The Deception Of Allah by Christian Prince - HTML preview

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The answer is there are roads connecting them.

• This means that the path is about normal roads to travel on.

• As long I mentioned this story, I would like you to take a note about the fifty prayers and how Muhammad, with the help of Moses, changed the number of the prayers from fifty to five. The strangest part of this story is, why didn't Allah give Muhammad five from the start? Why did he initially choose fifty, then forty, then ten and then five? Doesn't Allah know that Moses is waiting on the road for Muhammad?

• Even Moses wanted Muhammad to go back to get zero prayers!

• I want to be sure to remind you about the funny part, where someone installed in the chest of Muhammad a dish of faith (belief), as we see here: “'At the same time as I was resting down in my house, unexpectedly someone came to me and cut my body and slit it from here to over in this place' I asked AlJarod, whom was next to me, 'What does he (the prophet) mean?' He said, 'It means from his throat to his pubic area,' or said, 'From the throttle valve to his pubic area.' The Prophet, He continued saying, 'He afterwards grabbed out my heart. Then a gold tray of Belief was brought to me, and he washed my heart. Moreover, my heart was filled with faith and wisdom and after that he restored it to its original place.'”

• If it's about a dish of faith, why did he cut all the way down to his pubic area?

Note: These are more than one claim, but I will put them all together and

answer all of these claims, because all are actually one topic.

Second Muslim Claim:






(Following is the Muslim claim)

One fact about the universe revealed in the verses of the Qur'an is that the sky is made up of seven layers.

It is He Who created everything on the earth for you and then directed His attention up to heaven and arranged it into seven regular heavens. He has knowledge of all things. (Qur'an, 2:29)

Then He turned to heaven when it was smoke. In two days He determined them as seven heavens and revealed, in every heaven, its own mandate. (Qur'an, 41:11-12)

The word "heavens," which appears in many verses in the Qur'an, is used to refer to the sky above the earth, as well as the entire universe. Given this meaning of the word, it is understood that the earth's sky, or the atmosphere, is made up of seven layers.

Today, it is known that the world's atmosphere consists of different layers that lie on top of each other. Based on the criteria of chemical contents or air temperature, the definitions made have determined the atmosphere of the earth as seven layers. According to the "Limited Fine Mesh Model (LFMMII)," a model of atmosphere used to estimate weather conditions for 48 hours, the atmosphere is also 7 layers. According to the modern geological definitions the seven layers of atmosphere are as follows:

1. Troposphere

2. Stratosphere

3. Mesosphere

4. Thermosphere

5. Exosphere

6. Ionosphere

7. Magnetosphere

The Qur'an says, "[He] revealed, in every heaven, its own mandate," in Sura Fussilat (Chapter 41), 12. In other words, Allah is stating that He assigned each heaven its own duty. Truly, as will be seen in following chapters, each one of

heaven its own duty. Truly, as will be seen in following chapters, each one of these layers has vital duties for the benefit of human kind and all other living things on the Earth. Each layer has a particular function, ranging from forming rain to preventing harmful rays, from reflecting radio waves to averting the harmful effects of meteors.

The verses below inform us about the appearance of the seven layers of the atmosphere:

Do you not see how He created seven heavens in layers? (Qur'an 71:15) He Who created the seven heavens in layers…(Qur'an 67:3) The atmosphere only lets rays required for life reach the Earth. For example, ultraviolet rays make it to the world only partially. This is the most appropriate range to allow plants to make photosynthesis and eventually for all living things to survive.

The Arabic word " tibaqan" in these verses, translated into English as "layer"

means "layer, the appropriate cover or covering for something," and thus stresses how the top layer is well suited to the lower. The word is also used in the plural here: "layers." The sky, described in the verse as being in layers, is without doubt the most perfect expression of the atmosphere. It is a great miracle that these facts, which could not possibly be discovered without the technology of the 20thcentury, were explicitly stated by the Qur'an 1,400 years ago.


In the Qur'an, Allah calls our attention to a very important attribute of the sky: We made the sky a preserved and protected roof yet still they turn away from Our Signs. (Qur'an 21:32)

This attribute of the sky has been proved by scientific research carried out in the 20th century: The atmosphere surrounding the Earth serves crucial functions for the continuity of life. While destroying many meteors-big and small-as they approach the Earth, it prevents them from falling to Earth and harming living things.

In addition, the atmosphere filters the light rays coming from space that are harmful to living things. The most striking feature of the atmosphere is that it lets only harmless and useful rays-visible light, near ultraviolet light and radio waves pass through. All of this radiation is vital for life. Near ultraviolet rays, which are only partially let in by the atmosphere, are very important for the photosynthesis of plants and for the survival of all living beings. The majority of

photosynthesis of plants and for the survival of all living beings. The majority of the intense ultraviolet rays emitted from the Sun are filtered out by the ozone layer of the atmosphere. Only a limited and essential part of the ultraviolet spectrum reaches the Earth.

The protective function of the atmosphere does not end here. The atmosphere also protects the earth from the freezing cold of the space, which is approximately -270oC.

It is not only the atmosphere that protects the Earth from harmful effects. In addition to the atmosphere, the Van Allen Belt-the layer caused by the magnetic field of the Earth-also serves as a shield against the harmful radiation that threatens our planet. This radiation, which is constantly emitted by the Sun and other stars, is deadly to living things. If the Van Allen belt did not exist, the massive outbursts of energy called solar flares that frequently occur in the Sun would destroy all life on Earth.

The magnetosphere layer, formed by the magnetic field of the Earth, serves as a shield protecting the Earth from celestial bodies, harmful cosmic rays and particles. In the above picture, this magnetosphere layer, which is also named Van Allen Belts, is seen. These belts at thousands of kilometres above the Earth protect the living things on the Earth from the fatal energy that would otherwise reach it from space.

All these scientific findings prove that the world is protected in a very particular way. The important thing is that this protection was made known in the Qur'an in the verse "We made the sky a preserved and protected roof" fourteen centuries ago.

On the importance of the Van Allen Belt, Dr. Hugh Ross says: In fact, the Earth has the highest density of any of the planets in our Solar System. This large nickel-iron core is responsible for our large magnetic field.

This magnetic field produces the Van-Allen radiation shield, which protects the Earth from radiation bombardment. If this shield were not present, life would not be possible on the Earth. The only other rocky planet to have any magnetic field is Mercury-but its field strength is 100 times less than the Earth's. Even Venus, our

sister planet, has no magnetic field. The Van-Allen radiation shield is a design

unique to the Earth.

The energy transmitted in just one of these bursts detected in recent years was calculated to be equivalent to 100 billion atomic bombs, each akin to one dropped on Hiroshima at the end of World War II. Fifty-eight hours after the burst, it was observed that the magnetic needles of compasses displayed unusual movement and 250 kilometres above the Earth's atmosphere, the temperature suddenly increased to 2,500oC.

Most people looking at the sky do not think about the protective aspect of the atmosphere. They almost never think what kind of a place the world would be like if this structure did not exist. The above photo belongs to a giant crater caused by a meteor that fell in Arizona, in the USA. If the atmosphere did not exist, millions of meteoroids would fall to the Earth and the Earth would become an inhabitable place. Yet, the protective aspect of the atmosphere allows living things to survive in safety. This is certainly Allah's protection of people and a miracle proclaimed in the Qur'an.

In short, a perfect system is at work high above the Earth. It surrounds our world and protects it against external threats. Centuries ago, Allah informed us in the Qur'an of the world's atmosphere functioning as a protective shield.


It is He Who made the earth a couch for you, and the sky a dome. He sends down water from the sky and by it brings forth fruits for your provision. Do not, then, knowingly make others equal to Allah. (Qur'an 2:22) The Geminid meteor shower is observed at its highest intensity in the second week of December each year. The short lines in the photograph to the side are traces belonging to stars; the long ones belong to meteors. The meteors in the shower seen in the picture (on website) fall at a density of up to 58 per hour.

Here, the Arabic word for the sky is "assamaa binaan." As well as the meaning of "dome" or "ceiling," this also describes a kind of tent-like covering used by the Bedouin. What is being emphasised here, through mention of a tent-like structure, is a form of protection against external elements.

Even if we are generally unaware of it, a large number of meteors fall to the Earth, as they do the other planets. The reason why these make enormous craters on other planets but do no harm on Earth is that the atmosphere puts up considerable resistance to a falling meteor. The meteor is unable to withstand

considerable resistance to a falling meteor. The meteor is unable to withstand this for long and loses much of its mass from combustion due to friction. This danger, which might otherwise cause terrible disasters, is thus prevented thanks to the atmosphere. As well as the verses regarding the protective properties of the atmosphere cited above, attention is also drawn to the special creation in the following verse:

Do you not see that Allah has made everything on the earth subservient to you and the ships running upon the sea by His command? He holds back the heaven, preventing it from falling to the earth-except by His permission.

Allah is All-Compassionate to mankind, Most Merciful. (Qur'an 22:65) The protective property of the atmosphere we discussed in the preceding section protects the Earth from space-in other words, from external elements. With the word "dome," referring to the sky in the above verse, attention is drawn to this aspect of the sky, which could not possibly have been known at the time of our Prophet (saas). The fact that this information was imparted 1,400 years ago in the Qur'an, when there were no spacecraft or giant telescopes, shows that the Qur'an is the revelation of our Lord, the Omniscient.




He claimed how Allah knew about the sky being a protected roof (the Atmosphere). First of all, let's see what the Qur’an says about that, then we will find out if this is really speaking about a miracle, an error, or a lie that the Muslims use to promote their religion.

Now, what is the lowest heaven according to the Islamic miracles claim? From Qur’an 21:32:

And We made the sky a preserved roof; and yet after these signs, they are ungrateful.

I will show you this is Allah speaking about protecting the heaven, not the earth.

I can prove that with more clear evidence as we read this excerpt from Sahih Muslim, Book 4, Hadith 902 (also see Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book 60, Hadith 443) Ibn 'Abbas reported: The Messenger of Allah (may Allah pray on him and salute him) in neither case recited the Qur'an to the Jinns, nor did he see any of them.

The Messenger of Allah (may Allah pray on him and salute him) went out with some of his associates with the intention of going to the bazaar of 'Ukaz.

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some of his associates with the intention of going to the bazaar of 'Ukaz.

However, there had been blockages between satans and the information from the Heaven (by spying), and there were flames launched upon them. So the devils went back to their people, and they said: “What has taken place to you?” They said: “There have been created obstructions between us and the news from the Heaven...”

Sahih Muslim, Book 004, Hadith 0902, excerpt in Arabic: 1. According to the

verse in Qur’an 67:5, the stars exist in the lowest heaven.

Qur’an 67:5:

And We have decorated the lowest sky with lamps (stars), and made them (the stars) missiles against the devils, and We have arranged for them the punishment of the flame.

2. Did you notice that Mr. Harun did not post this verse in his claim, but he posted a verse before it? “He Who created the seven heavens in layers…”

(Qur'an 67:3). Why? The reason is that he does not like this fact which would destroy his claim.

3. In addition to that, Qur'an 67:3 does not say seven layers, but rather seven skies. You can check other Muslim translations and you will note right away the deception of Mr. Harun Yahya. He changed the word skies to layers, and I am sure you know that the difference is huge.

4. If this is describing the atmosphere, as Muslims claim, it would then mean that all of our stars are in the atmosphere! Specifically, in the lowest sky (layer)

that all of our stars are in the atmosphere! Specifically, in the lowest sky (layer) of the atmosphere.

5. What about the seven layers of the atmosphere? Are there seven? Here we go again! They also lied in this claim. There are actually only four (4) layers in the atmosphere. Later I will show that with more details.

The following is from NASA:

(( 12/features/912_liftoff_atm.html)

The earth is surrounded by a blanket of air, which we call the atmosphere. It reaches near or over 600 kilometers (372 miles) from the surface of the earth.

1. Troposphere:

The troposphere starts at the earth's surface and extends 8 to 14.5 kilometers high (5 to 9 miles). 2. Stratosphere:

The stratosphere starts just above the troposphere and extends to 50 kilometers (31 miles) high. 3. Mesosphere:

The mesosphere starts just above the stratosphere and extends to 85 kilometers (53 miles) high.

4. Thermosphere:

The thermosphere starts just above the mesosphere and extends to 600

kilometers (372 miles) high.

It's so clear that the Muslims count their own way to fabricate that the atmosphere is made of seven layers! Qur'an 67:5 says: And We have decorated the lowest sky with lamps, and made them missiles against the devils, and We have arranged for them the punishment of the flame.

It's clear that Allah will shoot any satan with a star, if he tries to go out of the earth.

Tafsir Al-Jalalayn, Qur’an, Al-Mulk (67): 5:

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As well as We have decorated the lowest heaven, the one nearest to the earth, with lamps, by means of stars, and made them missiles against the satans if they try to listen, to spy, as a meteor of fire detaches itself from the star, as a touch off is taken from a fire, and either kills that jinn or drives him insane. It is not the star itself that will move from its position; and We have prepared for them the punishment of the Blaze, the ignited Fire.

Simply, Allah has his self-defense system against any Satan that will try to spy at his secrets, and that is the protected roof.

Maybe some are still not convinced with my proofs. In that case, I will show additional evidence.

Qur'an 15:16-18:

16 It is We, Who have set out the zodiacal symbols in the heavens, and beautified them to all viewers.

17And in addition We have protecting them from every cursed satan.

18Except any (satan) that tries to profit on a hearing by sneakiness (to heaven) is chased by a flaming fire, brilliant and visible.

Qur’an 37:6-7, 10:

6 We have indeed adorned the lower sky with beauty, the planets.

7In addition we guarded the lower sky against any pig-headed disobedient satan.

10With the exclusion of him who kidnaps (spies at Allah) off but immediately, he will be chased by an arrow of flame.

