The Decline of the Church (And Other Stuff Church People Don't Want to Talk About) by Kelvin Bueckert - HTML preview

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Looking Good in the Pulpit


Brothers and sisters, chasing applause is kind of like chasing your tail, it’s fun at first but eventually you figure out that you’re just making a spectacle of yourself and not really getting anywhere.

Listen, if you are the kind of person who decides what to do simply based on what other people might think, first off, you are making the dangerous assumption that other people might actually be thinking!

Ahem. You have fallen into the trap of thinking that other people might actually be thinking about you and your best interests!

Which means that need to do some serious thinking about what you think other people are thinking about! After you’ve finished thinking about that, you may also need do some thinking about whether there is a more Holy path, a higher calling, than falling down, simply to impress other people who are themselves, failing.

Ahem. In the interests of time, I shall leave you to think further about thinking and move on to the final point of my sermon for today.

Self-righteous people are everywhere these days. When you are driving about, you may well see Pharisees or hypocrites lurking in your neighborhoods. Let’s be honest, some of you may experience the horror of having a Pharisee or hypocrite living in your very own home!

Everyday you must suffer as you see these people using your toilets, sitting at your tables, standing in front of your mirror and grooming themselves.

Yes, great danger lies in the fact that self-righteous people make tremendous efforts to look good, while not really doing anyone much good.

Therefore brothers and sisters, let us resolve to actually do good. Let us resolve to live truly righteous lives and so irritate the self-righteous around us!

Ahem, this concludes my sermon for today…um…I sure hope I looked good while I was preaching it.