The Full Bible of Steel by Lucifer Jeremy White - HTML preview

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Why do I write? I write to make a positive change in my life, in yours, hopefully, and the world. I feel quite indebted to write. My experiences in life have been broad. Have been mentally expansive. Have been unique. Have been mentally deep seated.. in a distant place. I was established in such a way to learn and to come to know, and to teach those things. It is my responsibility. The world needs to hear what I have to say. And kind of similarly I write simply because it is in my nature. I began writing religious stuff early on. Must have been about 12. I began on paper. May have found a mechanical typewriter. Wasn’t until I got my first computer when I started making digital files. Then came internet, etc., and now I wouldn’t have any other hobby. No more important hobby anyway. I work hard on this stuff. I am always at it. Really I’d rather be playing my video game right now. Then again, I really feel that this should be started. And the first few pages are always the easiest.

They had all been first pages for awhile. I had decided to start writing several books at once. I felt better that way. Can talk about different things. I don’t only write about Christian Satanism. Would like to surprise myself. To perhaps get three or four books done at about the same time. But then came the thought provoking idea of gathering it into a Bible. And so you have it here.

 This book doesn’t have to be read from the first page to the last. Not at all. It can be read randomly. That until it is absorbed. It isn’t a novel with a beginning and end.

Yes I want to make a positive change in the world. And I’ve always thought about how the world could be better. Smartly better. As I don’t expect everyone to carry the philosopher’s stone.

My books are all free (as eBooks ) & are available as paperbacks if you prefer. And are all in public domain. Currently I’ve written nearly forty books. You can share them, and please do. You can sell them, and do that too. And thank you all for your interest in the religion of Christian Satanism and my other writings.

Christian Satanism is:

A grey religion.

Of duality.

One anti-sided-minded

One advantageous.

And perhaps a joke on the whole universe!

It can’t be more of an oxymoron than “Atheistic Satanism!”

More than that there are at least three possible definitions for Christian Satanism. One- it can mean just Devil Worship. Because you have to be a Christian to believe in such Satanic things in the first place. Two- It can be a duality as it is here. And that means you can be either one or the other, not just both together but that too, certainly. And third- something that is scripturaly based. That is to say, that it is legitimately based in scripture “The Devil was not a bad guy" stuff. Nor hated by God. And some such people may even say that Jesus was Lucifer.

I am a teacher that was appointed. Richly experienced. Made to fit the role, during an entire lifetime. I am here to improve the world. To be its biggest change since the long time induction of Christianity. And to give that maken world to the Christian Satanist, for whom it was destined. I have great things to speak and great changes to have occur. It is a time of cleaning and a time of building for us. And my design will take thousands of years to build. The more that hear my words the better. And the sooner we can get started. Good! The sooner we can complete our tasks the sooner we can enjoy The Final Form Earth.

I am the bearer of Christian Satanism. Its destined provider. Its truest representative. It came into debate. A long lasting one. One going on faster than human time, yet more deeply. A debate by the Holy and the not so. To conclude the Earth and combine the two forces into one. The Child of such. They will take the Earth. That through the final Denomination of Christianity.

I was visited often in life by Devils and Angels to embody this purpose. To go long on that path. To be fitted into it. Naturally. Programmatically, too. Visited and kept safe. Guided and set forth on this expedition, as described. By learning, by listening, and having experienced great things I am here before you to see you through. To become the greatest you can be. I was given the right mind. Even saved from death. I was restored. Made to make myself whole again after many times completely broken. Once a Satanist truly, but given salvation.

To the Christian Satanist I say: Be as well-worldly as possible. It is the home given to you. But you must be anchored! Plat yourself down firmly into the seat of “perdition" for there is no one to carry you home. Your home already is. Many in this generation are Christian Satanists. Not nearly as many have been before it. These are our times. This is that place, that place that has been being made for ages. Where science has construed what it has and the Earth (mostly from that) has been mastered, it is the making of our paradise. Be happy and radiant. And freely take from what the world could give. Enjoy the Earth. Be worldly. For we are assigned to this world. It’s a present. Open it up. Look around at what you see. Breath the newborn life. And be happy on this day for what you have been told.

