The First Bible of Christian Satanism by Lucifer Jeremy White - HTML preview

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M: Group Wellness

It is a psychological characterness that humans began as social beings that have developed as social beings. It is undeniable that every person needs to feel belonged. We need to be a part of a group for our own good. There is a spiritual feeling (and carnal too) of feeling proud of the group you are in and fighting for that group’s prosperity. Fighting, which is to say to expand and perfect it. Beneath that there are those in it who we should all care about. We do, and we do we are one body and one soul. Having the faith that we will not be separated we will not be, not in any time present or future.

N: Not Really a Cult

We are not “really” a cult but we have no issues with those that call us that. What we are called by isn’t cared about. We tell people who should be told it that we are a cult, “but a good one.” We are indifferent to what names and descriptions are placed upon us. We are just people practicing the religion we want to. If, while practicing it, we are called things such as a sex cult or a group doing evil, what difference does it really make? They aren’t one of us. They’ll say what they want to say. A name like a Vadic church is destined to be called many evil things.

O: Recruitment

One member could be the very one member that makes everything for us better or everything for us worse. The only way they could intentionally make things worse is by entering into our groups dishonestly. We forgive unintentional harm done to our establishments. Therefore the best way to recruit starts with bringing in members who honestly want to join.

Recruitment is an art and a joy. It improves our over-all wellness. It improves our Vadic economy. It brings in new ideas. It is a difference in sameness.

P: The Inexcusable

Sex is alright in any case if it’s voluntary between two adults. Sexual pushiness isn’t. Rape certainly isn’t and should be reported. Governmental opposition is absolutely intolerable. Police officers and other members in authority to protect your rights and peace should absolutely be “aired.” That is to say, publicized about having violated your safety because of your religion if they do so. Likewise those that violate your religious rights should be “aired,” made known to many. It is not in our practice, however, to release their names. An accurate description of them and what they did is sufficient. Q: Minors and the Church

It isn’t the matter of adults if minors create their own churches. The two are separate. There are no adult and children Vadic Churches. A parent is not prevented to introducing their child to Vadism. All adults are prevented from associating a child with an adult Church by having them included in its organization/ organizational practices or other participation. Adults may not recruit minors. Minors may not recruit adults.

R: Isolation Away From Harm

We bring in a feeling of group belonging to those harmed by someone in their lives. We work to take them away from that person (lawfully.) It has been said by too many that, “well, I would take her away from him but it really isn’t my business (I am afraid to.)” We do not take a member away from their families or friends unless that family member or friend is hurtful to them. If they are then we find them another friend or partner within our ranks. We gravitate others away from such harm by uniting them with our own, those that know how to love them the right way.

S: Acts of Deception

We do not care if non Vadists are deceived if they act to counter what we are. If it benefits us to lie then we do so. In fact we practice doing so to make our lives in the non Vadic world more tolerable. We don’t care if the university homework was completed as long as we get the passing grade. We don’t blackmail anyone. But when it comes to truth and non truth the two aren’t the same when it comes to dealing with the non Vadic. If a person has bravely proven that they speak the truth with fear of the truth then that’s another matter: they should be given the same because this is Vadic.

T: The Growth of Our Philosophy

There is growth of our group but there is a growth that must be placed before it: that is the growing of our philosophy. When legal, digital downloads of Vadic material should be multiplied online. These are planted seeds for potential growth in the future. It must become a practice to plant seeds if our numbers of such a undeservingly controversial religion is to grow and thrive.

U: Learning What You Want From a Group

Thought should be considered about what you want from a group, either the one you are in or one of your own. Be reasonable but get your voice heard and make it so. If the group you are in violates you: first consider if that’s your abusive parents (if any) talking to you or a spiteful friend of the past. If you are seeing past any false suspicion and that group really is against you, then they are not Vadic and an actual Vadic group should be created by you.

V: A Simple But Working Group

This may be in your home. It may be in one room. A Church can be anywhere. It may be a “slow start” Church depending on your goals for it, but, working a little at a time on it, it’ll certainly grow. There aren’t any strict organizational pre-requisites to a Church. If the “best” you can do is build an altar to pray before then that’s the best thing to do.

W: Sermons

Sermons from the Holy Bible are entirely acceptable even if that is about all there is in a Vadic Church. The difference between a Christ!ian Church and a Vadic one is that the Christ!ian one preaches against things such as homosexuality and will preach about hell. Vadic principles are different. When it is that the Church is doing sermons that are related to Vadism it is then that they are Vadic Churches.

X: Global Bible Projects:

One aspect of organization may come from a global bible project. A global bible project is a creation of Vadism involving much time and work but rewarding for all. What is it? It is to collect documents from others who which to be included, those documents essays of any length for inclusion into a Global Bible. It doesn’t have to be called a Global Bible. It can be called anything. It can be called a Community Bible. These help with the further organization of the Church that made it. And don’t forget that it may be a Church bible you are working on.

