The Errors of the Trinity - The Revelation of JESUS Christ by Dennis Beard - HTML preview

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that is Judgment. The saints of God as the church wil be the instruments of judgment in the days of the Son of man when judgment is given to the body of Christ, when Jesus comes to be glorified in the church. There are other offices or roles that could be designated, but 281

The Errors of the Trinity Chapter 8: Trinity vs. Twoness vs. Oneness Doctrines this is sufficient in the revelation of Jesus Christ as the Word made flesh. The one person of God manifested himself in an earthly body of flesh after Adam, as a natural human being with a natural human nature having the Spirit of God permanently residing in him. Jesus’

true identity is first and foremost in truth the Spirit of God as the Father, Word, or Holy Ghost. Jesus as the Spirit took on a body of flesh as a man as the only begotten Son of God or Son of man. Please note that these various offices are of the One and Self-same Spirit of God, al of whose proper name is “Jesus” that was hidden from the foundation of the world until God revealed His glory. These are the specific roles or offices that the author wil address in this chapter in breaking down various scriptures are as fol ows: Father = The Spirit of God in Administration or Leading other offices

Word = The Spirit of God in divine Thought, Expression, Intellect, Wisdom, Knowledge, Understanding Holy Ghost = The Spirit of God as the Spirit form of Jesus Christ, the Son of God or the Son of man

The Spirit of God incorporated in a human spirit, Son of God = soul, and body; both Spirit and man as the Redemptive office of the Spirit

The Spirit of God incorporated in a human spirit, Son of man = soul, and body as the Person of the Kingdom of God and thus the Judgment office of the Spirit The Person of Jesus Christ is both 100% Spirit and 100% man with a human spirit, soul, and body. He was not divine on his Father’s side and human on his mother’s side connoting a half God-half man or demi-god. The true One God doctrine is that Jesus Christ is the 282

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expressed image of God, manifesting the fulness of God’s character and nature. Thus God showed forth His glory through the veil of Jesus’ flesh revealing His own name. The closer someone knows mankind, the more the sin and faults are noticed. But the closer the disciples knew Christ, the more they saw his glory as God showing forth in his face as the only begotten Son of God. This is none other than God manifested in flesh as a natural human being that housed permanently the fulness of the Spirit of God. Jesus Christ is the human embodiment of God being comprised of the Spirit of God in his spirit, soul, and body. Jesus Christ died, was buried, and rose again the third day, and was glorified. The Person of Jesus Christ is truly God, in that He is the only Spirit of God. He is now in a glorified body of flesh as the Mediator of the New Covenant; that is, God in Christ. The author is explicitly One God in faith. Obviously, there is more revelation to come concerning our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. These are the fundamental tenets of faith that are necessary for one’s salvation.

There is a breach of the one true faith that was once delivered to the saints of the living God that has manifested greatly in the last days.

Nevertheless, God has a people that wil not be deceived and have received the love of the truth that they might be saved.

You, the reader, are a person comprised of spirit, soul, and body. No one can communicate with you separately as three distinct parts. For example, someone speaks to your spirit, but does not speak to your flesh, somehow dividing you asunder. You are a composite of spirit, soul, and body forming one person. When you are functioning as the one person that you are in spirit, soul, and body, your body is interrelated with your soul, which is interrelated with your spirit. The same principle applies to Jesus Christ as a Person. In the days of his flesh, when he walked upon the earth, He was Spirit dwelling permanently in spirit, soul, and body as the Son of God. The Spirit is God Almighty, the Holy Ghost, the Most High, the Father, of which Jesus had without measure. Before glorification, Jesus Christ worked as a man being in subjection to the Father in order to be our Kinsman Redeemer, for a man lost it, and only a man can get it back. After 283

The Errors of the Trinity Chapter 8: Trinity vs. Twoness vs. Oneness Doctrines glorification, Jesus said that al power was given to him in heaven and in earth. (Matthew 28:18b). Jesus had al the Spirit of God “for God giveth not the Spirit by measure unto him.” (John 3:34b). How much of the Godhead is he? “For in him dwelleth al the fulness of the Godhead bodily.” (Colossians 2:9). Jesus Christ is the Spirit. “Now the Lord is that Spirit.” (2 Corinthians 3:17a). Jesus Christ is the LORD

Jehovah. “and that no man can say that Jesus is the Lord, but by the Holy Ghost.” (1 Corinthians 12:3b). “And because ye are sons, God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, crying Abba, Father.” (Galatians 4:6). Therefore, when speaking Jesus Christ, His Spirit is 100% God.

But the thing that requires revelation is that He as God in order to work salvation as a man made Himself a body of flesh consisting of a human spirit, soul, and body. God could have manifested Himself in a banana tree, and if He had, we would al be worshipping the one particular banana tree that was God. The banana tree would not just possess or be fil ed with the Spirit of God, but would be God in its intrinsic value. Its leaves and branches would be God, as well as its roots, simply because the true identity of the banana tree would be God’s permanent dwelling place and mode of manifestation. But He did not manifest Himself in a banana tree. Jesus’

innate glory was that of God the Father, the Word, the Holy Ghost, as the Spirit of God that was resident in him. God manifested Himself in human flesh and blood as a visible person who was the exact character and nature of God since God is Jesus’ real identity in Person.

Therefore, at particular times and events in the Word of God, different offices of the Same Spirit are at work simultaneously. For example, the office of the Son of God before glorification is limited in knowledge as a man due to the Spirit being fashioned as a man in order to work redemption through his death on the cross. However, Jesus could also refer to the separate office of the Father as His Spirit, which existed before Abraham as the LORD God Almighty. At any given time, Jesus Christ who is God in His Spirit could also speak of Himself as a human being or flesh. In other words, Jesus sometimes revealed 284

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Himself as God the Father, the Word, of the Holy Ghost as the Spirit that He is in Person. At other times He revealed the outside form of His Person, which was as a man of flesh and blood fashioned like you and me. Jesus’ Person was both God and man. The basic difference between Jesus Christ and us as believers is that we have to be born again in order to receive the Spirit of God while Jesus was intrinsically God as Spirit who was in the man, spirit, soul, and body. Jesus was born the Son of God with the Spirit and never had to repent in that He never sinned, but was holy. Even when we are born again, we cannot say that we are the Spirit of God, but are fil ed with the Spirit of God and are one with God through His Spirit. We as believers are adopted into the kingdom of God by faith through grace and can never receive worship as being Christ or God. Jesus however received worship because His Spirit is God that was manifested in flesh as a human being. The only way mankind rids themselves of the Adamic spirit and gets into Christ is through baptism in the name of Jesus Christ, the old man Adam being crucified with the body of sin being destroyed, that the Spirit of God may now dwell in man. (Romans 6:1-6). As Jesus spake the words of God, sometimes He spake of His Spirit as God, while at other times He spake of his humanity being flesh, both forms comprising His total Person.

Consider the fol owing titles of Jesus Christ which sometimes apply to the Spirit, some apply to his human spirit and soul, while stil others apply to his human body of flesh and blood as a man. Keep in mind we are only talking about one Person in this il ustration with many different titles.




Father (John 10:30)


flesh (John 1:14)

God (John 20:28)

(1 Cor 2:16)

lamb (Revelation 13:8)

Spirit of his Son (Galatians 4:6)

only Begotten Son (John 1:29)

Beginning of Creation (Rev 3:14)


mediator (1 Timothy 2:5)

Holy Ghost (Acts 1:8)

(Matthew 26:39)

Son of man (Matthew 8:20)

The Word (John 1:1)

Son of David (Matthew 1:1)

Son of God (Matthew 2:15)


Offspring of David (Rev

Son of man (John 3:13)

(Matthew 26:38)


Christ (1 Peter 1:11)

The Lord (Matthew 22:44)


The Errors of the Trinity Chapter 8: Trinity vs. Twoness vs. Oneness Doctrines Spirit



The Almighty (Revelation 1:8)


Person of God (Hebrew 1:3)

Root of David (Revelation 22:16)

(Mark 3:5)

Arm of the LORD (Isaiah

Person of God (Hebrew 1:3)


The LORD (Psalms 100:1)


Beloved Son (Matthew 12:18)

High Priest (Hebrews 4:14)

(John 11:35)

Bread of Life (John 6:32)

The Rock (1 Corinthians 10:4, 53:1)

Captain of Salvation (Heb

Elohim (Genesis 1:26)



Jehovah (Isaiah 26:4)

(Matthew 9:36)

Chief Shepherd (1 Peter 5:4)

Yahweh (Exodus 6:3)

Christ of God (Luke 9:20)

Creator (Genesis 1:1, John1:3)

Advocate (1 John 2:1)

The Most High (Deuteronomy 32:8)


Stature (Luke 2:52)

Saviour (Luke 2:11)

(Mark 10:21)

Natural Growth (Luke 2:40)

Redeemer (Job 19:25)

Immanuel (Isaiah 7:14)

Comforter (John 1416)


Emmanuel (Matthew 1:23)

Godhead (Colossians 2:9)

(Matthew 26:37)

Hunger (Luke 4:2)

The I AM (John 8:58)

Sleep (Luke 8:23)

Alpha/Omega (Rev 1:6, 22:13)


Poverty (Luke 9:58)

Aleph/Tahv (Psalms 119)

(Luke 2:52)

Body (Luke 24:39)

First & Last (Revelation 1:17)

Weariness (John 4:6)

Ancient of Days (Daniel 7:22)


Messenger of the Covenant

Only Potentate (1 Timothy 6:15)

(Psalms 22)

(Malachi 3:1)

Yod, Right Hand of God (Rev 5:1,

Messiah (Daniel 9:25, John




Holy One (Acts 3:14)

(Luke 23:46)

Shiloh (Genesis 49:10)

Last Adam (1 Corinthians 15:45)

Nazarene (Matthew 2:23)

Shepherd & Bishop of Souls (1 Pet

Our Passover (1 Corinthians



Son of the Highest (Luke 1:32)

Prince of Kings (Revelation

Sun of Righteousness (Malachi 4:2)


True Light (John 1:9)

Prince of Life (Acts 3:15)

Truth (John 1:14)

Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6)

Word of God (Revelation 19:13)

Prophet (Luke 24:19)

Father of Lights (James 1:17)

Seed of the Woman (Gen

Judge (Genesis 18:25)


Living God (Josh 3:10)

Son of the Blessed (Mark

Our Father (1 Chr 29:10, Mt 6:9)


Lord of Saboath (James 5:4)

True Vine (John 15:1)

Free Spirit (Psalms 51:12)

Witness (Isaiah 55:4)

Holy Spirit (Psalms 51:11)

Power of the Highest (Luke 1:35)

Spirit of Adoption (Romans 8:15)

Spirit of Christ (1 Peter 1:11)

Spirit of Glory (1 Peter 4:14)

Spirit of God (Genesis 1:2)


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Spirit of Grace (Zechariah 12:10)

Spirit of Holiness (Romans 1:4)

Spirit of Judgment (Isaiah 4:4)

Spirit of Knowledge (Isaiah 11:2)

Spirit of Life (Romans 8:2)

Fortress (2 Samuel 22:2)

Heavenly Father (Matthew 6:26)

Judge (Genesis 18:25)

As you can see, the titles are quite extensive and cover many different attributes and offices of God. This is by no means a total and complete list of al the titles of God. The central point is the truth that Jesus Christ is al of the above titles, the Only True God manifested in the body of His Flesh. The author realizes that some of these titles can be both attributed to the Spirit as well as to the flesh as a man, realizing that Jesus’ Person is both Spirit (Father, Word, Holy Ghost) and man (spirit, soul, and body). For example, the term “last Adam”

can refer to the Spirit since the last Adam is the quickening Spirit; but can also refer to the flesh since Adam literal y means man or mankind, Jesus being glorified in his flesh.

Jesus Christ is the Spirit of God, and He is man. He is the Spirit as God resident in him and He is flesh and blood as a human being. He is not only the Spirit of God, but He is also flesh as well.

Therefore, we wil examine various scriptures using in Italics the various offices of the One Spirit of God. Since Jesus Christ is manifested in various offices of the Spirit, we wil enumerate the office as it is revealed in scriptures in an attempt to assist or aid the reader in the proper office of the Spirit of God. The color blue in the Word of God never touched the color scarlet or red because mankind without the work of a Mediator could not approach God. Thus we perceive the man Christ Jesus to be the Christ or Messiah, God’s permanent dwelling in human flesh as a man with the mixture of blue and scarlet, yielding purple; i.e. purple being derived from mixing blue and red together, the Mediator. Thus, the breaking down of the fol owing scriptures wil show when Jesus was speaking of a particular office of Father, Word, or Holy Ghost when referring to Spirit only. Or the 287

The Errors of the Trinity Chapter 8: Trinity vs. Twoness vs. Oneness Doctrines author wil attempt to assist the reader when Jesus was speaking of His office of redemption as the Son of God (God in flesh) or His office of Judgment as Son of man (God in flesh).

Again the offices of the Spirit of God are as fol ows: Father = The Spirit of God in Administration or Leading other offices

Word = The Spirit of God in divine Thought, Expression, Intellect, Wisdom, Knowledge, Understanding Holy Ghost = The Spirit of God as the Spirit form of Jesus Christ, the Son of God or the Son of man

The Spirit of God incorporated in a human spirit, Son of God = soul, and body; both Spirit and man as the Redemptive office of the Spirit

The Spirit of God incorporated in a human spirit, Son of man = soul, and body as the Person of the Kingdom of God and thus the Judgment office of the Spirit The author wil cite various scriptures with insertions as to the particular office in which the Spirit or God is manifesting Himself in and through. Also please note that some of these offices wil overlap as the Son of God is the Son of man in that both offices refer to Spirit incorporated in flesh as a man.

Jesus Christ, Sent of God

Many wil say that Jesus Christ was sent of God and therefore has to be a separate person from that of the Father. “And I (Son of God) knew that thou hearest (Father) me (Son of God) always: but because of the people which stand by I said it (Son of God), that they may believe that thou hast sent (Father has sent) me (Son of God).”