Your loyalty to Christian Satanism is appreciated. I set forth here a psychological field of perfection, and one of such a mindset and lifestyle, too. I present something different. I set forth the kind of change the world needs. I propose such a stark and full change to occur as since not been seen since the 2,000 year reign of Christianity ushered forth.

What an evil thing I do. What a man of horrible experiences who has shined so brightly. What a childish form of Satanism do I create and practice like an evil kid wise beyond his years. And I invite you into this dark realm and equip you fully to rest there and to thrive there. To find a purer and fuller existence there by the gift of darkness I’ve received. And as received may be given unto you.

I am a deeply seated leader that leads unto a perfect way. My ways are unconquerable. They will greatly evolve the simplest. They will make you into a brightly burning star. For as stars they were that created me and their brightest light dwells within me.

The simplest formula for Christian Satanism comes from counter pointing.

Do feel greatly free to counterpoint any point made here. And to build upon as well. And finding your own direction of things in so doing. As such Christian Satanism will be what it was meant to be: versatile, robust, and free of cult-like thinking!


A Door Into Darkness

It comes from loss of inhibition. To free the soul. This dance into darkness, like Lily in her new dress. For she was clad in tatters, given great jewelry she couldn’t accept. And then a demonic spirit clutched her hands raising her arms high, and she danced greatly into darkness. Some will look upon their new clothes and admire them. Others will detest them and fall back into normalcy. The regular. Plain. Scripted. The disciplined life as taught. But pride can come from every day things. The least of things. A simple thing said or taught. A simple action or doing. For some pride tinkles out. For others it bursts forth. For the best, it powerfully flows as endlessly as does the river.

I have a split spirit. It formed from being broken. It was the result of temporary insanity that kept coming back. And so my spirit split into two. One mature. One childish. That child of my intellectual self. One I spoil. Not one I discipline. It feels differently. It thinks minimally. It tastes of things sweet. It devours meat. Your dead now cow! Mooo!

And invested onto such a being is a great power. Given liberty. Allowed by God to be. To freely roam. And if it is found that he was abused by lesser spirits, great wrath will fall down on them. We are identified as broken and protected. By those angels in human form who acknowledge we are children of hell. And nothing in this world is so cherished as we.

A fractured reality is usually only experienced by Schizophrenic people, as far as I know. Doors open. Doors to other things. Like jinn. Warlocks. That door is more easily opened from hell than heaven. While heaven is guarded and kept shut, hell isn’t, not so much. But when that happens, insanity comes with it. Tye human mind is not supposed to be there. Fantasy is hurled at you. It is a difficult reality to clutch. There is medication for schizophrenia. But being halfway medicated is to be halfway there. Extreme euphoria is produced. Music simply has much more rich and much more deep feeling than usual. It is intoxicating. But it is to gamble your sanity. Fir some people do not reemerge. The demon that has grasped them and pull them into see, for them there is no hope. They will be lost in that p lb ace forever.

Senses are heightened. And emotions. TV is in incredibly immersive. Good smelling things are highly pleasant. Food is more beast like to a person. Devoured. Savored. Uplifting. But the fantasy! Trying to make sense of reality. That is where the problem resides. You experiment with things. Thinking a CD player would work with an upside down CD. Reversed batteries. Headphones in power socket.  Entirely reversed. Nothing happened. I must have been missing something. It says “never touch the laser.” But the other language makes it sound like “You may touch the laser.” Am I supposed to press my finger down on it? Or as what happened one night with me, trying to draw a diabolical image based on a concept. Unable to sleep. Going through 500 pages. Never coming to render it correctly. Not really aware of what I was doing all the while.