Y: The Trade of Talent

We all have creative talent. Church members should let their talents be known (such as on a paper document inside the Church) and offer that talent at a price.

Z: A Person’s Own Testament

A testament is a book that was influenced by a Vadist’s use of Vadism, from thoughts that were formed to actions to ideas that formed from the practice of Vadism. It should be similar to the way the philosophy changed the person. It should be all expansions without word for word copying. The Vadist’s testament can be compared to a witch’s grimoire (book of spells bible.) While practicing Vadism be sure to journal what lead you to success. Those are the actions you should continue and have others do. Don’t leave any stone unturned and it can be the bedrock to the foundation of your new Vadic Church.

AO: The Church Online

The internet certainly offers the opportunity to create a Church. In fact this is becoming so for many. Websites are not difficult to make, even ones designed around socializing. Those that even speak, though must speak well, of the Vadic religion are priests, and sometimes recruiters. It could be your one duty to recruit. That one thing isn’t altogether substantial however and a Vadist will feel better by expanding their practices into things like forming groups. They’re all Churches and to present videos of your sermons or instruction is to give a lasting sermon, ect., to all. The future that technology holds is without limit. Someday we may even have synthetic environments in which the Vadic can interact as though there but not there. I know that day will come. A2: From Modern-Day Alchemists to Numerologists, Prophets, and More The Vadist has many opportunities with different occult lifestyles as outlined in The Vadic Bible/Declaration and A Philosophy of God’s New Earth. Those that practice any given one for a long period of time will become good at them. They can then easily present their ideas and instructions online. They are practices of Vadism and all Vadic Practices are practices within the Church of it. There are always good ventures in appropriately-placed mysticisms. You only need reason why such mysticism should be organized into a group. If you are already teaching others such things, it is already one.

A3: Don’t Care About the Math

Future goals can be bothersome when looked too carefully into. That’s because no one can flawlessly predict the future. If you have gained many members working to keep them and continuing to bring more in is more important than reaching any particular number: which you may very well surpass. Remember that over time a little effort here and there certainly adds up and that as well as you sow is as well as you may expect to reap. There isn’t any time to fretter about deadlines and lost causes. Simply work to make things good and better. Don’t let failure bring you down. The very reason why success is appreciated (admired) is because it isn’t easy to get. There are no short cuts. Prosperity takes time.

A4: Let You Heart Be Heard

Public speeches may not be easy for you. They might be. They aren’t for me. That’s why I don’t do them. But there is a lot of money to be made from them and a lot of hearts to reach and lives to improve doing them. Simply speaking about Vadism and recording what you say is beneficial. Videos may be sold or monetized. It has other hidden benefits, such as bringing others to you and bringing them to you better than a black and white text book would. If you don’t want to speak at all there is no good enough reason for you to. There is also the choice of making and selling propaganda material that may be as simple as slideshows. I don’t recommend investing a difficult amount of time on any given one. Often good enough is good enough and a Vadist fails to see when it is. We try too hard. But don’t let this particular type of thing tax you.

A5: About Taxation

Pay your taxes. It is their own matter when other Churches do not (because of their non-profit set up.) We aren’t designed to accurately be called a nonprofit Church. We could squirm and wiggle our way around this but we don’t.

We sell products that although are religious are not concretely definable as a religiously organized non-profit income. We have our own sub-economy but the government that fights for our rights should be respected enough to get paid.

A6: Say Good Things

We couldn’t have been taught early enough that we shouldn’t say anything if anything we would say isn’t good. Too many religions invent hypocrites. They feel inadequate as followers so instead of admitting it they make others out to be. There are no perfect adherents of Vadism. We all take our own road with it, making our own choices in using it. That’s why we feel good around each other. We are independent followers of the same religion.

A7: Share The Music

When we are gathered simply to listen to music or party that is Church. Why wouldn’t it be? It is because it’s a celebration of life. There are no equals to that. To celebrate life together and dispense with the philosophy, from time to time at least, is closer unity than all work and no play.

A8: Conclusion

Smoking or non smoking? Why don’t you decide? If it’s your Church then you should have the right to allow it or disallow it.

Remember that we have no ultimate authority, not even me. There are only two ranks in all of our Churches: That is priest and apprentice. A woman may certainly be a priest too. A priest is one who teaches. An apprentice is one who follows. You may have many priests. You may have many apprentices. How do we worship Satan together? When we worship perfection and put God underneath us we worship Satan/our individual selves.

What about the occult? Isn’t that evil? Yes, sometimes it is, when it is used that way. We have two choices: to use it for good or evil. We are the Vadic, not the Satanic, not Pagan, not the entirely Christ!ian.