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(John 11:42). The author wil cite several scriptures using the same differentiation between the Spirit and the human man of flesh that housed the Spirit realizing that Jesus is the Person of God being the man who is God. “He that receiveth you receiveth me (Son of God), and he that receiveth me (Son of God) receiveth him that sent (Father that sent) me (Son of God).” (Matthew 10:40). Another scripture is that which Jesus quoted from the book of Isaiah while in the synagogue on the sabbath day, and stood up to read. “The Spirit of the Lord God (Father) is upon me (Son of God), because he (Father) hath anointed me (Son of God) to preach the gospel to the poor; he (Father) hath sent me (Son of God) to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised. To preach the acceptable year of the Lord (Father).” (Luke 4:18,19). Jesus could refer to the Spirit (Father, Word, Holy Ghost) that dwelled or housed permanently in His Person as a man, or the Father, or the Word, or the Holy Ghost, since al these names of offices refer to the One Spirit of God. Jesus could also refer to the human man of flesh and blood side of Himself as the Son of God, the One sent, the Sacrifice, the Lamb of God, since al these names refer to the flesh that housed the Spirit. Another example: “For God (Father) so loved the world, that he (Father) gave his (Father) only begotten Son (Son of God), that whosoever believeth in him (Son of God) should not perish but have everlasting life (Spirit).

For God (Father) sent not his (Father) Son (Son of God) into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through him (Son of God) might be saved. He that believeth on him (Son of God) is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name (Father) of the only begotten Son of God.” (John 3:16-18).

Many quote John 3:16 but never read 1 John 3:16. “Hereby perceive we the love of God (Father), because he (Father) laid down his (Son of God) life for us: and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren.” (1 John 3:16). “For he whom (Son of God) God (Father) has sent speaketh the words (Word) of God (Father): for God (Father) 289

The Errors of the Trinity Chapter 8: Trinity vs. Twoness vs. Oneness Doctrines giveth not the Spirit (Holy Ghost) by measure unto him (Son of God).

The Father (Spirit) loveth the Son (Son of God), and hath given al things into his (Son of God) hand.” (John 3:34,35). “Jesus saith unto them, My meat (Son of God) is to do the wil (Father’s) of him (Father) that sent me (Son of God), and to finish his (Father) work.”

(John 4:34). “That al men should honour the Son (Son of God), even as they honour the Father (Spirit). He that honoureth not the Son (Son of God) honoureth not the Father (Spirit) which hath sent him (Son of God). Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my (Son of God) word (Word), and believeth on him (Father) that sent me (Son of God), hath everlasting life (Spirit), and shal not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life (Spirit). Verily, verily, I (Son of God) say unto you, The hour is coming, and now is, when the dead shal hear the voice (Word) of the Son of God: and they that hear shal live. For as the Father (Spirit) hath life (Spirit) in himself (Father); so hath he (Father) given to the Son (Son of God) to have life (Spirit) in himself (Son of God). And hath given him (Son of God) authority to execute judgment also, because he (Son of God) is the Son of man (Kingdom of God).” (John 5:24-27).

Jesus Christ, Sent of God

“I (Son of God) can of myself (Son of God) do nothing: as I (Son of God) hear, I (Son of God) judge: and my (Son of God) judgment is just; because I (Son of God) seek not mine own (Son of God) wil , but the wil of the Father (Spirit) which hath sent me (Son of God). If I (Son of God) bear witness of myself (Son of God), my (Son of God) witness is not true. There is another (Father) that beareth witness of me (Son of God); and I (Son of God) know that the witness that he (Father) witnesseth of me (Son of God) is true.” (John 5:30-32). “But I (Son of God) have greater witness than that of John: for the works that the Father (Spirit) giveth me (Son of God) to finish, the same works that I (Son of God) do, bear witness of me (Son of God), that the Father (Spirit) hath sent me (Son of God). And the Father (Spirit) himself, which hath sent me (Son of God), hath borne witness 290

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of me (Son of God). Ye have neither heard his (Father) voice (Word) at any time, nor seen his (Father) shape. And ye have not his (Father) word (Word) abiding in you: for whom (Son of God) he (Father) hath sent, him (Son of God) ye believe not.” (John 5:36-38).

“I (Son of God) am come in my (Son of God) Father’s (Spirit’s) name (JESUS), and ye receive me (Son of God) not: if another shal come in his own name, him ye wil receive.” (John 5:43).

“Then said they unto him (Son of God), What shal we do, that we might work the works of God? Jesus answered and said unto them, This is the work of God (Father), that ye believe on him whom (Son of God) he (Father) hath sent.” (John 6:28,29). “Al that the Father (Spirit) giveth me (Son of God) shal come to me (Son of God); and him that cometh to me (Son of God) I wil in no wise cast out. For I (Word) came down from heaven, not to do mine own (Son of God) will, but the wil of him (Father) that sent me (Word). And this is the Father’s (Spirit) wil which hath sent me (Word), that of al which he (Father) hath given me (Son of God), I (Son of God) should lose nothing, but should raise it up again at the last day. And this is the wil of him (Father) that sent me (Word), every one which seeth the Son (Son of God), and believeth on him (Son of God), may have everlasting life (Spirit): and I (Son of God) wil raise him up at the last day.” (John 6:37-40). The revelation here is clearly depicted by John

“No man can come to me (Son of God), except the Father (Spirit) which hath sent me (Son of God) draw him: and I (Son of God) wil raise him up at the last day.” (John 6:44). “As the living Father (Spirit) hath sent me (Word): and I (Son of man as the Word) live by the Father: so he that eateth me (Word), even he shal live by me (Son of man as the Word).” (John 6:57). The Lord Jesus is that Spirit, the quickening Spirit that if any man has dwelling in him, Jesus wil raise him up at the last day. (2 Corinthians 3:17) (Romans 8:11).

Remember that Jesus Christ is both the Spirit of God (Father, Word, Holy Ghost) and the man of flesh as the only-begotten Son of God, speaking of His body in which al the ful ness of the Godhead dwelled or housed permanently, forever eternal world without end.


The Errors of the Trinity Chapter 8: Trinity vs. Twoness vs. Oneness Doctrines

“Jesus answered them, and said, My (Son of God) doctrine is not mine (Son of God), but his (Father) that sent me (Son of God). If any man wil do his (Father) wil , he shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God (Father), or whether I (Son of God) speak of myself (Son of God). He that speaketh of himself seeketh his own glory: but he that seeketh his (Father) glory that sent him (Son of God), the same is true, and no unrighteousness is in him.” (John 7:16-18). Jesus did not seek after the things of the flesh that profiteth nothing, but always did those things that pleased His Spirit as the Father that was in him as the Son of man. “Then cried Jesus in the temple as he taught, saying, Ye both know me (Son of God), and ye know whence I am (Son of God): and I (Son of God) am not come of myself, but he (Father) that sent me (Son of God) is true (Spirit), whom (Father) ye know not. But I (Son of God) know him (Father): for I am (Son of God) from him (Father), and he (Father) that sent me (Son of God: the Word being sent and made flesh as a man). I (Son of God as the Word made flesh) am from him (Father), and he (Father) hath sent me (Word made flesh as Son of God).” (John 7:28,29). The Word was from the Father that was with Him in the beginning as God, and then was sent into the world, then made flesh as the Son of God.

The Son of God is the Word incarnated as God made flesh. If we know Jesus Christ, then we should know the Father, because He is the Spirit dwelling in the body of the Son of God. “Then said Jesus unto them, Yet a little while am I (Son of man) with you, and then I (Son of man) go unto him (Father) that sent me (Son of man). Ye shal seek me (Son of man) and not find me (Son of man): and where I am (Son of man) thither ye cannot come.” (John 7:33,34).

Consider this verse. “And yet if I (Son of man) judge, my (Son of man) judgment is true: for I (Son of man) am not alone, but I (Son of man) and the Father (Spirit) that sent me (Son of man).”

(John 8:16). God sent His Word in order to express Himself in a body of flesh as revealed to mankind proclaiming His name Jesus. The Word that the Father sent is not a second person of the Godhead, but one and the same Spirit of God simply manifested in a different office than 292

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the Father in Divine Expression. God is not sending divine flesh from heaven to the earth to manifest Himself as God, but is sending His Word as Spirit that wil take on a body of flesh. The Son of God is corporeal and is Spirit in flesh. The Son of God is not pure Word only, but is Word incorporated in flesh. Therefore, the Son did not exist is the beginning with God, but only the Word as pure Spirit existed with God in the beginning. The Son of God came into existence when the Word was made flesh and became the Son of God. This event happened about 2,000 years ago in the manifestation of God in flesh as a man. The Son of God did not exist permanently as a permanent abode in flesh before the incarnation, therefore the Word is preexistent but the Son of God is not. To believe in an Eternal Son of God is to falsely acknowledge that God had taken on flesh as a human being sometime in eternity, which is just not true. Some acknowledge the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost were present at the creation of the heaven and earth. The Father is Spirit, the Holy Ghost is Spirit, but the Son of God is not total y Spirit as the Son of God is Spirit incorporated in flesh. There was no flesh present in Genesis 1:1, therefore, there was no Son of God present. The Word is Spirit without flesh; Son of God is Spirit with flesh. Jesus said I (Son of God) and the Father (Spirit), which is the Spirit that He is intrinsically in His Person, sent me (Word that was made flesh). Therefore, Jesus Christ, the Spirit, sent Jesus Christ as the Word made flesh, Spirit fashioned as a human of flesh; “I (Father) sent me (Word that was made flesh)”, Jesus said. There are not two different Spirits in heaven, the Father and the Son. There is only one Spirit that took on human flesh in order to manifest Himself to the world. This is plainly seen when examining the next scripture. “Then said Jesus unto them, When ye have lifted up the Son of man, then shal ye know that I (Son of man) am he (Father), and that I (Son of man) do nothing of myself; but as my (Son of man) Father (Spirit) hath taught me (Son of man), I (Son of man) speak these things (Word).” (John 8:28). Jesus is declaring that when you have crucified Him (Son of man), then you will know that He (Son of man) is the Father (Spirit), for He as the Son 293

The Errors of the Trinity Chapter 8: Trinity vs. Twoness vs. Oneness Doctrines of man did nothing of Himself, but His Person as the Spirit of God, the Father did the works.

Who is Jesus Christ that came down from heaven?

Please look with me at the verse in John for us to careful y scrutinize: “And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven.” Some will say surely Jesus overlooked Enoch and Elijah when making this statement, or possibly there is some other explanation. Did the second person of the Godhead ascend up to heaven and then come down again being sent of the Father? Let’s apply the same print as before to determine the revelation: “And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven.” Jesus is plainly declaring that He as the Son of man in His Person is intrinsically the Father or Spirit as He is currently in heaven while speaking on earth. The “he that came down from heaven” is the

“Word” as the divine Logos that was made flesh and dwelt or tabernacled among us. This clearly reveals that there is but One Person in the Godhead, and that His body of flesh and blood is the permanent dwelling or housing of His Spirit being the Father thus revealing His name, Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ was standing in plain sight of his disciples, clothed with sandals on his feet and not on a cherubim or chariot of glory. Yet He declared that He as the Son of man in the present tense, is in heaven. The Son of man is in heaven while talking to His disciples on earth because His Person is comprised of the ful ness of the Spirit of God that is currently in heaven as He speaks, declaring Himself to be intrinsically Spirit. You want to see God?

You’re looking at Him in the Person of Jesus Christ, for God is al in him. Jesus Christ is not a man that was fil ed with the Spirit like a Holy Ghost Spirit fil ed believer in the church today, neither was He was man that became God at some point after His resurrection or glorification. Jesus Christ was God as Spirit (Father, Word, Holy Ghost). He had always been God, being the “I AM”, the Jehovah 294

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LORD God Almighty, Yahweh. He simply became fashioned as a man for redemption as the Son of God, stil existing as God in al Supremacy. Jesus never did cease and desist from being God, even though He fashioned himself as a human being of flesh and blood.

Neither did He stop being the Father as the office of the Spirit that leads or administrates. He did not cease from being the Word as the divine Expression of God; neither did He stop being the Holy Ghost.

These various offices of the One and Same Spirit of God were at work simultaneously, at the same time, in order to work redemption for mankind. It is impossible for man to do since a human being has limitations of speaking or listening to one person at a time. But God has no limitations. He hears mil ions of prayers at one time and answers each one individual y with a specific word for that particular individual. The Son of man clearly defines these offices working at the same time by the One and Same Spirit of God. The office of the Son of man is on earth in clear view of his disciples, while declaring that He is in heaven as the Spirit (Father, Word, Holy Ghost).

Jesus Christ is the God (Word) that came down from heaven being made flesh and dwelt among us as the only begotten Son of God. (John 1:14). “For the bread of God is he (Word) which cometh down from heaven, and giveth life unto the world. Then said they unto him, Lord, evermore give us this bread. And Jesus said unto them, I am (Word) the bread of life: he that cometh to me (Son of man) shal never hunger; and he that believeth on me (Son of man) shal never thirst.” (John 6:33-35). “For I (Word) came down from heaven, not to do mine own (Son of man) wil , but the wil of him (Father) that sent me (Son of man as the Word). And this is the Father’s (Spirit’s) wil which hath sent me (Son of man), that of al which he (Father) hath given me (Son of man), I (Son of man) should lose nothing, but should raise it up again at the last day. And this is the wil of him (Father) that sent me (Son of man as the Word), that every one which seeth the Son (Son of man or Son of God), and believeth on him (Son of God) may have everlasting life: and I (Son of man) wil raise him up at the last day.” (John 6:38-40). Jesus Christ is the last Adam, the quickening 295

The Errors of the Trinity Chapter 8: Trinity vs. Twoness vs. Oneness Doctrines Spirit in glorified flesh that wil resurrect the ones that believe on Him as the Lord God Almighty, the Father, the Christ or Messiah, God with us.

How many Lords are there?

After Jesus had been asked questions from the Pharisees and Sadducees in an attempt to entangle Him in his talk, Jesus then asked them a question. How you and I answer this question determines the revelation of Jesus Christ that we possess. “While the Pharisees were gathered together, Jesus asked them, Saying what think ye of Christ?

whose son is he? They say unto him, The son of David (the fleshly aspect of Jesus as to His birth of the lineage of David). He saith unto them, How then doth David in spirit call him (Son of God) Lord (Jehovah LORD God Almighty, Yahweh), saying, The Lord (Jehovah LORD God Almighty, Yahweh) said unto my Lord (Son of God), Sit thou (Son of God) on my right hand, til I (Jehovah LORD God Almighty, Yahweh) make thine (Son of God) enemies thy (Son of God) footstool? If David then call him (Son of God) Lord (Jehovah LORD God Almighty, Yahweh), how is he (Son of God) his (David’s) son? And no man was able to answer him a word, neither durst any man from that day forth ask him any more questions.” (Matthew 2:41-46). Most people wil answer this question with a trinity perspective, or a two-ness perspective; that is, that the Father is one LORD and the Son is the other Lord. There appears, at first glance, that there are at least two Lords mentioned in the above scriptures thereby, giving credence to the trinity or two-ness doctrines. Notice; that one LORD

is with al capital letters, while the other is Lord, with smal case letters.