Qur’an 72:8-9:

8 And we touched the sky; but we found it filled with severe bodyguards and brilliant fires.

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9And we used to sit on [high] places therein to hearken. However, he who is a listener now and after [spies at Allah] finds a flame in wait for him; Qur’an 55:33:

O company of jinn and humans, if you are able to pass through the Range of the heavens and the earth, then pass through! You will not pass through except with an authority.

Qur’an 67:5 said clearly that Allah will shoot the one who tries to go to heaven.

On top of that, we can take a look at the Muslim Tafsir pertaining to Qur'an 55:33, Al-Jalalayn, Ar-Rahman (55), 33:

O kind of jinn and humans, if you are able to pass through, to exit from the Range, of the heavens and the earth, then pass through! A challenge made by Allah to challenge them to what they are incapable of doing (jinn and humans).

You will not pass through except with authority, and power, and you have no power for such a thing to do.

From both chapters of the Qur’an we found that this has nothing to do with the atmosphere. The fact is, it proves the ignorance of their god, Allah.

1. It’s clear that the Qur’an is speaking about protecting the sky, not the earth.

2. We know that humans went to the sky and even out of the confines of the earth atmosphere. Where were the missiles of Allah? And what's funny is that the humans who went there were the infidels (Americans and Russians), not the Muslims!

3. The Qur’an speaks of an exception to leave the confines of earth (You will not pass through except with an authority). 4. This provision is about Allah allowing his prophets, like 'Isa and Muhammad, to go up there, but not the Americans!

Despite these scientific facts, Mr. Harun claims that the lowest sky is the atmosphere. His god's science proves that Allah didn't know where the stars are

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located. He thinks they are in the lowest sky only, when science proves we have many galaxies and each one is another sky. Each is full of billions of stars.

Remember what Qur’an: 67:5 said:

And We have decorated the lowest sky with lamps (stars), and made them (the stars) missiles against the devils, and We have arranged for them the punishment of the flame.


The following narration is an approved hadith that gives an account of the creation of the world (Sahih Muslim, Vol. 4, p. 2150 {Arabic}): Allah's Messenger told me:

Abu Hurira reported: The Prophet of Allah told me, “Allah created the soil on Saturday, and He created the mountains on Sunday, and He created the trees on Monday, and He created the bad things on Tuesday and He created the light on Wednesday and He created the the walking animals on Thursday and He created Adam on Friday afternoon. He was the last created during the last hour of Friday, between afternoon and night.

Hadith correct and approved as in Al-Alabany, Vol. 4, Hadith 1833; (Also in Book of Al-Mishkat, Hadith 5735, Book of Mukhtasar Al-’Olu Al-Zahbi, Hadith 73; and Book of ‘Qism Al-Mustfrak, p. 664):

For the Arabic

version, go to: ﺗ

ﻼ ﺑ

ﺮ ة&book=sahih

For the English translation by Muslims, go to:

option=com_content&task=view&id=1243&Itemid=62, or

The same story can be found in Tafsir Ibn Kathir, Vol. 7, p. 168, published by

'Tiba publishing company.

According to the hadith, Allah created the earth in six days. However, we just read in the quote from Sahih Muslim above that He began on Saturday and finished the job on Friday, totaling seven days of creation. Still, we find the six-day creation of the earth affirmed by numerous verses in the Qur’an, such as Sura 7:54, 10:3, 11:7, 25:59, 32:4, 50:38, and 57:4.

Let’s examine the account in Qur’an 41:9-12 (Muhammad Pickthall translation): 9 Say (O Muhammad, unto the idolaters): Disbelieve ye verily in Him Who created the earth in two Days, and ascribe ye unto Him rivals? He (and none else) is the Lord of the Worlds.

10He placed therein firm hills rising above it, and blessed it and measured therein its sustenance in four Days, alike for (all) who ask; 11Then turned He to the heaven when it was smoke, and said unto it and unto the earth: Come both of you, willingly or loth. They said: We come, obedient.

12Then He ordained them seven heavens in two Days and inspired in each heaven its mandate; and We decked the nether heaven with lamps, and rendered it inviolable. That is the measuring of the Mighty, the Knower.

It tells us that Allah created soil in two days; the trees, water, and mountains in four days; and the skies in two days. If we add the number of days it took Allah to create the earth, we get a total of eight days, not six. What does that tell us?

The complete account of creation in Sura 41:9-12 clearly contradicts the several verses I mentioned above, which say that creation was completed in six days. It also contradicts the hadith, even though they somewhat match in the order of creation.

Before we finish this topic, Muslims make many claims about the age of the earth, and I heard some of them saying that the Qur’an is more accurate than the

earth, and I heard some of them saying that the Qur’an is more accurate than the Bible when it comes to six (6) days creation because the Qur’an does not give how long these days are. The fact is that Muhammad as always helps us to expose the Muslims false science.

In Sahih A l-Bukhari (Book 59, Hadith 688), “The Prophet of Allah said, ‘The time has gotten its existent looks and shape which it has now, since Allah created the Heavens and the Earth...”

It's so clear from Muhammad's words that time at the period of creation is the same as today. Moreover, they expose their false claim that Islam never said the six days of Allah creation is the same as today’s days, as you see its exactly the same. By the way, according to science, days that the beginning of the earth were shorter than today and the day is getting longer.

See: But on the other hand, Muhammad said one day for Allah is equal to one thousand year of our reckoning, as we see in Qur’an 22:47; “Nevertheless, they ask thee to quicken on the Punishment! However, Allah will not fail in His Promise. Verily, a Day in the sight of your Lord is same as a thousand years of your reckoning.”

So if time never changed, it was in the same shape as Muhammad said in the hadith above (“The time has gotten its existent looks and shape which it has now, since Allah created the Heavens and the Earth…”), Allah named them the same names we have, and he called them days, this proves more contradictions in Muhammad’s words and his god’s words. So one of them is telling a lie which means ultimately they are both telling a lie, because the first one (Muhammad) told a lie so all that Allah said is also a lie because it was told by a false witness (Muhamad).



Humanity's exploration of space was accelerated with the Soviet satellite Sputnik on 4 October 1957, which carried aloft the first man to ever leave Earth's atmosphere: Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin. On 20 July 1969, the American astronaut Neil Armstrong became the first human being ever to set foot on the Moon.

In fact, the Qur'an revealed that such developments and achievements would one day be realized. For instance, Allah draws our attention to this in the following

day be realized. For instance, Allah draws our attention to this in the following verse:

O company of jinn and human beings. If you are able to pierce through the confines of the heavens and Earth, pierce through them. You will not pierce through, except with a clear authority. (Qur'an 55:33) The Arabic word sultan, translated here as "a clear authority," has other meanings as well: force, power, sovereignty, dominion, law, path, permission, give leave, justify, and proof.

Careful examination reveals that the above verse emphasizes that humanity will be able to move into the depths of Earth and sky, but only with a superior power.

In all likelihood, this superior power is the superior technology employed in the twentieth century, for it enabled scientists to achieve this great feat.


The first ever satellite, "Sputnik 1," was launched in 1957. Verse 19:57 (Sura Maryam, 57) of the Qur’an amazingly refers to rising and being raised.

We raised him up to a high place. (Sura Maryam, 57) The term "Refa'nahu" in this verse is derived from the verb “refea,” meaning “to raise, lift up or elevate.” On the other hand, the word "aliyyen" in the verse bears the meaning of “high, very high” in addition to “great.” When we consider this verse by itself, therefore, it means “being raised into a very high place.” In that respect, verse 19:57 may be a reference to the launching into the sky of the spacecraft Sputnik 1 in 1957. (Allah knows the truth.) Verse 19:57 of the Qur’an speaks of “raising to a high place.” "Sputnik 1," the first unmanned satellite, was launched in 1957.




This is what Mr Harun said: “Verse 19:57 of the Qur’an speaks of ‘raising to a high place.’ ‘Sputnik 1,’ the first unmanned satellite, was launched in 1957.” He equates verse 19:57 to the year 1957. I cannot believe how desperate the Muslims are to find a proof for Islam. This is my answer.

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1. The verse speaks about a Muslim prophet named Idres. It says “we raised him. This is in the past, not the future. It was already done to him. Is Idres the prophet a satellite?

2. The verse speaking about raising him refers to a human, but Sputnik 1 was a satellite! So Allah is calling him a satellite? Well I say to Mr. Harun, does your Allah think a satellite is a man?

Yusuf Ali translation, Qur’an 19:56-57:

56 Also mention in the Book the case of Idris: He was a man of truth (and sincerity), (and) a prophet:

57And We raised him to a lofty station.


Tanwîr Al-Miqbâs min Tafsîr Ibn ‘Abbâs:

(And We raised him to high Location) in Paradise.

3. The words 'we raised' appears more than 29 times. Here's just one example about 'Isa (Jesus) in Qur'an 3:55:

Behold! Allah said: "Oh 'Isa! I will take thee and raise thee to myself…

Using Mr. Harun’s logic, does that mean that a satellite also went up into space in the year 355 = verse 3:55? And notice this verse would make more sense for Mr.Harun to choose because it’s about the future.

4. If indeed verse 19:57 is about the first time something goes out from the earth, shouldn't this match with verse 3:55 in the Qur’an speaking about raising up?

5. What's even funnier is to ask, did Allah send these verses in this order anyway? Was it not Uthman, the Successor of Muhammad, who by his order made it this way? Or Allah?

6. Uthman significantly changed the order of the verses. As an example, the first verse that was given to Muhammad was, “Read.” But it's in Qur’an, chapter 96!

The verses of the Qur'an were never given numbers by Allah, or even Muhammad!

7. This then, must be proof that Uthman is god.

8. On the top of this, the Qur'an is contradicting itself, because it says that the bad one can't go out of the zone of the earth, as in chapter 55:33.

bad one can't go out of the zone of the earth, as in chapter 55:33.

As long as we are speaking about chapter 55, I would like to add another claim Harun Yahya made about the moon in this chapter.

Qur'an 55:33, 35, Mohsin Khan’s translation:

33 O assembly of jinn and men! If you have power to pass beyond the zones of the heavens and the earth, then pass beyond (them)! But you will never be able to pass them, except with authority (from Allah)!

35There will be sent, against you both, heat of fire and flash of brass, and ye will not escape.

As we see in the same chapter, Allah is saying you cannot escape or break free from His fire against both (humans and jinn). Then how can we go out of the earth's atmosphere if Allah will shoot us? Didn't he say in very clear words that you cannot escape?

I must not forget to mention that the ones who went to the sky were those who would certainly be considered by Islam as the bad ones, because they are the infidels (Russian, American and Chinese).

This is not a miracle as Muslims try to make it look like. It's the opposite, and a big mistake. Humans have already been able to go out to the space, in spite of Allah's claim. And now these who follow him compound the error by making false claims.



THE VOYAGE TO THE MOON Qur'an 84:18-20:

And [I swear by] the moon when it is full, you will mount up stage by stage!

What is the matter with them, that they have no faith?

After referring to the moon, the above verses then say that people will mount up stage by stage. The term tarkabunna comes from the verb rakiba, (to mount, walk on a path, follow, embark upon, set about, participate, or rule). In the light of these meanings, it is very likely that the expression "you will mount up stage by stage" refers to a vehicle to be boarded.

Indeed, the astronauts' spacecraft pass through each layer of the atmosphere one by one, and then begin to pass through the Moon's gravitational field. Thus, the

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Moon is reached by moving through individual layers. In addition, the swearing by the Moon in Sura Al-Inshiqaq 18 further strengthens this emphasis, meaning that the verse may well be a sign that humanity will travel to the Moon. (Allah knows best.)

(The end of Muslim claim)



Let us read from the end of the claim and you will see how false it is. Mr. Harun said; “may well be a sign,” so this is the science of Maybe!

Harun used this translation of these verses to make it fit his claim, but even his translation proves that the claim is false. How?

Qur’an 84:19 reads: “you will mount up stage by stage.”

Let us read the Al-Jalalayn Tafsir (interpretation) of this verse: You shall be reconstructed stage to stage, state after state, namely, death, afterlife, then what comes afterwards of the states at the Resurrection.

• If we study all the interpretations of the Qur’an, they all would say the same as Al-Jalalayn is saying. Where did the Muslims today come up with this claim? It's just a game of deception to mislead those who do not speak Arabic!

First, this is saying “ you go up state after state.” It's about the heaven of Allah in the afterlife. It's a promise to go to heaven. Actually, it's the same as Qur’an 67:3 about the seven heavens, where Muhammad clearly said that the heaven of Allah has seven floors. Read the entire chapter and you will see that Allah is issuing a warning to you. Believe and you go to heaven, but if not, Allah will punish you. This has nothing to do with going to the moon.

All right, for the sake of argument we will agree with Mr. Harun's translation and interpretation, but then we have a big problem if this is about going to the moon. The chapter afterwards is speaking about going to heaven and going to hell. Now we face the situation where Allah is mistaken and Mr. Harun is right!

Now let’s look at Qur'an 84:1-20 (Ibn Kathir interpretation):

1 When the heaven is split asunder, (All Muslims agreed this is the day which refers to the Day of Judgment),

2and hears to and surrenders to its Lord when the time is up.

3And when the earth is spread forth,

4and has to discharge out all that was inside it and turned out to be empty.

5And attends to and obeys its Lord, and its obligation to do so.

6O mankind, verily, you are reconstructing towards your Lord with your records, and actions, a sure coming back, and you will meet your Lord with your deeds.

7He (the good one) surely will receive worry-free judgment.

8And will go back to his family in great pleasure (he will be living again in heaven with his family).

9Except whosoever is given his Record behind his back, 10he will supplicate for his destruction,

11and he shall penetrate a blazing fire, and burn in it.

12Verily, he was living in great pleasure with his family.

13Verily, he thought that he would certainly not come back to Allah.

14So I pledge by the afterglow sunset;

15and by the night and whatever it inside in its darkness, 16and by the moon when it is at the full.

17You shall certainly travel from a period to a period.

18And whenever the Qur'an is proclaimed to them. They do not bow down.

19So reveal to them a miserable suffering.

20Guard those who believe and do righteous good deeds, for them will be a reward, grateful rewards.