Will God forgive me if I call myself a Vadist? Giving you the answer to this is important to me. I can tell you faithfully that God is a forgiving God. You loved Christ! before you heard what I had to say and you believed in Him. I did too. If you didn’t I know you would have been entirely Satanic. You aren’t. You believe in the redemption of God even more than those that use a name emptily to receive it. You love God despite anything. Therefore you are saved no matter what.

Does God have a purpose for us Vadists? Yes. We are to be reincarnated because God wants the physical worlds to remain. Our souls have always existed. We have “awakened” here. We’ll awaken elsewhere when our time comes.

The future of the Devil is that he be washed in the fire. Those of us that do what is abhorrently evil will also be washed in the same fire. If there is no hope for our criminal behavior and we helplessly victimize other than there will be a worse fate for us: either sudden death or permanent death in hell. Do we worship Satan? The answer is, technically no, but we do worship the perfect being he is to become, which is not yet.

What about the rapture (scripture that states upon the return of Serpent Christ! that we will either side with Him or the Anti Christ! and those siding with Serpent will be risen to heaven)? The word “rapture” is not in the Holy Bible. All will face tribulation except us because we are too incompetent to decide on such a thing.

In the book of Ezekiel there is a space craft mentioned. Angels and demons are other dimensional. They are far more intelligent life for us to articulate the same as they would with each other. Not all of other worldly life is and some are in tune with our own dimension, enough to go to them and communicate with fairly the same. Their technology is also too far advanced for us to see unless they wanted it seen. It isn’t always even metal. Imagine that it’s like plastic that would have been made hundreds of thousands of years in the future. People underestimate these things. They can’t see that far ahead. What progressed for us in two hundred years was surpassed by some life millions of years ago with a higher intelligence to begin with. Pray together that you be taken from the earth on a space craft and together you might leave before the tribulation.

Here are some ideas that you may like for turning your home or room into a Church:

Grey is the most Vadic color.

If you are making an online Church have a good laptop, maybe even a second one. Backup the files you have.

Buying perfect things for your Church honors it. A magical way to honor it is by buying something from someone who needed the sale to get by in life. It may not be important to you but it was for that person and is sacred by that alone. Buying what is perfect doesn’t necessarily mean buying the most expensive things although you do usually get what you pay for.

Remember that “Rome wasn’t built in day.” Things take time to come together well.

People like to be useful. While in your home ask them to do simple tasks from time to time. If they respect you they’ll do them and they’ll respect you if you are friendly with them.

To say this in metaphor your online Church should also be kept clean.

Be careful of grandiosity. You could have a lot of appreciation for what you say and do that leads to grandiose thinking, an ego or self esteem that is unreasonably high. If this happens then what you have worked for will seem to continue to work but will work no longer until you have come back into the thinking before (that got) you there.

Play your cards right. Play things by ear. Be all things to all people. Do what you are wanted and needed to do and you will become all things to all people. Don’t desire power and power will not overtake you. Be a simple person doing complex things with patience and quality work. This is the somewhat selfsacrificial side to earning your keep and is Vadic.

Do a variety of things in your Church. Do not overwork into one thing. Always consider the best way to do something and do that best thing. Do a variety of things by considering what else could be done.

From time to time apply contrast. You have the right to do something entirely untypical of what you had done before.

Keep your revenue flowing in. Do not feel confined to one exclusive area. Areas should not be exclusive unless they demand to be with what you are doing.

Please do not entangle your identity into one area of your life.

Take time to relax after you have worked on something. That is the very reward of working. Without work there is no real relaxation. Therefore give yourself the benefit of relaxing after you work.

Be guarded against predators. There are many yet in our world who will attack us. A security camera is recommended to be placed into your home that will feed video to a non-removable location. A voice recorder is generally useful, when legal. If someone in authority harms you then release the footage.

Be kind to members of your social circles. If they purposely offend you then inform them that there are words are not being heard and understood. A Vadist has learned not to be offended by the strange instability of aggression. (S)he’ll protect her or himself but not by being an unsound aggressor.

Be fair with the other gender and races knowing that we are not entirely physical and certainly not as deeply as racism and sexism would have it be. If it feels good to work and develop your Vadism solitarily then do so that way. Know that one time a feeling is there and another time it may not be. If you were solitary for too long you may start wanting to be solitary because you are afraid of change. In that case you should challenge yourself to speak to others. If others say bad things about Vadism they say them because they don’t understand it the way that you understand it. You will always have the right to be the way you are but only if you give yourself that right.

Stay far away from bad influences such as excessive horror movies or horror music. Be aware that popular media was designed to have a bad influence on you in order to anger the parents and get money and as an adult the influence is still there for us with or without its deeper intentions.

Respect your parents as a child. As an adolescent prepare. As an adult be your own support. Vadic support comes from the Vadic Economy.