It is a kind of presence. This presence you are in is inside the world but is different from normal presence. You can call it hell on Earth. But when people usually say that term they only mean a place of suffering. Nothing more. Earthly torment. But when I use it here I mean that the world is altogether different. The person next to you shares the same world as you but yours is different. Those in the presence of hell are more animalistic. Some irreparably lose their minds. Some become psychotic. Reality for them goes off of different rules and meanings. Me though, I was just lost in the moment of it all. Often distracted.

Psychic connections are stronger there. You can easily communicate with infernal spirits. Heaven is there sometimes, too. Those from heaven anyway, who carry a piece of it down below. As heaven is with them wherever they go. You are more animalistic there. Food is greatly more pleasurable as are things of the other senses. But in all of it if you are a human as I was there you are like an infant. All you can produce is babble. And all you can hear.. you cant make much sense of. I guess over the ages spirit’s just don’t communicate as we would.

They may put together a vision for you. They could show you an image from a tea stain on a piece of paper. Once I seen one of a downward facing crescent moon (more specifically going southwest) with a Star of David going further southwest. I prayed to eat next to Satan. In a mental hospital. About a week later my table had a guy named Saturn (pronounced Say-turn.) I asked the Devil to bring me a woman I liked. I was at his house awhile and went again into a mental hospital a few days later. I saw a person inside. I asked him his name. He h.c ad the same name. It is a gender neutral name. I found that funny.

I was at the Devils house before that. I took a long sleeve shirt before I left. I’d gone from one mental hospital to another. I was committed to it. And this guy said to me, “I like this shirt! I think I’m going to take it!”

I am not Satan but it is my job to embody and represent him in the fullest of darkness. I am his representative in human form. I am not saying I am Satan. I am here in human form to reveal to you the darkness as the light. The one who was the exact right light to become as such.. a representative. His image. I shine upon the darkness with the light I was born with  once in heaven, but no more. In my earliest days I told myself “well here I am.” And quickly lost the memory, but had come back to memory of just what I was and where I came from. My life’s intention, his purpose.

He moves through me and emerges from the light that is within me. I am the bridge between here and there.

A person very Christian early, very Satanic later- a devout Christian to a deeply rooted Devil Worshiper, who, in his time of death looked up. And for a moment put his mind on God. And began to wonder about him. Began to see that even he could make a request, could ask God for help. Otherwise I would have died that night, of which I had no doubt. And on that night found a great power, and a friend who everyone told me wasn’t possible.


Ritual of the Forbidden Fruit

What you’ll need: a fruit tree, or at least a fruit, fruit flavored candy, a bowl of water, sugar, a pen, a ring, a nice seat—throne like.

Pluck the fruit from the tree and say “I take this in the name of Satan.” Or, “I eat this on the name of Satan.” Put 666 on your hand and eat the fruit. Dip your finger in a bowl of sugar water and touch the spot between your eyes. Say “may the serpent speak to me.” Take the ring and place it on your finger in remembrance. Sit on your throne and enjoy some fruit flavored candy! As for the candy it could be used as taste magic. Which is to visualize certain things for certain flavors. Each flavor having it’s own ideas. Whatever you wish for. Whoever you wish to draw near.


Coming Back to the Light

It is empirical that nature works in two. Just consider all of your body parts, right down to the reproductive organs. And a couple has a child. Animals may have four legs but they are treated by two with how they walk. And so Christian Satanism comes in. I add to this that people need differences.. to differentiate and truly value things. You don’t eat the same meal over and over again and continue enjoying it. If we didn’t sleep we could get impossibly bored. We wouldn’t set schedules. We would never break from things. It would become quite mundane.

Experiencing opposites is a pleasure. The newness of an old thing. The break away from the commonplace. The new experience. The understanding of the moon and sun. Night and day. Warm days, cold. Warmness again. Just getting to be different for a change. Not having to relearn everything though. Just returning to something. Quickly becoming familiar with it again.