See for yourselves in the Ibn Kathir interpretation on the Muslims site (Ibn Kathir interpretation):


I think the proclaimed miracle is exposed, because the chapter explains itself clearly. It's about something that will occur on the judgment day. Harun Yahya made it appear as if it's about going to the moon. Believe me, I am one hundred percent sure that they know the real meaning of the chapter, but Muslims believe the war with the truth can be won by subjecting science and mixing it with a false presentation of Islam. This is why I called my book The

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Deception of Allah.

As long we are addressing the heaven of Allah, I will explain more about it, and at the same time, show more strong evidence answering this claim. ALLAH


Qur’an 15:44:

To it (heaven) are seven gates: for each of those gates is divided for each by his sin.

This means the better Muslims will go to a higher floor and a better heaven. For example, Al-Qaida might be on the 6thfloor, which is closer to Allah than the normal Muslims. We can find the same thing in Qur'an 23:86: ة




ﻧ ﻧ

ﻮ , Al-Mumenon, 86

He is the lord of the seven heavens.

1. So, there are seven divisions (levels), but all are still heaven.

2. In Qur'an 67:3 we see the word (ﻂﺑ ا

ﺎ , tbaqan):

It's he who created the heaven as floors; seven heavens, one above another.

Note here the word translated “floors” is 'tbaqan in Arabic.

3. The verse is not about going to the moon, because Allah's heaven is not in the moon.

4. Read again (Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book 58, Hadith 227) about Muhammad going to up to the seven heavens on page 225 and you will see each one of these heavens has a gate with guards.

5. Some might ask, “Why did Allah swear by the moon in the verses (Qur'an 84:18-20) translated by Mr. Harun Yahya?”

6. The answer is, Allah swears when the moon is full you will go to heaven after life. Read carefully. Allah did not just swear by the moon, but he swore by the full moon, as it says in Harun's translation. Not mine. “And [I swear by] the moon when it is full, you will mount up stage by stage.”

7. This will happen when the moon is full for the afterlife, because as long as Allah said, “when the moon is full,” this means we cannot go there unless the moon is full! Is it about a one time trip and never again, or about the dates when

moon is full! Is it about a one time trip and never again, or about the dates when these trips start? For sure, Muslims will say it's about the start!

8. Allah says that this happens when the moon is full. That makes the claim funny.

9. When did the first spaceship go to the moon?

10. We can find this from NASA: Luna 1, Launch Date: 1959-01-02. Luna 1

was the first spacecraft to reach the moon, and the first of a series of Soviet automatic interplanetary stations successfully launched in the direction of the moon.

11. The date of January 2, 1959, when this spaceship launched, was not a full moon! The date of the full moon for January 1959 was January 24th.

12. As we see, the prediction of Allah about going to space (as they claim), does not match the date of the full moon!

13. Muslims might say, “Oh, it's about man going there, not a spaceship!” Fine.

Let us see when the first man went to the moon. Here is the link: Apollo 11

Launched: 16 July 1969 UT 13:32:00 (09:32:00 a.m. EDT) Landed on Moon: 20 July, 1969 UT 20:17:40 (04:17:40 p.m. EDT) Landing Site: Mare Tranquillitatis - Sea of Tranquility (0.67 N, 23.47 E) Returned to Earth: 24 July 1969 UT 16:50:35 (12:50:35 p.m. EDT) Neil A.

Armstrong, commander

Michael Collins, command module pilot

Edwin E. Aldrin, Jr., lunar module pilot

As we see, it: “Landed on Moon: 20 July,” but the date of the full moon for July 1969 was July 29th. You can use a moon calculator yourself at: 14. Allah lost again. On the top of this, the Muslim's claim contradicts the Qur’an as you'll see in Qur’an 55:33:

O company of jinns and humans, if you are able to pass through the Range of the heavens and the earth, then pass through! You will not pass through except with Authority.

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We see this affirmed by Islamic scholars in interpretation, Tafsir Al-Jalalayn, for Qur'an 55:33:

O kind of jinn and humans, if you are able to pass through, to exit from the range, of the heavens and the earth, then pass through! A challenge made by Allah to challenge them as to what they (jinn and humans) are incapable of doing. You will not pass through except with authority, and power, and you have no power to do such a thing.

As usual, the ones who beat Allah were the infidels. Right up to the present time, Muslims can't make an airplane. The only thing they have is the flying carpet that was mentioned in the Qur’an.

It's so clear that Muhammad and his false god never thought about man ever going to the moon. If we could ask Muhammad to rewrite his Qur’an, he would add the name of Neil A. Armstrong as a prophet of Allah!



I will present two claims at the same time since they both address the same topic.

(Following are the Muslim claims.)

Claim # 1


After that He smoothed out the earth. (Qur'an, 79:30) In the above verse, the word "daha" is used in the original Arabic. It, translated as "smoothed out," comes from the word "dahv," meaning "to spread." Although the word "dahv" also means to cover or to set out, the meaning of the verb is more than just a prosaic setting out, since it describes setting out in a circle.

The concept of roundness is also present in other words derived from "dahv."

For example, the word "dahv" also refers to children dropping a ball into a hole in the ground, games involving throwing stones into holes and games played with walnuts. Words derived from that root are also used for an ostrich making a nest, cleaning stones from where it is about to lie down, the place where it lays its eggs and the egg itself.

Indeed, the Earth is round, in a manner reminiscent of an egg. The slightly flattened spherical shape of the Earth is known as geoid. From that point of

flattened spherical shape of the Earth is known as geoid. From that point of view, the use of the word "daha" contains important information about the shape that Allah has given to the Earth. For hundreds of years, people imagined the Earth to be completely flat and only learned the truth thanks to technology. Yet, this fact was revealed in the Qur'an fourteen centuries ago.

The second claim which is connected with this one is Claim # 2


He created the heavens and the Earth with truth. He wraps the night around the day and wraps the day around the night, and has made the Sun and Moon subservient, each one running for a specified term. Is He not indeed the Almighty, the Endlessly Forgiving? (Sura Az-Zumar, 5) In the above verse the movement of the Earth is described by the word

“yukawwiru,” which comes from root verb “takwir,” meaning “to cover up a spherical body,” in the way that the rotation of the Earth gives rise to night and day, like the winding of a turban. In addition to the spherical shape of the Earth the word is also the most accurate expression of its movement around the Sun.

Because of the Earth’s spherical shape and its movement around the Sun, the Sun always illuminates one side of the Earth while the other is in darkness. The side in shadow is shrouded by the darkness of night, to be replaced by the brightness of day when the Sun rises. The positions of the Sun and Earth are revealed as follows in Sura Ya Sin:

And the Sun runs to its resting place. That is the decree of the Almighty, the All-Knowing. And We have decreed set phases for the Moon, until it ends up looking like an old palm spathe. It is not for the Sun to overtake the Moon nor for the night to outstrip the day; each one is swimming in a sphere. (Sura Ya Sin, 38-40)

The movements of the Sun and Moon in verse 40 of Sura Ya Sin are described by the Arabic word "yasbahoona," meaning “flowing, passing or swimming.”

This word refers to an action performed by someone on their own. Someone acting according to this verb continues to perform it alone, with no intervention from anyone else. The above verses may therefore be referring to the Sun’s independent movement in the universe, independent of any other celestial body.

(Allah knows the truth.) It is impossible for us to see or follow the movement of the Sun with our own eyes. It is only possible to determine that movement using

the Sun with our own eyes. It is only possible to determine that movement using special technological equipment. As stated in verse 39 of Sura Ya Sin, in addition to rotating around its own axis once every 26 days, the Sun also moves through its own course.

The verse also reports that the Sun is not allowed to “overtake the Moon,” and the Qur’an thus states that the Sun and Moon do not revolve around the same body, as astronomers put it. At the same time, the verse makes it clear that there is no connection between the motion responsible for night and day and the movement of the Sun and Moon. (Allah knows the truth.) Until the 16th century it was thought that the Earth was the center of the universe. This view is known as the “geocentric model,” from the Greek words geo (earth) and centron (center). This belief was questioned by the famous astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus in 1543 in his book De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium (Of the Revolutions of Heavenly Spheres), in which he suggested that the Earth and the other planets revolve around the Sun. But as a result of observations using a telescope performed by Galileo Galilei in 1610, it was scientifically established that the Earth revolves around the Sun. Since it had hitherto been thought that the Sun revolved around the Earth, most scholars of the time rejected Copernicus’ theory. The famous astronomer Johannes Kepler's views setting out the movements of the planets confirmed the heliocentric model in the 16th and 17th centuries. In this model, whose name comes from the words Helios (Sun) and centron (center), the Sun is the center of the universe, rather than the Earth. Other heavenly bodies also revolve around the Sun. Yet this was all revealed 1400 years ago in the Qur’an.

By saying that the Earth was the center of the universe, the ancient Greek astronomer Ptolemy was responsible for the geocentric idea of the universe that prevailed for hundreds of years. For that reason, at the time of the revelation of the Qur’an, nobody knew that the Earth-centered model that accounted for the formation of day and night in terms of the movement of the Sun was incorrect.

On the contrary, all the stars and planets were regarded as revolving around the Earth. Despite these prevalent errors of the time, the Qur’an contains many expressions that agree with the scientific facts regarding day and night: By the Sun and its morning brightness, and the moon when it follows it, and the day when it displays it, and the night when it conceals it (Sura Ash-Shams, 1-4)

As set out in the above verse, day, the brightness of the Sun, is the result of the movement of the Earth. It is not the movement of the Sun that is responsible for

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movement of the Earth. It is not the movement of the Sun that is responsible for night and day. In other words, the Sun is immobile in terms of night and day.

The information in the Qur’an refutes the thesis that the Earth is fixed while the Sun revolves around it. The Qur’an is clearly descended from the presence of our Lord, He Who is unfettered by space and time. As science and technology advance more and more examples of the compatibility between the Qur’an and science are coming to light. This is set out in another verse from the Qur’an: There is instruction in their stories for people of intelligence. This is not a narration which has been invented but confirmation of all that came before, a clarification of everything, and a guidance and a mercy for people who believe.

(Sura Yusuf Ali, 111)

The above manuscript (seen on website) dating from the 1750s shows the geocentric (Earth-centered) model of the universe. It took many years for this to be abandoned and replaced by the heliocentric model.




First, is the earth round in the Qur’an? We can take a look at the verse that Mr.

Harun gave, Qur'an 36 (Ya Sin):38-40.

And the sun runs to its resting place. That is the decree of the Almighty, the All-Knowing. And We have decreed set phases for the moon, until it ends up looking like an old palm spathe. It is not for the Sun to overtake the moon nor for the night to outstrip the day; each one is swimming in a sphere.

In the above verse is a clear mistake: the sun goes and rests to sleep. To understand more of what this verse really means, we should continue to read this verse (Qur'an 39:5):

It's He who created

the heavens and the earth by truth. He wraps the night up on the day, and wraps the day up on the night...

Muslims claim this is mentioning the roundness of the earth. Look at the word

“wraps” that Muslims choose to use in most of their translations. If the night and the day do not physically exist, how can we wrap them? The word wrap can be only used for something that has a physical size. On top of that, one of them has to be bigger than the other to be able to wrap one with the other. I'm not sure if

to be bigger than the other to be able to wrap one with the other. I'm not sure if you understand my point yet. As an example, if you have to wrap a 7” x 7” box, you will need wrapping paper at least 8” x 8”. It's not paint that is brushed on!

Also, even if the day and night were both physical objects, they do not have the same length! They can't wrap each other. To prove that Allah thought that the day was a physical object, as well as the night, let us read the flowing.


In Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book 59, Hadith 688:

The Prophet of Allah said, The time has gotten its existent pattern shape which it has, since Allah created the heavens and the earth...

Maybe the words of Muhammad are not enough. Let's see what the Qur’an says about this (Qur’an 21:33):

It's He, it is Who created the night and the day, and the sun and the moon. They float, each of it, in an orbit.

When the Muslims speak about this verse they try to ignore the fact which is clearly shown:

Does the night need to be created? Who created the night? Allah start by creating the night, but the night is nothing but the darkness, and darkness is the absence of light. So as long as Allah did create the day after the night, does this then lead us to conclude that there was light before the day was created?

Moreover, what is the creation of day except light creation? This contradicts the verse itself and that is a clear scientific mistake.

• But in the Bible we see that coming perfectly clear. God did not create darkness, because it does not need to be created, it is just the absence of light as we see in Genesis 1:1-5:

1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. 2And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.3And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. 4And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness. 5And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.

• Notice in Qur’an 21:33 above, I underlined the words, “they float.” Read it

again please, and notice that the words “they float” refer to all four (night + day

+ sun + moon).

• This means Allah is saying that the day and the night, they float too! This clearly means that Allah thinks that the day and the night were created as physical objects. The same as the sun and the moon! It's a clear mistake and misunderstanding of how the day and the night occur.

Mohsin Khan’s translation, Qur'an 16:12 reads as follows: And He has subjected to you the night and the day, and the sun and the moon; and the stars are subjected by His Command. Surely, in this are proofs for people who understand.

If the day and the night do not physically exist, how can they be subjected? This is how easy it is to expose these false claims.

The Sun and the Moon. The Day and The Night. They don’t catch each other.

Qur’an 36:40:

It's not allowed for the sun to catch up with the moon, nor may the night come before the day, and each of them is in an orbit, swimming.

1. Notice in here, the night (darkness) cannot come before the day, when the fact is that the night is the original stage and the day always come afterwards. 2. If this is really true, does the word “catch” mean physically? We can take it in two possible ways.

A. The sun, moon, day, and night can't catch each other physically.

This would mean that the day and the night do not catch each other, physically.

This proves the verse we spoke about just prior to this one, which shows the Qur’an is wrong again. If it means not physically happening, then Allah must have forgotten something called the eclipse! Maybe he does not know that during an eclipse, day and night meet in the same time! Do not forget that the eclipse involves all four of the names (day + night + moon + sun).