The Greek Lord makes no differentiation between LORD and Lord coming from “kurios” meaning “God, master, Sir”. Therefore, we must go to the Hebrew text from which Jesus is quoting from in the book of Psalms. (Psalms 110:1). In this scripture, LORD is from the Hebrew word “Yehovah or Jehovah”, meaning the Jewish national name of God, which is the Father or the Spirit of God, the self-296

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Existent or Eternal. Lord comes from a different Hebrew word,

“adown or Adoni” meaning “master or owner (human or divine)”.

Therefore, LORD is LORD Jehovah God Almighty which is the Father or the Spirit of God since there is only One Spirit or One God (Ephesians 4:4-6), and Lord is Adoni meaning the human aspect of God fashioned as a man as Master, referring to the flesh or humanity of Jesus. This is why David, having not seen Jesus in the flesh, was in the spirit when he wrote the above scripture in Psalms 110:1.

“While the Pharisees were gathered together, Jesus asked them, Saying, What think ye of Christ? whose son is he? They say unto him, the son of David.” (Matthew 22:41,42). Christ is God in flesh. The Pharisees, like most people today, recognize Jesus as the man Christ Jesus, the son of David, which refers to His flesh or humanity.

(Romans 1:3). But they do not recognize Jesus as the Father, the LORD of glory. We wil continue with the scriptures. “He saith unto them, How then doth David in spirit call him Lord (Jehovah God), saying The LORD (Jehovah LORD God Almighty, Yahweh) said unto my Lord (the flesh or man), sit thou (Son of God) on my (LORD

God) right hand, til I (LORD God) make thine (Son of God) enemies thy footstool? If David then call him Lord (Jehovah LORD God Almighty, Yahweh), how is he (Son of God) his (David’s) son?”

(Matthew 22:43-45). Jesus realized that most people regarded Him as a mere man like al mankind, as the natural son of David, but did not regard him as the Father, the Spirit in a body of flesh in his humanity.

His question penetrated the mindset of the revelation of Jesus that they held to be true, but in reality was false, being one sided. They held that Christ was a natural man or flesh as the son of David, but did not have the revelation of Christ as God, the Father, the Jehovah LORD, Yahweh. No one was able to answer Jesus a word. And without the true revelation of Jesus Christ today, no one is able to answer Jesus a word as to who He is as Christ, the man Christ Jesus. The only way to answer Jesus’ question is to have the revelation of who He is as God (Father, Word, Holy Ghost) in a human body of flesh (a man with a human spirit, soul, and body).


The Errors of the Trinity Chapter 8: Trinity vs. Twoness vs. Oneness Doctrines If Jesus Christ is the Father, why will He deliver up the Kingdom to God, even the Father?

The fol owing scriptures wil be cited about the resurrection as Paul addresses the church at Corinth. “Then cometh the end, when he (Son of God) shal have delivered up the kingdom to God (Spirit), even the Father; when he (Father) shal have put down al rule and al authority and power. For he (Son of God) must reign, til he (Father) hath put al enemies under his (Son of God) feet.” (1 Corinthians 15:24,25). “For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost (Spirit form of Jesus Christ).” (Romans 14:17) Therefore, the kingdom of God is the Holy Ghost, the Spirit form of Jesus Christ. For righteousness, peace, and joy belong to the people of God through Christ by the Holy Ghost.

The LORD Jehovah, the Spirit of God wil put al enemies under the Son of God’s feet, under the body of God or church in whom God dwells. This will bring glory to God (Father) since He (Father) is embodied in the Son. Therefore, Christ wil deliver up everything in the kingdom of God, which is everyone in whom the Spirit of God dwells as the body of Christ as members in particular, to the Father.

Exactly what is happening at this time, when the end comes, when Christ’s work of redemption is completed, is that the sons of God are manifested, to wit, the redemption of our bodies. (Romans 8:23).

“That at the name of Jesus every knee shal bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; and every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord (Jehovah LORD God Almighty, Yahweh, to the glory of the Father.” (Philippians 2:10,11).

The Father wil be glorified because Christ is the Father in Spirit having al the ful ness of the Godhead or Father in a glorified body as the Son. (Colossians 2:9) (Hebrews 1:3) Then the Father (Spirit) wil be al , through al , and in al because of the Christ being the way to the Father. The man Christ Jesus became the propitiation for our sins through the supreme sacrifice of his flesh and blood in order to bring 298

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us to the Father as Spirit, redeeming mankind back to God (Father) that was in Christ. (2 Corinthians 5:19).

“For he (Father) hath put al things under his (Son of God) feet.” (1 Corinthians 15:27a). God has now put all things under His Person, His own feet in the body of His Son, the Christ. “But when he (Father) saith al things are put under him (Son of God), it is manifest that he (Father) is excepted, which did put al things under him (Son of God). And when al things shal be subdued unto him (Son of God), then shal the Son (Son of God) also himself be subject unto him (Father) that put al things under him (Son of God), that God (Father, the Spirit) may be al in al .” (1 Corinthians 15:27,28). Remember that the Spirit is greater than the flesh, therefore, the Son of God (Spirit incorporated in flesh) wil be subject to the Father (total Spirit) throughout eternity. The body of Christ wil be in subjection to the Father (God) throughout eternity. The Son of God is God manifested in flesh as a human being that has been glorified, seated at the right hand of the Father as Spirit. The Spirit is the greatest of qualities of the Persona of Christ.

If Jesus is the Father, then how can

the Father be greater than Christ?

“Ye have heard how I (Son of God) said unto you, I (Son of God) go away, and come again unto you. If ye loved me (Son of God), ye would rejoice, because I (Son of God) said, I (Son of God) go unto the Father (Spirit): for my (Son of God’s) Father (Spirit) is greater than I (Son of God).” (John 14:28). This simply means that the office of the Father is greater than the office of the Son of God since the Spirit in the Persona of Jesus Christ is greater than the flesh. The trinity doctrine wil say that the person of the Father is greater than the person of the Son, denying his or her own doctrine that the Son is co-equal with the Father. The errors of the Trinity as well as the Two-ness is that there are not two persons in this scripture, one being the Father, and the other being the Son, but two offices of the One and Same 299

The Errors of the Trinity Chapter 8: Trinity vs. Twoness vs. Oneness Doctrines Spirit of God. There is only one Person of God; the Son of God as the Christ comprised of Spirit permanently housed in a human being of spirit, soul, and body. Certainly, that which is total y Spirit (Father, Word, Holy Ghost) is greater than the flesh (Son of God, Son of man), even if the flesh houses the Spirit of God in its ful ness.

Jesus spake of His body as the temple: “Jesus answered and said unto them, Destroy this temple (flesh as Son of God), and in three days I (Father as Spirit) wil raise it up.” (John 2:19). “But he spake of the temple of his (Son of God) body.” (John 2:21). Notice that Jesus said ”I will raise it up;” not “my Father wil raise it up.” Jesus is saying destroy or crucify this temple of the Son of God as flesh, and in three days, I (Father or Spirit) wil raise it up. Jesus is clearly referring to Himself in the office of the Son of God as to Himself as the Father, the office of the Spirit of God that leads or administrates al other offices of the Spirit. Jesus Christ is the name of al offices of the Spirit of God, therefore, He as the Spirit of God or Father wil raise up His own body of human flesh. There is One body of flesh, only One person of God al uded to in these scriptures, not two or three, as some would have you to believe.

Why did Jesus cry “My God My God”

on the cross if He is God?

“And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying Eli, Eli, lama sa-bach-tha-ni? that is to say, My (Son of God) God (Father), my (Son of God) God (Father), why hast thou (Father) forsaken me (Son of God)?” (Matthew 27:46). This is the cry of the Son of God as flesh (human spirit, soul, and body) as the sacrifice being made an offering for sin to the Father (Spirit). The Holy of Holies is considered the abiding place of God in the heavens, the place where God is approached. While the first tabernacle was still standing, the Holy Ghost signified that the way into the holiest of al was not yet made manifest. (Hebrews 9:8). God signified the new and living way into His presence and fellowship in the Holy of Holies by renting the 300

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veil of the temple, that is to say, His flesh. (Hebrews 10:20). By God renting the veil, which separated the sanctuary from the holiest of al , God showed that the flesh that was crucified was His own tabernacle of human flesh, making the way into His own Spirit as signified by making a way into the Holy of Holies. God’s tabernacle or flesh (human spirit, soul, and body) died on the cross being without the Spirit, the flesh was offered as a sacrifice for sin, God revealed this truth by the veil of the first tabernacle being rent in twain. This proved that Jesus’ flesh (human spirit, soul, and body) were those of God; God embodied in human fashion. The Spirit of God leaving the body (human spirit, soul, and body) of the sin offering was signified by darkness over al the earth by the space of three hours. Sin is darkness and God is light. If al sin of al past, present and future time were to congregate at the location of the cross, we would certainly expect that location to be gross darkness, as the world had never known. Such was the case as we see that God turned heaven and earth into total darkness as Jesus was made sin who knew no sin. The sun did not shine neither did the stars of heaven. Even the light of the candlesticks in the holy place of the Tabernacle was reported as mysteriously going out by Josephus the historian. There was total darkness because of the magnitude of humanity’s sin that was born by Jesus Christ as it focused at the cross of Calvary. “Yet is pleased the LORD (Jehovah LORD

God Almighty, Yahweh) to bruise him (Son of God: Spirit fashioned as a man); he (LORD Jehovah) hath put him (Son of God) to grief: when thou (LORD Jehovah) shalt make his (Son of God) soul as an offering for sin, he (LORD Jehovah) shal see his (Son of God) seed, he (LORD Jehovah) shal prolong his (Son of God) days, and the pleasure of the LORD shal prosper in his (Son of God) hand. He (LORD Jehovah) shal see of the travail of his (Son of God) soul, and shal be satisfied: by his (Son of God) knowledge shal my (LORD

Jehovah, Father) righteous servant (Son of God) justify many; for he (Son of God) shal bear their iniquities.” (Isaiah 53:10,11).


The Errors of the Trinity Chapter 8: Trinity vs. Twoness vs. Oneness Doctrines Did God die on the Cross?

Many wil answer that God did not die on the cross, but the Son of God died on the cross for the sin of the world. The question is settled based upon how you see Jesus. If Jesus is the second person of the Trinity, then God did not die on the cross. The same is true if you believe in a Two-ness doctrine, that the Father is a separate person from the Son. But if you believe that Jesus Christ is the express image of the Person of God in that God manifested Himself fashioned as a man in a body of flesh as His permanent residence, then the body of flesh is attributable to God. Not that the Spirit of God died, but the body of the Son of God died on the cross. The office of the Son of God contains both Spirit and flesh as a man in order to be the Son of God. If either is lacking, then the Son of God ceases to exist. Jesus could not die on the cross as long as He possessed al the ful ness of the Spirit of God, because He had done worthy of death. But without His Spirit portion of the Son of God, then the human flesh is exposed for what it is; that is, under the death sentence. God in the office of the Father had every right to proceed making this human being of flesh (human spirit, soul, and body) to be sin for us, even though He knew no sin. The Son of God, who is God in His Spirit incorporated in a body of human flesh, died on the cross, the Spirit leaving his body thus exposing the man to be sin for mankind. Thus the Son of God suffered the righteous judgment of God to its ful ness in order to redeem mankind back to Himself. Did Jesus while on the cross cease and desist from being the Son of God? No. He was stil the Son of God on the cross as God’s manifested body of flesh and blood, being the expressed image of the Essence and Substance of God. Jesus Christ did not cease from being Jesus Christ while on the cross. The relationship of offices (Father, Word, Holy Ghost, Son of God, Son of man) did not terminate on the cross even though God turned his body into sin for the redemption of mankind. Therefore, because of this permanent residence of the Spirit of God that had not been forfeited by any act of disobedience on the part of Jesus Christ being the 302

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perfect, spotless Lamb of God, death was then attributed to God as laying down his life for us. The Son of God was given on the cross for sin for the salvation of mankind. Another way of stating this relationship is that God did not die on the cross, but Jesus Christ who is God did die on the cross.

It would be the same as if you died, God forbid, your spirit being separated from your body. But someone would say that you did not die, because your spirit did not die. But the fact is that you are made up of spirit, soul, and body. Your body without the spirit is dead being alone, you would be pronounced dead because your spirit is separated from your body. You would have died whether or not anyone believed it or not. The Son of God who is God died on the cross is a true statement if the Spirit of Jesus Christ was the Spirit of God that was housed in his human spirit. If we correlate Jesus Christ with the Tabernacle in its three areas, we wil be able to ascertain this basic truth. For example, the outer court al udes to Jesus’ human flesh and blood. The holy place or Sanctuary typifies Jesus’ human soul wherein were the table of shewbread and the seven golden candlesticks. The golden censer was not in the holy place, but in the most holy place teaching us that it was not Jesus’ prayers, consecration, and dedication that made him the Son of God. It was not His perfect lifestyle in body and soul that made Him or qualified Him to be the Son of God, for He was the Son of God at birth. Because He was the Son of God at birth enabled Him to live a consecrated, holy, harmless and undefiled life before God through His own Spirit. Truly Jesus Christ worked the works of God as a man of human flesh, His Spirit fashioned as a man for the work of redemption. But the difference comes when one views the Holy of Holies or the Most Holy Place that is analogous of Jesus’ human spirit where was dwelling the Ark of the Testimony or Ark of the Covenant. The Ark of the Covenant is the Shekinah presence and glory of God in its ful ness. Truly God was not only in the Holy of Holies in the Tabernacle of the Testimony, but it is where He chose to meet with the Israelites. The ark al udes to the Spirit of God without measure manifested in Jesus’ human spirit. This 303

The Errors of the Trinity Chapter 8: Trinity vs. Twoness vs. Oneness Doctrines was divine service manifested in a worldly sanctuary. (Hebrews 9:1). It was a worldly sanctuary, which speaks, of the human body of Jesus showing us that he was true humanity. Jesus did not come to the earth in a heavenly space suit different from our human bodies. He did not have divine flesh, for flesh is not divine, but human. Only a man of human flesh and blood can pay the price of redemption as a kinsman redeemer. He must be of the same family and pedigree in order to qualify as a kinsman redeemer. Therefore, Jesus’ body was of the earth just like ours, but He as the Word sent was sanctified before the Word took on or was made flesh. The sanctuary which al uded to the office of the Son of God however stil was God’s permanent dwelling and abode and did not change because of Calvary, even though the ark was separated from the Most Holy Place for a short while. God did not die on the cross, but Jesus Christ as the Son of God who is God died on the cross. The death of Jesus Christ is attributed to God because He was the permanent dwelling of the Spirit of God as shown in the Tabernacle in the Holy of Holies. Therefore, because He partook of flesh with His own body that housed His own Spirit, the body was God’s own human body of flesh and blood. Again the Spirit of God did not die, but the body of God did die as a perfect human sacrifice for the sin of the world.