To reduce selfishness. To be giving for a season. To perform a good deed daily, at least weekly, t ok think about others for awhile, to grow spiritually awhile, working that within you again. Instead of a rule you made to never give anyone anything. Instead of never knowing your friends. Instead of being increasingly ugly unforgiving. Instead of only seeing the bad in others. To consider instead the things in life that aren’t material. It’s all as heavenly as our place can be.

There was a horrible thing I’d done. I was facing a hefty amount of time in jail. But I was schizophrenic. My mind wasn’t exactly anywhere. I don’t know what did it. Well the TV did it but I don’t know why. I got startled one night. Some ominous sense of just how wicked today’s world hit me like a ton of bricks while watching TV. I thought the rapture was immanent. I called up my mother shouting that they must let me serve my jail time. I thought I was going to lose my mother to the rapture. So I went from apartment to apartment in the middle of the night asking for a Holy Bible. I think a day or so later my mother came to my apartment and gave me one. And I began to read the Book of John, the first part, you know: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was God, and the Word was with God. The scripture made me think in such a strange way. I couldn’t really make sense of what I was reading but I couldn’t keep trying.

After that though I felt saved. A sense of vindication and great spiritual peace came upon me. I then walked about freely, having dropped so great worry and stress from me. Like not even death could ruin how I felt. Like there was far more to life than just the world.

I got medicated again regularly, eventually and became quite a dedicated Christian for awhile.


The Man Who Inadvertently Caused His Success

He underestimated things. He thought practically. He didn’t assume fortune would be just handed to him. He knew it wouldn’t come easily. So he overworked. He was relentless. A person that didn’t leave any stone unturned. Assuming all the way that just a little was not enough. He didn’t realize how quickly things add up. And how they do!

How Christian Satanism came to be: By two forces always present, fighting each other. Two of the strongest forces, one, and its opposite, causing a great mix. It’s like one throwing ones into a blender and the other doing the same thing. Society has presented both sides. And they collided. Just like Christmas with Santa Claus being added to the foray. The Easter Bunny for Easter. A secular alternative. And poor Halloween, it just cant be an official holiday.

Christian metal.. Due to the strict customs of Christianity a polar force had to be implemented. To liberate the people. Believe me, it had gotten bad. And the natural result of freedom of religion is freedom of Satanism. That’s the end of the road. Or would have been. That places rightful spot goes to Christian Satanism. That can be called the final Christian denomination even if there are more to come. It’s like yes, there are other things but they aren’t at the end. They are on the way. Just a missing piece to fill in.

Hedonism, particularly sexual hedonism, is dangerous. Satanism is pushing it forth radically, expeditiously. That equates to greater and greater perversion. And is the valid reason why Christianity prohibits it. Too much. Naturally neither side is good or right. But Christian Satanism is and always will be. It is about moderation instead of excess. That could be one of its statements:

Christian Satanism Represents Moderation Instead of Total Prohibition or Excess!

What are we after? A total sexual free-for-all? I don’t even like the topic but I have to talk about it here.

Christian is the pillar of the house. Or you could say that Satanism is. The other is the house it holds up. If it is knocked down, the whole structure will collapse. But Satanism gives and incredible view. It establishes worldliness. Is in some ways limitlessly good. It’s more the application that is at fault. The misunderstanding and lie that there is no God. No creator. Hatred, love, do they go side by side? Can they peacefully coexist. Pleasure in small volumes but in full is a trait that only the most disciplined carry.

Carry on. Be blameless. Arouse minimal anger. Live peacefully. Live long. Be happier. Triumph.


Let’s Play


Come to the show! There is Bob in one corner. He is angry all day. It’s not your fault. He is that way to everyone. There is a person picking out the nicest clothing they can. They want to impress everyone. Then there is the homeless man. He doesn’t know how badly he smells. He is just after a few dollars. There is a man in an ally right now, maybe not far away, smoking crack. There is a guy that attacked someone a few minutes ago. Now he is going to jail for awhile. Isn’t as bad as the person that killed someone. He’s got a secret to keep. What he doesn’t know is that in a few months he is going to prison for life. There is a person at a desk filling out some rather frustrating paperwork. A person just got paid. Will spend the next hour shopping. But too bad for the others in the world who have just gotten fired.