B. If the words “ they float” do not relate to physically catching, this means that the sun and the moon are not physically created, and that would be wrong again.

1. Either way, there is a big mistake there. Did Allah know about the eclipse? It's

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1. Either way, there is a big mistake there. Did Allah know about the eclipse? It's so clear what the Allah of Islam (Muhammad) is saying. He is making it up, that the day and night can't catch each other. In the case of the eclipse, this is not true.

2. Remember, when the eclipse occurs, the day and the night do catch up with one another.

3. This is what prompted Muhammad to say in Qur’an 54:1 that the judgment day was near. The moon had split and he was ignorant about the fact that it was an eclipse. He thought the moon was splitting and made a false prophecy that the judgment day had started, thinking that the eclipse was a sign of it.

Saying this, we have proven a few more of the Qur'an's mistakes including the false story of splitting of the moon.

In the Book of Fateh Al-Bari, p. 105-106:

“Prophet Muhammad

mentions the word eclipse 4000 times or more.”

However, Allah is mentioned in the Qur’an 2,690 times, so without a doubt an eclipse is very scary to Muhammad. So scary that he even ordered Muslims to free slaves if they could to get Allah to stop his anger.

It is documented that the Prophet of Allah ordered the public to free slaves during the solar eclipse. (Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book 18, Hadith 163) Additionally, Muhammad used to offer a special prayer during the eclipse, because he thought it was something God was doing as a warning, as we see in Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book 18, Hadith 158:

Allah's messenger said: “The sun and the moon are two miracles among the miracles of Allah, and they do not eclipse on account of the death of someone but Allah frightens His followers with them.”

Again in Sahih Muslim, Book 4, Hadith 1985, we read: Ibn 'Abbas reported that the messenger of Allah practiced eclipse prayer. He recited the Qur'an and stood up, and then bowed. Then he again recited Qur’an

recited the Qur'an and stood up, and then bowed. Then he again recited Qur’an on the other hand, he bowed. Afterwards the prophet did again recite and again bowed and again recited and again bowed, and then after that he was exhausted, and the second bowing, and it was as you see.

Why did the science of Muhammad make him pray when he saw the eclipse? It's very clear that Muhammad had no idea what the eclipse was about.

I wonder why Muslims do not do what Muhammad did during the eclipse. I would like to see Muslims practice this now. They now know it's based on ignorance, so they do not do that prayer anymore!

Muslims keep going on with their claims opening more and more eyes to the mistakes in the Qur’an, as we will see in the coming claim.




Today, the relativity of time is a proven scientific fact. This was revealed by Einstein's theory of relativity during the early part of the 20thcentury. Until then, it was not known that time was relative, nor that it could change according to the circumstances. Yet, the renowned scientist Albert Einstein proved this fact by discovering the theory of relativity. He showed that time is dependent on mass and velocity.

However, the Qur'an had already included information about time's being relative! Some verses about the subject read:

…A day with your Lord is equivalent to a thousand years in the way you count.

(Qur'an 22:47)

He directs the whole affair from heaven to earth. Then it will again ascend to Him on a Day whose length is a thousand years by the way you measure. (Qur'an 32:5)

The angels and the Spirit ascend to Him in a day whose length is fifty thousand years. (Qur'an 70:4)

The fact that the relativity of time is so definitely mentioned in the Qur'an, which began to be revealed in 610, is more evidence that it is a divine book.


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If this proves the relativity of time, then it means Christians had it long before Islam existed. Based on this Muslim's own words, he cannot claim any credit for their book as long as this same information existed in many other older books.

It's so clear Muhammad is copying the Bible again. Muslims claim that the Qur’an speaks of the relativity of time. Is that true? Here's their proof.

Qur'an 22:47:

A day for your Lord is

equivalent to a thousand years in the way you count.

After this, the Muslims will post for you references of science telling how time can be changed, or it's relativity to location. I am not in any way opposing what science says about this subject, but rather pointing out that Muslims, in their effort to prove that their verses are scientific, put themselves in a bad trap by making their verses non-metaphorical. Let's see how: 1. First of all, here are the verses Muhammad stole from the Bible: 2 Peter 3:8: But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.

Psalm 90:4: For a thousand years in thy sight [are but] as yesterday when it is past, and [as] a watch in the night.

The Bible is just telling us how time means nothing for God. It does not really mean that God has a day and his day is equal to anything specific, for he is our Lord and outside of time. As the Bible says in John 1:1-3: 1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2The same was in the beginning with God. 3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.

The words, “in the beginning,” are the same words as in Genesis 1:1: In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

“The beginning” here represents the beginning of time for His creation. Before that point, there was no time. Even science agrees about that. Let me make it

that point, there was no time. Even science agrees about that. Let me make it clear, our Lord is outside of our time frame, and he is not controlled by it. The start of time began for his creation, not for him.

2. If a day for Allah is equal to 1,000 years of our time, it means Allah is inside the time system.

3. As long as Muslims are counting time for Allah, this would mean that Allah did not exist before the beginning of time, because he is controlled by time.

Remember, I am not the one who took this out of metaphorical context, it was the Muslims. They cannot change their claim any more.

4. Following their own premise that their verses relate to the relativity of time, which is based on location change and physical existence of objects, this means that Allah physically existed and exists in a location, and time is moving very slowly for him there!

5. This would also mean that Allah is under the law of physics. Does this provide evidence that he is a creature rather than creator?

6. This would also mean that if we moved Allah to the earth he would grow old faster and he would have the same 24 hour day as we have. He would then be part of the experiment and time would be changeable for him too!

7. As long as Allah has normal days, and has nothing to do with our day, it means he also has a month and a year. He is not outside the bounds of the beginning of time.

8. The Bible says in Genesis 1:1 (KJV):

In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

9. It was the beginning of time, as we know it, when God created everything; but he existed before that beginning. By contrast, we see that Allah is within the bounds of time. He cannot be the creator! Moreover, if Allah understood physics, why are the Muslims trying to fool us by saying that the words “seven heavens” mean seven layers of the atmosphere?

10. If the seven heavens are layers of the atmosphere, does science say that time changes if we go to the atmosphere? Then it's clear, Muslim's lied when they said the seven heavens were the atmosphere!

I will now further expose the liars by reading their prophet's words about how

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I will now further expose the liars by reading their prophet's words about how time works for Allah.



Sahih Al-Bukhari, The Book of the Night Prayer, No.1081, Narrated Abu Huraira (or read Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book 21, Hadith 246): This hadith is

verified accurate. As I show with the Arabic text above, it is correct according to:

1. Al-Bukari 1/384, No. 1094 (Arabic)

2. Musnad Ahamd 2/487, No. 10318 (Arabic)

3. Sahih Muslim 1/521, No. 758 (Arabic)

4. Abu Dawood 2/34, No. 1315 (Arabic)

5. Al-Tirm'zi 5/526, No. 3498 (Arabic)

6. Ibn Majah 1/435, No. 1366 (Arabic)

English translation of Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book 21, Hadith 246: Muhammad said, "Our Lord, the great, comes every night down to the lowest Heaven to us by the last third period of the night, calling, 'anyone in attendance to call upon Me, so that I may answer to his intercession? Is there any attendance anyone to ask Me, so that I may grant him what he is asking me for? Is there anyone struggling for My forgiveness, so that I may forgive him?'”

1. How many last “third of the nights” are on this earth? You can ask any Muslim and he will tell you that each city in the world has its own five times of prayer!

2. How will Allah come down at the third part of the night? 3. To make it clear let's say the third part of the night is at 2 a.m. in the morning.

4. How many 2 a.m.s do we have around the world? There are 24 Time Zones.

5. So Allah must come down 24 times a day!

6. Where does Allah come down? To the lowest heaven.

7. This would mean that Allah never left to come down! He is always down during the last third part of the night. He would have to be down around the

during the last third part of the night. He would have to be down around the clock!

8. The only answer for this story is that the earth, according to Islam, has only one time set and one last third of the night (i.e. the earth must be flat).

9. Allah Time is not different from our time anymore, because remember, Muslims believe in “the relativity of time,” and Allah is so close to us because he comes down physically.

With that being said, does Allah go inside his creation? We know that Muslims claim that God can't be inside his creation. This claim is normally being presented for one reason, which is to prove that Jesus can’t be Allah (God).

As long as Allah cannot be inside his creation, then how is Allah moving inside and between his seven heavens, as we saw in the past hadith?

Again, let's read Sahih Al-Bukhari, The Book of Night Prayer, Hadith 1081: Narrated Abu Huraira: Muhammad said, "Our Lord, the great, comes every night down to the lowest Heaven to us by the last third period of the night, calling,

'anyone in attendance to call upon Me, so that I may answer to his intercession?

Is there any attendance anyone to ask Me, so that I may grant him what he is asking me for? Is there anyone struggling for My forgiveness, so that I may forgive him?'”

1. Allah is moving between two locations; A and B.

2. A is the seventh (highest) heaven.

3. B is the lowest heaven.

4. He has to go through the seven heavens and then stops in the lowest heaven.

5. This means that the Muslim claim about God not being inside of his creation is absolutely false. How he is going between the seven heavens if he is not inside them?


Qur'an 68:42:The day when Allah uncovers his shin...

I have asked Muslims many times if Allah has a shin or a leg. They answer,

“Yes, he does, but his leg is not like ours.”

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1. As long as Allah has a leg, hand, face and fingers, this is a physical attribute.

Not a metaphor.

2. I ask, “Is Allah inside his body?” If the answer is “Yes,” this means Allah can be inside of his creation. If the answer is “No, Allah is not inside his body,” then how can we call it his body if he is outside of it?

3. Does that mean Allah and his body are separated? That would make Allah two persons. Allah the spirit and Allah the body. Each of them is Allah!

4. If Allah is one, and the two (the body and the spirit) are one, why can't the Muslims accept the three (the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) as one?

5. It's fine for them to accept Allah having a form of a real body, but they cannot accept that God can be in the man of Christ.


As long as Allah cannot be inside his creation, although I have already proven that this was false, and that he must be inside his leg, hand, fingers and face, in which case we would be multiplying Allah's numbers, I will agree with them for the sake of argument. This would mean:

1. Allah's body cannot be created by Allah for he cannot be inside his creation.

2. There is a Creator who created Allah's body!

3. If Allah's body is not created by anyone, maybe Allah is the big bang itself!

4. Anyway, why does Allah need to have a body?

5. When he says, “I have a leg,” regardless of the way it looks or the material it's made from, it's still a leg! Since Allah described it by the word leg, then it's a leg. Remember, Allah is the one who named things in this earth according to Qur'an 2:31:

And He, Allah, taught

Adam the names of all things...

6. As long as these names were made by Allah for the way they are used, this means Allah is calling his body part a leg for the way it is used, regardless of the look. As an example; the leg of a donkey is not the same as the leg of an ant, but both are called a leg because of the functionality, not the look.

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both are called a leg because of the functionality, not the look.

Meaning, Allah called it leg because it is used as a leg!

7. Then I have to ask, if Christ cannot be God because he has a body, or legs or hands, and he used them, then why is Allah using his leg to walk with? Isn't this a problem for Muslims?

When Allah moves between the heavens, does he take his leg with him, or does he leave it up there? The leg, face, hand and the finger are tools. They exist for a need. They are physical. Any physical body takes and occupies a space or area.

This means:

1. Allah has size, which means he can be measured!

2. If he has size and can be measured, it means he is smaller than something bigger than him, because you cannot be of a physical size without being capable of being contained inside of something else!

3. As long as Allah is not two, but one, yet he is body and spirit; then to be everywhere, he would have to be everywhere with his body! But that is impossible, because if he has size, can be measured and is everywhere, we should be able to see him, feel him, and even touch him.

4. At the same time, if Allah is everywhere and cannot be inside his creation, this means that the Qur’an is wrong about the nature of Allah. Either way, the one who claims he is saying Allah's words as god, is false.


SKY Book of Fateh Al-Bari Fe Shareh, Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book of Tawhid (chapter 112), p. 425:

Ibn Mas'ud (preeminent Qur’an collector) said: The distance between the lower sky and the sky in the top of it is 500 years, same distance between each until the seventh sky. The thickness of each sky is 500 years, as well as between the seventh sky and Allah's chair is 500 years. Moreover, between Allah's chair and the water is 500 years, and nothing is hiding of what you do to Allah.

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the water is 500 years, and nothing is hiding of what you do to Allah.

According to the above, we can imagine the following image: If the chair must be round, this means Allah himself is also round. And as long we are in the chair of Allah, then we are sharing Allah's chair with him! This is indeed getting messed up.

But we know Muhammad’s was speaking about a flat earth. Also we have many chapters in the Qur'an saying that with clear words, like in Qur’an 79:30, which reads:And after that, he flattened the earth. Considering this fact, this is how the image will appear:

Seven skies x 500 years distance each = after 3500 years we will be out of space,

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Seven skies x 500 years distance each = after 3500 years we will be out of space, then the water!

Now bear with me and we will do some calculations to see what this all means.

In Muhammad's time they measured distance by days using camels. A camel's maximum speed is 40 mph.

Distance between Allah's throne and water is 500 years, therefore:

• 3500 years distance + 500 years to the top of the water = 4000 years and you will be visiting Allah.

• A camel's max speed of 40 mph x 24 hrs = 960 miles per day.

• The Muslim lunar calendar is 354 daysx960 miles per day = 339.840 miles we can travel per year.

339.840 miles x 4000 years = 1,359,360,000 miles to Allah.

• The distance between the sun and the earth is about 92,935,710 miles.

• 1,359,360,000 miles to Allah / 92,935,710 (sun to earth) = 15

• The distance between Allah and us is 15 times the distance to the sun.

Now let's consider the distance to the nearest galaxy. According to Frank H. Shu in The Physical Universe: An Introduction to Astronomy (California: University Science Books, 1982: 291):

"The modern value for this distance is 2 million light years away, which places it well outside the confines of the Milky Way."

That is two (2) million light years to the Andromeda Galaxy.