Jesus Christ’s body and soul was made an offering for sin to God. “Hereby perceive we the love of God, because he (God) laid down his (Son of God’s) life for us: and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren.” (1 John 3:16). Yes, God did lay down His life for us when He died on the cross, the fleshly human body as the tabernacle of God being with the Spirit of God (just as the Tabernacle of Moses with the ark of the covenant) died on the cross for us. The Spirit did not separate from the man on the cross; the Son of God died on the cross of calvary.

Jesus Christ is the Father


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“I (Son of God) am Alpha and Omega (the Elohim eht), the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord (Jesus Christ), which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.” (Revelation 1:8).

Jesus plainly states that He is the Almighty God, the Father. “I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root (Father) and the offspring (Son of God according to the flesh) of David, and the bright and morning star (the Light, God).”

(Revelation 22:16). Jesus Christ cannot be the second person of the Godhead and be the root or the Father of David. To do so would be to al ow two Spirits into the theology, one of the Father and the other of the Son. But there is only One Spirit of God, and God is a Spirit, but the Spirit worked in and through many offices or roles in redemption and judgment. This explains the Father or root of David.

But the Word (Spirit) was made human flesh, fashioned as a man in the express image of the Person of God, Jesus Christ possessing the Spirit in his human spirit, soul, and body (Son of God). The fleshly human body of God is the offspring or son of David. This is the only possible revelation for the above scripture. A trinity or two-ness cannot explain how Jesus Christ is both the Father and the son of David, being both divine and human at the same time.

“I (Son of God) and my (Son of God’s) Father (Spirit) are one (one Spirit).” (John 10:30). Jesus did not say that He and His Father were two. “One” is a Greek word “heis” meaning “one, only, man.”

Jesus is the Person of the Father manifested in a human body of flesh and blood. “For in him (Son of God) dwelleth al the fulness of the Godhead (Theos, God, Spirit) bodily (Son of God).” (Colossians 2:9).

God was housed in the body or tabernacle of His Son, the embodiment of God, God Incarnate. Divinity was hidden in humanity.

The divine nature was the only nature that Jesus revealed since He is the

express image of God’s Person, Essence, and Substance, crucifying his flesh in order to reveal the Spirit. This is the mystery hidden from the foundation of the world and revealed in the ful ness of time when Christ was manifested to the world to take away sin as 305

The Errors of the Trinity Chapter 8: Trinity vs. Twoness vs. Oneness Doctrines the atonement for mankind. “In whom (Son of God) are hid al (not some of) the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.” (Colossians 2:3).

“Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I (Son of God) say unto you, Before Abraham was, I (Son of God as to His Spirit, the Father, the Word, the Holy Ghost) am.” (John 8:58). Jesus proclaimed to be before Abraham, not in the flesh as being over 2,000 years old, but as the Spirit of God, the Father.

But the Lamb took the book out of the right hand of Him that sat upon the throne

Some advocates of the trinity and two-ness doctrines wil quote the fol owing scriptures to prove there are at least two persons in the Godhead. “And I beheld, and, lo, in the midst of the throne and of the four beasts, and in the midst of the elders, stood a Lamb (Son of God) as it had been slain, having seven horns (Spirit) and seven eyes (Spirit), which are the seven Spirits of God sent forth into al the earth. And he (Son of God) came and took the book out of the right hand of him (Father, Spirit, not a fleshly hand) that sat upon the throne.”

(Revelation 5:6,7).

Let’s take a closer look at the “right hand” in other scriptures before expounding on it. “thou (Jehovah LORD God) shalt stretch forth thine hand (Jehovah LORD God) against the wrath of mine enemies, and thy right hand (Jehovah LORD God) shal save me.”

(Psalms 138:7b). “Hearken unto me (Jehovah LORD God), O Jacob and Israel, my called; I (Jehovah LORD God) am he (Spirit); I (Jehovah LORD God) am the first, and I also am the last. Mine hand also hath laid the foundation of the earth, and my right hand hath spanned the heavens: when I called unto them, they stand up together.” (Isaiah 48:12,13). The right hand is definitely God’s Spirit of power and is not flesh.

To understand the meanings given in the book of The Revelation, we must understand that the book is written with Jewish thought and detail. The sevens form “Candlesticks” or “menorahs”, 306

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central to Jewish worship and are indicative of the Sabbath. The Feasts of the Lord are depicted throughout the writing of the Revelation.

With this in mind, we wil turn to the “Hebrew Alphabet” to ascertain meaning concerning the right hand of God and the Lamb.

The right hand is the Spirit of God being the Power of God.

The hand is the Hebrew “Yod” meaning “hand,” the attribute that shows God’s handiwork in the creation of al things and is the number ten. God created the universe using two letters of the “eht”

(Aleph/Tahv), which are “He” and “Yod.” These two Hebrew letters make up the name of “Yah,” which we al know to be a name of God.

The “right hand” is the “Yod” that sat upon the throne in reference to the Spirit of God. The Lamb is the Greek word “arnion” meaning a

“lambkin” which is from “aren” meaning “lamb, as a male” which is from “arrhen” meaning “male (as stronger for lifting).” The Lamb therefore, refers to the flesh (humanity) side of Jesus as the Sacrifice.

This is the “Vav” which is the number six, the number of man, God or Spirit fashioned in the likeness of man or in the likeness of sinful flesh.

“Vav” is the hook that links heaven and earth, God and man. This is the character as the expressed image of God in the combining of the divine nature with that of humanity. Jesus in his divine nature or character suppressed his human fleshly appetites by bringing the flesh always into obedience to His wil manifesting the divine nature of God.

The “Vav” is a linking of the Spirit of God with mankind. The taking of the book or Biblion from the right hand (Yod, which is the Spirit) of Him that sat on the throne by the Lamb (the Vav, as the man of flesh possessing both Spirit in humanity), depicts the truth that God has committed al judgment unto Christ. The Biblion or the Word of God is the title deed and God’s right to creation being worked out in the office of the Son of God, because He is the Son of man. This is because He is God who was made and fashioned as a man in order that he himself would have the right to bring mankind back to God in himself and by himself. He wrought the ministry of salvation in himself by destroying the death sentence upon the human race as sinful flesh going to the cross, bringing his flesh into subjection to the 307

The Errors of the Trinity Chapter 8: Trinity vs. Twoness vs. Oneness Doctrines Father as God in perfection. The perfection of Jesus Christ was wrought through sufferings as a progressive glorification of the body of Jesus Christ as the Lamb who is worthy since He was slain to redeem us back to God. This is the “Vav” bringing mankind back to God.

This is the total work of Jehovah or Yahweh shown in the above scriptures. Let me explain. “Jehovah” in Hebrew is spelled

“Yahweh”. It is literal y spelled “Yod, He, Vav, He.” “Yod” is “the Hand of God” in creation. “He” means, “Behold, lo” and points to the Spirit of God, the Holy Ghost as the Spirit form of Jesus Christ, since

“ghost” is the spirit of a person. The “Vav” is the hook or link between God and man which is the “Messiah”, “the Lamb”, comprised of two forms 1) Spirit (Father, Word, Holy Ghost) and 2) flesh (a man with a human spirit, soul, and body). The work of God is that He as Messiah, the man who is God manifest, has redeemed the world unto Himself being the Christ. (2 Corinthians 5:19). Thus we have the work of God in the name of Jehovah or Yahweh, Jesus Christ, the Messiah. Again, there are not two persons that make up Jehovah or Yahweh. For in Jehovah or Yahweh is the Right Hand of God and the Lamb (Son of God); that is, two offices of One and the Same Spirit of God.

Whose Blood was it that purchased the Church?

“Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to al the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost (Spirit form of Jesus Christ) hath made you overseers to feed the church of God (Father) which he (in the office of the Son of God) hath purchased with his (Father) own (Son of God) blood.” (Acts 20:28). The blood that Jesus shed for the remission of sins in order to redeem His church was God’s own blood, the blood of the Holy Ghost. Therefore, by this permanent dwelling or tabernacle of God being with that of a human being in the Son of God, the blood that flowed through Jesus’ veins is deemed to be that of the Father.

The “only begotten” being the “monogenes” is God as the “Yachiyd”


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or Sole, Unique, Solitary One that was the Person of God; that is, both God in Spirit and flesh as a human being. The Spirit did not die nor shed His blood, for Spirit is Spirit and flesh is flesh, blood being the natural fleshly elements of the oozy red substance. But the life which is in the blood was given for the sin of the world in order to redeem mankind back to God destroying the power of sin through the shedding of the Son of God’s blood. This is Immanuel’s blood that is God with us as the Son of God, the Father revealed.

Jesus Christ is the Person of God

“Who (Son of God) is the image (character or exact visible representation) of the invisible God, the firstborn (Son of God) of every creature.” (Colossians 1:15). God is a Spirit, and a Spirit is invisible. But God wanted to be seen and manifest Himself (God, Spirit), therefore He (God, Spirit) made Himself (God, Spirit) a human body of flesh and blood. God manifested His works through the flesh of the Son of God, just as the Ark of the Covenant manifested the Shekinah glory of God though the veil of the Tabernacle of Testimony. The glory of God showed through the veil of flesh; that is, divinity showed through humanity revealing the one and only divine nature of God.

“Who being the brightness of his (Father’s) glory, and the express image (exact character and nature) of his (Father’s) person, and upholding al things by the word (Word) of his (Father’s) power, when he (Son of God) had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand (Spirit, power) of the Majesty (Father) on high.” (Hebrews 1:3).

God would not al ow any person to make am image like unto God and worship the creation rather than the Creator without it being sin.

However, Jesus Christ is the Father in Spirit that made himself a body, fashioned as a man in the express image (character, impress) of God.

We worship Jesus Christ in His Person and are not in idolatry. The reason is that Jesus Christ was and is the permanent manifestation of the Spirit of God.


The Errors of the Trinity Chapter 8: Trinity vs. Twoness vs. Oneness Doctrines

“But unto the Son (Son of God), he (Father) saith, Thy (Son of God) throne, O God (Father), is for ever and ever: a sceptre of righteousness is the sceptre of thy (Son of man, Son of God) kingdom.” (Hebrews 1:8). The Father calls the Son, God. The Father is God and God alone. Father calls the Son, God, because the Son is the Father manifested in flesh, the Son being the express image or visible nature of God’s invisible Spirit. “And, Thou Lord (Son of God referring as to the Spirit or the Father), in the beginning hast laid the foundation of the earth; and the heavens are the works of thine hands: They shal perish; but thou (Son of God) remainest; and they al shal wax old as doth a garment; And as a vesture shalt thou (Son of God) fold them up, and they shal be changed: but (Son of God as relating to the Spirit) art the same, and thy (Son of God) years shal not fail. But to which of the angels said he (Father) at any time, Sit on my (Father’s) right hand (power), until I (Father) make thine (Son of God’s) enemies thy (Son of God’s) footstool.” (Hebrews 1:10-13). Jesus Christ is the Lord whose days shal not fail because He is God in Spirit who manifested Himself in a body of flesh as the Son of God.

What is the mystery of God?

“That their hearts might be comforted, being knit together in love, and unto al riches of the ful assurance of understanding, to the acknowledgement of the mystery of God (Spirit), and of the Father (Administrative office of the Spirit), and of Christ (both Spirit and flesh); in whom (Son of God) are hid al the treasures of wisdom and knowledge (Word).” (Colossians 2:2). We are to have the ful assurance of understanding the revelation of Jesus Christ given to each of us by the Spirit.

“Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.” (Colossians 2:8). The tradition of man teaches that God is three in persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. This seems correct according to the flesh reasoning of man because 1 + 1 +


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1 = 3, the person of the Father plus the person of the Son plus the person of the Holy Ghost equals three. It sounds logical after the rudiments of the world, but it’s not after Christ. Beware lest any man spoil you. We can be spoiled by not having the ful assurance of the understanding of this mystery, which is: “For in him (Son of God) dwelleth al the fulness of the Godhead (Spirit, Theotes) bodily (in one fleshly body as a man).” The correct equation is 1 even 1 even 1 = 1; God, even the Father, even Christ equals “One”.

What is the ministry of reconciliation?

“And al things are of God (Spirit), who hath reconciled us to himself (God) by Jesus Christ (Son of God; God in flesh), and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation; To wit, that God (Spirit, Father) was in Christ (Son of God), reconciling the world unto himself (Father, Spirit), not imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the word (Word) of reconciliation.” (2 Corinthians 5:18,19). Where was God? He was in Christ as the express image of the Person of God. “Now then we are ambassadors for Christ (Son of God), as though God (Spirit, Father) did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ’s (Son of God’s) stead, be ye reconciled to God (Father, Spirit). For he (Father) hath made him (Son of God) to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God (Father, Spirit) in him (Son of God).” (2 Corinthians 5:20,21). Jesus Christ became sin who knew no sin that we might be made the righteousness of God.

Watch how Paul elaborates the same point of the mystery of God: “Even the mystery which hath been hid from ages and from generations, but now is made manifest to his saints: To whom God (Father, Spirit) would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ (Spirit form of Christ as the Holy Ghost, not the flesh) in you, the hope of glory.”

(Colossians 1:26,27). Notice how God (Father, Spirit) was in Christ (Christ here is not referring to the Spirit form of Jesus, but to the 311

The Errors of the Trinity Chapter 8: Trinity vs. Twoness vs. Oneness Doctrines fleshly form as a human being fashioned as a man); and now Christ (Christ here is not referring to the fleshly form of Jesus as a human being fashioned as a man, but to the Spirit of Jesus Christ as the Holy Ghost, God, or the Father) is in you is the hope of glory. Christ is both God as Spirit and man as human flesh. In the former scripture, Christ refers to the human side or form of Jesus that had God (Father or Spirit) permanently dwelling in him; in the latter, Christ is the Spirit side or form of Jesus that is in us as believers fil ed with the Holy Ghost. How many persons or bodies of God can you find in the scriptures mentioned above? The author can find only “One”.

