The Decline of the Church (And Other Stuff Church People Don't Want to Talk About) by Kelvin Bueckert - HTML preview

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Personal Demons

Meanwhile, at a professional development conference of Personal Demons.

“I always find denial amusing. I mean even other humans can see when we’re active in someone’s life but our victim will deny it vigorously just the same.”

(A wave of chuckles around the conference table…)

“Well, the truth is, I love humans who tell the truth. I just prefer to see them gathering and discussing it amongst themselves instead acting on it, or even worse, bothering other humans with it.”

(Another wave of laughter rolls through the room.)

“You’re so right Zoltar, if I can’t get humans literally fighting and destroying each other I’m just as happy to get them dividing themselves into cliques. There are so many fun ways to do it too, skin color, hair color, carpet color, it’s all good, as long as they’re busy pointing out each others sins they won’t find the time to face up to the reality of their own sins. Man, if they all did that, soon we’d all be out of a job, wouldn’t we?”

(A grave silence settles over the roomful of Personal Demons as they consider this horrifying possibility.)