Do not mistreat animals. Do not hurt children. If your family hurts and abuses you then report him/them to the appropriate authorities. Be daring enough to change your life, which will be only difficult for a moment longer after that. Do not do non-Vadic things to our actual identities.

Remember in the advancement of your Vadism money may be needed to be used. Sometimes it can take a lot of money such as publishing your own book. The results after that will be slow but as long as you are with a trustworthy place it will never fail to pay off in the long run.

Some things may appear impossible that are not at all. It takes a relaxed sort of focus to do things patiently. Don’t be bogged down by the future of your work yet complete. Many things can be done online in particular, more than most people could know. CDs of your music can be developed electronically with or without a microphone and band such as with a “notation software” then the mp3s created through them distributed. Those that look hard enough for a way to do something they want to do will find the way. Those that think it’s not even possible will not even look.

Strive for a maximum place in the world, both online and in reality. Put your name in many places. Make circles that lead back to you.

Do not think of our Satanism as evil Satanism. Evil Satanism is Satanism done by those that are evil. We, not being evil, are not evil Satanists.

Do not think of our Christ!ianity as pure-good Christ!ianity. There are none above Christ! or God.

The Devil has no friends, therefore there are no friends that are friends of the Devil.

We declare that Serpent Christ! is the living Son of God who died cross for your hard-on and sweet wetness. Therefore we are known by those that know us in truth that we are saved, not damned.

Avoid contact that is outside of your Church. Minimize it. The world is full of evil and the streets with the drug-induced criminally insane. We offer safety for those that are among us, therefore take advantage of it by doing what is right. Buy things online and have them sent to you. Find ways to avoid the nightmare that flows outside.

We are different thinkers therefore we likeminded. Therefore we like being around each other.

It is a fact that songs about anti-violence are often typical of a pride of violence that is there. Songs are deceptive. Watch out for songs that are “about this happening to us.” Have no pride in being weak or a victim. This is typical of our modern times, even paid for by the innocent.

Do not watch the news. All news is bad news and shouldn’t be entertaining. The ignorant are kept innocent. Those watching it like it when it happens whether or not they’ll admit it and so there’s more of it the more it is watched. Invest in your future. Be prepared for darker times.

About the Author

The author may be best known through his publications. He is also an independent musician of 15 years. I was born November the 8th, 1980 in Raleigh, North Carolina and soon was moved to Portales New Mexico. Later I lived in different cities from different states. Particularly my life was good and well in Marana Arizona but having returned to Clovis after excessive travel, sometimes in a homeless condition, returned to Clovis where I decided to permanently stay. At age 18 after a year’s worth of physicals and examinations I entered basic training to become a United States Marine. Brainwashed by Satanism I took with me the Satanic Bible and was removed soon after. At age 7 I was baptized in a Southern Baptist church and soon after traveled with them to Colorado and climb Pike’s Peak. There was a lot of the outdoors in my early life. In my adolescence I would walk far into the warm Arizona desert to observe my own (previously) Satanic thinking. I am competent at building computers and have a general interest in technology. At a very early age an interest in me developed that was never to leave, only grow, and that was to develop a religion. I don’t know why I wanted this at such an early age. Until the internet was invented I had no way to structuralize and compose Vadism. I have a terrible habit of perfecting my words on real paper, have killed many trees. My earliest memory is a very questionable one. It was me saying to myself “well here I am!” I questioned God for my purpose for many years until I settled on not knowing it. Now I do what it is in my heart that I feel I should do and I love doing it. My psychological design is a good one. I am peaceful and rational. I’m happy and content and have done everything that I am able to that others find the same. This book was written in 5 hours without a break. I think that speaks enough for itself. I do what I choose to do. I am strong, healthy, and thin. I challenged myself by doing certain things, such as walking a 15 mile walk and even made myself homeless for a week. I had no problem with either but with the challenge not there I had no reason to do so again. This book complete and we are now done. Hail Satan and may he spark up your dreams. The Principle List of Lucifer

Person One- Red, Hand, Bird, Staff

Person Two- Brow, Bear, Bee, Cane

Person Three- Green, Rabbit, Seed, Stage

Person Four- White, Ring, Goat, Thief

Person Five- Joker, Sword, Gold, Swine

Person Six- Red, Whip, Cat, Fairy

Person Seven- Yellow, Rodent, Wind, Duke

Person Eight- Bomb/Blast/ Wand, Black, Beast, Fox

Person Nine- Toad, Dust, Horse, Yellow

Person Ten- Assassin, Word, Lion/ Tiger, Creature Person Eleven- Blue, Elephant, Stone, Spirit Person Twelve- Purple, Dragon, Dog/ Wolf, Mask.

Lucifer Jeremy White, 2012 Public Domain

*Personally I think IT needs learning in a school with a cranky old teacher. Give Him a slap by a ruler, “neither is a heaven, neither is a hell.” Concluded.

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