Jesus Said if ye believe in God, Believe also in Me.

“Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God (Father, Word, Holy Ghost), believe also in me (Son of God).” (John 1:1) Why did Jesus say if ye believe in God, believe also in me? The reason is because He is the embodiment of God, God’s Persona. “Jesus saith unto him, I (Son of God) the way (Spirit), the truth (Spirit), and the life (Spirit): no man cometh unto the Father (Spirit) but by me (Son of God). If ye had known me (Son of God), ye should have known my (Son of God’s) Father (Spirit) also: and from henceforth ye know him (Father), and have seen him (Father).” (John 14:6, 7). Jesus proclaims that if the disciples have seen him (Son of God) in the flesh as a man, then they have seen the Spirit of Jesus which is the Father.

Philip has a problem with this statement of Jesus stil not realizing that Jesus is the Father. “Philip saith unto him (Son of God), Lord (Master), shew us the Father (Spirit), and it sufficeth us. Jesus saith unto him, Have I (Son of God) been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me (Father), Philip? he that hath seen me (Son of God) hath seen the Father (Spirit); and how sayest thou then, Shew us the Father (Spirit)?” (John 14:8,9). Jesus is telling Philip after al the time that Philip has been with Him, that he stil does not realize that Jesus as a man has al of the ful ness of God in Him having the 312

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Holy Ghost without measure as the manifestation of the Person of God, that He (Son of God) is the Father.

“Believest thou not that I (Son of God) in the Father (Spirit) and the Father (Spirit) in me? the words that I (Son of God) speak unto you I (Son of God) speak not of myself (Son of God as to the flesh side or form): but the Father (Spirit side or form of Son of God) that dwelleth in me (Son of God), he (Father) doeth the works.” (John 14:10). Someone wil say, “Yes, but we as believers have the Holy Ghost and are one with God making us sons of God, the same as Jesus was one with the Father and a Son of God.” The difference is that Jesus being “One” with the Father is the “Yachiyd” meaning “the only begotten Son”, “the unique, solitary, sole, absolute One”; whereas we as believers are “one” with God, the “echad,” being adopted sons and daughters through the work of Christ. As believers we are a col ective or compound unity being unified with God through the Spirit. The believer is not and never wil be the manifested Person of God as the only begotten Son (the “monogenes” made or born) flesh (“sarx” [the human body of spirit, soul, and body]) as the express image or exact character and nature of God. No one is born with the ful ness of the Spirit of God, but must al be born again and adopted into the family of God. We are born again into the kingdom of God whereas Jesus Christ as the “Son of man” is the kingdom of God. This is the incarnation of God. God was born in a human body of flesh and blood, the divine nature manifested to mankind in a human being. We as believers are certainly not God made flesh. There are tow words in Hebrew that are “one”; “Yachiyd” and “Echad”, each meaning “one”.

“Believe me (Son of God) that I (Son of God) am in the Father (Spirit), and the Father (Spirit) in me (Son of God): or else believe me (Son of God) for the very work’s sake.” (John 14:11). Jesus proclaimed that He is the manifested Person of God because His Spirit did the works of healing the sick, cleansing the lepers, raising the dead, and casting out devils, opening blind eyes, loosing dumb tongues, the lame walking, and the captives being set free.


The Errors of the Trinity Chapter 8: Trinity vs. Twoness vs. Oneness Doctrines What is the mystery of God again?

“And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God (Father) was manifest in the flesh (human spirit, soul, and body as man), (God was) justified in the Spirit, (God was) seen of angels, (God was) preached unto the Gentiles, (God was) believed on in the world, (God was) received up into glory.” (1 Timothy 3:16). Jesus Christ is plainly God as the Father that was manifest in human flesh as a man.

“Ands” in the Word

Consider the greeting of Paul to the church at Colosse: “We give thanks to God (Spirit) and the Father (office of the Spirit that delegates and Administrates) of our Lord Jesus Christ.” (Colossians 1:3). God is the Father, as most everyone wil agree. However, Paul uses an “and” between God and the Father, making it appear as if there are two persons, one being God, and the other being the Father.

God is the Father, therefore the “and” must not be indicative of two persons. “And” is from the Greek “kai” meaning “and, also, even, so, then, too.” The “and” in this verse since God and the Father are not two persons would be “even.” The scripture would be interpreted as fol ows: “We give thanks to God even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.” The “and” meaning, “even” appears throughout the Word of God and must be accurately discerned to ascertain the truth. God is a Spirit, and the Father is a Spirit, and there is only one Spirit.

(Ephesians 4:4). Citing another scripture: “Remembering without ceasing your work of faith, and labour of love, and patience of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ, in the sight of God and our Father.” (1

Thessalonians 1:3). Here again the “kai” is “even” which would read,

“in the sight of God even our Father.”

If you ask anyone on the street in a random survey as to “Who they believe is the Saviour of the world”, the majority would respond,

“Jesus Christ”. Look at this greeting of Paul with me. “Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the commandment of God our Saviour, and Lord 314

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Jesus Christ, which is our hope.” (1 Timothy 1:1). Here again the “kai”

would be “even” reading as “God our Saviour, even Lord Jesus Christ.” If the comma is omitted it would read “God our Saviour and Lord Jesus Christ.” Either “and” or “even” being used, Jesus Christ is not the second person of the trinity, but One and the same God our Saviour.

Many Trinitarians refer to this scripture to prove the doctrine of the trinity. “Come ye near unto me, hear ye this; I have not spoken in secret from the beginning; from the time that it was, there am I: and now the Lord God, and his Spirit, hath sent me.” (Isaiah 48:16). Their interpretation is as fol ows: “and now the LORD God (the Person of the Father), and his Spirit (the Person of the Holy Ghost), hath sent me (the Person of the Son of God, Jesus Christ),” thus the trinity doctrine of three distinct and separate persons that make up the Godhead.

The primary problem with this interpretation is that God is a Spirit. (John 4:24). Therefore, in the above scripture, the “LORD

God” is the Spirit of God, “and “his Spirit” is the “Spirit of God”, and

“hath sent me” is the Word or Spirit sent that was later embodied in flesh as a man. How many Persons or Bodies do you the reader count?

The author counts only one, Jesus Christ, the LORD God who was manifested in flesh as a man.

When you read a greeting or a salutation from any of the epistles and the “and” gives the connotation that there are two or more persons in the Godhead, remember the “kai” is “and” or “even.” For example, we wil consider the greeting of Paul to the church at Galatia.

“Grace be to you and peace from God the Father, and from our Lord Jesus Christ.” (Galatians 1:3) We know that Jesus Christ is the LORD

Jehovah, which is that Spirit which is the office of God the Father as the Delegate or Administrator to al other offices of God.

(2 Corinthians 3:17). But the “and” used in Paul’s greeting may confuse some into thinking that there are two separate persons, God the Father, and our Lord Jesus Christ. The “kai” being “even” instead 315

The Errors of the Trinity Chapter 8: Trinity vs. Twoness vs. Oneness Doctrines of “and” would read: “Grace be to you and peace from God the Father, even from our Lord Jesus Christ.”

If this is not the case with “kai,” then explain the difference between “God” and “our Father” written in the next verse “according to the wil of God and our Father.” (Galatians 1:4b). God is our Father, but the “kai” being translated “and” al udes to two being in the Godhead, God being one, and our Father being the other, which is just not true. Translating “kai” as “even,” it reads “according to the wil of God even our Father.”

Jesus Christ, the Mediator of the Covenant Some wil assume that because Jesus Christ is the mediator of the covenant, that there must be at least two persons that make up the Godhead. “Now a mediator is not a mediator of one, but God is one.”

(Galatians 3:20). A mediator is an intercessor or a go-between; therefore, there must be at least two to be brought together as one. But Paul states that God is “One”, Singular, and is not a binary or a trinity.

“How much more shal the blood of Christ, Who through the eternal Spirit offered Himself without spot to God, purge your conscience from dead works to serve the living God? and for this cause he is the mediator of the new testament, that by means of death, for the redemption of the transgressions that were under the first testament, they which are called might receive the promise of eternal inheritance.”

(Hebrews 9:14,15). Jesus Christ is the man who is the Spirit that makes intercession for the believers. “Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.” (Romans 8:26)

God could not die on the cross for the redemption of the transgressors because He is a Spirit and as Spirit He does not have flesh. Therefore, God made Himself a body of flesh as an Adam in order to redeem mankind back to Himself. This is the ministry of reconciliation spoken of by Paul. “To wit, that God (Father, Spirit) was 316

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in Christ (Son of God), reconciling the world to himself (Father, Spirit), not imputing their trespasses unto them.” (2 Corinthians 5:19a).

The color blue in the Word of God speaks of God as the heavenly; therefore, blue is the color of the Spirit. The scarlet as the color of blood that depicts humanity as man was taken of the earth or creation. The blue (a soft, tranquil color) of the ephod never touched the scarlet or red (a bright, radical color). (Exodus 28:8). Man could not approach or see God at any time and live. As with the children of Israel, if any man touched the mountain of God, he was stoned or shot through unto death. (Exodus 19:12). The Mediator between the two contrasting colors is the color purple, which is a mixture of blue and red. This is the King’s color of royalty speaking of Jesus Christ depicted as royal purple being a mixture of blue (God, Spirit, divinity) and red (man, the flesh and blood, humanity). Jesus Christ is the Mediator; i.e. God in the likeness of sinful flesh. To bring man back to God, He had to be God and He had to be fashioned as a man. The Son of God would have two natures, one divine and one human.

Without coming in likeness of sinful man and for sin, God could not be our great High Priest. God as a Spirit could not redeem mankind back to himself without a body that was necessary in order to pay the ransom or redemption price for saving that which was lost. God as Spirit could not experience the feelings of man being tempted and in a fal en and depraved state. But God being made flesh fashioned like a man could suffer and be tempted being a man of flesh, yet without sin.

This would give the credentials or the legal right to Jesus Christ as the Mediator of the covenant of everlasting life. This is why Paul said.

“For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus.” (1 Timothy 2:5). Jesus Christ is the man who is God, the purple relating to the office of the Son of God as Redeemer that brings the blue that is representative of God as Spirit, and red that is representative of man as flesh, together. There is only One Person represented in the Mediator with only one nature manifested, Jesus always being in complete submission and subjection to the Father’s will through His Spirit. Jesus manifested the God nature to mankind as 317

The Errors of the Trinity Chapter 8: Trinity vs. Twoness vs. Oneness Doctrines the express image of the Person of God. Jesus Christ is the Spirit of God ➫ Jesus Christ is man ➫ Jesus Christ is the man of flesh and blood in the days of His flesh. Jesus Christ is the man glorified with the Father’s own self who is made both Lord Jehovah God Almighty and Christ, the Holy Ghost. (Acts 2:36). Jesus is the mediator of the New Covenant by means of death. The intercessor is the Spirit which Jesus is in glorification. “How much more shal the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without spot to God, purge your conscience from dead works to serve the living God? And for this cause he is the mediator of the New Testament, that by means of death, for the redemption of the transgressions that were under the first testament, they which are called might receive the promise of eternal inheritance.” (Hebrews 9:14,15).

Who does the Holy Ghost hear?

“Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth (Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life He is the Holy Ghost, the Spirit of truth), is come (Jesus came again on Pentecost), he (the Holy Ghost) wil guide you into al truth: for he (Holy Ghost) shal not speak of himself; but whatsoever he (Holy Ghost) shal hear (from the Father as Administrator), that shal he (Holy Ghost) speak: and he (Holy Ghost) will shew you things to come.” (John 16:12). Jesus Christ is the Spirit of truth as He is the way, the truth, and the life. Jesus had many things to say unto the disciples, but they could not receive them. Therefore, Jesus would not leave them as orphans comfortless, but He as the Holy Ghost would come to them as the Spirit form of His Person as the Son of God. The Holy Ghost in the office of the Spirit hears from the Father as the Administrator that leads al offices of God, in that God talks within Himself. This is much like you the reader when you meditate on things or think within yourself, so God is One Spirit who has many attributes that He manifests as Himself. God is Love. God is also Wisdom. God is also Wrath. Love is not Wisdom, neither is Wrath Love. Truth is not Faithfulness, nor is it the Counselor. God 318

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counsels by His Truth. And Truth is not Faithfulness, although He that is Truth is Faithful. But they are separate attributes of the One and Same Spirit of God. The Holy Ghost is the Spirit of truth who is none other than Jesus Christ, the Truth. The Holy Ghost as the Spirit of Truth hears truth from the Administrator who leads and guides al offices of the Spirit.

Isn’t the Word the Eternal Son of God?

This would make Jesus the second Person of the Godhead

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God.”

(John 1:1,2). Most two-ness and trinity believers would have us to believe that the “Word” is the “Son” rather than the office of the Spirit that is the divine Word as Thought, Intelligence, Wisdom, Knowledge, Understanding as the Expression of God. The Son of God is the office of the Spirit that is not total y Spirit as the Word, but is Spirit incorporated in flesh. Therefore, the Son of God is Spirit in flesh as a man. Either form of Spirit or flesh that is excluded changes the office of the Son of God. For example, if the flesh is excluded from the Son of God, then He is the Father, Word, or Holy Ghost. If the Spirit as the Holy Ghost is excluded from the Son of God, then He is just a mere man, a regular human being. If the Spirit and the flesh are included, then the Son of God is manifested as the man who is God.

Trinitarians assume the Word to be the Everlasting Son which is not the case; because the Word has no flesh and the Son of God does have flesh. The error in this thinking is that the Word is the same as the Son of God which is not true in office. The Son of God is the Father, the Word, the Holy Ghost on the Spirit side or form. However, the Son of God is Spirit (Father, Word, Holy Ghost) in flesh as a man. To leave or exclude the flesh side or form of the Son of God is to deny that God is come in the flesh. The Son of God is not God the Son as the Everlasting Son of God, but is God incorporated in flesh. Therefore, the Son of God had a beginning because the flesh came into existence 319

The Errors of the Trinity Chapter 8: Trinity vs. Twoness vs. Oneness Doctrines some 2,000 years ago when he was birthed of the virgin Mary.

However, the Word was with God in the beginning as the divine Logos or Word as the Expression, Thought, Wisdom, Understanding, etc. of God which is truly Spirit with no flesh.

