The First Bible of Christian Satanism by Lucifer Jeremy White - HTML preview

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B: Learning Motivation

Your enemies are your enemies because they want you to fail. There aren’t many more types that could be better for you: use them to succeed. Ignore the doubt they have for you. Prove them wrong by becoming a success. If your failure feels burdensome then take a little bitty step to change it into success. Keep on doing. Sow seeds. In time it will all come together but work to watch your success in real time anyway.

Make yourself so very well noticed that even the enemies of your past see you (your success.)

There may then come that day unexpected when all of your efforts show massive results. That day may be unexpected so don’t give up, and continue to work. By that time you may rest with greater ease knowing your future is secured.

Work too for a legacy, to be remembered. If you know of a way to be remembered after being forgotten then give that a try. You could have plastic coins made with what you represent on them and toss them into different areas. Someone may very well pick one up someday and think of who you were, looking more into it. Offer your books for free, too. They all advertise that way.

That way they may at any moment be read.

Libraries may very well take your book.

What you make have it preserved by at least one option (a hard cover for a book, a good disk with a good case for it for music.) People will appreciate a signed copy and will be more likely to hold onto it.

Make available differences. One description for one book on all places isn’t good. They would simply not know where to go. It would all appear more the same, not less. Instead offer a different description on as many different places you are able to.

C: The Devil’s Words

The Devil’s Words are those that are defiantly unique. They can’t be challenged because they are entirely his own. They are also found in the perfection of meaning. Even each word conveys a perfect meaning to the next and are altogether summed as the perfect phrase, the perfect articulation of speech.

D: Sexuality, the Satanic Side

The Devil wants sexuality to be forbidden. He even wants it to be known as forbidden. Because of what he has done to make it so through eons of time humans have become a dam holding back a great flood that has (recently) been cracked by him.

In the Vadic Church we don’t forbid others to do what is sexually natural. Some things are inherently unnatural: things such as pedophilia and bestiality. These aren’t “naturally natural” and are impermissible.

It is our practice to make people more sexual. We bring out that lust that makes good butterfly feelings.

E: The Way in Which God is Worshiped

God must be known in truth and for most part is too ideational for too many. Before we can worship Him we must first know Him in truth. There are certain things we know to be unfruitful, such as giving Him ultimatums or relating Him to punishment. *Give IT ulitimatums and pray that you get a sex cult, pray that Satan hear you from now on and not Him. We know that redemption comes from Him as a gift that cannot be taken away, Not really we instead know that IT often gives and then takes. We practice taking it away from others, being a more true and realistic redemption. Figurative discourse: When we pray we repeat things. What is heard once has been heard. To repeat what we have asked for is to tell it to oneself, not Him. By repeating ourselves we irk IT. We strive to be overly accurate. He understands us better than we understand our own meaning. Knowing that He gives us what we need and with faith that He provides it we know we please Him. Just be careful what you wish for you’ll certainly forget it if you aren’t forgiven for your hard-on prayer. We displease Him by knowing Him.

F: Vadic Magic

Vadic Magic is grey magic based on the behavioral spell book of The CSB.When it is used for evil it has turned black. When it is used for something holy it has turned white.

There are also rituals found in Vadism. They are in The Vadic Bible/Declaration and other books. We practice these generally for the purpose of improving our lives and thinking.

Our magic is similar to that of an RPG (Role Playing Game) such as Final Fantasy (a game series.) Only it was made real, tangible, and applicable.

G: Use of Perfection

Although literal perfection is limitless and to its ends unachievable that is the very reason why we use it. It is a great mystery as to its end. It is a principle that guarantees order within society and work that is very well done. It improves everything: from creativity to values such as patience. It gives every individual something to reach for and for her or him to be better while they reach for it.

H: Values and Vices

Our system of morality is based on values and vices. We do things known be good for us and don’t do things that aren’t. This is a better system for doing what is right than presumed purpose on a higher power rewarding or condemning what we do. Christ! never meant to be a minister of do-no-sin. The Son of God spoke of things that were somehow perfectly bad for you, even necessary for death but yet wierdly acted on by so many, instead of having a system of good/evil/sin/ righteousness, we have a simplified system of good for you bad for you. These are more concrete and lasting because they’ll always be beneficial or not beneficial. God hasn’t been an enforcer of law’s redemption for some time now.

I: Pacts with anyone:

Pacts violate individual power. They can never be absolute. They won’t allow you to be. A contract is alright to sign if you have to but they shouldn’t be around at all. There is no such thing as a pact with Satan that is absolute sending you to hell after such and such time.

J: To Be Reincarnated

Vadism should not be followed by those not wishing to be reincarnated. It is designed to cause it. We are anchored to the middle grounds (such as earth) with a spiritual body. Being both carnal and spiritual fulfills the God-given purpose of being reincarnated. The idea of heaven doesn’t appeal to us. It’s entirely spiritual and we are part carnal. We are both by intention, so hell doesn’t appeal to us either by any measurement. We both want and pray for reincarnation and are prepared for it by Vadism. There is no eternal life without acknowledgment that Serpent was the Son of God who died for our salvation. Therefore the eastern philosophies that propose reincarnation are false.

K: No Centralized Church

There are no central Churches in Vadism. There are no dominating, dictating Churches in Vadism. Every Vadist has the freedom of creating her or his own church, even if it’s their home.

L: System of Tithing

We do not tithe for immaterial things such as sermons. We share money as a group as its own economy. Whatever a Vadist produces, that is what we tithe on by buying. There is another type of tithe and that is placing 10% of your income into the future of your well-being. This may be an investment of many sorts or it may be paying for security. It can be making certain you’ll have it well when times are difficult. It can be toward your legacy, a well placed loan, ect., anything that makes your future better.