Some have fought for peace and have gained it. They can tolerate the worst of things. They have stamina. Some have worked hard in life and gained much. They have vigor. And those that have gotten a good education have high Mind. Some have come into a life they fully enjoy. They have vitality. And let’s not leave out the others, such as strength.

For me the world is much like an RPG. Even if it is more a choose your own adventure kind of RPG.

However you can make your life as any kind of game you wish to. Mine is an RPG. Yours may be an adventure, a simulation, a beat-em-up like Bob. As for me I feel like I’m playing many different RPGs at once. And I don’t play with others doing different things. Not the Bob type anyway. Not one to draw the fool card often. I learn and adapt. I grind and evolve. And most importantly: I survive.


My Current Life Vs. My Desired life

Laying out all of the cards on the table


I think I have the master plan mastered as mastered plans could possibly be. Christian Satanist was born of air and fire, no doubt. You could call Christian Satanism a controlled fire. You Would be very accurate. That’s all one part of my life. It came from quite a lot of toil and plain hardship. I was tested to the limits mentally. In so succeeding without dying I earned the moniker Christian Satanist. Take heed, Christian Satanism done wrong is dangerous. More so than Satanism. More so than Christianity. While one juggles if s/he doesn’t know how, things are going to fall.

This is a wonderful philosophy. A useful one. Who among the Christian Satanist can stand before the seat of judgement? That isn’t so for you because I have stood there already for you. Unless you a are going to proudly seek the seat of leadership for it.. to sit next to “us,” a seat of which I have nothing to say. You will have to find that seat on your own.

Lots of work. Little rest. Hard times, few soft times.  But vitality gained in full. If you are going to find that place I have only one thing to say: leave no stone unturned. Do not overturn constantly, either, because you will need to be on time. To be timely. Keeping an eye on the hourglass. Being pre prepared for your fate.

*Destiny,” that is.

And you will be watched whom among this is so. And you will meet your watcher. And if they can be proven your earnest qualification then they will speak to you on that day about who you were all along. Among the arch angels. And all of your memories will be restored if you listen to me. So start there. Your tastes will bring light to the abyss. But that is all covered elsewhere. May you find yourself among The Counsel of Goats Someday. I promise you, I will prepare you.

I am certainly the little piggy that built his house out of brick. While those around me are mostly just TV watchers, drinkers maybe, maybe drug abusers, or fast food people, I am on my devices working. Feeding things through scanners to form an art book. Writing as I am now. All for a worthwhile purpose. Planning out my future. Having already the right mind, one broad. Expansive really, and looking at the world. And going from there as I was appointed.

I have the things I need should disaster strike. And I’m off like the lightning if it does. I know exactly where to go (it is not here) and what to do when I get there.

I feel that it’s the foundation that is important. The rest can be completed by others. Better not to give someone all the answers. Nothing could proceed from it. A person’s unique attributes couldn’t be contributed. That was certainly true when I decided to do just one art book. It laid a foundation. If you read it (Trash Writings of Lucifer White) you would see what I mean. It isn't so much art. It like art honoring demonic entities and Satan such as through prayer forms and music. Santa Muerte too. Contains other kinds of forms as well. It was a book of ideas that could be imitated.

I recently began a study at a college here in San Francisco. It’s free education geared toward a degree I want (Computer Science.) Teaching me Python. And I study all day. Mostly from YT online videos. Snippets of instructions. I only started two weeks ago. It isn't homework that I am studying for. We aren’t getting that until the third week. I am simply studying all day as I wish to do. Am certainly interested in learning Python! I have cast a basic program already. It is a video game glossary. You type in a game, a console, gaming character, company, etc., and it elaborates on it. I just have to figure out how to pull up an image alongside.