• One year light speed is equal to 5,865,696,000,000 miles.

• This means that from earth to Andromeda is; 2 light years x 5,865,696,000,000 miles.

• Again this proves Islam is false with evidence from science. Is it really 500

years between each sky as we just read, or is it seventy-one, seventy two, or even seventy-three years?

Sunan Abu-Dawood, Book 40, Hadith 4705:

Allah's messenger said: “...Do you know the distance between heaven and earth?” They answered, “No. We do not know.” After that He said: “The distance between them and the earth, is seventy-one, seventy-two, or seventy-three years. The heaven which is above it is at a similar distance going on up to

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three years. The heaven which is above it is at a similar distance going on up to the time of, he counted all the seven heavens. Above the seventh heavens, over there is a sea, the distance between whose top and bottom is like that between one heaven and the nearest Above that eight mountain goats, the distance between whose hoofs and haunches are like the distance between one heaven and the next, then Allah, the great, is above that.”

1. Notice here Muhammad changed the numbers and he is using OR!

2. Did Allah say to him “Or?” Allah himself is also unsure!

3. “Above the seventh heavens, over there is a sea.”

Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book 60, Hadith 236:

The Prophet, furthermore, said, “By Him in Whose Hand my soul is, the distance between every two gateways of Paradise is like the distance between Mecca and Busra (city in southern Syria).”

Notice this is clearly a false statement, because the distance between Mecca and Busra in Syria is just 821 miles (1,321 Km). As a result, there is one of two options:

• The roadway to heaven's gates is on flat ground.

• On the other hand, the roadway to heaven's gates is going up to the next sky, as often indicated by Muhammad who frequently expressed the words “above therefore the direction is going up.”

• So how will it take 500 years as he said in Al-Tirmidhi, Hadith 5735, or seventy-three years as he said in Suana Abu Dawood, Book 40, Hadith 4705?

• The distance between sky gates is 821 miles.


821 miles x 7 sky gates = 5,747 miles is the total height. The distance between the earth and moon is 238,854 miles (384,399 km).

238,854 miles / 5747 miles = 41.

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• So the moon is 41 times further than Allah!

• So the moon is way behind Allah.

• So can we be with Allah by traveling a relatively short distance?

• 821 miles / 500 years = 1.642 miles per year speed of travel to cover that distance in one year.

• At that rate, Muslims will move about 136 meters a day!

• A three-toed sloth moves much faster than Muslims!

We have learned the distance, and once we had the distance we could calculate the location. Now the location is a physical place and in that physical place, Allah is sitting on the top of his chair, which is a physical item.

Qur’an 2:255:

...The Chair of Allah in the width and height of the skies and earth.

Does Allah have a physical Chair? Let's ask Muhammad!

Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book 58, Hadith 227:

“(...) Then Jibreel took me up to Sudrat Al-Muntaha (big tree in heaven, tree of Allah). Behold! Its fruits are the same as the ones in the clay jugs of Hajar (a location in Arabia not far away from Mecca) and its leaves look so big as the ears of elephants. Jibreel said, ‘This is Sudrat Al-Muntaha (Allah's Tree).’ And there were four running rivers, two rivers were underneath and invisible and two rivers were visible. I questioned Jibreel, ‘What are these two rivers?’ He answered, ‘The invisible rivers. They are two rivers in Paradise, and the visible rivers are the Nile and the Euphrates.’ After that Al-Bait Al-Ma'mor (the House of Allah)...”

Sahih Al-Bukhari Book 52, Hadith 48:

...The Prophet as well revealed, “Above it (the paradise) there is the throne of Allah, and from it run out the rivers of Paradise.”

The word above means a specific place and is the opposite of under. This hadith gives Allah an exact location. This is physical and not metaphorical, because the Qur’an says in another verse that the throne of Allah will be carried by eight angels (caribou).

Qur'an 69:17:

And the angels will be around

the sides of throne, and eight [caribou] will that day, carry the Throne of thy

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Lord above them.

Tafsir Al-Tabari

interpretation, Vol. 23, p. 583, Hadith 26970:

Narrated by Al-Husain said, “I have been informed by Abu-Ma'az from 'Aubid from Al-'Dahak he said: ‘His mighty saying {in that day the throne of your Lord will be carried by eight angels and Allah above them}, some of them said its eight rows of angels, they got the look of caribou.”

Tafsir Al-Jalalayn interpretation of Qur'an 69:17: In addition to the angels will be all on the sides of its borders, the borders of the heavens, and above the angels that have been spoken of, on that day eight who are from the best of Allah's angels, will carry the Throne of your Lord Allah,and He will be on it.

To prove that Allah's throne physically exists, we can read this: Tafesser Jami' Al-Bayian by Al-Tabari, Vol. 2, p. 24:

Reported from Mujahed about the Lord saying, “May the Lord give him the location of rank;” he said, “Allah will make the Prophet sit with him over his throne.”

Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book 54, Hadith 414:

“...At the same time, as I was with the Prophet, some people from Bani Tamim approached. Therefore, they said: “We ask you what the beginning of this universe was.” The Prophet said, “There was Allah and nothing else before Him and His Throne was above the water, and He afterwards created the Heavens and the Earth and wrote everything in the Book...”

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Book of Fath Ul-Bari,

explanation of Sahih Al-Bukhari, The Beginning of Creation, p. 334: There was nothing but Allah, no water or throne or anything else, and his throne was over the water, meaning that he did create first the water then he created the throne over the water, the meaning of this is that he created the water first then he created the throne then he created the pen! And he said to the pen write everything being then he created the sky and the earth!

Based on Muhammad's words and Sahih Al-Bukhari's explanation, we arrive at this conclusion:

1. The Throne of Allah was created, so it is a physical throne.

2. As long as Allah is above a physically existing throne, he is physical.

Therefore, he is above and he has a body, as I have proven.

3. Sitting or standing above it does not matter, but it's very clear now that he is contained in the chair. When Allah is above it, whatever its size, it's still a chair and has size. As I showed you, eight angels will carry it, which would mean that the throne of the god of Islam is bigger than Allah himself.

4. Since Allah is above the throne and not under the throne, he is not everywhere as Muslims claim.

5. He is above it. Not on the right side, left side, back or front, but above the throne.

6. Then I have to ask, why does Allah need a physical throne? The answer: 7. Because he is physical too. Since Allah IS a physical god, Muslims have no claim or fair reasoning for rejecting God in the person of Jesus Christ.

8. All of Islam is nothing but false claims based on a false god, and false accusations against Christianity are made just to fight His name, the only Lord, the Christ.

9. Based on the hadith I presented, there are some points that cannot be ignored.

Read it again, please, if you have a short memory. You will find a very interesting line of words in the explanation of the Book of Fath-Ul-Bari, p. 334:

interesting line of words in the explanation of the Book of Fath-Ul-Bari, p. 334: He created the water first, then he created the throne, then he created the pen!

And he said to the pen write everything being, then he created the sky and the earth!

What do we get from this explanation?

1. First to be created was water.

2. Shouldn’t Allah have created space for water first? Where would the water be located?

3. As long as Allah did not need to create a space for the water, and the first thing he created was water, there had to have been space created by someone else. Not Allah, for sure. The hadith says in clear words what was first, but this shouldn't be created first without having a space or something to contain it.

4. This would mean that there must be another creator who created things, like the space, before Allah created anything.

5. Since Allah created the water first and then the chair, or the throne, was the next in his chain of creation, then I have to ask: Why did Allah create water first? He needed it?

6. Why did he create the throne? He likes fantasy? Is he lonely? He was tired?

Possibly to show his power? But to whom? 7. If Allah created the water first, this means a story in the Qur’an is false, for the Qur’an says in 79:31: He brought out its (the earth's) water and substances.

8. The verse says so clearly that the earth was without water and then Allah created water over it.

9. This proves that Muhammad is a story maker and not a prophet, because he is creating tales which are contradicting his Allah's words. If Allah really ever spoke at all.


Fath Ul-Bari Fe Sharh, Sahih Al-Bukhari, p. 334: He created the water first then he created the throne then he created the pen! And he said to the pen write everything being, then he created the sky and the earth!

1. Why did Allah create the pen?

2. Why does he need a pen?

3. Why does he need to write anything?

4. Is this pen a living creature, which has brain? How can the pen write everything, when he, the pen, has been told nothing yet! In what way do Allah and the pen understand each other? Did Allah order the pen to write in Arabic?

Does the pen speak Arabic? Does this pen make mistakes? On the other hand, is he perfect the same as God! So is Allah going to do the proofreading?

5. Muhammad is the best of Allah creation as we mention before in the following book entitled Al-'Khasa'es Al-Kubra, Beirut, Lebanon, Author Al-Seu'ti, Vol. 1, p. 66:

The prophet said: “Allah created his creation and chose from them sons of Adam, and from sons of Adam, he chooses the Arab, and from the Arab, he chose Mudar (tribe), and from Mudar, he chose sons of Hasim (clan) and from Hashim, he chose me, finest of the best.”

But Muhammad is a sinner as in Qur’an 48:2: “Let it be that Allah may forgive your sin [Muhammad], of the previous and those to follow; fulfill His favors to thee; and lead thee to the straight path.”

Qur’an 40:55: “Be persistent and patient because the Promise of Allah is truthful and ask forgiveness for your sin and glorify the Praises of, thy Lord in the nightfall and in the dawn.”

Yusuf Ali translation, Qur’an 94: “1Have We not expanded thee thy breast?2And removed from thee thy burden 3The which did gall thy back?”

Qur’an 47:19: “ Be aware that there is no god but Allah, and ask for your forgiveness sin and the sin of the men and women who believe; for Allah knows how ye action about and where you go.”

6. If Muhammad is the best of Allah’s creation, and he did sin, which means he was in error, then what about the pen never having erred? That would make Allah’s pen better than Muhammad, but this will contradict Muhammad's words about himself. If Muslims accept that the pen is not better than Muhammad and that pen of Allah does error, this means that Allah’s manuscript has errors because it's written by the pen which is not perfect.

because it's written by the pen which is not perfect.

7. Didn't Muhammad notice that he forgot that Allah created the pen and then ordered it to write? My question is, write on what?

8. If there was nothing created but water and a chair, where did the pen write Allah's order?

9. We, as humans, write for one of two reasons:

A. To transfer knowledge and ideas to others and other generations. B. To keep information from being lost because of memory loss.

10. Did Allah think he would die, so he wanted to write his orders? 11. Also, since no one can see the book that Allah wrote, was the only reader Allah?

12. In that case, I ask, why did Allah read back his orders? 13. It must be that he is short on memory, and afraid of dementia and memory loss.

14. The Muslims say Allah protected the book from corruption, which is why he wrote his words and orders.

15. Does that mean the book of ‘'Isa' (Jesus) is preserved?

16. Why doesn't he send us a copy?

17. This would mean the gospel has never been corrupted, because it is up there with Allah, therefore Muhammad lied.

18. Why didn't Muhammad ask his god for an extra copy of Christ's book?

19. Maybe Allah's copy is corrupted too?

20. As long as Allah wrote everything before he created the universe, would that mean he wrote his destiny for us on this earth?



Qur'an 76:30:

But you will not will unless Allah wills. Allah is All-Knowing, All-Wise.

As a result of experiments he performed in 1973, Professor Benjamin Libet, a neurophysiologist at the University of California, revealed that all our decisions and choices are set out beforehand, and that consciousness only comes into play half a second after everything has been determined. This is interpreted by other neurophysiologists as meaning that we actually live in the past and that our consciousness is like a monitor which shows us everything half a second later.

Therefore, none of the experiences we perceive are in real time, but are delayed by up to half a second from the real events themselves. Libet carried out his

by up to half a second from the real events themselves. Libet carried out his research by making use of the fact that brain surgery can be performed without the use of narcosis, in other words while the subject is fully conscious. Libet stimulated the brains of his subjects with small electrical currents, and when they experienced a perception that their hands had been touched the subjects said that they had felt that "touch" almost half a second before. As a result of his measurements, Libet arrived at the following conclusion: All perceptions are normally transmitted to the brain. As these are subconsciously evaluated and interpreted, the ego is unaware of anything. The information that appears before our minds, in other words that we can be aware of, is transmitted to the cortex, the seat of consciousness, after a certain delay.

The conclusion from this may be summarized as follows: The decision to move a muscle takes place before that decision reaches the consciousness. There is always a delay between a neurological or perceptual process and our becoming aware of the thought, feeling, perception or movement it represents. To put it another way, we can only be aware of a decision after that decision has been taken.

In Professor Libet's experiments, this delay varies between 350 and 500

milliseconds, although the conclusion that emerges is in no way dependent upon those figures. Because, according to Libet, whatever the length of that delay-it makes no difference whether it is great or small, whether it lasts an hour or a microsecond-our material life is always in the past. This demonstrates that every thought, emotion, perception or movement happens before reaching our consciousness, and that proves that the future is entirely outside our control.

In other experiments, Professor Libet left the choice of when the subjects would move their fingers up to them. The brains of the subjects were monitored at the moment their fingers moved, and it was observed that the relevant brain cells went into action before the subjects actually took the decision. To put it another way, the command "do!" reaches the individual, and the brain is readied to perform the action; the individual only becomes aware of this half a second later.

He or she does not take a decision to act and then performs that action, but rather performs an action predetermined for him or her. Yet, the brain makes an adjustment, removing any recognition that the individual is actually living in the past. For that reason, at the moment we refer to as "now," we are actually living something determined in the past. As already discussed, these studies manifest the fact that everything happens by the will of Allah, as revealed in Sura Al-Insan 30.


We should make a point clear, we as Christians live and will be judged by our free will choices. But, as everything around us, we are under the law of nature or universal laws which are made by God.

However, can we stay alive forever by our freewill only? The answer is no, it’s by God’s will. Then what we will talk about is not the universal laws like death and getting older, but rather about our actions in our lives as being good or bad, obedient to law or disobedient, faithful to others or unfaithful.

