneath and invisible, and two rivers were visible. I questioned Jibreel, 'What are these two rivers?' He answered, 'As for the hidden rivers, they are two rivers in Paradise,

and the visible rivers are the Nile and the Euphrates.' After that, Al-Bait Al-Ma'mor (the House of Allah) was lifted up to me, and a container full of wine, and another full of milk, and a third full of honey were brought to me to drink. I drank the milk. Jibreel said, 'This is the Islamic religion which you and who follow are following.' Then the order of prayers was given to me. They were fifty prayers a day. When I came back, I passed by Moses, and he asked me,

'What has Allah given you as a command to do?' I responded, 'I have been commanded to pray fifty prayers a day.' Moses's response back, 'Your followers cannot handle fifty prayers a day, and I swear by Allah, I have tried Allah commands on my people before you, and I have well-tried the best I could with children of Israel. Go back to your Lord and ask for a discount to lighten up your followers' obligation.' As a result I went backward, and Allah reduced ten prayers for me. Then again, I came back to Moses, but he repeated and asked me to do same as he said previously. Then again, I went back to Allah, and He decreased ten more prayers. When I came back to Moses, but he restated and asked me to do same as he said before. I went back to Allah and He commanded me to carry out ten prayers a day. When I came back to Moses he restated and asked me to do the same as he said previously, so I went back to Allah and was ordered to do five prayers a day. As I came back to Moses, he said, 'What are the arrangements Allah gave to you?' I responded, 'I have been ordered to practice five prayers a day.' He said, 'I guarantee you, your followers' cannot stand five prayers a day, and no doubt. I have got my experience of my people before you, and I did the best I could with the children of Israel. Therefore, go back to your Lord and ask for more discount to light up your followers' burden. I said, 'I have requested subsequently much of my Lord that I feel shamefaced, but I am satisfied now and surrender to Allah's wish.' Consequently, when I left, I heard a voice saying, 'I have confirmed My Order and have minimized the commitment of My Worshipers.'”

• As we have seen in this fairy tale story, Muhammad hit the road for heaven on his donkey. (The animal's stride was so long that it reached the farthest point within the animal's sight.) This animal is able to go to heaven so fast, because its’ stride goes so far!

• Even the angel is also using the donkey to go to Allah.

• Gabriel set out with me on the top of it until we reached the lowest sky”

• As long as the Muslims are speaking about science, is it scientific to say we can go to the sky by donkey, or is this some kind of discovery that has not yet been achieved? And remember, this is not a metaphorical story. It is supposed to

been achieved? And remember, this is not a metaphorical story. It is supposed to be taken literally!

• The heaven Muhammad is speaking about is not a space, it's a physical heaven.

It's even connected physically to the earth, because as we see, there are two rivers that are earthly rivers that he names, the Nile and the Euphrates. “There were four running rivers, two were underneath and invisible and two were visible, I asked Jibreel, What are these two kinds of rivers? He replied, ‘As for the hidden rivers, they are two rivers in Paradise and the visible rivers are the Nile and the Euphrates.’” Can any Muslim tell me what the Nile and the Euphrates are doing in Allah's heaven and on the earth at the same time?