The Decline of the Church (And Other Stuff Church People Don't Want to Talk About) by Kelvin Bueckert - HTML preview

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The Hypocrite’s Lament


I tried everything to help them.

Honestly I did.

Whenever I heard something bad about them. I was the first to spread the news all over town. Like I always say, when it comes to other people, the safest bet is always to assume the worst…liverwurst.

Ahem. I’m digressing now, where was I?

Oh yes.

Whenever they wanted to talk things over with me, I always made time for them. They’re sick, sick people after all. They need treatment and what better treatment can I give them than the silent treatment?

You’re impressed aren’t you?

Most people are.

What can I say?

I’m a doctor.

A healer of souls and minds.

I treat people…with contempt perhaps, but like I always say, treatment is treatment.

Still, some people just don’t get it. Heck! If you listen to some people around here you’d think I was some sort of hypocrite or something.

As if I were the one to be despised!

Consider this, whenever anyone wanted a shoulder to cry on, who was the always the first one to offer them a cold shoulder?


And what do I get out of doing this?


Not one penny!

Yet, despite all my efforts, all these things I’ve done, all the rumors I’ve spread, the people I’ve given the silent treatment to simply refuse to make any effort to change. Honestly, I just don’t know what more I can do for these idiots. If I only knew what the problem was…then I could avoid dealing with it.


True, you may find yourself crossing oceans for people who wouldn’t cross mud puddles for you but consider this, you’ll have the adventure of cruising oceans, while they’re willing to stay outside in a thunderstorm, all because they refuse to listen to your advice and cross that mud puddle in order to get to the house.