I am glad that Harun Yahya made this claim, because now Muslims can no longer say that they do not believe Muslims are slaves to fate. Before I talk about fate in Islam, let's see what the study is really about. Before we address that issue however, we should know that determinism is a family of theories, not a scientific fact. Webster's Dictionary says it's “the doctrine that all events, including human choices and decisions, have sufficient causes.” Even this theory has nothing to do with Harun's claim.

If we read the study of Dr. Benjamin Libet, we will notice how Muslims quote from it in their own way. The study is talking about a claim or theory, not a fact, in which the mind is ahead of the brain. Another way to say it is there are two operating systems; the self-conscious (nonphysical) mind and the brain.

In addition, there are things you can make happen as an experiment, but that does not mean that this is how things happen normally. I quote from Mr. Harun;

“Libet stimulated the brains of his subjects with small electrical currents, and when they experienced a perception that their hands had been touched the subjects said that they had felt that 'touch' almost half a second before.”

So this is about reaction not action. It has nothing to do with destiny. When they try to fool us with the half-second delay, it's not about us making a big physical move. In fact, it’s not about moving at all, it’s about feeling, it's about things happening inside our system. Like skin might act before the brain signal arrives to the skin, not that the hand will move or maybe strike, or any such thing!

You can go and read more by visiting this link about Dr. Libet's study:

You can read this article; “Free will is not an illusion,” Dr. Raymond Tallis,

September 13, 2007:

You can also go search for the topic yourself if you like philosophers and philosophy. Here is a name you can search for and read some of his study: Ted Honderich (born 30 January 1933) is a Canadian-born British philosopher, Grote Professor Emeritus of the Philosophy of Mind and Logic, University College London and Visiting Professor, University of Bath. I quote from his words:

“The principle of free will has religious, ethical, and scientific implications. For example, in the religious realm, free will implies that an omnipotent divinity does not assert its power.”

But anyway, let us assume that the biggest philosopher in the world said that you have no free will. And he bases that on moving a finger! I can prove him wrong in just a few moments. Right now, I get the idea to go and buy a ticket to fly to London and I reserve my plane for a year from now! I have not flown yet. What will the half-second of Dr. Benjamin Libet do?

I might receive a call from someone, like a family member, saying that he is ill one second before I take my airplane. I would then make a decision whether or not to cancel my trip! Then all this determinism does not exist. It's simply a joke.

You do not just wake up in the morning and do what you are destined to do. Al-Qaida trained for about six years to commit the 9/11 atrocity, it was not half-second decision. They had to make extensive plans, get visas, go to flight school, get tickets, board the plane and then take action.

Destiny would allow a person to justify every act by saying it was not me, it was Allah’s destiny. What is the point of Allah sending laws if it is predetermined that you will not obey them? If they truly believe in destiny, which Muslims accept as fact, then why do they punish a person for not praying, or for leaving Islam? It is outside of their control. Remember, Mr. Harun said, and I quote:

This demonstrates that every thought, emotion, perception or movement happens before reaching our consciousness, and that proves that the future is entirely outside our control.”

1. Notice this is not what Dr. Libet said, this is Mr Harun's discovery!

2. Then why is a Muslim rewarded when it's not even his choice?

3. Why will I convert to Islam if it is Allah who will convert me anyway? It's his choice, not mine?

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choice, not mine?

4. Why will a Christian be sent to hell, as Islam teaches, because it's Allah's will?

5. If it's all based on destiny, why should a Muslim pray? The answers are already predestined decisions.

I call this the injustice and madness of the Islamic religion. According to this belief of destiny, Allah is behind all the crimes in the world including rape, theft, hate, killing and child abuse. Then they say Allah is god! That makes him a control maniac. This is saying that Allah is playing a game of chess by using us as his victims. What an ugly, selfish god he is!



The Qur’an makes it clear that Allah made the infidels into unbelievers or that he causes people to become unbelievers.

Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book 55, Hadith 549:

Allah's Messenger said: “As about the issue of your creation, of each one of you are placid in the womb of his mother (as a sperm) for the first forty days, and after that he comes to be a clot, and then you will be a clot for the coming forty days, and after that will be transformed to a piece of meat for an another forty days. Afterwards Allah sends an angel, and he will be ordered by four words, to write, four destinies; he writes his (the baby's) deeds, time of his death, means of his subsistence and whether he will be miserable (infidel) or blessed in a religious meaning. Afterwards, it will be breathed the soul into his body. So a man will do the deeds of people of heaven and only the distance of an arm is between him and the heaven, then what has been written by the angel supersedes, and so he starts doing deeds of the people of hell fire and enters hell fire. Identical a person may do deeds and work of hell fire subsequently the deeds which are written to him by the angels will be in command to surpass, so he will change to do the work of the people of paradise, so he enters paradise.

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I think this is a clear explanation, made by Muhammad himself, showing that what is written concerning you is what will take effect over what you do all your life. No matter how bad or how decent you were as a person, at the end it's what is written for you that will be the final design, not your bad or good deeds. This is one madness of this belief. Who would trust Allah after reading this? Where is the justice?

What is the benefit of praying, giving to charity or doing good, when the order of Allah is to kill the Christian, Hindu, Buddhist and the Jew? At the end it is not what you do, it is what Allah likes.

Qur'an 6:148 (Usama Dakdok translation):

Those who are polytheistic will say, “If Allah willed, we did not become polytheists nor our fathers, nor were we forbidden anything.” Likewise those who came before them lied until they had tasted our severity. Say, “Do you have any knowledge that you bring it out to us? You only follow but the conjecture, and you only lie.”

So according to this verse, the people who believed in many gods—the polytheists—were saying that it was Allah who made them and their fathers polytheistic, and they were accused of lying. However, the following verse in Qur'an 6:107 (Usama Dakdok translation) says exactly the opposite: And if Allah willed they would not become polytheists. And we have not made you a keeper over them, and you are not a guardian over them.

I’m sure this is kind of shocking to you. How can this be from God? In Qur’an 4:82, Allah himself said that if this book was not from Him, you should find a lot of contradictions. The contradictions keep going in the same chapter. Qur’an 6:111 (Usama Dakdok translation):

And if we had sent down the angels to them and the dead had spoken to them

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And if we had sent down the angels to them and the dead had spoken to them and we had gathered everything before them, they were not to believe, except if Allah wills, but most of them are ignorant.

Qur'an 6:125 (Usama Dakdok translation):

So whomever Allah desires to guide, he opens his chest to Islam, and whomever he desires to mislead, he will make his chest extremely narrow as though he is only ascending to the heaven. Likewise Allah made the uncleanness on those who do not believe.

Qur'an 4:88:

What do you want from the hypocrites? Allah damned them for what their hands did. Do you want to guide those whom Allah misguided? There is no guidance for those whom Allah deceived, and you will not find a way for them.

Look at this: “Allah damned them for what their hands did. Do you want to guide those whom Allah misguided?” How can Allah say he damned the hypocrites for their deeds when he admits that he was the one who misguided them in the first place? Notice that Allah contradicts himself in one breath.

Furthermore, Allah gets angry with Muhammad for trying to guide the hypocrites. So what is Muhammad’s job? Allah does not allow him to guide those who are misguided, which means Muhammad has no business being a prophet. He has no authority from Allah to call back those who become unbelievers. Allah made it clear Muhammad cannot find a way to save them, because it was Allah himself who rejected them.

An even more important question is, why did Allah refuse to give Muhammad the authority to guide people to the truth? It is because it was against Allah’s plan, and we know this because it angered him that Muhammad tried to reverse Allah’s rejection of the hypocrites.

The idea that Islam, the Qur’an, and Muhammad are sent to people to guide them to salvation is false and meaningless. Once Allah decides that you are not worthy to become a Muslim, your chance of salvation is zero.

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In the coming verses, I will show you how this book is made by an unbalanced, mad man. He did not hear his own words.

Qur’an 81:28-29:

28 To whomsoever of you wanted to walk in the correct direction (to be Muslim).

29And ye will not, unless it be the desire of Allah, the Lord of the two worlds (human and jinn).

Therefore, this verse is saying it’s up to you to be Muslim or not. That is good, and smart, but in the very next verse Allah said the opposite!

This god is out of his mind. Is it up to us or up to him? If it's up to him, why did he say in the previous verse it was up to us? In simple words, Allah is saying it is up to Allah, you idiot. It does not matter what you would like it to be!


In this coming reading, you will notice that even Satan is a victim of Allah's destiny. Qur'an 43:36 (Muhammad Pickthall translation): And he whose sight is dim to the remembrance of the Beneficent, We assign unto him a devil who becometh his comrade;

Allah is making a clear threat, that if you do not pray to him and worship him, he will assign Satan for you. However, did you notice exactly what that means? It means that before that point (Allah sending his Satan against you), you didn't have Satan in your life! This means you are a good guy. If you have Satan in your life already, why would he send him to you? If you are wrong already, and you do not worship Allah, then what more can Satan do? As a result, Satan will be against you. This would mean that he would try to change you from leaving Allah to the acceptance of Allah. He would make you do worse for the benefit of whom? Mankind, maybe! Actually, this means Allah saying, “My Satan is my ambassador, and my best tool to drive you to me.” Wouldn't this make Allah, Satan himself, and maybe the king of devils?

Qur’an 6:112 (Usama Dakdok translation):

And likewise we make for every prophet enemies, satans of human and jinn; they reveal one to another with zukhruf (highly embellished) speech to deceive.

they reveal one to another with zukhruf (highly embellished) speech to deceive.

And if your lord willed, they would not have done it. So leave them in what they forge.

The following is what we understand from this verse: 1. There are two kinds of satans or devils: human and jinn. (Note: Muslims believe in many satans, not just one.) 2. It is Allah who made them an enemy to the prophets.

3. This means that the created devils are not the evil ones. Allah, who created them, is the evil one. The devils are simply doing the duty which Allah himself sent them to do. This makes them obedient to Allah, and good servants.

4. Also, if it were up to them, they could have chosen not to be enemies to the prophets.

5. These devils have one job—to say things to deceive by uttering words of zukhruf (highly embellished words of gold).

If Allah carefully chose his beloved prophets, why did he intentionally target them with evil influences?


The following verses make Allah's intentions with the prophets more unclear: Qur’an 15:42 (Usama Dakdok translation):

Surely my servants, you have no authority over them except those who follow you from the seduced.

Qur'an 16:98-100 (Usama Dakdok translation):

98 So when you recite the Qur’an, so seek refuge with Allah from the stoned Satan. 99Surely he has no authority on those who believed, and they depend on their lord.100Surely his authority is only over those who befriend him and those who partner with him.

We will see that Allah and his Prophet Muhammad's words make things so funny. Read this hadith with me from Sahih Al-Bukhari (Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book 60, Hadith 260) (Also see Sahih Muslim, Book 033, Hadith 6411): Reported Abu Huraira: “Allah's Messenger said: “Adam and Moses came together. As a result Moses told Adam, 'You are the person who caused people to live with misery and kicked them out of heaven.' Afterwords Adam replied to Moses, 'You are the one which Allah chose for His message, and whom He favored for Himself, and above and beyond whom He revealed the Torah too.'

Moses answered, 'As Yes.' After that Adam said, 'Did you find that written in my

Moses answered, 'As Yes.' After that Adam said, 'Did you find that written in my destiny before my creation?' Moses said, 'Yes.' So Adam defeated Moses with this reasoning.”

In Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book 77, Hadith 611, Adam and Moses are talking again: Reported Abu Huraira: “Allah's Messenger said: “Adam and Moses debated with each other. Moses said to Adam, 'To You Adam! You are our ancestor who displeased us and fired us out of heaven.' After that, Adam said to Moses, 'You Moses! Allah preferred you, so He talked to you (by his voice, not by an angel), and He wrote in the tablet the Torah, for you with His Hand. Therefore, how do you disapprove me for actions which Allah had written in my destiny forty years earlier to the time of my creation?' So Adam refuted Moses. Adam debunked Moses the Prophet. So Adam was saying again his allegation three times.”

Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book 93, Hadith 606:

Reported Abu Huraira: “Allah's Messenger said, that Adam and Moses argued with each other and Moses said, “Your offspring is out of heaven because of You Adam.” Adam answered, “You are Moses, whom Allah favored and selected for His message and talked to you. One to one, even so, you blamed me about my wickedness, which had been determined for me even before my creation?” Therefore, Adam overwhelmed Moses, with his reasoning. “

1. Adam did not disobey Allah, but it was Allah's plan for Adam to do every single action Adam did?

2. Allah planned Adam's destiny forty years before his creation. 3. Based on this fact, why would anyone be punished for doing what Allah wanted!

4. Welcome to the stupidity of Islam.

In Qur'an 15:42, Allah tells his servants—the satans—that they do not have power over Allah's good followers, which include the prophets. In Qur'an 16:98-100, the prophets are further assured that they are safe from the evil influences of Satan as long as they stay close to Allah and depend on him for protection.


Allah created an enemy (Satan) for each prophet, and the job of Satan is to deceive the prophet (Qur'an 6:112). However, Allah puts himself between Satan and the prophet, and tells Satan that he does not have power over Allah's prophet (Qur'an 15:42). Allah creates enemies with specific duties, but he does not give

(Qur'an 15:42). Allah creates enemies with specific duties, but he does not give them any real influence over the prophets. It sounds like Allah created enemies for himself, or he just created Satan so he could say that he is a protector—but the protector of whom and from whom? He is protecting his creation from his own creation.



If Allah made it so that Satan has no power over Allah’s good followers, how was it that Satan was able to put black magic on Muhammad? In Qur'an 53:19-23, Satan was able to make Muhammad recite satanic verses, where he praised the three daughters of Allah. Doesn't that mean that Muhammad is not one of Allah’s good followers? If Muhammad is a good follower, why didn't Allah’s protection work on him? Allah failed to prevent Satan from overpowering Muhammad. The only thing Allah could do was make corrections.