Since the Word is office of total Spirit with no flesh, the Word is the Father, the Spirit, God, not the Son. “For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.” (1 John 5:7). John did not say “the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.” If John had written

“Son” instead of “Word” in the preceding verse of scripture, then that would have possibly given credence to the Trinitarian position that an Eternal Son was literal y with the Father in the beginning as an Eternal Son with divine flesh. But John did not write “Father, Son, and the Holy Ghost”, but wrote “Father, Word, and the Holy Ghost”. Son denotes Spirit in flesh and Word denotes only Spirit. But the scripture did not say Son, because the Son is not 100% Spirit and no flesh. But the Word is 100% Spirit and no flesh ➫ the Word is the same as the Father, which is Spirit and not flesh ➫ the Word is the same as the Holy Ghost which is Spirit and not flesh. These three reference the same One and Only Spirit in three various offices. It was only when the ful ness of time was come that the Father, which is the Word or the Holy Ghost as Spirit, was made or became flesh revealing the name of God, Jesus Christ. (Galatians 4:4).

Father is the office of the Spirit that is the Origin and Creator of al things and is the delegating office of the Spirit as Administrator

➫ the Word is the office of the Spirit which is the Logos as the divine Expression of God as something said (the thought), reasoning (the motive), or expression or utterance ➫ and the Holy Ghost is the office of the Spirit as the Spirit form of Jesus Christ and is the Power of God.

This One Spirit was made flesh and called the Son of God. The Son of God did not exist until He was birthed in a manger in Bethlehem about two thousand years ago. The Lamb of God is the Spirit (Father, Word, or Holy Ghost) who became flesh when He was birthed of a 320

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virgin Mary and called the Son of God. The flesh did not exist with God in the beginning, neither was there a literal Lamb of flesh slain in heaven that was there before the foundation of the world. We know the Lamb was literal y slain on the cross of Calvary about two thousand years ago. The Lamb slain before the foundation of the world was in God’s thoughts, the Logos or Word. The Lamb or Son of God as the Supreme sacrifice of flesh and blood existed only as the Logos or Word in God’s thought or reason of purpose from the foundation of the world in the beginning.

Nowhere in scripture does the Bible ever use the term, “the Everlasting Son, or God the Son”. God is God ➫ He is the Father ➫

He is the Word ➫ He is the Holy Ghost ➫ He is the Spirit. The Son, on the other hand, is the embodiment of God; the Spirit (Father, Word, or Holy Ghost) manifested in flesh as a man. Because the Son embodied God, the Spirit, He was called by the name of God since the Son was and is God’s Person ➫ therefore it was called by the name of God, Jesus Christ. This is the reason John did not use the term Son, since Son denotes God manifested in human flesh and blood as a man.

There was no flesh with God in the beginning, before the foundation of the world. The Word or Logos was with God, that is, the Logos as Word being the cognitive Expression or thought that God would one day be made flesh and dwell among His people on the earth. The Word is none other than Jesus Christ, God manifest in the flesh as the Son of God: God made flesh.

There was no everlasting Son that was from the beginning, but there was the thought in the mind of God that was with Him until the Word was sent forth and manifested in flesh as a human being. I want you, the reader, to think Jesus in your mind ☛ don’t speak Jesus, just think Jesus. Your logos which has not been spoken yet, is with you in your mind as the Word was with God. Now, speak Jesus out loud. The word or logos that you have just spoken is spirit. You can’t see it or touch it (it is not flesh as some would have you to believe); however, it is real in spirit. The same is true of God when the Logos was spoken and God came into the world, the Spirit became manifest in flesh as a 321

The Errors of the Trinity Chapter 8: Trinity vs. Twoness vs. Oneness Doctrines man and called the Son of God. Just as the ray of Light is Light sent, so the Word is Spirit as Spirit sent. The Logos or Word is God as written: For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.” (1 John 5:7). The Word is the Father, Who is the Holy Ghost, who are One and the same Spirit. They do not agree in one, but are one and the same Spirit.

“And there are three that bear witness in earth, the spirit, and the water, and the blood: and these three agree in one.” (1 John 5:8). The Father, Word, and Holy Ghost are one and the same Spirit. However, the Spirit, and the water, and the blood are not the same, but agree in one. Who is Jesus Christ? He is the Word, which is the Holy Ghost, the Father? “And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God.” (Revelation 19:13). Yes, the Word is Jesus Christ in His Spirit form in a body of glorified flesh as a spiritual man.

“Al things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.” (John 1:3). Jesus was not in flesh at this time of creation, but was in Spirit as the Word. The Word was God, is God, and is to come, God. God’s name was Jesus then, the same as it is now. The difference being, that God did not reveal His name until He took on a permanent abode and housed forever in His Person, being manifested in human flesh and blood as man. The burning bush was simply a theophany, but God was not going to manifest His Person as a bush. The same is true of the other theophanies. But, when the ful ness of time had come, God had Himself announced by the angel Gabriel to reveal His heavenly name, “JESUS”. Jesus Christ created al things by Himself alone before He had taken a body of flesh. Some wil say, “Well, I thought that in the beginning that God created the heaven and the earth”. Yes, God did create al things by His Word, His Logos or thoughts that was with Him, and then spoken as Spirit which is God. Your word or logos is you, the reader, in spirit, being from your spirit. You are no better than your word, since your word is you in spirit. Jesus said, “for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.” (Matthew 12:34b). The Word created al things 322

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as Spirit, as God, not as flesh being the everlasting Son or God the Son. The scripture never calls Jesus Christ, “God the Son,” because the flesh did not pre-exist in the beginning. “Son” refers to the Person of God being made up of Spirit manifested in a human spirit, soul, and body of flesh. The Word as the Spirit of Jesus pre-existed al things, the Alpha & Omega, the first and the last, the Almighty. (Revelation 1:8). But the flesh of Jesus did not exist until the virgin birth of Mary with the Word, or God, being made flesh. (John 1:14).

Therefore, the Son was not with the Father in creation, because the Son speaks of a human being as a man with flesh, the Messiah being the LORD Jehovah that should come into the world as a human being. God was alone in creation showing the handiwork of God without any input from angels to manifest His eternal power and Godhead. (Romans 1:20). “Thus saith the LORD, thy redeemer, and he that formed thee from the womb, I am the LORD that maketh al things; that stretcheth forth the heavens alone; that spreadeth abroad the earth by myself.” (Isaiah 44:24). “Thou, even thou, are LORD also; thou hast made heaven, the heaven of heavens, with al their host, the earth, and al things that are therein, the seas, and al that is therein, and thou preservest them al ; and the host of heaven worshippeth thee.”

(Nehemiah 9:6). Who is this God that later manifested Himself in the flesh, fashioned as a man that we might know Him and worship Him?

“Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature? “For by him were al things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: al things were created by him, and for him.” (Colossians 1:15,16). Was it the Second person of the Godhead that created al things? No! God Himself alone created al things as cited above. Then was it the flesh of the Person of God that created al things? No, because the flesh which is the Son was not with God in the beginning. The Word or Logos, the thought and reason of God was present with God in the beginning as Spirit. Then, was it the Spirit of Jesus as the Person of God that created al things? Yes. Jesus Christ as the Spirit that existed in the beginning, the Word or Logos 323

The Errors of the Trinity Chapter 8: Trinity vs. Twoness vs. Oneness Doctrines that is the same Spirit, created the heaven and the earth and al things therein. Jesus Christ is Jesus Christ; that is, Jesus Christ is the Spirit or Word that was made flesh as a human being. Jesus Christ as the Word was before there was time, until infinity. Again, the three offices of the Father, Word, and Holy Ghost are One and the Same Spirit.

“That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, of the Word of life; For the life was manifested, and we have seen it, and bear witness, and shew unto you that eternal life, which was with the Father, and was manifested unto us; That which we have seen and heard declare we unto you, that ye also may have fellowship with us: and truly our fellowship is with the Father, even with his Son Jesus Christ.” (1 John 1:1-3). When John is writing at this time, Jesus Christ has been glorified and his human body of flesh has become eternal. Therefore, Jesus as Spirit is not manifesting himself as a lowly man of sorrows learning obedience through the things which he suffered, but is now exalted with the glory of God that He had before the world was, to the same position as He in his Spirit form was before He emptied out being fashioned as a man, and is now back to His former position but now in a glorified body of flesh. The only visible eternal presence of God that one wil see is Jesus Christ. God is stil residing or housing permanently in a glorified body as Jesus Christ, manifesting His eternal name JESUS.

John is expressing the glorified Christ, that Jesus Christ is the Person of God, God in flesh; i.e. He is the Spirit of God (Father, Word, or Holy Ghost) manifested in the flesh in a glorified body. Human flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God. “Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; neither doth corruption inherit incorruption.” (1 Corinthians 15:50).

John heard, saw, looked upon, and handled God, the Word of life.

How did John hear, see, and touch the Word of God, which is Spirit?

For God, the eternal life, the quickening Spirit, was manifested. How was this life, which is God from the beginning, manifested? God the Spirit glorified his human body of flesh and made it both Lord (head 324

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of the God family as the Kingdom of God) and Christ (Ha’Masiach ben David, the Christ son of David that can never die as the Conquering King). Jesus Christ in His Person was 1) Spirit (Father, Word, or Holy Ghost) and 2) flesh as a human being. That is how John was able to hear, see, touch, and handle the Spirit of God.

In summation, Jesus Christ is the God that was made flesh as a man; not the flesh that was made God. How one views the Christ holds eternity in the balance.


The Errors of the Trinity

Chapter 9:

Six Hundred Threescore and Six

The Mark of the Beast


The Errors of the Trinity

Chapter 9: Six Hundred Threescore and Six, The Mark of the Beast

“Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son.” (1 John 2:22). The first thing we must do, since it is a very serious mistake to deny that Jesus is the Christ, is to determine exactly what is the meaning of the word

“Christ.” Christ is (Christos) meaning, “anointed, i.e. the Messiah.”90

“Christos” is from the Greek word “chrio” meaning “through the idea of contact; to smear or rub with oil.” “Chrio” is associated with the Greek word “chraomai” which means “to handle, to furnish what is needed, give an oracle, graze, touch slightly, light upon,” from “chre”

meaning “it must needs be, ought.” Most people look at the

“anointed” and simply say Jesus was the Christ because He was

“anointed.” But as you consider the whole of the meaning of

“Christos”, it means much more than Jesus being “anointed”.

The Greek word “Christ” of the New Testament is the same as the Hebrew “Messiah” of the Old Testament. The Messiah that is to come into the world is viewed by the Jews as their conquering King who is none other than God who wil restore the kingdom and rule to Israel. Al nations at that time wil be governed by Messiah. Messiah is Emmanuel, God with us. He is both the Father and the Son as One Person, 100% God in His Spirit and 100% human in his spirit, soul, and body. God manifested in flesh as a man.

The Christ is Emmanuel as written. “Behold a virgin shal be with child, and shal bring forth a son, and they shal call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us.” (Matthew 1:23).

Matthew did not say “the Son of God with us,” but “God with us.”

Christ is the LORD Jehovah God the Saviour that should come into the world. “But thou Bethlehem Ephratah, though thou be little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of thee shal he come forth 90 Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible G5547


The Errors of the Trinity Chapter 9: Six Hundred Threescore and Six, The Mark of the Beast unto me that is to be ruler in Israel; whose goings forth have been from of old, from everlasting.” (Micah 5:2). This is Jesus who is God, whose goings forth have been from of old, from everlasting. “For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.” (Luke 2:11).

Some wil say, “I believe that Jesus is the Son, but I do not believe that He is the Father”. Then that person does not know the meaning of Christ being the LORD Jehovah, God the Saviour, the Father made flesh in fashion as a man. Consider this scripture concerning this Christ, the Emmanuel. “For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shal be upon his shoulder: and his name shal be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God (not the mighty Son of God), The everlasting Father (not the everlasting Son), The Prince of Peace.” (Isaiah 9:6). Jesus is God made flesh and called Christ, Christ being the Father and the Son as One Person. This is not just a man who has or is in the authority of the Father as God, but is God Himself in Person.

With this in mind, we understand John’s remarks concerning the Son of God. “Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father: [but] he that acknowledgeth the Son hath the Father also.”

(1 John 2:23). If one denies the Son, (the Person of God made up of 100% Spirit in a human body of spirit, soul, and flesh), the Father embodied in human flesh as a man with consisting of spirit, soul, and body, then he or she automatically denies the Father. This is because the Son is the Father housed in human flesh fashioned as a man and called the Son of God, Jesus the Christ. If you deny Jesus as the Christ of God, then you deny the Father as God who is housed in that Person. If Jesus had not done the works, which no other man had done, then there would have been no witness that Jesus Christ was God manifested as the Person of God in flesh. But because Jesus did do the works of healing the sick, cleansing the lepers, raising the dead, casting out devils, etc., it definitely proved that He is God that was housed in a body of human flesh and blood. “If I had not done among them the works which none other man did, they had not had sin: but 330

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now have they both seen and hated both me (the Son, the office of redemption being both God in Spirit and human in spirit, soul, and body) and my Father (the office of the Spirit that delegates or administrates; thus the Son is the Spirit that was dwelling in His flesh).” (John 15:24).

We know the meaning of Christ as the Anointed; that is, God in Spirit manifested in a human body of flesh. Now we wil proceed to the matter of the antichrist. “Anti” is a Greek word meaning

“opposite, i.e. instead or because of, in the room of, substitution.”91

According to Webster’s New World Dictionary, “anti” means, “to neutralize.”92 This is exactly what Paul is talking about when he addresses the church at Thessalonica. “and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; Who opposeth and exalteth himself above al that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.” (2 Thessalonians 2:3b, 4). This is a deceiving spirit that has been substituted for Christ, showing himself to be God. This foul spirit is the working of Satan with al power and signs and lying wonders. This unrighteous deception is in them that perish, manifesting itself as God. (2

Thessalonians 2:9,10). Remember that “antichrist” is “a spirit substituted, in the room of Christ”. Because the spirit of antichrist is unrighteous; that is, the spirit does not give witness to the truth and is therefore deemed not right, it is the basis or the foundation of the deception. (2 Thessalonians 2:10).

Why would God al ow this to happen and not intervene?

“because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.” (2 Thessalonians 2:10b). Who sends this deception and al ows the antichrist a platform in the world? “And for this cause (because they did not receive the love of the truth) God shal send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie; That they al might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.” (2

Thessalonians 2:11,12). This is the deception of the spirit of antichrist.