I have had all day habits pretty much my entire life. Like music composition. I used to write music all day. Or write books all day. Or just figure out computers all day. Or how to put a computer together part by part. The programming is easier than writing all day. The study of it somewhat easier. If you can teach yourself to do one thing all day great power to you. To say you study all day will be a normal thing unto you.. or are you that person already?

Naturally I want a nice college degree for a nice job in programming. And there are many life things that can be helped with programs/ software. Money wise too because those programs you make for yourself you can also sell. I have an extensive list of favorite things. I’d like a program that organizes them and shows images alongside, predicts cost, arranged by cost and type. There was this story of a person at work who was given a lot of paperwork. Him and his coworkers. His coworkers took a week to finish but he finished in a day after he learned computer programming.

But recently I’ve lost interest in programming. Not after I’ve gotten enough an understanding to know just what it is. There are lots of new codes to write and this and that, maybe have ideas that would turn up something good. But I’d rather be a homebody writing. I’m on SSI. I’m in a group home. It takes up too much if my time to be able to study as I like. Anton LaVey lived not too far from here in his Black House. I hope someday to have a glow in the dark house. I created a book of drawings, art stuff, demon based things, music, scanned it all into a new book. And some websites couldn’t upload it right. Only two of what I use like Lulu. Damn would call it a waste of time. Ones not a waste of time but another would be! That’s how life goes.

I am making chili dogs in this place Sunday. I had to do blood work for an antipsychotic drug I am on. Was at the damn doctors an hour. The bus ride there was way indirect unless I wanted to do some steep hill climbing. Many people first in San Francisco don’t know just how many hills we have. So I indirectly came back home. I had to go grocery shopping. They used to at least get us something for it. But I did it all free other than the nice chance to make a favorite meal of mine. One simple—chili dogs and potato salad.

So I get upstairs and poured a glass of orange juice and was told to put things away first. So I decided I won’t go to college anymore. I’ll just stay at home writing! Which was what I had already partially decided anyway. As the last few days I’ve been writing a lot. So I have my iced tea. Just strong black tea. In a large thermos. Lasts two or three hours at a time. Pouring it. Occasionally smoking a wrong-no-you-cant cigarette in the safe zone. The quarantine area for smokers here. So I otherwise write.

The world is changing. Why should I have to roam every damn place from one to another and miss the opportunity to see it change? Going out there where wolves are. I’d rather see them on TV. It’s been more than a few personal hits for me in town. But I know their destiny. Angry people are angry every where they go. Maybe that a-hole is in jail by now. But my interest is one part that but greater than that I love to fetch daily news about video gaming. Particularly retro gaming. And also the direction science and Technology is going. What should be becoming. Any day now.. any day something w pi old changing or at least incredible will occur! Cant really hope for the world to be damned. I’d be along with it. Bad people though.. bad people deserve the worst sometimes and I hope their burning hell is localized. Contained, isolated.

I have a lot if stuff. I collect DEL REY books from the 80s. I have many such books. Really other than tea, tobacco, my phone, and good clothing.. good entertainment through a phone, productive/creative things too, I have all I really ever use. I do so enjoy getting one dollar things online. I cant express enough how good the things are. My glow in the dark earbuds I got for a dollar even have a zipper cord. Ever hear of a zipper cord? Yeah, it zips up. Doesn’t get tangled. Let’s me choose its length.

In a years time I may reach 60 books. The small tall in this one is enough. That’s all on how I am and what I am doing currently. Just a man wanting a better world. But that depends more on scientists and technicians than it does me. They have all of the solutions, or should sooner or later. So here’s to you! I love never heard of a great inventor being given their own holiday. 


The Scope of my Projects and the style of my output

And for you: means and ways

I wrote my first book about 10 years ago. That book, The Christian Satanic Bible, took six years to complete. I had difficulty wanting to do any new book. So I developed it as much as I could, and often.

I had been writing since I was a teenager. Back before the internet was. Or before I even owned anything of a word processor. The years past. I came across a few mechanical typewriters. But most