Qur’an 22:52 (Usama Dakdok translation):

And we did not send before you any messenger or prophet except that when he recites, Satan casts in his recitation, so Allah abrogates what Satan cast. Then Allah fixed his verses. And Allah is knowing, wise.

Either Allah has no real power over Satan, or his promise of protection is a lie.


Muhammad is not the only prophet that Allah failed to protect. Allah also failed to protect Abraham from believing that the planets, the moon, and the sun are his


● In Qur'an 6:75, Abraham thought that the planets in the sky must be his Lord, because they were akhbar (bigger).

● In Qur'an 6:77, Abraham changes his mind when he saw the moon. He thought the moon must be his Lord, because it is akhbar or bigger than the planets.

● In Qur'an 6:78, Abraham again changes his mind when he saw the sun rise, and thought that surely this time the sun is his Lord, because it is akhbar or bigger than the moon.

Now remember, by calling the planets, the moon, and the sun, “my Lord,”

Abraham took them as partners of Allah. The fact is that Abraham was committing idolatry, worshiping the moon as a god, in the same way that Muhammad committed idolatry by praising the three daughters of Allah (Qur'an 53:19-20. See the explanation of Ibn Kathir). Also, remember that according to the Qur’an Abraham and Muhammad are both prophets of Allah. As prophets and beloved ones of Allah, why were they not prevented from committing the unforgivable sin of “making partners with Allah?”

According to Qur'an 16:100, Allah tells us that only those who become friends with Satan will fall under Satan's power.

Qur’an 16:100 (Usama Dakdok translation):

Surely his authority is only over who befriend him and those who partner with him.

Since Abraham and Muhammad fell under Satan's power, they must have befriended Satan, which means they willingly disobeyed Allah's command not to associate him with any partners. However, if they did not willingly disobey Allah's command, it means that they fell into Satan's power because Allah failed to protect them. Whichever explanation you choose, Allah loses to Satan. How can Allah, who created Satan, be so weak against his own creation? This is additional proof that Allah's Destiny IS FALSE as one important pillar of Islam.


Surely Allah will not forgive partnering with him. On the other hand, he will forgive whom he wills.

Qur'an 4:48 (Usama Dakdok translation):

Surely Allah will not forgive partnering (worshipping other gods) with him. But other than this, he will forgive whom he wills. And who partners with Allah, so indeed he forged a great sin.

Qur'an 4:116 (Usama Dakdok translation): Surely Allah will not forgive the partnering with himself. And he will forgive other than that to whom he wills.

And whoever partners with Allah, so indeed have strayed far away astray.

We have established that Muhammad and Abraham committed the ugly sin of

“partnering with himself,” so based on the two verses, Muhammad and Abraham will not be forgiven. They will end up in Hell, because they are Allah's enemies.

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Allah created evil beings to be the enemies of his prophets (Qur'an 6:112), but he also promised his prophets that he would protect them from Satan (Qur'an 15:42

and 16:98-100). Nevertheless, we have seen that Allah is not capable of providing the protection that he promised.

The Qur'an claims that Allah is all-powerful, as we see in the following verse (Qur'an 6:73, Usama Dakdok translation):

And he is who created the heavens and the earth, in the truth and on the day he says, “Be,” so it will be. His word is the truth and to him the kingdom...”

If Allah's word is as powerful as the Qur'an claims, why can't he defeat Satan, who is his own creation? Allah should be able to simply say, “Stop,” or say any other command to order Satan away from the prophets, and Satan would be defeated very easily, but this is not what happens. Either Allah chooses not to protect his prophets, which makes him a liar; or Allah is not really as powerful as the Qur'an claims, which makes him weak—even weaker than Satan. Again, whichever explanation you choose, you will see that Allah is a false god. The true God is not a liar, and He is truly all-powerful.

We are going to expose more about Destiny; one of the Six Pillars of Faith which is taken from Sahih Muslim, Book of Eman, Beirut, Year 1993, Vol. 1, p.


“When the prophet was asked about the meaning of faith he said: to believe in Allah and his angels, books, messengers, last day, and to believe in your destiny good or bad.” Qur’an 10:22:

It's Allah who

drives your way and path in land and sea.

Qur’an 57:22:

No disaster happened on the earth or on yourselves but it's written to yourselves, from before your creation, for Allah this is so easy.

We can also see in Qur’an 18:74, where a prophet named Al-Khader, killed a

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We can also see in Qur’an 18:74, where a prophet named Al-Khader, killed a boy because he was going to grow up to be an infidel. It was his destiny to be an infidel. We see that explained in the coming hadith.


Sahih Muslim, Book 033, Hadith 6434:

The prophet of Allah said: “The young youth which the prophet Al-Khader killed was an infidel by his nature, and if he was not killed, he would have been participating in his parents’ disobedience and disbelief.”

However, this is a big contradiction from what Qur’an 7:172 says: Remember when your Lord took out their offspring, from the back bone of the children of Adam, and made them bear witness about themselves by inquiring of them, “Am I not your Lord?” They answered, “Of course, You are our Lord, we bear witness,” so do not claim or say on the Day of Judgment, “we were unconscious of this,”

In that verse Allah (Muhammad) claims that all children in the world are conceived to Islam when they are sperm. That means before their birth, even before their fathers are born, and before they say the Sahada (Converting to Islam); even fifty thousand years before Adam was created, as we see in the coming hadith (Sahih Muslim, Book 033, Hadith 6416): Abdullah's bin 'Amero reported: “I heard Allah's apostle speaking: ‘Allah ordained the measures' destiny of his creation fifty thousand years before He created the heavens and the earth, as His Throne was on the water.’”

Therefore, Muslims believe in the concept of everyone being born Muslim by nature (Fitra).

So, based on the Hadith and Qur'an 18:74, and I quote Muhammad’s words,

“The young youth which the prophet Al-Khader killed was an infidel by his nature,” this means he was an infidel by birth. Therefore, fitra (every baby born as a Muslim) is false by Muhammad’s own contradictions.

Sahih Muslim, Book 033, Hadith 6436:

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Sahih Muslim, Book 033, Hadith 6436:

'Aisha, the mother of the believers, revealed that Allah's Messenger was appointed to lead the funeral prayer of a child of the Ansar. I ('Aisha) said:

“O Allah's Messenger, there is gladness for this child who is a bird from the birds of heaven for he committed no sin nor has he procured the age of committing sin.” He said: “'Aisha, take no hazards it may be in other ways because God created for heaven those who are fitted for it at the same time as they were yet in their father's loins and created for hell those who are to go to hell. He created them for hell while they were yet in their father's loins.”

The Arabic text of this quote is found in Sahih Muslim, Book of Al-'Qadar, Vol.

4, p. 46, Hadith 2662:

This is proof that Muhammad’s words about Fitra are a lie again. If, as indicated in this quote, each person is born as a Muslim, then this would mean that whoever dies as a child should go to heaven. But Muhammad said it may be in other ways because, “God created for heaven those who are fitted for it at the same time as they were yet in their father's loins and created for hell those who are to go to hell.” So its destiny again and one more contradiction in Muhammad’s words when he said every Muslim is born as a Muslim, as in Sahih Muslim, Book 033, Hadith 6426:

Messenger of Allah said: “No infant is born but by fitra (a Muslim). It is his parents who change him a Jew or a Christian or a Polytheist.” A person said: “Allah's Messenger, what is your opinion if they were to die before that (before reaching the age of maturity) when they can differentiate between right and wrong?” He said: “Only Allah. Who apprehends what they would be doing?”

But wait, the boy who was killed in Qur'an 18:74-80 had parents who were good believing Muslims!

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Qur’an 18:80:

The boy, his parents were good Muslims, and “We were afraid that when he grew, he might be unjust and an infidel!”

So it’s not parents anymore, as Muhammad said in Sahih Muslim, Book 33, Hadith 6426!

We continue with the topic of Destiny by turning to Fateh Al-Bari Fe Sharih, Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book of 'Qadar (Book of Destiny), p. 497, and Sahih Muslim, Bishare'h Al-Nawai, p. 155:

Allah wrote down the decrees of creation fifty thousand years before He created the heavens and the earth. Then Muhammad said in Sahih Al-Bukhari: In Musnad Ahmad (5/332) and Book of Al Turmzi (Tafser Al Qur’an 3344), and Book of abu Dawood Al Sunna 4649 and Book of Musnad Ahmad 1/129, Book of Ibn Maja (the interdiction 78) and in Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book of Jihad and Sair (2742) and Sahih Muslim 112, Muhammad said:

…the man will do the work of people of hell but he will go to heaven! And the man will do the work of heaven but he will go to hell!(Go back to pages 280-281; read Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book 55, Hadith 549)

…and these who do the work of happiness they been controlled (by Allah) to do so, and these who do the work of bad they are controlled (by Allah) to do bad.

This means that Muhammad admitted that work is not the reason for salvation. Is it luck? Maybe Christ!

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it luck? Maybe Christ!

1. This proves that all the duties Muhammad ordered Muslims to perform were useless, like:

• Five prayers;

• Fasting the month of Ramadan (28 days of fasting from sunrise to sunset);

• Hajj, or the pilgrimage to Mecca;

• Jihad;

• Praying during the night of power, equivalent of 83 years of prayers;

• Charity to Muslims, from the money they steal from Christians and Jews;

• Hating the infidels.

2. These are false duties Muhammad created just to keep the Muslims too busy to think about how legitimate Muhammad's teaching is. I can show you how Muhammad worked out his plan to keep the poor Muslims spending their lives in fear:

• There are 70 rules and prayers to say before they go into the bathroom, or Satan and his wife will play with the Muslim's ass! A Muslim should enter the bathroom with his left leg, and exit with his right leg, and during that he must be saying: "O, Allah I seek your forgiveness.” If he does not, Satan will harm his ass. It's also forbidden to urinate while standing.

• The fact that Muslims should not use just any toilet site is because Muhammad forbade them from using any hole. He said if a Muslim urinated or defecated, he would harm the jinn, who lived in the hole!

Sunan Abu Dawood, Vol. 1, p. 29, print. 1993, Egypt:

"Qatadah said: “The Messenger of Allah forbade us from urination into a hole."

‘What is disliked about urinating into a hole (asking the prophet)?’ The Prophet said, ‘It is the residence of the jinn.”

(The same story can be found in Sarih Al-Siu'ty Le-Sunan Al-Nisa'e, Book of Al-'Tahara, 1986 Printing, p. 34.)

• Rules about how many times to wipe (wipe the buttocks three times).

• Rules concerning how Muslims eat or enter their house: they have to say the name of Allah and say the prayer. If they don’t, Satan will say to himself (Sahih Muslim, Book 023, Hadith 5006):

“Oh, I found a place to stay and eat in!”

• Rules for having sex. They have to say specific words praying to Allah before they start having sex or Satan will wrap himself around the man's penis and will share the man's wife! Because of this, the woman might give birth to Satan's baby.

Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book 4, Hadith 143:

“Ibn ‘Abbas reported from the prophet that he said: “When any one of you want to have intercourse with his women, he should say, ‘Bismellaah, janibnaa Al-Shaytan wa janib Al-Shaetan ma raza'qtana (note you have to say it in Arabic or your prayer is not accepted and the protection will not work), by the name of Allah we pray to. Keep the Satan away from us and from what You will bestow upon us from our offspring Allah. After doing that and they had sex, they should have a child, the Satan will never be able to harm him.”

• Rules before entering the mosque (Sahih Abu Dawood, #458): I seek refuge by the face of Allah from Satan...

To see more of these rules that make Muslims scared and worried about everything in their life, and which is going to freeze their brains, visit this Muslim site. You will see how Islam, or a big portion of Islam, is based on fairy tale stories:

3. Muslims will do the work of the people of heaven, but they still end up in hell! This means works will never save the Muslim. It's Allah's established decision and that was made long before the individual is born into this life!

4. Whether I convert to Islam or not, nothing will change! 5. If I rape, kill, steal, lie, etc., it's still Allah's established decision as he wrote in his book in heaven.

Possibly from the beginning of time! 6. This destroys Islam from the beginning

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Possibly from the beginning of time! 6. This destroys Islam from the beginning to the end. There is no point in accepting Islam, or being good or bad.

7. Muslims believe in Islam to go to heaven, but still, doing and practicing Islam is not the way to go there! It's so clear that Muhammad made things up, contradicting himself and his god.

8. This explains why Muhammad said (Sahih Muslim, Vol. 4, Descriptions of Judgment Day and Heaven and Hell, p. 2170, Hadith 2816 {Arabic}): NONE OF YOU


English text can be found at Sahih Muslim, Book 39, Hadith 6762; Sahih Muslim, Book 39, Hadith 6761:

He (Muhammad) said, "None of you will be granted salvation due to his deeds!”

Muslims said to Muhammad, “And even you Prophet?” He said, “Not even I, unless Allah envelops me with His mercy!”

This opens Islam and the Qur'an to new contradictions.

Qur’an 28:54:

Those (Muslims), twice more their reward Allah will give back to them, for that they have been patient, that they parry the wicked deeds with good deeds, since they spend for Islam from the wealth Allah gave them.

This verse is saying that when you do one good deed, Allah will take off two bad sins! This makes you earn your way to heaven, for sure. It's always easier to recover the bad you did. The scales always balance to the side of the Muslim.

One good = two bad.

Muhammad said in the Hadith, that no one will earn his salvation by his good

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Muhammad said in the Hadith, that no one will earn his salvation by his good deeds! Was he making up a lie in this verse? As long as his bad deeds or good deeds won't make any difference at the end of the day, what will allow a Muslim to enter heaven? Then we see Muhammad making more mistakes, showing his hatred for Christians and Jews, when he said in Tafsir Ibn Kathir, Qur'an 23:10: On the Resurrection Day people from the Muslims will come (to Allah) with sins on the heights of mountains. However, afterwards, Allah will forgive them (the Muslims) and put their sin punishment over the sin on the Christians and Jews.

