The Decline of the Church (And Other Stuff Church People Don't Want to Talk About) by Kelvin Bueckert - HTML preview

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Jesus vs the Dude on the T.V. !

Jesus & The Apostles vs. The Televangelists (at least some of them.) Hereafter referred to as T.V for short…

T.V.. Friends, God wants to prosper you! There is no reason to live in poverty if you have faith! God’s people should live in abundance.

Apostle Paul: Those who want to be rich fall into many snares…

T.V. The reason people aren’t being blessed by God is because they do not honor their leaders! (said in reference to himself.)

Jesus: The son of man (Jesus himself referring to himself) did not come to be served but to serve…

T.V. Sow a seed of faith today! Send in a cheque for 1,000 or more and be healed from your sicknesses!

Apostle Peter: Silver and Gold I have none, but this I do have, rise up and walk…

T.V. Friends, we must rise up against this tide of wickedness sweeping our nation! It is a Holy War for the very soul of our nation!

Jesus: Love your enemies and do good to those who persecute you…blessed are the peacemakers…

T.V. Brothers and Sisters we are a Holy people, set apart by God! Therefore I tell you, we must make every effort to separate ourselves from the wicked people of this world.

Jesus: Go into the world.

T.V. Your best life now!

Jesus: In this world you will have trouble.

T.V. I want to tell you today, just do whatever makes you happy because God wants you to be happy!

Jesus: Take up your cross and follow me.

T.V. You can trust me! I got this straight from the man (God) himself!

Jesus: Beware of false teachers.

These are actual quotes and/or ideas I have seen and heard, some condensed or shortened perhaps…however, no televangelists were harmed during in the creation of this status…please consider your generous donation to this book writing and marketing ministry.