91 Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible G500

92 Webster’s New World Dictionary of the American Language page 63


The Errors of the Trinity Chapter 9: Six Hundred Threescore and Six, The Mark of the Beast Jesus warned of the invading deceptive spirit of antichrist when he spoke to His disciples privately on the Mount of Olives. “For there shal arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shal shew great signs and wonders; inasmuch that, if it were possible, they shal deceive the very elect.” (Matthew 24:24). Many argue that the elect cannot be deceived, only the wicked. But the Greek has four possible cases in interpreting the “if possible” and are as fol ows: (1) it is possible and it can happen

(2) it is not probable but can happen

(3) it is possible but cannot happen

(4) it is not possible and it cannot happen.

The first case is correct; it is possible and it can happen. “What relevance does this have to me”, one might ask? Paul warned of an apostasy in the last days, believers that have fell away from the truth.

You have to have been in the truth original y and deny it in order to have apostasy. “Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shal not come, except there come a fal ing away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition.” (2 Thessalonians 2:3). Yes, there will be an apostasy before that man of sin is revealed.

How do you know what is the Spirit of truth verses the spirit of deception, the spirit of error, the spirit of antichrist? “Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God: And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world.” (1John 4:1-3).

To try the spirits, to discern whether they are of God or not, requires the revelation of Jesus Christ. Let me explain. Is Jesus Christ God that was in the beginning, the Word, the Father of glory, the Spirit that has come in the flesh? Or is He the man of flesh that 332

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became God after proving Himself worthy? Stil yet, is Jesus Christ the second person of the Godhead that was with the Father in the beginning as the Eternal Son who has come in flesh?

Jesus Christ is the eternal salvation name of God from eternity and forever. In reference to the above scripture, that “Jesus Christ is come in the flesh (sarx, human spirit, soul, and body), if Jesus Christ was first flesh and then became God, then Jesus Christ as flesh would have come in flesh. Flesh cannot come in flesh. A spirit can come in flesh, but flesh cannot come in flesh. If you do not believe it, then try to walk into someone’s flesh sometime and see what happens as a result. This disqualifies the Two-ness doctrine that Jesus Christ was not God, but was a man of flesh that had the Spirit of God. In this form of doctrine, Jesus Christ is nothing but flesh as a mere man which had the Spirit of God. As flesh cannot come in flesh, this rules out this doctrine of the Two-ness as being truth.

Secondly, let’s examine the possibilities of the Trinitarian doctrine as to its being correct. Jesus Christ in this form of doctrine is the second person of the Godhead, which is the doctrine of Eternal Sonship. In this case, Jesus Christ is not God the Father, but the Eternal Son of God, who is co-existent, co-eternal, and co-powerful.

This is to deny the “Yachiyd,” the only begotten Son who is the Father manifested in flesh. It denies that Jesus said, “I and my Father are one.” (John 10:30). “One” is the Greek “heis”, “(one, man)”.93 It denies that Jesus is the Emmanuel, God with us. But most of al , it grossly denies that al the ful ness of the Godhead (One Spirit) dwelleth in Christ Jesus bodily (One body). (Colossians 2:9). The Trinity denies the Person of Jesus Christ as the Father manifested in flesh.

Jesus Christ is the only God. He is not a trinity being the second person of the Godhead. Neither is He two, being a second person from the Father as declared in a bi-natarian or two-ness doctrine. And neither is He a natural seed of Mary mixed or commingled with the seed of God as a demi-god, being divine on his 93 Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible G1520


The Errors of the Trinity Chapter 9: Six Hundred Threescore and Six, The Mark of the Beast Father’s side and human on his mother’s side. This would constitute a false Christ who was half God and half man, being a mixed seed of God with mankind. In Jesus’ Person is the Father of glory as Spirit and flesh as a human being. He is the Word, the Holy Ghost, the Spirit that is come in flesh with a human spirit, soul, and body; housing permanently al the ful ness of the Godhead. Jesus Christ is God, was God, and is to come God, the Almighty. (Revelation 1:8). Jesus Christ is the Spirit that come in flesh; i.e. His own Spirit dwelling in a human body of flesh and blood. Jesus Christ is that Spirit from heaven itself, the Lord Jehovah revealing His name, Jesus Christ. “And the Word was made flesh.” (John 1:14a). “He was made flesh”, the Greek

“sarxegeneto” meaning “He was made a human being or a total man; i.e. spirit, soul, and body. “Sarx” does not refer to flesh “soma” alone, but the entire human body of spirit, soul, and body.94 Remember, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost are One and the same Spirit.

(1 John 5:7). Therefore, John is stating that every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ (God) is come in flesh (a human spirit, soul, and body of flesh and blood) is of God. It is not just stating that God has come in flesh, but names the name of God from the beginning; i.e. “Jesus Christ”. In glorification, God has made His body of flesh both Lord as the Head of the Kingdom of God and Christ who wil never die as the glorified son of David; whose name manifested the Father, “Jesus Christ”. Therefore, John is stating the “blood” in the power of the name of Jesus Christ, giving honour to God, proving that it is His Spirit. There is no other name of God but “Jesus Christ”! Al other names of Deity denote the attributes of God, but “Jesus Christ” is His proper name, the name of God. It is not Jehovah or Yahweh. Jehovah and Yahweh refer only to Spirit which has no blood without the flesh, but the blood name of God is Jesus Christ. To overcome by the blood of the Lamb, one must have the revelation of the true God and eternal life, Jesus Christ. That’s the reason that there is power in the name of Jesus Christ. This is due to the cross revealing the love of God to us in 94 Ibid. G4561


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while yet we were sinners; Christ died for us. The name that was above this Supreme Sacrifice was Jesus Christ, King of the Jews. The God that is the Saviour of the world is Jesus Christ, the blood name of God.

“And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ (God) is come in the flesh (human spirit, soul, and body of flesh and blood as the Son) is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that is should come; and even now already is it in the world.” (1 John 4:3). John plainly declares that the spirit that wil have Jesus Christ in a subordinate position, and not give Him the glory due to His name as God come in the flesh, is that spirit of antichrist. This is the spirit that is substituted for the Spirit of God. It is a very deceptive spirit, even to deceiving the very elect if it were possible. If you are smiling right now, and saying, “Yes,” then our spirit agrees and bears witness that we are children of God. However, if you are angry with the author, I pray that you would ask the Lord Jesus Christ for the revelation of Himself as the only Lord God. Nothing or no one is worth dying and going to hell over. The author realizes that this is a startling revelation for some, nevertheless it is the truth.

“For many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ (God) is come in the flesh (human spirit, soul, and body of flesh and blood revealing His heavenly name “Jesus Christ)”. The Word made flesh. (John 1:14). “This is a deceiver and an antichrist.” (2 John 7b). The antichrist is mentioned by many different names. In Daniel, he is the “little horn”. Jesus called them “false Christs”. Paul calls him “the man of sin, the son of perdition”. John calls him “the antichrist”. John in the Revelation calls him “the beast”

(Revelation 11:7), “the dragon” (12:9), “the beast having seven heads and ten horns (13:1), “the beast that was and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition” (17:11). The primary trait of Antichrist is the denial of the truth of the incarnation; that God (the Spirit) did come in human flesh fashioned as a man of spirit, soul, and body. These titles are names of the same spirit that seek to substitute its deceiving spirit for the true Spirit of Christ. If this is an antichrist or a substitute spirit for Christ, then there must be 335

The Errors of the Trinity Chapter 9: Six Hundred Threescore and Six, The Mark of the Beast something about the mark of the beast that possibly gives us some insight.

“Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.” (Revelation 13:18). Some would say that the mark of the beast, another name for antichrist, is the computer. They say this because when you want to contact someone on your computer using the Internet, you type three letters “www,”

fol owed by a dot, then the specific designator. The letter “w” is used to translate the Hebrew letter “wau” or “vav” which is the sixth letter of the Hebrew alphabet with a gematria of “6”. Therefore, when you type the three letters “www,” you are in effect entering the Hebrew number “666”.

Let’s look closer at the number of the beast, Six hundred threescore and six. “Six hundred threescore and six” is the Greek “chi xi stigma”, meaning “600, 60, and 6.” In the above example of “www”

being “666,” the mark of the beast is not “stigma stigma stigma”

(6, 6, 6); but “chi xi stigma” (600, 60, and 6). The 6,6,6 is total y different from 600, 60, and 6. The author is not saying that the computer wil not be used by the antichrist in global communication, but that there remains more to the revelation of the “chi xi stigma.”

“Chi” is the first letter of Christ, and “stigma” is the last letters of Christ literal y denoting the Spirit of God come in human flesh and blood. The first and last letters of Christ depict “Chi”, or “God” (Six hundred), coming in “stigma” or flesh, (six, the number of man). Chi-stigma is God come in flesh as a human being. This is the Spirit of God dwelling in a human body of flesh, the Chi-stigma; i.e. the literal translation of “Jesus come in the flesh”. Christ is “God in flesh”, i.e.

“JESUS Christ - God come in human flesh”, the Word sent from God as the Spirit of God that came down from heaven and ascended back to where He was before. (John 3:13, 6:62). “Chi” is also the number of warfare as the believer does warfare in the Spirit and wrestles not with flesh and blood. The believer is victorious in warfare, not because of his or her frail mortal abilities, but because of God fighting his or her 336

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battles. This is due to the “Anointing, the Spirit”. David pursued and defeated the Amalekites with six hundred men. (1 Samuel 30:9). David had about six hundred men with him when Saul pursued after him.

(1 Samuel 23:13). “Chi- stigma”; i.e. “Chi” (God) is come in the -

“stigma” (flesh, six, which is the number of the flesh or man, humanity).

Six refers to the flesh or man as he was formed from the dust on the sixth day. Man’s appointed days of work are six. We see the “xi stigma” in the image of gold that Nebuchadnezzar set up in the plain of Dura; which when the people heard six different instruments, al would have to bow down and worship the golden image.

(Daniel 3:1,5). Six depicts the weakness and frailty of man. This refers to the flesh of Jesus Christ as a human being of spirit, soul, and body.

Jesus Christ as God come in flesh as an Adam is the natural human being of flesh and blood who would give His life a ransom for mankind to be exalted back to God. To exalt man from his own natural fal en nature due to sin was the mission of God come in the flesh; i.e. Jesus Christ come in the flesh as a human being.

Satan knows that he has but a short time, therefore his efforts are to thwart the kingdom of God as the enemy of the church. The body of Christ wil come into the ful ness of the kingdom of God through the fundamental knowledge that God is come in the body of human flesh (spirit, soul, and body) manifesting the name of God Almighty as shown in the “Chi-stigma”. Therefore, the devil and his angels must attempt to overthrow the knowledge of God. Satan does this through the “xi”, resisting the “Chi-stigma”.

However, the mark of the beast or antichrist separates the

“Chi” (God-Jesus Christ) and the “stigma” (the flesh of human spirit, soul, and body) with “xi,” “the serpent” as depicted in the “xi” or

“sixty”. The “xi” which is the number “60” stands for “pride” that prompted Nebuchadnezzar to set up a golden image sixty cubits high.

The motivation was that Daniel revealed the dream to him that he was this head of gold. (Daniel 2:38). Nebuchadnezzar then speaks with pride. “The king spake, and said, Is not this great Babylon, that I have 337

The Errors of the Trinity Chapter 9: Six Hundred Threescore and Six, The Mark of the Beast built for the house of the kingdom by the might of my power, and for the honor of my majesty.” (Daniel 4:30). This is the same motivation of Satan as written by Ezekiel about the prince of Tyrus. “Son of man, say unto the prince of Tyrus, Thus saith the Lord God; Because thine heart is lifted up, and thou hast said, I am a God, I sit in the seat of God, in the midst of the seas; yet thou art a man, and not God, though thou set thine heart as the heart of God.” (Ezekiel 28:2). “For thou hast said in thine heart, I wil ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I wil sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I wil ascend above the heights of the clouds; I wil be like the most High.” (Isaiah 14:13,14). Pride certainly marks the mind of the King of Babylon as an antichrist, the idea of setting himself in the seat of God, in lieu of God, over the congregation.

“Chi xi stigma” was also mysteriously associated with the Egyptian “trinity”; i.e. “666”. The written “SSS”, or “stigma, stigma, stigma” identified “Isis”, the goddess of Egypt. Her statue represented the “Al Seeing Eye” of Babylon as “the solar eye”. “I am al that has been, that is, or shal be, and none among mortals has hitherto taken off my vail,” is inscribed on the bottom of the statue. The same is recorded in Genesis as the eyes being opened, being “gods” as a lie from Satan which refers to same mark, “Chi xi stigma.” “For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shal be opened, and ye shal be as gods, knowing good and evil.” (Genesis 3:5).

These eyes being opened speaks of the mind power, extrasensory perception, and the crystal bal used in séances as the al Seeing Eye.

The “chi xi stigma” marks the mind of Satan and his fol owers.

They deny that “chi,” (God, Jesus Christ), has come in “stigma,” (flesh as a total human being of spirit, soul, and body). This is signified by the

“xi,” (the serpent) coming between the “chi” and “stigma,” “God” and

“flesh”. The mark “xi” basically denies that God, Jesus Christ, has come in flesh; that is, God (Father, Word, or Holy Ghost) with a human spirit, soul, and body. Fal en Christianity deems Jesus Christ to be the Eternal Son of God come in the flesh rather than God come in 338

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the flesh. They do not realize that Jesus Christ in his humanity housed al the ful ness of the Spirit of God, having the Holy Ghost without measure. To deny that Jesus Christ is the Father in His Spirit that was manifested in a human body as a man corrupts the glory of the incorruptible God, Jesus Christ. Again, the dominant characteristic of the antichrist is to deny that Jesus Christ is God come in flesh as the Christ, i.e. God in Spirit manifested in a human body of spirit, soul, and flesh. The last Adam is the Lord from above; Spirit that was manifested in a human body as a man. Jesus Christ is come in flesh, i.e.

“Jesus Christ (Spirit, Father, Word, Holy Ghost) is come or manifested in flesh (sarx = human being of spirit, soul, and body), “Chi-Stigma”.

Jesus Christ is not come in the flesh; i.e. Jesus Christ (Spirit, Father, Word, Holy Ghost) is not come in the flesh (sarx = human being of spirit, soul, and body) is the spirit of anti-christ.

The spirit of antichrist was already in the world working through the people who had been deceived by the spirit of unrighteousness because they received not the love of the truth. Some believers had truth, but did not receive “the love” of the truth, which later on caused shipwreck in their lives. Just as some today have different measures of truth, but they do not “love” it, holding it dear and precious to their heart. The Spirit of God wil lead us into al truth expresses that “truth” has been, is, and wil be progressive in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The basic foundation of al truth is Jesus Christ, for He is the Spirit of truth. Just as Jesus Christ is the Holy One and the KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF

LORDS, so Antichrist is the “unholy one” and “the king of al evil”.