Also in Tafsir Ibn Kathir:

Another reference for this is Sahih Muslim, Book of Al-Taubah, Hadiths 4969

and 2767:

On the Day of Resurrection, Allah will designate for each Muslim a Jewish fellow or Christian fellow, and it will be said to the Muslims {This is your ransom from the hell Fire}. (Meaning the Christian or the Jewish man will go to hell instead of you as payment (for his sins).)

As you see here, it does not matter what Muslims do. Allah will transfer their sin over to the Christians and Jews. We have to ask ourselves not only how fair Allah is, but won't this open the door for other contradictions in the Qur’an?

Let's look at Qur’an


Say (Muhammad): What! Shall I search for a God, another one than Allah? The one He is the Lord of the world; and no soul gains its sins but against itself, and no one will pay for the sin of another; then to your Lord is your return, so He will tell you what you disagreed about.

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1. How can he say that every soul will pay for its own sin, not another soul, yet the Christians will pay for the sins of Muslims?

2. Maybe Islam does not count us as souls! How about humans?

3. He did say every soul!

4. It's so clear that Muhammad cannot be consistent with his own words.

As long as we have reached this point, let's take a look at the different perspectives on original sin between Christianity and Islam! The Muslims totally reject the doctrine of the original sin. I will make a short study of this to see if Islam can be consistent in this claim.

First of all, original sin is simply based on the sin of Adam and Eve, which caused mankind to be expelled from paradise (which Christians understand to be the Garden of Eden) and face death and pain. What about Islam? I mean what was the reason for Adam and Eve going out of paradise? Was it their sin or something else?

Qur'an 2:35-36:

35 We said: “Oh Adam! Live you and thy wife in the paradise; and eat of the enjoyable things therein as you wish; but approach not this tree, or ye will be from the unjust."

36Then Satan made them humiliated going out of the paradise, from the happiness they had. We said: "Get ye down, all of you, with enmity between one to each other. On earth will be your home until later.”

This means that, in a very clear way, the reason for Adam and Eve having to get out is:

1. Their sins;

2. Going out of paradise is a punishment;

3. I have to ask why Muslims and all mankind are not in paradise now if the original sin is not the reason? Why are we all here? 4. Muslims will answer

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original sin is not the reason? Why are we all here? 4. Muslims will answer saying, “Well, we were born out of paradise, so we haven't been kicked out!”

5. The fact is, you do not deserve to be out of paradise for the sins you did not do. Allah made you to live in paradise, not out of it. To prove my point let's read this verse together:

Qur’an 20:117:

Then We (Allah) said: “You Adam! Definitely, this is an enemy to you and to your wife: so allow him not to get you together out of paradise, so you will live in suffering.”

6. This means the reason for the miserable life of Adam was Satan. Did this extend to us? Is Satan an enemy to Adam alone or all mankind? This is in the verse of Qur’an 2:36:

Then did Satan make them humiliated going out of the paradise, from the happiness they had. We said: "Get ye down, all of you, with enmity between one another. On earth will be your home until later.”

This verse says to get down all of you and with enmity to each other until Allah sends his guidance and saves mankind again. It was a curse that came to us, or to Muslims, through Adam, for nothing the Muslims did wrong. It wasn't them who ate from the tree! This exactly represents the original sin.

The funny thing is, Allah forgave Adam, but still said that Satan will cause you to get out of paradise if you accept what he says. It is clearly a punishment, even after forgiveness! Read Qur’an 2:37:

Then Adam received from his Lord words. And his Lord forgave him and accepted his repentance, for it's He who accepts who repent, he is the forgiven the Merciful.

This presents one more mistake in the Qur’an. When you forgive someone you do not go ahead and punish him, otherwise what's the forgiveness meant to be about!


Who Made Adam Commit Sin; It’s His Destiny or It’s Satan's Qur’an 2:36:

Then Satan made them humiliated going out of the paradise, from the happiness they had. We said: "Get ye down, all of you, with enmity between one to each other. On earth will be your home until later.

Verse 2: 36 said “Satan made them!” This is a total contradiction to Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book 93, Hadith 606:

Reported Abu Huraira: Allah's Messenger said, that Adam and Moses argued with each other and Moses said, “Your offspring is out of heaven is because of You Adam.” Adam answered, “You are Moses, whom Allah favored and selected for His Message and talked to you. One to one, even so, you blamed me about my wickedness, which had been determined for me even before my creation.” Therefore, Adam overwhelmed Moses, with his reasoning.


Read with me Qur’an 2:36 again please:

Then Satan made them humiliated going out of the paradise, from the happiness they had. We said: "Get ye down, all of you, with enmity between one to each other. On earth will be your home until later.”

Allah forced Adam and Eve out of paradise, not by saying get out, but he said

"Get ye down.” This is clear evidence that paradise is up in the sky.

Muhammad apparently confused the Garden of Eden with heaven and thought that Adam and Eve lived in heaven in the sky before they sinned and were cast out.

Following are some examples of the Garden of Eden being in the sky.

Muhammad Pickthall translation, Qur’an 16:31: “ Gardens of Eden which they enter, underneath which rivers flow, wherein they have what they will. Thus Allah repayeth those who ward off (evil).”

Muhammad Pickthall, Qur’an 13:23: “ Gardens of Eden which they enter,

along with all who do right of their fathers and their helpmeets and their seed.

The angels enter unto them from every gate.”

These verses are about the coming heaven as you see, because they will be with their fathers.

Actually, Islam's afterlife is a concept that is simple to understand, and is known as Jannah. Loosely translated, Jannah means "garden," hearkening back to the Hebrew concept of paradise with Eden, and the Christian concept of heaven.

However, in the Qur’an Muhammad seems to confuse the paradise of heaven with the Garden of Eden. In fact, a literal translation from the Qur’an would be Garden of Aden, as in the port city of Yemen by the same name. Would that then mean the Garden of Eden was in Yemen? Not in sky!

However, the Qur’an and Muhammad said many times that paradise is in the sky as we see in the Qur’an.

To make this clearer, read Qur'an 3:55:

“Behold! Allah said: "Oh ' 'Isa! I will take thee and raise thee to myself....

So now Jesus is in the sky and specifically with Allah; “ raise thee to myself. ..”

But Muhammad himself went to seven heavens, which were up in sky too. When Jesus comes back he will come down, therefore he is up and heaven is up in the sky, then why does the Qur’an in many chapters say they will enter the Garden of Eden?

In Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book 34, Hadith 425, we read: Allah's Messenger said: “I pledge by Him in Whose hand is my life, the Son of Mary will soon come down among you as a just and ruler. He will tear crosses, slaughter the swine and abolish Jizyah (penalty Christians have to pay, or they will be murdered) and the wealth will flow forth to such a measure that no one will halt to take it.”

The answer to Muhammad’s confusion can be found in the Bible as we read in Genesis 2:8 (New King James Version):

As Christians we have been told in the Bible that Adam and Eve lived in the paradise which was on earth. Muhammad stole this from the Bible, but he forgot that Adam and Eve in his book had never been on earth until Allah forced them to get down as in Qur’an 2:36; "Get ye down.” Just to let you know, this is a

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huge mistake in the Qur’an; the god who does not yet know where his paradise is located is a false god. Remember, as long as an earthly Eden was not the home of Adam and Eve, then where did Muhammad get this from? The answer is so clear that it is the Bible.

Life in God’s Garden

8The LORD God planted a garden eastward in Eden, and there He put the man whom He had formed.



Qur’an 4:78 (Usama Dakdok translation):

Wherever you may be, death will overtake you even if you were in lofty buruj (towers). If good fortune befalls them, they say, “This is from Allah.”

And if misfortune befalls them, they say, “This is from you.” Say, “All is from Allah.” So what is the affair with those people? They are not near to understanding speech.


Qur’an 4:79 (Usama Dakdok translation):

Whatever good fortune befalls you is from Allah, and whatever misfortune befalls you is from your own self...

• It's a clear contradiction. Allah is not sure where the bad deeds come from!


Qur’an 3:145:

It's not capable of a soul to die other than by Allah's permission, it's [death]

the period being arranged as by a time to come.

The verse is so clear that no one can change his fate. It is arranged as a time to come.

Although, in the coming hadith , Muhammad’s story does not fit with the

Qur’an, Muslims all agree that no one can change his fate. But we will prove that destiny in Islam is nothing but a false claim, thus proving Islam wrong again.

Sahih Muslim, Book 30, Hadith 585: Abu Huraira stated that the Angel of Death was sent to Moses to notify him, of his Lord's arraignment it's his time to die.

When he came (the angel), Moses slapped him, and his eye was bumped out.

The Angel of Death returned to the Lord and said: You dispatched me to a servant who did not desire to die. Allah replaced his eye to its suitable place and restored his eyesight, and afterwards Allah revealed: “Go back to him and tell him that if he wants life-span, he must position his hand on the rear of a bull, and he would be permitted as many years of life as the reckoning of hair hidden by his hand.” Then Moses uttered, “My Lord. What would take place to me after that?” He answered, “Later you must strive for death.” Moses answered: “Let it be now.” And he asked Allah to escort him close to the holy land (Israel). Then Allah's Messenger (Muhammad) said: “If I were there, I would have shown you his burial place nearby to the road at the red hill.”

1. Moses changed his destiny after Allah set his time to die.

2. Moses could stop the Angel of Death by a fight!

3. Allah obeyed the rejection of Moses, and gave him another date to be his day.

4. Allah does not act in accordance the Qur'an 2:117. Allah is the originator of the heavens and the earth; if he decides something he says, "Be, it will be.”

5. He ordered the Angel to take the life of Moses, but apparently failed to use the word “be!”

6. Moses’ reprieve from death is based on luck, not on Allah's account (reckoning of hair hidden by his hand).

7. Remember the hadith of Adam saying, “After that, Adam said, ' Did you find that written in my destiny before my creation?' Moses said, 'Yes.' So Adam defeated Moses with this reasoning.” (Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book 60, Hadith 260) (Sahih Muslim, Book 033, Hadith 6411).

8. Did Allah send the Angel of Death based on his destiny, which was written in the protected and unchangeable book before Moses' creation? Or did he have a book for emergency changeable things? See Qur'an 85:22 which says,“Engraved in a preserved tablet.”

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9. This, all together, proves that this is a fairy tale story. Nothing in it can be true. Since when does God send his angels to take a soul, and then and have it be rejected, or even that order to be overcome?


Qur’an 6:137 (Usama Dakdok translation):

And likewise it was beautified to the many polytheists, the killing of their children for their partners, to make them turn a way, and they mix for them their religion. And if Allah willed, they would not have done it. So leave them and what they are forging.

Muslims explain this verse by saying that Satan is the one who is making the polytheists (non-Muslims) believe that killing their children is the right thing to do, and that Satan does this to deceive people away from the true religion, Islam (their religion). It makes sense to blame Satan for the evil act of killing one’s own children, but let us examine what the Qur'an really says about the works of Satan.

In Qur'an 6:112, we saw that it was Allah himself who created Satan, and that it was by Allah's orders that Satan deceives the prophets. Since Satan is only following Allah's orders, then Allah is the real deceiver. By his commands, Satan is making people believe that killing their children is right. By Allah's commands, Satan is deceiving people away from Islam.

If that is not enough to convince you that Allah is a deceiver, and that he is behind the child killings, notice that Qur'an 6:112 and 6:137 contain the phrase,

“if Allah willed, they would not have done it.” In other words, it is by Allah's will that people are misguided into doing evil, because if he wanted to guide people away from evil, he could have easily done it. We know that he wants people to be misguided, because he specifically created and ordered Satan to misguide us. Deception starts and ends with Allah. Why is Allah deceiving us?

Qur'an 4:88 (Usama Dakdok translation):

How is it that you divided into two parties concerning the hypocrites when Allah has cast them off because of what they have earned? Do you desire to

guide those whom Allah has led astray? And whomever Allah leads astray, so you will not find for him a way.

The verse clearly tells us that Allah himself misguides people, and he wants them to stay misguided. He doesn't want them back. Allah is angry with Muhammad, because he tried to guide, or call back, the people that Allah cast away. Even Muhammad, Allah's prophet, has no authority to guide people back to the right path.

The fact is, Muhammad made up this verse before it was too late when he found out that it was time to kill the children. He did not want more and more people that might expose him as a fraud.

IT’S DESTINY TO HAVE AND OBEY A BAD KING OR KHALIFA These days we witness many Islamic countries seeking change and going against their leadership, but the fact is, all Muslims understand that this is against Islamic principles and teachings. The prophet of Islam made it clear that it's the wish of Allah; therefore it is not allowed for Muslims to go against Allah's wish, even if your king is a thief, and he beats your back and even does the will of the devil.

Qur'an 17:33 (Muhammad Shakir translation):

And do not kill any one whom Allah has forbidden, except for a just cause, and whoever is slain unjustly, We have indeed given to his heir authority, so let him not exceed the just limits in slaying; surely he is aided.

It’s forbidden to kill Muslims, but not the infidels, but this verse is quite clear that your ruler can even take your life, even when in the wrong, even as a Muslim, for he is authorized to do so. Sahih Muslim, Book 020, Hadith 4554: There will be rulers who will not rule by my teachings, and who will not follow my ways? Near by will be among them men who will have the hearts of Satan in the bodies of human beings. I said to the prophet: “What should I do. O Messenger of Allah, if I witness such a ruler?” He (Muhammad) responded, “You will listen to the Amir (The King) and Obey his orders; even if your back is flogged and your resources are stolen (by the king) you should listen and obey.”

And as long as everything is from Allah, bad and good, it means if your ruler

And as long as everything is from Allah, bad and good, it means if your ruler rapes your wife, it’s Allah's will, if he kills you, it’s Allah will, if he steals your money—It’s Allah's will.

So is it the wickedness of a king or a wicked Allah?


Be sure to read The Deception of Allah, Volume 2

Due to the size of this book, I will continue with more priceless information and study in The Deception of Allah, Volume 2, answering the misleading claims of Muslims about their Qur’an's miracles, and at the same time showing that they're not only false claims, but they are scientifically in error.

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