Just as Jesus Christ is the incarnation of God, God come in flesh; so Antichrist is the incarnation of Satan, evil come in flesh. Just as God’s fol owers have His Spirit and are one with Him; so does Satan’s fol owers have his spirit, the spirit of antichrist, which John said was already in the world.

Since antichrist also means, “to neutralize Christ”, let’s look at the mark of the beast considering the gematria of the “chi-xi-stigma”.

“Gematria” is “word measuring” and has been used of Rabbis and 339

The Errors of the Trinity Chapter 9: Six Hundred Threescore and Six, The Mark of the Beast scribes of the Hebrew language for centuries. In both Hebrew and Greek languages, letters were used also as numbers al owing any word or name to be numbered. We wil do this exercise now, God permitting.

In the early church, one of the suggestions as to the gematria of Six hundred threescore and six was the word “arnoume.” A=1; R=100; N=50; O=70; U=400; M=40; E=5; totaling “chi xi stigma,” or

“600, 60, and 6”. The possibility exists that “aroume” could be a form of the Greek word “arnoumai,” meaning “I deny.” This would stand for anyone who would “deny” the name of Jesus Christ as coming in the body of human flesh.

For those who believe that Caesar Neron or the Nero redivivus legend that Nero wil revive and rule the Roman Empire again in the earth, Caesar Neron in the Hebrew gematria totals 600, 60 and 6. This holds the history of Nero persecuting the Christians to be once again revived in the last days and persecute the believers as an antichrist.

“Apol onia” is a Greek word which means, “to perish,” and has a gematria of “600, 60 and 6”.95 When a great storm came down on the lake, the boat was fil ed with water and the disciples of Jesus were in jeopardy. “And they came to him, and awoke him, saying, Master, master, we perish.” (Luke 8:24). This “perish” has a gematria of “600, 60, and 6”, and speaks of the waters of the storms of life having the church in jeopardy in the last days in an attempt to total y destroy it.

This is an antichrist.

“Paradosis” means “tradition.”96 “Making the word of God of none effect through your tradition, which ye have delivered: and many such like things do ye.” (Mark 7:13). “Paradosis” has a gematria of

“600, 60 and 6”. Antichrist is also a neutralizer to Christ and makes the Word of God of none effect through man’s tradition.

“Euporia” means “wealth.”97 “Whom he called together with the workmen of like occupation, and said, Sirs, ye know that by this 95 Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible G622

96 Ibid. G3862

97 Ibid. G2142


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craft we have our wealth.” (Acts 19:25). “Euporia” has a gematria of

“600, 60, and 6”. This has to do with images that the beast is using in these last days for people to worship. Many think these images are natural and in the physical, but the real danger is in the spiritual mark of the beast. These images of God are not the true Christ, the expressed image of God as His Person, but an antichrist offering an alternative image of God. This is a true deception that brings great

“wealth,” but the hirelings wil soon be judged. Very few in this day will preach and teach the true God come in flesh, Jesus Christ.

“Pleura”, definition is “side.”98 “But one of the soldiers with a spear pierced his side, and forthwith came there out blood and water.”

(John 19:34). “Pleura” has a gematria of “600, 60, and 6”. The soldier, which history tells us is Longinus, attempts to add to the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. True, the soldier fulfil ed the prophecy: “They shal look on him whom they pierced.” (John 19:37). But Jesus had already cried,

“It is finished.” (John 19:30). The work of the cross was complete and did not need anything added to it. But this soldier, as many people do today, thought to add to the crucifixion, as though some man is worthy of honour to be shared with God. This is a motive of the antichrist to take away the glory due to Jesus Christ as God, and bestow it upon himself and his fol owers. Any doctrine that does not glorify Jesus Christ with the glory that He had before as God is a doctrine of the antichrist. Jesus is not the second person of the Godhead, which is subordinate to God the Father as stated in the Trinity doctrine. The true Jesus doctrine is not a Two-ness doctrine, which states that Jesus Christ is not God the Father, but was a man who had the Spirit of God. Neither was Mary’s seed as the seed of the woman mixed with the seed of God. He was not divine on His Father’s side and human on his mother’s side, denoting a half God and half human being. God as Spirit did not become fused with flesh and flesh did not fuse with Spirit. Spirit is Spirit, and flesh is flesh. Jesus Christ was not eternal is his human spirit, soul, and body before the cross of Calvary as some Jesus Only doctrines proclaim, but became eternal after his 98 Ibid. G4125


The Errors of the Trinity Chapter 9: Six Hundred Threescore and Six, The Mark of the Beast glorification being raised from the dead. Any other mode of doctrine is an antichrist and is marked with “chi xi stigma.” God wil share His glory with no one, as His judgment wil declare. The true doctrine of Christ is that Jesus Christ as God is come is the flesh as a human being with a human spirit, soul, and body.

“Diaspora”, definition is “scattered.”99 “Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ, to the strangers scattered throughout Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia.” (1 Peter 1:1). “Diaspora” has a gematria of “600, 60, and 6”. The true church of God has always been persecuted by MYSTERY BABYLON THE GREAT, THE


EARTH. “And the woman (the false church) was arrayed in purple, and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand ful of abominations and filthiness of her fornication.” (Revelation 17:5) The Whore church is clothed in every colour; in purple…She preaches Christ as the King of Kings; in scarlet…She preaches the blood shed on Calvary…She preaches Jesus Christ as a man...There is the color purple for God coming in likeness as a natural man of Adam being the Mediator; there is the color scarlet for the man Christ Jesus who would shed his blood on Calvary for the sin of the world. The color that is missing in the scheme of God is the color blue. But wait! Why no blue on the Whore Church? It is because the false whore church cannot wear the color blue. Why, you ask? Because She wil not confess Jesus Christ as God, the Father of glory, the blue denoting the heavenly abode of Jesus Christ as God that took on a body of human flesh and blood in the earth. She denies that Jesus Christ is God in Spirit as the Father who took a permanent abode in a human body of flesh. The Spirit of Jesus Christ is the Spirit of God the Father. The whore church wil preach the purple, that is, that Jesus Christ is the Mediator. She wil preach that Jesus Christ is a man that as a sacrifice wil die on Calvary. But she denies that Jesus Christ is the Father manifested as shown forth in the 99 Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible G1290


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color blue. Rather, the whore church depicts Jesus Christ as the second Person of the Godhead as the Eternal Son of God who is not the Father but is nonetheless equal to Him. The false churches of today in this present hour deny that Jesus Christ is the Father that was manifested in flesh as a human being.

“For many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist.” (2 John 7). Its main proclamation denies that God, Jesus Christ has come in flesh as the Spirit from above that formed himself a body of flesh in the earth. The dominant characteristic of the antichrist is the denial of the incarnation of God; God made flesh. The antichrist carries the “chi xi stigma”, “Six hundred, threescore, and six”.

The good news for you the believer is: “Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them (the antichrists): because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.” (1 John 4:4). Jesus is ascended back where he was before. The Word came down sent from God, the Word was made flesh, the Word went back to God in a glorified body of flesh. Jesus Christ came to this world in a body of human flesh and blood manifesting the Person of God, became sin who knew no sin, rose from the dead on the third day and is alive forevermore. We as believers in Him have the way, the truth, and the life manifested in order that we may have the gift of eternal life.

Because He lives, we live. Because He rose from the dead, we are passed from death unto life. Because He overcame the world, we overcome the world. Jesus Christ come in human flesh and blood and overcame Satan and his angels, the world, and his own flesh that had a propensity to sin. Therefore, we who have the firstfruits of His Spirit, Jesus Christ, wil also overcome Satan and his angels, the world, and our own flesh that has a propensity to sin.

John notes the conclusion of the matter of the revelation of Jesus Christ. “And we know that the Son of God (Jesus Christ as God manifested in human body as a man) is come, and hath given us an understanding, that we know him (Jesus Christ as God) that is true and we are in him (Jesus Christ as God) that is true, even in his Son Jesus 343

The Errors of the Trinity Chapter 9: Six Hundred Threescore and Six, The Mark of the Beast Christ (Jesus Christ made flesh, come in the flesh). This is the true God (Jesus Christ as God), and eternal life. Little children, keep yourselves from idols. Amen.” (I John 5:20,21).

Let us keep ourselves from idols that would deny Jesus Christ as the only Lord God who came in a body of human flesh and blood.

“For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God and our Lord Jesus Christ.” (Jude 4). Men turn the doctrine of Christ into rudiments of the world for the love of money and wealth, selling out to the devil using the doctrine of the antichrist. But, I know you, the reader, realizes the “One” and “Only Lord God” forever, throughout eternity, is Jesus Christ, who only is sitting down on His throne in the Body of His glorified flesh, being exalted by God above al things.

“But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shal be false teachers among you, who privily shal bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction.” (2 Peter 2:1). How are the people deceived in the last days? “And he deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast.” (Revelation 13:14). This is a serious matter, one that would warrant searching the scriptures, for they testify of Jesus Christ, the only God that was made flesh, fashioned as a man.

“And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet. For they are the spirits of devils working miracles.” (Revelation 16:13, 14a). The summation of this book simply stated is that these “three unclean spirits like frogs” as depicted on the cover of this book is the doctrine of the Trinity.

“Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God. He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father (Jesus Christ as the Only God) and the Son (Jesus Christ Who is God come in flesh as the only begotten Son of God).”

(2 John 9). The Father is Spirit. The Son is both Spirit and flesh.


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“IESOUS” means “JESUS.”100 The beast has the number of a man, and the number of his name is Six hundred threescore and six,

“chi xi stigma.” The dominant trait of the beast is that he deems God as a natural man, of the earth, earthy, and not the LORD from above.

However, “eight” is the number of “the new birth” and speaks of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Ghost. Eight hundred eighty-eight is the number of the resurrection power.

Jesus’ name in the Greek has a gematria of the fol owing: I =


E =


S =


O =


U =


S =


= 888

Gematria of the name of JESUS is 888

The Resurrection and the Life.

Jesus is not any portion of “chi-xi-stigma”, the “600-60-6”.

Jesus Christ is the “Regeneration and Renewing”, “the Holy Ghost”.

Jesus Christ is the “Resurrection” and the “Life”. Jesus Christ is the

“Word made flesh” from above, and has ascended to where He was before. (John 6:62).

“Grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of God, and Jesus our Lord, according as His divine power hath given us al things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue, whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption 100 Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible G2424


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Chapter 9: Six Hundred Threescore and Six, The Mark of the Beast that is in the world through lust.” (II Peter 1:2-4). Through the knowledge and revelation of Jesus escape the corruption of the world.

JESUS (888) is greater than Satan (666). Praise the name of the Lord God Almighty, JESUS Christ. May the grace of our great God and Saviour, Jesus Christ, be with you I pray in God’s holy name,



The Errors of the Trinity Epilogue


The Errors of the Trinity


The foundation of the church is Jesus Christ, the Lord God Almighty. To grasp the significance of this truth, the true doctrine of Christ wil affect the wil of God to be manifested in the earth. To understand and know the doctrine of Christ is to do the wil of the Father. (John 7:17). The latter rain of oil and wine in the season of Tabernacles as the manifested glory of God that wil fil the entire earth is founded upon the revealing of Jesus Christ to His body, the church. The body of Jesus Christ is bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh. We are not Spirit of His Spirit, but we are one with His Spirit through adoption by regeneration and renewing of the Holy Ghost.

The body of Christ wil come to a perfect man in knowing the Son of God as the only true God and eternal life. It is upon this foundation that the body of Christ wil experience the greatest revival the world has ever seen, the kingdom of God fil ing the earth. The true Christ is the everlasting God (Father, Word, Holy Ghost, El Shaddai, Jehovah, Yahweh, etc.) manifested in flesh; that is, God manifested in the human spirit, soul, body of flesh and blood revealing His Salvation name Jesus Christ.

“So we, being many, are one body in Christ, and every one members one of another.” (Romans 12:5). Therefore, it is mandatory that believers not join themselves with unbelievers. We are admonished to come out from false doctrines and to have no fellowship with a body that does not believe the truth of Jesus Christ.

Complacency and compromise in respect to Jesus Christ and His Person as the Only Lord God wil cost a believer his or her soul. Paul is very clear as to this statement of truth. “Be ye not unequal y yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? And what communion hath light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? Or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? For ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I wil be their God, and they shal be my people. Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I wil 349

The Errors of the Trinity Epilogue

receive you, And wil be a Father unto you, and ye shal be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.” (2 Corinthians 6:14 18).

If a person is enlightened to this revelation of truth in Jesus Christ and continue to have fellowship with Trinity or Twoness doctrines, they wil lose the truth that they have received from God. As John states, “Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God. He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son. If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed: For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds.” (2 John 9-11). How could staying in the current fellowship or church denomination that I am a member have this severe a judgment? You are God’s temple and you must align yourself with the true believers in order to have true fellowship with God. Notice the strict statement of John above. Whosoever accepts, welcomes, or admits a person who does not have the doctrine of Christ into their house or bids him or her “God speed” giving any encouragement or success whatsoever, is partaker of his or her evil deeds. You must locate a One God church and have fellowship with true believers of Jesus Christ. As to al Oneness believers, it is imperative that we hold fast to this Apostle’s doctrine of Christ and guard this truth with al diligence so that no one mislead and delude us by plausible, persuasive, and seductive arguments and beguiling speech. The true church of the living God must be rooted and grounded in the foundation of bedrock truth in the Person of Jesus Christ. “Little children, keep yourselves from idols.” (1 John 5:21).


The Errors of the Trinity About the Author


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The Errors of the Trinity

About the Author

Pastor Dennis Beard is an author, singer, songwriter, as well as an international missionary proclaiming the Real Revelation of Jesus defying the lukewarm Laodicean church revelation of Jesus as a lesser God than the LORD Jehovah, the Father of glory. The path of the just is shining greater in the true revelation of Jesus Christ as we as His body matures unto perfection, into al truth, unto the measure of the stature of Jesus Christ. The glory of Jesus is revealed in greater heights, depths, length, and width as the second advent of our Lord approaches.

May the grace of our Lord Jesus be upon each individual member of His body as we contend for the faith that was once delivered to the saints realizing that our Lord Jesus has ordered the best for the last. Our Lord Jesus bless you.